Use specific examples from the history you have learned to compose a well-developed paragraph on the following:

Describe the process of Western Europe transforming from a unified Roman Empire in 330 to independent nation-states in 1500.


Answer 1


The process that saw Western Europe going from a unified Roman Empire to independent nation-states was: Roman empire weakens and barbarians take hold of Roman lands. Barbarians establish numerous Kingdoms and nation-states. Monarchs share power with nobles in the feudalistic system.


The Western Roman Empire comprised the western provinces of the Roman Empire at any time during which they were administered by a separate independent Imperial court; in particular, this term is used in historiography to describe the period from 286 to 476, where there were separate coequal courts dividing the governance of the empire in the Western and the Eastern provinces, with a distinct imperial succession in the separate courts. The terms Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire were coined in modern times to describe political entities that were de facto independent; contemporary Romans did not consider the Empire to have been split into two empires but viewed it as a single polity governed by two imperial courts as an administrative expediency. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476, and the Western imperial court in Ravenna was formally dissolved by Justinian in 554. The Eastern imperial court survived until 1453.

Answer 2
the process that saw western europe going from a unified roman empire to independent nation states was; roman empire weakens and barbicans establish numerous kingdoms and nation states. monarchs share power with nobles in the feudalistic system

Related Questions

1. A difficult political issue for the United States in the annexation of Texas was

a. that most Texans were republicans.
b. the problem of war with American Indians.
c. whether Great Britain and France would approve.
d. slavery.

____ 2. Under the Constitution of 1845, the only groups allowed to vote were white males and

a. women.
b. Tejanos.
c. American Indians.
d. African Americans.

____ 3. The most popular political party in Texas in the 1840s and 1850s was

a. the Know-Nothing Party.
b. the Tejano Alliance.
c. the Whig/Republican Party.
d. the Democratic Party.

____ 4. The annexation resolution made Texas agree to reduce its public debt by

a. raising taxes.
b. selling public lands.
c. printing more and more paper money.
d. refusing to undertake public improvements.

____ 5. Under the new constitution, corporations

a. could only operate with permission from the legislature.
b. could only employ white males over the age of 21.
c. were not allowed to offer shares of ownership for sale.
d. did not have to pay any kind of tax.

do not do it if you don't know how thank you


the answer to question provided above is b
B would be the answer:D

What are some rights that the founders were not aware of when writing the constitution?
25 points and brainliest!


In all, 70 delegates were appointed to the Constitutional Convention, but out of that 70 only 55 attended, and only 39 actually signed. Some simply refused, others got sick, still others left early. One of the most famous reasons for why certain delegates didn't sign was that the document lacked a legitimate Bill of Rights which would protect the rights of States and the freedom of individuals. Three main advocates of this movement were George Mason, Elbridge Gerry, and Edmund Randolph.

Also, John Dickinson who is officially listed as a "signer," didn't sign the Constitution himself. Dickinson fell ill during the Convention and couldn't be there on signing day. So, he authorized George Read to sign for him.

Here are those who did not sign:

Oliver Ellsworth

Erastus Wolcott

William Houstoun

William Pierce

George Walton

Luther Martin

John Mercer

In all, 70 delegates were appointed to the Constitutional Convention, but out of that 70 only 55 attended, and only 39 actually signed. Some simply refused, others got sick, still others left early. One of the most famous reasons for why certain delegates didn't sign was that the document lacked a legitimate Bill of Rights which would protect the rights of States and the freedom of individuals. Three main advocates of this movement were George Mason, Elbridge Gerry, and Edmund Randolph.

The evaluation of culture from the native person's point of view is called cultural:

A anthropology
B method
C relativism
D involvement


The answer would be C : relativism

What is the main difference between folk tales and fables?
The characters are animals in fables and ordinary people in folk tales.
The plots in folk tales are simpler than the plots in fables.
The characters are ordinary people in fables and animals in folks tales.
The plots in fables are very complicated compared to folk tales.


If wrong: (5 points for helping)
If right: (35 points)
If right and explained answer: Brainliest & 50 points


A: The characters are animals in fables an ordinary people in folk tales.

Step by step:
Folk tales are han mouth passed and fables have a moral lesson to teach readers. Fables are like animals as the character not including people. Folk tales usually don't have any morals or lessons that teaches you something.
I'm sorry if you don't understand, but I think that is the right answer. I know it's not enough evidence nut I hope you understand!
A. The characters are animals in fables and ordinary people in folk tales.
ExplaininationIn fables animals talk, and in folk tales ordinary people talk. the three little pigs it is only animals that speak making it a great example of a fable.

Put the events in the proper order.

Asoka converts to Buddhism due to suffering in Kalinga.

Asoka creates pillars to tell subjects of three morals laws and makes kingdom a better place to live.

Asoka holds power, then attacks Kalinga to extend kingdom.

Asoka regrets bloodshed in Kalinga.

30 points


1. Ashoka holds Power and Attacks Kalinga
2. He regrets bloodshed
3. Ashoka converts to Buddhism
4. Ashoka creates Pillars and Stuff

Asoka holds power, then attacks Kalinga to extend kingdom.

Asoka regrets bloodshed in Kalinga.

Asoka converts to Buddhism due to suffering in Kalinga.

Asoka creates pillars to tell subjects of three morals laws and makes kingdom a better place to live.

To see all seasonal activities, anthropologists should stay on the field at least:

A one month
B one century
C one year
D one week


C one year because they need to see it year round.

List and describe three effects that the American Revolution had upon economic relationships in the United States.


American’s weak economy, lack of government
The American Revolution had a number of significant effects on economic relationships in the United States. Some of the key effects include:

1. The Revolution led to the creation of a new, independent American economy. Prior to the Revolution, the American colonies were economically dependent on Great Britain and other European powers. However, the Revolution allowed the newly formed United States to establish its own economy, with its own industries, trade relationships, and economic policies. This new American economy was built on principles of free trade and individual enterprise, and it laid the foundations for the country's future growth and prosperity.

2. The Revolution also led to changes in the agricultural sector. Prior to the Revolution, the American colonies relied heavily on agriculture, and most farmers were small, independent landowners. However, the Revolution disrupted this traditional agricultural system, as many farmers were forced to sell their land to pay off war debts. This led to the rise of large-scale, plantation-style agriculture, which relied on enslaved labor and was focused on exporting crops such as cotton, tobacco, and sugar.

3. The Revolution also led to changes in trade and commerce. Prior to the Revolution, the American colonies were subject to British trade policies, which favored British interests over those of the colonies. However, the Revolution allowed the United States to establish its own trade policies, which were focused on encouraging free trade and expanding American commerce. This led to the growth of American industries such as shipbuilding and manufacturing, and it helped to lay the foundations for the country's future economic growth

MIGHT GIVE BRAINLIEST How did resistance help enslaved people?


The enslaved population at Mount Vernon did not meekly accept their bondage. Many resisted slavery in a variety of ways, differing in intensity and methodology. Among the less obvious methods of resistance were actions such as feigning illness, working slowly, producing shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment. The major advantage of these seemingly "passive" tactics was that they were often difficult for George Washington and his managers to observe and prove. Further, almost any enslaved person, regardless of age or physical prowess, could utilize these methods of protest.1

On the opposite end of the resistance spectrum were more active and noticeable actions such as theft, arson, sabotage of crops, and running away. While these actions might be especially satisfying for a frustrated person to carry out, they also carried a far greater risk of detection and punishment. Theft was one of the most frequently mentioned acts of visible resistance in George Washington's personal papers. Over the years, enslaved workers at Mount Vernon were accused of stealing a wide variety of objects, including tools, fabrics, yams, raw wool, wine, rum, milk, butter, fruits, meats, corn, and potatoes.

Enslaved people also utilized running away and escape as a means to resist forced servitude. At least 47 enslaved people tried to run away from Mount Vernon or other lands belonging to Washington during his lifetime (about 7% of the total population). Most runaways were young men, but women tried to escape too. The majority left alone, but some fled in groups. The largest flight occurred in April of 1781. Seventeen people—Lucy, Ester, Deborah, Peter, Lewis, Frank, Fredrick, Harry Washington, Tom, Sambo, Thomas, Peter, Stephen, James, Wally, Daniel, and Gunner—escaped Mount Vernon while the British warship Savage anchored in the Potomac off the shore of the plantation.2

At least three of the people who attempted to escape from the Washingtons over the years worked very closely with the Washington family. Christopher Sheels worked as George Washington's personal valet made plans to escape in 1799 but was found out. Hercules who worked as a cook ran away on February 22, 1797, and was never heard from again. Lastly, Ona Judge, the personal maid of Martha Washington, left the executive mansion in Philadelphia on May 21, 1796, and despite repeated attempts by the Washingtons could not be convinced to return to Mount Vernon and once again be enslaved.

Many resisted slavery in a variety of ways, differing in intensity and methodology. Among the less obvious methods of resistance were actions such as feigning illness, working slowly, producing shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment.

Drag each government power to the correct branch of Roman government. Select two correct answers. A. Elected Magistrates B. Passed The Laws C. Controlled Foreign Policy D. Enforced The Laws



The Senate passed laws and controlled foreign policy

I hope this is the correct answer


Answer c. Controlled foreign policy

2. Once farmers began producing more food than they needed, small farms grew into villages and those villages grew into cities. Producing more than what is needed is known as what?






Is known as a surplus when you have to much vegetation.
The answer would be Surplus

How is writing the Constitution a “great experiment”?



The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment, for promoting human happiness, by reasonable compact, in civil Society. It was to be, in the first instance, in a considerable degree, a government of accomodation as well as a government of Laws.


There are many things that can go wrong with the constitution, but the main reason i would say is: It is mainly a judge of other people, you see how others react to constitution of change and yourself would act.


That is how i see it

What challenges did the Hebrews face when they first settled in Canaan? Choose three answers.



The Hebrews, who were nomadic herders, were tolerated by the Canaanites. The land that Abraham and his followers found did not flow so easily with milk and honey. The dry climate and rough environment required considerable effort to survive. Drought forced Abraham and his family to move to Egypt.

hope that helps!



They had to fight the giants, cultivate the ground, and find a good water source for their herds.

To obtain food for their animals, most pastoralists are:

A wealthy
B kin
C nomadic
D farmers


Answer: d farmers


I’ll say the answer is D


Use specific examples from the history you have learned to compose a well-developed paragraph on the following:

Explain what the middle class was, how it developed in medieval Europe, and what made it significant.



The middle class in medieval Europe referred to a group of people who were not part of the nobility or the peasantry, but who had some wealth and status. This class included merchants, traders, artisans, and other skilled workers who were able to earn a good living through their labor and trade.

The middle class developed in medieval Europe as a result of the growth of trade and commerce during this period. As towns and cities grew, more and more people were able to engage in trade and crafts, and this created new opportunities for wealth and social mobility. For example, in the city of Florence, Italy, the growth of the wool trade in the 12th and 13th centuries allowed many merchants and craftsmen to become wealthy and influential. These individuals formed the basis of the middle class in Florence, and they helped to shape the city's political and cultural life.

The middle class was significant in medieval Europe because it represented a new and powerful social group that was not bound by the traditional feudal hierarchy. The middle class was able to use its wealth and influence to challenge the power of the nobility and the church, and to demand greater rights and privileges. For example, in the late Middle Ages, the middle class in many cities formed guilds and other organizations that gave them a collective voice and allowed them to negotiate with the authorities for better conditions and treatment. The rise of the middle class also contributed to the development of new political and cultural ideas, such as humanism and the Renaissance, which would have a profound impact on European society.


The phrase "middle class" refers to a group of people who fall somewhere in between the classes of society of higher and lower social status. Merchants, physicians, and lesser monks are all considered to be members of the Middle Class.

What is history?

The historical analysis is the examination of human history as it is revealed in the written records that people have left behind. It includes details about past individuals, societies, occasions, and issues as well as our efforts to comprehend them.

Due to the expansion of business and commerce during this time, the middle class emerged in medieval Europe. As cities and communities expanded, an increasing number of individuals were able to work in trade and crafts.

According to its status as a brand-new, influential social class uncontrolled by the feudal system, the middle class played a vital role in medieval Europe.

The authority of the monarchy and the church were challenged by the middle class, which was able to demand more rights and privileges by using its influence.

Learn more about History, here:



Sometimes people can share a historical story in writing, the news or in a way that can be dishonest or ignore some details. Why would someone do that with a historical story?
Pls answer in a paragraph




Why the News Is Not the Truth

by Peter Vanderwicken

From the Magazine (May–June 1995)





Buy Copies


News and the Culture of Lying: How Journalism Really Works, Paul H. Weaver (The Free Press, 1994).

Who Stole the News?: Why We Can’t Keep Up with What Happens in the World, Mort Rosenblum (John Wiley & Sons, 1993).

Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America, Cynthia Crossen (Simon & Schuster, 1994).

The U.S. press, like the U.S. government, is a corrupt and troubled institution. Corrupt not so much in the sense that it accepts bribes but in a systemic sense. It fails to do what it claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do.

The news media and the government are entwined in a vicious circle of mutual manipulation, mythmaking, and self-interest. Journalists need crises to dramatize news, and government officials need to appear to be responding to crises. Too often, the crises are not really crises but joint fabrications. The two institutions have become so ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that the news media are unable to tell the public what is true and the government is unable to govern effectively. That is the thesis advanced by Paul H. Weaver, a former political scientist (at Harvard University), journalist (at Fortune magazine), and corporate communications executive (at Ford Motor Company), in his provocative analysis entitled News and the Culture of Lying: How Journalism Really Works.

How did the Columbian Exchange and the Triangle Trade affect slaves? I'll give you Brainliest if you can answer his question for me!


Answer:-The Columbian Exchange hange transported plants, animals, diseases, technologies, and people one continent to another. Crops like tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cacao, peanuts, and pumpkins went from the Americas to rest of the world.

The impact was most severe in the Caribbean, where by 1600 Native American populations on most islands had plummeted by more than 99 percent. Across the Americas, populations fell by 50 percent to 95 percent by 1650. The disease component of the Columbian Exchange was decidedly one-sided.

Possibly the most dramatic, immediate impact of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of diseases. In places where the local population had no or little resistance, especially the Americas, the effect was horrific. Prior to contact, indigenous populations thrived across North and South America.

Slave ships would leave European ports (such as Bristol and Nantes) and sail to African ports loaded with goods manufactured in Europe. There, the slave traders would purchase enslaved Africans by exchanging the goods, then sail to the Americas via the Middle Passage to sell their enslaved cargo in European colonies.

The Columbian Exchange and the Triangle Trade had a significant impact on the lives of slaves. The Columbian Exchange was the widespread exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa, and it had a major impact on the global economy and the slave trade. The Triangle Trade was a system of trade routes that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas, and it was a key part of the global economy during this time.

The Columbian Exchange introduced new crops and animals to the Americas, which increased the demand for labor to cultivate and harvest these crops. This increased demand for labor contributed to the growth of the transatlantic slave trade, as enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas to work on plantations and in mines.

The Triangle Trade also played a role in the slave trade, as enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic to the Americas as part of the trade. This trade route was a major source of wealth and prosperity for European traders, but it had devastating effects on the lives of enslaved Africans. They were forced to endure terrible conditions during the Middle Passage, and many died during the journey. Once they arrived in the Americas, they were forced to work long hours in brutal conditions with little or no pay.

Overall, the Columbian Exchange and the Triangle Trade contributed to the growth of the transatlantic slave trade and the exploitation of enslaved Africans. These events had a profound and lasting impact on the lives of slaves and on the history of the Americas

How did the development of the Columbian Exchange and the Triangle Trade impact populations of the Atlantic World? Please add two pieces of evidence.(I will give Brainliest if you can answer with a conclusion also!)



The Columbian Exchange and Triangle Trade were very influential parts of history because the trading allowed exchange of not only crops, animals, and rare goods between the new and old world, as well as the spread of diseases between colonies. The trade brought slavery to the new world and the African population rose significantly. Culture was also spread from the places along trade routes, language and theory influenced areas involved. The exchange between old and new world sparked a sense of communication and dependability that influenced several other communities.

The Columbian Exchange moved people, illnesses, technology, and many living things from one continent to another. Crops from the Americas were sent to the rest of the world, including tobacco, tomatoes, potato, corn, cocoa, peanuts, and pumpkins.

What are the impacts of Columbian Exchange?

Cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs were just a few of the popular domesticated animals that were transported to the Americas thanks to the Columbian Exchange. The dog and the alpaca were two of the few domesticated animals in pre-Columbian America.

The exchange brought a variety of new, calorie-dense staple foods, including potatoes, maize, and cassava, to the Old World. The main advantage of New World staple was that they could be cultivated in Old World conditions when Old World staples could not be grown.

Trade between three ports or areas is referred to as triangle trade. It was in charge of transporting people, goods, and ideas worldwide.

To learn more about Columbian Exchange



Help me these question plssssssssssss



thee answer is c


the answer is c because the economical government during that time was not that good.

the cheesecake answer is C.
C is your answer

How might have the rainforest affected the preservation of Maya cities?



After the Amazon, Mesoamerica’s Maya Forest is the largest remaining tropical rainforest in the Americas. The 13.3-million-acre forest stretches across Belize, north­ern Guatemala, and through Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Its extensive and diverse forests provide refuge for countless rare and endangered species like the white-lipped peccary, tapir, scarlet macaw, harpy eagle, and howler monkey. One can often spot jaguar tracks on the forest floor. It is one of the few places on Earth where five large cat species live — jaguar, puma, ocelot, jaguarondi, and margay. The Maya Forest harbors up to 400 species of birds, and in peak winter migratory months as many as several million birds rest in the area. lamination:

The ancient Maya lived deep within the tropical rainforest, which was a source of food, medicine and building materials. Between 2400 and 2000 BCE, small groups began to regularly plant fields in the jungle, increasingly switching to crops for subsistence.
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