Why is the ending of Hamlet important?


Answer 1

It's not obvious from Hamlet's conclusion that whether events leave his struggle with self unanswered or if they actually resolve his many existential questions.

What does life struggle entail?

to exert forcefully or violently inside the face of obstacles or disagreement battling the issue to move forward with difficulty or substantial effort. fought his way through the tall grass. struggle to support one's self. Struggle benefits not just our brains but also those who understand its importance.

Why is life's struggle so important?

According to neuroscientists, learning cannot take place if we are not making mistakes because they promote brain development and connectivity. Struggle benefits not just our brains but also those who understand its importance.

To know more about struggle visit:



Related Questions

Where is the supremacy clause ?


Supremacy clause is established in constitution of U.S. in the Article IV clause 2 and it is important article of the constitution for the U.S. country. This clause states that if an individuals enter into a state of society, the laws of that society must be the supreme regulator of their conduct.

It is a federal laws  that is must be supreme. If the laws don't function from that position then they amount to nothing, nothing that A law, that  includes supremacy. It is a rule for those to whom it is prescribed are bound.

He noted that state legislatures were invested with all powers not specifically defined in the constitution but also said that having the federal government servant to various state constitutions would be an inversion of the principles of government.

Learn more about Article IV Supremacy click the link here



Any driver under 21 with a breath or blood alcohol level of __________ or higher is required to attend a substance abuse course.


Answer: I would say if they are under 21 with breath or blood alcohol level of 0.01% or higher is required to attend a substance abuse corse. But if they were older then 21 with breqth or blood alcohol level it would be  0.08%.

Explanation: I hope this helped, sorry if it didn't.

What are the two branches of the legislative branch and what is their representation based on?


The House of Representatives and the Senate, which together make up the United States Congress, comprise the Legislative Branch, which was founded by Article I of the Constitution.

- The Constitution's framers divided the power of Congress between the two houses in order to balance the interests of both small and major states. Every state has an equal say in the Senate, while in the House of Representatives, participation is based on each state's population.

- With two senators per state, the Senate equally represents large and small states, whereas the proportion of each state's 435 House representatives is based on its population.

To know more about the legislative, kindly click on the link below :



What impact did the Brown v Board of Education ruling have on Plessy v. Ferguson?


The Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, and declared that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment

In this milestone decision of , the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case..

On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren conveyed the consistent decision in the milestone civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional. This historic decision denoted the finish of the "separate however equivalent" point of reference set by the Supreme Court almost 60 years sooner in Plessy v. Ferguson and filled in as an impetus for the extending civil rights development during the ten years of the 1950s.

Know more about Plessy v. Ferguson - https://brainly.com/question/12846797


What was the purpose of Frederick Douglass Fourth of July speech?


In addition to attempting to persuade people that slavery was immoral, Frederick Douglass also worked to increase Northern whites' acceptance of abolition.

On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass gave a speech titled "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" at a gathering hosted by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society in Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York. The speech is one of Douglass's best-known pieces of writing. Douglass said, "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, but I must weep," in a blistering speech. He compared the Revolutionary War to the struggle to end slavery in his address.

During a festival honoring independence, he urged the Rochester, New York, audience to consider the ongoing oppression of Black Americans.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass here: https://brainly.com/question/25670254


What caused the conflict between the students and the school Tinker v. Des Moines?


She and a group of students decided to wear black armbands to school to protest the war in Vietnam.  

The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students 7-2. The Supreme Court agreed that students' liberal rights should be protected, stating Students do not lose their constitutional rights at the school gate.

A majority of the Supreme Court urged students and teachers to renounce their constitutional right to free speech or to speak at school gates. made a decision not to. The court ruled that school officials could not ban the speech solely on the suspicion that it might interfere with the learning process.

Learn more about Tinker v. Des Moines here:- https://brainly.com/question/10957190


Samantha is accused of selling drugs. When she appears before the judge, she asks for a lawyer because she can't afford one herself. The judge denies her access to a lawyer.


According to the given statement The judge denies her access to a lawyer to 6th amendment.

What do lawyers do?

A lawyer advises clients on their rights and responsibilities under the law. He or she is qualified to interpret existing laws, apply them to particular circumstances, and create new ones. A lawyer's duties include presenting evidence and making arguments on behalf of one of the sides in a civil or a criminal trial on behalf of his or her client.

Is a lawyer superior to a lawyer?

Remember not all solicitors are attorneys; not all attorneys are lawyers. An attorneys is a licensed lawyer in their state who has passed the bar test required for practice. The harsh reality is that working in law is quite taxing. Being a lawyer is a career choice that frequently necessitates putting in extensive study hours.

To know more about Lawyer visit:



match each type of jurisdiction with its correct description. group of answer choices appellate jurisdiction [ choose ] exclusive jurisdiction [ choose ] concurrent jurisdiction


The legal word for the power given to a legal institution to administer justice is jurisdiction. Areas of jurisdiction are applicable at the municipal, state, and federal levels in federations like the United States.

What do you mean by Jurisdiction?

Original Jurisdiction– the court that gets to hear the case first. Appellate Jurisdiction– the power for a higher court to review a lower court's decision. Exclusive Jurisdiction– only that court can hear a specific case.Concurrent Jurisdiction– multiple courts share the jurisdiction.

Which judicial system should correctly decide a case depends on jurisdiction. When quasi-judicial organizations (like administrative agencies) make decisions, questions of jurisdiction also come up.

To know more about Jurisdiction here



a type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as ______.



a type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as internationalism

in states without presidential preference primaries, precinct conventions, otherwise known as , take on greater significance.


Caucuses, sometimes known as precinct conventions, are more significant in states lacking presidential preference primaries.

What is the precinct convention's main purpose?

Precinct conventions' primary duties include choosing county convention delegates and maybe submitting motions that could later be incorporated into the party platform. Following the precinct convention, delegates selected there attend the county conventions (or in urban areas, to district conventions). Precinct conventions accept statewide office candidate filings, assist in party fund-raising, and set party policy.

What qualifications must one meet in order to take part in a Texas precinct convention?

A person must be a registered voter in the precinct or a resident of the precinct who is qualified to cast a limited ballot in order to be eligible to take part in a precinct convention organized under this subchapter in addition to having a party affiliation. a gathering where members of a political party come together to choose delegates and make other policy proposals at the senatorial district, state, or local levels.

To know more about  Precinct Conventions visit:



Law establishing a way for admitting new states to the u.s., territories govern themselves is called?



The Northwest Ordinance

What is the function and roles of the vice president for academic affairs?


The vice president for Academic Affairs and Student Success works closely with campus chief academic and student affairs officers to oversee academic and student affairs for the UT system and coordinate mission statements.

The administrative department that manages a variety of academic departments at a school is called Academic Affairs. The creation and execution of curricula are major initiatives of this office. The implementation of e-learning or the creation of new educational institutions and structures are a few examples. They even support faculty hiring and advancement procedures across all academic divisions. The students' academic advisors support them with their objectives and worries.

The division of Academic Affairs is in charge of approving, incorporating, creating structure within educational institutions, and defining student and faculty policies. In order to maintain the university running properly, they also support faculty development initiatives.

Learn more about president here



How do quotas help make domestic industries more competitive?


In one sense, quotas are more protective of the domestic industry because they limit the extent of import competition to a fixed maximum quantity.

The quota provides an upper bound to the foreign competition the domestic industries will face.

Countries from time to time impose quotas on particular products to lessen imports and grow home manufacturing.

In theory, quotas improve home production by using prescribing foreign competition. Government programs that enforce quotas are frequently known as protectionism policies.

A quota sets a numerical restriction on how a good deal of a product may be imported into a rustic. This helps to guard producers of domestic products against going through too much competition and in the end going out of commercial enterprise.

Learn more about industry here: https://brainly.com/question/24448358


What is the dramatic structure of Hamlet?


The structure plays Hamlet is fairly straightforward; a wrong is done, and indeed the hero seeks vengeance to redress the wrong.

What qualifies as a structure?

An arrangement the organization of connected components in a physical system that consists, or the thing or system so organized, is referred to as a structure. Material structures encompass both naturally occurring objects like biological creatures, minerals, and chemicals, as well as man-made objects like buildings and machines.

What makes a structure significant?

An organization needs a good structure in order to function well. When it relates to a company's performance, growth, and profitability, a structure is crucial. It ensures that roles are well defined and sets forward clear goals. Job design, departmentalization, delegation, span of control, and chain of command are the five components of a structure.

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Does Jefferson use inductive or deductive reasoning?


Jefferson use inductive reasoning. Jefferson Davis gave the Confederacy's first address as its new leader.

Just two months before the Civil War began in earnest, in February 1861, Jefferson Davis gave the Confederacy's first address as its new leader. The Confederacy was already in existence thanks to the secession of seven Southern states from the United States. Through its opposition to slavery, a practice that was essential to the South's economy and culture, Davis said that the North repressed the South. He even characterized the Confederacy's struggle to maintain its way of life as a revolutionary act, much like the colonies' rebellion against British rule during the Revolutionary War. He said that once the government becomes detrimental, "the people have the right to alter or abolish" (remove) it.

Learn more about Revolutionary here



An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


It is untrue that an injury sustained by an employee while they are traveling to or from work is typically not regarded as having happened on the job or during the course of their employment .

What do you mean by employment?

Across most cases, the term "employment" refers to the condition of having a paid job—of being employed. A person is paid to work when they are employed. Employees are employed by an employer. As in We're working to boost the employment of women., the term "employment" can also refer to the act of employing people.

What are the types of employment?

The term "employment" refers to the condition of being employed. It is frequently the relationship between an employer and employee. The employment of people varies.

To know more about employment visit:



in north africa and the middle east, many newly emerging nations sank into corruption and cronyism while public services declined and dissent was suppressed. these systems have been referred to as:


Many newly developed countries in North Africa and the East fell victim to corruption and cronyism, while public services degraded and criticism was muzzled.

What does corruption mean in the simplest terms?

According to our definition, corruption is the misuse of authority for personal benefit. Corruption destroys confidence, undermines democracy, stifles economic growth, and makes inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental problem worse.

Why does corruption occur?

The following elements have been identified as sources of corruption, per a 2017 survey study: monetary and desire greed higher degrees of governmental and market monopolization. Low levels of democratization, poor civic engagement, and opaque political processes.

To know more about corruption visit:



What are the 3 major ways government is organized?


The 3 major ways government is organized: Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

The Federal government is composed of 3 awesome branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by using the U.S. constitution inside the Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively.

Governments are essential due to the fact they maintain law and order. legal guidelines are essential for society to feature. life in a society without laws might be hazardous and unpredictable. each kind of authority rises to energy and rules in a completely unique manner. examine greater about every form of the presidency--monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism--how they arrive into power, and how they rule.

Learn more about Governments here:



newspaper editors feel that the public's right to know always outweighs other issues, including national security.


It is false that the public's right to know always outweighs other issues, including national security. There is a reason it is called "national security", which is to protect citizens as well as the stability of national institutions.

Every nation, including the United States, faces threats. These threats can be social like aggression from a neighboring country, infiltration from a terrorist group, or global economic trends compromising the nation’s welfare. In other cases, threats can be natural like viral pandemics. Any threat challenges a nation’s power and threats can disrupt its well-being.

National security safeguards against such threats. Not only national security protect the citizens, but it also protects the stability of national institutions.

This is a true/false question, and the statement given in the question is false.

Learn more about national security at https://brainly.com/question/1083892.


at the distribution level, successful law enforcement efforts whittle down the number of people involved in drug trafficking.


At the Domestic distribution level, successful law enforcement efforts whittle down the number of people involved in drug trafficking.

What does Domestic distribution level mean ?

The process of getting products from the manufacturer to the consumer within a country's borders is known as "domestic distribution." Retail stores, online stores, wholesalers, and marketplaces are examples of distribution channels. Domestic distribution's goal is to get products to customers in a timely and cost-effective manner while meeting their needs.

What does Law mean?

Law is a system of rules and regulations governing behavior in society. It is a set of rules and regulations made by a government or authority to maintain order, protect property, and provide justice. Laws are created to ensure that all members of society are treated fairly and equally.

To know more about Government,



in the context of individual level factors that influence voter turnout, age is a strong indicator of whether someone will vote or not. young americans tend to be more likely to vote than older americans because of their propensity for social activism.
A. True
B. False


Young Americans tend to be more likely to vote than older Americans because of their propensity for social activism. This statemen is false.

What is social activism?

Working to change societal institutions, norms, relationships, and expectations is known as social activism. Social activists pursue a variety of objectives, such as changing political policy, creating new institutions or organisations, or directly motivating people to alter their behaviour.

What makes social activism crucial?

Ending slavery, fighting dictatorships, safeguarding workers from abuse, preserving the environment, advancing gender equality, combating racism, and many other significant concerns have all benefited greatly from activism.

To know more about social activism, click here- brainly.com/question/28266334


What is an example of economic dependence?


Lack of rain could result in farmers losing their harvest. As a result, rather than being dependent on the welfare of another entity, there is economic dependence on something occurring, such as rainfall.

What does it mean to be financially independent?

In terms of equality policy, a person is deemed economically independent if their net income level from work and business activities is at least equal to or more than what would be regarded their individual minimum income.

How can economic dependence be overcome?

The heavy economic dependence on natural resources is thought to have a long-term answer in the form of economic diversification. Economic dependence on natural resources can be decreased by both private sector development and public sector reforms, even though this diversification can occur in any area of the economy.

To know more about Economic dependence, visit:



What is the term for the meeting at which a political party officially nominate someone to run for office?


Caucus is the term for the meeting at which a political party officially nominate someone to run for office.

A gathering of supporters or members of a certain political party or movement is known as a caucus. Depending on the nation and political system, the precise term varies. The phrase first appeared in the United States, where it can be used to describe a gathering of political party members who are nominating candidates, formulating policies, etc., for the United States Congress or other comparable representative bodies of government. The term caucus was first used to describe clubs or secret gatherings where political issues were addressed in the British colonies of North America.

Learn more about caucus here:



Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely a. a violation. b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt. c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment. d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


Equipment is used in violation to lower emissions according to the Clean Water Act.

What is a personal offense?

Any violation of an individual's right, including those related to physical and mental well-being, moral integrity, and respect for personal liberties or privacy, is considered a violation of their personal rights. They consequently relate to all of a person's overall physical, emotional, and social characteristics.

What exactly are human rights violations?

Genocide, torture, & arbitrary detention all constitute violations of civil and political rights. These infractions frequently take place throughout periods of conflict and when they cross over with rules governing armed conflict, it is characterized as a war crime.

To know more about violation visit:



Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees' health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True False


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employee's health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. The statement is True.

Managers who give medical coverage to their representatives are expected to safeguard the protection of their workers' well-being data. This is regularly finished using privacy arrangements, the secure capacity of wellbeing records, and restricting admittance to wellbeing data to approved staff as it were.

The government regulation that monitors the protection of well-being data is the Health care coverage Movability and Responsibility Act( HIPAA) of 1996. The law safeguards representatives' security in the working environment by forestalling the revelation of their well-being data to outsiders, similar to businesses, without their assent. The guidelines shield the classification of all past, present, and future representative clinical data. Infringement of HIPAA can bring about critical fines and punishments.

Learn more about health insurance:



both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.



both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a rail workers strike.

if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. True/False ?



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.


When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle.


When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. It is a legal remedy that the principal can use to protect themselves from any losses that may have been suffered as a result of the breach.

The right of avoidance is a powerful tool that can be used to put an end to potential losses that may have been caused by an agent’s breach. It is important for principals to understand the implications of exercising this right, as it can have an impact on the enforceability of any contract that was entered into with the agent. Generally, when a principal exercises the right of avoidance, they are no longer bound by the terms of the contract and can pursue other forms of legal remedy, such as suing the agent for damages.

The right of avoidance is a useful tool for principals to protect themselves in the event of an agent’s breach. However, it is important for principals to remember that exercising this right does not necessarily guarantee that any potential losses will be eliminated. The principal should carefully consider their options and the potential consequences before exercising the right of avoidance.

To know more about the principal and agent contract, you can visit the given link below : https://brainly.com/question/29821225


Why is it called pathos?


The word pathos is derived from the Greek word páthos, which means “experience,” “suffering,” or “emotion.

In English, pathos typically refers to the element in an experience or in an artistic work that makes us feel sympathy, pity, or compassion. Pathetic (in its gentlest uses) describes things that move us to pity. Though pathology is not literate, it is derived from the Greek word páthos, which means "experience, misfortune, emotion, condition."

Pathos is the Stoic term for "complaints of the soul." Pathos is an internal occurrence that occurs in the soul and is characterized by an incorrect reaction to external sensations.

Stoics tie this understanding of pathos—along with the belief that all pathos must be eradicated (in order to reach the condition of apatheia)—to a particular conception of the nature of the soul, of psychological processes, and of human activity. That image's core idea is that giving in to pathos is an intellectual error of reason.

To know more about pathos:



What are the six steps in a jury trial?


A jury trials is known as a petit jury, or jury by trial that decides to whether the defendant committed the crime as charged in a criminal case or whether the defendant injured the plaintiff in a civil case.It is a legal proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact.

It is distinguished from a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions. Jury trial is having a six steps that are the following like Jury Selection, Opening Statements, Testimony and Evidence, Closing Arguments, Jury Instructions and Deliberation and Verdict.

Jury trials are used in a significant share of serious criminal cases in many but not all common law judicial systems.In general, the availability of a jury trial if properly demanded has given rise to a system in which fact finding is concentrated in a single trial rather than multiple hearings.

Learn more about Jury trials click the link here:



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