Why did Farquhar destroy the bridge?


Answer 1
I n Part II of 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge', Farquhar decides to destroy the Owl Creek Bridge because he wants to fight back against the Union forces invading his territory.

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What causes open heart?


If you have one of the following cardiac problems, open heart surgery may be necessary: Rhythm disorders, such as atrial fibrillation. Congenital cardiac conditions including hypoplastic left heart syndrome and atrial septal defect (heart hole) (underdeveloped heart structures). Cardiovascular disease.

An open heart is a medical procedure where the heart is surgically opened, temporarily halted, and freed of its circulation function in order to fix abnormalities or damage. open-heart procedure.

Open heart surgery is a serious procedure that needs urgent post-operative care and constant observation. After the surgery, it's typical for a patient to have further treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU) for a few days.

Learn more about open heart to visit this link



What is the point of view of Invictus by William Ernest Henley?




although this civilization lacked a written language, they developed a method of keeping track of data. this method known as quipu, was a set of knotted strings using color and knots to define categories and numbers. which civilization developed this method of record keeping?


The civilization that developed the method of record keeping known as Quipu was Inca and other ancient Andean cultures.

Quipu refers to a method of recording keeping which was used by the Inca and other ancient Andean cultures to maintain records and communicate information using string and knots. As an alphabetic writing system was absent, this simple and highly portable device achieved a high degree of precision and flexibility. Quipu was used for recording dates, statistics, accounts, and even abstract ideas. Quipu used a wide range of colors, strings, and sometimes several hundred knots which were all tied in various patterns at various heights. Quipu is still used today across South America.

Learn more about Quipu:



How many prime numbers are there between 10 and 99?


There are 21 prime numbers between 10 to 99 which are  11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97.

A top range is a prime number more than 1 that isn't made from smaller natural numbers. A prime variety of more than 1 that is not prime is referred to as a composite quantity. For instance, five is prime due to the fact the best ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, contain five itself.

The prime numbers are numbers that have the handiest 2 factors: 1 and themselves. as an example, the first 5 high numbers are 2, three, 5, 7, and eleven.

Infinity isn't always a variety, but if it were, it'd be the largest variety.

Learn more about Prime numbers here:-https://brainly.com/question/552946


What are the 5 types of text structures?


These five text structures—description, sequencing, cause and effect, compare & contrast, and issue and solution—are taught in this lesson because they are often utilised in informational & nonfiction texts.

Text structures describe how writers arrange information in their texts. Students may concentrate on important ideas and relationships, predict what will happen next, and keep track of their knowledge as they read by comprehending the fundamental structure of texts. Text structures can take many different forms. Compare and contrast, issue & solution, chronological, cause and effect, descriptive, & process are a few examples of frequent ones.

All the parts of a narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. Table of contents, indexes, glossary, headers, bolded words, sidebars, photos and captions, and labelled diagrams are a few examples of these.

To know more about text structures:



Read the selection. Then answer the question.

A Whale of a Problem

For ages, whales have swum the Earth’s oceans. Every winter, thousands of Pacific Gray whales swim from Alaska to Mexico. They spend the summer feeding and swimming in the arctic food-rich waters. In December they swim south at five knots, or about five miles per hour. Until March they live in the warm waters off Mexico. Tourists love to watch them off the Mexico seashore. They are easy to spot since whales swim twenty-four hours a day, and Pacific Grays are forty to fifty feet long weighing fifty thousand to sixty thousand pounds.

Every year these whales breed, give birth, and raise their calves in the lagoons off the coast of Mexico. These lagoons, however, have been threatened by a salt company wanting to expand into the area. The problem is that the salt deposits would fill up the lagoons. More salt in the lagoons could be harmful to the whales and would probably kill the smaller fish the whales feed on.

The salt company intends to expand because the demand for salt is rising as the world’s population rises. Nearly everyone needs a balanced amount of salt to stay healthy.

The Mexican government wants the salt company to expand in order to bring more jobs and money to the area. But the Mexican environmental agency and international groups are against the expansion because it could endanger the whales.

The world waits to see whether Mexico will choose pesos or whales, business or the environment. People need jobs and whales need lagoons. What would you do?

Answer the question below.

Tourists probably have the opinion that whale watching is

A. more important than the salt industry.
B. protected by the government.
C. happening off all shorelines.
D. an excellent reason to visit Mexico.





The tourists don't care about salt companies. They're tourists! They're there to enjoy themself, nothing more, nothing less.

A. More important than the salt industry

after twenty years, odysseus finally returns in secret to ithaca. once there, whom does he visit and how is he disguised?



As a old man and Swinehard .


What were the most important New Deal programs?


The United States Housing Authority and the FSA were both established in 1937, and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938,

which established limit hours and minimum pay for most types of employees, was the last significant piece of New Deal legislation.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established by the Glass-Steagall Operate of 1933, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was established in 1934 to act as a watchdog over the stock market and to crack down on unethical behavior.

In many respects, the Social Security Act of the same year, which provided security for people who are approaching old age with a self-supporting plan for retirement pensions, was one of the most significant New Deal initiatives.

Learn more about to  New Deal visit here;



Conjugate the verb ser in all forms in the present tense describe two circumstances.



All conjugations of the verb "ser" are listed below:

yo soy

tú eres

vos sois

usted es

el/ella es

nosotros somos

vosotros sois

ustedes son

ellos son

There are two cases in which verb "ser" is used. First, when we need to describe who is the subject (i.e. Ella es Jayne), second, when we need to associate a subject to an inherent characteristic (i.e. Jayne es la Crustácea).


How are you going to apply the netiquette rules as a student and a social media user?


The majority of websites and social media platforms have established guidelines for acceptable online conduct for users.

These rules have been put in place to ensure effective communication and the avoidance of disputes. The consequences of breaking netiquette may even be legal. A made-up word, netiquette is constructed from of the words net and etiquette.

Thus, netiquette refers to the standards of behavior for polite and appropriate online conversation. Etiquette for the internet is another name for netiquette.

These are suggested politeness guidelines rather than laws. Other social media accounts that propagate inaccurate information, harass others, publish offensive content, or otherwise leave you feeling self-conscious should be unfollowed. Take control of the material you are consuming.

To learn more about netiquette rules from given link



Why is BTS the best K-pop group?


American stadium tour. The group, unlike most boy bands in North America, has members with a variety of skills, including singing, rapping, and dancing.

They can create a wide range of songs thanks to their versatility, including hip-hop, pop, and R&B. They have broken 25 Guinness World Records, received two GRAMMY nominations, and have recorded four number-one albums faster than any other group since the Beatles. The South Korean ensemble accomplished all of this while primarily singing in their native tongue, setting an example for other Asian music groups.

To learn more about artists please click on below link.



Who is the best at satire?


Jonathan Swift, Anglo-Irish author and the English language's most famous prose satirist.

Aside from the classic novel Gulliver's Travels (1726), he also created lesser works such as A Tale of a Tub (1704). "Jaspal Bhatti was a King of Satire, and his premature passing is a sad loss to the people of India and the globe," Lord Paul wrote in a sympathy statement.

Bhatti was driving from Moga to Jalandhar to promote his new film 'Power Cut' this morning when his automobile collided with a tree.

Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and George Orwell were among these authors. Kurt Vonnegut, an American novelist, published numerous satirical novels and books in the 1960s.

Learn more about to satire visit here;



Find one more news story from one of the publications used earlier (The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Harper's Magazine, etc.) and complete one expository paragraph describing the information and providing one response to the event.
Please I need a more narrowed down answer to this.


More information regarding the what, why, and how of the story is given in the news report body. When there isn't enough room in the newspaper, the newspaper editor frequently leaves out the less significant information, which is found in the TAIL.

What news story describing the information and providing?

The initial sentence or paragraph of a news report is known as the lede or lead. It summarizes the story's main idea and entices readers to read on. Usually, this is when the most crucial aspect of the story is stated.

Therefore, A written, recorded, or occasionally live piece or interview that informs the audience about current issues, worries, or ideas is referred to as a news story.

Learn more about news story here:



How do the details of the "crooked way" and that death can be
found "under a tree" reveal elements of Christian imagery?



The "crooked way," is the opposite of the straight and narrow, implying that the path is filled with sinfulness. Adam & Eve lost their Eden & first found Death "under a tree."

1. Which of the following best describes conflicting or opposing motives
experienced by one of the characters?

a.) Bob is not sure whether Jimmy is the right type to be his friend.
b.) Bob is feeling doubts about the life he has chosen to lead.
c.) Jimmy feels both loyalty to Bob and the need to do his duty.
d.) Over time, Jimmy has become ashamed of having been called a “plodder.”

2. Which of the following quotations from the passage best supports
the answer to Question 1?

a.) “He was a kind of plodder, though, good fellow as he was.” (paragraph 7)
b.) “It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man. (paragraph 22)
c.) His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he had finished. (paragraph 23)
d.) “Somehow I couldn’t do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job.” (paragraph 24)


This prompt is about the story "After Twenty Years" by O. Henry.

1) It can be inferred that the option that describes conflicting or opposing motives experienced by one of the characters is; "Jimmy feels both loyalty to Bob and the need to do his duty."(Option C).

2) The option from the following quotations from the passage that best supports the answer to Question 1 is: " His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he had finished. (paragraph 23)"  (Option C)

What is the summary of After Twenty Years?

O. Henry wrote the short tale 'After Twenty Years.' The story is about two closest friends, Jimmy Wells and Bob, who decide to go their separate ways and make a deal to meet again in twenty years. Bob departs New York to try his luck in the West, but Jimmy stays and becomes a cop.

The narrative emphasizes the importance of loyalty, trust, and friendship, as Jimmy did not fail to keep his promise to his buddy, Bob, which he made twenty years ago.

Jimmy's internal battle between devotion to his buddy and responsibility to his civic responsibilities drives the plot.

Learn more about After Twenty Years;

Answer: C


Write an informative essay in which you address whether or not a college education is worth the cost -- not only financially but also in terms of time and the overall commitment. In this informative essay, you will inform your audience as to why college can be good for some students, but maybe not so much for others. College has long been considered the key to success and a bright future. But is is it worth the time and money spent during those four-plus years?



A college education can be a valuable investment for many students, but it is not right for everyone. The cost of a college education, both financially and in terms of time and commitment, can be significant. However, for many students, the benefits of a college degree can far outweigh the costs.

A college degree can open doors to many career opportunities and can lead to higher salaries and better job prospects. According to a study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, individuals with a college degree earn, on average, 84% more than those without a degree over their lifetime. This higher earning potential can help students to pay off any loans or debt incurred during their time in college and can provide a better standard of living.

In addition to the potential financial benefits, a college education can also provide valuable skills and knowledge. College courses can help students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, which are valuable in a wide range of careers. A college degree can also provide specialized knowledge in a particular field, which can be useful in certain careers.

However, a college education is not right for everyone. Some students may not be ready for the academic challenges of college or may not be interested in pursuing a traditional four-year degree. For these students, alternative education options, such as vocational training or apprenticeships, may be a better fit. Additionally, some students may not be able to afford the cost of a college education, either due to financial constraints or because the potential return on investment does not justify the cost.

In conclusion, a college education can be a valuable investment for many students, but it is not right for everyone. The potential financial and career benefits of a college degree can be significant, but the cost in terms of time and money can also be high. Students should carefully consider their individual circumstances and goals before deciding whether or not to pursue a college education.



A college education can be a valuable investment for many students, but it is not right for everyone. The cost of a college education, both financially and in terms of time and commitment, can be significant. However, for many students, the benefits of a college degree can far outweigh the costs.

A college degree can open doors to many career opportunities and can lead to higher salaries and better job prospects. According to a study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, individuals with a college degree earn, on average, 84% more than those without a degree over their lifetime. This higher earning potential can help students to pay off any loans or debt incurred during their time in college and can provide a better standard of living.

In addition to the potential financial benefits, a college education can also provide valuable skills and knowledge. College courses can help students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, which are valuable in a wide range of careers. A college degree can also provide specialized knowledge in a particular field, which can be useful in certain careers.

However, a college education is not right for everyone. Some students may not be ready for the academic challenges of college or may not be interested in pursuing a traditional four-year degree. For these students, alternative education options, such as vocational training or apprenticeships, may be a better fit. Additionally, some students may not be able to afford the cost of a college education, either due to financial constraints or because the potential return on investment does not justify the cost.

In conclusion, a college education can be a valuable investment for many students, but it is not right for everyone. The potential financial and career benefits of a college degree can be significant, but the cost in terms of time and money can also be high. Students should carefully consider their individual circumstances and goals before deciding whether or not to pursue a college education.


what does shukhov wear to go to work? what does this say about the conditions under which he will be working?


A face cloth, a belt made of rope, mittens, additional foot rags, a coat, a jacket, and his valenki. It's bitterly cold.

What use do mittens serve?

A mittens is a hand-worn article of apparel for cold weather. As opposed to gloves, that cover each finger independently, gloves cover every four fingers collectively as well as your thumb. Because your finger share their heat and offer less contact area to the cold, mittens keep your fingertips warmer than gloves.

Why are there no fingers on mittens?

This is due to the fact that mittens keeping your fingers enclosed inside the mitten's shell, in the same environment. Since mittens have much less area exposed to chilly air than gloves do, your fingers can distribute heat more efficiently.

To know more about mittens visit:



classifying syllable types in multisyllabic words should be considered a scaffolding activity, not a goal in itself.


It is true that categorizing the different sorts of syllables in multisyllabic words should be seen as a scaffolding activity rather than a primary objective. Speech may typically be broken down into a fixed number of syllables; for instance, the word "ignite" is made up of two syllables, "ig" and "nite."

How do syllables work?

a fundamental speech sound sequence. a fundamental phonological unit of language. Contains a syllable nucleus (a vowel or syllabic consonant) and a possible onset and coda.

What does a syllable serve?

In phonology, syllables are frequently referred to as the "building blocks" of words. They have the power to alter a language's prosody, meter, rhythm, and stress patterns.

To know more about the scaffolding visit :-



Will mark as brainliest if your right or give an explanation


Answer:they are used for day of the dead activates

Explanation: they are worn by members of a dance group to celebrate this holiday they perform in cemeteries and other places. good luck on your quiz or homework




it is worn for the festival that celebrates death and the afterlife.

Is South Korea famous because of BTS?


According to Vanek Smith, BTS makes an estimated USD 5 billion annually, or "almost half a percent of the country's overall GDP," to South Korea's economy.

BTS is a major economic force, purportedly contributing more than $3.6 billion yearly to the South Korean economy and bringing in one in every thirteen tourists. The seven members of BTS, one of the largest bands in the world, will serve in the military in South Korea, according to their agency, putting an end to a protracted national discussion about whether they should be excluded. Every year, BTS has contributed more than 3.6 billion to the South Korean economy. The first group to have six No. 1 singles was this one.

To learn more about country's please click on below link



Which sentence is in the future tense?
Do you have my number?
O I will call you.
hy She isn't answering her phone.
OI left a message, but no one ever responded.



"I will call you." is the sentence in future tense. The person  is stating that they WILL call the other person in the FUTURE.

Hope this helped!

In the text, why do you think the speaker has this blind trust in authority? Was there a time in your
life when you had blind faith and trust in an authority? How did this decision affect you? What did
you learn from this experience?


The Christian faith isn't totally deaf either. It has faith in a legitimate authority.

What is Christian history?

Despite the song's widespread appeal, I am not certain that Jesus is alive because "He lives within my heart." Instead, I am confident that He is still alive since His resurrection was witnessed by witnesses, who also captured what He said after rising.

Roman centurions were aware of the nature of power. This centurion had a sickly, nearly lifeless servant. Because of all the things the centurion had done for the Jewish people, some Jews came to Jesus and begged Him to aid the centurion.

He is deserving of having you do this for Him, they asserted, basing their claim on his good deeds.

Therefore, The Christian faith isn't totally deaf either. It has faith in a legitimate authority.

To learn more about christian faith, refer to the link:



What are the 6 verbs that can be followed by a gerund?


The following six verbs can be followed by a gerund:







A gerund is any of the several non-finite verb forms found in different languages; most frequently, but not always, one that serves as a noun.

It possesses features of both a verb and a noun in English, such as the capacity to accept a direct object and the ability to be modified by an adverb.

The gerund is frequently used following a wide range of verbs. Instead of gerunds, nouns can be used to follow any of these verbs. Keep in mind that gerunds always serve as nouns in sentences.

A that-clause may also come after several of these verbs. Some verbs can be followed by an infinitive or a gerund. When this is the case, certain verbs' meanings will be the same for both, while others will be different.

To know more about verb, visit:



in stephanie's speech on jazz dance, she tells the audience in the introduction that she is going to discuss the history of the dance, some of the techniques, and the benefits of dancing as it relates to cardiovascular fitness. what type of signpost is stephanie demonstrating?


Daryl is displaying an advance signpost. Signposts are verbal cues that are used in speeches to inform listeners demonstrate of the various parts of the

presentation and engage them in the discussion that will follow. A preview is a concise outline of what will be covered throughout the speech; it identifies the key subtopics that will be covered. The primary goal of the introduction, which Stephanie's actions serve By letting them know that you are aware of their issue and how it affects them, you may demonstrate your concern and empathy for a specific person. In light of this, it is clear that Stephanie is cultivating goodwill since doing so enables her to win the confidence of others.

To learn more about demonstrate please click on below link



examine how asher apologizes to his classmates when he is late to class. do you think he should have to apologize in this way? complete sentence


He explained to the class that he arrived late because he forgot to leave the house since he was preoccupied with something he observed on the way to school.

What usually happens when Asher apologizes?

"I'm sorry to my classmates," Asher said in closing. He sat down after straightening his unkempt tunic. Asher, we accept your apology. The class collectively uttered the expected response. To prevent themselves from giggling, many of the kids were biting their lips.

According to the given information


He explained to the class that he arrived late because he forgot to leave the house since he was preoccupied with something he observed on the way to school.

To know more about The Giver by Lois Lowry



According to quiet reitance, what danger do teenager like Frank Bleichman and Leah Hammertein face outide the ghetto? Chooe two option


According to quiet reitance- They might be betrayed by anti-Semitic civilians. and They might be beaten or killed by the German guards.

What may be summed up as quiet resistance?

The genuine account of Alice Merrill's time spent traveling through the occupied territories and living in a Palestinian refugee camp is told in Quiet Resistance. It is also the story of Echlas, a lady who is seriously crippled and who displays extraordinary bravery and strength in her quest to lead an independent life despite the ongoing constraints that the occupation continues to inflict on the lives of all Palestinians. We meet the farmers, Beduoin, artisans, shopkeepers, eager university students, activists, former political prisoners, and many other people as we journey with Alice. These people have dedicated their life to ensuring a brighter future for thousands of Palestinian children.

To know more about Quiet Reitance visit:



Marcus is writing an essay about the unusual use of punctuation in emily dickinson's poetry. He wants to use a phrase from an outside source in one of the sentences he is writing. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence?.


An example of how to correctly include a quotation into a sentence is the line Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to upset regular linguistic relationships" (Denman 46).

A quotation is the repetition of a word, phrase, or paragraph from a speech or book. It is the expression of an oral speaking utterance that is prefixed with a quotative marker, like the verb to say. For instance, John said, "I saw Mary today."A direct quote is when you use the exact words or statements of another person in your own work. If the quoted sentence is a complete sentence, the first letter must be capitalized. As an illustration, my sister said, "I need to finish my studies."

Thus this is the sentence that demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence.

Refer here to learn more about quotation: https://brainly.com/question/15673731


Here's the full question-

PLEASE HELP NEED ANSWER FAST !!!!!Marcus is writing an essay about the unusual use of punctuation in Emily Dickinson's poetry. He wants to use a phrase from an outside source in one of the sentences he is writing. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of including quoted material in a sentence?

A) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations" (Denman 46).

B) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "To Disrupt conventional linguistic Relations" (46).

C) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation, "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations." (Denman. 46)

D) Dickinson makes unusual use of punctuation "to disrupt conventional linguistic relations." (Denman).

What is an example of progressive overload?


An example of progressive overload is that we might do 10 repetitions of one weight during our first month of strength training. The next month, we would carry out 12 repetitions of the workout.

A strength-training strategy called progressive overload training ups the difficulty of sessions over time. A fundamental idea of strength training is progressive overload.

The main idea is to gradually increase the difficulty of workouts to put more strain on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. We may develop strength, promote muscular growth, and increase endurance by following this weightlifting program.

Progressive overload can be used with any weight training exercise, in addition to bodybuilding.

Progressive overload is a technique used in weightlifting to build muscle by gradually raising the demands of training. Any strain we apply to our muscles when we first begin strength training can lead to the breakdown of our muscle fibers.

Resting enables the muscles to strengthen and mend themselves. Building muscle requires a process of taking down and rebuilding.

To know more about weightlifting, visit:



based on the article which statement most strongly supports the faa's position on the ufo sighting


"The FAA follows up on all reports of alleged unauthorized or unidentifiable aircraft activity received by the agency, but to date, no U.S. military aircraft have been implicated in any of the reported sightings."

What is FAA?
stands for Federal Aviation Administration. It is an agency of the United States Department of Transportation that is responsible for regulating and overseeing all aspects of civil aviation in the United States. The FAA's primary mission is to ensure the safety of civil aviation through the development of regulations, standards, and policies. It also works to promote air transportation, support national security objectives, and foster economic growth. The FAA implements its mission through the issuance of certificates and licenses to pilots, aircraft owners, and technicians; the establishment and enforcement of safety regulations; and the development and implementation of new technologies for aircraft operations. The FAA also provides funding for airports and aviation programs, including research and development.

To learn more about FAA

The word dedicate is repeated several times in the speech. What does dedicate mean? What idea does Lincoln emphasize with the repetition of this word?


He uses the word "devote" often in the outset of a talk to thank those who given their lives for this country. One of Trump's goals would be for Americans to apply oneself to a task of building a nation and respecting its core tenets.

What does the word dedicate also mean?

Sanctify, devote, and ghostly are some popular alternatives to devote. Dedicate is likely to convey strong motives and frequently commitment to an objective, even if all these terms have the same meaning of "to set aside for a special and typically higher end."

Devotee: How to use in a sentence?

He made the decision to dedicate the remainder of his lifetime to academic experiments. He has been the subject of much effort to disprove his lies. She was happy to quit her portion work so she could focus solely on her painting.

To know more about devote  visit:



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