You have read the passage adapted from "The Story of Grace Darling," which is based
On the real events of a shipwreck and a daring rescue. Write an essay explaining how the
author uses setting and description to create suspense in the passage.


Answer 1

The passage setting and description was base on the title , meaning or moral of the story and it is also base on what the story is about.

Related Questions

Which phrase describes facts and details that an author states directly in text? A. Educated guess B. Implied concepts C. Explicit information D. Personal opinions


The answer is c. Explicit information

What is the biggest reason people flee Ukraine? - reflect your own answer. why is it so bad?




People don wan dei

Read this passage:
An official statement from the Culinary Institute indicates
that "all seafood items procured by the kitchen staff are
wild-caught, and any other meat or produce product used
had been certified organic by the USDA.'
Why was it a good idea for the writer to use a direct quote in the passage




because it is a form of supportive evidence and proves the authors point.

what is the central theme of "The Little Red Tortoise"? in one or two paragraphs, explain how the theme is developed throughout the text and how the little red tortoise’s actions and interactions help to develop the theme. Use evidence from the text to support your response.


The central theme of "The Little Red Tortoise" is of bravery.

The plot revolves around the Red Tortoise, who opted to sacrifice himself to rescue his fellow tortoises. The plot revolves around a little red tortoise who gains confidence all through the story, becomes brave, and saves his entire tortoise nation.

The Little Red Tortoise tells the story of a tortoise who rescues his people from peril. He was willing to give his life to protect those people. He was courageous in killing the giraffe. Throughout the story, the central theme is explored through the character development of the Red Tortoise.

Know more about The Little Red Tortoise here


The words below are included in the sentence. Which word could have more than one meaning?


Answer: The word that can have more than one meaning is beat.

Explanation: You can say you beat someone in a competition or beat someone up in a fight.

Read the excerpts from Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" and answer the question.

[4] I was arrested Friday on a charge of parading without a permit. Now there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade, but when the ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest, then it becomes unjust.

[5] I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and willingly accepts the penalty by staying in jail to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the very highest respect for law.

[6] We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal." It was "illegal" to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler's Germany. But I am sure that, if I had lived in Germany during that time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers even though it was illegal. If I lived in a communist country today where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I believe I would openly advocate disobeying these anti-religious laws.

In 3–5 complete sentences, thoroughly explain Dr. King's central idea in this section and what specific details develop it. Provide at least two specific examples from the text to support your analysis of the central idea and how it's developed.


The central idea of Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was the question that why the law continues to support segregation acts against African Americans and other minorities.

What was the central idea of Dr King's letter?

The main idea of the letter is that Luther King questions why the law applies to some and not all.

In this letter, Martin Luther King Jr. affirms that his stay in jail with no protest  is a clear sign that he and his movement respect the law.

It also says that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws and  take direct action rather than waiting forever for justice to come through the courts. People must not wait rather actively break unjust segregation laws nonviolently.

To know more about Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham jail", refer


can someone please help me come up with a new ending for the lady or the tiger.I will give brainlest and 300 points from other questions to who helps with this.





"'do not desert me, though this veil must be between us here on earth. be mine, and hereafter there shall be no veil over my face, no darkness between our souls! it is but a mortal veil--it is not for eternity! o! you know not how lonely i am, and how frightened, to be alone behind my black veil. do not leave me in this miserable obscurity forever!'" what does this mean?


In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, Hawthorne famous how sacrifice illuminates someone's values by allowing Mr. Hooper to lose his dignity to prove a point to his community about his beliefs,.

Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Minister's Black Veil" is a Gothic brief story. It follows Reverend Mr. Hooper, as he dons a black veil that obscures most of his face, leaving just his mouth and chin seen. The veil is an image of secret sin.

The veil changed into additionally a photo of dying whereby we input the Presence of God. Scripture says, whilst Jesus died, the veil became torn from pinnacle to bottom. If the earthquake that passed off at Jesus' demise had ripped the curtain, it might were torn from the lowest upward as the earth separated

The moral of "The Minister's Black Veil" is that mystery sins separate people from those around them. inside the tale, Minister Hooper starts offevolved to wear a dark veil that covers his face. The veil represents secret sin and causes humans to avoid him.

Learn more about  Black Veil here:


Explain how the history of Goldilocks is the effect of a pamper childhood, and how it helps Archive your purpose as a writer.




goldilocks wouldn't except anything if it was only a bit wrong. she wanted everything perfect. she couldnt deal with it if it wasn't perfect. thats the effect of when your in your childhood your parents redo and buy everything you want until its perfect.

what is the setting of "the difficult path"



written by grace lin,centers on a young girl,lingsi,who acts as a servant to the wealthy Li familyin imperial china

Write a review of the two performances of a scene from shakespeare's the tempest in this lesson. First, identify shakespeare's purpose as it relates to colonialism and imperialism. Then explain how well each performance achieves that purpose, supporting your opinion with evidence.


The Tempest, a play originally presented during the 1600s, made by William Shakespeare, is a play about enchantment, treachery, government/imperialism, love, power, and pardoning.

What is The Tempest about short summary?The Tempest provides a rather simple tale about an unjust act, Prospero's brother usurping the crown, and Prospero's attempt to reinstate justice by taking back control of the situation.The show includes songs and music that capture the enchanted atmosphere of the island. Numerous themes are covered, such as magic, treachery, retaliation, and family. A wedding masque acts as a play within a play in Act IV and adds spectacle, allegory, and sophisticated language.The play's main protagonists, Caliban, Prospero, Miranda, and Ariel, spend the majority of their time on an island off the coast of Italy. like many well-known plays do.The Tempest has its own adaptations in the forms of books, movies, and plays, allowing the authors of these adaptations to depict the tale however they please and emphasise particular themes more strongly than others.

To learn more about Tempest refer :


Which choice best explains the effect of the author's
faulty reasoning?

The audience will be inclined to dismiss the claim that choosing fish for an aquarium should be a careful decision
The audience will be confused by the conflicting evidence arguing that saltwater fish as unique and beautiful pets
The audience will be convinced that many aquarium owners destroy the environment
The audience will be interested in reading more about the fish for saltwater aquariums



The audience will be inclined to dismiss the claim that choosing fish for an aquarium should be a careful decision


it has more logical reasons

Which of Ahab’s character traits does Melville develop most thoroughly in Chapter 41 of Moby-D***?

Ahab’s obsessive need for revenge
Ahab’s acceptance of his plight
Ahab’s reluctance to be at sea
Ahab’s respect for nature



Ahab’s obsessive need for revenge is the answer


The correct response is - Ahab’s obsessive need for revenge. Therefore option A is the correct response.

Who is Melville?

American novelist, short story author, and poet Herman Melville was active throughout the American Renaissance. Moby-Dk, Typee, a romanticized depiction of his travels in Polynesia, and Billy Budd, Sailor, a novella that was released after his death, are some of his best-known works.

The book Moby Dk by Herman Melville wasn't hailed as a literary classic or a foundational work of contemporary American literature until the early 20th century. Melville, who was born in 1819 to a mercantile family in New York City, strived for the grandeur that would not come to pass in his lifetime.

While Melville's second book, Omoo, was similarly a huge success, his third book, White Jacket, marked a decline in his popularity. Casual readers appeared to understand that Melville's books were not simply adventured stories but veiled serious themes.

To read more about Melville, refer to -


Write a strong argument for the prompt below. Be sure to apply what you have learned in this lesson.

Prompt: In "The Dangers of Tradition,"
Bakari Bosa argues, "Perhaps it is up to each person to question the traditions they follow and determine whether they do more harm than good." Explain how the text "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson supports or challenges this statement.


The correct response is - Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" illustrates the perils of customs as the community participates in a heinous crime. People adhere to customs that have been passed down without understanding the risks that tradition might pose. The fundamental message of "The Lottery" is that despite the risks, individuals blindly adhere to traditions.

What are The Dangers of Tradition?

And it gives individuals who would feel alienated a sense of belonging. Since the beginning of time, traditions have played a vital role in human communities. They achieve the "Four B's," our sensations of Being, Belonging, Believing, and Benevolence, by meeting four essential conditions.

Values and culture are the common and anticipated activities, behaviors, and norms of a given community. Depending on their traditions and conventions, people from various ethnicities act and behave in different ways. Nations and civilizations all have different social traditions and practices.

To read more about The Dangers of Tradition, refer to -


clearly o connor had a special fondness for peacocks infer why she might have been so drawn to these unusual birds


We can actually infer here that O'Connor had been so drawn to these peacocks because right from when she was a child, she loved birds and that was her interest which later turned to a passion.

Who is Flannery O'Connor?

Flannery O'Connor was actually known to be an American novelist and short story writer. She was also referred to be an essayist. O'Connor is known to have written two novels and about 31 short stories alongside with reviews and commentaries before her death at the age of 39.

It's known that O'Connor had love for birds right from her childhood days. She had to buy a family of peacocks.

Her words before she died are: “I intend to stand firm and let the peacocks multiply, for I am sure that, in the end, the last word will be theirs.” — Flannery O’Connor.

Learn more about Flannery O'Connor on


The typical myth of Narcissus gazing into the lake is only about his self-regard. What does the prologue add to or change about the myth by personifying the lake as also falling in love with its image in Narcissus's eyes?


The meaning illustrated by the Narcissus story in The Alchemist is that people periodically are too focused on their own looks and physical things that's they loose path of the Spirit of the World and the true beauty within the universe.

What is the meaning of the story of Narcissus and the lake?The meaning illustrated by the Narcissus story in The Alchemist is that people periodically are too focused on their own looks and physical things that's they loose path of the Spirit of the World and the true beauty within the universe.The Alchemist knew the myth of Narcissus, a youth who daily knelt beside a lake to consider his own beauty. He was so captivated by himself that, one daybreak, he fell into the lake and soaked. At the zone where he lost, a blossom was born, which was named the narcissus.The lake cries for the loss of Narcissus because the lake could see its own beauty mirrored in Narcissus's eyes. “What a lovely story,” says the alchemist. This fresh finish to an antique tale provides the reader with the sense of Coelho's book as modernizing old compositions for a new generation.

To learn more about : Narcissus story

Ref :


“Quiet Resistance” includes passages that quote the words of real people who were teenagers during World War II. Which of the following sentences best explains the purpose of these quotations?


The remark that emphasises the value of firsthand experiences of historical events best captures the quotes' intended meaning.

We can determine this response because:

The text uses accounts from actual persons who experienced World War II to lend authority to and bolster the author's material.

This is so that the information stated is confirmed because these reports are provided by those who witnessed this historic event and are able to speak about what they observed.

In this instance, we can state that the author's intention in using these quotations is to strengthen the authority of his text by utilising first-person accounts of the incident.

I am unable to specifically respond to this question because you did not provide the answer choices, but I do hope the information above will be helpful.

To learn more about firsthand experiences here:


You are going to write a speech to influence or change the way a person thinks, feels or behaves(a persuasive speech). You must choose a topic from the list of topics attached. It should be at least 3 paragraphs long. I need it ASAP:(
100points!!! Will be giving brainliest


Cell phones soud be allowed because it is important to be available any time. Also it is imortant to be updated about the news in the world and cellphones can be used for informations in the lesson.

That is why cell phones should be allowed in schools

How does the speaker use rhetorical appeal in paragraph 5 to achieve her purpose?


The speaker employs rhetorical appeal to persuade the audience by relying on reason, good organization, and verifiable facts.

What is a rhetorical appeal ?

The elements of an argument that give it real persuasive power are its rhetorical appeals. A writer must engage the reader in various different ways in order to present a compelling argument. The four different sorts of persuasions are kairos, pathos, ethos, and logos. To persuade a crowd with reason, one uses logos, the appeal to logic. An author must grab attention in a number of compelling ways in order to be rhetorically effective (and thus persuasive). This requires carefully considering how to create an argument in order to accomplish the desired result, which is audience agreement with the argument or point.

Rhetorical appeals are -

Ethos: relying on evidencePathos is an emotional appeal.Logic is used by logos.

The speaker employs rhetorical appeal to persuade the audience by relying on reason, good organization, and verifiable facts.

To know more about rhetorical appeal, visit:


How can you tell which noun in a sentence is its subject?



The subject of the sentence is what (or whom) the sentence is about. In the sentence “The cat is sleeping in the sun,” the word cat is the subject. A predicate is the part of a sentence or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is.

do you act differently online than you do in real life? explain



Somehow yes


Honestly it depends on different people.Some people might appear really confident and extroverted on social media but in real life they are pretty shy and introverted so it really depends ngl-.A person can be extremely dry on social media but have a really good energy in real life.


Online: I'm more outgoing and I talk more.

Real life: I'm more shy.

Other than that I'm the funny, kind, sweet, smart girl anybody would hope for.


Hope It Helps

The passage from “The Namesake” and the poem “In a Garden” both use vivid imagery to convey strong feelings. Write an essay in which you analyze the images in each work and the feelings they convey. Then, tell which author you think did a better job of effectively using imagery as a tool to
develop her text. Be sure to use details from both sources to support your analysis.


We can actually see that an essay which analyzes the images in each work and the feelings they convey is seen below:

"The Namesake" is actually known to be a story that talks about an artist that closes up his art studio and returns home. There was depression written over his fellow artists as they spend their last days with him. The author reveals where the students are from .by saying, "We were all fellow-countrymen; New Hampshire, one from Colorado, another from Nevada, several from the farmlands of the Middle West, and I myself from California". This is a detail that makes the readers to understand how the students are connected. Another statement is revealed when the author stated, "Hartwell's studio on the Boulevard St. Michel". This detail reveals what exists among the students.

While in contrast to what is seen in "The Namesake", Lowell's poem "In a Garden" conveys feelings of romance and desire. The poem uses details like, "With it's gurgling and running/ With its leaping, and deep cool murmur" and " High in the arc of night/ And the scent of lilacs was heavy with stillness" to depict the atmosphere as serene and not chaotic.

What is analysis?

An analysis is actually known to be a process by which a complex thing is broken down in order for one to be able to pick out important things. Analysis is usually a detailed approach to something.

We see that as we analyse the given story and poem, we see how the different authors write uniquely.

Learn more about analysis on


Ms. Whatsits quotes and their page number

(only if you know the answer)



ok do is those that have muscles in your body that have muscles in the table and play with your muscles in a healthy way or disagree Because you can you just stop it could you go and make friendships and make a career famous out of it And be wealthy


20th of this week and will chew it on a career that is not in a year and play a role as an employee who has a lot more experience in my and make friendships

How does the kind describe his daughter in the story the princess and the Tin box


A spoilt royal daughter chooses her favorite present from among many brought by princely suitors in "The Princess and the Tin Box."

In The Princess and the Tin Box She receives lavish gifts from four wealthy princes, but one impoverished prince can only afford to give her a little tin box packed with common stones. The monarch made the announcement that he would give his daughter's hand in marriage to the prince who gave her the present.

She liked the most on the day the princess turned eighteen by dispatching a royal ambassador to the courts of five nearby kingdoms. Before making any plans, the monarch waited for his daughter to select a gift. The celebration was quite loud and costly.

To learn more about The Prince and the Tin Box here:


study sync purpose and perspective answers pls



Study-sync is an integrated reading, writing, and review platform, designed to advance critical thinking, reading, writing, language, speaking and listening skills, and address critical language standards. Point of view, First person point of view, second person point of view, third person omniscient, third person limited, and third person objective


Which of the following statements is an example of logos?
1.) Research has found that regular exercise improves heart health.
2.) This cereal is a favorite among Hollywood stars like Zendaya.
3.) You can protect endangered pandas by donating to our wildlife fund.
4.) The beautiful beaches of Hawaii are the perfect place to unwind on vacation.


"Research has found that regular exercise improves heart health", is an example of Logos.

The Greek word "logos" is a definition that signifies "logic." A remark, sentence, or argument used to convince or persuade the intended audience using logic or reason is referred to as a rhetorical device.

The logos is one of the three methods of persuasion that Aristotle describes in his book, the Rhetoric. The Ethos, which is concerned with the speaker's personality, and the Pathos, which is concerned with the speaker's emotional impact on the audience, are the other two methods of persuasion.

Hence the correct answer is option A.

To learn more about Logos here:


Question 3
Tim Schafer believes he will enjoy working at Lucasfilms because
O he needs money
O the work is easy
O the work is satisfying
Ohe will impress his friends


Tim Schafer believes he will enjoy working at Lucasfilms because the work is satisfying.

Who is Tim Schafer?

Fully known as Timothy John Schafer is an American video game designer who founded the Double Fine Productions in July 2000, after having spent over a decade at LucasArts.

The reason to work at Lucasfilm is seen in one of his original quotes, which is as follows I called David Fox right away and scribbled all the notes you see while I was talking to him. I told him how much I wanted to work at Lucasfilm, not because of Star Wars, but because I loved, “Ball Blaster”“Yeah! I love Ball Blaster!” I said. It was true. I had broken a joystick playing that game on my Atari 800". Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Lucasfilm


1. I clean my bedroom



My bedroom is cleaned by me

How long should you wait before sending a thank-you letter following an

A. One week
B. One day
C. One month
D. Two to three days


Answer: B.

because if you get the job it be good to say thank you letter as soon as possible

You should wait about a two- three days

Why are pumpkins carved in the United States rather than turnips?


Answer: When Irish immigrants began moving to America they brought this tradition with them, carving their jack-o-lanterns from the native pumpkin. At some point this tradition become bound with the Celtic celebration of Samhaim, an ancient Irish and British festival that marked the end of summer on 1 November.


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