what is the value of the square root of -25+10

What Is The Value Of The Square Root Of -25+10


Answer 1

Celeste, this is the solution to the exercise:

Let's recall that √-1 = i, therefore:

The first term of the sum is √-25 = √25 * -1 = 5i

The second term remains the same. + 10

Thus, the correct answer is D. 5i + 10

Related Questions

Which set of numbers includes only integers? o -5, -3 1/4, 1 1/8o -3, -2, 2, 3o-6, -4, -2, -1/2o1/2, 2/3, 6/7, 0


It is important to know that integers refer to the numbers that can be written as a fractional component.

For example: -3, -2, 2, 3 are integers.

Hence, the answer is the second option.

Why the other answer choices are wrong?

Mainly because the other answer choices include numbers that are decimals, for example, -3 1/4 is equal to -3.25 which is not an integer.

Which order pair makes both inequalities true? Y<-2x+3Y< x-2


The ordered pair which makes both inequalities true are (3, 0).

Inequalities are mathematical expressions where neither side is equal.

Contrary to equations, we compare two values in inequality.

Less than, greater than, or not equal to signs are used in place of the equal to sign in between.

Let us consider the ordered pair (3, 0)

In the first inequality

y > -2x + 3

Substituting the values of x and y

0 > -2(3) + 3

0 > -6 + 3

0 > -3

In the second inequality

y < x - 2

Substituting the value of x and y

0 < 3 - 2

0 < 1

Therefore, the ordered pair which makes both inequalities true are (3, 0).

To learn more about inequalities visit:



1. Let a and b be integers. Prove that if a|b, then a”|6" for all positive integers n.



- a and b are integers. a | b means that integer a can divide integer b with no remainders.

- Let the Quotient of the division be k, so we can say:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a|b=k \\ \\ \text{ Put in an easier way, we have:} \\ \frac{b}{a}=k \\ \\ where, \\ k\text{ is an integer since }a\text{ directly divides b} \end{gathered}[/tex]

- Now, we are asked to find


- Again, we can rewrite this as:


- We can rewrite this expression using the law of exponents that says:


- Applying this law, we have:


- But we already know that


- Thus, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{b^n}{a^n}=k^n \\ \\ That\text{ is,} \\ a^n|b^n=k^n \\ for\text{ all positive integers n} \\ \\ k^n\text{ is an integer as well because }k\text{ is an integer.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

- Therefore, we have successfully proved the assertion

Use the distributive property to write the following expression as an equivalent product:8x -40a) 8(x - 32)(c) 10(-2x -4)(b) 8(x - 5)(d) 2(6x - 38)would it be answer c?:(


The answer is 8(x - 5)


8x - 40

this can be re written as

since 8 is a factor of 40 and 40/8 = 5

factorize out 8

the new equation is

8(x - 5)

i need help with my homework PLEASE CHECK WHEN DONE ANSWERING



The sequence is given below as


Step 1:

The nth term of an arithmentic progression is given below as

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_n=a+(n-1)d \\ where, \\ a=first\text{ term} \\ n=number\text{ of terms} \\ d=common\text{ difference} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To figure out the common difference, we will use the formula below

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=a_2-a_1=a_3-a_2 \\ d=11-8=14-11=17-14=20-17=3 \\ d=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2:

The first term of the sequence is given below as


Step 3:

Substitute the value of a and d in the formula below

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_{n}=a+(n-1)d \\ a_n=8+(n-1)3 \\ a_n=8+3n-3 \\ a_n=5+3n \end{gathered}[/tex]


The final answer is

[tex]a_n=5+3n,where\text{ n=1,2,3,4,...}[/tex]

OPTION A is the right answer

Find the absolute extrema of the function (if any exist) on each interval. (If an answer does not exist, enter DNE.)


Before we can determine the absolute extrema of the function, let's graph the given function first. f(x) = x² - 6x.

For the interval [-1, 6], we can see that the maximum value would be at x = -1.

Let's replace x with -1 in the function above.

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^2-6x \\ f(-1)=(-1)^2-6(-1) \\ f(-1)=1+6 \\ f(-1)=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the maximum between the interval [-1, 6] is at (-1, 7).

On the other hand, looking at the interval (3, 7] in the graph, the maximum is found at x = 7. To determine the maximum point, replace "x" with 7 in the function above.

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(7)=7^2-6(7) \\ f(7)=49-42 \\ f(7)=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the maximum at the interval (3, 7] is at point (7, 7).

Geometry formulas Situation: Find the perimeter of a rectangular area with a length of 13 inches and a width of 7 inches. Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.) I think is easier: to distribute. to not distribute. Why I think it is Easier


a rectangular area with a length of 13 inches and a width of 7 inches.

Length of rectangle = 13 inches

Width of rectangle = 7 inches

With Distribution:

The perimeter of any polygon is the sum of all the sides of the polygon

In the given rectangle we have 2 lengths and 2 widthSo,

Perimeter = length + width + Length+ width

Substitute the value and solve

Perimeter = 13 + 7 +13 +7

Perimeter = 20 + 20

Perimeter =40inches

Without Distribution

The perimeter of rectangle is express as :

Perimeter = 2(length + Width)

Substitute the value and solve



Perimeter-40 inches

It was easier without distribution because it becomes calculation easy.

Answer: Perimeter = 40 inches

It is easier to not distribute

Because it makes calculation easy and short.

When you convert a number from decimal notation to scientific notation, how do you know if the exponent will be positive or negative? Explain.


When converting a number from decimal to scientific notation,

The exponent is positive if the movement of the decimal point is to the left

The exponent is negative if the movement of the decimal point is to the right.

Examples :


The decimal point moves from the right of the last digit to the place between 1 and 2. It moves to the left so the exponent is positive.


The decimal point will move 3 places to the right, so the exponent will be negative.

a recipe calls for 1/4 cup of flour. Carter only has a measuring cup that holds 1/8 cup.How can Carter measuring cup that holds 1/8 cup.How can Carter measure the flour he needs for his recipe?


We are given that we need to measure 1/4 cup of flour with a measuring device that can only hold 1/8 cup.

To determine the 1/4 cup we need to have into account that:


Therefore, two times 1/8 is 1/4 therefore, Carter can fill the 1/8 cup two times to get 1/4 cup.

Find the distance between (-5,3) and (-6,6).


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{let (x}_1,y_1)=(-5,3)\text{ and (x}_2,y_2)=(-6,6) \\ \text{the distance is given by} \\ d=\sqrt[]{\text{(x}_2-\text{x}_1)^2+(y_2}-y_1)^2 \\ \text{hence, one has} \\ d=\sqrt[]{(-6-\mleft(-5\mright))^2+\mleft(6-3\mright)}^2 \\ d=\sqrt[]{(-6+5)^2+(3)}^2 \\ d=\sqrt[]{(-1)^2+9} \\ d=\sqrt[]{1+9} \\ d=\sqrt[]{10} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let angle D be an acute angle and tan D = 0.72 . Use technology to approximate the measure of D to the nearest 10th of a degree.


D=35.8 °


Acute angles measure less than 90 degrees, to solve this we need to use a calculator

Step 1

a) let

[tex]\begin{gathered} angle\text{ =D} \\ tan\text{ angle = }tan\text{ D=0.72} \end{gathered}[/tex]

, b) now, use the inverse tan function to isolate D

[tex]\begin{gathered} tan\text{ D=0.72} \\ inverse\text{ tan function in both sides} \\ \tan^{-1}(tan\text{ D\rparen=}\tan^{-1}(\text{0.72\rparen} \\ D=35.75388 \\ rounded \\ D=35.8\text{ \degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is

D=35.8 °

I hope this helps you

5. Write a general formula to describe the variation: x varies inversely with y.A: X=K • YB: X=K/YC: X=-K•YD: X=K/Y^2


If x varies inversely as y, then that means


where k is a constant of proportionallity. Then, the answer is option B.

1. Given: f(x)=x²-5x +1
A) Which is larger f(2) or f(-2)?
B) Which is smaller f(0) or f(4)?


A. The function f(-2) is larger than f(2)

B. The function f(4) is smaller than f(0)


The function;  f(x) = x²- 5x + 1

We have to find;

A. The larger is f(2) or f(-2)


f(2) = 2²- 5 x 2 + 1 = 4 - 10 + 1 = - 6 + 1 = -5

f(-2) = -2²- 5 x -2 + 1 = 4 + 10 + 1 = 15

That is,

The function f(-2) is larger than f(2)

B. The smaller is  f(0) or f(4)


f(0) =  0²- 5 x 0 + 1 = 0 - 0 + 1 = 1

f(4) = 4²- 5 x 4 + 1 = 16 - 20 + 1 = - 4 + 1 = -3

That is,

The function f(4) is smaller than f(0)

Learn more about functions here;



You roll a 6 sided die what is p 2 or less than 6


The sample space for one 6-sided die is given by


Then, the probability to get the number 2 or a number less than 6 is given by

[tex]P(2\text{ or less than 6\rparen=P\lparen2\rparen+P\lparen less than 6\rparen-P\lparen2 and less than 6\rparen}[/tex]

which gives

[tex]P(2\text{ or less than 6\rparen=}\frac{1}{6}+\frac{5}{6}-\frac{1}{6}=\frac{5}{6}[/tex]

that is because the probability to get a number 2 is 1/6, the probability to get a number less than 6 is 5/6 because there are 5 numbers less than 6 and the probability to get a number 2 and a number less than 6 is 1/6 because there is only one number 2.

Therefore, the answer is:


Simplify each expression using the order of operations. 3+(7−5)2×6= 25(4+4)×2= 8−6÷2+3×5= 7×3−15÷5= 8+2(1+12÷2)2=


Using the order of operation which states

[tex]\begin{gathered} B\Rightarrow Bracket \\ O\Rightarrow Orders \\ D\Rightarrow Division \\ M\Rightarrow Multilication \\ A\Rightarrow Addition \\ S\Rightarrow Subtraction \end{gathered}[/tex]

Expressions in brackets/parentheses are evaluted first, followed by expressions involving orders, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction in that order.



[tex]\begin{gathered} 3+(7-5)2\times6\text{ = ?} \\ \text{Evaluate expressions in parentheses. thus,} \\ 3+(2)2\times6 \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving multiplication,} \\ 3+24 \\ \text{Add up the expressions,} \\ 3+24\text{ = 27} \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus, 3+(7−5)2×6 = 27


[tex]\begin{gathered} 25\mleft(4+4\mright)\times2=\text{?} \\ \text{Evaluate expressions in parentheses. thus,} \\ 25(8)\times2 \\ \Rightarrow400 \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus, 25(4+4)×2 = 400


[tex]\begin{gathered} 8-6\div2+3\times5\text{ = ?} \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving division. thus,} \\ 8-3+3\times5 \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving multipliation. thus,} \\ 8-3+15 \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving addition. thus,} \\ 8+12 \\ \text{Add up the terms,} \\ 8+12\text{ = 20} \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus, 8−6÷2+3×5 = 20


[tex]\begin{gathered} 7\times3-15\div5=\text{ ?} \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving division. thus,} \\ 7\times3-3 \\ \text{Evaluate expressions involving multiplication. thus,} \\ 21-3 \\ \text{Subtract the terms,} \\ 21-3\text{ = }18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus, 7×3−15÷5 = 18


[tex]\begin{gathered} 8+2\mleft(1+12\div2\mright)2=\text{ ?} \\ \text{Evaluate the terms in parentheses. thus,} \\ 8+2\times\: 7\times\: 2 \\ \text{Evaluate the terms involving multiplication. thus,} \\ 8+28 \\ \text{Add up the terms,} \\ 8+28\text{ = }36 \end{gathered}[/tex]

thus, 8+2(1+12÷2)2 = 36.

a large Square can be divided into 16 small squares a large Square can be divided into 16 small squares that have equal sides length of 1 cm what is the area of the large Square



According to the information given, if the large square can be divided into 16 small squares, that means that there are only 4 squares on each side of thelarge square, see the picture

here, we can observe 16 squares, ans 4 squares in each row.

So, if each small square measures 1 cm

Area of the large square = 4 x 4 = 16 cm^2


The area of the large square is 16 cm^2

A carnival equipment manufacturer states that the circular platform of a particular merry-go-round has a circumference of 6.28 yards. What is the platform's area?



The circumference of the platform is 6.28 yards.

To find: The platform's area


The formula of the circumference of the circle is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=2\pi r \\ 6.28=2\times\frac{22}{7}\times r \\ r=6.28\times\frac{1}{2}\times\frac{7}{22} \\ =0.999 \\ \approx1yard \end{gathered}[/tex]

The formula of the area of the circle is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi r^2 \\ =\frac{22}{7}\times1\times1 \\ =3.137 \\ \approx3.14yards^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer: The platform's area is 3.14 square yards.

A license plate has two letters followed by three digits.What is the probability that the license plate are all odd numbers?


The number plate has two letters and three digits

The probability that the license plate are all odd numbers will be ...........

The probability of that the three numbers are odd is 1 / 2 x 1 / 2 x 1 / 2 = 1/8

Tala Abarkowe NAME PERIOD Unit 2 Lesson 5 Cool Down An albatross is a large bird that can fly 400 kilometers in 8 hours at a constant speed. Using d for distance in kilometers and t for number of hours, an equation that represents this situation is d = 50t. = 1) What are two constants of proportionality for the relationship between distance in kilometers and number of hours? Due in this s cose lh sud


Given relation is


Here, d is the distance in kilometers and t is the number of hours.

Since distance and time both vary, therefore, they are not constants.

The only value which is fixed is 50.

Therefore, the only constant of proportion is 50.

Since the ratio of two valus are constant, therefore, they are in direct proportional relationship.

From the given relation, we can write


Hence, another relationship between d and t is


HW Score: 77 Score: 0 of 1 pt 15 of 18 (15 complete) v X 7.3.43 On a world globe, the distance between Chy A and Cycles that are actually 10.730 kilometers apart, is 132 inches. The actual distance between City C and City Dis 1500 kilometers How far apart are this globe? chy C and Cny D are inches apart on this giebe (Type an integer ordenalpadd to the manded) More Enter you are All parts showing Type here to search


13.2 inches is. 10,730

1500 km , how far apart are

Find X= (1500/10,730) = 150/1073= 0.14

then multiply by 13.2

13.2X = 1.85

Then ,in a globe , distance between C and D cities is 1.85 inches

Answer is 1.85 inches

Find the area of this circle please…Use 3 for pi



The radius of circle is 11 inch

The value for pi is 3

The objective is to find the area of the circle.

The area of the circle is given by the formula:

[tex]A=\pi\times r^2^{}[/tex]

Substituting ,r = 11


We get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi\times r^2 \\ =3\times(11)^2 \\ =3\times121 \\ =363 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the area of the circle is 363 square inches

in quadrilateral ABCD shown below, AD is congruent to BD, m


We will use the next image

the angles in red are equals

The angle in blue is 30°

We need to remember that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle must be 180°

x is the red angle





the angle DBC can be calculated as a complementary angle, the complementary angle is formed with two angles that form an angle of 90°

angle DBC =90-75

angle DBC=15° the angle in green in the image

There are approximately 2.54 cm in 1 inch. what is the distance in inches of 14 cm. use a proportion to solve and round your answer to the nearest 10th of an inch



We know that there are 2.54 cm in 1 inch

2.54 cm ⇔ 1 inch

We want to find what is the distance in inches of 14 cm:

14 cm ⇔ ?? inch

Then, we have the following equivalence:

14 cm ⇔ ?? inches

2.54 cm ⇔ 1 inch

If we divide both sides of the equivalence we would have the same proportion:


Solving both sides of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{14}{2.54}=\frac{?\text{?}}{1} \\ \downarrow \\ 5.51=\text{??} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means that:

14 cm ⇔ 5.51 in

Rounding the answer

We want to round our result to the nearest tenth. This is a number with one digit after the decimal point:

5.51 in ≅ 5.5 in

Answer: the distance in inches of 14 cm is 5.5 in

simplify using distributive property 4(1 + 9x)


4(1 + 9x)

4 + 36x (Distributing)

The answer is 36x + 4

Put in your own words.What is a quadratic equation?



A quadratic equation is an equation that has the following general form:


Any equation that can be rewritten in the above form can be considered a quadratic equation, the important part is that there is a term that includes an


and that 2 is the greatest exponent of any variable of the equation.

write the decimal using number name,and unit form . 317.098


three hundred and seventeen and ninety-eight thousandths


3 = hundreds

1 = ten

7 = ones

Number after the decimal point start in ythe tenth place

0 = tenth

9 = hundredths

8 = thousandths

Naming the number:

three hundred and seventeen and ninety-eight thousandths

Fill in the blanks below.(a) Ivanna lost 40 dollars from her pocket.Write a signed number to represent this change.(b) A car corporation produced 540 more cars this month than last.Write a signed number to represent this month's change in production.


Recall that the signs

[tex]+,\text{ and -}[/tex]

helps us indicate if there is an increase or a decrease.

If the number represents a decrease from the previous one, we put a minus sign. If the number represents an increase then we put a plus sign.

Notice that Ivanna lost $40, therefore, the total money she had decreased by 40.

If the company produced 540 more cars this month than last month, then there was an increase of 540 in cars production.






Debra brought a desk on sale for $438. This price was 73% of the original price. What was the original price


Let x = the original price of the desk.

It's known that 73% of the price is $438, thus:


Multiplying by 100 and dividing by 73:


The original price of the desk was $600

I need help with this question. I have to show work



Let the number of days be represented by t. Let the total cost be represented by C.


The equation to represent the total charges will be given as



The equation to represent the total charges will be given as



Company B will charge less over a 9-day rental period.

To confirm this answer, we will calculate the cost using the equations derived above:


[tex]\begin{gathered} C=22(9)+5 \\ C=198+5 \\ C=203 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} C=20(9)+16 \\ C=180+16 \\ C=196 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, COMPANY B will charge less over 9 days.


To know how much is saved over a 15-day period, we will first calculate the cost of both companies over the period using the equations derived from Part A.


[tex]\begin{gathered} C=22(15)+5 \\ C=330+5 \\ C=335 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} C=20(15)+16 \\ C=300+16 \\ C=316 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can, thus, calculate the difference as

[tex]\begin{gathered} 335-316 \\ =19 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the amount saved will be $19 over 15 days.

The following side lengths, in meters, were given to a carpenter to build a front porch with a triangular design. The carpenter needs to determine which set of lengths will make a triangle to be able to use it in his design. Which of the options would create a triangle for his design?
5 points
Side lengths: 4, 4, 8
Side lengths: 6, 8, 10
Side lengths: 6, 6, 13


The pair of side lengths that can create a triangle is 6, 8 , 10.

What is a triangle?

A triangle is a polygon with 3 sides. The area of a triangle with base b and height h is given by A = (1/2)bh.

The given pairs of side lengths of the triangle are 4,4,8; 6,8,10; and 6,6,13.

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side.

(1) The side lengths are 4,4,8.

Since 4 + 4 =8 is not greater than the length of the third side, 8, it won't create a triangle.

(2) The side lengths are 6,8,10.

Note that the sum of any two side lengths is greater than the length of the third side, therefore, this pair of side lengths can create a triangle.

(3) The side lengths are 6,6,13

Since 6 + 6 =12 is not greater than 13, the third side length, won't create a triangle.

Hence, the pair of side lengths that can create a triangle is 6, 8 , 10.

Learn more about triangles here:



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