The quantity of labor demanded in an imperfectly competitive factor market is determined by the intersection of which two curves?


Answer 1

The amount of labor needed in a market with imperfect competition is determined by the interaction of the marginal revenue product curve and the marginal factor cost curve.

The marginal revenue product of the labor curve and the demand curve for labor is identical. The product price of iPods multiplied by the extra production generated by iPod employees equals the marginal revenue product of iPods. As a result, if iPod prices increase, the demand for iPod employees will move to the right.

The supply curve will move to the right when there are more employees. There may be more workers as a result of a variety of circumstances, including immigration, population growth, aging, and shifting demographics.

To learn more about marginal revenue


Related Questions

Is Coca-Cola MNC or TNC?


The Coca-Cola beverage company, which has operations in more than 200 nations and has its headquarters there, is an example of a transnational corporation.

Transnational firms are similar to multinational businesses in many ways, with the slight distinction that the former have a centralised management structure, whilst the latter typically have numerous bases spread across the various nations in which the corporation works. Headquarters for multinational firms are typically located in those nations. Then, in order to expand their business, they establish various branches in other nations.

Transnational corporations, as opposed to traditional multinational corporations, which are national businesses with international subsidiaries, disperse their operations across multiple nations to maintain high levels of local responsiveness.

To learn more about transnational corporation refer here:


what is the name for a framework and corresponding functions required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization?


Incident management is required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization.

What is Incident management?

DevOps and IT Operations teams employ the incident management process to respond to an unanticipated event or service outage and return the service to operational status.

When the impacted service begins operating in the way it was meant to, the situation has been resolved. This just covers the activities necessary to lessen the damage and restore functionality.

The intensity of these catastrophes can vary greatly, from a single worldwide online service going down to a handful of customers experiencing sporadic difficulties.

Incidents can interfere with business operations, cause brief periods of downtime, and contribute to the loss of productivity and data. Given its many advantages, incident management procedures are becoming more and more important for enterprises.

To learn more on Incident management from the link:


What type of bank account that you can write checks and use a debit card?


Checking Account allows you to write checks and use a debit card.

A checking account makes it simple to access your money for daily transactions while also keeping it safe. Typically, customers can pay their bills or make purchases using a debit card or a check. Different methods may be available for accounts to help avoid the monthly service charge.

A checking account's main function is to store your money in a safe location for a brief period of time, making it accessible when you need it to cover bills and other costs. You can direct deposit your paycheck into your checking account and then transfer some of your take-home pay to a savings or investing account where it can compound over time.

To learn more about Checking Account click here:


A shop sells hardcover copies of a book for $18 and paperback copies for $12. The owner wants at least $300 in sales of the book today. Which inequality shows the number of copies that must be sold?.


The inequality that represents the number of copies that must be sold is $18s + $12y ≥ $300.

What is the inequality?

The first step is to determine the inequality sign that would be used:

Here are inequality signs and what they mean:

> means greater than

< means less than

≥ means greater than or equal to

≤ less than or equal to

The sign that would be used is ≥.

The form of the inequality is:

(cost of one hardcover book x number of hardcover books sold) + (number of paperback sold x total number of paperback sold) ≥ least value of sales

($18 × x) + ($12 x y) ≥ $300

$18x + $12y ≥ $300

To learn more about inequality, please check:


nearly all of the fortune 50 and fortune 500 companies include sexual orientation in their policies of non-discrimination. true false


False. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not address sexual orientation and federal law does not prohibit discrimination based on this characteristic.

What is sexual orientation?

An enduring pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to individuals of the same sex or gender, the same sex or gender, both sexes, or more than one gender is known as sexual orientation. The four facets of sexual identity—biological sex, gender identity, social sex roles, and sexual orientation—are examined in this essay. Theories on the formation of each element, their interaction, and how they work together to build the individual's sexual identity are examined. Who you are physically and/or romantically attracted to is what is meant by sexual orientation. What we do sexually, both with ourselves and others is called sexual conduct. And your sexual identity is how you view yourself in terms of the people you find sexually or romantically attractive.

To learn more about sexual orientation click on the given link:


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is _________ the allocatively efficient amount.


Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is B. more than the allocatively efficient amount.

In the field of business, oligopolistic firms can be described as those firms that set their own prices for their products as there are only a few companies making the same kind of product.

As there is less competition in the market for these kinds of products, the cartel tends to set a price that is more than the efficient amount. This is because the cartel wants to get as much profit as possible from selling these products. The quantity of the products is also kept higher than the efficient amount because there are only a few oligopolistic firms that are making that particular kind of product.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Two oligopolistic firms forming a cartel will want to set a price so that the cartel produces a quantity that is _________ the allocatively efficient amount.

A less than

B more than

C the same amount as

D One cannot tell.

To learn more about firms, click here:


ready company has two operating (production) departments: assembly and painting. assembly has 240 employees and occupies 62,400 square feet; painting has 160 employees and occupies 41,600 square feet. the company has indirect expenses that consist of administrative expenses of $92,000 and maintenance expenses of $112,000. administrative expenses are allocated based on the number of workers in each department and maintenance is allocated based on square footage. the total amount of indirect expenses that should be allocated to the painting department for the current period is: multiple choice $67,200. $55,200. $163,200. $81,600. $122,400.


The total amount of indirect expenses that should be allocated to the painting department for the current period is $81,600.

What is department?

The term department refers to the based on the management as they manage the different categories. The management are the divided the different department are the easy and the continence to the company.

According to the ready company as he separate department such as assembly and painting. Assembly employs 240 people and takes up 62,400 square feet of space; painting employs 160 people and takes up 41,600 square feet.


=92000 × 160/(240+160)




=112000 × 41600/(62400+41600)


Total amount allocated

$36,800 + $44,800

= $81,600

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on department, here:


a company believes a process monitored by an x-bar chart to be in control. when the most recent control point exceeded the ucl value by 20%, the company should


When the recent control point is more than the UCL value by 20% that the company should suspect that an assignable cause of variation now exists and can be found.

A control point is a task that checks the outcomes of a specific task in a business process to see if they comply with the results' specified requirements. If there is a nonconformity, feedback is set up, and the outcome should be changed. A control point is a decision-making checkpoint that gives you the chance to gauge compliance with the established processes, determine whether you're on track to meet the targets and goals you've established, and then determine whether the way the processes are carried out or managed needs to be adjusted.

To learn more about  control point click here


Which of the following is part of the synthesis view of fiscal policy? a. Automatic stabilizers offset some of the fluctuations in aggregate demand without any government action. b. Fiscal policy is much less potent than the early Keynesian view implied. c. The effectiveness of discretionary fiscal policy as a stabilization tool is highly questionable given the difficulties in proper timing. d. All of the above are correct. e. None of the above is correct.


E. None of the above is correct, since fiscal policy is a type of economics centered on the management of a state's resources which is powerful and well synchronized.

What is fiscal policy?

It is a discipline whose function is to manage and administer the resources of a state, i.e., it is a type of economic policy discipline which is in the hands of the government of a country who controls expenditures, revenues and tax levels.

It should be noted that this type of policy has flaws and one of them is the time lags that are all those deficiencies that affect the economic process.

Learn more about fiscal policy in:


the only social responsibility of a company should be to deliver a profit to its shareholders.a. trueb. false


Yes Increasing profits is the business's social responsibility. In it, he argued that a shareholder company only has obligations to its owners and has no social responsibility to society or the wider public.

Is a business's sole duty to its shareholders to maximize profits?

Social responsibility is also a component of business interactions with investors. Although it may appear that a company's primary duty to its shareholders is its economic responsibility to produce a profit, some investors are placing an increasing amount of focus on other facets of social responsibility.

What do you mean by business social responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), usually referred to as social responsibility in business, is the practice of individuals and businesses acting morally and conducting business in a manner that is considerate of others' social, cultural, economic, and political viewpoints.

To know more about shareholder visit:-


hiring employees from external sources is a slow option to avoid an expected labor shortage, and its revocability is low. slow option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage, and its revocability is high. fast option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage; plus. its revocability is high. fast option to avoid an expected labor shortage, and its revocability is low. slow option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage, and its revocability is low.


higher quality than when options are limited, when it comes to the workplace. For their employer, keeping them on staff can become more challenging.

Why would it not be better to hire new people if there is a labor shortage?

Why would it not be better to hire new people if there is a labor shortage? The business might have to let people go if the scarcity turns into a surplus.

How can the lack of workers in an organization be reduced to a minimum?

6 techniques to recruit prospects and combat the labor deficit

Offer the advantages that candidates seek.

Pay an increase.

Accept hybrid employment.

Modify your success criteria.

Boost the culture of your business.

Fill your hiring process with diversity.

To know more about employer visit:


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


according to the e-waste in south africa video case,  the availability of e-waste resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services.

What is an electronic waste ?

Discarded electrical or electronic equipment is referred to as electronic trash. E-waste is another name for these used electronics that are intended for recycling through material recovery, refurbishment, reuse, resale, or disposal.

Due to the availability of e-waste, the bolunga electronic waste firm now has the option to offer e-waste recycling services.

Aproximately 360,000 tons of e-waste are produced annually in South Africa, with Gauteng being the country's economic hub and producing around 55% of that amount, according to the UN's Global e-waste Monitor study.

Read more about Electronic waste


which of the following is a proper description of a tree diagram? a tool for organizing a large number of ideas, opinions, and facts relating to a broad problem or subject area a method for mapping out every conceivable event and contingency that can occur when moving from a problem statement to possible solutions a tool to take data and arrange them to display quantitative relationships among variables to make them more easily understood and analyzed a tool to map out the paths and tasks necessary to complete a specific project or reach a specified goal


A new management planning tool called a tree diagram shows the hierarchy of activities and subtasks required to accomplish a target. A single item that branches into two or more, each of which branches into two or more, and so on, is the starting point of the tree diagram.

What is the meaning of the tree diagram?

Tree diagrams show every scenario that could occur. In a tree diagram, each branch indicates a potential result. The number of alternative possibilities and the likelihood of those outcomes can be determined using tree diagrams.

What three elements make up a tree diagram?

It is called a tree because the connecting cables resemble branches. The diagram's elements are the roots, nodes, and leaf nodes.

To know more about tree diagram visit:-


if company b has marketable securities of $30,000, cash of $50,000, current liabilities of $40,000, accounts receivable of $40,000, prepaid expenses of $10,000 and short-term notes receivable of $30,000, what is its acid-test ratio? multiple choice question. 3 3.75 4 5.33


The company b's acid-test ratio is 3.75

Acid-test ratio = (Cash + Marketable Securities + Acct Receivable + Short term notes Receivable) / (Current Liabilities)

                        = (50,000 + 30,000 + 40,000 + 30,000) / 40,000

                        = 3.75

The acid-test ratio contrasts a company's current obligations with its "quick assets" (cash and accounts receivable). It is one of the six fundamental computations used to assess short-term liquidity, or an organization's capacity to pay its obligations when they become due.

Companies should ideally have a ratio of 1.0 or above, which indicates that the company has sufficient liquid assets to pay all short-term debts or invoices. The acid test ratio is significant because it gauges a company's liquidity and ability to settle short-term debts and other obligations using assets that can be easily converted to cash.

Learn more about acid-test ratio here:


explain how transferring core credits from a community college and/or testing out of certain courses can save you money when attending college.


It can be less expensive for students to complete part of their education requirements by transferring core credits from a community college.

Transferring core credits from a community college can save money because it allows students to complete some of their general education requirements at a lower cost. The colleges generally have lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities, so taking courses at a community college can save students money on their overall college costs. Transferring core credits can also allow students to complete their degrees in less time, which can further reduce the overall cost of college.

Another way that transferring core credits can save money is by allowing students to avoid taking courses that they may not need. For example, if a student has already completed a required course at a community college, they can transfer that course to their four-year institution, allowing them to skip taking the course again and save money on tuition. By taking a test or exam to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular subject, students can earn college credit without having to take the course, saving them time and money.

Read more about credit transfer on:


evelyn knows that prospective customers are likely to raise reservations about price and quality. she needs to convince customers that her products represent average quality for an average price. time savings. an environmental achievement. the least expensive choice available. a good value.


Evelyn knows that prospective customers are likely to raise reservations about price and quality. She needs to convince customers that her products represent a good value.

A prospective customer, often known as a prospect, is a person or organization that is interested in making a purchase, has the necessary financial resources, and has the authority to decide what to buy. Your target market is the group of people for whom you develop goods or services. They are now your leads even though they haven't made a purchase from you yet. And when you put up your advertising campaigns properly, they'll turn into your customers. Your strategic rate of return is essentially represented by prospective customers; all you need to do is discover how to extract it. There are various strategies for locating and luring potential clients.

Learn more about prospective customer from


In the process of reconciling its bank statement for january, maxi's clothing's accountant compiles the following information: cash balance per company books on january 30 $ 4,725 deposits in transit at month-end $ 1,800 outstanding checks at month-end $ 520 bank service charges $ 25 an nsf check returned on a customer account $ 265 the adjusted cash balance per the books on january 31 is:.


The adjusted cash balance per the books on January 31 is $5,810.

Adjusted cash balance is the ending cash balance after any non-cash items are subtracted from the total cash balance. It is used to measure a company's liquidity and financial health.

To calculate this, we can use the formula:

Adjusted Cash Balance = Cash Balance per Company Books + Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks - Bank Service Charges - NSF Check

Adjusted Cash Balance = $4,725 + $1,800 - $520 - $25 - $265

Adjusted Cash Balance = $5,810

For more questions like Cash balance click the link below:


with an abc system, an item that had a high demand but a low annual dollar volume would probably be classified as: group of answer choices b c a


Demand is an financial idea that pertains to a consumer's choice to buy items and offerings and willingness to pay a selected charge for them. Option C is correct.

The required details for Demand in given paragraph

With an A-B-C system, an object that had a excessive call for quantity however a low annual greenback volume could possibly be categorized as a C class. With an A-B-C system, an object that had a low call for quantity however a High annual greenback volume could possibly be categorized as A class. After A class B is classed and after B, C is classed. Demand is a idea that clients and groups are very acquainted with as it makes experience and takes place evidently within side the path of almost any day.

For example, buyers with an eye fixed on merchandise that they need will purchase greater whilst the merchandise' expenses are low.

To know about Demand click here


which of the following is/are examples of monetary policy? select one. question 5 options: a. excess reserves b. the reserve requirement c. open market operations d. all of the above


The reserve requirement and open market operations are examples of monetary policy.

What are the three basic monetary policy instruments?It is conventional to categorize monetary policy as either expansionary or restrictive. The Federal Reserve frequently employs the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements as its three primary monetary policy tools.To make borrowing money more affordable for consumers and companies, the government reduces interest rates.Reverse Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Bank Rate Policy (Discount Rate), Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), and Statutory Liquidity Ratio are the six tools of monetary policy (SLR).The reserve requirement, open market operations, the discount rate, and interest on reserves are the four primary instruments that central banks use to implement monetary policy.

To learn more about monetary policy refer to:


An organization pursuing a differentiation strategy will pay some employees much more than others and compensation is used to encourage risk taking.
a. True
b. False


An organization pursuing a differentiation strategy will pay employees more than others and compensation is used to encourage risk-taking. - True

An organization pursuing a differentiation strategy seeks to create a unique and distinctive value proposition for its items. This can involve offering higher quality, more innovative products than competitors, and can require a high level of skill, expertise, and creativity from employees. To attract and retain talented and experienced employees who can help the organization achieve its differentiation goals, it may be necessary to offer higher levels of compensation than competitors.

In addition to offering higher levels of compensation, an organization pursuing a differentiation strategy may also use compensation as a way to encourage risk-taking among its employees. By offering higher levels of compensation for employees who are willing to take on challenging or risky projects, the organization can create an incentive for employees to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Read more about differentiation strategy on:


yield management systems are used to: select one: a. fill unused capacity by discounting early purchases, limiting early sales at those discounted prices, and overbooking capacity. b. reduce break-even points when fixed prices are judged to be too high. c. maintain the optimum amount of input in order to take advantage of consumers' product perceptions. d. reduce consumers' cognitive dissonance due to late responses to demand. e. create demand for products that ar


The management of an organization's or business's income is done through yield management systems.

How does yield management work?

A dynamic optimal pricing technique called yield management aims to maximise income, or yields, from a predetermined number of rooms. It's about figuring out how to best rabalancete and occupancy by comprehending and influencing tourist booking behaviour. Selling the correct accommodation to the target consumer (customer) just at right time in the right price is a common definition of yield management.

Yield management is predicated on a number of important premises:

Hotels must sell a predetermined amount of rooms.

Because inventory is both perishing and finite, if a room isn't booked on a particular night, the chance is lost forever.

to know more about selling, visit to: -


the conservation of natural resources is important for sustainable development and design. thus, interior designers must be cognizant of how various buildings consume resources. which commercial building type utilizes large quantities of energy and water?


The conservation of natural resources is important for sustainable development and design. the commercial building type utilizes large quantities of energy and water: Healthcare facilities.

Herbal resources are sources that are drawn from nature and used with few modifications. This includes the sources of valued characteristics consisting of business and industrial use, aesthetic cost, clinical hobby, and cultural pride.

Natural resources can be described as the assets that exist (on the planet) independent of human movements. those are the assets that might be discovered within the environment and evolved without the intervention of humans.

Learn more about Natural resources here:


develop an appropriate forecast model for bookstore management to use to forecast computer demand for next fall semester, and indicate how accurate it appears to be. what other forecasts might be useful to the bookstore?


The first step in forecasting demand is to collect consumer buying patterns and consumer behavior data. The survey method might be useful to the bookstore.

Using historical analogy, businesses will occasionally estimate demand for new products by comparing it to historical demand data for comparable existing products. The process of foreseeing future client demand over a predetermined time frame is known as demand forecasting. Demand forecasting typically requires taking into consideration historical data as well as other analytical data in order to produce the most accurate estimates. In order to better grasp essential economic conditions and support the implementation of crucial supply decisions to enhance corporate profitability, a demand forecasting approach that applies predictive modeling of historical data to comprehend and anticipate consumer requests.

Learn more about forecasting from


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result ina. penalties and damages.b. penalties only.c. damages only.d. none of the choices.


Deep Earth Extraction Inc. operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharge of waste from the facility into the Bay may result in penalties and damages. The correct answer is a.

In an effort to protect our waters and their biodiversity from chemical and biological contaminants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has committed to eliminating the discharge of toxic pollutants and wastes into the bays. Passed the Clean Water Act, which strictly prohibits it. Effluents from facilities must be treated first, and maximum permissible toxic landfills are strictly regulated to minimize damage from toxic materials. Violations of the Clean Water Act carry fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment.

To learn more about the Clean Water Act visit:


project assumptions represent key dates when a certain group of activities must be performed. group of answer choices false true


The assertion is untrue. Project milestones are critical dates by which a specific set of tasks must be carried out, and project assumptions indicate these key dates.

By identifying significant dates and events, milestones give you a means to more precisely anticipate how long it will take to finish your project. This makes them crucial for precise project planning and scheduling. They play a significant role in project documents like the project schedule, project charter, and project plan due to their adaptability.

They are also employed in project management tools like Gantt charts, which can identify key scheduling periods, and scheduling approaches like the Critical Path Method. With milestones, you can divide the project timetable into intervals, or shorter time periods to manage and track progress, which will help you more accurately determine the slack in your project.

To know more about project assumptions click here,


Examples of product ingredients of the marketing mix include design of the product and trade names, packaging, and warranties.
a. true
b. false


The product's design, trade marks, packaging, and warranties are a few examples of active ingredients in the marketing mix.

What does "trade" mean?

Etymology. Trade is derived from Middle English trade, which means "route, course of behavior," Middle Low German trade, which means "track, course," Old Saxon trada, which means "spoor, track," and Proto-Germanic *trad, which means "track, way," and is related to Old English tredan ("to tread").

What advantages does trade offer?

Trade is essential to the prosperity of the United States because it boosts economic expansion, promotes domestic employment, raises living standards, and enables citizens to sustain their families with reasonably priced goods and services.

To know more about  trade visit:


Jake Nickell’s crowdsourcing approach to his business initially kept the business finances under control in all of the following ways except
Multiple Choice
it enabled bulk printing.
it allowed Nickell to maintain a favorable working capital.
it eliminated the need to hire employees.
it allowed Nickell to accept prepaid orders.
it eliminated the need for fixed costs.


Jake Nickell’s crowdsourcing approach to his business initially kept the business finances under control in all of the following ways except that it eliminated the need for fixed costs. The Option E is correct.

What is a Crowdsourcing?

Basically, a crowdsourcing refer to a sourcing model where individuals or organizations obtain goods or services from a large group of participants. Its involves obtaining work, information or opinions from a large group who submit their data via the Internet, social media, smartphone apps etc.

In the context of Jake Nickell’s business, his crowdsourcing approach kept the business finances under control as it enabled bulk printing, eliminated the need to hire employees, etc.

Read more about Crowdsourcing


Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make. True or false?


It is completely appropriate for the companies to use multiple capital budgeting methods for determination of which capital investment is to be made. Therefore, the statement given above is true.

The capital budgeting can be referred to or considered as the process of forecasting the allocation of capital funds within an organization. It is done in order to ensure deriving maximum returns for the firm over a prolonged period of such capital investment being made. An efficient organization will always want to have maximum possible rewards, and thus, it will do a budgeting of all the available alternatives to ensure the same.

Learn more about capital budgeting here:


for each market, determine whether each market is likely to have sufficient barriers to entry to allow individual firms to make positive economic profits in the long run. classify each market as possessing sufficient barriers to entry or not possessing sufficient barriers to entry.
a. the market for lawn-care services b. the market for wireless telecommunications (such as mobile phone service) c. the market for sport-utility vehicles
d. the market for aspirin
1. Sufficient barriers to entry
2. No significant barriers to entry


The markets that possess sufficient barriers to entry or don't possess sufficient barriers to entry are: Possess sufficient barriers to entry

Which markets have sufficient barriers to entry?

A prime example of a market that has sufficient barriers to entry is the wireless telecommunication market. This is because setting up the network towers and other equipment needed to operate telecommunication networks is quite expensive. That money is therefore a barrier to entry.  

Possess sufficient barriers to entry:

the market for wireless telecommunications (such as mobile phone service)the market for sport-utility vehicles

Possess no significant barriers to entry:

the market for lawn-care servicesthe market for aspirin

To know more about barriers to entry in market, refer:


expected monetary value (emv) is the product of the risk event probability and the risk event's monetary value. group of answer choices true false


Expected monetary value (emv) is the product of the risk event probability and the risk event's monetary value. The statement is true.

What is Expected monetary value (emv)?

A statistical concept known as expected monetary value determines the typical outcome when the future comprises situations that may or may not come to pass. A decision tree is typically used in an EMV analysis to represent decision-making when dealing with different risks in events and their potential effects on scenarios. A key idea in project risk management is the expected monetary value, which is used to generate a quantitative risk analysis for all kinds of plans. The Expected Monetary Value can be used in projects as a risk measurement and comparison tool. Despite the fact that project managers must rely mostly on their experience from previous projects when it comes to risk management,

To learn more about Expected monetary value (emv)


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