which of the following is the most critical component of communications, from a network resiliency point of view?


Answer 1

From a network resiliency point of view, the most critical component of communications is IEC/POPS network.

IEC/POPS Network

The Internet Exchange Carrier (IEC) and Points of Presence (POPs) network is a critical component of the communications infrastructure, as it enables the exchange of internet traffic between different internet service providers (ISPs).

The IEC operates one or more POPs, which are physical locations where ISPs can connect their networks to the IEC's network. The IEC's network is designed to be a neutral platform that allows different ISPs to interconnect their networks and exchange traffic without the need for direct peering agreements between each ISP. This helps to reduce the complexity of the internet infrastructure and allows ISPs to offer their customers more comprehensive internet access.

The IEC/POPS network is an important component of the overall communications infrastructure, as it plays a key role in enabling the flow of internet traffic between different networks. Without the IEC/POPS network, ISPs would need to establish direct peering agreements with every other ISP that they want to exchange traffic with. This would significantly increase the complexity of the internet infrastructure and make it more difficult for ISPs to offer their customers access to a broad range of online content and services.

In summary, the IEC/POPS network is a critical component of the communications infrastructure, as it enables the exchange of internet traffic between different ISPs and plays a key role in enabling the flow of internet traffic throughout the global internet.

Learn more about Network Infrastructure here:



Related Questions

bill smith has just been prompted to change his password. he has a list of possible passwords he is considering. which of the following passwords is considered the most secure?


He used the password of I L! kE H0cky this is more secured.

What is password?

A password, sometimes it is  called a passcode, is secret of the  data, typically a string of characters, usually used to the  confirm a user's identity.

He has the  list of possibly passwords he is considering. Which of the following passwords is to the  considered the most secure? I L! kE H0cky is there most secure because it is to a passphrase that has the  uppercase and lowercase of  letters, numbers, and the  special characters.

To know more about password click-



The following is the pseudocode for which type of algorithm? Set first to 0 Set last to the last subscript in the array Set found to false Set position to-1 While found is not true and first is less than or equal to last Set middle to the subs cript halfway between arraylfir st) and array[last] If array [middle] equals the desired value Set found to true Set position to middle Else If arraylmiddle] is greater than the desired value Set last to middle-1 Else Set first to middle+1 End If End While Return position None of these linear sort selection sort binary search linear search


The pseudocode is for the binary search algorithm

What is a binary search algorithm?

A binary search is also known as a logarithmic search or a half-interval search. Every iteration until the required element is found, it divides the array in half. By dividing the sum of the left and rightmost index values by two, the binary algorithm finds the middle of the array.

The Binary Search algorithm operates in the following manner:

Set the search space to the same size as the sorted array.

Compare the middle element of the search space to the target value. - You've found the target value if the target equals the middle element.

Return -1 if there is no match in the array.

Since the pseudocode beside represents the above demonstration the algorithm is for binary search

To know more on binary search follow this link:



in order to obtain the content of emails from a third party internet service provider of a taxpayer under active criminal investigation


In order to obtain the content of emails from a third party internet service provider of a taxpayer under ongoing criminal investigation, the IRS must first obtain a court-ordered search warrant.

What is internet service provider?

An organization that offers both personal and commercial customers access to the internet is referred to as a "internet service provider (ISP). ISPs charge fees to allow their customers to use the internet to browse the web, shop online, conduct business, and stay in touch with friends and family.

ISPs may also offer extra services like email, domain registration, web hosting, and browser bundles. Depending on the services provided by the business, an ISP may also be referred to as an information service provider (ISP), storage service provider (SSP), internet network service provider (INSP), or any combination of these three.

Learn more about internet service provider



an old concept in computer science is to have a more powerful computer perform computations at the request of a slower computer. t g


This concept is known as distributed computing. In distributed computing, multiple computers work together to perform a task.

what is task?

Task is any activity or set of activities requiring effort and typically involving a certain degree of difficulty. It is an action that needs to be accomplished within a certain period of time or by a certain deadline. Tasks can range from simple to complex and can involve physical or mental effort.

They can involve a single person or be shared among a group of people. Tasks can also be assigned to an individual or team, or they can be self-assigned. Tasks can be both short-term and long-term. They can involve a single step or multiple steps, depending on the complexity of the task. The purpose of task management is to ensure that tasks are completed on time and to the highest quality standards

Each computer is assigned a task and the results are then shared between the computers. The main advantage of distributed computing is that it allows for a larger amount of data or tasks to be processed in a shorter amount of time, since the processing power is being spread across multiple computers.

To learn more about task.

What are the ending values in itemCount? vector itemCount; itemCount.push_back(6); itemCount.push_back(7); itemCount.push_back(); itemCount.pop_back(); a. 6,7 b. 6, 7, 8 c. 7.8 d. 6, 7,0


The ending values in itemCount is 6,7,8. The correct answer for this question is B.

What are values being computed?

Values in Computing (ViC) is a term that refers to an awareness of how human values play a role in the creation of software.

Software is the processing power of a computer in terms of technology. running code for computer programs. information that has been computerized.

You will notice certain numbers at the end of the program, which are 6, 7, and 8; take note of this.

Therefore, it is recognized that option b. 6,7,8 is  the ending values in itemcount.

Learn more about computer code from



True Or False: when a class variable is assigned the address of an object, it is said that the variable references the object.


When a class variable is assigned the address of an object, it is said that the variable references the object ---- True

What are class objects and variables?

A class describes the contents of the objects that belong to it. It describes collections of data fields (so-called instance variables) and defines operations (so-called methods).

Object: Objects are members (or instances) of classes. An object has the behavior of its class. A class variable, also known as a static variable, is declared with the static keyword inside a class, but outside a method, constructor, or block. There is only one copy of each class variable per class, no matter how many objects are created from it.

What is a reference to an object?

References also contain information that helps create instances of the objects they reference. It contains the Java class name of this object and the class name and location of the object factory used to create the object.

Learn more about class variables :



2. Write a C program that generates following outputs. Each of the

outputs are nothing but 2-dimensional arrays, where ‘*’ represents

any random number. For all the problems below, you must use for

loops to initialize, insert and print the array elements as and where

needed. Hard-coded initialization/printing of arrays will receive a 0

grade. (5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Points)


* 0 0 0

* * 0 0

* * * 0

* * * *


* * * *

0 * * *

0 0 * *

0 0 0 *


* 0 0 0

0 * 0 0

0 0 * 0

0 0 0 *



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


int arr1[4][4];

int a;

printf("Enter a number:\n");

scanf("%d", &a);

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)


for(int j=0; j<4; j++)












for(int i=0; i<4; i++)


for(int j=0; j<4; j++)


 printf("%d", arr1[i][j]);





int arr2[4][4];

int b;

printf("Enter a number:\n");

scanf("%d", &b);

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)


 for(int j=0; j<4; j++)












for(int i=0; i<4; i++)


 for(int j=0; j<4; j++)


  printf("%d", arr1[i][j]);





int arr3[4][4];

int c;

printf("Enter a number:\n");

scanf("%d", &c);

for (int i=0; i<4; i++)


 for(int j=0; j<4; j++)












for(int i=0; i<4; i++)


 for(int j=0; j<4; j++)


  printf("%d", arr1[i][j]);





return 0;



arr1[][] is for i

arr2[][] is for ii

arr3[][] is for iii

you generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types, like computers and mobile phones, over the past 30 days.


This report will provide insights into the number of users accessing a website from various devices such as computers and mobile phones over the past 30 days. By understanding the device type breakdown of users, businesses can better optimize their website design, content, and advertising campaigns to target the right audience.

How to generate a report to show how many users are coming from various device types

Log into your web analytics platform and select the “Audience” report.Select “Technology” from the left-hand menu.Select “Device Category” from the drop-down menu.Set the reporting period to the last 30 days.Select “Generate Report” and your report will be generated.

This report will show the number of users from each device type, such as computers and mobile phones, over the past 30 days.

Learn more about Programming: https://brainly.com/question/16397886


Social media provide the means to obtain information instantly about a given brand, product category, and firm (T/F)


Social media provide the means to obtain information instantly about a given brand, product category, and firm ---- True

What is social media?

Social media refers to means of interaction between people who create, share and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Communications and Marketing managers major accounts.

Why is social media important?

Billions of people around the world use social media to share information and make connections. On a personal level, social media allows us to connect with friends and family, learn new things, develop interests, and have fun.

What is the impact of social media?

However, some studies have found strong associations between social media and an increased risk of depression, anxiety and even ideation. , can foster negative experiences such as: Imperfections in your life or appearance.

Learn more about social media:



because sql stored procedures allow and encourage code sharing among developers, stored procedures give database application developers the advantages of all except .


Option: faster query response times

Since, sql stored procedures allow and encourage code sharing among developers, stored procedures give database application developers the advantages of all except faster query response times.

What is a Stored Procedure?

An SQL prepared code that may be saved and reused repeatedly is known as a stored procedure.

So, if you frequently develop SQL queries, save them as stored procedures and just call them to run them.

Additionally, you can send parameters to a stored procedure, allowing it to take action based on the value(s) of the passed parameters.

Stored Procedure Syntax is given below:

CREATE PROCEDURE _procedure_name




To know more about SQl Stored Procedure, visit: https://brainly.com/question/29727147


fill in the blank: file-naming conventions are _____ that describe a file's content, creation date, or version.: A) consistent guidlines; B) frequent suggestions; C) general attributes; D) common verification


consistent guidlines

File-naming conventions are consistent guidelines that describe the content, creation date, or version of a file.

File-naming conventions:

A File Naming Convention (FNC) is a structure for naming files that describes what they contain and how they relate to other files.

Creating a FNC begins with identifying the project's key elements, as well as the significant differences and similarities between your files. These elements could include the creation date, author's name, project name, name of a section or sub-section of the project, file version, and so on.

The ability to follow path names and link to other systems that require unique filenames is one advantage of using unique and standardized filenames.

To know more about File-naming conventions, visit:  https://brainly.com/question/29641705


examine the following script, n-on: who | sort | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | wc -l what will be the output of n-on?


The output of n-on of script who | sort | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | wc -l is different depend on user file in the system.

Since the result can be answered because it different by each user, but this the mean for each script in Linux.

who is script for the user that currently login into the system.

sort is script to arranged all record with instructed order or by default order

awk is script for manipulate the data and display the result

{print $1} is script to print the the first word for each line

uniq is script to delete duplicate line in the adjacent line

wc is script to word, character, or line count which in script will count line as the parameter is -l

So, we can interpret the script as

sorting the user data and print the first word and if there have duplicate line deleted them and count the line result.

So, basically the script use who that is depend on the current user, then the answer is different depend on user.

Learn more about Linux here:



T/F. in computing the present value of an annuity, it is not necessary to know the number of discount periods


In computing the present value of an annuity, it is not necessary to know the number of discount periods --- False

Why should I calculate the present value of a simple annuity?

Knowing the present value of your annuity generally helps you plan for retirement and your financial future. If you have the option to choose an annuity or lump sum payment, you need to know the value of your remaining annuity payments so you can choose.

Why is it important to understand present and future values?

Present value helps investors understand and decide whether to invest or not. Future value does not play a significant role in investment decisions as it reflects future returns from an investment.

Learn more about Present value annuity :



Write code using the range function to add up the series 7, 14,21, 28,35, ..... 70 and print the resulting sum
Expected output:385


The code using the range function to add up the series 7, 14,21, 28,35, ..... 70 and print the resulting sum will be:

#declare variable to hold sum


#loop from 7 to 70 by incrementing 7 each time using range function

for i in range(7,71,7):


#peint sum


What is a program?

A computer program is a set of instructions written in a programming language that a computer can execute. Software includes computer programs as well as documentation and other intangible components.

The ways to do the program will be:

Define the program's purpose.

Consider the program that is currently running on the computer. .

Create a program model using design tools. ...

Examine the model for logical flaws. ...

Create the source code for the program. ...

Build the source code.

Correct any compilation errors that were discovered.

Learn more about programs on:





for i in range(7,71,7):



Explanation: it works in python<3

A PivotChart displays ________ that you can click to choose a filter and change the data displayed in the chart.


You can select a filter and modify the data shown in the chart by clicking drop-down menus that are provided on a PivotChart.

Pivot Table: what is it?

A pivot table is a table with grouped values that groups the components in a larger table (from a database, spreadsheet, or business intelligence application, for example) into one or more discrete categories. This summary may contain sums, average, or even other data that the pivot table combines using an aggregation function of choice that's also applied to the grouped information. Pivot Tables can be problematic for customers who seek automated access to data and information centers. So because data isn't "flat" and data system, this is the case.

To know more about pivot table

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Branches are common programming constructs in programming applications. Explain how you would create a
branching construct to calculate a 20% discounted hotel rate for guests who are 65 years and older. Include the
necessary code descriptions.


The branching construct to calculate a 20% discounted hotel rate for guests who are 65 years and older is as follows:

inp: discount 20%; people ≥ 65.

What do you mean by Programming applications?

Programming applications may be characterized as a type of comprehensive, self-contained program that significantly performs a particular function directly for the user. It is the process of performing a particular computation, usually by designing and building an executable computer program.

Branching statements allow the flow of execution to jump to a different part of the program. The common branching statements used within other control structures include: break, continue, return, and goto. The goto is rarely used in modular structured programming.

To learn more about Branching constructs, refer to the link:



motherboard describe the dimensions of the motherboard and the layout of the motherboard components. this is important because motherboards are not interchangeable.


Motherboard form factors describe the dimensions of the motherboard and the layout of the motherboard components. this is important because motherboards are not interchangeable.

What is a motherboard?

A computer's motherboard is its primary printed circuit board (PCB). All components and external peripherals connect to the motherboard, which serves as the computer's main communications hub and connectivity point.

In almost every computer, particularly desktop and laptop PCs, there is a motherboard. Chipsets, CPUs, and memory are a few of the components that connect through them. Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and graphics cards with the GPU are examples of the external peripherals.

Acer, ASRock, Asus, Gigabyte Technology, Intel, and Micro-Star International are among the companies that produce motherboards.

Large motherboard PCBs can have anywhere between six and fourteen layers of fiberglass, copper connecting traces, and copper planes for power and signal isolation. Through expansion slots, additional parts can be added to a motherboard.

Learn more about motherboard



Given a variable d of type int has been declared and the following function headers.
int f1(int a);
void f2(int &n);
bool f3(int r, char c);
Which of the following statements has a syntax error?
A. cout << f1(10);
B. f2(d);
C. if (f3(f1(d), 'x')) {
D. f2(10);


As f2() expects a variable, but a constant has been provided, (D) has incorrect syntax.

What is a variable?

A variable in programming is a value that is subject to change based on external factors or input. Typically, a program is made up of data that the program uses while it is running and instructions that tell the computer what to do.

Constants or fixed values that never change make up the data, while variables (whose initial values are typically set to "0" or some other default value because the program's user will supply the actual values) are also present. In most cases, certain data types are used to define both constants and variables.

The form of the data is dictated by and constrained by each data type. Examples of data types include a decimal representation of an integer or a string of text characters that is typically constrained in length.

Learn more about variables



[choose w] let w be a random odd integer. then (w - 1) is even and can be expressed in the form 2^a m with m odd. that is, 2^a is the largest power of 2 that divides (w - 1).


let w be a random odd integer.Therefore, w is an odd integer and (w - 1) can be expressed in the form 2^a m with m odd.

What is integer ?

Integers include all positive and negative numbers without decimal points, such as -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. The set of all integers is denoted by the symbol Z, and is referred to as the set of integers. An integer does not have any fractional parts or decimals. Examples of integers include -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Integers are the basic building blocks of mathematics, and are used in almost all mathematical operations and calculations.

To learn more about integer

there are 20 offices located across the country with one corporate headquarters where the datacenter currently resides. all offices are connected via site to site vpn to the corporate office. all servers and services are centrally managed. client considerations: there are 100 desktops/workstations in each remote location with 200 at the corporate headquarters. all other users are field users and connect to corporate resources via home devices or portable devices.


VPNs, which provide secure Internet connections between individual users and their organization's network, have several advantages. And in this case, a VPN is the best option to connect corporate headquarters with 20 offices that are located across the country.

What is a VPN?

VPN is an abbreviation for "virtual private network," which is a service that protects your internet connection and online privacy. It encrypts your data, protects your online identity by masking your IP address, and allows you to safely use public Wi-Fi hotspots.

They provide more secure site-to-site connections, transfer information much faster than WANs, and, most importantly for small and medium-sized businesses, VPNs are much less expensive, because each office can use a single leased line to the Internet, lowering broadband costs.

To know more about VPN, visit: https://brainly.com/question/28945467


If you want to use commands to customize Sparklines to highlight certain parts of the data, which of the following options would you select?
-Sparkline Tools -> Design (tab) -> Type (group)
-Sparkline Tools -> Design (tab) -> Show (group)
-Sparkline Tools -> Design (tab) -> Design (group)
-Sparkline Tools -> Design (tab) -> Draw (group)


If you want to use commands to customize Sparklines to highlight certain parts of the data, the option that I would select is option B: Sparkline Tools -> Design (tab) -> Show (group)

How can an Excel sparkline be modified?

To use it, one need to choose a cell or set of cells that are empty for the sparklines you want to put. Select the type of sparkline you wish to create by clicking it in the Sparklines group under the Insert tab.

Therefore, one can create your own sparklines by:

To display the Sparkline Tools on the ribbon, select the sparklines you want to alter.Select your preferred selections from the Style menu. One can: In line sparklines, display markers to draw attention to specific values. Sparklines' design or format should be modified. Display and modify the axis parameters.

Learn more about Sparklines from


Which of the following tools can be used to see if a target has any online IoT devices without proper security?


Shodan tools can be used to see if a target has any online IoT devices without proper security.

What is Shodan Tool?

Shodan (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network) is a search engine designed to map and collect information about Internet-connected devices and systems. Shodan is sometimes called a search engine for the Internet of Things (IoT). Shodan is mostly used by hackers and pentesters

What is Shodan?

Shodan (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network) is a search engine for internet-connected devices. Designed and developed by web developer John Matherly, this search engine crawls the entire Internet, parses his banners that serve IoT devices, and creates an index for future searches.

Learn more about Lot devices:



in a language with dynamic scope, the binding of a free variable in a function is which of these, at the time the function is executed?


in a language with dynamic scope, the binding of a free variable in a function is run time, at the time the function is executed.

What is dynamic binding?

Dynamic binding, also known as late binding, is a technique used by computer programs to bind the name of a method that is called to a real subroutine at runtime. It is a substitute for early binding or static binding, where this process is carried out during the compilation stage.

The advantage of dynamic binding is that it is more likely to prevent version conflicts when binding functions from a linked library, despite being computationally more expensive.

High-level languages like C++, Java, and LISP all have the ability to perform dynamic binding as one of their main features.

Learn more about dynamic binding



In the python built-in open function, what is the exact difference between the modes w, a, w+, a+, and r+?


Differences between the  python built-in open function are mentioned below:

The + character adds either reading or writing to an existing open mode, also known as update mode. The letter r stands for reading the file; the letter r+ stands for reading and writing the file. The w stands for writing the file; the w+ stands for reading and writing the file. The a stands for writing file, append mode, and the a+ stands for reading and writing file, append mode.

What are Python built-in functions?

Python built-in functions are functions that have pre-defined functionality in Python. A number of functions are always available in the Python interpreter. These are referred to as Built-in Functions. Python comes with a number of built-in functions.

To know more about Python built-in functions, visit: https://brainly.com/question/17970934


Given the following class and array declaration, how would you print out the age of the 10th person in the array?
class personClass
void setAge(int newAge);
void setGender( char newGender);
void setSalary(float newSalary);
int getAge();
char getGender();
float getSalary();
int age;
char gender;
float salary;


From the given class and array declaration, we would print out the age of the 10th person in the array with the following:

d. cout << people[9].getAge();

What is an array?

A collection of comparable objects or pieces of data of the same type stored at adjacent memory locations is referred to as an array. Arrays are typically used in computer programming to organize the same type of data, in other words, and this can be stated simply.

Depending on the language, arrays can be represented in a variety of ways. We can use one example from the C language to help you understand.

A linear array is one that only has one dimension. One-subscripting is used. In order to declare and access array elements as well as subscript the array, you must use [] (brackets).

Learn more about array



There are various ways to prepare sterile media, but a common method is to write ____ to every block on the device to erase any previous contents and then, if needed, format the device with a file system.


There are various ways to prepare sterile media, but a common method is to write  zeros  to every block on the device to erase any previous contents

Sterile media :

Media or discs are considered sterile if no data has been previously recorded on them. Such media or discs must be absolutely clean, free of viruses and defects. From a technical point of view, the main goal of sterile media  is to preserve the integrity of collected evidence and analyze the data so that it can be effectively used in litigation.

What is a forensically sterile medium?

Copies of data made for investigative purposes must be made in forensically sterile media. Media or discs are considered sterile if no data has been previously recorded on them. This is because such media or discs must be absolutely clean and free of viruses and defects.

Learn more about media or discs :



Explain how the entity relationship (ER) model helped produce a more structured
relational database design environment.


The way that the entity relationship (ER) model helped produce a more structured relational database design environment is that

A database's primary entities and their relationships can be determined with the aid of an entity relationship model, or ERM. The role of the ERM components is easier to comprehend because they are graphically portrayed.

It is simple to translate the ERM to the tables and attributes of the relational database model using the ER diagram. The full set of needed database structures is generated by this mapping procedure, follows a set of clearly defined processes which are:

uses clearly defined images and rules to represent reality.the theoretical basisbeneficial for communicationTranslate to any DBMS type

How does the ER model aid in relational database design?

A visual representation of relational databases is an entity relationship diagram (ERD). Relational databases are modeled and designed using ERDs.

The Entity Relationship Model (ERM), which enables designers to perceive entities and connections visually, contributed to the creation of a more structured relational database design environment.

Therefore, Instead of defining the structures in the text, it is easier to understand them graphically.

Learn more about entity relationship (ER) model from


question 3 think about data as driving a taxi cab. in this metaphor, which of the following are examples of metadata? select all that apply.


The options that apply about data as driving a taxi cab are:

Make and model of the taxi cabCompany that owns the taxiLicense plate number

The Important Role of Data in Driving a Taxi Cab

Data plays an important role in driving a taxi cab. Knowing the make and model of the cab, the company that owns it, and the license plate number are all key pieces of data that can help taxi cab drivers do their job safely and efficiently.

The make and model of the taxi cab is important information for the driver to know. This helps the driver become familiar with the features of the vehicle, such as the location of the lights, the wipers, the gauges, and other controls. Knowing the make and model of the cab can also help the driver better identify potential problems with the vehicle, such as a flat tire or a malfunctioning engine. This information can be crucial in ensuring the safety of passengers and other drivers on the road.

The complete question:

Think about data as driving a taxi cab. In this metaphor, which of the following are examples of metadata? Select all that apply.

Passengers the taxi picks upMake and model of the taxi cabCompany that owns the taxiLicense plate number

Learn more about Data in Driving a Taxi Cab:



Allow the user to enter the names of several local businesses. Sort the business names and display the results. Continue this process until they are out of business names. Please use good functional decomposition to make your development easier.


Below is the C++ code that allow user to enter the names of several local businesses and sort the business names and display the results.

Coding Part:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

int main()


 cout << "Welcome to  Business Sorting Program";

char arr[5][20], tol[20];

int uu, qq;

for(uu=0; uu<5; uu++)


 cout << "Enter a businessman (name) : ";

cin >> arr[uu];


for(uu=1; uu<5; uu++)


for(qq=1; qq<5; qq++)


if(strcmp(arr[qq-1], arr[qq])>0)


strcpy(tol, arr[qq-1]);

strcpy(arr[qq-1], arr[qq]);

strcpy(arr[qq], tol);




for(uu=0; uu<5; uu++)


 cout << "Businessman (Names) are : \n";



return 0;


To know more about Sorting program in C++, visit: https://brainly.com/question/12971924


When this tool under the Review Tab is turned on, it allows the user to see and track all changes as they are being made in MS Word

Last Markup

Track Changes

No Markup


Track Changes tools under the Review Tab is turned on, it allows the user to see and track all changes as they are being made in MS Word. Hence option 2 is correct.

What is MS word?

MS word is defined as Microsoft's widely used commercial word processor. Microsoft Word makes it easier to create basic word processing documents like letters and reports by including color and clip art.

Pick Track Changes from the Review tab's options. Choose one of the following options from the Track Changes drop-down list: Select Just Mine to keep track of modifications you make exclusively to the document. Select For Everyone to keep track of all user edits to the page.

Thus, track Changes tools under the Review Tab is turned on, it allows the user to see and track all changes as they are being made in MS Word. Hence option 2 is correct.

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What expression is equivalent to 5(x+3) in the final sentence of the passage, the pairing of the verbs "balanced" and "leaped" suggest what fine distinction regarding the character of altaf? a man is homozygous for type a blood and a woman is heterozygous for type b blood. what is the probability that their childs phenotypic blood type is o? Michael just retired, and has $740,000 to invest. A very safe Certificate of Deposit (CD) account pays 1.5%, while a riskier bond fund pays 8.5% in interest. Michael figures he needs $22,000 a year in interest to live on. How much should he invest in each account to make enough interest while minimizing his risk?$ __ at 1.5%$ __ at 8.5% (Round answers to the nearest dollar.) Question 4 (5 points)Which of the following statements about the partial charge in the compound CIF iscorrect?OF will have a partial negative charge, and CI will have a partial positive charge.OF and Cl will have partial positive charges.OF and Cl will have partial negative charges.F will have a partial positive charge, and CI will have a partial negative charge. What is one major drawback of high-return investments compared to low-return investments?. A media download store sells songs for $2 each and movies for $12 each. You have $60 to spend. Write and graph an equation that describes the items you can purchase. What are three combinations of numbersof songs and movies you can purchase? to help jacob overcome his smoking habit, a therapist puts him in a room with a carton of cigarettes laced with a chemical to induce nausea. he also displays images of the dangers of smoking both on the walls and on a video screen. this approach to treatment best illustrates: how to solve the volume of a frustum with a radius of 15 and height of 4 when you think about where youll live after you graduate, what monthly living expenses do you think youll have? clearly state two pieces of evidence where the regulation of the tobacco industry would not significantly cause economic losses What happens to rocks when temperature rises or decreases? Kanban is associated with all EXCEPT which of the following? A) small lot sizes B) signals, such as cards, lights, or flags C) increased material handling D) moving inventory only as needed E) reductions in inventory the risk-free return during the sample period was 3%. calculate the jensen measure of performance evaluation for sooner stock fund. an effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are:______ A business owner makes 50 items by hand in 40 hours. She could have earned $20 an hour working for someone else. Her total explicit costs are $200. If each item she makes sells for $15, her economic profit equals:Instructions: Enter your answer as a whole number. If you are entering a negative number be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of that number. While probation officer perform many important tak, one primary importance include:a. Rik aement and claification b. Search warrant c. Aiting with bail d. Referral to prion an administrator is trying to configure the switch but receives the error message that is displayed in the exhibit. what is the problem? I dont understand this. could someone give me step by step what the answer would be If? Questions: If one solution of a quadratic equation is 7-13i, what would the second solution be?Question 2: solve these, step by step using indicated operations with work! 1. (4-3i) (-7+21)2. (-7+6i)+(2-3i)+(4+5i)3. (-6-i)/4-2i4. (-2-7i)(-2+7i)5. (5-3i)-(-2-6i) What is the maxing out method?