Why is it important to learn about Filipino culture and tradition?


Answer 1

Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

Studying and studying approximately exceptional cultures allows us apprehend why sure organizations of human beings see the arena the manner they do. If you are analyzing the Filipino language, it makes experience to benefit a deeper knowledge of the Filipino culture, as well. Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. Discover who we definitely are and discover possibilities to stay and work with us. If you need Filipinos to emerge as effective, there's no want to supplant Filipino values with western values. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

To learn more about language check the link below:



Related Questions

How does the use of repetition best contribute to the meaning of the poem?


Repetition is used to emphasize a feeling or idea, create rhythm, and/or develop a sense of urgency.

Repetition is whilst a single word or phrase is used in more than one instance in brief succession for effect.

A repetition is a literary tool that includes the usage of the identical phrase or phrase time and again once more in a bit of writing or speech. Writers of all kinds use repetition, however, it is mainly famous in oration and spoken phrases, wherein a listener's interest might be extra constrained.

Repetition is an example wherein a word or phrase is repeated to offer clarity and emphasis, highlighting deeper meanings within the textual content. Now, repetition can be subtle and apparent, and writers can get very innovative approximately what those repeating phrases signify.

Learn more about Repetition here:-https://brainly.com/question/9134427


Can you match these questions, please?

1 He's talked to her on the phone
2 This summer the pool was only open
3 The whole team felt exhausted
4 The rent of my flat has gone up
5 She's had nothing to eat
6 I got very wet
7 I spent a month in Brazil
8 She's always enjoyed painting
9 I haven't had such a good time
10 This text arrived

A for years.
B on my way home from school yesterday.
C since nine o'clock this morning.
D when the match finished
E ever since she was very young.
F by 20 per cent this year.
G a few minutes ago.
H from April till September.
I in 2002.
J every night this week.​



1 He's talked to her on the phone C since nine o'clock this morning.

2 This summer the pool was only open H from April till September.

3 The whole team felt exhausted D when the match finished.

4 The rent of my flat has gone up F by 20 per cent this year.

5 She's had nothing to eat J every night this week.

6 I got very wet B on my way home from school yesterday.

7 I spent a month in Brazil I in 2002.

8 She's always enjoyed painting E ever since she was very young.

9 I haven't had such a good time A for years.

10 This text arrived G a few minutes ago.

What is non fiction short answer?


Any text or media piece that makes a sincere effort to base information (and occasionally opinions) only on facts and actual life as opposed to fantasy is considered nonfiction.

Nonfiction is sometimes thought of as being more objectively given, such as historical, scientific, or other simple and factual facts. However, nonfiction can also occasionally be presented more subjectively, such as truly held ideas and thoughts on a real-world topic. As one of the two primary categories of narrative (storytelling), nonfiction is frequently used in prose writing. This is in contrast to narrative fiction, which is frequently uncertain about its basis in reality and is generally filled with fictional people and events. Nonfiction works frequently take the form of biographies, news articles, documentaries, textbooks, travel guides, cookbooks, and scientific publications.

To know more about nonfiction:



To best implement a claim in a policy speech, a writer must state a clear_____.


The best way to implement a claim in a policy speech is to provide a detailed explanation of the evidence and reasoning behind it.

This should include any sources used to support the claim, an explanation of the implications of the claim, and a discussion of how the proposed policy measure would address the issue. The speaker should be sure to explain the reasoning behind the policy and the potential benefits it could bring.

Additionally, the speaker should include examples of how the policy has been used successfully in other contexts and any potential drawbacks that could result from its implementation. Finally, the speaker should be sure to address any opposing arguments or potential countermeasures that could be taken. By providing a comprehensive and logical explanation of the evidence and reasoning behind the claim, the speaker can ensure that their policy speech is effective and well-received.

For more questions like Policy speech click the link below:


How Can dance improve one's quality of life and health Brainly?


Dancing has been demonstrated to enhance older persons' strength and muscular function as well as balance and flexibility, resulting in improved stability and fewer accidents.

Your cardiovascular health will increase as a result of dancing, lowering your risk of heart disease. Dance can help people become more gregarious, spirited, and creative. Reduced stress levels, better relaxation, stronger bones and muscles, weight control, and a healthier brain are just a few advantages of dancing more.Exercise via dancing strengthens your heart and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It works wonders to relieve tension, which in turn lowers high blood pressure. Just three 20-minute dance sessions a week can significantly enhance your heart health.

Thus this is how dance can improve one's quality of life and health.

Refer here to learn more about dance: https://brainly.com/question/29551768


How do we know that the author does not completely condemn Mayella for her false testimony?



Mayella tells lies to spare herself from ridicule. She doesn't want to publicly acknowledge that she tried to get Tom Robinson's attention.

What kind of bond does Mayella have with her father?

It's possible that Mayella's relationship with her father will out to be more fascinating. There is evidence to suggest (or at least a hint of evidence) that if Mayella were to disclose the truth, Bob Ewell would harm her. For kissing Tom Robinson, he already beat her up. If she tells the cops who hit her, he might hurt her even more. These are all valid excuses for Mayella's perjury on the witness stand. She is ashamed, terrified, and tries to justify her behaviour.

To know more about mayella, click here



How cheer leading can help the students to have a winning attitude and sportsmanship?


A cheerleader can exhibit excellent sportsmanship by encouraging a cheering and praising audience reaction without offending opponents.

Fostering the growth of a strong sportsmanship reputation for the team, the school, and the neighborhood. No of the outcome, cheer encourages athletes to be proud of their accomplishments, accept failure with dignity, and always treat other competitors with respect.Even though stunting, jumping, and tumbling in cheering demand a variety of physical abilities, there are so many opportunities for personal growth that enable athletes to acquire useful life skills. These abilities foster confidence and include self-control, cooperation with others, and goal-setting.Cheerleading is a team sport that combines dancing, acrobatics, and shouted cheers to amuse spectators at athletic events and inspire them to cheer louder and more fervently.

This is how a cheerleading can help the students to have a winning attitude and sportsmanship.

To have additional information about cheerleading, refer: brainly.com/question/29551389


Which sentence is not in the past tense?
O Little Timmy has fallen into the well!
O They fell in love at first sight.
O The leaves were falling through the crisp autumn air.
O I fall every time I go skiing.


Little Timmy has fallen into the well!

What is fallen's past tense?

The past tense of the word fall is fell. Throughout the day, large white flakes of snow fell. He stumbled and fell, seriously bruising his leg.

What is an easy past tense illustration?

I went to the park is an illustration of a simple past tense verb in a phrase. The activity of going to the park was finished by the speaker, hence the verb "go" is used in the simple past tense.

What three different simple tenses are there?

The present tense depicts a current action. The past tense depicts a finished activity or condition in the past. A future activity is indicated by using the future tense.

To know more about Past Tense, visit:

1. In the unit, we learned that alliteration is a stylistic device used to
play with words by putting those with the same first consonant
sound in a series. Please create three sentences, each one utilizing
alliteration with the following letters: S, R, M.
please no links



S: Sam smiths, the holder of secrets, knows someone's sweet secret.

R: Rehearsing rhyming words to reenact a play appears rhetorical.

M:  Menacing sounds of mashing metal machines emanated from the mines.

What happens when
Zarna speaks with her mother?
Complete the sentences



farther hair playful convincesI don’t know


What are core capabilities FEMA ?


The core capabilities of FEMA are :-

Distinct critical elements necessary to achieve the National Preparedness Goal.

The middle talents are: wonderful important elements vital to obtain the national Preparedness aim. essential for the execution of each undertaking region: Prevention, protection, Mitigation, response, and healing. developed and sustained through the combined efforts of the whole community.

Our bodies become lighter, our minds sharper, and our spirits lifted. when we go through restoration, we are more ready to assist others heal in view that we're going via the technique. we can speak from locations of love and light greater absolutely in preference to simply locations of trauma and depression.

Learn more about Prevention here :-



Where should a food worker refrigerate chicken that has been cooked?


The goods that require the greatest cooking temperatures should be kept on the bottom shelf. This includes any type of bird (turkey, duck, chicken, or fowl);

stuffing that involves ingredients that must be kept at a specific temperature; and meals that contain already-cooked ingredients, such as casseroles. This implies that in order to stop bacteria from forming on your meal before you consume it or keep it in the fridge, chicken must be kept hot (140°F or warmer) after it has been cooked. Within no more than two hours of cooking or removing it from a warming device, cooked chicken should be refrigerated. Fresh, raw chicken should be kept in the refrigerator on a low shelf to prevent spilling onto other food. Separate portions should be wrapped in foil or plastic bags for convenience and to avoid freezer burn. then position

To learn more about cooking please click on below link



What does Eisenhower believe is the cause of the rise of weapons among
free nations?



The fear of an attack.


what is the event b that causes the sender to decrease its window.


It might result from queuing-related reordering or unequal pathways. (c) Give the name of the occurrence at D that prompts the sender to close its window. Timeout.

A network can run in the zone of low latency and high throughput thanks to a congestion avoidance technique. These strategies stop a network from becoming congested. While congestion control is a method of recovery, congestion avoidance is a method of prevention.

According to the slow-start method, the size of the congestion window (cwnd) starts off with one maximum segment size (MSS), but it grows by one MSS each time an acknowledgment is received The congestion window's size is expanded by one. The quantity of segments sent through RTT constitutes a window. Working Theory.

To learn more about  acknowledgment please click on below link




How do you split a paragraph in two?


The most popular approach for dividing paragraphs is to use line spacing. The paragraphs are often separated visually by adding a whole line gap, which is most common.

This technique makes the piece easier to read, emphasizes key points, and gives it a neat appearance. One idea per paragraph is the general guideline for paragraphing. You should start a new paragraph whenever you switch to a new concept. You would simply use "text. split("n")" (where "text" is a string variable containing the content of your file), as each newline in Word documents and other types of documents denotes the start of a new paragraph. You would use the syntax "text. split" as other formats need a blank line (two consecutive newlines) to divide paragraphs. To divide up text, use subheadings.

To learn more about paragraphs please click on below link



Read this excerpt from an essay. What is the author’s main purpose?

My first day of high school was a total nightmare. I will never forget that day. I was a skinny, freckled, 14-year-old nobody. I just wanted to blend in, but I somehow spent the entire day being noticed for the wrong reasons. I messed everything up. I forgot my books. I went to the wrong classes. So when I went to the wrong lunch session and ended up in a room full of seniors, I wasn’t surprised. Luckily, someone came to my rescue. Sensing my anxiety, one girl pointed out that I was lucky to be lost in that room because it was the meeting place of the school’s new Community Service Council. She volunteered to take me to the food court and told me to ask her if I ever needed help. Beneath the red, white, and blue school banners, I watched her skip away to help another boy who had dropped his tray. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one having a bad day. The Community Service Council ended up having a huge effect on my high school life. I just wish I could have found it in a less embarrassing way.

to inform readers about a normal day at high school
to persuade readers to join the Community Service Council
to entertain readers with a funny story about the first day of school
to express an opinion about the importance of community service



The correct answer is D. to express an opinion about the importance of community service.

The main purpose of the excerpt is to convey the author's opinion about the importance of community service. This is clear from the final sentence of the excerpt, in which the author states that the Community Service Council "ended up having a huge effect on my high school life." This suggests that the author believes that being involved in community service is a valuable and rewarding experience, and that it can have a positive impact on one's high school experience.

The other answer choices do not accurately reflect the main purpose of the excerpt. It is not the author's intention to inform readers about a normal day at high school (choice A), to persuade readers to join the Community Service Council (choice B), or to entertain readers with a funny story (choice C). Instead, the author is using their personal story to express their opinion about the importance of community service.


I also believe answer choice D is correct.

What theme does the motif of time support?


Theme the motif of time support is Time can be subjective.

A subject or idea that appears repeatedly in a work of literature or music is known as a motif. She frequently uses the theme of shipwrecks in her writing.

A recurrent narrative element with symbolic meaning is known as a motif. If a symbol, idea, or plot device appears frequently in the text, you're likely dealing with a motif. They always serve to reinforce the author's primary point and must be connected to the work's main theme.

The Great Gatsby's use of the theme of time illustrates how we yearn to both experience the future and the past again. The underlying meaning of this motif is that living in the past is simply not living at all. You cannot go back in time and change the past.

The options for the question are:

O Life is short, so make every moment count.

O Time can be subjective.

O A lifetime cannot be measured by a clock.

Learn more about the motif here:



how did leonardo da vinci, william shakespeare, martin luther, francis bacon, galileo shape a new worldview


The most significant forerunner of the Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci created a new perspective of the universe and was regarded as a generalist who studied almost every branch of knowledge that existed at the time.

What is the legacy of Leonardo da Vinci?

The Legacy of Da Vinci The creativity of Leonardo da Vinci, who bridged the gaps between art and science, is what will endure. He saw the link between the two realms and drew inspiration from what he observed with in natural world to add elements of reality to his artwork. He illustrated it with a sketch of the "Vitruvian Man."

Why could Leonardo da Vinci make things look deep?

The Last Supper is a superb example of Da Vinci's skill at adding depth to a two-dimensional surface. The characters with in picture sit or stand in asymmetrical poses that resemble the real world, and the walls of the room seem to merge. Second, as evidenced by "Mona Lisa," Da Vinci was capable of experimenting with perspective.

To now more about  Leonardo Da Vinci visit:



What are 2 continuing benefits of the New Deal?


The Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are two still-existing advantages of the New Deal (FDIC).

Some significant and significant successes may be attributed to the New Deal. It returned people to their jobs.

It kept capitalism alive. It rekindled optimism among the American people while also restoring trust in the American economic system.

Increased government control over the economy and money supply, intervention to regulate prices and agricultural production, the start of the federal welfare state, and the development of trade were some of the longer-lasting changes brought about by the New Deal in the U.S.

Learn more about to New Deal  visit here;



Maple Elementary recently won local recognition for their new co-teaching initiative.
What are they MOST likely doing to achieve this success and attract this attention?
(1 point)
Both co-teachers do not have access to IEPS so they are not constrained by pre-
conceived notions.
Co-teaching is only implemented in special education classrooms rather than
inclusive classrooms.
Their curriculum reviews skills from all preceding grades (i.e., kindergarten through
fourth grade skills in fifth grade).
The co-teacher helping students one-on-one during the lesson is a special education


What they are most likely doing is "The co-teacher helping students one-on-one during the lesson is a special education teacher," as stated in option D.

What is co-teaching?

Co-teaching stands for collaborative teaching, a model of teaching in which two teachers plan and provide the lesson. One possibility is to have a teacher teaching the group as whole while the co-teacher goes around helping individual students.

The co-teacher is often a special education teacher, which means he or she is qualified to help those students with special needs. That does not mean, however, that co-teaching is only carried out in special education classes. They can be used in inclusive classes as well.

Since options A to C are wrong or unlikely, we can safely choose option D. It is likely that the school mentioned is implementing co-teaching with the help of special education teachers. We conclude this is the right answer.

Learn more about special education here:



What is the maximum amount of days that you can eat a leftover that you have defrosted?


The leftovers are safe the entire time when thawing in the refrigerator, which takes the longest. The food should be consumed within 3 to 4 days of thawing, otherwise it can be refrozen.

Can you eat leftovers after five days? Nope. The FDA states that leftovers are safe for up to three to four days in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, leftovers can be stored for three to four days. After then, there is a higher chance of food poisoning. Freeze leftovers as soon as possible if you don't believe you'll be able to consume them within four days. Make sure your food has been completely defrosted before cooking it, as partially defrosted food may not cook evenly and for hazardous germs to endure the cooking process. Cook the meal when it has defrosted.

To learn more about refrigerator please click on below link



Has anyone read twelfth night or beowulf? I have papers on both that need written and I have a lot of other stuff I need to do for school I was in the hospital and need to catch up. Anyone want to write them for me? 100 points for it



Yes, I have.


read it recently in school.


Beowulf (/ˈbeɪəwʊlf/;[1] Old English: Bēowulf [ˈbeːowuɫf]) is an Old English epic poem in the tradition of Germanic heroic legend consisting of 3,182 alliterative lines. It is one of the most important and most often translated works of Old English literature. The date of composition is a matter of contention among scholars; the only certain dating is for the manuscript, which was produced between 975 and 1025.[2] Scholars call the anonymous author the "Beowulf poet".[3] The story is set in pagan Scandinavia in the 6th century. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by the monster Grendel. After Beowulf slays him, Grendel's mother attacks the hall and is then defeated. Victorious, Beowulf goes home to Geatland and becomes king of the Geats. Fifty years later, Beowulf defeats a dragon, but is mortally wounded in the battle. After his death, his attendants cremate his body and erect a tower

miranda is giving a speech on the differences between apple and microsoft computer systems. she is not giving a preference to either. what type of speech will she likely give? group of answer choices an ethical speech. an informative speech. a persuasive speech. a speech to entertain.


I believe the answer is A. Ethical Speech, as they remove bias and prejudice and ensure the information is true and cited.

What was the purpose of Swift's A Modest Proposal?


The Irish author Swift is best known for Gulliver's Travels. In order to share his views on current events, he also penned poems and articles. In an effort to persuade the Irish Parliament to improve conditions for the poor, he produced "A Modest Proposal."

Swift used the notion of eating children as a metaphor for what he considered to be the poor's exploitation, such as landlords' unreasonable rent demands. Swift made fun of other economic theories of the time in his article because, in his view, they treated humans like commodities.

a piece of irony that Jonathan Swift considers to be a masterpiece. The full title of the article is "A Modest Proposal for Making the Children of Poor People in Ireland Beneficial to Their Public and for Preventing Them from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country." Swift, in order to emphasize the terrible poverty of eighteenth-century Ireland, cynically claims that Irish parents gain money by selling their children as food.

To know more about A Modest Proposal, tap here:



Select the correct answer.
Look at the examples in highlighted text in the passage. Which example shows the Socratic teaching method Plato recorded?
Yes, Polemarchus, - Thrasymachus said . . . .
Yes, said Cleitophon, interposing, . . . .
I am only repeating what you are saying, . . . .
To be sure, he replied, they are liable to err.


The example that shows the Socratic teaching method Plato recorded is C. I am only repeating what you are saying, . . . .

What is the modern application of the Socratic method?

Socrates used this type of questioning to encourage people to question what they were told and to look beyond the obvious. The Socratic method is frequently used in medical and legal education today to help students understand more complex topics and/or principles.

The teacher assists students in learning new concepts by starting with questions they already know and understand. This creates an environment in which students are truly learning rather than simply regurgitating information and forgetting it. This was illustrated on option C.

Learn more about Socrates on:



Complete question

Plato was a student of the Greek philosopher, Socrates. He recorded many conversations between Socrates and the men of Athens in the 5th century A.D. These conversations often took a form that has come to be known as the Socratic Method, as Socrates asked questions and added examples to lead his companions to draw correct conclusions about such concepts as virtue, beauty, friendship, truth, and justice. In the following passage from The Republic, the topic is justice.

Great or small, never mind about that: we must first enquire whether what you are saying is the truth. Now we are both agreed that justice is interest of some sort, but you go on to say 'of the stronger'; about this addition I am not so sure, and must therefore consider further.

Look at the examples in highlighted text in the passage. Which example shows the Socratic teaching method Plato recorded?


Yes, Polemarchus, - Thrasymachus said . . . .


Yes, said Cleitophon, interposing, . . . .


I am only repeating what you are saying, . . . .


To be sure, he replied, they are liable to err.

There are many, many examples of textual ambiguity in the scarlet letter. What is the overall effect of using this device in a novel?.


Textual ambiguity in a novel is the use of phrases, statements, or words that have more than one meaning. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, there is extensive use of textual ambiguity in multiple instances.

Textual ambiguity in the novel keeps the reader in constant confusion which makes the novel interesting and keeps the reader wanting to read more.

The air of mystery presented by Hawthorne in the scarlet letter by the use of textual ambiguity where characters are presented to be both good and evil lets the readers get to their own conclusions about the meaning.

In of the scarlet letter, Hester displays strength and the ability to sail through trials and challenges but still,, she gets overwhelmed by guilt and shame. Her view on the scarlet letter she has to wear changes through the course of the novel developing from that of shame to that of companionship. This challenge notwithstanding, she stays and later questions herself whether it is worth accepting existence within the human social organizations and nature.

As we can see, the textual ambiguity in the scarlet letter leaves the reader asking herself about a lot of Hester's thoughts and decisions which are conflicting. Any reader shall find interest in trying to uncover the reasons that make her behave in such a manner and therefore keep reading.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/28161484


in this type of question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


Answer: A double-Barreled question!!

Where is called a symbol of love and why?


The heart is called the symbol of love.

One is that the coronary heart shape comes from the shape of the leaves of a now-extinct plant known as silphium, which turned into taken into consideration a key issue of a love potion within the time of the Romans. some other principle is that St. Valentine used the symbol whilst arranging secret marriages.

The earliest heart formed image may have truly represented the seed pod of the silphium plant, which changed into used as contraception in historical Libya. It also may have certainly represented the form of someone's backside or even a woman's vulva.

Scholars including Pierre Vinken and Martin Kemp have argued that the symbol has its roots within the writings of Galen and the truth seeker Aristotle, who described the human heart as having three chambers with a small dent within the middle.

Learn more about heart here:- https://brainly.com/question/20780533


What happened in chapter 8 of Animal Farm?


Chapter 8 of Animal Farm contains the battle of the windmills.

Despite their early success, the humans fail when they blow up the windmill because the animals grow absolutely angry and push the men from the land. The injured animals are told by Squealer that, despite what they may think, they actually prevailed in the struggle that is now known as "The Battle of the Windmill."About twenty of Frederick's men dash in and detonate the windmill when the animals have finished with it. Despite many of them being hurt or killed, the animals prevail in the battle and manage to keep control of the property. Squealer tries to make everyone believe that the victory was more important than it actually was.

Thus this happened in chapter 8 of Animal farm.

Refer here to learn more about chapter 8 of Animal farm:  brainly.com/question/26303952


Why is Dynamite BTS so popular?


Dynamite's history-making success in the US, according to group leader RM, was facilitated by its humor and disco-pop components that made it

"simple to sing along or hum along with." Because of the lingo, Dynamite is more recognizable, he continued. The band's first number-one hit in the US, "Dynamite," was a financial triumph, making BTS the first all-South Korean act to top the Hot 100 and debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 list. One of the year's major songs is "Dynamite" by BTS. Even if you don't listen to pop music very much, you've probably heard of the K-pop boy band BTS. Perhaps the largest boy idol group, the record-breaking group not only.

To learn more about Dynamite's please click on below link



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