write a summary for Macbeth Summary Act 1 - Act 3 I will give u brainelites if rlly good :)

a good link to help is spark notes

hope it helps ^_^ xx


Answer 1


(Act 1) Macbeth and Banquo run over the three witches in the heath near the battle zone. The witches uncover to Macbeth that he is to be the Thane of Cawdor, and in the end ruler. Macbeth doesn't confide in them. Regardless, by then the Thane of Ross appears and uncovers to Macbeth that he is indeed the Thane of Cawdor.  

(Act 2) opens with Banquo and his youngster, Fleance, progressing toward bed in Macbeth's château. Macbeth ascends out of the fogginess, and addresses Banquo. Close to the completion of this scene, Macbeth hears a ringing of a ringer, which is Lady Macbeth's sign that they should start their murder plans. ...  

(Act 3) The executioners butcher Banquo, who kicks the bucket asking his child to escape and to fight back for his passing. One of the executioners extinguishes the light, and in the murkiness Fleance move away. The executioners leave with Banquo's body to find Macbeth and notice to him what has happened.

(i was sick the day i learned abt this so it may not be correct, hope it helps tho :D)

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Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:

If that voice sounds true, don't thank me. Thank that great horned owl. (Or perhaps it was not an owl after all?) And thank the children, my own and others, who have never forgotten that a good story can be true. For they understand that the power of imagination is truly the power of creation.

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1)The author does not think that stories are real.

2)The author wants to thank his children for Merlin's voice.

3)The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.

4)The author wants the reader to listen to horned owls.


3) The author does not believe he thought of Merlin's voice on his own.


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Audience=The intended readers of a text

Tone=The attitude the writer expresses

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D) He taught slaves of all ages to read
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you were preparing a speech on why athletes should eat healthy food, what types of evidence would you include? Use at least three of the four types of evidence in your answer .



one is to stay in shape, it has vitamin c they can eat a lot more because it less calories and the are w3t so they get hydrated


my answer : I would use facts and statistics, like for example, how many good athletes eat a balanced diet of healthy foods.

edmentum answer : I would present the following types of evidence:

Scientific facts that state why it’s important for athletes to maintain a healthy diet.

Statistics showing that the quality of an athlete’s performance is directly proportional to the quality of his or her diet.

Quotes and opinions from health experts clarifying that adopting a healthy diet will boost athletes’ fitness levels, enabling them to perform better.


hope this helps!

The rules of language dictating how phrases and sentences are constructed refers to the____ property of
A generative
B. structured
C. symbolic
D. random



B. structured


no need

The answer to your question is B.

Which or what game is this?



I am guessing a guessing game cause u didnt add anything?



what you are talking about


Circle the correct answer.
1 I can........on my back in the water.
A plod
B wade
C propel
D float​



D float


plod is to stomp your feet

wade is to walk in water

propel is to move


d ddddddd dddddddddddddd

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is such a plan even conceivable and are these scrawlings interpretable or are they just gibberish


The sentences that involve underlined adjectives:

- is such a plan even conceivable?

- are these scrawlings interpretable or are they just gibberish?


Adjectives are denoted themselves as the term that function to define a specific noun or pronoun by stating its qualities.

The above sentences involve the underlined terms like 'conceivable,' 'interpretable' and 'gibberish' exemplify adjectives as they qualify the nouns 'plan' and 'scrawlings.'

This assists the readers in knowing the traits or characteristics of nouns and hence, the above options are correct.

Learn more about "Adjective" here:


HELLLPPP MEEEEE PLSSSS BRANLIEST ANSWER WILL BE AWAREDED Prepare a report on how is solar energy used in scientific experiments.




Our primary source of clean, abundant energy is the sun. The sun deposits 120,000 TW of

radiation on the surface of the Earth, far exceeding human needs even in the most aggressive

energy demand scenarios. The sun is Earth’s natural power source, driving the circulation of

global wind and ocean currents, the cycle of water evaporation and condensation that creates

rivers and lakes, and the biological cycles of photosynthesis and life. Covering 0.16% of the land

on Earth with 10% efficient solar conversion systems would provide 20 TW of power, nearly

twice the world’s consumption rate of fossil energy and the equivalent 20,000 1-GWe nuclear

fission plants. These comparisons illustrate the impressive magnitude of the solar resource,

providing an energy stream far more potent than present-day human technology can achieve.

All routes for utilizing solar energy exploit the functional steps of capture, conversion, and

storage. The sun’s energy arrives on Earth as radiation distributed across the color spectrum

from infrared to ultraviolet. The energy of this radiation must be captured as excited electronhole pairs in a semiconductor, a dye, or a chromophore, or as heat in a thermal storage medium.

Excited electrons and holes can be tapped off for immediate conversion to electrical power, or

transferred to biological or chemical molecules for conversion to fuel. Natural photosynthesis

produces fuel in the form of sugars and other carbohydrates derived from the reduction of CO2 in

the atmosphere and used to power the growth of plants. The plants themselves become available as biomass for combustion as primary fuels or for conversion in reactors to secondary fuels like

liquid ethanol or gaseous carbon monoxide, methane, and hydrogen. We are now learning to

mimic the natural photosynthetic process in the laboratory using artificial molecular assemblies,

where the excited electrons and holes can drive chemical reactions to produce fuels that link to

our existing energy networks. Atmospheric CO2 can be reduced to ethanol or methane, or water

can be split to create hydrogen. These fuels are the storage media for solar energy, bridging the

natural day-night, winter-summer, and cloudy-sunny cycles of solar radiation.

In addition to electric and chemical conversion routes, solar radiation can be converted to heat

energy. Solar concentrators focus sunlight collected over a large area to a line or spot where heat

is collected in an absorber. Temperatures as high as 3,000°C can be generated to drive chemical

reactions, or heat can be collected at lower temperatures and transferred to a thermal storage

medium like water for distributed space heating or steam to drive an engine. Effective storage of

solar energy as heat requires developing thermal storage media that accumulate heat efficiently

during sunny periods and release heat slowly during dark or cloudy periods. Heat is one of the

most versatile forms of energy, the common link in nearly all our energy networks. Solar thermal

conversion can replace much of the heat now supplied by fossil fuel.

Although many routes use solar energy to produce electricity, fuel, and heat, none are currently

competitive with fossil fuels for a combination of cost, reliability, and performance. Solar

electricity from photovoltaics is too costly, by factors of 5–10, to compete with fossil-derived

electricity, and is too costly by factors of 25–50 to compete with fossil fuel as a primary energy

source. Solar fuels in the form of biomass produce electricity and heat at costs that are within

range of fossil fuels, but their production capacity is limited. The low efficiency with which they

convert sunlight to stored energy means large land areas are required. To produce the full 13 TW

of power used by the planet, nearly all the arable land on Earth would need to be planted with

switchgrass, the fastest-growing energy crop. Artificial photosynthetic systems are promising

routes for converting solar energy to fuels, but they are still in the laboratory stage where the

principles of their assembly and functionality are being explored. Solar thermal systems provide

the lowest-cost solar electricity at the present time, but require large areas in the Sun Belt and

breakthroughs in materials to become economically competitive with fossil energy as a primary

energy source. While solar energy has enormous promise as a clean, abundant, economical

energy source, it presents formidable basic research challenges in designing materials and in

understanding the electronic and molecular basis of capture, conversion, and storage before its

promise can be realized.


Hope this is useful! Have a amazing day! God Bless you!!!

Do you feel like there places you can't say what you really think? Or do what you really want? Example: in the book they aren't allowed to read books. They will be killed. Is there a place in this world where that happens? Where people aren't free. Tell me about what you know about that. ​

please answer it with 7-15 sentences

will give brainliest ​



Yes there are places like that. Yes.


In some places u are not given the opportunity to go out and do wat ever u want. Unlike the Christians in some countries, the Muslims over there do not want to see them holding a bible or even saying that they are Christians. If u ate caught, u will either pay a fine or u will be killed. So the Christians do not come out of their rooms most at times. I might not know the country's name but it is happening, like right now some where on earth.

In your opinion, are there any, and if so what, circumstances where it would be appropriate for a journalist to publish government secrets?


a circumstance in which it would be appropriate for a journalist to publish government secrets would be something along the lines of an outbreak, let’s say a virus was let out by the government in order to control population, they are saying they didn’t release it and you have proof they did, the journalist could write about the situation and leak the proof.

A class is considering producing a student-written play about a girl who dreams of being a classical pianist. The play ends after her first concert as she received a standing ____________________ and cries of "_________________!"


Ovation and encore is the answer. Please mark brainiest

can u pls help me with these all?












please give brainliest

Pls help me if your good at English ill mark brainliest <3



I would think it is A,

P.S. My twin is here, so well we are sharing answers! her user is eternalvanimelda27

What is your objective when you are writing to inform?
A. To show why the audience should agree with your opinion
B. To provide your opinion about new information
C. To learn new information about a specific subject
D. To share information without expressing your opinion


The correct answer is D.

(if done fast and correct, i will award brainiest)

Read this line from Antigone.

CHORAGOS: Unyielding, tormented still by the same winds!

What is the figurative meaning of the phrase "tormented still by the same winds"?

Antigone still holds a grudge against Creon for the death of her brother.

Antigone is still upset that the laws of men are taking precedence over the laws of the gods.

Antigone is even more determined to see Creon fall from power.

Antigone tries to always be merciful and mindful of others.



B. choragos: unyielding, tormented still by the same winds


Antigone still holds a grudge against Creon for the death of her brother.

Antigone is still upset that the laws of men are taking precedence over the laws of the gods.

Antigone is even more determined to see Creon fall from power.


can someone do the number two and four


Answer: she was wearing the same jackect as her

she was doing well in other subject rather than this one

Explanation: so you are comapring thses things so think of thigs like these as examples


She saw a girl down the street wearing a similar sweatshirt as her, however he had stripes. Yet it resembles hers very well.

Since I'm having trouble in math I study an extra hour, despite the fact my sleep schedule is going terribly.


Jason has continued running whereas Stacy had to take a break due to the fact she wasn't used to running for this long. Although, Jason does.

will give brainliest





Its b because its the only one that shows background, and supports the idea.


It’s B because it gives more reasoning as to why the school board should provide them a stage

Hope that helps :)

Imagine you have the opportunity to interview your favorite celebrity or athlete. What are 3 questions you would ask them?


it's what you want to ask the person


what do YOU want to ask a celebrity, this is your thoughts, and only your thoughts,

Imagists considered all facets of life worthy of their attention; they often wrote about things that ordinary people experienced.



The answer is true

Does everyone have the same rights?(PLEASE TRY TO DO 3+ SENTENCES PLEASE THANK YOU)


yes, everyone has the same rights. In the constitution and bill of rights it is protection EVERYONES rights, not just one race, one gender or one religion. Everyone is guaranteed the same equal rights.

3 Rewrite the active sentences as passive
sentences. Use by + agent if necessary.
They give the money to charity.
The money is given to charity.
1 The teacher won't ask us any questions.

2 They design the clothes here.​


1.) The teacher hasn’t gave us questions yet.
2.) They’re designing clothes here right now.

Rewrite the active sentences as passive sentences.

1.) The teacher hasn’t gave us questions yet.

2.) They’re designing clothes here right now.

What are passive sentences?

Passive sentences are a type of sentence in which the subject of the sentence receives the action, rather than performing it. In a passive sentence, the object of the action becomes the subject of the sentence, and the agent or doer of the action is often either omitted or introduced with a preposition.

For example, Active: The cat chased the mouse. Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.  In the passive sentence, the mouse becomes the subject, and it receives the action of being chased by the object "the cat".

The teacher hasn’t gave us questions yet and  They’re designing clothes here right now are the passive sentences.

Learn more about passive sentences here:



Mikaela took the following notes while gathering information for an informative text about United States presidents:

Which organizational strategy should she use to write her text?
A. Write one paragraph about the Civil War and one paragraph about the Bay of Pigs invasion.
B. Write one paragraph discussing the similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy and then another discussing their differences.
C. Write one paragraph explaining how Lincoln inspired Kennedy and one paragraph explaining how Kennedy was different than Lincoln.
D. Write one paragraph comparing how Lincoln freed slaves and Kennedy passed Civil Rights legislation and then one paragraph comparing their speaking skills.



the answer is d


because lincoln is popular for freeing slaves so that gotta be the answer


B. Write one paragraph discussing the similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy and then another discussing their differences.


hope this helped <3

How is the prefix poly used in words like polygon and polyglot?
A. To show that two things happen together.
B. To show that something happens in reverse.
C. To show that something happens again.
O D. To show that there are many of something.


The answer is D: to show that ethers are many

According to the text, what is the meaning of the word coveting



Coveting is to have a desire for something, or to want to be in possession of something.

essay writing ( should people be judged by their social media posting???)​


Answer:you are totally justified in judging the heck out of people based on their social media accounts and profiles. The reason that judging people based on their social media accounts is completely acceptable is because they have the ability to choose every single thing that appears on their account.

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

Directions: Add hyphens to the following sentences.
1. Mark moved into a two bedroom condo.
2. That printer has a money back guarantee
3. These one way streets confuse me.
4. Workers will be home mid October
5. Fifty seven years have passed.




1 two-bedroom

2 money-back-guarantee

3 one-way

4 mid-October

5 fifty-seven

Which of the following is an example of foreshadowing in a story?

The first event of the story is an introduction to the setting.
The weather gets colder, so it begins to snow
A girl turns around as she walks home alone on a dark street
All of the characters in the story speak with southern dialects Write a rhymed quatrain.



A girl turns around as she walks home alone on a dark street

What does myth mean in ancient Greek?


"The word myth derives from the Greek mythos, which has a range of meanings from “word,” through “saying” and “story,” to “fiction”; the unquestioned validity of mythos can be contrasted with logos, the word whose validity or truth can be argued and demonstrated."
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