wireless solutions reports operating expenses of $865,000. operating expenses include both rent expense and salaries expense. prepaid rent increases during the year by $18,000 and salaries payable increases by $14,000. what is the cash paid for operating expenses during the year? (list cash outflows and any decrease in cash as negative amounts.)


Answer 1

Wireless solutions records operating expenses in its cash flow during the year as $869,000.

From the case, we know that Wireless solution has:

Operating expene = $865,000

Increase in prepaid rent = $18,000

Increase in salaries payable = $14,000

In cash flow, every activities that produce money should be recorded as positive amounts and called as cash inflow. Meanwhile any activities that spend and use cash will be recorded in negative amounts and called as cash outflow.

Now let's define the relationship of each increase scenario with cash flow.

Prepaid rent is a form of prepairds expenses. Prepaid expenses are paid ahead of time and being amortized over the time period of benefit. Any increase in prepaid expense means that the current amortization should be greater than the previous expected expense. Any decrease in prepaid expense refers to the lower amortization for the prepaid account than the expected amount. Hence, the increase of prepaid rent will generate more cash outflow.  

Liabilities are cash that a company owes to a lender or any third parties to finance the assets or expenses. An increase in liability account means the more available cash to be allocated to another areas. A decrease in liabilities means that the liabilities are paid with cash by the company.

In this case, an increase in salaries payable means that the company holds some cash originally prepaid to pay its emlployees' salaries. It shows an cash inflow movement.

From the explanation above, we could calculate the total operating expense of Wireless solution.

Please note that any cash outflow will be recorded as negative amounts and we are using expenses' perspective.

Total operating expense = Operating expense + increase in prepaid rent - increase in salaries payable

Total operating expense = $(865,000) + $(18,000) - $14,000

Total operating expense = $(869,000) --> cash outflow

Learn more about Cash Flow here: http://brainly.com/question/23541956


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in the breakthrough energy catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?


In the breakthrough energy catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into Sustainable Aviation Fuel product. the correct answer is A.

The catalytic process, which requires the insertion of a catalyst, speeds up chemical reactions. Catalysts are not used up during the reaction or after it. When the reaction is rapid and the catalyst recycles quickly, very little amounts of catalyst are frequently sufficient; the reaction's speed is influenced by a number of factors, including temperature, surface area, and mixing.

Investments are being made to develop technology to transform biological inputs, including urban garbage, into Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Typically, catalysts engage in reactions with one or more reactants to create intermediates, which subsequently result in the final product of the reaction, renewing the catalyst in the process. Catalysis can be categorized as homogeneous or heterogeneous depending on whether or not its constituent parts are dispersed in the same phase as the reactant.

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In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?

A. Sustainable Aviation Fuel

B. Green Hydrogen

C. Direct Air Capture

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computer equipment was acquired at the beginning of the year at a cost of $65,000 that has an estimated residual value of $3,800 and an estimated useful life of 8 years. a. determine the depreciable cost. fill in the blank 1 of 1$ b. determine the straight-line rate. round your answer to one decimal place. fill in the blank 1 of 1 % c. determine the annual straight-line depreciation. fill in the blank 1 of 1$


The depreciable cost of the computer equipment is $60,000.

What is depreciation?

Depreciation is a term used in accounting to define two different aspects of the same concept: first, the exact decline in an asset's fair value due to use and wear, such as the annual decrease in the worth of factory equipment; and second, the allocating in financial statement of the asset's original cost to the periods during which the asset is used. Business depreciates long-term investments for accounting and tax purposes. Depending on the type of asset and the company, depreciation techniques and time periods for tax reasons may vary. A falling balance, straight line, and fixed percentage method are just a few of the methods that can be used to compute depreciation expense.

Depreciation cost = Acquired value of the equipment - estimated residual value

= $63,000 - $3,000

= $60,000

To learn more about depreciation, visit:



lego took advantage of a poor u.s. exchange rate and took an opportunity to grow european and asian markets. to what kind of change did they respond?


Economic change is the kind of change did they respond.

What is meant by the exchange rate?The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another is known as the exchange rate. Some exchange rates are linked or locked to the value of a particular country's currency, however most exchange rates are floating and will increase or decrease depending on market supply and demand.In other words, the exchange rate is the cost of one currency relative to another. In the foreign exchange market, one dollar can be traded for 120 yen, for instance, if the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY) is 120 yen per dollar.The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another is known as the exchange rate in the world of finance. Most often, currencies are national ones, but they can also be supra-national ones like the euro or sub-national ones like Hong Kong.

Learn more about exchange rate refer to :



monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have ______________ prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.


monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have lower prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.

Long-term economic gains or losses in monopolistic competition will be removed by entry or leave, leaving businesses with no economic gains.

There will be some excess capacity in a monopolistically competitive business; this may be seen as the price paid for the variety of products that this market structure brings about.

Businesses in monopolistic competition continue to produce at a level where marginal cost and marginal income are equal over the long term. But when more businesses enter the market, the demand curve will have moved to the left.

Learn more about to monopolistically  visit here;



Identify each action by the fed as expanding the money supply, shrinking it, or neither.
a. The Fed sells Treasury bonds to investors. b. The Fed buys mortgage-backed securities. c. The Fed lends money to struggling banks. d. The Fed regulates banks to ensure stability.


The actions of the Fed that would expand money supply are:

The Fed buys mortgage-backed securities.

The Fed lends money to struggling banks.

The action of the Fed that would contract money supply is:

The Fed sells Treasury bonds to investors.

The action that would have no effect on money supply is:

The Fed regulates banks to ensure stability.

What affects money supply?

Policy actions taken by the Fed (the Central Bank of the United States) to increase money supply are known as monetary policies.

The policies that increase money supply are known as expansionary polices. Expansionary policies include buying bonds or securities to the bank and reduce interest rate.

The policies that decrease money supply are known as contractionary policies. Contractionary policies include selling bonds or securities to banks and increasing the interest rates.

To learn more about money supply, please check: https://brainly.com/question/25647998


What is absolute advantage in international trade?


A producer has an absolute advantage over its rivals when it can create a good or service in a higher volume for the same price, or in the same volume at a cheaper price.

Absolute advantage can be attained by employing fewer inputs or a more effective process to produce the product or service at a lower absolute cost per unit. Adam Smith, an economist from the 18th century, introduced the idea of absolute advantage in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' to explain how nations might profit from trade by specializing in production and exporting the things that they can manufacture more successfully than other nations. Absolute winners can choose to focus on producing and selling a certain commodity or service, then utilize the proceeds to buy goods and services from other nations.

To read more about Adam Smith see:



your enterprise has played fast and loose with customer information for years. while there has been no significant breach of information that could damage the organization and/or their customers, many in the enterprise feel it is only a matter of time before a major leak occurs. which type of threat actor is an employee who wishes to personally ensure that the enterprise is exposed and blocked from accessing their customers' information until they ensure more secure protocols?


Hacktivist ( Anyone who gains unauthorized access to computer files or networks  to pursue social or political ends )

What is the role of hacktivists?

Hacktivists are groups of criminals who band together to carry out cyberattacks to support  political ends. Hacktivists typically target entire industries, but they may also target specific organizations that they believe do not align with their political views and practices.

What is hacktivist example?

An example of hacktivist is denial of service  (DoS) attack. This includes shutting down systems to prevent customer access. Other examples include allowing citizens to access her state-censored websites and providing  threatened groups (such as Syrians during the Arab Spring) with protected means of communication.

To know more about Hacktivist visit here:



What gives Congress the power to raise taxes?


The U.S.Constitution.

What are the core capabilities for all five mission areas?


All five mission areas rely on three Core Capabilities: planning, public information & warning, and operational coordination. Communities use the National Preparedness System, an organized procedure

All five mission areas rely on three Core Capabilities: planning, public information & warning, and operational coordination. Communities use the National Preparedness System, an organized procedure, to assess, develop, maintain, and provide the Core Capabilities. The goal of the Washington State Core Capability Development Sheets is to assist communities in using planning, training, and exercise to fill in the identified gaps in their THIRA/SPR. Communities indicate their intended strategies for filling capability gaps or meeting sustainment needs once they have recognized their capability deficiencies. This is accomplished via community preparation, setup, tools, exercise,

learn more about  Core Capabilities here:



adam's surfboard factory is making positive economic profits. if the price of a surfboard is $900, adam's output is 300 surfboards per month, and his monthly average cost is $700, what is his monthly profit? $60,000 $270,000 $210,000 $200


$200 is his monthly profit. The plot is revealed in reverse order using the narrative structure and storytelling technique known as reverse chronology.

This method is used in stories where the opening scene really serves as the resolution of the story. Place your most recent or current position at the top. then proceed with the preceding ones. The reverse-chronological resume sequence operates in this manner. For each position you profit, list the dates you held it as well as your job title and the name of the company. List all of your degrees, from college onward, in reverse chronological order, along with the institution they were earned from and the date they were granted.

To learn more about profit, click here.



the deadweight loss that arises from a monopoly is a consequence of the fact that the monopoly a. quantity is lower than the socially-optimal quantity. b. price is the same as average revenue. c. price equals marginal revenue. d. earns positive profits. 1 points save answer


A monopoly's deadweight loss results from the fact that the a. quantity is less than the number that would be best for society.

Deadweight loss is the societal benefit that is forfeited when a monopolist operates at its output/price configuration that maximizes profit. By producing less output and charging more for it than a competitive market would, monopolies incur a deadweight loss.

The loss of overall welfare or the social surplus as a result of factors such as taxes or subsidies, price ceilings or floors, externalities, and monopoly pricing is known as "deadweight loss."

Monopoly pricing results in a deadweight cost for the company since it forgoes consumer exchanges. The potential advantages that were not realized by the manufacturer or the customer are known as a deadweight loss.

Learn more about a deadweight loss here:



during most of the 1900s, the de beers group of south africa was viewed as a monopoly because it controlled a large percentage of diamond production and sales.


Because de-Beers controlled a significant portion of diamond production and sales, the de Beers organization of South Africa was perceived as a monopoly.

What is De Beers?

An international firm called De-Beers Group is focused on the mining, exploitation, retail, trading, and production of industrial diamonds. The company engages in large-scale, open-pit soil and coastal mining. Mining is done in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Canada, and Australia, among the 35 nations where it works.

Further it renowned as one of the major manufacturer & seller of diamonds which restricts competitors from producing the diamonds often referred to a monopoly.

A monopoly has the authority to determine prices and restricts competitors' access to the market. A single seller who has total control over an item or service constitutes a monopoly in a market structure.

Thus De-Beers can be consider as monopoly.

To know more about De Beers refer:



keynesian economists begin with the assumption that the state should regulate economic policy for everyone's benefit. why might sociologists, who subscribe to neoliberal theories, be critical of this idea?


They believe that markets without state interference lead to the best economic outcomes.

Economics is the look at scarcity and its implications for using assets, manufacturing of products and services, the boom of manufacturing and welfare through the years, and a superb style of different complex issues of essential concern to society.

A financial system consists of consumers who buy products and services, organizations that rent clients and make items, and the government at diverse degrees both purchase products, rent exertions, and levy taxes. Their collective interactions create a simplified financial system.

example: while Corn crop manufacturing increases the farmers lower the charge of the crop so that it will promote their produce. If the supply is too high then the demand i.e. the amount of corn needed to feed the people of the country, the products needed to be wasted and farmers lose their cost of production.

Learn more about economic here: https://brainly.com/question/17996535


What is credit answer?


Credit is an agreement between a borrower and a lender in which the borrower receives something of value, such as money, goods, or services, in exchange for a promise to repay the lender at a later date, typically with interest.

For example , a person might take out a loan from a bank to purchase a car, agreeing to pay the loan back over a period of time with interest.

The term "credit" can also refer to someone or something's creditworthiness or credit history.

It frequently refers to a bookkeeping item that lowers assets or raises liabilities and equity on a company's balance sheet, according to accountants.

To know more about credit here



a company tries to avoid the potential for violence or a lawsuit each time an employee is asked to leave the company. it does this by having the former employees meet with a specialized member of the hr staff to discuss their feelings while also getting help to find a new job. which strategy does the company use in this scenario? multiple choice an employee assistance program outcome fairness alternative dispute resolution fair representation


This is accomplished by scheduling a meeting between the ex-employees and a qualified member of the HR team so that they may express their views and receive assistance in finding a new position. In this case, the company's tactic is outplacement counseling.

Outplacement counseling: What is it?

Employers may include outplacement counseling in their employees' severance packages in order to help them gain the skills required to re-enter the workforce. Outplacement counseling services were once provided in-person, but modern outplacement counseling is now primarily provided online, making it more accessible and practical.

What do services for outplacement counseling do?

After years of employment with one company, searching for a new position can be difficult, especially for individuals whose career was abruptly terminated. Outplacement businesses typically provide the following services to assist such people in getting back on their feet:


Based on their talents and expertise, specialized career advisers can identify the jobs that would be the best fit for a person.

Career events

Job seekers have the chance to meet potential employers and learn more about various businesses.

Resume creation

Candidates can enhance their resumes and raise their chances of getting an interview by using online resources and counseling services.

Interview preparation

Candidates identify essential discussion themes and hone their body language and conversational skills with the help of a coach.

Educational materials

People may be directed to webinars, workshops, or online tutorials that can assist them in developing the skill set they desire.

Learn more about outplacement counseling: https://brainly.com/question/29524499


in which of the following market structures is(are) there a large number of sellers? (i) monopolistic competition (ii) perfect competition (iii) oligopoly a. (i), (ii), and (iii) b. (ii) only c. (i) and (ii) only d. (ii) and (iii) only


In monopolistic competition structures  there are large number of sellers.

Option (i) is correct answer.

Monopolies can result in large economies of scale. A business enterprise that holds a monopoly on a certain form of product can be able to produce mass quantities of that product at lower charges consistent with unit. relying at the ethics of the company, those low prices may be passed alongside to the consumer.

Monopolistic opposition is a type of imperfect opposition such that there are numerous producers competing against every other, however selling merchandise which can be differentiated from each other and hence aren't best substitutes

Monopolistic opposition exists whilst many businesses offer competing services or products which might be comparable, but no longer best, substitutes. The obstacles to access in a monopolistic competitive industry are low, and the decisions of any person company do now not at once affect its competition.

Learn more about monopolistic competition here : https://brainly.com/question/2891218


which of the following shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve right? question 4 options: (a) an increase in the expected price level, but not (b) an increase in the price level greater than expected. both (a) an increase in the price level greater than expected and (b) an increase in the expected price level. (a) a decrease in the price level less than expected and (b) an increase in the expected price level. (a) an increase in the price level greater than expected, but not (b) an increase in the expected price level.


A decrease in the expected price level shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve right.

What causes a right-hand shift in the aggregate supply curve over the short term?

In order to achieve a mix of lower inflation, more production, and reduced unemployment, the aggregate supply curve shifts to the right as productivity rises or the cost of essential inputs decreases.

What alters the aggregate supply line in the short term?

We move along the SRAS curve as the price level changes and enterprises increase output in response. However, the SRAS curve will be shifted by any adjustment that alters production at every potential price level. These kinds of occurrences are referred to as "shocks" since they are unanticipated.

To know more about aggregate supply curve, visit:



g how much would it cost for chester corporation to repurchase all its outstanding shares if new brokerage fees totaled 1% of the underlying transaction?


It would cost $78.0 million to repurchase all the corporation's shares.

A new brokerage fee of 1% is being charged.  

Cost of repurchase = Number of shares*Share price/(1-1%)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/(1-1%)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/(1 - 0.01)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/0.99

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.25

Cost of repurchase = $ 77,950,740

Cost of repurchase = $78.0 million

Finally, the repurchase cost is computed as $78 million.

To know more about the repurchase price refer to:



a video store rents out three classes of movie dvd's - classics, run of the mill and new releases. whenever a new dvd is purchased, it is classified strictly into one of these three categories and nothing else. if this is maintained, the three categories make up a well-defined set of:


The three categories make up a well-defined set of equivalence classes.

The subset of S that contains all components that are equivalent to one another is referred to as an equivalence class. The term "equivalent" depends on a certain relationship known as an equivalence relation. Any two elements are deemed equivalent if they have an equivalence relation.

A subset of the type x in X:xRa, where an is an element of X and the notation "xRy" denotes an equivalence relation between x and y, is referred to as an equivalence class. The collection of equivalence classes constitutes a partition of X because it can be demonstrated that any two equivalence classes are either equal or disjoint. If a and b are members of the same equivalence class, then we have aRb for all a,b in X.

To learn more about class refer here:



What is the problem in transition economies?


The problem in transition economies is excessive use of specialized terms is one of the main the difficulties in translating economic texts.

The transition economy or transitional economy is an economy which is changing from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. Transition economies undergo a set of structural transformations intended to develop market-based institutions.

The  transition economies suffered from a lack of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, which make it more difficult to reform their economies and promote market capitalism.

In addition, there was also a skill gap with few workers having the necessary skills required by employers in the newly privatised firms.

To know more about transition economies here,



a firm has the least amount of control over external causes of​ supply-chain dynamics. external causes include


A firm has the least amount of control over external causes of​ supply-chain dynamics External causes include expected changes in customer demand.

Now, According to the question:

What Is Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management (SCM) is oversight and control of all the activities required for a company to convert raw materials into finished products that are then sold to end-users.

SCM provides centralized control for the planning, design, manufacturing, inventory, and distribution phases required to produce and sell a company's products.

A goal of supply chain management is to improve efficiency by coordinating the efforts of the various entities in the supply chain. This can result in a company achieving a competitive advantage over its rivals and enhancing the quality of the products it produces, both of which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Learn more about Supply-chain at:



in the years preceding the great recession, there were three types of accommodative home loans programs for borrowers unable to qualify for standard home loans. the type that showed the least evidence of failure was:


The overall economy is strengthening, employment is expanding quickly, and housing and space are in higher demand. The people will begin to rebuild faith in the economy throughout the expansion phase.

The house that was bought with the money from the mortgage frequently serves as the collateral for loans. In order to recoup its losses on the loan, the lender may seize the goods or home specified as collateral if the borrower fails to make loan payments.

A sort of readvanceable mortgage is a collateral mortgage, which allows you to borrow additional money as you pay down your loan or if the value of your home increases. Your home equity will be used as security by your lender against your line of credit in order to accomplish this.

To know more about collateral mortgage, refer:



new classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government will


According to new classical economists, the government's increase in deficit financing will increase savings but not stimulate the economy.

What, according to classical economists, occurs during a recession?

According to classical economics, the economy would return to full employment without the intervention of the government if prices, wages, and interest rates fell naturally during a recession.

What are the views of classical economists?

The old-style business analysts accept that the market is in every case clear since cost would change through the cooperations of market interest. There is no need to interfere because the market regulates itself. A laissez-faire approach to macroeconomic policy is said to be advocated by economists.

To learn more about classical economists here



what risk factors do you need to consider when building up your risk premium or discount rate? what have you done to minimize and manage risk?


Business risk, financial risk, liquidity risk, exchange-rate risk, and country-specific risk are the risk factors do you need to consider when building up your risk premium or discount rate.

What is discount?A income cut price is a discount fee supplied through a commercial enterprise on a product or service. An income cut price, additionally normally called simply a 'cut price' gives clients of a commercial enterprise with a discount price on one or greater of the goods or offerings being supplied.Discounts, loyalty gives and bulk purchase pricing are not unusual place commercial enterprise practices that may assist you: pass stock. appeal to new or inactive clients. convince indecisive clients to purchase. Discounting is the manner of figuring out the prevailing price of a charge or a move of bills this is to be obtained with inside the future. Given the time price of money, a greenback is really well worth greater these days than it might be really well worth tomorrow. Discounting is the number one thing utilized in pricing a move of tomorrow's coins flows.

To learn more about discount from the given link :



suppose that avery and stacey are going shopping at the local mall and that each decides independently whether to buy many items or few items. if both shoppers buy a few items, both will receive 70 utils; if both buy many items, both will receive 100 utils. if one buys many items, and the other buys few items, the one who buys many items will receive 150 utils, while the other will receive 40 utils. what is the nash equilibrium? both will buy many items. both will buy a few items. avery will buy many items while stacey will buy a few items. stacey will buy many items while avery will buy a few items.


Both will buy many items is the nash equilibrium. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a nash equilibrium?

The most popular technique to describe the outcome of a non-cooperative match involving two or maybe more people is indeed the Nash equilibrium, A player can attain the preferred result by sticking to their starting tactic, according to equilibrium, a judgement call theorem of cognitive science. Each person's approach in the Nash equilibrium is the best one given what the other opponents have decided.

Assume Avery young Stacey decides on their own to purchase many or few products when browsing at the neighborhood mall. The nash equilibrium is that both will acquire numerous products.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about nash equilibrium, here:



a company requires 1800000 in sales to meet its net income target its contribution margin is 50% and fixed costs are 3000000 what is the company's target net income


The company's target net income is $60,000.

Sales to meet its net income target = (Fixed costs + Target Net Income (x)) / Contribution Margin Ratio

$1,80,0000 = ($300,000 + x) / .50;

$1,80,0000 ×2 = ($300,000 + x)

$3,60,000 = $300,000 + x

x = $60,000

x = $60,000(Sales to meet its net income target = (Fixed costs + Target Net Income (x)) / Contribution Margin Ratio) is $60,000

Contribution is the range of profits final in the end direct costs had been subtracted from sales. This the rest is the quantity available to pay for any constant charges that an enterprise incurs in the course of a reporting duration. Any excess contribution over fixed prices equals the profit earned.

it's far an accounting term that allows enterprise proprietors and executives to music product profitability. The contribution margin is essential to recognize as it indicates how a whole lot of a product's revenue is to be had to cover constant costs and make a contribution to the company's earnings. The difference, therefore, between contribution and earnings is that contribution shows the distinction between the income fee and variable costs for unique products. This then contributes to the constant charges and is going towards the profit of the business.

To learn more about Contribution visit here:



what accounting activities make a merchandising business differ from a service business? question 9 options: the purchasing of supplies and insurance the selling on account the owners capital and drawing account the purchasing and selling of products


The primary difference between a merchandising and a carrier-primarily based commercial enterprise is the presence of inventory. merchandising companies promote items to purchasers, whereas provider-primarily based agencies do no longer. The organization's economic statements, which include the profits statements, ought to replicate this distinction.

Although merchandising and service businesses use the same 4 final entries, merchandising groups typically have extra temporary debts to shut. the extra debts consist of income, sales returns and allowances, income discounts, purchases, purchases returns and allowances, purchases discounts, and freight‐in.

Accounting for a merchandising commercial enterprise requires understanding the prices and phrases of buying from providers. The higher a commercial enterprise proprietor can negotiate terms, the higher his profit margins can be, and the less risk he assumes, based on capability loss or breakage.

Learn more about merchandising  here



what would be a way for the federal reserve to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary?


One way through which the Federal Reserve can slow down the economy when it's growing too quickly is through b. buy back government bonds on the open market.

Open market operations are one method the Federal Reserve uses to slow down the economy when it is expanding too quickly. The Federal Reserve has the option to sell additional government bonds on the open market, which would reduce the amount of money in circulation and raise interest rates.

In order to keep the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate at which depository institutions lend reserve balances to other depository institutions overnight, close to the target set by the FOMC before the global financial crisis, the Federal Reserve used OMOs to modify the supply of reserve balances.

After the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve's strategy for carrying out monetary policy has undergone significant change. This is especially true since late 2008, when the FOMC adopted a target range for the federal funds rate that was almost zero.

To know more about open market operations:



Correct question:

What would be a way for the Federal Reserve to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary?

a. print more money

b. buy back government bonds on the open market

c. sell more government bonds

d. encourage the stock market

the amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.a. trueb. false


It is true that the amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time.

What is an amortization schedule, exactly?

A loan's whole amortization period is listed in a document called an amortization schedule. The schedule divides the expenses into principle, interest, total interest, and the remaining balance of the loan. A complete summary of all payments and their due dates throughout the whole term of a loan is called an amortization schedule. It contains the entire loan sum, a set interest rate, and the length of the loan. The schedule outlines the primary debt, which is the total sum you borrowed initially, interest, which is the fee a lender or other lending institution charges, and the outstanding balance after each payment.

How Does Carrying Value Work?

Carrying value is a type of value measure in accounting where the worth of a firm or asset is determined by the numbers on the balance sheet of the relevant company. Carrying cost is computed as follows for tangible assets like equipment or computer hardware: (original cost - accumulated depreciation).

To know more about  amortization schedule visit



vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements.a. trueb. false


The following statement "Vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements" is true.

Financial managers employ a method called common size analysis—also known as vertical analysis—to examine financial accounts. Each line item is expressed as a percentage of the period's base amount to analyze financial statements.

Vertical analysis on an income statement, balance sheet, or cash flow statement can be used to compare a company's financial statements to industry averages, understand the relative importance of each line item to the overall picture, identify significant long-term trends, compare several businesses of different sizes, or compare the proportions of each line item to the total.

To know more about Vertical analysis of financial statements here



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a usually bulleted list of the significant conditions and circumstances associated with a proposed business arrangement is called a . the nurse knows that the anesthetist will administer what medication at the end of surgery to ensure that the client regains skeletal muscle function? What is mental and emotional health? what are the characteristics of a person who is mentally and emotionally healthy? identify whether the following characteristics indicate good mental and emotional health or not. At what event did maya angelou famously recite her poem on the pulse of morning? Each craft box has 8 crayons Which equation represents the relationship between the total number of craft boxes, b, and the total number of crayons, c? O b = 8c b = c +8 Oc=b+8 Auto saved at c = 8bHELP asap Big is the name given to data sets that are too large and complex to work with typical database management tools Anyone pls its due today help me with the cause and effect at the bottom pls pls If the CNA is confused about instructions of a task that the nurse told the CNA to do, the CNA should?a. do the best job possible and not bother co-workers with the misunderstanding b. ask the other CNA's to do the jobc. ask the nurse to clarify the instructionsd. ask the patient what to do false imprisonment is the intentional restrain of a person for any reason Each of the following people behaved aggressively, and each was punished for his or her aggression. For which of these people should the indicated punishment have the best chance of successfully reducing aggression?a. Jake, who was punished immediately following his act of aggressionb. Keifer, who was extremely angry when punished after committing an act of emotional aggressionc. Lakeesha, who was punished in a very angry, hostile manner by her parents after committing an act of instrumental aggressiond. Danielle, who was punished for some of her aggressive acts but not for others, and cannot discern a pattern in the incidence of punishment A 20-gallon drum i being filled with water at a contant rate of 2 gallon a minute. How many gallon of water have been added to the drum after 4 minute? PLEASE HELP FAST Question- Since metals prefer to give away electrons during chemical bonding, the most active metals are closest to francium, which is a large atom with low ionization energy and electronegativity. Nonmetals prefer to pull in electrons, so the most active nonmetals are closest to fluorine, which has a high ionization energy and electronegativity. The noble gasses (Group 18) are considered inactive since they already have a stable octet of electrons in their outer shell.Referring to a periodic table, highlight the member of each pair of elements which is most chemically active. a repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he or she is unwanted, worthless, valued only to the extent that he or she can meet others' needs is known as: a. physical abuse. b. psychological maltreatment. c. child slavery. d. incest. For the photoelectric effect, indicate the expected observations for a particle theory of light and for a wave theory of light.1. If light intensity is increased, the number of electrons ejected should increase, but the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons ejected should not increase.2. If the frequency of the light is increased, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron should not be affected.3. If the frequency of the light is increased, the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons should increase.4. If the light intensity is increased, the number of electrons ejected should increase and the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons ejected should increase.5. There should be no lower limit to the frequency - electrons will be ejected for all frequencies.6. There is a "cutoff" frequency, below which no electrons will be ejected, no matter how intense the light. spanish thank you heere From which New York State location would Polaris be observed to have an altitude closest to 43 degrees above the northern horizon Prosthetics is the field of medicine concerned with the design, manufacture, and attachment of artificial body parts. Recent advances in prosthetics have produced devices that cover a wider range of functions and work more like their tissue counterparts. The following is a mechanical heart valve next to the tissue it is designed to replace. The quantity of labor demanded in an imperfectly competitive factor market is determined by the intersection of which two curves? describe the difference between calculating marginal revenue product of labor with firms in perfect competition vs imperfect competition. The lowest frequency _____ is a radio wave.a. electromagnetic spectrumb. electromagnetic wavec. radiation