Wich of the following processes does not occur in the dark reaction of photosynthesis?a. Water is broken apart and oxygen releasedb. RDP picks up 6CO2 moleculesc. Unstable sugar formedd. PGAL splits into water, glucose and RDP (to be recycled)


Answer 1

The light reaction of photosynthesis is when the light provided activates the chlorophyll, which will split the water molecule, releasing H+ ions and oxygen. So, as this process occurs in the light process, it does not occur in the dark reaction. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Water is broken apart and oxygen released.

Related Questions

What theory is the most likely explanation for the development of eukaryotic organisms from prokaryotic organisms?Horizontal gene transfer theoryEndosymbiotic theoryOparin-Haldane hypothesisMiller-Urey theory


The correct option is the second one, Endosymbiotic theory. This theory, posits that a bigger prokaryote ate a smaller one, which eventually lost its independence an become an organelle, giving rise to the first eukaryote.

What is the function of NADPH and ATP?

a) They absorb light

b) They power the light-dependent reactions

c) They are light-reflecting pigments

d) They act as short-term energy storage


Answer: D

Explanation:  They Provide energy, electrons, and hydrogen to the Calvin cycle. Hope this helps!

In your own words, give a general description of the species, *wolf spiderIn your description make sure to include the scientific name and identification, it’s trophic level, it’s role in the food chain/web, and what biomes it may reside in.


Wolf Spider

• Scientific name and identification: ,Lycosa erythrognatha,.

This spider is distributed in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

It can be active during the day or night and is often found in cities, especially in gardens.

The spider is at the 3rd trophic level and is a secondary consumer (the spider feeds on beetles, butterflies, and flies and does not use its web to capture, but uses it to trap its prey).

The wolf spider can be present in much of South America and so it can be found in Biomes such as Temperate Forest and Tropical Forest.

- How could a rock be changed but still be classified as the same form of rock?



If it rains, the rock will be wet. But it is still classified as the same type of rock.


I really hope this helps!

I need helpList two natural causes of deforestation List two human related causes of deforestation


Natural causes of desforestation (natural and cyclical events):

- Fires (because of climate or heat waves);

- Floods (because of climate changes and storms);

- Hurricanes (because of natural events).

Human related causes of desforestation (human activity):

- Activities as agricutural expansion;

- Oil extraction;

- Infrastructure development;

- Mining;

- Construction;

- Cattle breeding.

The trend for human population and the rate of climate change are both predicted to consistently increase significantly. Whatoutcome is likely to be the least critical for humans in the future?A) deforestationB) less available freshwaterC) displaced coastal communitiesD) increased competition over land useSelect the correct answer choice


The least critical outcome among those options is likely to be deforestation. (option A) which also is the least related to human population increase and climate change rate problematic.

Meiosis is a life process associated with sexual reproduction which choice correctly summarizes meiosis into on statement?


Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce other new cells containing half of the original amount of genetic information (haploid daughter cells). They are know as our sex cells (eggs and sperm), and for all the organisms who have sexual reproduction. The meiosis can be divided into nine stages, these stages are:

Meiosis I

- Interphase

- Prophase I

- Metaphase I

- Anaphase I

- Telophase I and cytokinesis

Meiosis II

- Prophase II

- Metaphase II

- Anaphase II

- Telophase II and cytokinesis

The meiosis is also divided in two parts. The first part (meiosis I) is when one cell divides into two, and the second (meiosis II) these daughter cells are diveded into four granddaughter cells.

Free Brainliest if right!

Why is Mary Salter Ainsworth a central figure in psychology?



She developed an attachment relationship between the child and his/her mother figure.


The study of the interaction among living things with their non-living environment isO ChemistryO GeologyO AnthropologyO Ecology


The study of the interaction among living things with their non-living environment is Ecology.

The correct answer is the last one. Ecology.

2. Explain how small coral polyps can produce huge reefs. Then explain how a living coral comp
with a dead coral, and describe what happens to a dead reef over time. (3 points)


Stony coral polyps can create massive reef structures because polyps secrete skeletons of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Most stony corals have very small polyps, averaging 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter, when they grow large they forms colonies that can grow and weigh upto tons.

Coral polyps feed on microscopic algae called zooplankton. All the polyp then secretes an exoskeleton made out of limestone (CaCo3). These exoskeletons join together to form a coral colony which forms a coral reef. with due course of time, as the calcium carbonate builds up and corals reproduce, the size of a coral reef grows.

To learn more about Coral polyps , here



Using the following table match the tubes to the right patients


We have the following information about the patients:

A) Healthy 40-year-old man

B) 18-year-old girl with chronic lung infections

C) History of anemia

And for each tube, we have the values for hemoglobin and leucocytes.

Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells and helps carry oxygen, so a person with anemia would have low levels of hemoglobin.

In this case, tube 3 has the lowest levels of hemoglobin, out of range for both males and females, so we can say it belongs to patient C.

This leaves us with tubes 1 and 2.

If we see the levels of hemoglobin, tube 1 has lower levels of hemoglobin than tube 2, which suggests that tube 1 belongs to a female and tube 2 to a male.

But we also have to take into account the leucocyte, which would be elevated in the case of an infection. If you look at this, tube 1 has elevated leucocytes.

Combined, this information tells us that tube 1 belongs to patient B and tube 2 belongs to patient A.

How can you tell which organisms would have a specific trait on a cladogram?


In many cases, organisms' traits help to establish ancestry relationships and allow to elucidate evolutive history, now in cladograms when organisms share ancestry it implies that that group of species share a specific set of traits. In other words those organisms that belong to the same branch will share a set of traits.

Which nervous system structure controls the release of hormones in the endocrine
O cerebrum
O cerebellum


Answer: Hypothalamus


which position on an electrocardiogram is associated with the first sound of a heartbeat
A. P wave results from repolarization of the atria.
B. QRS complex results from ventricular depolarization.
C. P wave occurs after the QRS complex but before the T wave.
D. T wave represents depolarization of the atria.
E. repolarization of the atria is clearly visible.


The answer is C. P wave occurs after the QRS complex but before the T wave.

Which step of Koch's postulates is incorrect? A. 1.The pathogen is first found in an infected, unhealthy person.B. 2.The pathogen is isolated from an unhealthy person and grown in a lab.C. 3.The pathogen grown in a lab will be given to a healthy organism that gets the same disease.D. 4.The pathogen should be isolated again and should have mutated when compared to the original.


Let's analyze each one of the postulates and compare to the options.

1. A pathogen must be found in the body of a sick person.

This one states the same as the option A, therefore option A is not the answer.

2. A pathogen must be isolated and grown in a lab culture.

This one states the same as the option B, therefore option B is not the answer.

3. The pathogens that were created in this lab culture, when introduced in a healthy person's body, must give the disease to this person.

This one states the same as the option C, therefore option C is not the answer.

4. The pathogen must be isolated again and must be the same as the original.

This one states that the last isolated pathogen must be equal to the original one, but option D states that it must be mutated, which means that it would be different than the original. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

The correct answer is D. 4.The pathogen should be isolated again and should have mutated when compared to the original.

9. The hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer is largely responsible for controlling the movement ofa. small non-polar molecules.b. sodium ions.c. carbon dioxide.d. oxygen.e. water.


The cell membrane is a lipid bilayer with a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic interior is a fluid membrane that allows the movement of different molecules, along the membrane but also through it.

Some molecules that can pass through the membrane are small hydrophobic molecules, such as small non-polar molecules (A); in contrast, ions and polar molecules can't cross the membrane.

what is the use of gel electrophoresis buffer?



Remember that Electrophoresis separates macromolecules by size, charge, and other properties.

Buffers in gel electrophoresis are used to generate ions and thus carry a current flow (transmit a charge through the gel) Also, let's remember that a buffer is a substance that keeps pH levels stable. Therefore, buffers in gel electrophoresis are used to maintain the pH at a relatively constant value.

DNA Extraction Lab. 1. Where did the DNA you are seeing come from? (Based on the method given below).


1. The DNA in saliva comes from the cells that are shed from the inner linings of the mouth and the white blood cells.

Please assist with following question Why is it not possible for Fungi to photosynthesize? What reproduction method occurs in Fungi?


A. They do not have chlorophyll, they are not plants and they cannot carry out photosynthesis. They obtain their food and energy from the decomposition of organic matter.

B. Sexual and asexual reproduction.

What is the reproduction structure on the flower that is the male part?A) SepalsB) PetalsC) StamensD) Pistils


Reproduction structure in a flower

The flower in angiosperms is where the reproductive structures of the plant are located.

In the stamens is where the pollen (male gamete) is produced that will fertilize another plant. The stamen consists of two main parts: anther and filament.

Therefore, we can say that the male reproductive structure in the flower is the stamen.

Answer: C) Stamens



Why do you think ecologists consider biodiversity to be an important measure of ecosystem health?


Biodiversity is important for ecosystem health because it is a essential for the support all life on the planet, being the wide range of living organisms necessary for provide a functioning environment, since all the organisms and resources are important for life, like oxygen, water, food, and so on. Without plant diversity there is less oxygen, as well less organisms in the overall food chain and so on, because of that the ecologists consider it a important factor for ecosystem health.

Read the statement and determine the type of evolution:Male bumblebees go to flowers, such as orchids, to pick up chemicals that allow themto create attractive scents to put off for female bumblebees. Flowers have waxy pollento stick to the bumblebee's heads and abdomens in order to spread their pollen to otherflowers. These two traits – sticky pollen and chemicals for attractive scents – haveevolved together, forming a mutualistic relationship between flowers and bumblebees.


Answer and Explanation


A codon is a set of three nucleotides that correspond to a specific amino acid. The table below shows various DNA codons andtheir corresponding amino acidsAmino Acid DNA Codon(s)Alanine GCT, GCC, GCA, GCGArginine AGA, AGG, CGT, CGC, CGA, CGGAsparagineAAT AACAspartic Acid GAI,Cysteine TGT, TGCGlutamic Acid GAA GAGGlutamine CAA CAGGlycine GGT, GGC, GGA, GGGHistadineCAT, CÁCIsoleucine ATT, ATC, ATALeucineCTT, CTC, CTA, CTG, TTA, TTGLysineAAA AAGMethionine (Start) ATGPhenylalanineTTT, TTCProlineCCT, CCC, CCA, CCGSerineTCT, TCC, TCA, TCG, AGT, AGCThreonine ACT, ACC, ACA ACGTryptophan TGGTyrosine TAT, TACValine GTT, GTC, GTA GTG,StopTAA, TAG, TGA+Two strands of DNA are identical except for one codon. As a result, they code for slightly different proteins. Based on theinformation in the table above, which of the following statements could be true?OA. One strand contains a ACG codon instead of ACAOB. One strand contains a CCC codon instead of CCAOC. One strand contains a CAC codon instead of CTCOD.One strand contains a CGC codon instead of CGG


We have to find those codons which don't codes for the same amino acid, so we can do the following:

7. The difference between the cell cycle and Meiosis:A. meiosis has 4 divisions, cell cycle has 2B. mitosis has condensed chromosomes, meiosis has homologous chromosomesC. meiosis has 4 gametes with haploid DNA and mitosis has 2 daughter cells with identical DNAD. meiosis has metaphase 1 and Mitosis has metaphase 2


Mitosis is a cellular division that produces two diploid cells from a parent cell. Meiosis is a cellular division that produces four haploid cells from a parent cell. Mitosis is observed in somatic cells while meiosis is observed in gametes/sex cells.


Some individuals suffer from a rare genetic condition called hemophilia. This condition makes it extremely difficult for the body to stop bleeds when they occur. Which of the following blood components does a hemophiliac most likely lack?Blood plasmaErythrocytesLeukocytesThrombocytes



People that born with hemophilia lack or have a low amount of a clotting factor.

Coagulation factors are proteins necessary for normal blood clotting.

Coagulation factors are found in blood plasma. These factors act with Thrombocytes to clot blood.

However, hemophilia is not a decrease in Thrombocytes but a decrease in coagulation factors due to genetic causes.

Diagnosis includes screening tests and clotting factor analysis. Screening tests are blood tests that show whether the blood is clotting properly. Clotting factor tests can reveal a deficiency of clotting factors in the blood plasma and determine the level of severity of hemophilia.

As the coagulation factors are in Blood plasma, we can conclude that the correct answer is:


49. Wastes and large molecules of substance are expelled from cells during aprocess calledA. osmosis.B. endocytosis.C. exocytosis.


The correct answer is the letter C. exocytosis.

Exocytosis is a process in whcih substances are being enveloped in a membrane and fuses with the interior part of the plasma membra

During plant cell replication the division of the cytoplasm is called?A. CyttohydolsisB. Cytokinesis Plasmosis D. Cytoplasmosis


After the cells perform all the previous processes of the cell cycle, at the end of them, it results in two daughter cells for mitosis and meiosis I, and four daughter cells for meiosis II. This is accomplished because the cell uses proteins such as actin and myosin to enclose the resulting nuclei and the different organelles of each cell. We can say then that the correct answer is the second one: cytokinesis, and this can be seen with a little more detail in the picture below at the right part of it.

in the neck region , name the structure that plays a role in the immune system?a. thymusb. thyroid c. spleend. soft palate


Answer: B


Thyroid hormones can exert responses in various immune cells, e.g., monocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, and lymphocytes. Thyroid Hormones have an important role in Inflammation, Autoimmunity and Pathogen Clearance.

How come the vertebrae protects the spinal but the PNS has no bone protection?


The Central Nervous System (CNS) is of vital importance, meaning that any small trauma that it may suffer can represent a death risk for the individual. This lead natural selection to cause the organisms to develop a strong protection against those traumas. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is of monumental importance, but the traumas suffered has local impact only. The PNS is also spreaded through the entire body, getting to the tip of our toes and fingers. Therefore, its evolutionary development didn't involve the need of having such a strong protection, and that would have been really difficult as the PNS is so widely spreaded throughout the body.

Which is NOT a cause of
habitat loss?
A. building of new housing, cities, or
B. remodeling an already present building this is answer
C. grazing livestock
D. draining a wetland to put on top soil and
make it farm land


Building of new housing, cities, or factories is not a cause of habitat loss.

What is habitat loss?

Destruction of habitat is the process by which a natural habitat becomes unsuitable for its native species. Former inhabitants of the site have been displaced or eliminated, resulting in a decrease in biodiversity and species abundance. Destruction of habitats is the major cause of biodiversity loss.

Six Principal Causes of Habitat Degradation:

By 2050, agriculture will transform 1,3 million square miles of habitat into cropland...The logging industry is a major threat to forest ecosystems.The extraction of oil and gas via fracking poses a significant danger to biodiversity...Trawling causes severe physical harm to marine ecosystems.

Hence, the building of new housing, cities, or factories (option A) is correct.

To learn more the habitat loss the link is given below:



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