Write at least 5 sentences about the Gospel Matthew 5:1


Answer 1

The 5 sentences about Gospel Matthew are discussed below :

Gospel Matthew tells us the tale of Jesus with an accent on His part as Messiah, or Christ

The philosophy of Matthew was written as an reason against the expostulations and traducing of the Jews, which were soon also espoused by the gentiles.

Matthew's philosophy is easily authored for a Jewish Christian followership living within the instant closeness of the motherland itself. Matthew's is the most Jewish of all the gospels.

The philosophy of Matthew, still, lists five women, each of whom formed Jesus ’ line again complicated.

The symbol for the Gospel of Matthew is a winged man. In Matthew of Gospel, the Gospel of His humanity; for which case it is, too, that the icon of a humble and demure man is observed up through the entire philosophy

What's your reflection on the philosophy of Matthew?

The philosophy of Matthew presents the part of Jesus, Son of God and Messiah, in God's strategy. Jesus teaches us that devotion in Him and loving and serving God by loving and serving one another is our route to everlasting life. Religionists know Book is necessary for a full life in Christ.

What's the main message of the Gospel?

The philosophy or good news is a theological conception in several persuasions. In the literal Roman imperial cult and moment in Christianity, the philosophy is a communication about deliverance by a godly figure, a rescuer, who has convinced peace or other advantages to humankind.

Learn more about Matthew of Gospel :



Related Questions

Review the following two paragraphs and add a topic sentence separately to help the readers understand what the paragraphs are about. Also, color-code your topic sentence in blue.

1. In our society everything is used for personal attraction and social success and breast-feeding is supposed to spoil these. What might be tempting on a Cosmopolitan cover is looked down upon when the same part of the body is used for feeding (one might remember another episode in Seinfeld in which a scantly-clad friend of Elaine walks on the road only to lead Kramer and Jerry to a car accident). Many women even in this Feminist age still believe that breastfeeding does not have any health value for children and are worried that breastfeeding would only spoil their

2. Some thinkers have argued that if men are mostly built to get financial security, women are designed for the birth and welfare of
children and thus breast-feeding is a
biological necessity. Gillian Bentley, a Royal Society research fellow at the UniversityCollege in London, England, argues that woman’s breasts were meant for feeding
babies and not for any romantic purpose. Even the books on motherhood do not suggest that breastfeeding is a personal right which has a social purpose and doing it in public is perfectly all right. In some states it is not legal to nurse a child in public, and law-makers fear that allowing this practice in
public would allow women with exhibitionist tendency to misuse the activity (Tamaro 145).


Paragraph 1: Society's supremacy on breastfeeding women

Reason for choice: In the paragraph it is explaining how society's typical views on women's attractiveness is affected by the changes of breastfeeding.

Paragraph 2: Discriminatory opinions on the presence of breastfeeding

Reason for choice: In the paragraph it is debating that different sources give different views on the presence of breastfeeding in public. Some books agree that it is a privilege to breastfeed however some states disregard

Hope this helps, have a great day!

Which of the extracts shows evidence of bias the history of electric cars


The extracts which show evidence of bias in the history of electric cars are extracted 2.

What is the evidence?

Evidence is referred to as proof based on factual information which helps to validate the occurrence of the event. It helps to determine whether the action took place or not by providing credentials.

When the person conducting the data analysis seeks to support a priori assumptions, bias is present. An extreme data result that is much higher or lower than the range of practically all the other values is known as an outlier.

Therefore, extract 2 is appropriate.

Learn more about Evidence, here:



The complete question is Probably

Which of the extracts show(s) evidence of bias?

Extract 1 Extract 2 Both Extracts Neither Extract

Extract 1

The history of electric cars dates back to the creation of the car at the start of the 20th century. However, the internal combustion engine, which runs on petrol or diesel, soon took the lead, and electric vehicles (also known as EVs) were deliberately neglected for many decades (except for the famous milk float, of course.)

Extract 2

The growth in the number of electric vehicles (EVs) seems almost unstoppable. EV registrations in the UK last year saw a 105% increase, and many mainstream car manufacturers have announced plans to increase their investment in the sector. On a global scale, too, the signs look promising, as reports show that sales of EVs grew by 30% last year, although that growth is from a low starting base

What would Emerson say is the inspiration provided by great thinkers such as the Biblical character Moses, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, and the English poet John Milton?

A. They provide examples of how to live life; all we have to do is live our lives in the exact same way they lived theirs.

B. They spoke what they thought, not what others thought.

C. They followed their leaders and did what they were told.

D. They explained what people of their day thought.


Answer:  They spoke what they thought, not what others thought.

Read the story "The Patient Cat" from The Pig Brother and Other Fables and Stories by Laura E. Richards

When the spotted cat first found the nest, there was nothing in it, for it was only just finished. So she said, "I will wait!" for she was a patient cat, and the summer was before her. She waited a week, and then she climbed up again to the top of the tree, and peeped into the nest. There lay two lovely blue eggs, smooth and shining.

The spotted cat said, "Eggs may be good, but young birds are better. I will wait." So she waited; and while she was waiting, she caught mice and rats, and washed herself and slept, and did all that a spotted cat should do to pass the time away.

When another week had passed, she climbed the tree again and peeped into the next. This time there were five eggs. But the spotted cat said again, "Eggs may be good, but young birds are better. I will wait a little longer!"

So she waited a little longer and then went up again to look. Ah! There were five tiny birds, with big eyes and long necks, and yellow beaks wide open. Then the spotted cat sat down on the branch, and licked her nose and purred, for she was very happy. "It is worth while to be patient!" she said.

But when she looked again at the young birds, to see which one she should take first, she saw that they were very thin,—oh very, very thin they were! The spotted cat had never seen anything so thin in her life.

"Now," she said to herself, "if I were to wait only a few days longer, they would grow fat. Thin birds may be good, but fat birds are much better. I will wait!"

So she waited; and she watched the father-bird bringing worms all day long to the nest, and said, "Aha! They must be fattening fast! They will soon be as fat as I wish them to be. Aha! What a good thing it is to be patient."

At last, one day she thought, "Surely, now they must be fat enough! I will not wait another day. Aha! How good they will be!"

So she climbed up the tree, licking her chops all the way and thinking of the fat young birds. And when she reached the top and looked into the nest, it was empty!

Then the spotted cat sat down on the branch and spoke thus, "Well, of all the horrid, mean, ungrateful creatures I ever say, those birds are the horridest, and the meanest, and the most ungrateful! Mi-a-u-ow!!!"

In a paragraph of 5–7 sentences, respond to the following questions:

What is the theme of this story?
Is it stated or implied?
How did the theme develop over the course of the story?


At least in "The Patient Cat," the main character is a flat person.

A character is referred to as the protagonist or main character in a story. Character is a crucial component of the story since they control or are the center of the narrative. Its protagonist might have a unique backstory and character.

It is a flat character since it is shown in the narrative, where the marked cat exhibits patience by holding off on snatching the birds until they have grown and filled out, at which point he realizes they are no longer visible.

The theme of the passage is patience.

To learn more about Character here:



how the example dystopian work fits into the elements of dystopian literature


Societies marked by extreme social and economic class differences, mass poverty, environmental devastation, anarchy, and loss of individuality are common characteristics in dystopian fiction.

What are the elements of dystopian literature?Societies marked by extreme social and economic class differences, mass poverty, environmental devastation, anarchy, and loss of individuality are common characteristics in dystopian fiction.The most well-known dystopia on this list is Aldous Huxley's empirical, economically regulated society that suppresses emotions and nonconformity.The ultimate goal of dystopian fiction is to provide comments on modern society via the lens of an unfamiliar context.A dystopia is "an imaginary location or state in which everything is as horrible as it can be." The simplest approach to think about dystopias and dystopian literature is to understand that a dystopia is frequently the result of a society organizing its administration and laws around good.

To learn more about Dystopian fiction refer,



Correct the 2 misspellings in each of these passages of text. The prices of the three major forms of car fuel – diesel, petrel and electricity – have incraesed substantially over the last few years. When you are manually checking your car's oil, always ensure that it is first parked on leval ground and that the handbreak is fully engaged. Then open your bonnet and locate the dipstick, if your car has one






Answer: The prices of the three major forms of car fuel – diesel, petrel and electricity – have incraesed (INCREASED) substantially over the last few years. When you are manually checking your car's oil, always ensure that it is first parked on leval (LEVEL) ground and that the handbreak is fully engaged. Then open your bonnet and locate the dipstick, if your car has one.

You can only use a Boolean Operator one time in a search string. True False



Multiple Boolean operators can be used in a single sentence. The fact that there are several statements doesn't matter. For the evaluation of the entire to be Truthful, each statement must be true. There could be countless statements.

Boolean operator are straightforward words (AND, OR, NOT, or AND NOT) that are used as conjunctions in searches to combine or exclude keywords, producing more specialised and useful results. Through the elimination of irrelevant hits that must be scanned before being discarded, time and effort should be saved.

OR, NOT, AND. The three fundamental Boolean search operators are AND, OR, and NOT. All search phrases are found through AND searches. For instance, a search for dengue, malaria, and zika only yields results that include all three search phrases.

To know more about Boolean Operator, click on the link below:



Change these sentences from direct to reported speech. a) "Olu is sick," the teacher said.
b) "Give me your wallet," the woman said to her son.
c) "They came late yesterday," the teacher complained.
d) The man said, "I am here.
e) "I will come back tomorrow", the old man said.
f) "Water is life," the doctor said. ​


a) The teacher said that Olu was sick.

b) The woman told her son to give her his wallet.

c) The teacher complained that they came late the previous day.

d) The man said that he was there.

e) The old man said that he will come back the next day.

f) The doctor said that water is life. ​

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken whereas reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken.

Time and place changes as follows

Yesterday - the day before/the previous day.

Tomorrow - the next/following day

Today - that day

Here - there

In general, personal pronouns change to the third person singular or plural, except when the speaker reports his own words:

I/me/my/mine, you/your/yours = him/his/her/hers

we/us/our/ours, you/your/yours = they/their/theirs

a) Here, the verb 'is' will change to past tense i.e 'was' as reported or indirect speech is always in the past tense.

b) Here, the verb 'said to' will be changed to 'told' told better emphasize the imperativeness of the sentence. all the first-person pronouns and second-person pronouns will change to third-person pronouns. So, 'me' and 'your' will become 'her' and 'his' to suit the sentence.

c) Here, yesterday will change to the previous day or the day before.

d) Here, the word denoting place 'here' will be changed to 'there'.

e) Here, tomorrow will change to the next day or the following day.

f) When the reported clause of a direct speech is a universal truth or any historical event or habitual action, then the tense of the indirect speech doesn’t change, no matter in whatever tense the reporting verb is.

Read more about Indirect Speech:



a) The teacher said that Olu was sick.

b) The woman told her son to give her his wallet.

c) The teacher complained that they came late the previous day.

d) The man said that he was there.

e) The old man said that he will come back the next day.

f) The doctor said that water is life.


         The sentences in the question are direct speech. This kind of speech relays the exact words spoken by the subject. All sentences are converted to reported speech. An alternative term would be indirect speech.

         This kind of speech is usually talked about in the past. The question has a plethora of different types of conversions.

         In the first sentence, the tense of the verb is changed to past tense. The second sentence conversion changes all pronouns to third-person pronouns. In the third sentence, the time changes from yesterday to the previous day.

         The fourth sentence changes the place. Just like the third sentence, in the fifth sentence, time is changing. The sixth sentence is a universal truth (the same rule applies to historical events or habitual actions) so the tense cannot change.

To learn more about what a universal truth is, click the link given below



Which of the following sentences properly uses semicolons in a serial list?

There are some great apps you can download to your phone for self-care, like Forest; which helps you stay off your phone when you need to focus on other things, Plant Nanny; which reminds you to drink water, and Headspace; which helps you fall asleep.
There are some great apps you can download to your phone for self-care; like Forest; which helps you stay off your phone when you need to focus on other things; Plant Nanny; which reminds you to drink water; and Headspace; which helps you fall asleep.
There are some great apps you can download to your phone for self-care; like Forest, which helps you stay off your phone when you need to focus on other things, Plant Nanny, which reminds you to drink water, and Headspace, which helps you fall asleep.
There are some great apps you can download to your phone for self-care, like Forest, which helps you stay off your phone when you need to focus on other things; Plant Nanny, which reminds you to drink water; and Headspace, which helps you fall asleep.


The sentence that properly uses semicolons in a serial list is as follows:

There is so much you can do to cut down on waste, such as composting, which uses food waste to help plants grow; recycling, which keeps plastic, metal, and glass out of landfills; and thrifting, which cuts down on clothing waste from fast fashion.

Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is Semicolon?

A Semicolon may be defined as a type of punctuation mark that typically consists of a period put on top of a comma. The function of this is to deliver a small stop, less than a comma in the literature.

Semicolons can be utilized to join two independent clauses without coordinating conjunctions. It is also used in the construction of serial lists. Apart from this, a semicolon is used to introduce evidence for a preceding statement.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Semicolon, refer to the link:


Answer: The answer Is Option D


There are some great apps you can download to your phone for self-care, like Forest, which helps you stay off your phone when you need to focus on other things; Plant Nanny, which reminds you to drink water; and Headspace, which helps you fall asleep.

One thing I would really love


Getting out of school with a highschool diploma.

in the mvc architecture the functionality of the system is organized into services, with each service delivered from a separate server..........(t/f)


It is false that in the MVC architecture the functionality of the system is organized into services, with each service delivered from a separate server.

The above statement is true for client–server architecture. Because in client–server architecture, the functionality of the system is organized into services and each service can be delivered from a separate server.

Client-server architecture is an architecture of a computer network in which the server is responsible for hosting, delivering and managing the resources or the services for which the client requests.

Each of the requested services is delivered from a separate server. The system's functionality is organized into various layers.

To know more about Client-server here



expository paragraph percy jackson and the sea of monsters please help


Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is a 2013 fantasy adventure film directed by Thor Freudenthal and based on Rick Riordan's 2006 novel The Sea of Monsters. It is the second and final installment in the Percy Jackson film series, following Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010).

What is an expository paragraph?

Expository (or informative) writing investigates, shares, explains, or defines a particular topic or idea. This type of writing does not express the writer's point of view or tell a story; its goal is not to persuade, and the writer's tone should be neutral.

Scientific reports, academic essays, and magazine articles are some of the most common examples of expository writing. An expository writer cannot assume that potential readers already know or understand the information they present.

The film continues Percy Jackson's (Logan Lerman) and his friends' adventures as they travel to the eponymous Sea of Monsters in search of the Golden Fleece in order to save the tree barrier that protects their home.

Learn more about expository paragraph on:



Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume an exceptionally talented and productive American author.

Which of the following lists represents text evidence pieces that all support the central idea in this paragraph?

a Four decades, many awards, best known for pre-teen novels
b Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels
c Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, best-seller list, interview
d American writer, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, 30 novels


The following lists represents text evidence pieces that support the central idea of this paragraph are:

Four decades, many awards, best known for pre-teen novels.

Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels.

American writer, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, 30 novels.

An explanation of a story's major scenario is referred to as the key concept. The main concept is supported by every conflict, supporting detail, and story thread. The primary concept, often known as the key idea, is a succinct synthesis of the major subject matter of the whole narrative. Usually, we give the main concept in a single statement.

Hence the correct option is A, B and D

To know more about Central idea here



Something that has bounds or limits is called:
a. Encroachment
b. Finite
c. Commodity
d. Corporate Privatization
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer: a. Encroachment


The other options have different meanings.


Describe the mood at end of the poem​


Answer: The mood is caring, loving, and comforting.

Explanation: The mood toward the end of the poem becomes sad, but the final line of the poem lifts the mood once again as the poet realises that his grannie may look different, but she has not changed, and her love for him has certainly not changed.

complete the following sentences using appropriate simple past or past continuous forms
1. As I ........(open) my eyes , I ..... (see) a strange sight.
2. while you ......(play) in the garden , I (work).
3. As I...... (walk) down the street , I see Nilu driving a car.
4. While they ... (work) ij the backyard , someone...... (break) into the house.
5. When I was a child , we ...... (love) in Singapore.
6. When I ...... (sit) under the tree , an apple..... (fall) on my head.
7. She ..... (look) at me as if she (know) me.
8. While I .... (drive), I..... (have) an accident.
9. Kulu..... (have) dinner and then she .... (do) her homework.
10. the thieves .... (hide) in the kitchen when the police.... (come) in.​



opened, saw

were playing, was working

was walking

were working, was breaking


sat, fell

looked, knew

was driving, had

had, did

were hiding, came


the character who is the opponent or is against of the main character or the main character's actions *





the antagonist is the opposite of the protagonist, which is what the main character is

Answer: Antagonist


What even happened first in Edgar Allen pies the black cat


The event that happens first in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Black Cat" is option C: The narrator says he will die the following day.

What's the story behind The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe?

The protagonist of "The Black Cat" is an alcoholic who is motivated by addiction. Pluto, his cat, is killed and tortured by him. Then a stray cat that resembles the cat he killed almost perfectly, save for a gallows mark on its chest, follows him home, making him act out even more recklessly.

Therefore, The most significant one is how the narrator uses alcohol to go from being a family man who adores his wife and pets to a depressed unstable person who hangs his cat, removes the eye from his animal, and eventually kills his wife. The narrator's alcohol addiction is to blame for this psychological change.

Learn more about  The Black Cat from


See correct question below

which of the following events happens first in edgar allan poe's "the black cat"? a. the narrator relates information about his childhood and the happy early years of his marriage. b. the narrator kills his wife in a fit of anger and hides her body within the walls of the cellar. c. the narrator says he will die the following day as a consequence of his actions. d. the narrator finds a second cat in a tavern and decides to bring it home with him.

Kenich story of the paper airplane makes the author happy because


Kenichi’s story of the paper airplanes makes the author feel happy because A she knows how much her uncle loved airplanes when he was a boy.

What does the term "paper airplane" mean?

Noun. A toy airplane created by folding a sheet of paper is known as a paper airplane in the US. (US, aviation) a project for an aircraft.

Therefore, A paper plane is a model airplane that is often formed using a single folded sheet of paper or paperboard as a glider. Paper darts are basic, nose-heavy paper airplanes that are launched like darts. From the story,  the impulse to compose Paper Aeroplanes was motivated by memoirs from Dawn O'Porter's earlier years and her wish to record them in a tale format, according to interviews she has granted.

Learn more about paper airplanes from


See full question below

Paper Airplanes

Kenichi’s story of the paper airplanes makes

the author feel happy because —

A she knows how much her uncle loved

airplanes when he was a boy

B she has a new memory to add to the

book of her past

C her uncle is pleased with her novel

D she looks forward to writing about it


2. PART B: Which detail from the drama best
supports the answer to Part A?
OA. "Linda: I heard that bystanders there
kicked the protesters and squirted
ketchup on their heads." (Paragraph 5)
B. "Our parents' generation has made
some progres with boycotts, but things
are moving too slowly. (Paragraph 9)
OC. "The waitress has been afraid a sit-in
might happen at her lunch counter. She
does not want to serve the students."
(Paragraph 13)
OD. "Narrator: Student sit-ins spread
through the South and succeeded in
integrating lunch counters in many
cities." (Paragraph 27)


The detail from the drama that best supports the answer to Part A is "The waitress has been afraid a sit-in might happen at her lunch counter."

Who are protestors?

Protestors are those people who express their disapproval of something in public. Some people may not approve of something but they don't express it. They may just not show their agitations and are called silent protestors.

Who are the bystanders?

Bystanders are people who are a witness to an event or an incident who abstains from participation. In the scenario given the people who were the witnesses kicked the protestors and squirted ketchup on the protestor's faces.

So the above created the scene which made the waitress scared. After this incident, she was scared to serve the students.

Therefore, the detail from the drama that best supports the answer to Part A is " The waitress has been afraid a sit-in might happen at her lunch counter. "

To learn more about the bystanders use the link below:



QUESTION: Why does
Douglass compare certain
forms of expression to
natural phenomena?


According to Frederick Douglass, people are not born with the characteristics of slaveholders or slaves. Nobody is born with the ability to abuse or execute cruelty upon everyone.

Who is Douglass?

He rose to prominence in the anti-slavery, which worked to abolish slavery both prior to and throughout the American Civil War. He persisted in advocating for human rights along with equal opportunity until the war and also the Emancipation Proclamation 

According to Douglass, human nature is a formed condition that can recognize a dependent individual, though it can feel sympathy for him. Douglass spent his entire life examining humanity through to the eyes of individuals who actually experienced social communication.

Learn more about Douglass, here:



In "The Rose That Grew From Concrete", the poet uses an extended metaphor with his image of the rose and concrete. What is the metaphor meant to represent?

Write a response that is 3-4 sentences in length, at minimum, and use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Be sure to --

Clearly state your claim

Develop your evidence

Provide textual evidence

Proofread your response for spelling, grammar, and syntax.



In this poem, the rose is the metaphor of the poet himself, who was able to come out of the ghetto and make something out of himself.

In the metaphor  "The Rose That Grew From Concrete"  The rose expresses the brilliance that may emerge from challenging circumstances, while the concrete represents the ghetto's resilience.

What do you mean by Metaphor?

Metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or phrase is used to describe something or do something that it does not literally apply to.

Tupac Shakur's poetry "The Rose That Grew from Concrete" explores the idea of becoming something great from a location that isn't typically thought of as being wonderful. He employs the rose, which is acknowledged as being beautiful despite its flaws, in this poetry. the metaphor describe about overcoming the challenges and conflicts we encounter along the route to achieving our life goals.

As a result, The rose expresses the brilliance that may emerge from challenging circumstances, while the concrete represents the ghetto's resilience.

Learn more about Metaphor, here;



message writing(help me plss


The message writing-

Writing messages

One of the frequent formal writing styles that we study in school is message writing. When we need to interact with or contact someone but are unable to do so directly, we send them a message.

How can you craft an effective message?

positive messagesAre obvious. Try to make your message as clear as you can. Avoid using excessive language or writing too much. ...are finished. Include all pertinent details. Consider the scenario from your readers' point of view. ...are accurate. Proofread everything before sending it.

Learn more about messages https://brainly.com/question/12871573


How much is Sonny responsible for his own drug habit? Should others have to pay for him to receive help? In other words, should tax payers be
responsible for people like Sonny?
Make an argument and defend your argument in a well-developed paragraph.


Baldwin examines how drugs affect drug users' families in "Sonny's Blues." Artistic skill, lives, and relationships with family members are all destroyed by heroin misuse. Sonny utilizes narcotics to escape from a depressing, stressful, and suffering-filled atmosphere.

Why was Sonny in Sonny's Blues using drugs?Baldwin examines how drugs affect drug users' families in "Sonny's Blues." Artistic skill, lives, and relationships with family members are all destroyed by heroin misuse. Sonny utilizes narcotics to escape from a depressing, stressful, and suffering-filled atmosphere.Addiction is a complicated illness that affects how the brain functions. Mesolimbic dopamine pathway is the name of the region of the brain that causes addiction. It is referred to as the brain's "reward circuit" at times.Troubled teenager Sonny develops a heroin addiction at a young age.When the narrator visits a nightclub to watch Sonny play the piano at the very end of the story, it appears that he finally realizes how good his brother is. But more significantly, he also seems to recognize that Sonny is a musician. He needs it in his life for him to be able to operate.      

To learn more about "Sonny's Blues" refer to:



1. Why does the Point author believe that winning
is valuable? What evidence or data does the
author use to support his or her claim? Cite er
specific evidence from the text to support your


According to the author, Winning is not everything in life. By his article he want to point towards more important things in life than material success.

Some people have adopted the opposing viewpoint and think that participation is more essential than winning, particularly at the youth level. Again, since sports are about competition and scoring is a part of that, this is most likely not the best response.

Both winning & losing are crucial components of competition and provide valuable experience and lessons. Being on a losing team doesn't make anyone feel proud whether they're a dedicated teen or adult athlete, which can cause high school athletes to quit their sport.

To know more about Participation:



Read the passage.

Janelle could not believe her eyes when the cast list for the spring play was finally posted. Not only was she cast in the role she wanted, but her brother was cast in the leading role!

Which best describes an example of the author’s use of diction in the passage?

The idiom “could not believe her eyes” emphasizes Janelle’s amazement.
The phrase “not only” emphasizes that Janelle is upset about the list.
The repetition of the word “cast” suggests the play is important to Janelle.
The phrase “leading role” suggests that Janelle is proud of her brother.


The statement which best describes an example of the author’s use of diction in the passage is the idiom “could not believe her eyes” emphasizes Janelle’s amazement.

A play is a work of drama. It consists of dialogue between characters. It is a theatrical performance where dialogues are spoken with proper expressions and emotions rather than just reading, thinking it to be in playing that character in real.

Janelle was very active in playing different roles in plays. She was very happy and amazed when she heard that she was cast in the role. She always wanted to play that role. She was even more amazed when she heard that her brother is selected for the leading role.

To know more about plays here



How can the topic "students and cell phones" be presented as an argument?​


The way to present this as an argument is "Cell Phones should be encouraged among students as means of acquiring Knowledge".

What should be the argument?

The main questin here is: Should cell phones be permitted among students?

There are two possible answers:

Yes, cell phones should be encouraged among students because it can be an easy way to access information especially from the web. This will help students to personally develop themselves.    

No, cell phones should not be encouraged among students because despite it's usefulness to learning, it can be a major sources of distraction to their academics as they will be carried away while in class and this will result to academic failure.

Use the link to learn more cell-phone usage in  https://brainly.com/question/17803578


Do you use rhetoric day-to-day? Why or why not?


You can answer by saying yes, that you use rhetoric every day when talking to family and friends, especially when you need a favor or permission for something.

What is rhetoric?

Rhetoric is the art of using your words to persuade people of something, that is, to convince them that you are right and that they should something specific. Rhetoric makes use of several techniques and devices in order to accomplish its goal. Think of advertisements, for example. They employ rhetorical techniques to convince us that we should buy a certain product.

We all use rhetoric in our daily lives when dealing with others. Think of all the times you try to convince someone of something or ask for a favor. Therefore, you can answer this question by stating that yes, you use rhetoric day-to-day. Explain that you often need to be persuasive when trying to get your friends to study together or when trying to get your parents' permission to go to a concert, for example.

Learn more about rhetoric here:



which story element is most likely to appear in a short story's first few paragraphs?


The first few paragraphs are your catchiest and should be filled with information about your main character, the current event, and anything else of interest to your audience. In the next few paragraphs you should provide background, character motivation, and any other details that are crucial to understanding your story.

What is the best summary of the first paragraph of How We Entered World War L?
O The United States was not considered a great power until it entered World War thus beginning its continual
involvement in world affairs.
O The Spanish-American War gave the United States a basis of power so it could enter World War l as a great power.
O The United States entered World War I as a great power but has not influenced world affairs in the same way since.
O The United States has always been considered a great power, despite its desire to withdraw from world affairs.

Its "a"


Answer: A

Explanation: :)

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