Pierce Company issued 11% bonds, dated January 1, with a face amount of $800,000 on January 1, 2021. The bonds sold for $739,816 and mature in 2040 (20 years). For bonds of similar risk and maturity the market yield was 12%. Interest is paid semiannually on June 30 and December 31. Pierce determines interest at the effective rate and elected the option to report these bonds at their fair value. On December 31, 2021, the fair value of the bonds was $730,000. The entire change in fair value was due to a change in the general (risk-free) rate of interest. Pierce's net income for the year will include:


Answer 1


unrealized gain from change in market value = $10,617


Bonds carrying value = $739,816

amortization of bond discount = ($739,816 x 6%) - ($800,000 x 5.5%) = $389

amortization of bond discount = ($740,205 x 6%) - ($800,000 x 5.5%) = $412

bond's carrying value = $740,205 + $412 = $740,617

unrealized gain = carrying value - market value = $740,617 - $730,000 = $10,617

Related Questions

Michael's Machine Shop reports the following information for the quarter.
Sales price $70
Fixed costs (for the quarter)
Selling and administrative 47,620
Production 142,860
Variable cost (per unit)
Materials 18
Labor 15
Plant supervision 8
Selling and administrative 9
Number of units (for the quarter) 23,810 units
Select the answer for each of the following costs.
a) Variable cost per unit.
b) fixed cost amount
c) breakeven point
d) expected sales



Results are below.


First, we need to calculate the variable cost per unit:

Variable cost per unit= Materials + Labor + Plant supervision + Selling and administrative

Variable cost per unit= 18 + 15 + 8 + 9

Variable cost per unit= $50

Now, the fixed cost:

Fixed costs= Selling and administrative + Production

Fixed costs= 47,620 + 142,860

Fixed costs= $190,480

To calculate the break-even point in units, we need to use the following formula:

Break-even point in units= fixed costs/ contribution margin per unit

Break-even point in units= 190,480 / (70 -50)

Break-even point in units= 9,524

Finally, the expected sales:

expected sales= 23,810*70

expected sales= $1,666,700

Bauer Manufacturing uses departmental cost driver rates to allocate manufacturing overhead costs to proudcts. Mnaufacturing overhead costs are allocated on the the bases of Macine hours in the Machining Department on the bases of direct labor hours. In the Assembly Department. At the beginning of 2018, the following estimates were provided for the coming year:
Machining Assembly
Direct labor - hours 40,000 40,000
Machine - hours 50,000 20,000
Direct labor costs $500,000 $900,000
Manufacturing overhead costs $280,000 $360,000
The accounting records of the company show the following data for Job #316
Machine Assembly
Direct labor - hours 120 65
Machine - hours 50 5
Direct material cost $425 $175
Direct labor cost $275 $300
WHat are the total manufacturing costs for Job #316
Which of the following are correct? (Please show ALL calculations)
A. $2,040
B. $1,960
C. $1,175
D. $1,440



See below


Total manufacturing cost = direct material cost + direct labor cost + manufacturing overhead cost


Direct material cost = Machining direct material cost + assembly direct material cost

= $425 + $175

= $600

The direct labor cost = Machining direct labor cost + Assembly direct labor cost

= $275 + $300

= $575

The machining overhead cost = Manufacturing overhead costs / Machine hours

= $280,000 / 50,000

= $5.6

So, cost = $5.6 × 50 = $280

Assembly overhead cost = Manufacturing overhead costs / direct labor hours

= $360,000 / 20,000

= $18

So, the cost = $18 × 65 = $1,170

= $600 + $575 + $280 + $1,170

= $2,625

Acquired $70,000 cash from the issue of common stock. Purchased $61,000 of inventory on account. Received goods purchased in Event 2 FOB shipping point; freight cost of $1,870 paid in cash. Sold inventory on account that cost $51,000 for $97,000. Freight cost on the goods sold in Event 4 was $1,020. The goods were shipped FOB destination. Cash was paid for the freight cost. Customer in Event 4 returned $4,540 worth of goods that had a cost of $2,320. Collected $79,540 cash from accounts receivable. Paid $56,200 cash on accounts payable. Paid $3,020 for advertising expense. Paid $4,050 cash for insurance expense. Required a. Which of these events affect period (selling and administrative) costs? Which result in product costs? If neither, label the transaction NA. b. Record each event in a horizontal statements model. The first event is recorded as an example. (In the Cash Flow column, use OA to designate operating activity, IA for investment activity, FA for financing activity, NC for net change in cash, and NA to indicate the element is not affected by the event. Enter any decreases to account balances and cash outflows with a minus sign.)



Net Income = $33,820

Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity = $108,620


Note: This question is not complete as the introductory paragraph and the numbering are omitted. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

The Pet Store experienced the following events for the Year 1 accounting period:

1. Acquired $70,000 cash from the issue of common stock.

2. Purchased $61,000 of inventory on account.

3. Received goods purchased in Event 2 FOB shipping point; freight cost of $1,870 paid in cash.

4. Sold inventory on account that cost $51,000 for $97,000.

5. Freight cost on the goods sold in Event 4 was $1,020. The goods were shipped FOB destination. Cash was paid for the freight cost.

6. Customer in Event 4 returned $4,540 worth of goods that had a cost of $2,320.

7. Collected $79,540 cash from accounts receivable.

8. Paid $56,200 cash on accounts payable.

9. Paid $3,020 for advertising expense.

10. Paid $4,050 cash for insurance expense.


a. Which of these events affect period (selling and administrative) costs? Which result in product costs? If neither, label the transaction NA.

b. Record each event in a horizontal statements model. The first event is recorded as an example. (In the Cash Flow column, use OA to designate operating activity, IA for investment activity, FA for financing activity, NC for net change in cash, and NA to indicate the element is not affected by the event. Enter any decreases to account balances and cash outflows with a minus sign.)

The explanation of the answer is now given as follows:

a. Which of these events affect period (selling and administrative) costs? Which result in product costs? If neither, label the transaction NA.

Period costs are costs that include selling and asministrative costs which are not related to cost of producing a product.

Product costs can be described as costs of creating or producing a product that is meant for sale to customers.

Therefore, we have:

Event         Cost  

  1 .              NA

  2.              Product costs

  3.              Product costs

  4.              NA

  5.              NA

  6.              NA

  7.              NA

  8.              NA

  9.              Period costs

 10.              Period costs

b. Record each event in a horizontal statements model. The first event is recorded as an example. (In the Cash Flow column, use OA to designate operating activity, IA for investment activity, FA for financing activity, NC for net change in cash, and NA to indicate the element is not affected by the event. Enter any decreases to account balances and cash outflows with a minus sign.)

Note: See the attache excel file for the horizontal statements.

In the attached excel file, Retained Earnings is equal to the balance of the Net Income which is equal to $33,820.

Under the horizontal statements in the attached excel, an evidence to show that Assets is equal to Liabilities Plus Stockholders' Equity. That is:

Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity = $108,620

Gibson Corp. owned a 90% interest in Sparis Co. Sparis frequently made sales of inventory to Gibson. The sales, which include a markup over cost of 25%, were $420,000 in 2017 and $500,000 in 2018. At the end of each year, Gibson still owned 30% of the goods. Net income for Sparis was $912,000 during 2018. Assuming there are no excess amortizations associated with the consolidation, and no other intra-entity asset transfers, what was the net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest for 2018





Calculation for the net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest for 2018

First step is to calculate the Gross profit rate

Using this formula

Gross profit rate = gross profit + COGS = GPR/ (1-GPR)

Let plug in the formula

Gross profit rate= 25%/(1+25%) = 0.2

intra-entity gross profit = Transfer price x GPR (0.2)

Gross Profit 2017= $84,000 x 30%

Gross Profit 2017= $25,200;

Gross Profit 2018= 100,000 x 30%

Gross Profit 2017= $30,000

Now let calculate 2018 net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest Using this formula

2018 net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest =Subsidiary’s net income + Intra-entity Gross Profit in Ending Inventory for 2017 – Intra-entity grossprofit in 2018 inventory deferred x noncontrolling interest

2018 net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest = ($912,000) + ($25,200) – ($30,000) *10%

= $907,200

Therefore the net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest for 2018 is $907,200

Fixed manufacturing costs are $51 per unit, and variable manufacturing costs are $153 per unit. Production was 81,000 units, while sales were 76,140 units. a. Determine whether variable costing operating income is less than or greater than absorption costing operating income. b. Determine the difference in variable costing and absorption costing operating income.



Part a.

Yes, variable costing operating income is less than or greater than absorption costing.

Part b.



The difference between variable costing operating income and absorption costing operating income lies in the fixed costs deferred in inventory.

The profit in both method is the same if and only if there is no inventory. That means units produced equal units sold (Production = Sales)

The absorption costing method includes fixed manufacturing cost in determining product costs whereas the variable costing method only accounts for variable manufacturing cost.

When the units produced are greater than units Sold (Production > Sales) , Fixed Costs in Inventory increases this means absorption profits will be greater than Variable costing profit as Fixed costs in inventory value reduces cost of sales in absorption costing.

Difference in variable costing and absorption costing operating income.

Difference = (81,000 - 76,140) x $51

                  = $247,860

Delisa Corporation has two divisions: Division L and Division Q. Data from the most recent month appear below: Total Company Division L Division Q Sales $490,000 $125,000 $365,000 Variable expenses 288,800 62,500 226,300 Contribution margin 201,200 62,500 138,700 Traceable fixed expenses 111,650 34,790 76,860 Segment margin 89,550 $ 27,710 $ 61,840 Common fixed expenses 36,910 Net operating income $ 52,640 The break-even in sales dollars for Division Q is closest to:



Break-even point (dollars)= $202,263.16


Giving the following information:

Division Q:

Sales= $365,000

Total variable costs= 226,300

Fixed costs= 76,860

To calculate the break-even point for Division Q, we need to use the following formula:

Break-even point (dollars)= fixed costs/ contribution margin ratio

Break-even point (dollars)= 76,860 / [(365,000 - 226,300) / 365,000]

Break-even point (dollars)= 76,860 / 0.38

Break-even point (dollars)= $202,263.16

Sheffield Corp. sells its product for $70 per unit. During 2019, it produced 60000 units and sold 50000 units (there was no beginning inventory). Costs per unit are: direct materials $15, direct labor $12, and variable overhead $1. Fixed costs are: $720000 manufacturing overhead, and $90000 selling and administrative expenses. The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing is





Calculation to determine what The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing is

The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing= $15 + $12 + $1 + ($720,000 / 60,000)

The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing= $15 + $12 + $1 +$12

The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing= $40

Therefore The per unit manufacturing cost under absorption costing is $40

When an import tariff is imposed on an intermediate good, producers of this immediate good in the nation will ____________ while the producers that use the intermediate good as an input will ________. Get better off, get better off Get better off, get worse off Get worse off, get better off Get worse off, get worse off



get better off

get worse off


Import are goods or services produced in other countries that are brought into a country.

Import tariff is a form of tax imposed on imported goods. import tariff increases the price of import. the purpose of import is to discourage import

Intermediate good are goods used in the production of finished. An example of an intermediate good is raw materials

When an import tariff is imposed on an intermediate good, producers that use the intermediate goods would be worse off because the price of intermediate goods needed for production would increase as a result of the tariff. This would increase their cost of production and reduce their profit margins

While the producers of the intermediate good in the country would be better off because they would face less foreign competition. Also, they would benefit from the increased price of the intermediate good. This would increase their profit margins.

You are the manager of a pizzeria that produces at a marginal cost of $6 per pizza. The pizzeria is a local monopoly near campus (there are no other restaurants or food stores within 500 miles). During the day, only students eat at your restaurant. In the evening, while students are studying, 3 faculty members eat there. If students have an elasticity of demand for pizzas of -4 and the faculty has an elasticity of demand of -2, what should your pricing policy be to maximize profits?



since the price elasticity of demand for students is -4, the the price charged to them should be:

price = [-4 / (-4 + 1)] x $6 = (-4 / -3) x $6 = $8

since the price elasticity of demand for faculty is -2, the the price charged to them should be:

price = [-2 / (-2 + 1)] x $6 = (-2 / -1) x $6 = $12

define securitization.​



The conversion of an asset, especially a loan, into marketable securities, typically for the purpose of raising cash by selling them to other investors.

The following transactions occur for Cardinal Music Academy during the month of October: a. Provide music lessons to students for $9,000 cash. b. Purchase prepaid insurance to protect musical equipment over the next year for $3,240 cash. c. Purchase musical equipment for $12,000 cash. d. Obtain a loan from a bank by signing a note for $14,000. Record the transactions. The company uses the following accounts: Cash, Prepaid Insurance, Equipment, Notes Payable, and Service Revenue.



Part a

Debit : Cash $9,000

Credit : Service Revenue $9,000

Part b

Debit : Prepaid Insurance $3,240

Credit : Cash $3,240

Part c

Debit : Equipment $12,000

Credit : Cash $12,000

Part d

Debit : Cash $14,000

Credit : Loan Payable $14,000


Step 1 : Identify the Accounts affected in each and every transaction.

Step 2: Then determine if this Account is increasing or decreasing.

Step 3 :The journal entries have been prepared above.

Ramon and Sammy are working on a group homework assignment. The homework consists of a set of essay questions and a set of questions on graphing models. Ramon can finish an essay question in about 15 minutes and a graphing question in about 30 minutes. Sammy can finish an essay question in about 20 minutes and a graphing question in about 35 minutes. Assume that Ramon and Sammy produce the same quality answers. Calculate Ramon and Sammy's opportunity cost of each task. Please round each answer to the nearest tenth.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

It is given that Ramon would completed an essay question in approx 15 minutes and for graphing question it finished approx 30 minutes

On the other hand Sammy would completed an essay question in approx 20 minutes and for graphing question it finished approx 35 minutes

a) Ramon's opportunity cost of completing an essay question is

= 15 ÷30

= 0.5 graphing question

b) Ramon's opportunity cost of completing a graphing question is

= 30 ÷ 15

= 2 essay question

c) Sammy's opportunity cost of completing an essay question is

= 20 ÷ 35

= 0.57 graphing question

d) Sammy's opportunity cost of completing a graphing question is

= 35 ÷ 20

= 1.75 essay question

bases its manufacturing overhead budget on budgeted direct labor-hours. The direct labor budget indicates that 5,600 direct labor-hours will be required in August. The variable overhead rate is $5.40 per direct labor-hour. The company's budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead is $69,440 per month, which includes depreciation of $15,680. All other fixed manufacturing overhead costs represent current cash flows. The August cash disbursements for manufacturing overhead on the manufacturing overhead budget should be:





The computation of August cash disbursement for manufacturing overhead is seen below;

Direct labor hour


Variable overhead per hour


Variable manufacturing overhead


Fixed manufacturing overhead


Total manufacturing overhead


Less: Depreciation


Cash disbursement for manufacturing overhead


how important is the value of a product for a customer



very important


The value of a product is very important to the customer. If the product is good, they will buy more, and you will get more business.
If the product is bad, they won’t come back and they will most likely not buy it again. Therefore, you would get less business.

Doe, Inc. purchased a bulldozer at a cost of $300,000. The bulldozer has an estimated residual value of $20,000 and an estimated life of 10 years, or 15,000 hours of operation. The bulldozer was purchased on January 1, 2020 and was used 500 hours in 2020 and 3,000 hours in 2021. What method of depreciation will produce the maximum depreciation expense in 2021





the unit of production method


Straight line depreciation expense = (Cost of asset - Salvage value) / useful life

($300,000 - $20,000) / 10 = $28,000

Depreciation expense using the double declining method = Depreciation factor x cost of the asset

Depreciation factor = 2 x (1/useful life)  

Depreciation in 2021 = 2/10 x $300,000 = $60,000

Book value in 2022 = $240,000

Depreciation in 2022 = 48,000

Unit of production = number of hours in 2022 / total number of hours) x (cost of asset -- savlage value)

Suppose recent regulatory reforms relating to credit rating agencies are perceived to improve the reliability and accuracy of credit ratings of corporate bonds. Imagine further that you manage a corporation interested in issuing new bonds, in addition to past issues by the firm that already trade in the market. Identify one way in which your firm might lose and one way in which it might gain from these regulatory reforms. Explain.



If the new reforms bring increase confidence of the investors then the company will have to incur lower borrowing costs as the investor will be available and vice versa.


Suppose that previously our company's credit rating was overrated. Due to recent regulatory reforms, my company achieved a lower credit rating and hence the investor confidence in our company dropped significantly. Now the investor is not interested to invest in my company and to urge them to invest in the company, they will be offered higher interest. If the reforms are going to impact our credit rating adversely then the borrowing cost will increase and vice versa.

Furthermore, Core Principle 3 says that the decsion making of the investor is based on the information that is readily available to him. This means if the reforms increase the access of the borrower through improved credit rating then it will be favourable for the company in terms of lower borrowing costs. If the reforms decrease the access of the borrower through depreciating credit rating then it will adversely affect the company in terms of lower borrowing costs and lower investment access.

Suppose a farmer in Georgia begins to grow peaches. He uses​ $1,000,000 in savings to purchase​ land, he rents equipment for ​$90 comma 000 a​ year, and he pays workers ​$110 comma 000 in wages. In​ return, he produces 300 comma 000 baskets of peaches per​ year, which sell for ​$3.00 each. Suppose the interest rate on savings is 1 percent and that the farmer could otherwise have earned ​$45 comma 000 as a shoe salesman. What is the​ farmer's economic​ profit? The peach farmer earns economic profit of ​$nothing . ​(Enter your response as an​ integer.)



Economic profit =$645,000


Economic profit is the difference between revenue and  out of pocket expenses plus opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost is the value of the benefit sacrificed in favour of a decision. It is the value of the next best alternative forgone in favour of a decision.

For example, the opportunity cost of the farmer is the interest rate he would have earned had he invested the money in savings account plus the salary forgone as a salesman

Economic profit = Revenue - out-of-pocket expenses - opportunity cost

Opportunity cost = interest foregone + salary forgone

                            = (1% × $1,000,000) + 45,000 = 55,000

Out of pocked trading expenses = 110,000 + 90,000 = $200,000

Revenue = $3 × 300,000 = $900,000

Economic profit = 900,000 -200,000-55,000= $645,000

Economic profit =$645,000

define private equity funds economics. ​



Private equity is an alternative investment class and consists of capital that is not listed on a public exchange. Private equity is composed of funds and investors that directly invest in private companies, or that engage in buyouts of public companies, resulting in the delisting of public equity.

in the united states ,dollar bills, , and dimes are representative money



In the United States, dollar bills, nickels, and dimes are Representative money It can be exchanged for a valuable good, was used in systems involved a "gold standard", and can be traded for a commodity such as silver.

Suppose that the U.S. government decides to charge wine consumers a tax. Before the tax, 35 billion bottles of wine were sold every year at a price of $7 per bottle. After the tax, 29 billion bottles of wine are sold every year; consumers pay $8 per bottle (including the tax), and producers receive $4 per bottle. The amount of the tax on a bottle of wine is $1 per bottle. Of this amount, the burden that falls on consumers is $ per bottle, and the burden that falls on producers is $ per bottle. True or False: The effect of the tax on the quantity sold would have been smaller if the tax had been levied on producers.



1. The amount of tax on a bottle of wine is $4.

2. The tax burden on consumers is $1.

3. The tax burden on producers is $3.

4. The effect on the tax on the quantity sold would have been smaller if the tax had been levied on producers.



a) Data and Calculations:

Before the tax, the number of bottles of wine sold every year at $7 per bottle = 35 billion bottles

After the tax, the number of bottles of wine sold every year at $8 per bottle = 29 billion bottles

Therefore, there is a reduction of 6 billion bottles as a result of the increased price of $1 per bottle (from $7 to $8).

The price received by producers = $4 per bottle

Therefore, there is a total tax of $4 ($8 - $4)

Consumers bear $1 ($8 - $7)

Producers bear $3 ($7 - $4)

The effect of the tax would have still increased the price to $8 or more.  Thus, if the tax had been levied on producers, the quantity of bottles sold would have reduced drastically.

Saginaw Inc. completed its first year of operations with a pretax loss of $692,500. The tax return showed a net operating loss of $884,500, which the company will carry forward. The $192,000 book–tax difference results from excess tax depreciation over book depreciation. Management has determined that it should record a valuation allowance equal to the net deferred tax asset. Assuming the current tax expense is zero, prepare the journal entries to record the deferred tax provision and the valuation allowance. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No Journal Entry Required" in the first account field.)



Missing word "Tax rate is 34 percent"

Date  Particulars                                              Debit         Credit

          Deferred tax asset (884,500*34%)   $300,730

                 Deferred tax benefit                                        $300,730

          (To record the deferred tax consequences of the current year NOL)

          Deferred tax asset (192,000*34%)    $65,280

                 Deferred tax benefit                                        $65,280

          (To record the deferred tax consequences of the depreciation)

Which of the following social media influencing tactics can be described as getting someone to do or buy something because others are also doing it?
Aspirational buying

Bandwagon appeal





B. bandwagon appeal


A multinational engineering consulting firm that wants to provide resort accommodations to special clients is considering the purchase of a three-bedroom lodge in upper Montana that will cost $220,000. The property in that area is rapidly appreciating in value because people anxious to get away from urban developments are bidding up the prices. If the company spends an average of $400 per month for utilities and the investment increases at a rate of 0.75% per month, how long would it be before the company could sell the property for $100,000 more than it has invested in it



59.5 months


initial investment x (1 + appreciation rate)ⁿ = initial investment + $100,000 + ($400 x n)

$220,000 x (1 + 0.75%)ⁿ = $320,000 + $400n

1.0075ⁿ = $320,000/$220,000 + $400n/$220,000

1.0075ⁿ = 1.4545 + 0.001818n

I tried to solve it by trial and error:

50 months:

1.453 ≠ 1.5454

60 months:

1.566 ≈ 1.564 ⇒ Almost

61 months:

1.577 ≠ 1.565

59 months:

1.554 ≈ 1.562 ⇒ Almost

59.5 months:

1.56 = 1.56  

Flash City Inc. manufactures small flash drives and is considering raising the price by 75 cents a unit for the coming year. With a 75-cent price increase, demand is expected to fall by 7,000 units. Current Projected Demand 78,000 units 71,000 units Selling price $9.00 $9.75 Incremental cost per unit $6.80 $6.80 Would you recommend the 75-cent price increase



Yes, reason been that operating profits increase


Calculation to determine whether

Incremental analysis you would recommend the 75-cent price

Current Projected

Incremental revenue $702,000 $692,250

(78,000 units*$9.00=$702,000)


Incremental cost -$537,200 -$482,800

(78,000 units*$6.80=$537,200)


Incremental Profit (loss) $164,800 $209,450



Profit increase by($209,450 -$164,800)

Profit increase by= $44,650

Based on the above calculation I would recommend the 75-cent price increase reason been that operating profits increase.

Which aspect of production planning might make use of a Gantt chart?


I think it would be C

Bedrock Company reported a December 31 ending inventory balance of $414,500. The following additional information is also available: The ending inventory balance of $414,500 included $73,700 of consigned inventory for which Bedrock was the consignor. The ending inventory balance of $414,500 included $25,400 of office supplies that were stored in the warehouse and were to be used by the company's supervisors and managers during the coming year. Based on this information, the correct balance for ending inventory on December 31 is:





Calculation to determine what the correct balance for ending inventory on December 31 is:

Using this formula

Ending inventory on December 31=Ending inventory balance-Office supplies

Let plug in the formula

Ending inventory on December 31=$414,500- $25,400

Ending inventory on December 31=$389,100

Therefore the correct balance for ending inventory on December 31 is:$389,100

Minstrel Manufacturing uses a job order costing system. During one month, Minstrel purchased $226,800 of raw materials on credit; issued materials to production of $219,000 of which $37,200 were indirect. Minstrel incurred a factory payroll of $164,400, of which $47,200 was indirect labor. Minstrel uses a predetermined overhead application rate of 150% of direct labor cost. Minstrel's beginning and ending Work in Process Inventory are $17,900 and $31,800 respectively. Compute the cost of jobs transferred to Finished Goods Inventory.





The computation of the cost of jobs transferred to Finished Goods Inventory is shown below:

= beginning wip + Direct material + direct labor + manufacturing overhead - closing wip

= $17,900 + ($219,000 - $37,200) + ($164,400 - $47,200) + 150% of $117,200 - $31,800

= $17,900 + $181,800  + $117,200 + $175,800 - $31,800

= $460,900

The market for bell peppers is perfectly competitive and currently has an equilibrium price of $3 and the number of bell pappers traded is 6. Suppose the government imposes a price floor of $1 on this market. What will be the size of the shortage in this market


Well, the price would increase by 1 dollar, so the shortage would be 2 less.

There should be no shortage.

What is a price floor?

It is the minimum price where the producer should charge also at the same time it should be binding and considered effective. In the case when the price floor should be above the equilibrium price so it should be the surplus while on the other hand if the price floor is below the equilibrium price so that means it is no surplus. Also, the shortage is not possible

Learn more about price here: https://brainly.com/question/15913986

define return( rate of return).​



its returning the rate that was given out

i guess i jus gave it a try

Hoffman Corporation issued $65 million of 5%, 20-year bonds at 104. Each of the 65,000 bonds was issued with 15 detachable stock warrants, each of which entitled the bondholder to purchase, for $26, one share of $1 par common stock. At the time of sale, the market value of the common stock was $31 per share and the market value of each warrant was $4. Prepare the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds. (Enter your answers in millions rounded to 1 decimal place (i.e., 5,500,000 should be entered as 5.5). If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)



Dr Cash $ 67.6 million

Dr Discount on bonds payable

$ 1.3 million

Cr Bonds payable 65million

Cr Equity-stock warrants outstanding $3.9million


Preparation of the journal entry to record the issuance of the bonds

Dr Cash $ 67.6 million

(65,000,000 * 104/100 = $ 67.6 million)

Dr Discount on bonds payable

$ 1.3 million

($65million+$3.9 million-$67.6million)

Cr Bonds payable 65 million

Cr Equity-stock warrants outstanding $3.9million

($4× 15 warrants × 65,000 bonds = $3.9million)

(Being To record issuance of bonds)

Other Questions
Can someone kindly give me some pictures of the classic harley quinn please? tysmm(art class) which measure does not have the right amount of beats? which of the following is the square of (a + b + c)?help. Solve the linear equation 5(8x+2) -64=2(8x9) Find X Distinctions between environmental possibilism, environmental determinism and environmental probabilism Given the following historical demand and forecast, calculate the Mean Absolute Percentage Error: Week 1 Demand: 50 Forecast: 49 Week 2 Demand: 54 Forecast: 50 Week 3 Demand: 58 Forecast: 63 FE = D-F n FE RSFE RSFE = 27=1 FE; MFE = n n (FE;) 21-1|FEil MSE = MAD = n n FE; 2i=1 =FE TS = RSFE MAPE n MAD MAD about 6.0% A. about 2.0% B. about 18.0% C. about 4.3% D. about 1.00% (-4x - 7.5 = 3312.5) + (4x + 4y = 2000) (please im in a test rn) Pls help this is due today! Find the m If 155 g of sugar can be dissolve in 100g of water at 20 degree than how much sugar will be dissolved in 300 g of water at same temperature if someone do I will make you brainly Using the graph, determine the coordinates of the roots of the parabola PLEASE HELP!!!!!Make a list of environmental factors that make change in stress of health difficulties? A circle has a diameter of 16 centimeters.What is the best approximation of its area?Use 3.14 to approximate for .Question 7 options:803.84 cm250.24 cm2200.96 cm2 2) Are there biological changes that happen in the brain that indicate depressions pls help me its due today [T]hey raised their eyes to heaven, their hands clasped high above their heads, and stood straight and perfectly still, invoking the power of the Great Spirit to allow them to see and talk with their people who had died. . . .They would go as fast as they could, their hands moving from side to side.What is Parker describing in this quotation?the ritualized movements of Sioux Indians during a Ghost Dance ceremonythe horrified response of Cheyenne Indians after the Sand Creek Massacrethe celebratory reaction to the signing of the Treaty of Fort Laramiethe anger and fear of white settlers that began after the Battle of Little Bighorn !00 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Were Hitler's and Mussolini's governments mostly similar or mostly different? Support your answer with evidence from the lesson.Plz answer quick and right!!!!!!! THANK U SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH a. 150km in 10 hours. How far will be travelledin 7 hours? Which phrase best describes the Ottoman Empire?please help What was the result of the Constitutional Convention? A The 56 delegates could not come to a consensus and the convention was cancelled.B) The 56 delegates argued and voted to remain loyal to the British government.The 56 delegates voted NOT to revise the Articles of Confederation, but to write a new constitution for the United States.D The 56 delegates voted to establish a dictatorship where one man would be elected as the King of America.HELPPPP Find the value of x.