for teachers uncomfortable or inexperienced in teaching dance, which of the following suggestions would not be beneficial to the students?


Answer 1

Turning on the music and letting the students dance whatever they want is what uncomfortable or inexperienced dance teachers do when teaching dance that really isn't beneficial to the students. The correct answer is D.

Direct instruction is among the most successful teaching methods, according to studies. Although sometimes misinterpreted, students who get teaching through the direct instruction approach outperform their peers in reading, arithmetic, spelling, and other subjects such as dancing.

Direct instruction is a method of teaching that is controlled by the teacher. This implies that the instructor stands in front of the class and delivers the material. The teachers provide the learners with specific, guided instructions.

Turn on some music and allow the students to dance whatever they desire; it must be fun but not beneficial for their dance skills.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Use a cooperative class and only use dance as part of the lesson.B. Use imagery as a catalyst of movement.C. Use books or stories as a stimulus for movement.D. Turn on the music and ask students to do dance anyway they would like.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about method of learning here:


Related Questions

Cassie is at a company event out of town, where she doesn't know anyone very well. She looks around for an available person to network with, but everyone seems engaged in conversation and no one notices her. What would be an appropriate action for her to take next: a. Approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?" b. Go to the buffet and make herself a plate, while waiting for people to approach her. c. Walk around the room appearing to be engaged by the art, and hope someone comes and talks to her.


The action that would be appropriate for Cassie, who is at a company event out of town and doesn't know anyone very well, is to approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?". The correct answer is A.

More Proactive and Less Reactive

Being proactive, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is acting in anticipation of upcoming difficulties, needs, or changes. Being pro-active entails planning for the future and concentrating more on the factors under our control than those outside of it. It also entails accepting responsibility. People who are proactive tend to be high performers, and if they are in the proper environment, they may advance further in their careers.

Being reactive, as opposed to proactive, means just waiting for (unpleasant) things to happen to us; our actions are dictated by circumstances rather than the other way around.

When Cassie approaches a group and announces herself and asks for names, it means she is being proactive, which is not only appropriate but also a smart decision.

Learn more about proactive here:


What letter would you travel to hunt for survivors?


Answer: A


Kagiso did very poorly on her social psychology test. as a result, she blamed her professor for being too demanding and unfair in her testing methods. Kagiso is engaging in:


Kagiso performed horribly upon her social psychology exam. She criticized her professor for using unfair exam procedures and being overly demanding. Self-serving attribution is being used by Kagiso.

What exactly does social psychology entail?

The study of social psychology focuses upon how the influence and behavior of others impact individuals personal behavior. Social psychologists' main concern is how and why environmental influences affect people's perceptions and behavior.

What's a good illustration of social psychology?

The choices you make and steps you take could be influenced by not only the number of individuals present but also precisely who you are surrounded by. When you are with a group of mates, for instance, you are probably going to act very differently than when you are with a group of coworkers or superiors at work.

To know more about social psychology visit:


never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. make it your strength. then it can never be your weakness. armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.


This is what Tyrion Lannister stated.

Who was Tyrion Lannister?

The youngest child of Lord Tywin Lannister, Lord Tyrion Lannister is also the younger sibling of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. He is a dwarf who uses his intelligence and humor to get over the discrimination he encounters.Due to his dwarfism, Tyrion is sometimes referred to as the Imp and the Halfman. One of the main points of view characters in the books is him. Tyrion is represented by Peter Dinklage in the television version of the novel Game of Thrones.

To know more about STRENGTH  here


race' is a relatively recent invention a classification based on genetics none of these a form of ascribed status dating back to the greeks


True, race is an invention relatively based on genetics, neither of which is a form of status attribution that dates back to the Greeks.

What is race?

Race is the name given to each of the ethnic groups into which the human species is generally divided. Race is characterized because it describes the characteristics that people share, such as skin color, hair or facial features.

The Greeks are descendants of the Mycenaeans, who were related to the Minoans, however they were not the same, both ancient civilizations descended from farmers who migrated from southwestern Anatolia.

Learn more about the race in:


in a limited reserve framework, which of the following monetary and fiscal policy mixes will reduce unemployment?


When GDP is high and the inflation rate is climbing, the Fed engages in contractionary monetary policy.

What is monetary policy?

The monetary policy is a set of tools used by a nation's central bank to control the total quantity of money in circulation, promote economic growth, and put into action policies like raising interest rates and changing bank reserve requirements.

Utilizing a dual mandate to increase employment while limiting inflation, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States implements monetary policy.

Monetary policy refers to the measures taken to manage the flow of money into and out of an economy.

The GDP, the inflation rate, and the growth rates in particular industries and sectors are only a few of the economic indicators that have an impact on monetary policy. A country's central bank may alter the interest rates it charges for loans to its banks.

to learn more about monetary policy click:


Is there a link between sentences and social class? Between sentences and race?


There is a close connection between SES, race, and ethnicity. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2009 report, research has demonstrated that a person's socioeconomic status is frequently determined by their race and ethnicity in terms of stratification.

Furthermore, SES, race, and ethnicity frequently divide communities.

How is the connection between race and criminal activity explained?

Academic research, government surveys, media coverage, and public concern all focus on race as a correlate of crime. Racial disparities in crime have been linked to factors like social status, poverty, and early exposure to violent behavior.

What is the connection among race and capital punishment?

In the United States, a defendant's or a victim's skin color plays a significant and unacceptable role in determining who receives the death penalty. Since 1976, people of color have been responsible for 43% of all executions and 55% of those awaiting execution.

To learn more about race here


Ann innkeeper will likely be liable for damage to, or loss of, a guest's property unless the damage was caused by : A) Acts of God B) such as flood or hurricaneC) Civil unrestD) The negligence of the guestE) All of the above


An innkeeper will likely be liable for damage to, or loss of, a guest's property unless the damage was caused by: acts of God, such as flood or hurricane; civil unrest; and, the negligence of the guest. All of the above options are correct, so the answer is E.

What is an innkeeper?

An innkeeper is a person who owns or manages an inn or, sometimes, a hotel. Innkeepers and Assistant Innkeepers are responsible for greeting guests, and ensures that all areas of the Inn are properly cleaned and ready for guests' arrival. They also need to anticipates and assesses guests' needs and responds in a courteous and professional manner, including plans for, shops for, and prepares breakfast for all guests daily.

Learn more about innkeeper at:


In which ethical leadership principle does the leader place issues of fairness at the center of their decision making? a. Manifests honesty b. Builds community c. Shows justice d. Respects others


The leader places fairness-related concerns at the heart of their decision-making according to the ethical leadership concept of "shows justice."

What's a good way to define leadership?

"The process of taking control of a team or organization." The dictionary defines leadership in this way. Simply defined, being a leader entails taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders inspire their followers to take on bigger and more challenging tasks.

Why is leadership crucial?

They are essential attributes to have because a capable leader can motivate his or her workforce to collaborate toward a shared goal by highlighting the best in each individual. To prevent delays, a capable team leader keeps the group motivated and engaged.

To know more about  leadership visit


after meeting with an external expert on climate change, an organization's risk professional will need to do all of the following, except:


An organization's risk professional will need to do several things after meeting with the external expert related to climate change, except "communicate all of the potential risks cited by the external expert to the board of directors". The correct answer is C.

An organization's risk professional should communicate to the organization after the meeting, rather than the board of directors, all of the potential risks identified by the external expert. 

Understanding Enterprise Risk Management

This question relates to ERM, or enterprise risk management. Enterprise risk management can be defined as a risk-management approach that examines strategic planning from the perspective of the entire company or organization. It refers to a top-down approach aimed at identifying, assessing, and preparing for prospective losses, hazards, risks, and other possible causes of damage that may conflict with an organization's objectives and operations, which may result in losses.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. Assess the potential severity of the risks to the organization.B. Recommend a treatment technique for risks with severe potential.C. Communicate all of the potential risks cited by the external expert to the board of directors.D. Identify those risks that are most likely to affect the organization.

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about risk management here:


DIRECTIONS: Select all that apply by clicking on the boxes.
Brielle has decided to vote for a third-party candidate in the upcoming election, but she is not sure which one she would most agree with. Which party websites should she explore to find out more information?
Constitution Party
Democratic Party
Green Party
Libertarian Party
Republican Party


In order to find, Third-party candidate in the upcoming election she should visit :

Democratic PartyLibertarian PartyRepublican Party

Independent and third-party candidates are rarely chosen by voters, but they leave an impression by advancing their beliefs. "Introducing new institutions and ideas into politics is the most crucial function of third parties.

Because third party candidates and the major party candidate to whom they are most similar split the vote, the other major party candidate—who is most unlike the third party candidate—is more likely to win.

To know more about Election here


Which of the following clauses of the Constitution could the Supreme Court have used when deciding the case Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

A) "The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during times of good behavior."

B) The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed."

C) "In all other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact."

D) "The judicial power shall extend to all cases, law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made."​


The following clauses of the Constitution could the Supreme Court have used when deciding the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is option D. "The judicial power shall extend to all cases, law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made."

What informs Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

Marbury v. Madison started when the administration of U.S. President Thomas Jefferson prevented from William Marbury a judgeship commission that had earlier been standardized in the dying minutes of the preceding president John Adams administration but not delivered before Jefferson's assumption of office.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Marbury v. Madison (1803):


give three other names for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, and explain how each describes an essential element of the sacrament.


Other names for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation:


The sacrament of penance and reconciliation

Confession – This term describes the essential element of the sacrament in which a person confesses their sins to a priest.Reconciliation – This term refers to the reconciliation of the person with God and the Church that is a goal of the sacrament.Forgiveness – This term emphasizes the mercy and forgiveness of sins that is offered to the recipient of the sacrament.

Learn more about sacrament of penance at:


who made up the middle class in colonies


Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware

a formal essay that presents an argument or claim and uses third-person point of view concerning art or writing


A formal essay about writing or art that makes a claim or makes an argument from a third-person perspective. When writing an analytical essay, you must make a claim or argument regarding the subject you are studying.

A summary is not what an analytical essay is Analytical essays typically focus on the writing style of the text, for instance, how specific ideas are presented in a narrative. An analytical essay examines many elements of written works. literary analysis This kind of essay analyzes a text's concepts by picking one ideology to view via the literary prism of different ideologies.

The primary argument is a statement. Although there are several varieties of essays, they are sometimes divided into four groups: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive.

To learn more about formal essay from given link


Lara is trying to remember what she had for dinner last Friday when her husband took her out to eat. According to the memory-systems perspective, this information is in Lara's _____ memory. short-termdeclarativesemanticepisodic


According to the memory-systems perspective, this information is in Lara's  Episodic memory.

Which two types of memory are the most reliable?

Long-term memory systems can be divided into two categories: declarative memory and nondeclarative memory. Declarative memory enables us to recall details of past occurrences consciously. A person with impaired ageing is one who is more dependent and in poor health than is typical for their age. Making the necessary adaptations to maintain as autonomous and an active lifestyle as possible is a key component of effective ageing. Selective optimization with compensation is what is meant by this.

Procedural, semantic, and episodic memories are the three categories of memory from the standpoint of memory systems.

To know more about memory click on the link below:


state four positive effect of the Christian missionary activities in the gold coast​



Introduction of Western Education: The Christian missionaries introduced western education to the Gold Coast, which helped to spread literacy and knowledge among the people.

2. Introduction of Modern Medicine: The Christian missionaries also brought modern medicine to the Gold Coast, which helped to reduce the mortality rate and improve the health of the people.

3. Promotion of Social Reforms: The Christian missionaries also promoted social reforms such as the abolition of slavery and the promotion of gender equality.

4. Spread of Christianity: The Christian missionaries also spread Christianity to the Gold Coast, which helped to bring spiritual enlightenment to the people

Upon entering the circus Sally immediately smelled the popcorn, several minutes before her parents. Based on this information we can deduce that Sally has a lower __________ than her parents for the smell of popcorn.


We can infer from this data that Sally does have a lower absolute threshold for the scent of popcorn than her parents.

The definition of absolute threshold:

The least amount of stimulation necessary to cause an action or cause a feeling. The absolute threshold is calculated over a number of trials. On 50% of trials, the lowest or least intense degree of stimulus (such as the faintest, most faint sound) can be heard.

Which elements influence the absolute threshold?

The subject's targets and expectations, mental functions, and degree of stimulus adaptation are a few examples of the many variables that might affect the absolute threshold. Any stimulus's absolute threshold is a fixed value. Any stimulus has a different threshold.

To know more about absolute threshold visit:


why was the intervention of cuneiform an important development



With cuneiform, writers could tell stories, relate histories, and support the rule of kings. Cuneiform was used to record literature such as the Epic of Gilgamesh the oldest epic still known. Furthermore, cuneiform was used to communicate and formalize legal systems, most famously Hammurabi's Code.

The Federal Reserve System was created to...
a. ensure safe uniform currency
c. establish a gold standard
b. regulate thrift institutions
d. control the amount o f money in circulation


Answer: ensure safe uniform currency.

Explanation: It was created

to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

carlos feels guilty when he disobeys his parents rule about not eating cookies before dinner. freud would see carlos guilt as a sign that he has developed


Carlos feels guilty when he disobeys his parents' rule about not eating cookies before dinner. Freud would see Carlos' guilt as a sign that he has developed a(n):  superego.

What do you mean by Superego?

Three terms in psychoanalytic theory known as the id, ego, and super-ego describe various, interdependent components of the psychic apparatus. The three agents are theoretical models that depict the actions and interactions of an individual's mental existence.For instance, the superego will make you feel guilty or even ashamed about your activities if you give in to the icravings. When you repress your most fundamental urges, the superego may help you feel good about your behavior.

To know more about Superego here


play allows children to work off frustrations and analyze their conflicts and coping mechanisms in a nonthreatening environment. this idea most closely aligns with blank views of play. multiple choice question.


Children can work out their frustrations and examine their problems and coping processes via play in a comfortable environment. This concept most nearly resembles how play was perceived by Freud and Erikson.

What is the best way to define environment?

Environment can be summed up as the effects of every living & non-living things that have an impact on human life. Non-living or environmental substances include water, land, sunshine, rocks, and air, whereas all live or biotic aspects are animals, crops, forests, fisheries, and birds.

Why is the environment crucial?

The quality of the environment has a direct impact on human health and wellbeing. Clean air and water, rich land for growing food, as well as energy and resource inputs for production, are all provided by good natural surroundings.

To know more about environment visit:


True or False: in general, procedures that use stack parameters execute more quickly than procedures using register parameteers


False. Procedures that use stack parameters  does not execute more quickly than procedures using register parameters.

What are stacks?

A marketing stack, sometimes referred to as a marketing technology stack, is a group of technologies that marketers employ to deliver, evaluate, and enhance their services. A marketer is a worker for a company whose responsibility it is to support the company's objectives by presenting the company in a favourable light to the public, communicating with current customers to keep them engaged, and reaching out to potential customers to bring in new business and boost revenues.

A full stack marketer is someone who is familiar with and knowledgeable about every element of the stack. They can work on a project including any component of the marketing stack thanks to their extensive experience.

To learn more on stacks from the link:


the no child left behind act of 2001 aimed to promote equality of opportunity with which two provisions


A provision allowing schools to display favorable test results for all child subgroups and a clause allowing parents of students in underperforming schools to move their children to performing schools.

What is child left behind Act 2001?

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), which also included Title I regulations that applied to underprivileged pupils. Based on the idea that setting high standards and creating quantifiable goals could enhance individual educational results, it supported standards-based education reform. States were required by the Act to create basic skills examinations. States were required to administer these tests to all children in a few grade levels in order to receive federal education money.

Each state created its own requirements in place of the act's assertion of a federal achievement criterion.

To learn more on child left behind Act 2001 from the link:


There is a double liability if both party A is insolvent and party B is insolvent.


There is a double liability if both party A is insolvent and party B is insolvent is true.

What liabilities are included in insolvency?

A situation where a company's obligations outweigh its assets is known as balance sheet insolvency. The inability of a business to pay its debts as they become due is known as cash flow insolvency. When taxpayers' total liabilities surpass their total assets, they are considered insolvent. The "insolvency" exception permits the forgiven debt to be disregarded as income.

The amount to which a taxpayer is insolvent often does not require the inclusion of forgiven debts in income. Insolvency can take one of two forms: either on the balance sheet or the cash flow statement. When a person or business lacks the proper method of payment but has enough assets to cover what is owed, they are said to be in cash-flow insolvent. When a person or business is unable to meet its financial obligations, for paying the debt to lenders on time. Bank shareholders were encouraged by double liability to voluntarily liquidate their institutions before losses grew too high in order to prevent insolvency.

To learn more about insolvency, visit:


your supervisor at work wants you to take on the most difficult unwanted chore in the organization so she begins giving you small chores that build up to the bigger one while congratulating your work ethic the whole time.


"Lowball Procedure" is the answer.

Low-balling is a technique designed to gain compliance by making a very attractive initial offer (or to give (a customer) a deceptively low price or cost estimate) to induce a person to accept the offer and then making the terms less favorable (to give a markedly or unfairly low offer. low balling the customer in contract negotiations). Low Balling is more successful than when the less favorable request is made directly.

I suppose the question is :

Your supervisor at work wants you to take on the most difficult unwanted chore in the organization so she begins giving you small chores that build up to the bigger one while congratulating your work ethic the whole time.

a. Social norms

b. Information conformity effect

c. Normative conformity effect

d. Compliance

e. Lowball procedure

To know more about Lowball Procedure :


differences between muslims in the west and muslims in the east


There are many differences coupled with similarites in the Muslims of the East and the West.

What do you mean by Islam worldview?

The Islamic worldview emphasizes revealed knowledge and sees other types of inquiry as a means of knowing about and approaching Allah. The Western scientific worldview, on the other hand, is grounded in logic and belief in research and scientific procedures as its religion.With the beginning of the Almoravid dynasty movement on the Senegal River and as rulers and kings adopted Islam, Islam gained pace in West Africa during the 10th century. Then, slowly, Islam expanded across a large portion of the continent through trade and preaching.Any Muslim man who lives in the US, or Germany, or Britain, or any Western country, cannot marry but one woman at one time

To know more about Islam here


harris rejects the alleged distinction and moral difference between attempts to cure dysfunction and attempts to enhance function where the enhancement protects life or health.


Harris bases his criticism on his conception of disability and what he refers to as "The moral continuum." He claims that "there is, in essence, no moral distinction between attempts to improve function and attempts to cure dysfunction provided the improvement safeguards life or health."

What do you mean by moral difference?

Morals and ethics concern "proper" and "bad" behavior. They are distinct, even if they are occasionally used interchangeably: The term "ethics" refers to guidelines established by a third party, such as religious or workplace morals or codes of conduct. Morals are a person's personal standards of what is right and wrong.Although there are many various kinds of moral principles, honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness are some of the most crucial ones.

To know more about Moral difference here


all of the following are found in the somatic symptom disorders chapter in the dsm-5 except: group of answer choices illness anxiety disorder. somatic symptom disorder. hypochondriasis. conversion disorder


The following are observed within side the somatic symptom problems bankruptcy within side the dsm-five except: hypochondriasis.

The required details for Hypochondriasis in given paragraph

Hypochondriasis or hypochondria is a circumstance wherein someone is excessively and unduly concerned approximately having a extreme illness. An antique concept, the that means of hypochondria has time and again changed. It has been claimed that this debilitating circumstance consequences from an erroneous belief of the circumstance of frame or thoughts no matter the absence of an actual scientific diagnosis. An man or woman with hypochondriasis is referred to as a hypochondriac. Hypochondriacs grow to be unduly alarmed approximately any bodily or mental signs they detect, regardless of how minor the symptom can also additionally be, and are satisfied that they have, or are approximately to be recognized with, a extreme illness.

Often, hypochondria persists even after a doctor has evaluated someone and reassured them that their worries approximately signs do now no longer have an underlying scientific foundation or, if there's a scientific illness, their worries are a ways in extra of what's suitable for the extent of disease.

To know about Hypochondriasis click here


3. cuny employees please contact your college administrator. please ensure to have your seven digit employee id.


All CUNY ID numbers issued are nine digits long. Each campus uses a set of numbers that starts with the number 666.

How public or private is the CUNY system?

CUNY, which was established in 1847 as the first free public institution of higher learning in the country, already has 25 colleges spread out among the five boroughs of New York City, serving 243,000 degree-seeking students of all ages and dispensing 55,000 degrees annually.

The 17-member Board of Trustees, ten of whom are chosen by the Governor of New York State and five by the Mayor of New York City, is in charge of running CUNY.

Therefore, The CUNY is the largest public urban university in the country and a vital part of the economic and social fabric of New York City.

Learn more about CUNY from the given link.


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Which of the following is TRUE about credit life insurance?A)Debtor is the annuitant.B)Creditor is the insured.C)Debtor is the policy beneficiary.D)Creditor is the policyowner. Find the solution to the following system by substitution.4x + y = 40y = 4xOA. (0,40)OB. (5,20)O C. (10,40)D. (10,0) Liam opened a savings account and deposited \$6000$6000dollar sign, 6000. The account earns 5\%5%5, percent in interest annually. He makes no further deposits and does not withdraw any money. In ttt years, he has \$8865$8865dollar sign, 8865 in this account.Write an equation in terms of ttt that models the situation. What was the goal of the Helsinki Accords? was it necessary to install the second drive in workstation 2 in order to recover the data? what are two reasons you might not want to install the drive during recovery? square root of 998001 What are the reactants of photosynthesis Brainly? which component can help an organization determine such things as the identification of individuals who are likely to leave the company unless additional compensation or benefits are provided? The Ponce Inlet lighthouse in Ponce Inlet has a gallery deck where one can view the surrounding area. Kim is standing on the deck, point k, which is 140.75 feet above ground level. Louise point L, is standing 200ft from the base of the lighthouse directly below Kims position. Determine the distance, in feet, between point K and point L Graph the translation and identify the coordinates of the image I need help with this pls someone Which phrase best defines figurative language? writing that is meant to be imaginative and vivid rather than literal words that create mental pictures of something seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or touched poems that include many different types of rhymes and rhythms sentences that are long and reference historical and literary figures What does the passage suggest about topics important to early Indian culture? Choose three answers.the importance of love and hopethe sadness of being away from a loved onethe power of jealousythe struggle for power and wealththe need to connect with loved ones What are the 5 transformations of a linear function? which description of reinforcement is correct? view available hint(s)for part a which description of reinforcement is correct? reinforcement leads to development of a hybrid zone. reinforcement is due to natural selection against interbreeding and production of hybrid offspring. reinforcement is the genetic divergence of populations in different environments. reinforcement is the loss of genetic differences between two populations due to gene flow. suppose that a government has had several years of general-fund surpluses. is this necessarily a sign of fnancial strength? The population of a small town, P, as a function of time, t, in years past 1940 is given below.P = 2,323 + 200tFor which of the following years was the population of the town 7,723? A. 1967 B. 1927 C. 1937 In which areas did Franklin Roosevelts programs increase the power and role of the federal government?Responsesthe economy and the lives of citizensthe economy and the lives of citizensthe lives of citizens and religious organizationsthe lives of citizens and religious organizationsgovernment ownership of business and industrygovernment ownership of business and industrythe economy of the U.S. and of other countries which possible conclusion is supported by the dashboard concerning avantgarde ability to repay a loan if granted? Expressing trig ratios as fractions in simplest terms ?