is winning more important than giving your best effort


Answer 1


The most important thing is to understand that while winning always is preferred and more enjoyable.


hoped this helped:)

Answer 2
Is this a survey or?

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Why do you think artist become famous?


Because people love them and they music?

What can make women perform worse on math tests? (1 point)

A. Just world fallacy

B. Cognitive bias

C. Stereotype threat

D. Natural gender differences



C. Stereotype threat

if human speech is represented as a string of taffy on a candy-making assembly line, then what function does speech segmentation serve at the candy factory?


What use does speech segmentation serve in the candy factory if human speech is modeled as a string of taffy on the production line? The taffy is broken apart by it.

Which of the following best describes the fundamental idea underpinning the Gestalt approach to problems? before a function was explained, fresh objects. Performance is higher for the concrete task when comparing the "abstract" and "concrete" versions of the Wason four-card problem (in which beer, soda, and ages are used in place of the letters and numbers).

The traditional gestalt principles of visual perception include similarity, continuity, closure, closeness, figure/ground, symmetry & order (also known as prägnanz), and similarity & segmentation continuation. The Gestalt Theory, which is sometimes referred to as the.

To learn more about segmentation please click on below link


Where do key terms go in a research paper?


Within your research paper or thesis, you can identify keywords. in encyclopaedias used for background information. in the lists of references found in books and papers.

About Research paper

A research paper is just an essay that has been broadened to include your own analysis, judgement, or justification. When writing an essay, you draw on all of your personal knowledge and understanding of the subject.

In addition to making your research known to the public and avoiding study duplication, research papers are a great way to share an unique discovery with a broad or targeted audience that may be interested in repeating the experiments, identifying innovative uses for the finding, etc.

To know more about research paper:


Role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.

Role ambiguity occurs when individuals are uncertain about what their role is, what tasks they are responsible for, and how their role relates to the roles of others in the organization.

Role ambiguity

Role ambiguity is a situation in which individuals lack the necessary information to accurately understand their responsibilities and how those responsibilities fit into the overall mission of the organization. It can lead to:

ConfusionDecreased productivityFeelings of frustration Dissatisfaction

Learn more about Ambiguity:


Eventually, Walter joins in with Beneatha’s dance. Which best describes how he seems to be feeling as he dances?





Write three sentences telling them how long you have been experiencing problems with certain parts of your vehicle.


I have been having intermittent issues with my car's brakes for the past three months.

I have had difficulties with the air conditioning system for about six weeks. My car's transmission has been acting up for the last two weeks. I have had issues with my vehicle's suspension for the past eight months. My car's headlights have been malfunctioning for the last five months.

I have had problems with the windshield wipers for the past three months. The power windows have been unreliable for the last two years. I have had difficulties with the exhaust system for the past four months. The battery of my car has been failing for the past seven months.

For more questions like Vehicle problems click the link below:


The crowd booed when the oficial called a foul on the home team.

What is the correct way to spell the underlined word?









What is the answer?


The correct way to say the underlined word is B. official.

What does official mean?

When something is official, someone has authorized and approved it. If Gatorade is the Olympics' official beverage, an agreement has been negotiated and some paperwork has been signed by a person in a position of authority. The official is the one who makes the decisions when you play soccer or another sport; he referees  the match. An official is a person who holds an office (function, regardless of whether it comes with a physical workspace) within a company or government and takes part in the exercise of power whether it be their own, that of their superior and/or employer, or one that is legally or legally not their own. A person who has been elected into office is said to be an elected official. Ex officio appointments are another option for officials. It's possible to inherit some government posts. An incumbent is someone who is currently in a position of authority. As in primary language, official magazine, or official scorer, "official" indicates to something that has received acknowledgment from the government or another authorized body.

The correct way to say the underlined word is official.

To know more about official, visit:


Using a graphic organizer may bring deeper meaning to the information you are trying to learn.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


YES THE ANSWER IS (TRUE) .Information is reorganised using graphic organisers. To synthesise is to combine bits or pieces of existing information to create new information. Information is given new significance by graphic organisers.

To make a meaningful timeline, you need creative talent. A chart diagram is a form of visual organiser that condenses and arranges data on many features connected to several objects or themes. It is also known as a matrix diagram or a table. Charts may be used to display product characteristics, contrast and compare ideas, and assess data. How may graphic organisers be used? Visualizing and constructing ideas, organising and/or sequencing information, planning what to write, improving reading comprehension, brainstorming, organising problems and solutions, comparing and contrasting ideas, demonstrating cause and effect, and other tasks can all be assisted by using graphic organisers.

To learn more about organisers please click on below link


According to this paragraph, what is President Roosevelt’s stated purpose for issuing this executive order?


FDR was an American politician and attorney who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 to 1945.Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, gave the secretary of war and his commanders the authority to "prescribe military areas in such places and to such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be exclude

C. To protect national-defense material, premises, and utilities. 

just took the quiz

select the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.


Representative sampling is the type of sampling that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.

What is representative sampling?Sampling is the process of selecting the group from which you will collect data for your research.A representative sample is a subset of a population that attempts to accurately reflect the larger group's characteristics.A representative sample enables researchers to extrapolate the collected data to a larger population. In terms of time, money, and resources, most market research and psychological studies are unsuitable for gathering data on everyone.To be a representative sample, the sample group must represent the entire population.To generate representative samples, researchers can employ one of two methods. Mainly there are two types of sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling.

To learn more about representative sampling refer to :


What is a theme of this passage?

People who rush through the present have no consideration for the past.
People should relax and appreciate time instead of rushing through life.
There can be negative consequences when one wastes too much time.
Good time-management skills can help one achieve success in life.





It’s due today pls help I beg of you spare me the last part cause and effect



enlarge the picture some more


I'm sorry I can't see it enlarge the pic please if you resend it I can solve your question

the principal material in this work is a flower resulting from a cross between a gerbera and a daisy, which decays during its display.


A cross between a gerbera and a daisy decays the display of the principal material, i.e. flower due to specific types of mutation in them which changes the phenotypic effect of offspring.

What is a Biological cross?

A biological cross may be defined as the process of the deliberate breeding of two different individuals that results in offspring that carry part of the genetic material of each parent.

The parent organisms must be genetically compatible and may be from different varieties or closely related species. Sometimes, due to the induction of mutation and certain other evolutionary forces, the expression of certain characters in the offspring would be eliminated or decayed.

Therefore, a cross between a gerbera and a daisy decays the display of the principal material, i.e. flower due to specific types of mutation in them which changes the phenotypic effect of offspring.

To learn more about Biological cross, refer to the link:


Nessie Cullen is a very skilled gamer. She is the best
Mario Kart player in her town.


In Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS, Rosalina makes a comeback in her second appearance in a Mario Kart game.

Who is Skilled gamer?

She is a mid-heavy character, and unlike in Mario Kart Wii, she does not have a Luma accompany her this time around. Rosalina possesses a weight, speed, and off-road bonus advantage.

She has her own racetrack in the game named Rosalina's Ice World, which is a reference to the Super Mario Galaxy series, where she has made several notable appearances. When the player wins the Star Cup 150cc, she becomes unlocked.

A Chinese gamer recently gained notoriety for saying that at least two children's parents had paid him to humiliate the children by defeating them in online video games.

Therefore, In Mario Kart 7 for the Nintendo 3DS, Rosalina makes a comeback in her second appearance in a Mario Kart game.

To learn more about mario kart, refer to the link:


when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their lender to select the repayment plan option.

The lender will be able to provide students with more information on the income-driven repayment plans and can walk them through the process of selecting the right plan for their individual situation.The first step in selecting an income-based repayment plan option is to understand the different plans available.

Each plan has different requirements, such as income level and repayment amount, so it is important to understand which plan best fits the student’s personal circumstances. Additionally, it is important to understand the qualifications for each plan, as some plans are only available to certain types of borrowers. Understanding the requirements for each plan will help the student make an informed decision.

Once the student has selected a plan, they will need to contact the lender to apply. The lender will need to review the student’s financial information and credit history to determine eligibility. Depending on the lender, the student may be able to apply online or they may need to fill out a paper application. The student should also ask their lender about enrollment requirements, such as a minimum payment amount or any additional paperwork that must be completed.

Finally, the student will need to set up the repayment plan with the lender. This includes selecting a payment amount and frequency, as well as specifying when payments will be due. It is important to keep in mind that payments may change over time due to changes in the student’s income or other factors.

Learn more about income at :


Describe Crooks’ living quarters. Use at least 3 specific examples from the text.

Based on the things found in Crooks’ living quarters, what do we know about him? What is the symbolic object in his room and what does it tell us about Crooks?

What does Steinbeck want us to know about the treatment of, and lives of, black people during the 1930s in California, based on the description of Crooks’ living quarters?


Crook is a crook lol C

What is the allusion found in chapter 12 of The Witch of Blackbird Pond? Who is the author of the alluded play?



In Chapter 12 of The Witch of Blackburd Pond, school is over, which means Kit's duties have changed from teaching to helping with the harvest. One day, she finishes her work early and is able to sneak away to Hannah's home. She finds Nat is there doing some work for Hannah.


Marie and Pierre Curie were scientists who lived in Paris, France. They discovered a new and strange substance. Marie was born in Poland on November 7, 1869. Her father was professor Sklodowsky. He was a physicist. He taught Marie much about his work. She tried to study more at the University of Warsaw in Poland, but women were not allowed to attend.

Marie left Poland in 1891 to study in Paris at Sorbonne. One of the French scientists she worked with was Pierre Curie. She married him in 1895. They had a laboratory in Paris. One day someone left the substance they were studying on top of some photographic plates. They discovered this strange substance left streaks of light when the film was developed.

Marie and Pierre tried to isolate the rays coming from this substance. In 1896 they announced their new discovery. The substance was radium, and the rays were called radiation.

Skim the article and choose the general subject of the article.

life in Paris
scientific discovery


Scientific discovery is the best general subject of the following article written by Marie Curie .

Who is Marie Curie ?

Maria Sklodowska, the daughter of a high school teacher, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. She attended neighborhood schools where she obtained a general education and some scientific training from her father. She joined a group of student revolutionaries and decided it would be wise to leave Warsaw, which was then in the Russian-dominated region of Poland, for Cracow, which was then ruled by Austria.

She moved to Paris in 1891 to complete her studies at the Sorbonne, where she earned licenses in mathematics and physics. In 1894, she met Professor Pierre Curie at the School of Physics; the following year, they were wed.

To learn more about Marie Curie checkout the link below :


Your response should be at least 500 words and must have a relevant and properly integrated direct quote from an outside source. NO plagiarism

Words are extremely important in our day-to-day lives: Write about a time when words got you out of (or into) trouble.


Is ambition a good thing or an evil thing?


Most people for most of history did not have technology to distract them: If you did not have electric devices (you still have lights), how would you spend your time?



If had to spend a whole day without any electronic gadget around me, there are so many ways to do it.

Specifically, I could do any of the following.

A good book needs no electronic gadget to read. Forget Kindle readers. I have a whole bookshelf waiting for me to take my eyes off my laptop screen and give them some attention.

Visiting my old friends needs no electronic gadgets. Since the telephone is also an electronic gadget, I cannot use it. I would just go over and surprise them.

There are innumerable home projects that are half-finished or not even started only because of my addiction to the computer and internet and various electronic gadgets.

I would revive those projects.

To begin, I will keep my wife happy by getting rid of a ton of junk lying with me in the form of old papers, photographs in old albums, files, and books that are no longer relevant.

I presume that I will not be able to watch TV but hopefully the nearest theatre in the neighborhood will not be affected. I will take my wife out for a movie followed by a good dinner in candlelight.

My old flute lies alone and neglected. I would take it out and practice some old film tunes I used to play in my boyhood.

While the flute and my great collection of books are enough, I can also go to my terrace and watch aircraft take off and land on the runway. Even though this is so common, each time I watch a huge jumbo jet landing smoothly I am fascinated. I live close to the International airport. The fresh air on the terrace in the mornings and evenings does me a world of good.


What does sonnet 138 say about the themes of truth and love?


Answer:The sonnet talks about how lies do not hurt when their purpose is to protect lovers' feelings and preserve relationships.


The person above me is right

What is an example of a motif?


Bright light is an example of a theme employed in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to convey the love that Romeo and Juliet feel for one another as well as the possible peril of that love.

a recurring allusion to the image of broken glass (something in life is about to break)

Consistently dishonest individuals (to cue up the discovery of an unfaithful spouse)

a persona who consistently forgets things (as the loss of someone or something significant is on the horizon)

A recurring theme or idea appears repeatedly in a literary work. Motifs, which are frequently groups of associated symbols, aid in the development of a book's or play's main topics. For instance, one of Romeo's major themes

To learn more about consistently  please click on below link


at what event did maya angelou famously recite her poem on the pulse of morning?


At the Clinton inaugural ceremony Maya Angelou famously recite her poem on the pulse of morning.

Maya Angelou was a civil rights activist and memoirist from the United States. She wrote seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry, and she is credited with over 50 plays, movies, and television shows.

She was a poet, singer, autobiographer, and civil rights activist, inspires us with her words' beauty as well as their call to action. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, an autobiography about her childhood, is her most famous work. The book exemplifies the importance of resiliency in the face of discrimination.

To know more about Maya Angelou, click here.


Select the correct text in the paragraph.
Which phrase in paragraph 17 highlights a change in Mother Jones attitude towards Colonel Berdiker?
[17] One morning when my hard bread and sloppy coffee were brought to me, Colonel Berdiker said to me, ["Mother, don't eat that] stum After that [he sent my breakfast to me]-good
plain food. [He was a man with a heart,] who perhaps imagined his own mother [imprisoned in a cellar with the sewer rats' union]


The phrase in paragraph 17 that highlights a change in Mother Jone's attitude towards Colonel Berdiker is this:

[He was a man with a heart,]

What is the suggestive phrase?

The phrase it is that suggests a change in Mother Jone's attitude toward Colonel Berdiker is that which shows the positive outlook that she now had toward him.

Note that she referred to Colonel Berdiker as a man with a heart. So, perhaps Mother Jones had a negative view of the Colonel but because of his acts of kindness toward her, she was able to refer to him as a man with a heart.

Learn more about Colonel Berdiker here:


How do you declare undying love?


The most common way to express your undying love for someone is to just tell them.

Telling your partner that you love them is probably the easiest way to show that you care. It doesn't have to be a simple "I love you" either. You can use any number of words to express your love for them

By combining these two words, we can begin to understand what undying love is.When you have undying love for someone, your affection, attachment, and tenderness are fully You feel connected to them because you always care and care for them.You never stop being kind to them.

Learn more about Undying love here :


Which sentence uses the antonym of the
following word?
A. The formal handshake was quite unsuitable between
such good friends.
B. Dressed in mittens, scarf, and gloves, she was properly.
prepared for the winter's day.
C. He was appropriately astonished by the sudden marriage
of his cousin.





Both Properly and Appropriately are Synonyms of Duly, Unsuitable is the only Antonym

Read this passage, in which jim tells huck what he thinks of the duke and the king. But, huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions. Choose the sentence that best translates what jim says into standard english.


The best translation of what Jim thinks of the duke and the king to Huck into standard English is the kings are regular rascals for sure.

What does Jim think of the duke and the king in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

Jim is surprised аt the deportment of the two "royаl" people. He observes thаt they аre nothing but "rаpscаllions"- ".....But, Huck, dese kings o ourn is reglаr rаpscаllions; dаt's jist whаt dey is; dey's reglаr rаpscаllions".

Huck explаins thаt аll kings аre like thаt. How is he аble to comment on the vаrious Kings of the pаst. "Look аt Henry the Eight; this 'n' а Sundаy- school Superintendent to him. Аnd look аt Chаrles Second, аnd Louis Fourteen, аnd Louis Fifteen, аnd Jаmes Second, аnd Edwаrd Second, аnd Richаrd Third, аnd forty more; besides аll them Sаxon heptаrehies thаt used to rip аround so in old times аnd rаise Cаin....".

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full options were

a. The kings are regular rascals for sure.

b. The kings are from the days of regular rascals.

c. The kings yearn for regular rascals.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

For more information about the effect of Jim’s dialogue refer to the link:



The correct answer on Edge is A. The kings are regular rascals for sure.


What makes music of Korea unique?


Koreans have a unique characteristic of lyrical sensibility and use music to express their emotions.

How would you describe Korean music?

The art of combining voices and instrumental sounds for beauty of form and emotional expression, as practiced in Korean music, especially in South Korea and the Korean Peninsula, where strong indigenous traditions of China and Mongolia are strong.

What is the difference between Korean music and Japanese music?

Korean traditional music always has a three-bar rhythm, which is unusual in the other two music. Traditional Chinese music has its own pentatonic scale of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, while traditional Japanese music uses the "1-3-4-6-7" scale.

What influenced Korean music?

Korean musical traditions have historically been influenced by cultures across Asia. China was a neighboring country of Korea and played a particularly dominant role in musical forms in the early Middle Ages, but many types of foreign music were actively promoted in Korea throughout the first millennium AD.

To learn more about Korean music visit:


how does the author establish the connection between free-thought and ralph waldo emerson?


In "Society and Solitude," Emerson makes a case for the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance between the two. He concedes that complete seclusion is unrealistic but promotes a society in moderation, saying that "people have to be taken in very small doses."

What is Emerson's perspective on society and loneliness?

Emerson thought that a healthy society required independence, self-reliance, and non-conformity.

Ralph Waldo Emerson contrasts solitude with society in his 1857 essay "Society and Solitude," which explores the benefits of social interaction. He talks of interacting with a humorist who yearned for isolation and avoided social settings. Emerson views isolation as a sign of greatness.


To learn more about "Society and Solitude," from the given link



PERSONAL NARRATIVE: On the Road relates the tale of a protagonist who sets a goal for his trip to the West Coast, but is often diverted from his original plans and needs to adjust; sometimes he considers diversions a burden, other times he views them as a plus. Consider the ideas discussed in the texts of this unit, as well as your own experiences. Then, write a personal narrative that describes a time you set a goal and had to adjust your plans to succeed. Be sure to include thoughtful details to convey a vivid picture of your experiences.


Answer:I am sort of a 'foodie' and I have always wanted to learn how to cook gourmet dishes. My goal wasn't to become a chef. I just wanted to be able to prepare delicious meals for my family and entertain friends. I knew I couldn't attend a cooking school in person and because I needed to do it on my own schedule, I started by watching cooking shows on television. I also found and learned from free tutorials on the internet. Then, when I thought I was ready, I took the next step by enrolling in an online course. I’m happy to say that I have a much better understanding of the art involved in gourmet cooking and I even have a few of my own signature dishes."I had to faced diffrent challenges and adjust alot of things and keep learning and I suceeded.I did not give up like the passage.I keep going and I suceeded my goal.

Explanation: You Welcome!

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