why were people supporting the british troops in colonies?


Answer 1


Colonists who opposed independence from Britain were known as Loyalists. Most Patriots supported independence because they felt that recent British laws on the American Colonies violated their rights as British citizens.


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Which of these is the correct path that food takes through the digestive process?
A. mouth - esophagus - stomach - duodenum - ileum - colon
B. esophagus - mouth - duodenum - stomach - ileum - colon
C. mouth - stomach - esophagus - duodenum - colon - ileum
D. colon - esophagus - duodenum - stomach - ileum - mouth



mouth - esophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine - rectum and anus


A. Mouth - esophagus - stomach- duodenum - ileum - colon


Use the quote from Georgia General Assembly member Denmark Groover following an important development in the 1950s
to answer the question.
"... [it] will serve notice that we intend to uphold what we stood for, will stand for, and will fight for."
What is Groover referring to in this quote?
A. the decision to end the white primary system in response to social unrest
B. the removal of African American legislators in response to public demands
C. the adoption of a new state flag in response to federal integration orders
D. the impeachment of a sitting governor in response to charges of corruption



Explanation: i took the test




bc im built different

“Texas is now ours. Already, before these words are written, her Convention has undoubtedly ratified the acceptance, by her Congress, or our proffered invitation into the Union; and made the requisite changes in her already republican form of constitution to adapt it to it future federal relations. . . . [It is] the manifest destiny [of Americans] to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” —excerpt from article by John Louis O’Sullivan in United States Magazine and Democratic Review
In the above excerpt, O’Sullivan discusses the justification for the United States to

forcefully take over Texas and demand that it adopt the U.S. occupation regulations.

prevent the annexation of Texas into the U.S.

accept annexation of Texas from Great Britain and occupy the territory.

annex Texas and expand settlement to western U.S. lands according to its inherent (God-given) right of Manifest Destiny.



annex Texas and expand settlement to western U.S. lands according to its inherent (God-given) right of Manifest Destiny.

Select the correct locations on the map

In witch four regions did the worlds first farmers live



Sumeria-Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley. Sumeria-Mesopotamia


All 4 dots in the middle are correct. top and the bottom are wrong

Explanation:Trust me i gotit right

what events was not something that Hamilton and
Jefferson argued about



Jefferson's notes contain complaints about yet another of what Jefferson called Hamilton's forty-five minute jury speeches. And on the opposite side, Hamilton, as he noted in a letter to Washington, couldn't bear the fact that whenever something didn't go Hamilton's way, he could see Jefferson across the table smirking at him.



What was imperialism?
what was imperialism


Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending the rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Great Depression

The Stock Market Crash

Failure of the Banking System

Over extension of credit and buying stock on margin.

Overseas market closures



I think it's the overseas market closure.

the answer is overseas market closure

By June of 1940, Hitler had already done which of the following? Check all that apply.
He had invaded Russia.
O He had conquered Norway.
O He had conquered Great Britain.
O He had invaded the Netherlands
O He had pushed Allied forces out of France.
O He had forced the United States to join the war.



O He had forced the United States to join the war.

I hope it helps...

The goal of the D-Day invasion (Operation Overlord) at Normandy, France, was which of the following? A. To defeat the Axis Powers in North Africa. B. To gain a foothold on the beaches in France. C. To end the Holocaust throughout Europe. D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​



D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​



D. To take back the city of Stalingrad from Germany.​


what were some of the causes that made the colonists go to war with England?


England tried to tax the colonist even though England did not control America so they went to war for freedom

Why did armstrong speak out against President Eisenhower



Mr Armstrong denounced President Eisenhower as "two faced", saying he had "no guts" and was being pushed around by local racists. "A no-good motherfu*cker," is how he described the segregationist Arkansas Governor Faubus, which the young Mr Lubenow persuaded him to tone down to the euphemism "uneducated ploughboy."


The Declaration of Independence was written on the behalf of the American people and addressed to the monarchy of


Answer: The Declaration of Independence was written on the behalf of the American people and addressed to the monarchy of the British monarchy under King George III.

Explanation: The text of the Declaration of Independence not only confirmed the autonomy of the United States of America but also outlined the various transgressions committed by the British monarchy under King George III.

The restructure of Japanese social classes was a loss to-?
a. shoguns and samurais
b. the emperor
c. the Western world
d. any chance of industrializing



the answer is b


i took it i know

What do you do when ur friend is mad at u and u want to make her happy again but ur long distance friends



You have to start talking to her again. I guess you could send her something, but if she values your friendship, she'll be happy to be friends with you after a day.


I hope you guys make up


depends on the severity


if its not too severe a simple apology explaining why you said/did was wrong and that you learned or if it was really severe best thing to do is give it time and then apologize that way they calm down and probably push the issue aside. That's atleast what has worked in the past for me.

What is one reason the United States puts such strong emphasis in making this event happen



I believe it is B.


The moon landing occured during the cold war/space race so I believe it was more about the competition between USSR.

What does the third circle consist of?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided
A rain
B blizzard
С grass
D sunshine


Answer: The answer is Rain.

Explanation: I got it right on the test.




All of the following are methods of nonviolent protest used by Mohandas Gandhi as part of the Indian independence movement except

Group of answer choices

freeing political prisoners.

organizing marches to protest unfair laws.

refusing to pay taxes to the British Crown.

boycotting British products.


Answer:refusing to pay taxes

Explanation: because Gandhi did not believe in violent

How did Mao win the Chinese Civil War?


From 1911 to 1945, China experienced a revolution, a

struggle against warlords, a civil war between the

Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-Shek and the

Communists led by Mao Zedong, and invasion by the

Japanese. After the defeat of the Japanese in World

War II in 1945, a full-blown civil war erupted again in

1946. The Nationalists were backed by the United

States and the Communists had support from the

Soviet Union. By 1949, Chiang and the Nationalists,

despite having more soldiers than the Communists,

were defeated and forced to evacuate the Chinese

mainland for the island of Taiwan.

Historians point to a number of factors for the

nationalists defeat.

Chiang’s Kuomintang government was filled with

incompetent and corrupt officials. The people especially hated the tax collectors, who

were commonly called “blood-sucking devils.” Chiang himself held dictatorial powers,

but his orders were often ignored. He had little success in rallying Chinese nationalism

to win an unpopular war against the Communists.

Chiang’s decision to go to war against the Communists in 1946 came at the cost of

postponing the economic reconstruction of China. This meant diverting tax revenues,

investment, and other resources to the war effort rather than to the needs of the people.

Heavy taxes, a huge government debt, inflation, unemployment, and food shortages

caused many, especially in the cities, to lose faith in the Nationalist government.

From 1911 to 1945, China went through a revolution, a fight against warlords. Following Japan's loss in World War II in 1945, a full-fledged civil war emerged in 1946.

Why did China start a civil war?

The Chinese war has started from 1927 to 1949 due to the difference between the thinking of Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Nationalist Party.

It erupted immediate post - War, after a period of intermittent fighting between the two factions dating back to the 1920s.

Thus, From 1911 to 1945, China went through a revolution, a fight against warlords

For more information about Chinese war, click here:



Which of the following events took place
in the 1920s which was required in order
to pass the 18th Amendment banning
A. The temperance movement protested against the
B. The amendment was ratified by three-fourths of the
C. The branches of government were all unanimously
behind the legislation.
D. It became clear that immigrants, a rapidly growing
voting base, were against alcohol.


Answer: B

Explanation: In order for amendments to be passed, a requirement involves the amendment being ratified by 3/4 of the states population I believe.

The Tories were an English political


The Tories were a political faction and then a political party in the parliaments of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Between the 1670s and 1830s, the Tories contested power with their rivals, the Whigs.

does anybody know Mountain Meadows Youth Ranch up in Montana? if you do, I want youguys to tell me where it is in Montana, and if it is a boys program or a girls program. i go there btw. i will give out a hundred points and BRAINLIEST ANSWERᓚᘏᗢ:-)☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ(●'◡'●)༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)☜(゚ヮ゚☜)(☞゚ヮ゚)☞



ye im in boys program



391 Big Beaver Creek Rd, Trout Creek, MT 59874


yes girls only

300 times what is 1800




Hope it helps!

5. What did the Mexican government offer to Americans to have them
move to Texas?
free land
free slaves
cheap slaves
cheap land



free land


they offered liberal land grants to anyone who would become citizens, accept the Catholic faith, and settle there.

Briefly explain one specific historical event or development during the 1970s that promoted the growing clash between liberals and conservatives over social and cultural issues



Women's rights


In the 1970's the liberal citizens and feminists of the United States started demanding about more rights for women politically as well as socially. An amendment , "Equal Rights Amendment was approved by the congress and liberals hoped it would pass with ease in the senate. But conservatives felt it was an attack on the traditional and orthodox gender roles and they viciously tried to stop it and ultimately were successful in defeating it. This led feminists to leave the politics and focus on activism more.

In 1800 the US was much weaker than the European countries. Why would the Federalists believe the government should favor wealthy bankers and merchants?



because they are greedy and want only what they want


Which statement best describes the period of Reconstruction and how it relates to today's events



Reconstruction, in U.S. history, the period (1865–77) that followed the American Civil War and during which attempts were made to redress the inequities of slavery and its political, social, and economic legacy and to solve the problems arising from the readmission to the Union of the 11 states that had seceded at or before the outbreak of war. Long portrayed by many historians as a time when vindictive Radical Republicans fastened Black supremacy upon the defeated Confederacy, Reconstruction has since the late 20th century been viewed more sympathetically as a laudable experiment in interracial democracy. Reconstruction witnessed far-reaching changes in America’s political life. At the national level, new laws and constitutional amendments permanently altered the federal system and the definition of American citizenship. In the South, a politically mobilized Black community joined with white allies to bring the Republican Party to power, and with it a redefinition of the responsibilities of government.


Why did so many German people dislike the pre-Hitler German government?

A. It wanted to continue to fight World War 1

B. It saved the German economy

C. It signed the Treaty of Versailles

D. It started a war with France by building up the German military



d is the anwerrrreeeee but not quite sure


its a not d L


Refer to the Newsela article "Opinion: From Embarrassed about Bicultural Identity to Celebrating It."
Which statements convey an accurate assessment of the author's argument that embracing one's bicultural identity has become easier
over time.
Select two correct answers.
The author fails to support the argument because she only discusses personal experiences and opinions.
The author effectively uses examples of government actions to embrace the Indian culture to demonstrate the positive
By comparing her discomfort with her cultural identity to her daughter's acceptance of it, the author provides relevant support
for the argument.
The argument is ineffective because it only focuses on how bicultural identity affects people from India.


Statements which convey an accurate assessment of the author's argument that embracing one's bicultural identity are option B & C.

Bicultural Identity

It is the acceptance of two cultures without losing identity of being oneself. The Author in the article "Opinion: From Embarrassed about Bicultural Identity to Celebrating It." argued about embracing one's bicultural identity has become easier over time.

The Statements in the support of this Argument are mentioned in the option B and C, which says:-

The author effectively uses examples of government actions to embrace the Indian culture to demonstrate the positive change. By comparing her discomfort with her cultural identity to her daughter's acceptance of it, the author provides relevant support for the argument.

Learn more about Bicultural Identity here:


Answer: The author effectively uses examples of government actions to embrace the Indian culture to demonstrate the positive change.

By comparing her discomfort with her cultural identity to her daughter's acceptance of it, the author provides relevant support for the argument.

Explanation: proof with other answers

can i get Brainliest please

What conclusions can you draw from the first battles of the Civil War?



The era of wooden warships was at an end. What were Lincoln's motives in limiting the reach of the Emancipation Proclamation? He wanted to hurt the southern war effort in those areas not under Union control.


I’m pretty sure that the era of wooden warships was at an end. What were Lincoln's motives in limiting the reach of the Emancipation Proclamation? He wanted to hurt the southern war effort in those areas not under Union control

Which of the following best describes the Tinker v. Des Moines case and its outcome?
(A) The case resulted in the supreme court ruling that students in U.S. pub;lic schools cannot be forced to salute the flag ?(B) The case resultedf in recognition that symbolic acts are covered by the free speech clause of the first amendment (C) The case clarrified that actions against the U.S. gov. werent covered under freedom of expression (D) The case clarified the amendment requiring seperation of church and state.





They wore armbands on their arms to protest the Vietnam War, the principle  didn't like that. So he suspended them. They sued.

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