some u.s. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. critics argue that this practice


Answer 1

Some U.S. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. critics argue that this practice penalizes early cash flows too heavily.

Foreign investment refers back to the funding in home organizations and belongings of another united states of america by way of a foreign investor. huge multinational organizations will are searching for new opportunities for monetary increase with the aid of opening branches and increasing their investments in different countries.

FDI creates new jobs and greater opportunities as investors build new organizations in foreign countries. this can result in an boom in earnings and mor shopping electricity to locals, which in flip ends in an standard enhance in targetted economies.

There are three varieties of FDI in India: overseas portfolio investment (FPI), foreign institutional funding (FIIs) and automated approval of programs from overseas organizations under the automated route.

Learn more about foreign investments here :


Related Questions

before giving a loan to a customer, a lender examines the customer’s credit report. which explains why the lender examines the customer’s credit report?


Before giving a loan to a customer a lender checks the customer's report to determine the likelihood that the borrower will repay the loan.

A loan is when money is lent to another person with the understanding that it would be repaid, along with interest. Before agreeing to provide a borrower with a loan, lenders will take into account the borrower's income, credit score, and degree of debt.

Anyone who makes money accessible to a person or company with the intention that they would pay them back is referred to as a lender. This can be an individual, a public or private organization, or a financial institution. Payment of any interest or fees is considered repayment.

To learn more about loans


To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions EXCEPT
A. Decrease the supply of government bonds
B. Decrease borrowing of private loanable funds
C. Increase taxes
D. Decrease expenditures
E. Finance spending by borrowing


To reduce the size of a country's national debt, a government could potentially take all of the following actions except Finance spending by borrowing.

A nation's total amount owed to creditors is known as its national debt. As a measure of a country's sustainability, economists frequently concentrate on the debt to GDP ratio. Countries borrowing in a currency under their control have the option of issuing new money to pay off their debt.

The ratio of the country's debt to its GDP, or debt-to-GDP, is typically considered to be more significant than the nominal quantity of the national debt in dollars. This is due to the fact that as a nation's economy develops, so does its tax base, increasing the amount of money the government can collect to pay down its debt.

Learn more about Debt here:


in the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a ______ ______ than in the long run.


In the short run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a lesser shortage than in the long run. Here option C is the correct answer.

A lawful maximum price that is set below the equilibrium price is known as a price ceiling. A price cap results in scarcity. We need to find an alternative method of allocating gas purchases due to scarcity.

The producers will be deterred from producing at the price ceiling, but consumers will want more than the equilibrium output. As a result, the market for gasoline will see an excess of demand over supply. There will be a gasoline scarcity.

If a temporary shortage is all that's causing unchecked inflation, ceilings can relieve the pain of rising prices while waiting for the supply to return to normal levels. Price controls may also increase demand and encourage spending. Price restrictions thus offer advantages in the short term.

Complete question:

in the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a ______ ______ than in the long run.

A - greater shortage

B - greater surplus

C - lesser shortage

D - lesser surplus

To learn more about price ceiling


the introduction of quantity discounts will cause the optimum order quantity to be: group of answer choices unchanged or greater smaller or unchanged smaller greater unchanged


The introduction of discounts in quantity will either not change the optimum order quantity or increase its units.

The cost-minimizing order quantity reduces the total of holding, ordering, and commodity expenses when quantity discounts are permitted. In order to offer excellent customer service, there must be enough inventory. Carrying costs for manufactured goods can range from 10% to 40%.

A quantity discount is a promotion given to a customer or a buyer that lowers the price per unit of goods or products when more of them are purchased. A quantity discount is frequently offered by sellers to entice customers to make larger purchases.

Learn more about quantity discount here


With respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


Duplex printing is a sustainable method of printing. Compared to one-sided printing, it consumes half as much paper, uses half as much energy, and occupies half as much energy.

Heat Press Guide states that while choosing a double-sided printing, "The volume of output your printer can handle is also worth considering. Reduce expenses: When you print on both sides of your paper, you use less of it overall. As a result, you won't need to restock as frequently because you're only using half as much energy. Resolution: The printer's resolution is a crucial component. The printouts will be hazy, muddy, and uncoherent if the file resolution is low.

To learn more about printing, click here.


some u.s. multinationals add a premium percentage for risk to the discount rate when evaluating potential foreign investments. critics argue that this practice:_____.


A fee is payment for the professional services or knowledge that the parent firm or another subsidiary provided to a foreign subsidiary.

What is the reference number for the accounting standard that addresses the accounting for mergers and acquisitions?

When accounting for a corporate combination, the accounting standard FRS 6 established requirements for utilizing either merger accounting or acquisition accounting. The Accounting Standards Board released it in September 1994, and in June 2009, it was revised.

What different forms of payment are there?

Salary, short-term incentives (STIs or bonuses), long-term incentive programs (LTIPs), perks, paid costs, and insurance are the six fundamental types of remuneration. Bonuses are typically discretionary and given after the fact; short-term incentives are typically formula-driven.

To know more about foreign subsidiary visit:-


an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.


The statement, an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends is True .

The sense of agency (SA), sometimes known as the sensation of control, is the experience of organizing, carrying out, and controlling one's own free will acts in the environment. The pre-reflective consciousness, or the implicit knowledge that I am moving or thinking with my body, is what causes this.

The ability to differentiate between right and bad and act accordingly. If an employee is aware that their company is illegally dumping poison into a river that provides the community's drinking water, for instance, it could be legitimate to expect them to alert the authorities.

To know more about agency visit :


What are 5 areas of government spending?


Mandatory/entitlement spending, Discretionary spending, National defense spending, Interest on government debt, State and local government spending are 5 areas of government spending.

Every Workday Procurement transaction must contain a spend category as a necessary component. Spend categories are a combination of commodity codes from the Legacy system, which specify the kind of thing or service being purchased, and object codes. Some workday spending categories may be considered trackable while others are not. Except for firearms, livestock/animals, and bulletproof vests, which are tracked at any value and marked as an LSU asset, products having a total acquisition cost of $1,000 or more should be included in a tracked spend category.

Building a comprehensive picture of the overall cost on commodities across the LSU system is the aim of the procurement spend categories. Accurate reporting on commodity expenditures increase the possibility of larger discounts and new contracts, which is advantageous for the spend category university. Initial reports have shown that some end users are choosing the spend category based on the hierarchy of spend categories and/or the project they are utilizing the items for rather than the individual item within the hierarchy.

Learn more about spend category here


gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


Gilliam industries facts sales of $ 6.4 million to have the coins flow the use of the indirect technique, Gilliam will best have to regulate for the alternate in debts Receivable, ensuing in a $47,000 decrease in cash flows from operating activities.

The time period coins go with the flow refers to the net amount of cash and coins equivalents being transferred inside and out of an organization. cash acquired represents inflows, whilst cash flow represents outflows.

Calculate free coins glide, add our internet income and non-coins costs, then subtract your alternate in running capital and capital expenditure. loose cash float = internet profits + Non-cash prices - trade in operating Capital - Capital Expenditure.

Learn more about cash flow here


a monopoly that is maximizing profits operates in the portion of the demand curve. question 10 options: a) unitary elastic b) horizontal c) elastic d) inelastic


A monopoly that maximizes profits operates in the elastic portion of the demand curve.

A monopoly is a market structure in which there is only one seller of a product or service, and the seller has the ability to control the price of the product or service. In this type of market, the seller has significant market power and can set the price of the product or service at a level that will maximize their profits.

To maximize profits, a monopoly will typically set the price of the product or service at a level that is higher than the marginal cost of production. This allows the monopoly to earn a profit on each unit of the product or service that they sell. When the market is price elastic, a rise in output and a fall in prices will raise the monopoly firm's overall revenue. So, at the elastic part of the demand curve, a monopolist can make the most money.

Read more about the monopoly on:


an investment has an installed cost of $578,382. the cash flows over the four-year life of the investment are projected to be $207,584, $251,318, $199,674, and $167,313. if the discount rate is zero, what is the npv? note: do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. if the discount rate is infinite, what is the npv? note: a negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32. at what discount rate is the npv just equal to zero?


A technique for balancing initial capital investment against the current worth of all future cash flows generated by a project is called net present value (NPV).

What Is NPV, or Net Present Value?

Net present value is the difference between the current worth of cash inflows and outflows over time (NPV). In capital budgeting and investment planning, NPV is used to assess the profitability of a planned investment or project.

At what level of discount is the npv exactly equal to zero?

A discount rate known as IRR is one where NPV is equal to 0. Therefore, IRR is a discount rate at which the present value of cash inflows and outflows are equal.

To know more about Net Present Value visit:-


when calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?


Depreciation must be added back to net income to get the after-tax cash flow. Depreciation is a non-cash expense that simulates the loss of an asset's economic worth but does not include a cash outflow.

Why is depreciation first subtracted, then added back?

It's easy. Depreciation is a non-cash item, hence it must be included in the operational activities portion of the cash flow statement along with other costs like amortization and depletion.

Why is depreciation included in cash flow again?

But why does depreciation enter the cash flow equation? Actually, it's quite easy. Depreciation is seen as a non-cash item, thus it is included in the operational activities portion of your cash flow statement along with other costs like depletion.

To Know more about Depreciation


ompany operates 16 oil wells in a designated area. each pump, on average, extracts 240 barrels of oil daily. the company can add more wells but every added well reduces the average daily output of each of the wells by 8 barrels. how many wells should the company add in order to maximize daily production?


The organization must add 7 wells.


Consider, w wells are brought to the company.

Let the characteristic of the production be P(w)

Hence, after adding the w wells, the characteristic of the production is,



Differentiate P(w) with appreciate to w,


For critical values, P′(w)=0




Differentiate P′(w) with admire to x,


Hence, the manufacturing of the employer is maximum for 7 wells.

Thus, the organization should add 7 wells in order to maximize the manufacturing of the company.

Why maximizing productiveness is important?

With increase in productivity, an economic system is able to produce—and consume—increasingly more goods and offerings for the equal quantity of work. Productivity is necessary to individuals (workers and consumers), enterprise leaders, and analysts (such as policymakers and government statisticians).

Learn more about maximize daily production here:

which of the following are the three project variables? group of answer choices time, cost, scope. time, cost, expense. time, expense, requirements. time, cost, quality.


Scope, time, and cost are the three project variables. One of three factors can constrain a project in a triple constraint's basic configuration.

What is triple constraint?

The triangle used in project management serves as a representation of its limitations. It has been in use since at least the 1950s, however its exact beginnings are unknown. It argues that: The project's budget, time, and scope constrain the work's quality. The project manager has the option to switch between limitations.

According to the "Triple Constraint," cost is a function of scope and time, or that cost, time, and scope are interconnected such that if one changes, the others must follow suit in a clear and predictable manner.

To know more about triple constraint, click here-


you are the chair of the federal reserve bank of the united states. the neutral rate of interest is 2%, the inflation rate is 1%, and the output gap is -0.5%. using the fed's rule of thumb, what is the appropriate new nominal federal funds rate that you should set for the economy?


The appropriate new nominal federal funds rate that you should set for the economy is 7.75%.

In the united states, the federal price range charge is the hobby fee at which depository establishments (banks and credit score unions) lend reserve balances to different depository institutions in a single day on an uncollateralized basis. Reserve balances are amounts held by the Federal Reserve to preserve depository institutions' reserve requirements. institutions with surplus balances in their accounts lend those balances to establishments in need of large balances. The federal price range charge is an essential benchmark in monetary markets.

The effective federal funds rate (EFFR) is calculated because of the powerful median interest price of a single day of federal funds transactions during the preceding enterprise day. it is published daily via the Federal Reserve bank of New York.

The federal fund's goal variety is determined by an assembly of the individuals of the Federal Open market Committee (FOMC) which usually happens 8 times a year about seven weeks apart. The committee may additionally hold additional conferences and enforce target price modifications doors of its ordinary agenda.

The Federal Reserve makes use of open market operations to deliver the powerful rate into the goal variety. The target range is selected in components to influence the money to deliver in the U.S. economy.

To learn more about The Federal funds rate visit here:


which of the following occurs when monetary authorities raise the excess reserves of commercial banks? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a a fall in interest rates decreases the money supply, causing an increase in investment spending, output, and employment b a rise in interest rates increases the money supply, causing a decrease in investment spending, output, and employment c the money supply is decreased, which increases the interest rate, and causes investment spending, output, and employment to decrease d the money supply is increased, which decreases the interest rate, and causes investment spending, output, and employment to increase


When monetary authorities raise the excess reserves of commercial banks the money supply is decreased, which increases the interest rate, and causes investment spending, output, and employment to decrease.

Supply and demand, as well as the actions of the Federal Reserve and commercial banks, all have an impact on the money supply in the United States.

Assessing the health of the economy, inflation, unemployment, supply, and demand are all necessary steps in determining interest rates.

Lower interest rates are produced when there is more money moving through the economy, while higher rates are produced when there is less money.

Interest rates also take into account the risk premium, or the degree of risk that both lenders and borrowers are willing to take.

Although a country's money supply has a significant impact on how interest rates are established, it is not the sole factor. In reality, it works hand in hand with market risk, which also increases rate pressure. This splits into two distinct functions that have a big impact on rates. These two functions are referred to by economists as risk premium and liquidity preference.

To know more about commercial banks click here,


question content area if fixed costs are $500,000 and the unit contribution margin is $20, the break-even point in units if fixed costs are reduced by $80,000 is a.4,000 units b.25,000 units


If fixed costs are $500,000 and the unit contribution margin is $20, the break-even point in units if fixed costs are reduced by $80,000 is 25,000 units. The Option B is correct.

What is a Break Even Point?

A break-even point refers to the production level at which total revenues for a product equal total expenses.

In accounting, the break-even point is determined by dividing the total fixed costs associated with production by the revenue per individual unit minus the variable costs per unit. In this case, the fixed costs refer to those which do not change depending upon the number of units sold.

The formula for Break Even Point = Fixed cost / contribution margin.

The computation of the Break Even Point goes a:

= $500,000 / $20

= 25,000 units

Read more about Break Even Point


roger is excited to begin his first part-time job. he expects to earn vacation, have his own health insurance, and contribute to his pension. true false


Beginning his first part-time job, Roger can't wait. It is accurate to say that he anticipates receiving paid time off, having his own health insurance, and paying into his pension.

When it comes to retirement plans and paid vacations, what do they mean?All non-wage remuneration supplied by an employer is included in the employee benefits package. In addition to paid time off and retirement plans like 401(k)s, these perks may include employer-sponsored health care.Other than a lack of regulations, unions, and market competition, there is no genuine "cause" for it. That "no one offers benefits for part-time employees" is false. Some firms do provide part-time workers with some perks, albeit usually at a lesser level.    

To learn more about Health insurance refer to:


Which of the following is NOT necessary in a catering contract?
O insurance clause
O cancellation clause
O refunds and all fees
staffing and costs of staff


A Catering Contract is a service agreement between a caterer and a customer that outlines the terms of a catering service occurring over a certain time period for one or more occasions.

What should be included in a catering contract?

A Catering Contract is a service agreement between a caterer and a customer that outlines the terms of a catering service occurring over a certain time period for one or more occasions. The catering contract should include normal contract terms and conditions, in addition to the menu and service-related topics, such as:

Contract fundamentalsLast day for any modificationsInsuranceRequirements for health and safetyPolicy on Cancellation

To learn more about contracts, click


with cost-push inflation, there will be group of answer choices a decrease in real gdp. an increase in real gdp. a decrease in unemployment. a leftward shift in the aggregate demand curve.


There will be a group of possible answers when cost-push inflation causes the aggregate demand curve to move to the left. an erosion of real gdp. a growth in actual gdp.

In the field of economics, inflation refers to an increase in the overall cost of goods and services in a country. Each unit of currency may purchase fewer products and services as the general price level rises, hence inflation is associated with a decline in the purchasing power of money. Deflation, a continuous drop in the general level of prices for goods and services, is the reverse of inflation. The annualised percentage change in a general price index, or inflation rate, is the most widely used indicator of inflation. The consumer price index is frequently used for this reason since prices do not all rise at the same rate. In the United States, wages are also calculated using the employment cost index.

Learn more about inflation from


even after passage of the affordable care act, the united states remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care.


Even after the passage of the affordable care act, the US remains the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to healthcare. This reflects a false statement.

In the US, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was enacted in order to provide affordable health insurance to as many people as possible. The primary goal of this act was and still is to extend health insurance coverage to all people living in the US. Therefore, the given statement is false because after passing the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the US still continues to deliver healthcare services by means of a patchwork of private and public insurance plans.

You can learn more about Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act at


Why it is important for people to be involved in decisions of the government?


People need to be involved in decisions that will affect them because they are better able to comprehend their problems and offer better solutions to solve them.

Engaging the public in discussions about important decisions has many positive effects. Decisions are better informed and solutions more effectively address community concerns when community members are involved in governing bodies, community groups, and organisations.

It aids in adhering to rules and specifications. Numerous policies, laws, and regulations call for some form of public involvement. It can point out issues that need to be fixed. Effective public participation mechanisms are helpful. quickly pinpoint the main obstacles, problems, or possibilities.

To learn more about decision refer here:


stryker industries received an offer from an exporter for 23,000 units of product at $16 per unit. the acceptance of the offer will not affect normal production or domestic sales prices. the following data are available: domestic unit sales price $25 unit manufacturing costs: variable 10 fixed 4 what is the differential cost from the acceptance of the offer? a.$368,000 b.$92,000 c.$230,000 d.$575,000


Differential income is the distinction in sales that will be generated by way of two one of a kind publications of action. The idea is oftentimes used when evaluating which of two (or more) investments to make in a business.

What is the ordinary rule regarding acceptance of an offer?

The widely wide-spread rule is that a contract invites acceptance in any manner and by way of any potential lifelike under the circumstances, except the language and circumstances really indicate otherwise. [32] Therefore, courts will reflect onconsideration on whether or not there is any language controlling the technique of acceptance.

What is an instance of a differential cost?

If you have a selection to run a thoroughly automatic operation that produces 100,000 widgets per year at a cost of $1,200,000, or of the use of direct labor to manually produce the same range of widgets for $1,400,000, then the differential price between the two picks is $200,000.

Learn more about differential cost here:

Can a check be deposited in any bank?


A bank or credit union is not required to cash the cheque, unfortunately. The bank or credit union will frequently decline to cash the cheque if neither you nor the person who wrote it have an account  deposits  there.

If you already have a bank or credit union account open, there shouldn't be any issues if you deposit a check made by another bank as long as it was written in your name and not someone else's. And you can deposit that check by going in person to your bank branch and asking the bank teller to do it, or you can deposit the check yourself by using your debit bank card at an ATM. The ATM has a designated section for accepting check deposits that will be lit up after you enter your bank card personal pin code.

Learn more about deposits from


If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community: 1) It risks damage to its reputation and ill will. 2) There really is no risk to businesses since the community really needs the business to survive. 3) It only has to worry about the legal implications of its actions. 4) It takes the chance the law will impose fines against it. 5) There should be no concerns because the business can move to another community if it needs to.


If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community, It risks damage to its reputation and ill will. Therefore, option (1) is the correct answer.

Business ethics is the study of proper company conduct when it comes to potentially contentious issues including corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility, fiduciary duties, and much more. Business ethics occasionally serve as a fundamental rule that businesses might follow to win the public's favour, although the law frequently serves as the standard.

With the help of business ethics, consumers and other types of market participants can have some degree of basic trust in businesses. For instance, a portfolio manager must treat the portfolios of family members and small individual investors with the same respect as their more wealthy clients. By employing these methods, the general populace is treated fairly.

In the given question, although the violation of ethical standards may not result in legal repercussions, it could put the company at danger of harming its standing with the general public. Because they are correct under the law but wrong ethically, unethical works are occasionally not punished, hence, statement 1) is true and correct.

Learn more about Business Ethics here:


What is one of the most important responsibilities of the dental office assistant?


The care of patients is one of a dental assistant's top priorities. Patients frequently report feeling anxious or uneasy before going to the dentist.

When it comes to maintaining good general hygiene, dental care is at the top of the list. Every single person needs to go to the dentist regularly starting the moment they erupt their first tooth. It's no secret that regular, required trips to the dentist aren't everyone's idea of a walk in the park, even though oral cleanliness is crucial to our health. Let's face it: For some people, especially children, the idea of being at a clinic might cause anxiety.

For this reason, it's critical for dental assistants and dentists to have good interpersonal skills in addition to their medical expertise.

learn more about dental assistant's here


Which is the first stage in requirements elicitation?


Given that the terms "requirements collection" and "requirements elicitation" are frequently used interchangeably, you might be wondering how the two processes vary.

It is a valid query, and you are free to casually switch them. When addressing the mechanics of the requirements elicitation procedure, it is important to note that there is a small distinction between gathering requirements and requirements elicitation. The act of "eliciting" information from a source is known as "b," whereas the act of "gathering" is known as the act of gathering from dispersed sources. Both actions demand knowledge to carry out correctly and are crucial to the whole requirements elicitation process.

learn more about  elicitation  here:


job a3b was ordered by a customer on september 25. during the month of september, jaycee corporation requisitioned $2,500 of direct materials and used $4,000 of direct labor. the job was not finished by the end of september, but needed an additional $3,000 of direct materials and additional direct labor of $6,500 to finish the job in october. the company applies overhead at the end of each month at a rate of 200% of the direct labor cost incurred. what is the balance in the work in process account at the end of september relative to job a3b? a) $5,500 b) $11,500 c) $6,500 d) $9,500 e) $14,500 group of answer choices








What does labor mean in the context of a job?

Labor is the effort that people put forth in the creation of goods and services. We take all employees into account when we refer to them as workers. It also denotes work, particularly physical work. The phrase relates to paying employees, as in "The repairs cost me $40 + $20 for labor."

Is labor work a skill?

Work in physical jobs like construction, manufacturing, and housekeeping requires a wide range of skills called general labor skills. Work like cleaning, moving, and landscaping are made easier for general laborers by these talents.

To know more about labor visit:


online marketers of products and services have quickly recognized that learning about consumers' online behavior presents a real opportunity to increase their:


Product and service online marketers have swiftly recognized that knowing about consumers' online activity gives a substantial chance to improve sales. Thus, the correct answer is sales.

What does an online marketer do?

An online marketer creates innovative digital marketing methods, such as SEO and PPC, to lead clients to the company's online platforms and enable them to acquire items and services.

A digital marketer is someone who is in charge of advertising a company and its products using internet platforms. Digital marketers understand how social media, search engines, websites, and online marketing may create sales leads, improve traffic to a firm, and increase brand recognition.

To learn more about online marketing, click


A process that exhibits random variability would be judged to be out of control. (True or False)


A process that exhibits random variability would be judged to be out of control. True

The motive of statistical system manipulate is to make sure that historic output is random. A procedure that reveals random variability could be judged to be out of manage. If a factor on a manage chart falls out of doors one of the manipulate limits, this suggests that the method output is nonrandom and need to be investigated.

There are two varieties of variables manage charts: charts for records gathered in subgroups, and charts for individual measurements. For sub-grouped information, the factors constitute a statistic of subgroups which includes the imply, range, or widespread deviation.

A manner is said to be in control or stable, if it's far in statistical manage. A technique is in statistical manage whilst all unique reasons of version had been eliminated and simplest not unusual cause version remains. manipulate charts are used to decide whether a technique is in statistical manipulate or no longer.

Learn more random variability here:


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