Computers and Technology

program Vingt-et-un is a dice game (known as Blackjack in the USA), where a player competes against the computer (house). The goal of the game is to score 21 points, or as near as possible without going over. The two players take turns throwing two dies as many times as desired and adding up the numbers thrown on each round. A player who totals over 21 is bust and loses the game. The player whose total is nearest 21, after each player has had a turn, wins the game. In the case of an equality high total, the game is tied. The game is over at the end of a round when: One or both players are bust. Both players choose to stay. Notes Once a player totals 14 or more, one of the dies is discarder for the consecutive turns. The house must throw the dice until the total is 17 or higher. At 17 or higher, the house must stay. Project Requirements The program will start by prompting the user for the name of the player. The game will be implemented using a menu-driven interface that provides the following options: See the Rules. Play Vingt-et-un. Quit. If the user chooses 1 from the menu, display the rules of the game. If the user chooses 2 from the menu Go into a loop of rounds where player & house will take turns throwing the dice. At each turn the system will ask the player/house whether to stay or roll. If the house has a running total of 17 or higher, it stays, and the turn passes to the player. If the player/house option is to roll, the program simulates the roll of the two dies and updates & displays the players running total. If the player/house starts the round with an accumulated total of 14 points or more, only one die will be rolled. Once the game is over the system will display the result Winner Loser Tie If the user chooses 3 from the menu, display a good-bye message and quit. The users can play the game as many times as they wish until they choose 3 to Quit. For PYTHON