Why would an Inca family be willing to sacrifice a child to the gods


Answer 1


The practice of human sacrifice in Pre-Columbian cultures, in particular Mesoamerican and South American cultures, is well documented both in the archaeological records and in written sources. The exact ideologies behind child sacrifice in different pre-Columbian cultures are unknown but it is often thought to have been performed to placate certain gods.



Olmec Culture

Altar 5 from La Venta. The inert were-jaguar baby held by the central figure is seen by some as an indication of child sacrifice. In contrast, its sides show bas-reliefs of humans holding quite lively were-jaguar babies.

Although there is no incontrovertible evidence of child sacrifice in the Olmec civilization, full skeletons of newborn or unborn infants, as well as dismembered femurs and skulls, have been found at the El Manatí sacrificial bog. These bones are associated with sacrificial offerings, particularly wooden busts. It is not known yet how the infants met their deaths.[1]

Some researchers have also associated infant sacrifice with Olmec ritual art showing limp "were-jaguar" babies, most famously in La Venta's Altar 5 (to the right) or Las Limas figure. Definitive answers await further findings.

Maya culture

In 2005 a mass grave of one- to two-year-old sacrificed children was found in the Maya region of Comalcalco. The sacrifices were apparently performed for consecration purposes when building temples at the Comalcalco acropolis.[2]

There are also skulls suggestive of child sacrifice dating to the Maya periods. Mayanists believe that, like the Aztecs, the Maya performed child sacrifice in specific circumstances. For example, infant sacrifice would occur to satisfy supernatural beings who would have eaten the souls of more powerful people.[3] In the Classic period some Maya art that depict the extraction of children's hearts during the ascension to the throne of the new kings, or at the beginnings of the Maya calendar have been studied.[4] In one of these cases, Stela 11 in Piedras Negras, Guatemala, a sacrificed boy can be seen. Other scenes of sacrificed boys are visible on painted jars.

Teotihuacan culture

There is evidence of child sacrifice in Teotihuacano culture. As early as 1906, Leopoldo Batres uncovered burials of children at the four corners of the Pyramid of the Sun. Archaeologists have found newborn skeletons associated with altars, leading some to suspect "deliberate death by infant sacrifice".[5]

Toltec culture

In 2007, archaeologists announced that they had analyzed the remains of 24 children, aged 5 to 15, found buried together with a figurine of Tlaloc. The children, found near the ancient ruins of the Toltec capital of Tula, had been decapitated. The remains have been dated to AD 950 to 1150.

"To try and explain why there are 24 bodies grouped in the same place, well, the only way is to think that there was a human sacrifice", archaeologist Luis Gamboa said.[6]

Aztec culture

Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Tláloc, as shown in the late 16th century Codex Rios.

Aztec religion is one of the most widely documented pre-Hispanic cultures. Diego Durán in the Book of the Gods and Rites wrote about the religious practices devoted to the water gods, Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, and a very important part of their annual ritual included the sacrifice of infants and young children.

According to Bernardino de Sahagún, the Aztecs believed that, if sacrifices were not given to Tlaloc, the rain would not come and their crops would not grow. Archaeologists have found the remains of 42 children sacrificed to Tlaloc (and a few to Ehecátl Quetzalcóatl) in the offerings of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. In every case, the 42 children, mostly males aged around six, were suffering from serious cavities, abscesses or bone infections that would have been painful enough to make them cry continually. Tlaloc required the tears of the young so their tears would wet the earth. As a result, if children did not cry, the priests would sometimes tear off the children's nails before the ritual sacrifice.[7]

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Took the test.





Help me ASAP giving brianliest



the last one



I believe the answer is C: Monte Alban.


I did some research, but at first it seemed like they were all a part of the Olmec civilization. Then I individually searched each place, and Monte Alban was the only one that showed up that didn't talk about the Olmecs.

I would go with the third option: Monte Alban.

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Yes, this is true.


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© 2011 FLVS

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Its members can write tax laws.
Its leader can be elected for no more than two terms.
There are nine members of this branch.
This branch is made up of two houses.



The three branches are the legislative, executive and judicial


Question 1
Compared to a high school graduate, how much more money will you make per
year if you obtain a four year degree from a college or trade school?
A. $180,000 per year.
B. $16,000 per year.
C. $10,000 per year.
D. $27,000 per year.


A because hahahahaha
A is the answer I believe

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please answer



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B. Roosevelt agreed to remain neutral but sold arms and food to both Axis and Allied troops
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Here ya go, one hint ;) The Lend-Lease Act, approved by Congress in March 1941, had given President Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to direct material aid such as ammunition, tanks, airplanes, trucks, and food to the war effort in Europe without violating the nation's official position of neutrality.

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Question 4 options:

Korea was divided into North and South Korean. The North was ruled by Communist. The South was capitalist. The US supported the North. The Soviets supported the South.

Korea was divided into North and South Korean. The North was ruled by Communist. The South was capitalist. The Soviets supported the North. The US supported the South.

Korea went to war with both the US and the Soviet Union in order to establish a communist nation.

The Soviet Union tried to overtake all of Korea, so the US declared war and stopped them.



Korea was divided into North and South Korean. The North was ruled by Communist. The South was capitalist. The US supported the North. The Soviets supported the South.

In 1948 the Korea Peninsula was divided between a Soviet-backed government in the north and an American-backed government in the south. War broke out along the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950. On that day, North Korean troops coordinated an attack at several strategic points along the parallel and headed south toward Seoul. The United Nations Security Council responded to the attack by adopting a resolution that condemned the invasion as a "breach of the peace."

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Lin Zexu’s “Letter of Advice to Queen Victoria”, written before the outbreak of the Opium Wars

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a. Federal Courts:
b. State Courts:
C. Military Courts:
d. Tribal Courts:


I say A Federal courts

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Answer: You didn't send us a picture or anything.


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a. farmers who settled in he Pacific Northwest territories.
b. railroad workers who were involved in the building of the northwest line.
c. sailors who traveled the route from the eastern seaboard to the Pacific northwest territories
d. trappers who worked with the north west company​



D. trappers who worked with the north west company


hope this helps :)


D. The Nor'Westers were trappers who worked with the North West company.

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It proposed that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be allowed to “die out” through a process of natural elimination, or, where possible, assimilated into the white community. Policies focused on assimilating children as they were considered more adaptable to white society than adults.

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I think it was the South because of the climate and amount of land
Hope this helps :p

Question 4 of 25
Which position or body of the federal government would have the most power
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A. The president
B. The House of Representatives
C. The Supreme Court
D. The Senate



B. The president


Just did this question

President Roosevelt's call to action upon reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is best described as
O outrage toward the meat-packing industry, and imposing higher taxes on cattle farmers
O disgust and anger toward meat-packing industry workers known as muckrakers
O surprise at the public's demand for healthy livestock, and continued disbelief of Sinclair's claims
O movement to ensure sanitary conditions in meat-packing plants by signing new legislation




Movement to ensure sanitary conditions in meat-packing plants by signing new legislation


President Roosevelt's call to action upon reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is best described as a movement to ensure sanitary conditions in meat packing plants by signing new legislation. The correct option is d.

What is a call to action?

Call to action is a marketing term for any design to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. A most often refers to the use of words or phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising messages, or web pages, which compel an audience to act in a specific way.

In marketing, a call to action is an instruction to the audience designed to provoke an immediate response, usually using an imperative verb such as call now, find out more or visit a store today. Other types of calls to action might provide consumers with strong reasons for purchasing immediately, such ch an offer that is only available for a limited time.

The key to a powerful call to action is to provide consumers with compelling reasons to purchase promptly rather than defer purchase decisions.

Learn more about action, here:



"A Mad Dash to Disaster": The First World War
1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statement best summarize the central ideas of the?
A. WWI was caused exclusively by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
B. Historian Henry Kissinger was the most accomplished U.S. Secretary of State in
American history.
C. No one nation or group can be singled out to blame for the outbreak of WWI.
D. The roots of WWI were planted long before the assassination of Archduke Franz
E. Trench warfare, because it was so deadly, was outlawed in future warfare at the
Paris Peace Convention.
F. WWI permanently brought the U.S. out of isolation, deeply involving it in future
global matters, like WWII.

2. Part B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A?
A. “A history-making diplomat as well as a historian, Kissinger concluded that no
country can be singled out, because ‘[e]ach of the major powers contributed a
quota of shortsightedness and irresponsibility’” (Paragraph 2)
B. “World War I (1914-1918) — which claimed 32 million military and civilian
casualties, impoverished Europe, destroyed three empires, and set the stage for
an even more savage World War II — had many roots.” (Paragraph 3)
C. “on June 28, 1914, a radical Serbian nationalist tossed a burning match by
assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of yet another
European superpower, the Austro-Hungarian empire of the Habsburg
monarchy.” (Paragraph 7)
D. “What followed was a massacre that lasted an interminable four years, three
months, and eventually brought into the maelstrom two million American
‘doughboys.’” (Paragraph 16)
E. The heaviest and eventually decisive fighting was done on the Western front,
where French, British and eventually, American soldiers were locked in a
remorseless trench warfare with von Schlieffen’s army.” (Paragraph 18)
F. “in March 1917, President Woodrow Wilson had responded to the outrageous
sinking of four American ships by German submarines by abandoning the U.S.
policy of neutrality.” (Paragraph 21)

3. Why did the author most likely italicize the phrase “for any reason whatever” in Paragraph
A. to emphasize that almost anything would provoke the allies to fight, and war
was basically inevitable
B. to propose the idea that the allied countries were eager to fight, regardless of
whom or what they would fight
C. to stress France’s and Russia’s militaristic mindsets and superiority at the time
D. to clarify that the alliance was actually very general and loose, not as binding as
it would later seem

4. PART A: What does the word “hazardous” most likely mean as used in paragraph 4?
A. unnecessary
B. risky
C. violent
D. preventative

5. PART B: Which of the following phrases best supports the answer to Part A?
A. “Faced by the fast-growing German empire” (Paragraph 4)
B. “Desperate for allies” (Paragraph 4)
C. “agreed to mobilize their armies” (Paragraph 4)
D. “this hair-trigger arrangement” (Paragraph 4)

6. According to the text, how did the Central Powers, especially Germany, react to the United
States’ entrance into the war?
A. Given how late the U.S. entered the war, the Central Powers largely did not see
the U.S. as a threat.
B. American declaration of war (as well as failing allies) prompted Germany to
launch an all-out, final offensive.
C. Germany was blamed for the U.S. joining the Allied forces and was essentially
abandoned by the other Central Powers.
D. Knowing the U.S. would be fighting in the West, the Central Powers began
focusing on gaining land in the other two fronts.

7. Which of the following best describe how the Schlieffen Plan shaped the overall war?
A. The Schlieffen Plan forced both the Central and Allied Powers to fight on two
fronts, exhausting them (especially Germany) and expanding the reach of the
horrors of the war.
B. The Schlieffen Plan meant that France and Russia, the targets of the plan, were
the first to fall to the Central Powers’ control.
C. The Schlieffen Plan forced Germany to fight on both sides, meaning that this
country conquered more land than the Allied Powers combined.
D. The Schlieffen Plan was an overall failure and fell apart after the first major
battle; neither side had to fight on multiple fronts, as planned, from that point

8. Which of the following best describes the major irony of the Paris Peace Conference?
A. It was entirely run by the leader of the country that fought the briefest in the
B. The United States was given a very large role in the Peace Conference even
though they supported Germany for the first half of the war.
C. Though called a “peace conference,” it was formed — at least by the European
Allies — with the intent to punish more than to seek peace.
D. Though called a “peace conference,” it was formed to reassess and strengthen
the alliances that caused WWI in the first place.



1. A and C

2. A and C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. C

Also a little tip, never click on any links no matter what. It's a virus.

1. The two statements that best summarize the central ideas of the excerpt are WWI was caused exclusively by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and that no one nation or group can be singled out to blame for the outbreak of WWI. Option (a) and (c) are correct.

What do you mean by Allied forces?

Allied powers or army units are armies from different countries who are fighting on the same side in a war.

2. The two quotes that best support the answer to Part A are “A history-making diplomat as well as a historian, Kissinger concluded that no country can be singled out, because each of the major powers contributed a quota of shortsightedness and irresponsibility”(Paragraph 2)  and  “on June 28, 1914, a radical Serbian nationalist tossed a burning match by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of yet another European superpower, the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Habsburg monarchy.” (Paragraph 7)

3. The author most likely italicizes the phrase “for any reason whatever” in Paragraph 4 to emphasize that almost anything would provoke the allies to fight, and the war was basically inevitable.

4. The meaning of the word “hazardous” in paragraph 4 is risky.

5. The phrase that best supports the answer to Part A is “Desperate for allies” (Paragraph 4).

6. The Central Powers, especially Germany, react to the United States’ entrance into the war by American declaration of war (as well as failing allies) prompted Germany to launch an all-out, final offensive.

7. The Schlieffen Plan forced both the Central and Allied Powers to fight on two fronts, exhausting them (especially Germany) and expanding the reach of the horrors of the war, hence shaping the overall war.

8. The major irony of the Paris Peace Conference is described by Though called a “peace conference,” it was formed — at least by the European Allies — with the intent to punish more than to seek peace.

Therefore, Options (A and C), (A and C), A, B, B, B, C, and A are correct.

Learn more about Allied forces, here;



After watching this video about Harriet Tubman, in a few (3) sentences explain what stands out to you the most about her.


Harriet was a fighter. she was really strong and helpful and a believer of christ! I love that about her! She is my favorite. I’m glad she helped them slaves escape. I’m so proud. Amen!

Why did many western states have no specific legislation on segregation?




Because there was no need for it.

People got along and race and color meant nothing in the west. People just went about their business and for the most part lived in isolated land within state borders.

Also the population led to a more spread out area.

Enlightenment-era political philosophers such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu
1. rejected governmental policies that allowed the expansion of property rights
2. adhered to traditional social customs in the creation of governmental offices,
3. emphasized governmental structures based on reason and social progress.
4. pursued strict obedience to religious scripture in governmental affairs.


i’m 99% sure it’s answer 3

What are the resources required to produce things- the factors of production?


Answer: More simply stated, the "factors of production" are the resources we need in order to produce the items that we would like to have. Those four factors are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. Each of the factors makes production possible and the use, or misuse, of any one of them may impact the economy.


 please help i’ll give you brainilist and thanks


Majority of Southerners were opposed to Lincoln’s stance on slavery.

They saw him as a threat to their livelihood and harbinger of secession.
it’s b! if it’s incorrect then i’m sorry, but i’m sure that b is the correct answer :)

The Civil Rights Act bans discrimination based in all of these grounds except for what:
b.national origin.



A. Gender is the answer.

A. i’m pretty sure it is A
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