you are configuring access for a shared folder on a windows server. there is a global group called appusers who need read-only access. however, there is a member of appusers, jsmith, who should not have any access at all. how can you configure your share so that the members of appusers have access but jsmith does not while creating the least disruption to your existing administrative structure?


Answer 1

Assign Allow Read permission to Appusers, and assign Deny Read permission to jsmith

What permissions can only be assigned to folders?

In Win dows, there are six types of permissions: Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write. The only permission that is unique to folders is List Folder Contents. There are more advanced features, but you won't have to worry about them.

Which type of permission is granted to a file or folder directly?

explicit authorizations

Permissions assigned explicitly to a specific file or folder take precedence over permissions inherited from a parent folder (inherited permissions).

What are the three most common file and directory permissions?

read - The Read permission denotes a user's ability to read the file's contents. write - A user's ability to write or modify a file or directory is referred to as their write permissions. execute - The Execute permission determines whether a user can execute a file or view the contents of a directory.

learn more about folders visit:


Related Questions

how to render out for granted background elements separately for virtual production in unreal engine 5


Utilize Layered Compositing in Unreal Engine 5 to render out individual elements for virtual creation. Here is a general description of what happens:

In Unreal Engine 5, set up your virtual production environment with all of the backdrop components you wish to render independently.

Go to the Settings panel in the Unreal Engine 5 editor and choose the Rendering tab.

Turn on the "Use Layered Compositing" checkbox under the Layered Compositing section.

You can select which items should be rendered in which layers in the Layered Compositing section. You could want to specify, for instance, that each background element be rendered in a different layer.

Once your layers are set up, you can use the Render Layers tool to render each layer out individually. By doing this, you'll be able to composite the layers together in a different compositing program, like Adobe After Effects.

To know more about Unreal Engine 5 kindly visit


true or false: when looking for information, desktop users prefer a much shorter, to-the-point answer, while a mobile user is more likely to want a more detailed treatment of the subject.


It is true that when looking for information, desktop users prefer a much shorter, to-the-point answer, while a mobile user is more likely to want a more detailed treatment of the subject.

What is desktop?

A desktop is a computer display area that contains things similar to those found on top of a physical desk, such as documents, phone books, telephones, reference sources, writing and drawing tools, and project folders. A desktop computer is one that sits at your desk, as opposed to a laptop, which rests on your lap. A phone or media player is an example of a handheld computer. The most prevalent application of the term "computer desktop" (note that it is a computer desktop, not a desktop computer) is in computer software.

To know more about desktop,


during digital forensic analysis phase where can you find hidden information? a. deleted files b. slack space c. post it d. all of the above


During Digital Forensic analysis phase you can find the information in all of the above options i.e. deleted files, slack space, post it, etc.

Hidden data can be discovered in a variety of locations during the digital forensic examination phase, including:

Unallocated space on a hard disk is the area that was once utilized to store data but has since been cleared off. Using specialist forensic tools, data can be recovered from this area.

The unused space on a hard disk that is not a part of any file or directory is known as slack space. Using forensic technologies, data can be recovered from this area.

Alternative data streams: It is possible to store data in a file in some operating systems in a fashion that is not apparent to the user. It is possible to recover this data using forensic techniques.

Files that have been encrypted cannot be opened or read without the proper decryption key. To try to decrypt the file, forensic analysts might either try to retrieve the key or utilize brute force methods.

Devices with hidden partitions: These partitions are not visible to the user on some devices. These partitions can be located and examined using forensic tools.

Deleted records: Records from databases and other sources of structured data can be recovered using forensic technologies.

It is significant to highlight that forensic analysis involves specific knowledge and equipment in order to uncover buried information. It is not something that a layperson could perform with ease.

To know more about Digital Forensic analysis kindly visit


question 9 :you want to see what is being loaded during the boot process. you have enabled boot logging through the advanced boot options menu. where will the log file be stored?


Where you want to see what is being loaded during the boot process, and  you have enabled boot logging through the advanced boot options menu. Note that he log file be stored at: C:\Windows\ntbtlog.txt

What is Boot Logging?

The boot log is saved in the file C:Windowsntbtlog.txt and may be accessed with any text editor software, such as Notepad. This functionality can be enabled or disabled in two ways. The first technique is to utilize msconfig, a graphical user interface tool for configuring different OS launch parameters.

It is important to note that Boot Logging may only be activated from Safe Mode. It only logs during the current boot if it is enabled. Unless you activate it again from Safe Mode, it will not log during the next reboot.

The Windows 11 Boot Log is a text file that is created automatically when your machine boots. The text file provides a list of all drivers loaded and those that failed to load during boot. The boot log file is deactivated by default in Windows 11, but it may be enabled in a few simple steps.

Learn more about boot process:

what vmware horizon feature allows virtual desktop clones to be created on the fly from a running parent vm


VMware Instant-clone provisioning is a vSphere-enabled technique that may be used to duplicate RDSH servers and desktops. With no need for a separate server or database, administrators can easily construct VMware that share virtual disks with a golden image to save disk space and streamline the management of OS patches and upgrades.

A virtualization software program called VMware Horizon is used to deliver desktops and applications on Windows, Linux, and MacOS computers. Due to the large number of us who are working remotely, it is particularly pertinent nowadays. VMware gives quick access to the desktops and applications that assist you in performing your duties, whether you're a system administrator or a pizza delivery guy. And you require security for that access.

You will learn about VMware Horizon in this video, along with how it can support speedy and secure access while you work remotely.

To know more about VMware kindly visit


What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?
a. Isolation
b. Hardware Independence
c. Partitioning
d. Encapsulation


D: Encapsulation is the property of virtualization that allows whole virtual machines to be saved as files that can be moved or copied like any other file.

A virtual machine is a tightly isolated computing software resource that operates the same as a physical computer. A virtual machine has the ability to deploy and run applications and programs. Virtual machines contain a CPU, RAM, hard disk, and network interface card just like a physical computer, making the virtual machines incredibly portable and easy to manage. This is what is known as the encapsulation property of virtual machines.

The encapsulation permits to save the entire virtual machines as files in order to copy them form a location to another just like any other software files.

You can learn more about virtual machine at


you have to store objects that can be downloadable with a url. which storage option would you choose?


You have to store objects that can be downloadable with a URL the storage option is amazon S3

What is URL?

URL is defined as abbreviation for uniform resource a locator is an internet address directing to a particular website, web page, or document. Click the address bar at the top of your browser to select the complete URL. Copy.

The format for Amazon S3 virtual-hosted URLs is https:// bucket-name.s3. key-name. Customers can build a URL to an Amazon S3 object using Query String Authentication that is only valid for a short period of time.

Thus, you have to store objects that can be downloadable with a URL the storage option is amazon S3

To learn more about URL, refer to the link below:


Your question is incomplete, but probably your complete question was.

you have to store objects that can be downloadable with a URL. which storage option would you choose?

A. Amazon S3 B. Amazon Glacier C. Amazon Storage Gateway D. Amazon EBS

The methods defined in the custom stack class are identical to the ones in the lifoqueue class in the python standard library.
a. True
b. False


The statement of the methods defined in custom stack class are identical to the ones in the LIFO queue class in the python standard library is false.

What is LIFO?

LIFO (last in first out) is a queue type that the outputs is the last item entered. The stack class in python standard library represent the LIFO order. Meanwhile, the queue class is represent the FIFO (first in first out) order.

So, the statement is false because it states that the custom stack class is identical to LIFO queue class rather than LIFO stack class.

Learn more about python here:


the traditional waterfall methodology is a sequential, activity-based process in which each phase in the sdlc is performed sequentially from planning through implementation and maintenance. group of answer choices true false


True. The traditional waterfall methodology is a sequential process that begins with planning, followed by analysis, design, implementation, testing, and finally deployment and maintenance.

This process is based on the assumption that each phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) must be completed in order, and that no phase can be skipped or repeated. As such, the waterfall methodology is designed to ensure that the software is correctly developed and implemented in a timely manner.

The Benefits of the Traditional Waterfall Methodology in Software Development

Software development is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful planning and execution. The traditional waterfall methodology is a tried and tested sequential process that is used to ensure that software is developed and implemented properly in a timely manner. This approach has several distinct benefits that make it a popular choice among software developers.

The first benefit of the traditional waterfall methodology is its linear structure. This process begins with planning, followed by analysis, design, implementation, testing, and finally deployment and maintenance. Each stage of development is completed in order, and no phase can be skipped. This ensures that the software is developed in a systematic and logical manner, reducing the possibility of errors and oversights.

Learn more about waterfall methodology:


16. Which substance below is not like the others in regards to resistance?
A. plastic
B. rubber
C. glass
D. copper



D. copper


Copper is not like the other substances in regards to resistance. Plastic, rubber, and glass are all insulators, meaning they have high resistance to the flow of electric current. Copper, on the other hand, is a conductor, meaning it has low resistance to the flow of electric current.

What is the most common 3 digit number?


Answer: The most common 3 digit number is 100.

Step 1: A 3 digit number is any number between 100 and 999.

Step 2: The most common 3 digit number is 100 because it is the lowest possible 3 digit number, so it has the highest frequency of occurrence.

Step 3: To determine the most common 3-digit number, you can count the frequency of occurrence of each 3-digit number in a given set of numbers. The number with the highest frequency of occurrence is the most common 3-digit number.

Looking through their findings, the most popular three-digit number is clearly, but not very interestingly, 100.

There are 504 different 3-digit numbers which can be formed from numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 if no repetition is allowed. Note: We can also use the multiplication principle to answer this question.The first digit of the 3-digits can take 7 distinct values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. As repetition is allowed, the second digit can also take 7 distinct values, and the third can take 7 distinct values as well, giving a total of 7⋅7⋅7=343 distinct combinations of numbers. If what you want are all possible three digit numbers then you have 10 choices for the first digit, you have 10 choices for the 2nd digit,and you have 10 choices for the 3rd digit giving you 10x10x10 = 1000 in all.

To learn more about 3 DIGIT NUMBERS visit here :


What are the 4 main types of security vulnerability?


Network Security Flaws. These are problems in a network's hardware or software that make it vulnerable to probable outside intrusion. Vulnerabilities in the operating system. Vulnerabilities of people.

A security system weakness, fault, or error that could be used by a threat agent to compromise a secure network is known as a security vulnerability.

Insecure Wi-Fi access points and improperly configured firewalls are two examples. Vulnerabilities in the operating system. These are flaws in a certain operating system that criminals could employ to damage or take control of an asset the OS is installed on.

Learn more about network here-


define the missing member function. use this to distinguish the local member from the parameter name.


The missing member function use this to distinguish the local member from the parameter name is can write:

void CablePlan::SetNumDays(int numDays) {

  /* Your solution goes here  */

this-> numDays = numDays;



What is local member parameter?

Formal parameters are also local and behave like local variables. For example, the lifetime of x begins when square is called and ends when the function completes execution. On the other hand, it is legal for functions to access global variables. Parameters act as variables within the method. These are given in parentheses after the method name. You can add as many parameters as you like, just separate them with commas. The following example has a method that takes a string named fname as a parameter.

Learn more about member function:


a nondeterministic turing machine accepts a language that a deterministic turing machine cannot. group of answer choices true false


A nondeterministic Turing machine can accept languages that a deterministic Turing machine cannot, which is false. Every state and symbol in a non-deterministic Turing machine has a set of possible actions. Thus, the transitions, in this case, are not deterministic.

A tree of configurations leading from the initial configuration can be achieved by a non-deterministic Turing machine's computation.

If the tree contains at least one accept configuration node, then the input is considered accepted; otherwise, it is not. The non-deterministic Turing machine is known as a Decider if all branches of the computational tree halt on all inputs, and the input is also rejected if all branches of the computational tree reject some input.

To learn more about Turing machine click here:


when would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing?


D: on a network where there are a lot of topology changes, it would be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol rather than a static routing

As the name suggests, a dynamic routing protocol is used to exchange routing information dynamically between several routers. Their implementation enables network topologies to dynamically adjust to changing network activities and to ensure that efficient and redundant routing continues in spite of any changes. On the other hand, static routing is a form of routing in which a router uses a manually-configured routing entry, rather than using information from dynamic routing traffic.

Therefore,  according to the given scenario, the preferred routing protocol to be used is the 'dynamic routing protocol'.


Complete question is as follows:

When would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing?

A. in an organization where routers suffer from performance issues

B. on a stub network that has a single exit point-

C. in an organization with a smaller network that is not expected to grow in size

D. on a network where there is a lot of topology changes


You can learn more about dynamic routing protocol at


Why are some inventions not patentable?


Innovation needs to have an industrial application in order to be patented. However, innovation cannot be patented if its usage violates morality or public order, poses a major threat to the health or environment, or endangers human, animal, or plant life.

Some inventions are pointless or go against well-known natural rules. These inventions cannot be deemed apparent and cannot be protected by a patent. Examples include any machine that operates at 100% efficiency or any machine that produces output without requiring an input.

A discovery, a scientific theory or mathematical method, a work of art, a plan, rule, or procedure for engaging in mental activity, playing a game, doing business, a computer program, a method of presenting information, are not patentable.

To learn more about Patent click here:


Is iOS a proprietary OS?


On mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, Apple iOS, a proprietary mobile operating system, is used. The desktop and laptop operating system Mac OS X serves as the foundation for Apple iOS.

Apple's iPhone operating system is used by the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad,Apple iOS among other products. The Mac is expressly left out. Also known as a "iDevice" or a "iThing." Check out the iOS and iDevice versions. The iPhone and iPod Touch use Apple's iOS mobile operating system. Up until 2019, it served as the iPad's operating system as well. The iPhone OS has the ability to multitask. The iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS were where it all began. Using an iOS device's multitasking feature or an iPad's multi-finger gesture, you can swiftly go from one app to another. A cloud-based data storage service, iCloud is offered by Apple. An overview of Android and iOS for mobile devices is provided here. Both rely on UNIX or UNIX-like operating systems with a graphical user interface.

Learn more about Apple iOS here:


Alison is having a hard time at work because her inbox is flooded with emails every day. some of these emails are unsolicited. some of the others she doesn’t need. which action should she take to better manage her emails? she should move the unsolicited emails to the folder. she should move the emails she doesn’t need to the folder.


Based on illustration about Alison above, she should move the emails she doesn’t need to the folder.

How to manage email to be effective Use the filter system

The email inbox is often full of messages from various shipping categories. Starting from promotional emails, email updates, job emails, and more. If all of these messages are together in one folder in the inbox, it will be very annoying when you are waiting for an important email, because it could be mixed with other emails until it finally sinks and you don't see the message at the top.

Organize your inbox into folders

Given the large number of incoming emails in your inbox, creating system folders can help you manage your existing inboxes. You can categorize this folder based on how important the email is to you.

Create e-mail labels

Apart from creating filters, another thing you can use to manage your emails is to create labels for them. You can create labels that can store your emails. Add as many labels as you need. Note that this label is different from the folder. When you delete a message on a label, that message is deleted from any labels associated with it. Within this label, you can create sub-labels to categorize messages in more detail.

Learn more about email management at


when creating cards for a kanban board, which items should go on the front of the card? select all that apply.


Doing, working on, and Finishing. The workflow can be mapped to match the particular procedure of any given team, based on the size, makeup, and goals of the team.

What role of creating cards for a kanban board?

An example kanban board. According to David Anderson, kanban boards are made up of five different elements: visual cues, columns, work-in-progress restrictions, a commitment point, and a delivery point.

Therefore, Tasks, allocated team members, significant milestones, and anticipated deadlines should all be listed in Gantt charts. To make project tasks easier to see, colour-code their statuses.

Learn more about kanban board here:


Which is window method is used to move the correct window?


The moveTo() method of the Window interface moves the current window to the specified coordinates.

When designing digital filters, windows are sometimes employed, especially to transform a "ideal" impulse response with an indefinite length, such a sinc function, into a finite impulse response (FIR) filter design. The window technique is what we call that. Due to the requirement that every point be available for examination during statistical calculations, sufficiently big signals are also challenging to examine statistically. Engineers frequently study small parts of the complete data using a technique known as windowing in order to avoid these issues. Many people favor the Hamming window technique  because of its comparatively low main lobe width and effective attenuation of the first few side lobes.

To learn more about WINDOW TECHNIQUE visit here :


when a program runs into a runtime error, the program terminates abnormally. how can you handle the runtime error so that the program can continue to run or terminate gracefully


We can handle the runtime error by using exception handling so that the program can continue to run or terminate gracefully.

What do you mean by runtime error?

When a website employs HTML code that conflicts with a web browser's capability, runtime issues may result. Inteernet xplorer cannot function properly due to a runtime fault, which can be caused by hardware or software. When a website employs HTML code that conflicts with a web browser's capability, runtime issues may result.

Runtime errors indicate software defects or problems that the program's authors were aware of but were unable to fix. Runtime errors, for instance, frequently result from insufficient memory. Runtime errors typically show up in a message box with a unique error code and its related description.

To learn more about runtime error, use the link given

what disk format was developed by the optical storage technology association for compatibility between rewritable and write-once media?


Universal Disk Format (UDF) is the format was developed by the optical storage technology association for compatibility between rewritable and write-once media. UDF, a file system, which is used with CD-Roms and DVD-ROMs, was created to guarantee consistency across data written to different optical media.

The Optical Storage Technology Association created and maintains it (OSTA). UDFs make it easier to apply the ISO/IEC 13346 standard and exchange data. DVD-ROMs cannot carry MPEG audio and video streams without UDF. In order to replace the file system requirements in the original CD-ROM standard, UDFs were created. Today, CD-Rs and CD-RWs use UDFs in a process known as packet writing.

Similar to how a general-purpose file system works on detachable storage devices like flash drives, packet writing enables the creation, deletion, and modification of files on discs. Write-once media also support packet writing, CD writing is more time and disk-space-efficient thanks to technologies like CD-R.

Since UDF is supported by all operating systems, CDs made with one operating system, such Windows, can be read by another, like Macintosh.

To learn more about optical storage click here:


Which phrase describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage?.


The phrase that describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage is a) a self-confident voice that believes in connectedness to others

What is self-confident voice?

Self-confident voice is the speaker confidence to modify he/she voice on delivery style depending on the response from the audience.

The obstacles that speaker unexpected can make the speaker's confidence disturbed and the audience can immediately take this up. If a speaker have good confidence it will overcome difficulties without revealing them to audience.

The social, geographic, or interpersonal connections can provide safety zone for speaker especially for speaker emotional. This can boost speaker confidence and reduce anxiety or depression when speak.

You question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

I celebrate myself, and sing myself, and what i assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Which phrase describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage?

A)a self-confident voice that believes in connectedness to others

B)a dramatic voice that is in love with celebrations and chemistry

C)a self-absorbed voice that makes assumptions about others

D)a shy voice that is only beginning to make itself heard

Learn more about self-confident voice here:


what technology could you use to display an image of a street overlaid with markers indicating restaurant locations?


Augmented reality technology could you use to display an image of a street overlaid with markers indicating restaurant locations.

What is technology?

Technology is defined as the methodical and repeatable application of knowledge to achieve practical aims. In essence, technology is the collection of methods, apparatus, and techniques that we employ to solve issues, enhance, or otherwise facilitate our daily lives.

The real-time integration of digital information with the environment of the user is known as augmented reality (AR). Augmented reality can enhance natural environments or conditions while delivering perceptually richer experiences.

Thus, augmented reality technology could you use to display an image of a street overlaid with markers indicating restaurant locations.

To learn more about technology, refer to the link below:


What are the top five vulnerabilities of your operating system? Discuss any three steps you take to secure your operating system. Which tools do you use to safeguard your operating system and why? In your opinion, which OS integrity check is the most important? Why?


The top five vulnerabilities of any operating system is:

Injections into SQL Server (SQLi)Password Reuse on Multiple Platforms Is DangerousPatches that are out of dateMisconfigured server settings and custom URL queriesIn-House Designed & Developed Software

What is an operating system?

The most significant program running on a computer is the operating system. In addition to overseeing all of the computer's hardware and software, it also manages the memory and processes. Additionally, it enables communication with the computer even if you are not fluent in its language. Computers are useless without an operating system.

The operating system (OS) of your computer controls all of the hardware and software. Most of the time, multiple computer programs are active at once, and each of them requires access to the CPU, memory, and storage of your computer. To ensure that each program receives what it needs, the operating system coordinates all of this.

Learn more about operating system


question 7 :you install windows 10 on a new computer. you update the video card driver and restart the computer. when you start the computer, the screen flickers and then goes blank. you restart the computer and receive the same result. you need to configure the video card driver. what should you do first?


To configure the video card driver, we should do: A. Restart the computer in Safe Mode.

The Impact of Installing Windows 10 on a New Computer

In today's world, technology is constantly advancing and improving, making it easier for us to use. One of the most common examples of this is the operating system Windows 10. Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and is often pre-installed on many new computers. In this essay, we'll explore the impact of installing Windows 10 on a new computer.

Installing Windows 10 on a new computer can be beneficial in many ways. For starters, the operating system is designed to provide a smoother and faster user experience than its predecessors. By installing Windows 10, users can take advantage of the latest features and applications available. Furthermore, the installation of Windows 10 on a new computer can provide users with enhanced security features and increased protection against malicious software.

The Complete Question:

You install Windows 10 on a new computer. You update the video card driver and restart the computer. When you start the computer, the screen flickers and then goes blank. You restart the computer and receive the same result. You need to configure the video card driver. What should you do?

A. Restart the computer in Safe Mode.B. Restart the computer in Debugging Mode.C. Restart the computer in low-resolution video mode.D. Insert the Windows 10 installation media into computer, restart, and use System Recovery to perform a startup repair.

Learn more about video card driver :


find the longest common subsequence of the binary strings <1,0,0,1,0,1,0> and <0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1> using dynamic programming.


A Python implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm for finding the longest common subsequence of two binary strings:

def longest_common_subsequence(s1, s2):


   Dynamic programming algorithm for finding the longest common subsequence of two binary strings.


   m = len(s1)

   n = len(s2)

   dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1)]

   for i in range(1, m + 1):

       for j in range(1, n + 1):

           if s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]:

               dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1


               dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1])

   # reconstruct the longest common subsequence

   lcs = ""

   i = m

   j = n

   while i > 0 and j > 0:

       if s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]:

           lcs = s1[i - 1] + lcs

           i -= 1

           j -= 1

       elif dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]:

           i -= 1


           j -= 1

   return lcs

# Test the algorithm

s1 = "1001010"

s2 = "0101110"

lcs = longest_common_subsequence(s1, s2)

print(f"Longest common subsequence of {s1} and {s2}: {lcs}")

Using dynamic programming, the longest common subsequence function takes two binary strings, s1 and s2, and returns the longest common subsequence. The function first fills the 2D array dp with zeros, where dp[i][j] is the longest common subsequence of the first I characters of s1 and the first j characters of s2, and is the length of the longest common subsequence. The dp array is then filled up by iterating over the letters in s1 and s2.

To know more about longest common subsequence kindly visit


a radio access network (ran) is a technology that connects individual devices to other parts of a network through radio connections. group of answer choices false true


A radio access network (ran) is a technology that connects individual devices to other parts of a network through radio connections---True.

What is a radio access network?

The Radio Access Network (RAN) is the part of the cellular network that connects end-user devices such as smartphones to the cloud. This is accomplished by sending information over the air from the end-user's device to her RAN's transceiver, and finally from the transceiver to the core network that connects to the global internet.

What is the purpose of network access?

Network access control, also known as network admission control, is a method of improving security, visibility, and access management for private networks. It limits the availability of network resources to end devices and users that comply with defined security policies.

Learn more about network access:


Two students were climbing stairs at school. Student 1 has a weight of 700 n. Student 2 has a weight of 560 n. If student 1 climbs the stairs in 5. 0 s and student 2 climbs the stairs in 4. 0 s, who is more powerful?.


The two students have equal or same power.

How to calculate power?

F1 = force student 1 = 700N (weight represent force)

F2 = force student 2 = 560N

t1 = time student 1 = 5s

t2 = time student 2 = 4s'

Power is the amount of transferred or converted energy per time unit. The standard power units is watt. Energy can be change to force multiply by distance. So power formula is,

P = (F×d)/t

Assuming the distance is same so we can eliminate distance in formula. So,

P = F/t

P1 = F1/t1

= 700/5

= 140 watt

P2 = F2/t2

= 560/4

= 140 watt

Thus, two student have equal power which is 140 watt.

Learn more about power here:


Some thermal mugs have layers of materials to keep drinks hot for as long as possible. Which combination of layers would work best for this purpose?.


Some thermal mugs have layers of materials to keep drinks hot for long period of time. The combination of layers such as 'inner core of steel, no air gap, outer layer of glass' would work best for this purpose.

A thermal mug has the ability to maintain the internal body temperature and heat of its container. For the heat to be maintained for an extended long period of time, the internal core should be lined with steel because steel radiates less heat compared to glass. Moreover, steel also has high conductivity and lesser particular heat level to keep drinks hot for a long period of time.

Therefore, it is concluded that for a thermal mug to keep drinks hot for a long period of time, the inner core must be 'lined with steel, have no air gap, and contain an outer layer of glass'.

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