Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistandeclares "war" on the United Statesterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africaterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001


Answer 1

Fight against the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, declare war against the United States, terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, and Al Qaeda with terrorists commit the attacks of September 11, 2001 are the life of Osama Bin Laden on chronological order.

Osama Bin Laden was born into Saudi affluence and went on to become the head of one of the most brutal, global terrorist networks in history, declaring a self-declared holy war against the United States.

In 1979, he involved himself in fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

In 1996,  He relocates to the Afghan city of Jalalabad and declares war against the United States (U.S.)

In late 1998, Osama struck U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people and injuring many.

On Sept 11, 2001, he along with his association with Al Qaeda, hijacked planes and targeted New York's world trade center leading to 3k death and thousands of injured.

To learn more about Osama Bin Laden, follow the below link:


Related Questions

How did the development of trench warfare influence the course of World
War I?
OA. It extended the war by preventing either side from capturing much
OB. It increased the death toll from the war by encouraging soldiers to
target civilians.
O C. It helped the war spread across Europe by allowing troops to be
more mobile.
D. It brought the war to an end by introducing new technologies to
break the stalemate.


Answer: OA. It extended the war by preventing either side from capturing much territory.

      What is trench warfare?

Trench warfare is a type of combat in which the opposing sides attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground.  

      Why was it used?

Long, narrow trenches dug into the ground at the front, usually by the infantry soldiers who would occupy them for weeks at a time, were designed to protect World War I troops from machine-gun fire and artillery attacks from the air.

A focus on science, universal truths, and objectivity was a characteristic of which period?.


A focus on science, universal truths, and objectivity was a characteristic of modern period.

What is the modern period time?The term modern period or modern era or sometimes also called modern history or modern times, is the period of history that succeeds the Middle Ages (ended approximately 1500 AD). This terminology is a historical periodization that is applied primarily to European and Western history.The 3 modern period can be divide, they are the modern history into three main periods, the early modern period, the late modern period and the contemporary history.Modern history is the history of the world beginning after the Middle Ages. Generally the term "modern history" refers to the history of the world since the advent of the Age of Reason and the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Learn about Modern history here:


Is the Taj Mahal a symbol of eternal love?


The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is also a World Heritage Site. For foreigners India means the country of the Taj Mahal. Every year, thousands of tourists from all corners of the world come to visit this architectural marvel. The Taj Mahal can be visited in all seasons and throughout the year. However, a visit to the Taj on full moon nights is an unforgettable experience in itself.

he Taj Mahal, a symbol of eternal love and passion, is located in the Indian city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is perhaps one of the best examples of splendor and architectural grandeur. The Taj Mahal, built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is situated on the bank of the Yamuna River, one of the largest rivers flowing through the state. The reflection of the Taj in the river water adds to the beauty of the total setting. It is believed that on her deathbed, Mumtaz Mahal asked her husband to build a monument for her that would be unmatched in the whole world. It was his promise to his beloved wife on her deathbed that inspired Shah Jahan to build the peerless monument. He appointed the best architects and artists from India and abroad to build this brilliant marble monument. According to research, the construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1631 AD. C. and was completed in 1648 d. C. Twenty thousand workers worked hard day and night. to build this great and incomparable monument. The best of craftsmen, artists and designers from far and wide were appointed to work on the site. You can see various structures located around the Taj Mahal. These include the domes of Shah Jahan's other wives, the 'chattris', the dome of Mumtaz Mahal's favorite servant, viewing areas and arcades. Most of these structures are built with red sandstone. The buildings are also famous for their architecture and designs.

To learn more about peerless please click on below link


The Works Progress Administration was created in 1935, as a part of the New Deal. The effectiveness of the WPA was in the -A. regulations it imposed on farm production B. protection of a minimum wageC. infrastructure it built throughout the countryD. building of homes for the unemployed


On public works projects, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) created millions of jobs. Workers promoted soil and water conservation, dredged rivers and harbors, constructed highways and public buildings, and Public spaces were made better by hiring artists.

What was the Works Progress Administration's main goal?

By providing jobs and income to millions of Americans, the WPA aimed to alleviate unemployment. More than 3.3 million Americans worked for the WPA at its height toward the end of 1938.

What did the Works Progress Administration accomplish?

The WPA's infrastructure projects included 40,000 brand-new and 85,000 improved structures. 5,900 brand-new schools were among these new structures; 9,300 brand-new gyms, recreation centers, and auditoriums; a new 1,000 libraries; 7,000 brand-new dorms; 900 brand-new armories.

To learn more about Works Progress Administration here


what does the portrayal of the territories on the wall poster imply about the american involvement in those regions


Imperialism and the global rivalry for power are dramatized in this cartoon depicting European countries conspiring to wrest control of the Philippines from the territories.

The role of the State Department and US diplomats and development workers is to engage around the world and build that cooperation. Diplomacy is the art and science of maintaining peaceful relations between nations, groups, or individuals. Here, the place of fundamental rights in our Constitution is implicit in the needs of each locality and region. it will give us its main purpose, however, it is not to amuse you but to persuade you. A good political cartoon makes you think about current events, but also tries to sway your opinion toward the cartoonist's point of view.

To learn more about Imperialism please click on below link.


The source was created by a___. it is a speech that was given after____. the author’s purpose includes encouraging citizens to____. the author’s point of view is that those who lost their lives in the civil war____.


The source was created by a US President. It is a speech that was given after a battle was fought. The author’s purpose includes encouraging citizens to support the war. The author’s point of view is that those who lost their lives in the civil war made a worthy sacrifice.

What was Lincoln's Greatest speech and why?Though most people are familiar with Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, his greatest speech was actually his Second Inaugural Address. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, who was present on March 4, 1865, described Lincoln's speech as "A psalm".Abraham Lincoln’s purpose on his speech was to win the Civil War and push America forward. Lincoln emphasizes the ideal of his purpose to motivate the readers on continuing fighting.

Learn about Abraham Lincoln's here:


5. who was appointed to head the committee to work on the articles of confederation? a. alexander hamilton b. john dickenson c. benjamin franklin d. john adams


Who was appointed to head the committee to work on the articles of confederation - B, John Dickenson.

An American founding father named John Dickinso (1732) was a lawyer and politician from Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For his twelve Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, which were published separately in 1767 and 1768, Dickinson earned the nickname "Penman of the Revolution." In addition, in 1768, he also authored "The Liberty Song."

John Dickinson, a descendant of the landed nobility in Colonial America, received the education and training that were once only available to a select few in the 1700s. He gained notoriety as a result for his roles as a plantation owner, farmer, slave owner, Quaker by birthright, family man, businessman, politician, patriot, and founding father.

For more info about 'John Dickenson' click on below link -


Which generalization can be made about the U.S. and the number of the battle ships?


Young, inexperienced soldiers made up the bulk of the American armed forces.

A battleship is made up of what five vessels?

The gameplay is simple, as readers may recall: Each player places five ships (a battleship, battleship cruiser, cruiser, submarine, and destroyer) on a ten by ten grid of squares and attempts to "kill" his opponent's ships by shouting out the squares where he believes they are hiding.

What three categories did battleships fall under?

The destroyers, submarines, and aircraft carriers are the most well-known varieties. From a variety of bases, the Navy conducts operations all over the world. The big ships go all over the world, including aircraft carrier groups, submarines, and destroyers. Smaller vessels like the Littoral Combat Ship are stationed close to where they conduct operations.

To know more about battle ships visit:


What was the dominant economic theory in the united states before the great depression?


Keynesian financial matters is a macroeconomic hypothesis created by the English financial specialist John Maynard Keynes amid the Economic crisis of the early 20s during the 1930s. It sets that expanded government spending and lower charges invigorate requests and will haul an economy out of misery.

Before 1930, traditional financial matters were predominant. In the period from 1946 to 1976 traditional thoughts were supplanted by another hypothesis, Keynesian financial aspects. Yet again from 1976 through to 2008 old-style financial matters acquired the advantage.

The U.S. has a blended economy, displaying qualities of both free enterprise and communism. Such a blended economy embraces the unrestricted economy about capital use, yet it likewise considers government mediation for a long-term benefit.

Learn more about great depression:


what was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Answer: Georgia’s economy entered a severe depression.


Do cars still cross the Brooklyn Bridge?


More than 120,000 vehicles use the bridge's roadway.

The Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhattan and Brooklyn, two renowned boroughs of New York City, and may be seen from numerous locations throughout the city while being walked, driven, biked, or admired from a distance.

The Manhattan Bridge, the Williamsburg Bridge, and the Queensboro Bridge are the three toll-free vehicular bridges to the north of the Brooklyn Bridge, which connects Manhattan Island and Long Island.

For more questions like Brooklyn Bridge visit the link below


One important similarity between the american revolution and the french revolution is that they both: ________


American and French Revolutions Both want a change from being ruled by an absolute ruler, both have economic instability from war debt, both have social inequality. And also, both started because of enlightenment ideas.

American and French Revolutions' Similarities

The French and American revolutions shared more characteristics than they did differences. One similarity between the French and Americans is their desire to overthrow their King. Additionally, a populace uprising against the monarchy's unfair taxation sparked both revolutions.

The Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre were the immediate causes. The long-term causes of the French Revolution included class conflict and injustice, the political incompetence of the country's last two kings (Louis XV and Louis XVI), a persistent financial crisis, the growing discontent of the middle class with its lack of access to social advancements, and war debts.

Know more about social inequality visit:


Advantages of being a king in middle ages?


Answer: The kings rule over the whole region and look over everyone.

Explanation: Kings had control over actions that happened within the kingdom, and controlled some people and groups like surfs and the military. They also make all the decisions of the kingdom and can jail or prove someone innocent of a crime. He can give away land and lead military conquest. And finally, he can knight others or give people special roles in the kingdom. I hoped this answered your question.

Chivalry can be accurately defined as: *
O A law code developed by Hammurabi
OA code of behavior followed by Medieval Knights
O A code of behavior followed by Medieval Peasants
A fighting force on horseback



a code of behavior followed by medieval knights


a code of behavior developed by medieval knights


The map shows the longitudes and latitudes of North America.

A map of North America. Longitude lines from 25 degrees north to 45 degrees north are labeled. Latitude lines from 70 degrees west to 120 degrees west are labeled. Cities are identified by dots. From west to east they are Los Angeles, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., and New York.

What is the absolute location of St. Louis?

38° N, 77° W
38° N, 90° W
40° N, 74° W
34° S, 118° W


Based on the information on the map, it can be inferred that the absolute location of St. Louis is 38°N, 90°W (option B).

What is absolute location?

Absolute location is a geographic term that refers to the exact location of any point on the earth's surface, taking as reference the geographic network and the geographic coordinate system.

How to locate the absolute location of a point?

To locate the absolute location of a point on a map we must take into account the coordinates. Once we have the coordinates of a point, we must take the imaginary lines of latitude and longitude as a reference, each one of them refers to the degrees it has with respect to the reference line; in the case of latitude it is the equator, in the case of longitude it is the Greenwich meridian.

According to the above, it can be inferred that the absolute location of San Luis, USA is 38° N, 90° W because its location coincides with these geographic coordinates.

Learn more about geographic coordinates in:


Which of the following civilizations was located in South America?
O Maya
O Olmec
O Zapotec
O Moche


The Moche civilization was located in South America. Options A, B and D is correct.

What was the civilizations of the South Africa?

Maya, Inca, Aztec and Olmec were the civilizations of the South Africa. Mesoamerica, where the Maya and Aztecs lived, included the region from what is now central Mexico in the north to what is now Costa Rica in the south. The Incas lived in the Andes mountain area on South America's west coast.

The earliest people to arrive in what is now Mexico were the Maya. The Olmecs followed, and they too inhabited Mexico. Although they did not create any significant cities, they were numerous and rich.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the South America, refer to:


ANSWER ---> It is Moche

In which era was there a shift from party-centered politics to more candidate-centered politics?


The shift from party-centered politics to candidate-centered politics was in the era of John F Kennedy in 1960.

Who is John Kennedy?

John F Kennedy won against incumbent Vice president Richard Nixon by carefully cultivating the news media and crafting an effective public image. He single handledly raise money to support his campaign

Due to John F Kennedy's victory, the candidate started focusing on appearance because of television, and was required to raise more money because of the different means of advertising and campaigning.

Learn more about candidates centered politics here:


What year was the Consitution written?
A : 1789


The Answer to this question is D, 1787

1787 was the year the constitution was written so the correct answer is D.

Why is Bronx called the Bronx?


People frequently ponder why the Bronx is the only borough of New York to have "the" in its name. It's because the borough has the name of the Bronx River, which was given to a guy who was born in distant Sweden.

The definite article "the" is used to refer to the Bronx, which is New York City's northernmost borough. The Borough of the Bronx is the official name of the borough, however, it is contiguous with Bronx County, which goes without the.

The people who live in the four boroughs go by the titles Manhattanites, Bronxites, Brooklynites, and Staten Islanders.

They named the borough of the Bronx after the river since it lies directly in the center of a map; for this reason, it is usually referred to as The Bronx and not just the plain Bronx.

To learn more about Bronx


What did Ignatius Sancho do to stop slavery?


The letters Ignatius Sancho wrote on slavery are his most famous works. He wrote letters introducing himself as a person and a former slave to eminent novelists.

Even if there isn't a copy left today, he composed and published a Theory of Music. Sancho wrote 62 significant compositions, which were collected in four volumes and published in London between approximately 1767 and 1779. Minutes Cotillons & Country Dances, Book I (about 1767), a collection of the most recent songs and twenty-four dances. In addition to his renowned letters, Ignatius Sancho also composed this collection of Minuets, Cotillons, and Country Dances, as well as four books of songs and vibrant popular music genres. This book details how he became the first musician of African heritage to publish music in the European tradition.

To learn more about Ignatius Sancho:


1. PART A: Which statement expresses the
central idea of the text?
A. Plessy v. Ferguson was the first time
that an African American challenged
segregation and brought attention to
the issue.
B. The decision of Plessy v. Ferguson
made racial segregation more widely
practiced and accepted in the United
O C. While racial segregation continued


The central idea of the text is expressed by, the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson made racial segregation more widely practiced and accepted in United States.

Describe how Plessy v. Ferguson has affected racial segregation.

Racial segregation throughout the country, particularly in the southern states, was attempted to be legalized in the Plessy v. Ferguson case. This case aimed to create public places like colleges, squares, schools, and transportation that were exclusive to blacks and whites. Advocates, however, asserted that areas designated for black people would be equal in quality to areas designated for white people.

Black people endured segregation and ongoing bigotry for years after Plessy v. Ferguson was upheld. They argued that it was a political divide rather than segregation. Only until it was questioned whether racially segregated facilities and services were actually constitutional in Brown v. Board of Education was that ruling become final.

To learn more about Plessy v. Ferguson, visit:


The complete question is:

PART A: Which statements express the two central ideas of the text.

answer choices

Plessy v. Ferguson was the first time that an African American challenged segregation and brought attention to the issue.

The decision of Plessy v. Ferguson made racial segregation more widely practiced and accepted in the United States.

While racial segregation continued after the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson, it was not upheld by the law.

The decision of Plessy v. Ferguson proved that both white and black citizens were largely against racial segregation.

The decision of Plessy v. Ferguson ensured that African Americans would face legal segregation for years.

Does NYC have fallout shelters?


Yes, NYC have fallout shelters.

Many of the former fallout shelters in New York City have been repurposed into washing rooms and other public areas that are no longer intended to shield occupants from lethal attacks. Other than using unofficial maps, there is no way to determine how many of these signs still exist around New York City.

The city of New York aired a PSA this summer detailing what citizens should do in the event of nuclear Armageddon. In the event that an atomic bomb detonates in the city, experts advise staying away from buildings marked as fallout shelters.

More than 50 of these black-and-yellow signs, which identify spots where New Yorkers could seek protection from the lethal radiation of a bomb, are still present on buildings around the city's five boroughs.

To know more about fallout shelters:


During the 11th and 12th centuries, toledo, spain was a cultural center for muslims. Why do many historians believe that this once islamic town in spain should now be seen as the birthplace of the european renaissance?.


Many historians believe that Toledo once Islamic town in Spain should be seen as the birthplace of the European Renaissance because the works of Aristotle and other writers of Greece and Rome were preserved there. (Option B)

The Renaissance refers to a period in European history covering the 15th and 16th centuries when the region’s transited from the Middle Ages to modernity. The period marks an effort to revive and transcend ideas and achievements of classical antiquity.

Toledo is an ancient city located on a hill above the plains of Castilla-La Mancha in central Spain. During the 11th and 12th centuries, Toledo was a cultural center for Muslims. Historians consider Toledo as the birthplace of the European Renaissance as the Muslim Arab of the city preserved the work of Aristotle's and other Greek and Roman writers from oblivion, as the work was not popular in Europe during the Middle Ages. However, in the Arab world these works were highly regarded and appreciated and if not for their preservation, these works, and philosophers may have been lost to the world.

In the 11th century a school was founded in Toledo dealt with the translation of Arabic texts into Latin. The importance of those Muslim scholars and translators in transmitting knowledge cannot be measured. If the works of scholars such as Aristotle, preserved by Muslim thinkers from oblivion, were to disappear, it would be as if they had never been created.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) New discoveries show that Toledo was much more advanced than Florence. B) The works of Aristotle and other writers of Greece and Rome were preserved there. C) Toledo was the westernmost city on the Silk Road. D) Muslims have always had more culture than Christians

Learn more about Renaissance:


What led to the liberation of Europe?



Various factors below


The liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany during World War II was the result of a combination of factors, including the efforts of the Allied powers, which included the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, as well as the strategic decisions made by their leaders and the bravery of the soldiers and civilians who fought on the front lines. Additionally, the internal weaknesses of the Nazi regime and the decision by Germany's allies, such as Italy and Japan, to surrender also played a role in the liberation of Europe.

Why did Prohibition cause more crime?



People wanted alcohol and they were going to get it so they began to steal it. Many people also began illegally selling it


my mind

What did the 1787 Northwest ordinances prohibit ?


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 clearly prohibited slavery. These would not be slave states was abundantly clear. In the context of American history, the fact that the ordinance of 1787 outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude.

Slavery and indentured servitude were outlawed in the territory under the sixth article of the Ordinance. At the point when Congress considered the Statute in July 1787, Massachusetts delegate Nathan Dane, the writer of the Mandate, eliminated article six on the grounds that a greater part of the states going to Congress were from the South. Dane, on the other hand, was urged to reinstate the prohibition by delegates from the South because Southerners did not want a rival slave economy north of the Ohio River.

Additionally, it was anticipated that the majority of immigrants to the territory would originate from Northern States and would likely oppose slavery.

Learn more about slavery here:


Many senators who opposed united states membership in the league of nations argued that joining the league would
a. involve the nation in future military conflicts
b. reduce freedom of the seas
c. end the country’s free-trade policy
d. endanger the nation’s military preparedness


Option (a), many senators opposed to the United States becoming a member of the League of Nations claimed that doing so would force the country into future wars.

What dissension prevented the US Senate from approving the League of Nations?

Republicans were concerned that joining the League would bind the United States to a pricey organization and reduce its ability to defend its own interests, therefore Lodge led the opposition against the country joining.

What was the US's position on the League of Nations?

In order to maintain world peace after World War I, the League of Nations was established. Despite the fact that US President Woodrow Wilson was a strong supporter of the League, the nation did not formally join the League of Nations because of isolationists in Congress.

Learn more about League of Nations:


What had the Supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland regarding a national bank? Did President Jackson accept that ruling? Explain.


In the case of "McCulloch v. Maryland", the Supreme court decided that the Federal Government had the right and power to set up a Federal bank and that states did not have the power to tax the Federal Government.President Jackson did not accept that ruling because he hold that the Bank was constitutional.

What is the case of "McCulloch v. Maryland?

The case of "McCulloch v. Maryland" was a important Supreme Court decision that defined the scope of the U.S. Congress's legislative power and how it relates to the powers of American state legislatures. The dispute theirin involved legality of the national bank and a tax that the state of Maryland imposed on it.

In its ruling, the Court established that "Necessary and Proper" Clause of the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government certain implied powers necessary and proper for the exercise of the powers enumerated explicitly in the Constitution.

Read more about McCulloch v. Maryland


Under what circumstance might propaganda unintentionally hurt rather than help a cause?



Spreading false news about someone or something can cause fights and the people will get threats and it'll hurt their feelings.


Tw1tter is an example



Spreading lies, things that are not true, or in other words, telling false information. False information is news, stories or hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Usually, these stories are created to either influence people's views, push a political agenda or cause confusion and can often be a profitable business for online publishers.

Which adaptation of this excerpt best indicates a change in time period look at this computer tablet to highlight that you are all alone if you read?


It is A. I just bought it from Edgnuity. It is A because it requests a change in time period, which is why. It denotes a shift in time because computer tablets weren't commonplace back then.

It is obvious from the provided excerpts that the answer choice A, Look at this computer tablet to emphasize that you are alone, denotes a shift in time.

Therefore, the computer tablet was not a thing back then. It is now accessible. As a result, it denotes a recurring change. Other alternatives reference a book that is available both now and in the past. It is A. I just bought it from Edgnuity. It is A because it requests a change in time period, which is why. It denotes a shift in time because computer tablets weren't commonplace back then.

learn more about computer here


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