why is cash rather than petty cash credited when a petty cash fund is replenished?


Answer 1

When the cash register is replenished, the cash account will be credited with the sum of all expenses. The cash account is used to replenish and add to the cash register with the balance it should have.

Why is Petty Cash Deposited?

Journal entries to give the custodian more cash are debits and credits to the cash register. If there is a shortage or excess, a journal line entry is recorded in the excess/shortage inventory account. When petty cash runs out, credits are entered to represent winnings.

Why not deposit petty cash?

Many governments don't even try to match petty cash transactions to the correct expense categories because they are too high volume and too time consuming. Instead, post all transactions to miscellaneous expenses.

Why is the national treasury replenished at the end of the reporting period?

Businesses replenish petty cash at or before the end of the accounting period if it becomes low. The reason for replenishing funds at the end of the accounting period is that there is no record of the funds expense in the account until the check is written and journal entries are made.

To learn more about petty cash visit:



Related Questions

when a retailer increases the number of customers coming into its store by advertising a widely known and frequently purchased product below cost, it is following a strategy. select one: a. below-market pricing b. loss-leader pricing c. promotional pricing d. leader pricing e. unit pricing


When a retailer increases the number of customers coming into its store by advertising a widely known and frequently purchased product below cost, it is a loss-leader pricing strategy. Therefore, the option B holds true.

A pricing strategy can be referred to or considered as the strategy implemented by an organization in order to determine the price levels at which its products can be sold in the markets. This strategy is implemented with the primary intention of maximizing the revenue generation of the firm.

Learn more about pricing strategy here:



Amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


One of the best-selling items during Amazon's record-breaking turkey 5 holiday season was the Echo Dot. The Echo Dot is a small, voice-controlled device that allows users to access various services and information, including music, news, weather, and more. It is powered by the Amazon Alexa voice service, which uses artificial intelligence to understand and respond to voice commands.

The Echo Dot was popular among Amazon customers due to its convenience and versatility. Its compact size allows it to be placed almost anywhere in the home, making it easy to access from any room. Its voice control feature allows users to ask Alexa to play music, set alarms, answer questions, and more without lifting a finger.

In addition to its functionality, the Echo Dot was also a hit due to its affordability. At just $49.99, it was a budget-friendly option for those looking to upgrade their home entertainment system or add a smart home device to their home.

The Echo Dot's popularity was not limited to the holiday season, as it has consistently been a top seller on Amazon for several years. Its success can be attributed to Amazon's dedication to constantly updating and improving the device and its ability to integrate with other smart home devices and services.

The Echo Dot was a standout product during Amazon's record-breaking turkey 5 holiday season. Its popularity is expected to continue as more consumers turn to smart home devices to simplify and enhance their daily lives.

Read more about this on https://brainly.com/question/29818612


if the risk-free rate is 2.2 percent, the inflation rate is 1.9 percent, and the market rate of return is 6.8 percent, what is the amount of the risk premium on a u.s. treasury bill?


Because it is a government asset and there is no excess return or risk premium on risk-free securities or government securities, the risk premium on the U.S. Treasury bond will be zero.

What do you mean by the U.S treasury bill?

Having a maturity of one year or less, a Treasury Bill (T-Bill) is a short-term obligation of the United States government backed by the Treasury Department. Typically, $1,000 bills are available for purchase from the Treasury. However, some can place non-competitive bids up to a maximum denomination of $5 million.

Treasury notes (T-bills) provide options for short-term investments, often lasting up to one year. For managing short-term liquidity, they are helpful. Currently, the Indian government issues four different types of treasury bills: 14-day, 91-day, 182-day, and 364-day.

In order to address the Central Government's short-term funding needs, the Reserve Bank of India issued what are also referred to as Zero Coupon Bonds.


Risk-free rate = 2.2 percent

Inflation rate = 1.9 percent

Market rate of return = 6.8 percent

Therefore, because  it is a government asset and there is no excess return or risk premium on risk-free securities or government securities, the risk premium on the U.S. Treasury bond will be zero.

To know more about the U.S treasury bill, visit:



What are some reasons to use positive politics?


When you participate in positive office politics, you are collaborating with others for the greater good. You are not only advancing your own goals, but you are also helping someone else by empathizing with them.

The truth is, if you want to be successful in a business environment, then it's a good idea to develop some political savvy. Developing office politics skills can help prevent someone from taking advantage of you and will also help you advance in your career. Positive politics are behaviors that are designed to influence others with the goal of helping both the organization and the person playing the policy. Examples of positive politics include displaying a professional image, publicizing one's accomplishments, volunteering, and congratulating others.

To learn more about accomplishments please click on below link.



Terrell uses his debit card to buy $54 worth of groceries. Later he withdraws $25 from his checking account. What integer represents the total change in his account balance?.


The integer that represents the total change in Terrell’s account balance is $29.

What is integer?

An integer is a whole number (not a fractional number) which can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are: -4, 2, 4, 7, 98, and 1,234. Examples of numbers which are not integers are: -3.14, 1 2/3, 3.21.

Integers come in three types, those are: Zero (0); Positive Integers (Natural numbers); and Negative Integers (Additive inverse of Natural Numbers).

The application of positive and negative numbers in the real world is different. While positive numbers are commonly used everywhere, the negative integers are used in bank credit and debit statements which can also have a negative value, that is, to represent the negative or positive values in transactions.

In this case, based on the given information,

$54 - $25 = $29

Hence, the integer is $29.

Learn more about integer at: https://brainly.com/question/15276410


benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products. group of answer choices true false


The statement is true: benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your goods, services, and operations to those of businesses who are thought to be industry leaders in one or more areas. Even if they are in a different industry or serve a different clientele, benchmarking can give you the crucial insights you need to know how your company stacks up against others in a similar situation.

Organizations can find areas, systems, or processes that can be improved through incremental (continuous) or significant (business process re-engineering) changes by using benchmarking.

Design staff uses technical benchmarking to assess a product's or service's capabilities, particularly in comparison to similar offerings from top competitors. How would designers rate the qualities of the goods or services offered by your company, for instance, on a scale of one to four, with four being the best? The design efforts and the products or services may not be sufficient to be competitive if you are unable to gather hard facts.

To know more about benchmarking:



despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior. of what is this an example?


Despite proper training in ethical values if a company's top manager still engage in unethical behavior it is because of enacted value or norm.

1. A enacted value or norm

The realistic depiction of behaviors supported by values or norms is referred to as enacted value. Therefore, engaging in repeated unethical behavior has value.

2. Effective

When a culture is developing positively, communication is facilitated, which increases the culture's effectiveness.

3. Perceptions of customer service

Customers' perceptions of an organization have a big impact on its culture. For instance, if a company is perceived by its consumers as a high-quality, innovative organization, this encourages the culture to push for the same.

To learn more about unethical behavior



When the demand for a good is inelastic What will be the result of a fall in supply?


The demand for an inelastic good does not grow if the price is decreased, hence there is no increase in revenue as a result of the lower price and unchanged demand.

This would suggest that the company shouldn't lower the price of its items because doing so would not be advantageous. Increased Total Revenue: On the other hand, if the cost of an inelastic good rises and demand remains constant, the overall revenue rises as a result of the higher cost and constant level of demand. Price increases do, however, often result in a modest decline in quantity sought. This implies that businesses that offer inelastic products or services can raise prices, selling a little less but generating more income. Therefore, companies that sell items with fixed prices are better positioned to maximise profits and to withstand economic downturns.

learn more about inelastic here:



neither amrit nor aideen has an incentive to increase output further, nor does either have an incentive to decrease output. this outcome is an example o


Neither Amrit nor Aideen has an incentive to increase output further, nor does either have an incentive to decrease output. this outcome is an example of Nash Equilibrium.

What do you mean by Nash Equilibrium?

A player can obtain the desired outcome by sticking to their initial strategy, according to the Nash equilibrium, a decision-making theorem in game theory. Each player's approach in the Nash equilibrium is the best one given what the other players have decided.The Nash equilibrium is a tool economists use to forecast how businesses will react to pricing competition. Customers will likely be squeezed more severely by two huge corporations who adopt pricing strategies to compete with one another than they could be if they each faced thousands of competitors.

To know more about Nash Equilibrium here



Which technology was used to try and prevent illegal recording, copying, and distribution of movies and TV shows?

The FTC was unsuccessful in their attempt to enforce _______
technology to prevent illegal recording, copying, and distribution of movies and television shows.


Software that detects piracy is the technology used to try to prevent piracy (the recording, copying, and distribution of audiovisual content).

The majority of nations have copyright protection, which means that authors must be compensated for their creative works, such as:


As mentioned above, the program was created to stop piracy. The computer or device on which the copy was created can be determined with this software, which can also detect original or pirated source files.

The music and audiovisual content pages have also had other software interfere to stop downloads, copies, and distribution of these contents.

In order to stop the emergence of pirate distributors, information software is available that maintains a database of authorized distributors of original content.

To learn more about Television here



A stockholder sold her shares and made a profit of $1,403. If that is a profit of 27%, how much were the shares worth when she originally
purchased them? Round to the nearest cent .


The worth of the shares when the stockholder originally purchased them is $1105.

What are shares?

Shares are fractional ownership interests in a corporation. For some businesses, shares are a type of financial instrument that allows for the equitable distribution of any declared residual profits in the form of dividends.

It is assumed that the purchase price of the share is $100. As the stockholder sold her shares for $1,403, making a profit of 27%, it implies that:

  127 = $1,403

∴ 100 = $1,403/127 × 100

        = $1104.72

Therefore, $1104.72 is the original purchase price of the share.

To learn more about share, click here:



a in which an owner of tangible personal property transfers the property to another party while still retaining ownership of such property is known as a


A transaction wherein a proprietor of exact private belongings transfers the belongings to every other celebration whilst nevertheless preserving possession of such belongings is called a bailmant.

The required details about bailmant is mentioned in below paragraph.

Bailment is a prison dating in not unusualplace law, in which the proprietor transfers physical possession of private belongings ("chattel") for a time, however keeps possession. The proprietor who surrenders custody to a belongings is referred to as the "bailor" and the person who accepts the belongings is referred to as a "bailee". The bailee is the person that possesses the private belongings in trust for the proprietor for a hard and fast time and for a particular motive and who gives you the belongings lower back to the proprietor after they have carried out the cause that became to begin with intended.

To learn about bailmant visit here.



If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?
a) expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
b) expansionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right
c) contractionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right
d) contractionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right


If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium.

The monetary policy is the policy which is adopted  by the monetary authority of a country to control the interest rate payable for very short-term or the money supply.

It is the control over the quantity of money available in an economy and the organization which new money is supplied.

If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right will raise interest rates, discourage borrowing for investment.

To know more about monetary policy here,



Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of:_______.


Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of the primary duties of the jobs, seniority, or merit system and Any factor other than gender.

What exactly is the Equal Pay Act?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a labor law in the United States that alters the Fair Labor Standards Act to abolish wage discrepancies based on gender. As part of his New Frontier Program, John F. Kennedy signed it into law on June 10, 1963.

This statute allows employers to legally pay male and female employees differently based on the core functions of the vocations, a seniority or merit system, or any other factor other than gender.

Therefore, in the Equal Pay Act, an employer may legitimately pay male and female employees differently depending on the primary tasks of the occupations, a seniority or merit system.

Learn more about the equal pay act, refer to:



what role does the securities and exchange commission play in regulating accounting in the united states?


The federal government entity in charge of overseeing and upholding federal securities laws is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) is a federal government organisation tasked with overseeing the capital markets in the United States.

It has the power to impose a variety of obligations on public corporations as well as those who audit their financial accounts.

The SEC is more concerned with upholding accounting and auditing standards in the context of financial statements it receives from public corporations in accordance with federal securities laws than it is with creating standards itself.

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is also under its supervision.

The SEC does not create accounting theories or procedures directly, but rather approves or disapproves them in order to put them into practice.

The SEC has the authority to approve the accounting rules and practices of the corporations that fall within its purview.

To know more about accounting, visit:



When searching for a school that is a good match for you, which of the following is NOT important to consider.
Financial options
Other degrees offered
Your priorities
Your preferences






Your preferences


Your preferences is not a factor to consider when searching for a good school match. It is important to consider financial options, other degrees offered, and your priorities when searching for a good school match.

michael and belinda, an affluent couple, bought a sprawling mansion at a reasonable price in an urban neighborhood. they renovated the house to include luxurious amenities and converted a simple structure into an upscale property. this scenario best illustrates


They renovated the house to include luxurious amenities and converted a simple structure into an upscale property. This scenario best illustrates gentrification.

Gentrification is the method of converting the person of a neighborhood thru the inflow of more prosperous citizens and organizations. it is a common and debatable topic in city politics and making plans.

Gentrification is a notably contested difficulty, in component because of its stark visibility. Gentrification has the energy to displace low-income families or, greater frequently, save low-earning families from entering formerly low-cost neighborhoods.

Learn more about gentrification here: https://brainly.com/question/21881182


which of the following is not a general category of leader behaviors? group of answer choices a. transactional b. task-oriented c. relationship-oriented d. passive


Transactional leadership is not a general category of leader behaviors. So, the correct answer is option a.

Transactional leadership, often referred to as management leadership, is a leadership style in which managers use rewards and penalties to get the best work out of their employees.

The foundation of the transactional executive leadership approach is an exchange or a transaction. The leader rewards employees who complete duties to the required standards and discipline employees who fall short of those requirements.

This relationship between a leader and their subordinates is founded on theories that hold that people are not naturally driven and require structure, guidance, and supervision in order to do their tasks. Additionally, according to the notion, employees will comply with the transactional leader's instructions if the latter offers them something they desire, like compensation.

To know more about Transactional leadership visit:



employees value high self-awareness, appreciation of others, and openness to feedback which are characteristics of a leader. multiple choice situational servant transformational


Employees value a leader's great self-awareness, appreciation of others, and willingness to feedback in various situations.

The Leader, a daily newspaper that combines both local and national news, is delivered across Wales on weekday mornings. In the northeast of Wales, there are two Leader editions: one each in Wexham and Flint shire, with the Chester edition ceasing publication in 2018. It has a price of 70 pence and is made in a Mold office. In September 2017, NWN Media sold it to Gannett. After being established in 1920, NWN Media Ltd. was dissolved in January 2019. According to JICREG data from November 2015, Wexham had a circulation of 2,567 copies, while Wexham Rural had 1,935. NWN titles were removed from the ABC measurement system in 2015, but Newsquest re-registered them in 2018, revealing a decline in circulation to just 3,825 copies for the Wexham edition and 2,445 copies for the other titles.

Learn more about leader from



government spending has the same effect as investment spending. if the multiplier were 2, howmuch would the government have to spend to increase aggregate demand by $1 million


Suppose the financial system is stricken by a recessionary hole because of inadequate aggregate demand .

The required details about aggregate demand is mentioned in below paragraph.

We can use the algebra of the spending multiplier to decide how an awful lot authorities spending ought to be extended to go back the financial system to capacity GDP wherein complete employment occurs.

Recall that macro equilibrium withinside the profits-expenditure version is discovered on the factor wherein the extent of GDP, or countrywide profits, equals aggregate demand . The formulation for the mixture expenditure is

Finally, be aware that this situation consists of profits taxes; thus, humans eat out of disposable profits (or take-domestic pay). This is proven withinside the intake equation below, which deducts taxes earlier than spending.

To learn about aggregate demand visit here.



northern company has bonds with an amortized cost of $600,000 and a fair value of $675,000. northern properly classifies these bonds as available for sale (afs) securities. at the end of the reporting period, the journal entry includes (select all that apply.)


Northern company will apply a $75,000 fair value adjustment. Northern company's net income will include an unrealized holding gain.

Governments and businesses both issue bonds as a means of raising capital. By purchasing a bond, you are effectively lending the issuer money. In exchange, they pledge to repay you the face amount of the loan on a particular date and to pay you interest on the bond at regular intervals, typically twice a year.

Unrealized holding gains and losses occur from holding bonds during times when the fair value of the bonds varies. When the current value of a security is more than the initial value the investor paid for the asset, including any purchase-related expenses, this is known as an unrealized gain.

The journal entry of the bond is shown below:

Amortized Cash $600,000

Fair value $675,000

Fair value adjustment will be $75,000

Know more about gain:



Personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal selling objectives often include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and keeping customers satisfied.

Now, According to the question:

What is Personal selling?

It corresponds to a direct interaction between the sales representative and potential customers, where the objective is to lead to the completion of a sale.

For the sale to be successful, the sales representative needs to develop a series of techniques that lead the customer to establish a favorable perception of the company, in addition to increasing its reliability.

Therefore, it is necessary to have well-developed communication, ethics, negotiation and persuasion, so that customers feel satisfied and develop a positive relationship with the company.

Learn more about Personal selling at:



how many shares of class a common stock were outstanding at the end of last year and the end of the current year?


The number of shares kept in treasury is subtracted from the total number of shares issued to arrive at a company's share count.

A share is a unit of equity ownership in the capital stock of a company in the financial markets, Each and every share of an organization is referred to as its "share capital." A person who owns stock in a corporation is referred to as a shareholder. A share is an immovable unit of capital that symbolizes the ownership connection between the company and the shareholder. The denominated value of a share is its face value, which could not be the same as the share's market value. The capital of a firm consists of the whole face value of its issued shares. A dividend is income received as compensation for holding shares.

Learn more about shares from



Which organization, representing 90 percent of the world economy, aims to bring greater stability to the global financial system? The World Bank a b The G-20 C с The World Bank The Central Bank d e The Bank for International Settlements


The G20, which represents 90% of the global economy, seeks to increase the stability of the international financial system.

What does economics mean?

An economy is a collection of interrelated production and consumption processes that actually determine how resources are distributed within a community. The demands of persons who live there and transact there are met by the production and consumption of products and services as a whole.

Why is the economy crucial?

All of the following key events in life include economics: how policies are developed by the government. the health of the housing market and investment opportunities in real estate. the capacity for sound financial judgment.

To know more about economy visit:



What is the economically efficient level of pollution reduction?


The efficient level of pollution is the amount by which your total benefits exceed your total costs by the greatest possible amount. This occurs when the marginal benefit of an additional unit of pollution is equal to its marginal cost.

To reduce pollution, the government can use four main policies taxes to increase the price, subsidizing alternatives, regulations to ban certain pollutants, and pollution permits.The efficient level of emissions is defined as the level at which the marginal damage is equal to the marginal reduction costs.The efficient level of pollution is the amount by which your total benefits exceed your total costs by the greatest possible amount.This occurs when the marginal benefit of an additional unit of pollution is equal to its marginal cost.

To learn more about marginal please click on below link.



which statement best describes the current landscape or state of human resource management software and/or service providers?


The statement that best describes the current landscape or state of human resource management software and/or service providers is that there a variety of HRM companies that serve different needs.

What is meant by HRM?

The division of a commercial organization that handles employee hiring, management, and termination is known as human resource management, or HRM. HRM places a strong emphasis on how employees contribute to the operation of the company and constantly monitors the adoption of best practices.

The strategic method of developing and assisting people and providing a positive work environment is known as human resource management. Although its duties vary across various organizations and industries, they often include hiring, paying and providing benefits, providing training and development, and managing employee relations.

The four fundamental tasks of human resource management are staffing, training and development, motivation, and upkeep. Staffing is the process of finding and choosing potential employees through networking, applications, and interviews.

Read more on  HRM here:https://brainly.com/question/14419086


Which of these is a measure of risk to reward earned by an investment over a specific period of time? Multiple Choice a. Market deviation b. Coefficient of variation c. Standard deviation d. Total variation


A measure of the risk to reward ratio of an investment over a given time period is the coefficient of variation.

What does investment mean?

An asset is a buy made in the anticipation of profit for investment growth. An investment is said to be appreciating if its value rises over time. When somebody purchases something as an investments, their goal is to use it but instead of consume it.

Is investment in Bitcoins a hazardous proposition?

Bitcoin is extremely volatile and hazardous. Investing all of your savings in cryptocurrency is unquestionably a mistake. Make sure you understand what you're doing and come up with a plan for your bitcoin investments if you're willing to take a chance.

To know more about investment visit:



b. dirksen depreciated the machinery using macrs (seven-year recovery period). what are the amount and character of the gain or loss dirksen will recognize on the sale if the machine is sold on january 15 of year 1 instead?


The correct answer is b. dirksen depreciated the machinery using macrs. therefore the correct option is the (d) option.

five-year lease (including computers, office equipment, cars, light trucks, and assets used in construction) Property with a seven-year lease (including furniture for offices, appliances, and other items that don't fit into another category) The IRS typically permits property depreciation over a 27.5-year useful life. However, the IRS classifies appliances as separate assets with various building recovery times. For depreciation reasons, appliances, for instance, have a 5-year useful life. By dividing one depreciation period by the asset's remaining life, LN determines the percentage for a year in MACRS straight line, and then uses this result together with the averaging convention to calculate the asset's depreciation amount for that year.

To learn more about machinery click the link below:



What are the key OSHA standards and apply to every dental office?


Dentistry-specific OSHA rules do not yet exist. However, special OSHA regulations for general industry address exposure to a variety of biological, chemical, physical that may apply to dentistry.

Dental workers may be exposed to a variety of job dangers. The range of bloodborne viruses, medicines and other chemical agents, human factors, ergonomic risks, noise, vibration, and workplace violence are only a few of these dangers. Dentistry-specific OSHA rules do not yet exist. However, special OSHA regulations for general industry address exposure to a variety of biological, chemical, environmental, physical, and psychological occupational dangers that may apply to dentistry. explanations of current required safety and health requirements, as well as the most recent OSHA recommendations for dentists, employers, and employees. To assist businesses in tracking how they are continuing to follow safety procedures, OSHA mandates documentation and recordkeeping.

learn more about OSHA rules here



8. specificity in functional tactics contributes to successful implementation by: group of answer choices a) helping ensure that functional managers know what needs to be done. b) clarifying for top management how functional managers intend to accomplish the business strategy. c) facilitating coordination among operating units within the firm by clarifying areas of interdependence and potential conflict. d) all of the above e) a and c


Specificity in functional tactics contributes to successful implementation by all of the above. (Option D)

How do specificity in functional tactics contributes to successful implementation?

Assisting in making sure functional managers are aware of what has to be done and can concentrate on achieving results. Top management's trust in and sense of control over the business plan is increased by making clear to top management how functional managers intend to implement the business strategy. Clarifying areas of interdependence and potential conflicts will help operating units within the company coordinate with one another.

What practical strategies are included in an implementation plan?

Functional tactics are the essential, consistent actions that must be conducted in each of the functional disciplines of human resource management, marketing, finance, operations, and research and development in order to deliver the goods and services of the company.

To know more about functional tactics, visit:



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