Strength training can use which of the following?
O A. Free weights
B. Weight machines
O C. Resistance bands
D. All of the above.


Answer 1
i’m sure that the answer is D

Related Questions

Everyone reacts to stress in the same way.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.

True or False


Answer: False

Explanation: People can react in different ways when it comes to stress. Some can control and manage it better while others are probably struggling more with managing it.

como puedo olvidar a alguien that really hurted me but i still love ..​



Solo tienes que olvidarte de ellos y seguir moviendote intente no pensar en ellos y preocuparte por volver a ponerte de pie.Es dificil pero puedes hacerlo chica,creo en ti.No puedes dejar que see dolor to afecte.Te mereces a alguien que siempre estara ahi para ti.Si necesitas a alguien con quien hablar,estoy aqui


What is the major difference between herbal medicines and conventional medicines?

OA. Herbal medicines are prescribed more often than conventional medicines.

B. Herbal medicines don't undergo the same testing as conventional medicines.

О C. Herbal medicines undergo more testing than conventional medicines,

OD. Herbal medicines are unpopular in the West because they are regulated.


I’m not an expert on the field, but based off of process of elimination and what I do know, I’d say b.




What does this quote mean, "For those who don't make time for exercise, they'll have to make time for illness."



It means that because people don't have time to work out when they get sick, they will have time for the illness. Why? Because they didn't do exercise to keep their body healthy and strong.


Hope I helped!

This simply means that if one will manage to have time for exercise will not have to waste time in illness.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity encompasses all movement, whether for recreation, transportation to as well as from places.

It can also be as part of a person's job. Physical activity of both moderate along with vigorous intensity gives benefits to health.

Regular physical activity can aids person to gain muscle strength as well as endurance.

Exercise helps the cardiovascular system fuel more efficiently by delivering oxygen and also nutrients to the tissues.

As the heart as well as lung health improves, one will have maximum energy to complete daily tasks.

Exercise aids mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, also the negative mood, as well as improving self-esteem and cognitive function.

Exercise has also been shown to help with symptoms like low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

Thus, it is told that "For those who don't make time for exercise, they'll have to make time for illness."

For more details regarding physical activity, visit:


how much water makes up the human body



up to 60% of the human adult body is water.


according to h.h. mitchell, journal of biological chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.

good luck :)

hopefully this helps

have a great day !!

What does “mental health” mean to you?



Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and teenage through adulthood.


but to me, I feel as if when ppl say that to me (just an example) it might mean like your crazy or smth... some ppl may take it offensively or as a joke...


mental health can define a person how they act where they go who their around


Choose any situation that you would need to utilize the decision-making model in your own word, using each step 1-6.



Multivoting – This is used when multiple people are involved in making a decision. It helps whittle down a large list of options to a smaller group to, finally, the eventual final decision. Pareto analysis – This technique is useful when many decisions need to be made.Aug 15, 2019


7. Sarah has been carrying out the same training session 3 times a week for 1 point
3 months. She has started to miss some of the training sessions due to not
being motivated. Which one of the following principles of training has


Answer: D


hope this helps

Albert announces to his mother, he is hungry and asks what is there to eat? She respond go look in the refrigerator​


Availability has the greatest influence on Alberts food choice


Albert: Mom, i'm hungry, is there anything to eat?

Mom: Go look in the refrigerator

Albert: Okay mom

Full story:

Albert: Mom, i'm hungry, is there anything to eat?

Mom: Go look in the refrigerator

Mom: what ya doing there son?

Albert: nothing mom, just checking the refrigerator

Mom: okay then son

Albert: *going to his room

Albert: *plays fortnite


True or False

All organisms are capable of causing infection as long as some of the conditions/ or components are present


yes that is true !!!!!
That is true all orginizams are capable of that

lymph tissue and lymph nodes that protect the body from infection
A. adenoids and tonsils
B. alveoli and sinuses
C. bronchi and trachea


Its A. The adenoids and Tonsils. Adenoids are a patch of tissue thats high in the throat, directly behind the nose. They, along with the tonsils, are parts of the lymphatic system. In simple terms it helps stop infection and keep many body fluids in balance. They basically trap the germs that make their way through the mouth and nose. To add on, when the tonsils become inflamed either by taking too much germs or bacteria, thats what tonsillitis is. Hope this helps


Select the correct answer.
Which action supports the trend in the United States toward accepting TCM?

A.view of TCM as alternative rather than complementary

B.increase in TCM institutes of higher learning

OC.verification of TCM's spiritual aspects

OD. regulation of the herbal medicine industry


The answer to the question is A I hope this helps

B.increase in TCM institutes of higher learning

Explanation: plato/Edmentum

What do proteins and amino acids do for your brain?


Eating protein raises the levels of another amino acid called tyrosine, which prompts the brain to manufacture norepinephrine and dopamine, other kinds of chemical messengers in the brain.

C Write differences on
Population distribution and population composition​


Answer:The difference is:-

Explanation: Population distribution Answers where people live. Do they live in sparsly or densly populated area?

population composition tells the characterstics(behevior)of group of people.

Emotions are an asset than can help us
a.make good decisions
b.communicate effectively
c.experience and enjoy beauty
d.all of the above
please help!!






HELP!!! Long-term effects of alcohol on the body include:


Answer: A.) All the above

Explanation:  Drinking too much alcohol can cause abnormal activation of digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas. Alcohol puts the brakes on your immune system. Your body can't make the numbers of white blood cells it needs to fight germs. So for 24 hours after drinking, you're more likely to get sick. Long-term, heavy drinkers are much more likely to get illnesses.

Hope this helps :)

Liver damage, heart issues, tremors ( I’ve seen Paralysis) , there are many other issues caused from drinking alcohol

True/False: Find your Target Heart Rate is the same procedure as find your Resting
Heart Rate?
O True
O No answer text provided.
O No answer text provided.


I’m pretty sure it’s false

1 point
8. Which one of the following would be in the ideal range of blood
70/60 mmhg
80/60 mmhg
100/70 mmhg
150/90 mmhg



Normal blood pressure is considered to be below 120/80 mm Hg. In a blood pressure reading, the top number refers to systolic pressure, and the bottom number refers to the diastolic pressure.


hope this helps

In which of the following organs is an acid produced?



The stomach.


The stomach produces stomach acid to break down food.

the stomach because it has to break down food


What does self esteem mean to you? What does someone with good self esteem look like? How do they behave?


Self esteem is when you are confident in yourself and someone with self esteem keeps their head up and has a positive confident outlook on life.


To me, self esteem is not feeling like you're better than someone else, but feeling better than yourself. Someone with good self esteem never puts themself down but when they make a mistake, think about where they went wrong. To me having "too much" self esteem isn't having self esteem, its just thinking you're better than everyone else and having a snarky attitude.


I hope this is good! Please give me brainliest, im trying to level up.

Which two systems work together to regulate blood flow and oxygen during exercise?


Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to working muscles efficiently, and allows activities that involve large muscle groups (walking, running, swimming, biking, etc.) to be performed over long periods of time.
I hope this helps

Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to working muscles efficiently.

What is cardiovascular system?

In order to maintain homeostasis in the cardiovascular system and provide adequate blood to the tissues, blood flow must be redirected continually to the tissues as they become more active. In a very real sense, the cardiovascular system engages in resource allocation, because there is not enough blood flow to distribute blood equally to all tissues simultaneously.

For example, when an individual is exercising, more blood will be directed to skeletal muscles, the heart, and the lungs. Following a meal, more blood is directed to the digestive system. Only the brain receives a more or less constant supply of blood whether you are active, resting, thinking, or engaged in any other activity.

Therefore, Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to working muscles efficiently.

Learn more about Cardiovascular fitness on:


Skeletal Muscle proves the body with which of the following things:
A. Temperature Regulation
B. Digestion
C. Protection for internal organs
D. Heart beat
E. Movement



E. Movement



E. Movement..........

different between physical environment and mental environment​


Physical environment involves your physical surroundings while mental environment involves your perception of your physical surroundings. Hope this helps!

1.Select one claim from the background section of this assignment. Discuss whether you are in support of or against the claim and why.
2.Explain the evidence you used from either article to support your argument about the claim


it is blur I can't see the words

The amount of intensity of your exercise should be increased gradually.
Specificty? ​



overload is over working the body above a normal degree underload i dont know what that is. but specificity is adapting the body and progression is the one u said which is gradually increasing the workload

so its progession

Which of the following would be the healthiest choice for breakfast? (5 points)

A sweet cereal with a cup of low-fat milk and a fresh fruit cup

Scrambled eggs with bacon, buttered toast, and a fruit juice blend

Equal portions of fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, and multi-grain toast

A cup of coffee with two tablespoons of cream and three of sugar





It just is




Fresh fruit, yogurt and multi-grain toast are all healthy breakfast options. Multi-grain bread is much better than white bread, and a sweet cereal isn't always the best choice.

Which condition occurs if the amount of calories eaten equals the amount of calories burned through daily activity? А lose body fat B gain weight с C maintain weight D lose muscle strength​



C maintain weight.......

C maintaining the weight I think

A Series of Poses that flow is known as *


d is correct hope this helps you

Answer: Corpse is the correct answer.


Briefly describe symptoms of malaria, diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Incude 2-3 symptoms for each disease.​



Symptoms of malaria are fever, flu-like illness.

Symptoms of diabetes include blurry vision and weight loss.

Symptoms of heart disease include slow heartbeat, dizziness

Symptoms of asthma include Coughing, Chest tightness


Symptoms of Malaria are as follows:

1. Fever

2. Flu-like illness

3. headache

Symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

1. blurry vision

2. weight lose

3. Numbness in hands and feet

Symptoms of heart disease are as follows:

1. Slow heartbeat

2. Dizziness

3. Chest pain

Symptoms of asthma are as follows:

1. Chest tightness

2. Coughing

3. breathing problem

Which function of the circulatory system is necessary for the respiratory
system to complete gas exchanges in the body?


Gas exchange between tissues and the blood is an essential function of the circulatory system. In humans, other mammals, and birds, blood absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the lungs. Thus the circulatory and respiratory system, whose function is to obtain oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide, work in tandem
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What is the reason for the difference in the amount of income from operations reported in (a) and (b)?Under the method, the fixed manufacturing cost included in the cost of goods sold is matched with the revenues. Under , all of the fixed manufacturing cost is deducted in the period in which it is incurred, regardless of the amount of inventory change. Thus, when inventory decreases, the income statement will have a lower income from operations. 3/4 of 1/3 =? please show me how to do it