vertical columns in the periodic table represent a group or family of elements that have the same number of valence electrons by having similar electron configurations elements in the same group have similar properties list elements that have similar properties


Answer 1

The examples of elements with similar properties in the same group are fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.

What is group of elements in a periodic table?

The groups in periodic table is the same as vertical columns in the periodic table

These groups represent a group or family of elements that have the same number of valence electrons by having similar electron configurations elements in the same group have similar properties.

Examples of elements found in the same group with similar chemical properties include;

group 7 elements.


The valence electron of elements found in the group 7 of periodic table is negative 1 (-1).

Learn more about groups in periodic table here:


Related Questions

an all so annoying fish fly bug encounters moving vehicle and splatters against the winshield. compared to the force of the car on the bug, the force of the bug on the car is.


The force exerted by the insect and the automobile is equal and opposite, according to Newton's law.

What exactly is acceleration?

In physics, acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. As a result, the unit is m/s2. According to Newton's second equation of motion, the force acting on a moving body is the product of its mass and acceleration.

As a result, F= ma an implies that the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass. As a result, a body with more mass will have less acceleration but more force.

An action has an equal and opposite response, according to the third law of motion. Thus, the force exerted by the bug on the car and the force exerted by the car on the bug are equal and opposite, with the bug accelerating faster due to its lower mass.

The force exerted by the insect and the automobile is equal and opposite, according to Newton's law. As a result, their acceleration reduces as their mass grows. As a result, the bug's acceleration will be greater than that of the automobile.

To learn more about acceleration follow the given link:


You would like a pendulum that swings back and forth once every 2 seconds, but the one you have swings once every 1.9 seconds. Which of the following should you do to adjust it so that it has the desired period?a) Add more mass to the pendulum.b) Make the pendulum slightly longer.c) No answer text providedd) Remove some mass from the pendulum.e) No answer text provided.f) Make the pendulum slightly shorter.


You need to make your pendulum slightly longer

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. The time interval of a pendulum's complete back-and-forth movement is constant.

Your pendulum does a complete swing in 1.9 seconds.  You want to SLOW IT DOWN so it takes 2.0 seconds.

Longer pendulums swing slower.

You need to make your pendulum slightly longer

If your pendulum is hanging by a thread or a thin string, then its speed doesn't depend at all on the weight at the bottom. You can add weight or cut some off, and it won't change the speed a bit.  

To learn more about the pendulum the link is given below:


5. An automobile with a mass of 1000 kilograms accelerates when the traffic light turns green. If the
net force on the car is 4000 Newtons, what is the car's acceleration?



Therefore, the acceleration of the car will be 4 (ms2).

about two thirds of the nearby spiral galaxies (which we can study in more detail) don't have a round central bulge, but instead show


About two-thirds of the nearest spiral galaxies display a central bulge with a bar of stars in the middle rather than a circular central bulge.

What is Spiral Galaxies?

The twisted clusters of stars and gas known as spiral galaxies, which are frequently formed of hot, young stars, have striking shapes. As opposed to the other two major groups of galaxy forms, elliptical and irregular, spiral galaxies make up the majority of the galaxies that astronomers have so far discovered.

A spiral galaxy is one that contains Earth and our solar system, such as the Milky Way.

The majority of spiral galaxies have a flat, spinning disc of stars around a central bulge. Older, fainter stars make up the bulge in the centre, which is thought to house a supermassive black hole. A bar structure runs through the core of almost two-thirds of spiral galaxies, including the Milky Way.

To learn more about Spiral Galaxies,


Define power and discuss how to determine power.


Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transmitted. In other words, it is a measure of the amount of work that can be done in a given amount of time. Power is typically measured in watts, where one watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

To determine power, you need to know the amount of work being done and the time it takes to do that work. For example, if a machine lifts a weight of 100 joules in 2 seconds, the power of the machine is 100/2 = 50 watts.

Another way to determine power is to measure the rate at which electrical energy is being transferred. In this case, power is calculated by multiplying the voltage of the electrical current by the current itself. For example, if an electrical current has a voltage of 10 volts and a current of 5 amps, the power would be 10 x 5 = 50 watts.

It is important to note that power is not the same as energy. While power is a measure of how quickly work is done or energy is transferred, energy is a measure of the total amount of work that can be done or the total amount of energy that can be transferred.


power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time. The formula is P = E/t, where P means power, E means energy, and t means time in seconds. This formula states that power is the consumption of energy per unit of time.

What is the formula for conservation of energy if there is no resistance and no friction?



If there is no friction then energy is conserved. There are two parts in this case, potential energy and kinetic energy. The object starts out with no kinetic energy and potential energy of PE = mgh where m is the mass, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is its initial height above the ground.


An egg is attached to a parachute. It is dropped (starting from rest) from a height of 16 m. The parachutes slows it's acceleration downward to 0.4 m/s^2. It can hit the ground at a velocity of 0.8 m/s without cracking. Does the egg crack when it hits the ground?

A) Yes
B) No



An egg is attached to a parachute and dropped from a height of 16 meters, after hitting the ground the egg will crack. Hence, option A is correct.

What is Acceleration?

A moving object's speed and orientation vary over time at a certain rate, which is known as acceleration. An object or location is considered to be accelerated when it moves more quickly or more slowly in a straight path.

A circle's motion increases despite its constant speed because its direction is always changing. For all other motions, by and also to acceleration is used.

Because of its magnitude and direction, it is a vector quantity.

As per the given information in the question,

The egg is attached to a parachute.

The dropping height of the egg is 16 m.

The given velocity is 0.8 m/s.

When the egg will strike the ground with minimal velocity doesn't matter it will break anyway because the out shell of the egg is very smooth or soft and every soft strike will lead to the breaking of the egg.

Then the egg will crack after hitting the ground.

Hence, option A is correct.

To know more about Acceleration:


A copper cable is 1.2 km long and has a cross-sectional area of 5 mm^2. Find its resistance at 80°C if at 20°C the resistivity of copper is 0.02*10^-6ohm m and its temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.004/°C


The resistance of the copper wire at 80°C is r = 5.952 ohms

Given copper cable length is 1.2 km

The area of cross section given is 5 mm^2

Thus the equation for resistivity is:

p (t) = p (0) × ( 1 + a × ( change in temperature )

p(t) = 0.02 × 10^-6 × ( 1 + 0.004 × 60 )

p (t) = 2.48 × [tex]10^-^8[/tex] ohm m

r = ( p × l ) ÷ a

r = (  2.48 × [tex]10^-^8[/tex] × 1200 ) ÷ 5 × [tex]10^-^6[/tex]

r = 5.952 ohms

To know more about resistivity you may visit the link:


Consider two carts, of masses m and 2m, at rest on an air track. If you push first one cart for 3 s and then the other for the same length of time, exerting equal force on each, the momentum of the light cart is ________ the momentum of the heavy cart.a) four timesb) twicec) equal tod) one-halfe) one-quarter


The value of the momentum on the second cart is p₂ = v₂m₂ = 2vm.

What is momentum?

Momentum is defined in Newtonian mechanics as the product of an object's mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity with magnitude and direction. If an object's mass is m and its velocity is v,

Given that consider two carts, of masses m and 2m, at rest on an air track. if you first push one cart for 3 s and then the other for the same length of time, exerting equal force on each.

The momentum on the second cart will be calculated as,

F = m₁ a₁ = m₂ a₂

if m₁ = m and m₂ = 2m :

F = ma₁ = 2m  a₂ ⇒ a₁ = 2 a₂

Since v = at + v₀  with t = 3, v₀ = 0 ⇒ v = 3a:

v₁ = 2 v₂

Since p = vm with v₁ = 2v and v₂ = v :

p₂ = v₂m₂ = 2vm

Therefore, the value of the momentum on the second cart is p₂ = v₂m₂ = 2vm.

To know more about momentum follow


g a -4.00 nc point charge is at the origin, and a second -5.50 nc point charge is on the x-axis at x = 0.800 m.


The magnitude and direction of the electric field at x = 0.200 m is 762.5 N/C to the left.

The magnitude and direction of the electric field at x = 1.200 m is 334.375 N/C to the left.

The magnitude and direction of the electric field at x = - 0.200 m is 949.50 N/C to the right.

The formula to calculate the magnitude of the electric field is

E = (kQ) ÷ r²


k = a Coulomb's constant = 9 × 10⁹ Nm²/C²Q = the magnitude of point charge (Coulomb)
Q₁ = - 4.00 nC = - 4.00 × 10⁹ C
Q₂ = - 5.50 nC = - 5.50 × 10⁹ Cr = the distance (m)

If the point charge has a negative charge, the direction of the electric field goes to the point charge. But if the point charge has a positive charge, the direction of the electric field goes away from the point charge.

The problem is not complete, it should say where is the point. Using a similar problem, for the same question.

For x = 0.200 m

Q₁ at origin
r₁ = 0.200 m
E₁ = (9 × 10⁹ × 4.00 × 10⁹) ÷ 0.200² = 36.00 ÷ 0.040
E₁ = 900 N/C to the leftQ₂ at 0.800 m
r₂ = 0.800 - 0.200 = 0.600 m
E₂ = (9 × 10⁹ × 5.50 × 10⁹) ÷ 0.600² = 49.50 ÷ 0.360
E₂ = 137.50 N/C to the rightE₁ > E₂ and have a different directionEa = E₁ - E₂ = 900 - 137.50
Ea = 762.5 N/C to the left

For x = 1.200 m

Q₁ at origin
r₁ = 1.200 m
E₁ = (9 × 10⁹ × 4.00 × 10⁹) ÷ 1.200² = 36.00 ÷ 1.440
E₁ = 25 N/C to the leftQ₂ at 0.800 m
r₂ = 1.200 - 0.800 = 0.400 m
E₂ = (9 × 10⁹ × 5.50 × 10⁹) ÷ 0.400² = 49.50 ÷ 0.160
E₂ = 309.375 N/C to the leftE₁ and E₂ have the same directionEa = E₁ + E₂ = 25 + 309.375
Ea = 334.375 N/C to the left

For x = - 0.200 m

Q₁ at origin
r₁ = 0.200 m
E₁ = (9 × 10⁹ × 4.00 × 10⁹) ÷ 0.200² = 36.00 ÷ 0,040
E₁ = 900 N/C to the rightQ₂ at 0.800 m
r₂ = 0.200 + 0.800 = 1.000 m
E₂ = (9 × 10⁹ × 5.50 × 10⁹) ÷ 1.000² = 49.50 ÷ 1.000
E₂ = 49.50 N/C to the rightE₁ and E₂ have the same directionEa = E₁ + E₂ = 900 + 49.50
Ea = 949.50 N/C to the right

Learn more about the electric field here :


A 441 N crate is being pulled by a rope, up a frictionless
inclined plane, which meets the horizontal at an angle of 35°.
Find the magnitude of normal force acting on the crate.


The crane weighs 441 N. The horizontal component of the normal force at an angle of 35° is 361 N.

What is force?

Force is physical quantity generating a displacement or deformation for a body. Force is having a magnitude and direction thus, it is a vector quantity.

The normal force acting on a body is mg, that is the product of its mass and acceleration due to gravity. Force can have a vertical and horizontal component.

vertical component of normal force  = N sin ∅

horizontal component = N cos  ∅.

Given the angle in the inclined plane is 35°  in horizontal direction.

Thus normal force = 441 N × cos 35°  = 361 N.

Therefore, the magnitude of normal force acting on the crane is 361 N.

To find more on force, refer here:


John's home had 20 pounds of condiments. sugar made up 40% of the condiments. Salt made up the rest. After some sugar was used, sugar made up 25% of the condiments. How many pounds of sugar were used? pounds of sugar​


3 pounds of sugar were used.

What are percentages?

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100.

How to find the amount of sugar used;

40% of sugar + 60% of salt = 20 pounds of condiments

Therefore 40% of sugar = (40/100) x 20

Sugar = 8 pounds


Salt = 20 - 8 pounds

Salt = 12 pounds

For sugar to make up 25% of the condiments;

Sugar = (25/100) x 20 pounds

Sugar = 5 pounds

The amount of Sugar used;

Sugar = 8 - 5 pounds

Sugar = 3 pounds

The amount of sugar used up is 3 pounds.

Learn more about percentages:


Suppose that the period is T. Which of the following points on the t axis are separated by the time interval T?
K and L
K and M
K and P
L and N
M and P


The points on the t axis separated by the time interval T are K and P.

The true choice is C.

In Physics, a period is the length of time it takes for one oscillation or one wave to occur. The symbol for the period is T with units of seconds or seconds (s).

K and P are one wave on the transverse wave. One wave is a combination of one hill and one valley.  While K and M are defined as half waves.

Water waves, rope waves, and light waves. is a wave whose direction of propagation is parallel to the direction of vibration.

In longitudinal waves, one wave consists of one stretch and one density.

This question is accompanied by a picture

Learn more about the transverse wave at


A train is moving at a speed of 65.0 mi/h. The ticket collector is walking 2.00 mi/h toward the front of the train. How fast is the ticket collector moving from the point of view of a person on the train?



the ticket collector is moving at 2.00 mi/h in the same direction, the relative speed of the ticket collector to the person on the train is 65.0 mi/h - 2.0 mi/h = 63.0 mi/h.


From the point of view of a person on the train, the ticket collector is moving at a speed of 63.0 mi/h. To determine this, we need to subtract the speed of the train from the speed of the ticket collector in the same direction. Since the train is moving at 65.0 mi/h

Suppose your bicycle tire is fully inflated, with an absolute pressure 4.00 x 10^5 Pa at a temperature of 15.0 °C. What is the pressure after its temperature has risen to 40.0 °C? Assume that there are no appreciable leaks or changes in volume.


The pressure after the temperature has risen to 40.0 °C, assuming that there are no appreciable leaks or changes in volume is 4.35×10⁵ Pa

How do I determine the pressure at 40.0 °C?

From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Initial pressure (P₁) = 4.00×10⁵ Pa Initial temperature (T₁) = 15 °C = 15 + 273 = 288 K New temperature (T₂) = 40 °C = 40 + 273 = 313 KVolume = ConstantNew pressure (P₂) = ?

The pressure the temperature has risen to 40 °C can be obtained as follow:

P₁V₁ / T₁ = P₂V₂ / T₂

Volume = contant

P₁ / T₁ = P₂ / T₂

4.00×10⁵ / 288 = P₂ / 313

Cross multiply

P₂ × 288 = 4.00×10⁵ × 313

Divide both sides by 288

P₂ = (4.00×10⁵ × 313) / 288

P₂ = 4.35×10⁵ Pa

Thus, the pressure at 40 °C is 4.35×10⁵ Pa

Learn more about pressure:


A catcher catches a baseball (m = 145 g) traveling at a speed of 42.5 m/s. How much work was done on the baseball to bring it to rest?


The net work done on the baseball to bring it to rest is -130.953 J or approximately 131 J. The negative sign indicates that the force has been applied opposite to the direction of motion of the baseball.

What is the work-kinetic energy theorem ?

The work-kinetic energy theorem states that an object's change in kinetic energy is equivalent to the work that has been done on it.

[tex]W_{net} = KE_{f} -KE_{i}[/tex]


[tex]W_{net}[/tex] = Net work done

[tex]KE_{f}[/tex] = Final Kinetic Energy

[tex]KE_{i}[/tex] = Initial Kinetic Energy

We know,

[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}[/tex]

Here, m = Mass of the object

v = velocity of the object


[tex]W_{net} = KE_{f} -KE_{i}\\W_{net}= \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}_{f} - \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}_{i}[/tex]


Mass of baseball (m) = 145g = 0.145 kg

Initial velocity ([tex]v_{i}[/tex]) = 42.5 m/s

Final velocity ([tex]v_{f}[/tex]) = 0 m/s  (since, the baseball comes to rest.)

Inserting these values in the above equation we get,

[tex]W_{net}= \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}_{f} - \frac{1}{2} mv^{2}_{i}\\ = 0- \frac{1}{2} *0.145*42.5*42.5 \\= -130.953[/tex]

Hence, the net work done on the baseball to bring it to rest is -130.953 J or approximately 131 J.

To know more about kinetic energy please click here


find the velocity v of the block as a function of time. express your answer in terms of some or all of the variables: k , m , a , and t .


The velocity of the block as a function of time is [tex]v(t) = - A \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} (\: sin \: \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t)[/tex]

Look at the attachment to see the picture of the block. The block is attached to a spring and placed on a frictionless surface. Simple harmonic motion applies to the system. The equation of the position as a function of time for the system

x(t) = A cos ωt

A = the amplitudet = the time interval ω = the angular frequencyx = the position

There is the force of the spring in the system, according to Newton's second law

F = ma
- kx = maThe velocity is the derivation of the position equation
v(t) = - Aω sin ωtThe acceleration is the derivation of the velocity
a(t) = -Aω² cos ωt- kx = ma
- k A cos ωt = - mAω² cos ωt
k = mω²
ω² = k/m
[tex]\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}[/tex]v(t) = - Aω sin ωt
[tex]v(t) = - A \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} (\: sin \: \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t)[/tex]

Learn more about simple harmonic motion here:


Bumper car A (296 kg) moving +3.74 m/s makes an
elastic collision with bumper car B (222 kg) moving
+1.85 m/s. What is the velocity of car A after the
Use the formula to find the final velocity of car A.
Bumper Car A
m₁ = 296 kg
V₁i = 3.74 m/s
m₁ - m²)√₁i+
V₁f = (m
Bumper Car B
m₂ = 222 kg
V2i = 1.85 m/s
2m²)V₂i = [?] m/s
m₁ + m2
m₁ + m2
Remember: right is +, left is -.


The speed of car A after the collision is 0.52 m/s.

What is speed?

In everyday use and kinematics, the speed of object is the amount of change in position over time, or the amount of change in position per unit time. So it's a scalar quantity.

For a bumper car A

Mass (m₁) = 296 kg

Velocity (V₁) = 3.74 m/s,

For a bumper car B

Mass (m₂) = 222 kg

Velocity (V₂) = 1.85 m/s,

To calculate velocity of car A after the collision mathematically:

Vₙ =(m₁-m₂/m₁+m₂)V₁

Vₙ = Final velocity of car A

Vₙ = (296 - 222/296 + 222) × 3.74

Vₙ = 0.52 m/s

Hence, the velocity of car A after the collision

Vₙ = 0.52 m/s

To know more about speed click-


why fan videos be streamed from the cloud to a computer with no lost quality


Videos can be streamed from the cloud to a computer with no loss in quality because Digital signals are used to transmit data to and from the cloud.

How do digital signals work?

An established or one that represents data as a step made up of discrete values is known as a digital signal. There is no noise produced by digital signals. Electronic signals sent as pulses are used to transmit digital signals to computers. These signals can be found in things like digital phones and computers.

Because digital signals are used to transport data to and from the cloud, it should be noted that videos are said to stream from the cloud to a computer without quality degradation.

Videos can be streamed from the cloud to a computer with no loss in quality because Digital signals are used to transmit data to and from the cloud.

To know more about Digital signals, check out:


a few objects with the same mass and radius are rotating around axes through their centers. which of these objects would be the easiest to stop from rotating?


The hollow sphere would be the easiest to stop from rotating. The body's moment of inertia and angular velocity combine to form the angular momentum: L=I ω

I = (2/5)MR2 (solid) and I = (2/3)MR2 (hollow) are the moments of inertia for spheres of any diameter that are solid and hollow, respectively (hollow)

A HOLLOW sphere has a higher angular momentum than a solid sphere with the same mass and rotational velocity because (2/3)>(2/5).

If they were the same size and made of the same material, the solid sphere would, intuitively, have a higher angular momentum (and therefore different mass). To illustrate this, consider a hollow sphere with a wall thickness of R. Its volume is thus Vol=4R2R.

Since M=V and is the density, I(hollow)=(8/3)R4R is the moment of inertia.

I(solid) = ρ(8π/15)R^5

hence, I (solid)/I (hollow)


To know more about inertia, visit:


The pendulum was released from point A with (MECHANICAL ENERGY) ME = 10J. No Friction is present. What will be the approximate value of velocity at point M if the mass of the pendulum is 0.1 kg


The approximate value of velocity at point M will be 15 m/s if the mass of the pendulum is 0.1 kg.

What is mechanical energy?

The energy that an object possesses as a result of its motion or position is known as mechanical energy. Kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, and potential energy are two types of mechanical energy (stored energy of position).

According to the question, total mechanical energy of the pendulum at point A = 10 J.

Let the velocity of the pendulum at point M be v.


kinetic energy at point M = total mechanical energy at point A

⇒ 1/2 × 0.1 × v² = 10

⇒ v² = 200

⇒ v = 10√2 = 15 (approx.)

Hence,  the approximate value of velocity at point M  will be 15 m/s.

Learn more about mechanical energy here:


Find the area of one page of a book whose dimensions are 20 cm × 25 cm in cm2 and then convert this value to m2.


The area of one page of a book is 500 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex] or [tex]5 m^{2}[/tex].

What is Area?

Area is the amount of space occupied by a two-dimensional figure. It is the quantity that measures the number of unit squares that cover the surface of a closed figure.

The formula for Area = length x breadth

From the question;

length = 20cm

breadth = 25cm

Area = 20 x 25

Area = 500 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

Converting the value in [tex]cm^{2}[/tex] to meters

Area = 500/100

Area =  [tex]5 m^{2}[/tex]

Learn more about Area on:


In a hydraulic press the large piston has cross-sectional area 230 cm2 and the small piston has cross-sectional area 5 cm2. If a force of 250 N is applied to the small piston, what is the force (in kN) on the large piston? Give the answer with one decimal an no unit.


The force on the larger piston of cross-sectional area 230 cm² is 11500 N.

What is force?

Force can be defined as the product of mass and acceleration.

To calculate the force on the larger piston, we use the formula below.


F = fA/a............... Equation 1


F = Force on the larger pistonf = Force applied to the smaller pistonA = Cross-sectional  Area of the larger pistona = Cross-sectional Area of the smaller piston

From the question,


A = 230 cm²a = 5 cm²f = 250 N

Susbtitute these values into equation 1

F = (250×230)/5F = 11500 N

Hence, the force on the larger piston is 11500 N.

Learn more about force here:


Learning Goal: To understand the standard formula for a sinusoidal traveling wave One formula for a wave with a y displacement (e.g., of a string) traveling in the x direction is y(x, t) A sin(kx-wt) All the questions in this problem refer to this formula and to the wave it describes. Part A Which of the following are independent variables? O r only O t only O A only O k only w only O and t O w and t O A and k and w Submit Request Answer Part B Which of the following are parameters that determine the characteristics of the wave? only O t only O A only O k only w only and t and t O A and k and w Submit Request Answer PartD What is the wavelength λ of the wave? Express the wavelength in terms of one or more given variables (A, k, r, t, and w) and any needed constants like π. Azo Part E What is the period 1' of this wave? Express the period in terms of one or more given variables (A, k, x, t, and w) and any needed constants like TT A2p Part F What is the speed of propagation of this wave? Express the speed of propagation in terms of one or more given variables (A, k, r, t, and w) and any needed constants like T. A2o


The answer related to the sinusoidal travelling wave is given below:
A. x and t
B. A and k and ω
D. Lambda = 2*pi/k
E. T = 2*pi/omega
F. v = omega/k

What is sinusoidal travelling wave?

The mathematical curve known as a sine wave, also known as a sinusoidal wave or simply a sinusoid, is described in terms of the sine trigonometric function, of which it is the graph. Both a smooth periodic function and a kind of continuous wave, it.

Independent variables can be freely changed to affect the function's value. On a function plot, the independent variables are often plotted on the horizontal axis.

x and t

The properties of a given function are set by parameters, which are constants. The amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and period of a wave are some examples of these.

A and k and ω

Think about the shape of the wave at time t=0. The wave slopes upward at x=0 and crosses the y axis. The upward-sloping y axis is crossed by the wave at the next x position, which is the wavelength (i.e., the length of one complete cycle of oscillation).

The wavelength should be expressed in terms of one or more of the supplied variables (A, k, x, t, and omega) and any necessary constants, such as pi.

lambda =  2*π/k

In terms of one or more of the provided variables (A, k, x, t, and omega) and any necessary constants, such as pi, express the period.

T =  2*π/omega

 Given variables (A, k, x, t, and omega) and any necessary constants (such as pi) should be used to express the speed of propagation.

v =  omega/k.

To learn more about sinusoidal travelling wave


Due to the wave nature of light, light shined on a single slit will produce a diffraction pattern. Green light (525 nm) is shined on a slit with width 0.415 mm.
(a) Find the width of the central maximum located 1.65 m from the slit.
(b) What is the width of the first order fringe?


Yes, it will produce a diffraction pattern.

a. 3.9 mm b. 1.95 mm


The light shined from a single slit will produce a diffraction pattern because,  the wavefront act as wavelets which generates its own wave according to Huygens principle. This therefore causes the diffraction pattern.


wavelength of green light, λ = 520 nm = 520 × 10⁻⁹ m = 5.20 × 10⁻⁷ m

width of slit, d = 0.440 mm = 0.44 × 10⁻³ m = 4.4 × 10⁻⁴ m

Distance of slit from central maximum , D = 1.65 m

Distance of first minimum from central maximum, y = ?

a. The relationship between the slit width and wavelength is given by [tex} dsinθ = mλ [/tex]where d = slit width, θ = angular distance from central maximum, λ = wavelength of light and m = ±1, ±2, ±3...

The relationship between y and D is given by

Since θ is small, sinθ ≈ θ ≈ tanθ

so, dθ = mλ ⇒ θ = mλ/d = y/D

Therefore, y = mλD/d

Now, for the first minimum above the slit, m = +1 and for the first minimum below the slit, m = -1. So, y₁ =  λD/d and y₋₁ =  -λD/d. So, the width of the central maximum Δy is the difference between the first minima below and above the central maximum. So, Δy = y₁ - y₋₁ = λD/d -(-λD/d) = 2λD/d

Substituting the values from above, Δy= 2 × 5.20 × 10⁻⁷ × 1.65/4.4 × 10⁻⁴ =  3900 × 10⁻⁶ m = 3.9 × 10⁻³ m = 3.9 mm

b. The first order fringe is the fringe located between the first minimum and the second minimum. From dsinθ = mλ and tanθ = y/D when θ is small, sinθ ≈ θ ≈ tanθ. So, y = mλD/d. Let m= 1 and m=2 be the first and second minima respectively. So,y₁ =  λD/d and y₂ =  2λD/d. The difference Δy₁ = y₂ - y₁ is the width of the first order fringe.

Therefore, Δy₁ = 2λD/d - λD/d= λD/d.

Substituting the values from above, we have

λD/d= 5.20 × 10⁻⁷ × 1.65/4.4 × 10⁻⁴= 1.95 × 10⁻³ m = 1.95 mm

To know more about Wavelength



What is Hubble's law?
A) The longer the time period between peaks in brightness, the greater the luminosity of the Cepheid variable star.
B) The recession velocity of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance from us.
C) The recession velocity of a galaxy is inversely proportional to its distance from us.
D) The faster a spiral galaxy's rotation speed, the more luminous it is.
E) The faster a spiral galaxy's rotation speed, the less luminous it is.


Option B The recession velocity of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance from us is the correct option.

Hubble-Lemaître law

The Hubble-Lemaître law, sometimes referred to as Hubble's law, is the finding in physical cosmology that galaxies are eloping from Earth at rates proportionate to their separation. In other words, they are travelling away from Earth more quickly the more away they are. The redshift of the galaxies—a shift in the light they emit toward the red end of the visible spectrum—has been used to calculate their velocities.

To learn more about Hubble-Lemaître law,


Energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic object

A.Thermal Energy
B.Chemical Potential Energy
C.Elastic Potential Energy
D.Energy Transfer


Elastic potential energy is the  energy stored as a resulting of the applying a force to deform an elasticity object.

What is elastic potential energy?

Elastic potential energy is the  energy stored as of a result of applying a force to the  deform an elasticity object. The energy is the  stored until the force is to the  removed and the object by  springs back to it's own shape, doing work in the process.

Elastic potential energy is the  energy stored as a result of the applying by a force to the  deform an elasticity of object. The energy is stored by it's until the force is the  removed and the object of the  springs back to its own original shape, doing their work in the processing. There are deformations could involve compressions, stretching or the twisting of the object.

To know more about elastic potential energy click-


a 0.5 kg car is moving at a constant velocity 5 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the car?


Using this formula
K=(mv^2)/2 where:
K - kinetic energy
m - mass
v - velocity

Just plug in given numbers, and:
K= (0.5*5^2)/2=6.25 J (Joules)

what is the mass of a ball that has a kinetic energy of 105j and is traveling at 10 m/s?



The mass of the object is 21 kg.


To find the mass of an object with a given kinetic energy and velocity, you can use the formula for kinetic energy, which is KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the object, v is its velocity, and KE is its kinetic energy.

In your case, the velocity is 10 m/s and the kinetic energy is 105j, so you can solve for m by rearranging the formula to solve for mass.

This gives you m = 2 * KE / v^2, or m = 2 * 105j / 10^2, which means the mass of the object is 21 kg.

If a pendulum from Earth is taken to the moon, will its frequency increase or
decrease? Why?
It will increase because g on the moon is greater than g on Earth.
It will increase because g on the moon is less than g on Earth.
It will decrease because g on the moon is greater than g on Earth.
It will decrease because g on the moon is less than g on Earth.


If a pendulum from Earth is taken to the moon, its frequency decrease, D. It will decrease because g on the moon is less than g on Earth.

Why will the frequency decrease?

The moon is significantly lighter than the Earth itself. Not only is the Moon smaller than the Earth, but it is also only about 60% as dense. As a result, the gravitational attraction on the Moon is much lower than on Earth, and a person weighs less on the Moon.

The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon's surface is approximately 1.625 m/s² which is approximately 16.6% of the acceleration due to gravity on Earth's surface, or 0.16. When a simple pendulum is taken from the earth to the moon, its pull decreases, causing the time period to increase. The value of 'g' on the moon is one-sixth that of the Earth's surface.

If a pendulum is taken from the Earth to the moon, the pendulum will have a lower frequency on the surface of the Moon as on the surface of the Earth.

Learn more about acceleration on:


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