Write the equation of the line in fully simplified slope-intercept form.
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Write The Equation Of The Line In Fully Simplified Slope-intercept Form.plss Help


Answer 1

Answer: y=2x-5

Step-by-step explanation:

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9. Steve claimed he had a slow start and could not keep the pace. Use the data from the rateof change to argue or defined this.10. Explain how a graph can show a rate of change more easily that a data chart.


We can see from Steves rate of change that it was steeper than Peters. That means that it took more minutes per kilometer for each kilometer. It is easier to compare when seeing it on the graph. The steeper the line, the steeper the rate of change.

help meeeeeeeeee pleasee


Answer: 2.5, 5.3

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]-16t^2 +126t=217\\ \\ 16t^2 -126t+217=0\\\\t=\frac{-(-126) \pm \sqrt{(-126)^2 -4(16)(217)}}{2(16)}\\\\t \approx 2.5, 5.3[/tex]

Which istogram corect shows the one Number of people Number of books


Number of people in the range 0-2 books: 3

Number of people in the range 3-5 books: 6

Number of people in the range 6-8 books: 4

Number of people in the range 9-11 books: 2

Therefore, the correct histogram is option C

A lawnmower designer wants to build a lawnmower that measures
8 feet in height, 3 feet width, and 7 feet in length. She needs to construct a three dimensional model of the lawnmower. First, determine
the width for the scale model given a height of 10 inches?


The width of the scale model given a height of 10 inches as in the task content is; 3.75 inches.

What is width of the scale model given a height of 10 inches?

It follows from the task content that the width of the scale model is to be determined given a height of 10 inches.

According to the design, the lawnmower measures; 8 feet in height, 3 feet width, and 7 feet in length.

Hence, since 8 feet in height corresponds to 10 inches on the scale, the width on the scale can be determined by proportion as;

8/10 = 3/x

x = ( 10 × 3 ) / 8

x = 30/8

x = 3.75 inches.

Therefore, the width on the scale as required is; 3.75 inches.

Read more on proportion;







Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]3 \leq x-2 \\ \\ x-2 \geq 3 \\ \\ x \geq 5[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

if it is supposed to be more or equal to then it has to add 5 or more. It has to add 5 or more because the 2 is negative and 5-2 is 3 so it has to be at least 5

Which lines are parallel if x=y?



the horizontal lines for #9 and those slanted ones for #10

Step-by-step explanation:

parallel lines are lines that never intercept. if these following lines continue infinetly they will never touch

Suppose your math teacher was running for Governor. In a pre-election poll of 750 people, the estimate (called a point estimate) was 40%, meaning that 40% of the people would vote for your math teacher. Suppose there was a 4% margin of error. How many people (out of 750) said they would vote for your math teacher? Show your work. Write the answer as a complete sentence.



- 40% of peole would vote for the mMath teacher out f the 750 people. This implies that the number of people tahat would vote for him is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 40\%\times750 \\ \frac{40}{100}\times750=300\text{ people} \end{gathered}[/tex]

- We are also told that there is a margin of error of 4%. This implies that the number of people that vote for the math teacher is either 4% more or 4% less than the 300 people

- 4% margin of error can be gotten as follows:


- Thus, the number of people that vote for him is 300 give or take 30 people

If f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 3x - 1, find f(g(x))


Given the following functions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^2 \\ g(x)=3x-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To compose then, is basically use the inside function as the argument.


If we call '3x-1' as 'u'

We know the following

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(u)=u^2 \\ u=3x-1\Rightarrow f(3x-1)=(3x-1)^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And this is our answer.


The length of a rectangle is 3 m longer than its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 36 m, find its length and width.
Group of answer choices

width = 7.5 m, length = 10.5 m

width = 16.5 m, length = 13.5 m

width = 16.5 m, length = 19.5 m

width = 7.5 m, length = 4.5 m


The length and width of the rectangle are (a) width = 7.5 m, length = 10.5 m

Let the width (W) = x

Length (L) = x+3

According to question,

Perimeter = 36m

Perimeter = 2(L + W)

           36 = 2(x+3+x)

      36 / 2 = 2x + 3

            18 = 2x + 3

       18 - 3 = 2x

            15 = 2x

              x = 15 / 2

              x = 7.5

Length = x+3

            = 7.5 + 3

            = 10.5

Hence, width = 7.5m and length = 10.5m

Learn more about length on:



help me answer this question please


h ---> Independent Variable

c ---> Dependent variable

h is time, So domain is discrete.


In the question:

The function c = 15 + 9h represent the amount c (in dollars)

It will cost you for a one - time lawn care service of h hours.

To find the independent and dependent variables .

To check the domain discrete or continuous.

Now, According to the question:

What is domain discrete or continuous?

A discrete domain is a set of input values that consists of only certain numbers in an interval. A continuous domain is a set of input values that consists of all numbers in an interval. Sometimes the set of points that represent the solutions of an equation are distinct, and other times the points are connected.

According to the above statement :

Hence, h ---> Independent Variable

c ---> Dependent variable

h is time, So domain is discrete.

Learn more about Domain at:



Convert the following fraction to a decimal 3/10



Step-by-step explanation: 0.3


Step-by-step explanation:

1. The answer is 0.3.

what is -8(×+2)+2(×-1)=



To find the answer:

1. Remove parenthesis by multiplying the number outside parenthesis

Can anyone help me find the scale factor?



scal factor = 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

the scale factor is the ratio of corresponding sides, image to original, that is

scale factor = [tex]\frac{C'D'}{CD}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{6}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] = 1.5

Show that the equation is not an identity by finding a value of x for which both sides are defines but not equal.


We are given the expression:

[tex]\cos (x-\pi)=\cos (x)[/tex]

We, simply replace the values of solution given and then determine in which it is not a solution, but we can see that when we replace x = 0, we will get:

[tex]\cos (\pi)\ne\cos (0)[/tex]

So, this proves that the function is not an identity.

One third times the difference of thirty and a variable is three fourths. one third times the quantity 30 minus y equals three fourths one third times the quantity y minus 30 equals three fourths one third times 30 minus y equals three fourths one third times y minus 30 equals three fourths


The original statement is same as third statment and value of y is 27.

Writing the equation form for each statement -

Let the variable be represented as y.

One third times the difference of thirty and a variable is three fourths

1/3(30 - y) = 3/4

one third times the quantity 30 minus y equals three fourths

1/3×30 - y = 3/4

one third times the quantity y minus 30 equals three fourths

1/3×y - 30 = 3/4

one third times 30 minus y equals three fourths

1/3(30 - y) = 3/4

one third times y minus 30 equals three fourths

1/3(y - 30) = 3/4

Based on the interpretation of all the sentences in equation form, we find the statement 3 to be same as original statement. Solving the equation to get the value of y.

1/3(30 - y) = 3/4

10 - y/3 = 3/4

10 = 3/4 + y/3

10 = (3×4 + y×4)/12

10×12 = 12 + 4y

4y + 12 = 120

4y = 120 - 12

4y = 108

y = 27

Hence, the value of y is 27.

Learn more about equations -




the answer is A.

1 over 3 (30 - y) = 3 over 4


-download them and draw over them or write over them


The system of equations are y = 50 + 100x and y = 300 + 75x which is linear equations in two variables.

What is a straight line?

A straight line is a combination of endless points joined on both sides of the point.

A linear equation has the form y = mx + b in the slope-intercept format. X and Y are the variables in the equation. The values m and b represent the line's slope (m) and the value of y when x is 0.

[tex]\rm m =\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

The linear equation can be written in form of:

y = mx + c

From the question:

The equation for Little Learners Pre-School:

y = 50 + 100x

The equation for Growing Place Pre-School:

y = 300 + 75x

Thus, the system of equations are y = 50 + 100x and y = 300 + 75x which is linear equations in two variables.

Learn more about the straight line here:



Simplify the expression ✔️72What is the coefficient aWhat is the radicand b


we have the expression


Remember that







1 2 What is the probability of an event that is certain?


The probability of an event is a number describing the chance that the event will happen. An event that is certain to happen has a probability of 1. An event that cannot possibly happen has a probability of zero. If there is a chance that an event will happen, then its probability is between zero and 1.

An event that is certain to happen has a probability of 1.

Expand. Your answer should be a polynomial in standard form.
(x - 2)(x - 6) =​


(x-2) (x-6)




Write 2^40 as a power with the following base: 2^10


The equivalent expression as a base of 2¹⁰ is (2¹⁰)⁴

How to rewrite the expression?

The mathematical statement in the question implies that

We rewrite 2^40 as a power in the base 2^10

Start by expressing the given number properly

So, we have


Express 40 as the product of 10 and 4

So, we have

2⁴⁰ = 2¹⁰ ˣ ⁴

Express as exponents

So, we have the following representation

2⁴⁰ = (2¹⁰)⁴

Hence, the new expression is (2¹⁰)⁴

Read more about expressions at



Construct a Venn diagram to determine the validity of the argument (Use Euler's diagram)Some animals are dangerousA car is not an animalTherefore a car is not dangerous


We will have the following:

Here it is the Venn diagram for both; the statement is not valid, since they fall in different categories.

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: Width = 4.7 meters, Length = 6.7 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the width be [tex]w[/tex]. It follows that the length is [tex]w+2[/tex].

[tex]w(w+2)=32\\\\w^2+ 2w-32=0\\\\w=\frac{-2 \pm \sqrt{2^2 -4(1)(-32)}}{2(1)}\\\\w \approx 4.7 \text{ } (w > 0)\\\\\implies w+2 \approx 6.7[/tex]

Write an equation of the line in point-slope form that passes through the given points in the table. Then write the equation in slope-interceptform.x1520253035HHHу160200240280320An equation of the line in point-slope form is


Point slope form: y - 160 = 8(x-15)

Slope intercept form: y = 8x + 40


To write an equation of the line in point-slope form that passes through the given points in the table, we need to pick any two of the points in the table for x and y axis and find the changes of x and y

Points chosen: (20, 200) and (15, 160)

m = slope = (change in y)/ (change in x)

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ = }\frac{200-160}{20-15}\text{ = }\frac{40}{5} \\ m\text{ = 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Point-slope form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1)\text{ then we would pick any of the points used earlier} \\ U\sin g\text{ (15, 160)} \\ y\text{ - 160 = 8( x - 15)} \\ y\text{ - 160 = 8x -120} \\ y\text{ =}8x\text{ + 40} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation in the slope intercept form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ = mx + b} \\ y\text{ = 8x + 40} \\ \text{where m = 8 b = intercept = 40} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, Point slope form: y - 160 = 8(x-15)

Slope intercept form: y = 8x + 40

BICPPStatistics: Assignment 2.05Name:We asked 10 randomly selected students in a Speech and Debate class how manycollege courses they had passed prior to taking this class. Their responses areshown below. Find the sample mean and the median.4, 8, 14, 7, 0, 8, 2, 10, 3, 12


The rule of the mean is


We will find the sum of the given numbers, then divide it by how many numbers

The given numbers are

4, 8, 14, 7, 0, 8, 2, 10, 3, 12

Their sum = 68

There are 10 numbers, then


To find the median we have to arrange the numbers from smallest to greatest, then take the middle number

0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14

Since there are 10 numbers, then there are 2 numbers in the middle

Then we will find their average by adding them and dividing their sum by 2

The 2 middle numbers are the 5th and the 6th positions

The 2 middle numbers are 7 and 8


The answers are:

Sample mean = 6.8

The median = 7.5

need helpp pls i don't know how to do it.



The value of angle QXS is;

[tex]m\measuredangle QXS=40^0[/tex]


From the given diagram in question 1:

We can see that angle QXT equals the sum of angle SXT and angle QXS;

[tex]m\measuredangle QXT=m\measuredangle SXT+m\measuredangle QXS[/tex]

Given in the question is the value of angle SXT and angle QXS;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\measuredangle SXT=4x+1 \\ m\measuredangle QXS=2x-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values into the equation above;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\measuredangle QXT=m\measuredangle SXT+m\measuredangle QXS \\ m\measuredangle QXT=4x+1+2x-2 \\ m\measuredangle QXT=4x+2x+1-2 \\ m\measuredangle QXT=6x-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since angle QXT is equal to 125 degree, then;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\measuredangle QXT=6x-1=125 \\ 6x-1=125 \\ 6x=125+1 \\ 6x=126 \\ \frac{6x}{6}=\frac{126}{6} \\ x=21 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can now substitute the value of x to get the value of angle QXS;

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\measuredangle QXS=2x-2 \\ m\measuredangle QXS=2(21)-2 \\ m\measuredangle QXS=42-2 \\ m\measuredangle QXS=40^0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of angle QXS is;

[tex]m\measuredangle QXS=40^0[/tex]

Which statements correctly compare two numbers? Select all that apply.
A. 0.1 < 0.125
B. 0.2 < 0.125
C. 0.125 > 0.13
D. 0.125 > 0.12
E. 0.126 < 0.125


A statement like that. An assertion is a single statement or comment. b: an information or idea report, 1 < 0.125= True, 125 > 0.12=True, and 126 < 0.125=True

What is meant by assertion?An assertion is a precise, unequivocal mathematical statement stating that something is true (e.g., that some relation between mathematical objects holds; that some object has some property; etc.). To qualify an assertion, it is not necessary for the statement to be true. An assertion is an emphatic declaration made as part of an argument or as if it is to be understood as a statement of fact. To assert is to make a strong statement. So when someone makes an assertion, they aren't just experimenting with a new idea; they truly believe it. A fundamental assertion is a simple statement that expresses a belief, feeling, opinion, or preference.

To learn more about assertion, refer to



What are the missing parts that correctly complete the proof? given: point m is on the bisector of angle j k l. prove: point m is equidistant from the sides of angle j k l. art: three rays k j, k m, and k l point in rightward direction sharing a common endpoint at k. ray k m is horizontal and bisects angle j k l equally. the perpendicular from point m to ray k j is made by a dotted line. the perpendicular cuts ray k j at x. angle k x m is labeled a right angle. the perpendicular from point m to ray k l is made by another dotted line. the perpendicular cuts ray k l at y. angle k y m is labeled a right angle. drag the answers into the boxes to correctly complete the proof.


The missing parts of proof are:

∠JKM≅∠LKMMK≅MKAAS Congruence PostulateCorresponding parts of congruent triangle are equalDefinition of equidistant

Explain property of angles

In geometry, a line that divides an angle into two equal angles is referred to as an angle bisector. By definition, a bisector is something that divides an object or a shape into two equal parts. A ray is said to be an angle bisector if it divides an angle into two equal portions of the same measure.

Angle Bisector's Qualities:

All of the angle bisector's points are equally spaced from both of the angle's arms.Any angle, including acute, obtuse, and right angles, can have an angle bisector drawn to it.The ratio by which the angle bisector splits the opposite side of a triangle is the same as the ratio by which the other two sides are divided.


KM is the bisector of ∠JKL

1. As per the definition of bisector, ∠JKM≅∠LKM


∠KXM and ∠KYM are right angles

∠KXM≅∠KYM because all right angles are congruent

2. Because of Reflexive Property of congruence, MK≅MK

3. Given △KXM≅△KYM, AAS congruence postulate

4. Given MX≅MY, this is according to CPCTE property

5. Given, Point M is equidistant from the sides of ∠JKL, as per the definition of equidistant

To know more about bisector, visit:



the measure of one of the acute angles in a right triangle is (2y) what is the other acute angle


The measure of the other acute angle in the right triangle is 90 - 2y

How to determine the other acute angle?

The given parameters in the question are:

Shape = right triangle

Acute angle = 2y

The measures of acute angles in a right triangle add up to 90

This can be represented mathematically as

Acute angle + Other angle = 90

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

2y + Other angle = 90

This gives

Other angle = 90 - 2y

Hence, the other angle is 90 - 2y

Read more about acute angles at



There is a line whose y-intercept is -5 and whose slope is 10 What is its equation in
slope-intercept form?


y=10x-5 is the slope-intercept form

y-intercept= -5,

slope m= 10,

The slope-intercept formula y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the intercept.

y = y coordinate

m = slope

x = x coordinate

b = y intercept

The slope intercept form of a straight line is one of the most common forms used to represent the equation of a line.

the slope of the line to be examined and the point given is also the y-intercept (0, b)

by putting the given information in the question we get,


therefore,y=10x-5 is the slope-intercept form

Learn more about slope-intercept form questions:


Which fraction is equivalent to 80%? (in simplest fraction form)



4/5 or four fifths

Step-by-step explanation:

First you make 80% the fraction 80/100

Next you find the greatest common factor (GCF) which in each of them is 20

Finally you divide 80 and 100 by 20 and you get 4 and five now make them a fraction and you get 4/5

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