Who is responsible for making and updating a chemical inventory list?


Answer 1

Employers are responsible for making and updating a chemical inventory list. Every hazardous chemical in the workplace that exposes or might expose employees under normal usage settings or in anticipated emergencies requires an SDS from the employer.

This implies that they must likewise create and keep track of a list of all such compounds used at work. The employer must seek an SDS from the manufacturer or importer in writing within seven days of noticing that an SDS or all of its necessary information is missing from the manufacturer or importer. Employers are required to keep SDSs for any hazardous compounds in the workplace. If you do not immediately get an SDS from your provider, you must request one. You must also guarantee that SDSs are easily available to employees in their work locations throughout shifts.

To learn more about SDS click on the below link:



Related Questions

How many moles of SO2 are there in 22.4 L of gas at STP?


The moles of SO₂ are there in 22.4 L of gas at STP is one mole.

According to the ideal gas equation we get :

P V = n R T

given that :

P = pressure of the gas = 1 atm

V = volume of the gas = 22.4 L

n = moles

R = constant = 0.823 atm L / mol K

T = temperature  = 273.15 K

substituting the values we get :

n = P V / R T

n = ( 1 × 22.4 ) / ( 0.823 × 273.15)

n = 1 mol

Thus , moles of  SO₂ gas is 1 mole.

To learn more about moles here



hydrogen chloride gas and oxygen react to form water vapor and chlorine gas. what volume of water would be produced by this reaction if of oxygen were consumed?


Hydrogen chloride gas and oxygen react to form water vapor and chlorine gas 11.2 liters volume of water would be produced by this reaction if of oxygen were consumed.

O2 and HCl react as follows:

2 H2O + 2 Cl2 result from 4 HCl + O2.

Let's say we are given 1 mole of HCl gas. Then, using the equation,

When 89.6 L (4 moles) of HCl interacted, 44.8 L (2 moles) of Cl2 gas was created.

Therefore, X L of Cl2 gas will be produced from 22.4 L (1 mole) of HCl.

For X, the solution is X = (22.4 L 44.8 L) 89.6 L.

X equals 11.2 liters of Cl2 gas

Hence, 11.2 liters volume of water would be produced by this reaction if of oxygen were consumed

To learn more about Hydrogen chloride Please click on the given link:



if the solvent-solute interactions are stronger than the average of the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions, then heat is evolved and the overall mixing process is said to be


The overall reaction of this process is called endothermic process.

What is endothermic process?

Chemical reactions classified as endothermic occur when the reactants absorb heat energy from their surroundings to produce products. By lowering the temperature of the area around them, these processes generate a cooling effect.

What is reaction  ?

In a chemical reaction, one or more substances, also referred to as reactants, are transformed into one or more unique compounds, usually referred to as products. Substances are made up of chemical compounds or chemical components.

Therefore, the overall reaction of this process is called endothermic process.

Learn more about endothermic process from the given link.



Shortly after Indonesia was hit by a devastating tsunami in 2004, a famous televangelist declared that the tsunami was an act of divine judgment on that country. He said something similar in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Haitian earthquake in 2010. How would you respond to his comments?



On December 26 2004, waves triggered by a massive earthquake slammed into the coastlines of countries ringing the Indian Ocean. The death toll was enormous. Worldwide, it is estimated that about 230,000 people died that day. Aceh province, on the northern end of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, was hit hardest. There, more than 160,000 people – nearly 5% of the local population – were killed. In the worst hit areas, survivors lost their homes and livelihoods and saw their communities reduced to rubble.

Over the months that followed, governments, religious organisations, NGOs and individual people delivered substantial support for humanitarian assistance and rebuilding. Multi-year reconstruction projects began and Indonesia committed to building back better. Much of what has been learned from that disaster is relevant when considering how the world will recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

In the immediate aftermath of an event like the 2004 tsunami, the path forward is not clear. So how have those from affected regions fared since the day the waves crashed ashore? Over the last 16 years, we have followed people and their families who were living along the coasts of Aceh and Northern Sumatra, the two most northerly provinces in Sumatra, as part of the Study of the Tsunami Aftermath and Recovery (STAR).

Experiences of the disaster and its aftermath, and the meaning people take from them, have varied.

One young man we spoke to lost his wife, child, and 27 other family members in the disaster, but has since remarried. He says that the time since the tsunami has taught him that life sometimes brings happiness and sometimes not, but that affection is critically important.

Another young man who lost a wife and child has also remarried. But he told us that the time since the tsunami has not brought any positive changes in his life, though he is deeply committed to earning the money to support the education of the two young children he now has.

Our data covers the population before the disaster and measures exposure to the disaster in terms of impacts on both places and people. We have been able to measure the disaster’s various impacts on wellbeing and shed light on some of the key drivers for recovery.

Mortality and health

Death is the most extreme consequence of exposure to a disaster. Some deaths are immediate, but others may occur over the years as sustained exposure to stress takes its toll. Teasing out how disasters affect mortality risks is complicated, but can provide clues about what will happen when disasters strike in the future.

We have found that the groups least likely to survive the tsunami were older adults and young children. Among adults, women were less likely to survive than men.

Tracking mortality among survivors in the years after the tsunami provides direct evidence on people’s resilience. We see resilience as the ability to minimise the negative impacts of difficult situations and move forward effectively afterwards. The devastation caused by the tsunami has the potential to “scar” people, resulting in their premature death. But equally, the survivors may have protective traits that are associated with better health and longevity.

We examined mortality for survivors at five years and ten years after the tsunami. We found that among adults, both these factors are in play and that they operate differently for men and women.

Five years after the tsunami, there is clear evidence that for male survivors who were aged 50 and above when the disaster took place, those from heavily affected areas were more likely to still be alive than those from relatively unaffected areas. This shows that over this period, certain protective traits of survivors (perhaps general fitness) appear to exert a stronger effect on longevity than any “scarring” elements of the event.

But for women over 50, the reverse was true: we found that survivors from heavily damaged areas were at higher risk of dying over the next five years than women from unaffected areas.

These basic patterns were still apparent ten years after the disaster. But by this point, the evidence shows that in particular, post-traumatic stress for older men or the loss of a spouse for older women decreased the likelihood them still being alive. Although the two events are of course extremely different, these results should encourage us to reflect on what the long-term health effects of the COVID pandemic might be.

12.7 l of argon at 33°c and 735 torr are dissolved in enough water to give a final volume of 0.750 l. what is the molarity of the resulting solution?


The final solution has a molarity of 0.652 M. This is derived using the ideal gas equation expression and molarity relation.

Molarity-Molarity (M) is the amount of a substance in a given volume of solution. Molarity is defined as the number of moles of a solute per liter of solution. The molar concentration of a solution is also known as its molarity.


n=moles of solute

v=litres of water

At 33°C and 735 Torr, 12.7 l of argon is dissolved in enough water to yield a final volume of 0.750l.

P = 735.0 torr

= (735.0/760) atm.

= 0.9671 atm.

V = 12.7 L

T = 33.0 o C

= (33.0+273) K

= 306 k

using ideal gas equation

P * V = n*R*T

0.9671 atm. * 12.7 L = n * 0.08206 atm. L/mole . K * 306 K

 n = 0.4891 mole

using molarity formula,

Molarity = number of mole / final volume

= 0.4891 mole / 0.750 L

= 0.652 M (resulting solution)




write a net ionic equation for the reaction that occurs when aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide and perchloric acid are combined. (use h instead of h3o .)


To write the net ionic equation for the reaction that occurs when aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide and perchloric acid are combined, first perform the complete ionic equation and then identify and eliminate the ions that do not participate.

What is a net ionic equation?

A net ionic equation shows only the chemical species involved in the reaction

A net ionic equation is written with the smallest possible integer values as stoichiometric coefficients.

Chemical equation

HClO4 (l) + NaOH (aq) → NaClO4 (aq) + H2O (l)

Net ionic equation

H+(aq) + OH−(aq) → H2O(l)

Learn more about ionic equations at https://brainly.com/question/14982375


What is the formula for calculating gas?


The equations describing these laws are special cases of the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is the pressure of the gas, V is its volume, n is the number of moles of the gas, T is its kelvin temperature, and R is the ideal (universal) gas constant.

By rearranging the ideal gas law, P=n(RTV)=nconst, it can be demonstrated that the pressure of a sample of gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas present when volume and temperature are maintained constant. The common measurement of pressure is the pascal (Pa). The kilopascal is the most practical measure for measuring commonplace gas pressures since a pascal is a relatively tiny unit of pressure (kPa). There are 1000 pascals in a kilopascal. The atmosphere is yet another widely used pressure measurement unit (atm).

Learn more about ideal gas law here:



How do you calculate half-life?


The half-life formula is used to determine the half-life of a material whose quantity is degrading or decreasing. When a substance degrades, the rate of decay varies depending on the quantity present. [tex]t_{1/2}[/tex]=0.693/λ

Finding the life of a decaying substance is highly challenging since when the substance's quantity decreases, the pace of decay slows down as well. The appropriate metrics to define the life of degrading material are therefore provided by the half-life formula. Let's find solutions to a few examples and learn more about the half-life formula in this part.

A quantity's half-life is the amount of time needed for it to change from its initial value to half, or how long it takes for half of a given sample to react. The speed at which an atom decays radioactively is described by the half-life formula, frequently used in nuclear physics.

Learn more about half-life here:



free radicals produced during biochemical reactions can serve as carcinogens if they are not neutralized by


The appropriate answer is


They serve as carcinogens if they are not neutralized

cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane always has one axial and one equatorial methyl group.a. Trueb. False


Cis-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane  conformer always has one axial and one equatorial methyl group is a correct statement.

An isomer of a molecule known as a conformer differs from another isomer by rotating one of the molecule's bonds. An isomer of conformation is also referred to as a conformer. Conformation is the term used to describe the isomers that result. In terms of its methyl (CH3) groups, butane can be divided into three conformers. One of these is an anti conformer, and the other two are gauche conformers. The anti conformer is the most stable of the three. Stereoisomers produced by rotation (twisting) about -bonds are known as conformational isomers (also known as conformers, rotational isomers, or rotamers), and they frequently inter convert quickly at room temperature.

To know more about conformer visit :https://brainly.com/question/15215912


The solubility of _____________ is most affected by temperature. (name of substance)


Polar solute dissolve in polar solvent and non polar solute dissolve in non polar solvent. Therefore, the solubility of sugar and salt is most affected by temperature.

What is solubility?

Solubility shows the extent of solubility of a solute in solvent to make a solution. Solute is substances that is present in small amount. solvent is a substance that is present in large amount. Its SI unit is gram per liter or g/L.

Bond strength affect the solubility of a solute in solvent. weaker the bond strength is, more the solubility is. The weaker bond can be easily broken by water molecule. The solubility of sugar and salt is most affected by temperature. On increasing the temperature, the solubility of sugar increases in a solution.

Therefore, the solubility of sugar and salt is most affected by temperature.

To know more about solubility, here:



What does a half-life of 2 hours mean?


Half-life of 2 hours means the concentration of the Ambien in your blood stream drops by half.

Half-life are distinguishing characteristics of the many types of unstable atomic nuclei and the specific manner in which they decay. Compared to gamma decay, alpha and beta decay are typically slower processes. For alpha decay, half-lives can start at roughly one one millionth of a second and for beta decay, they can start as low as one hundredth of a second. Although a wide range of half-lives for gamma emission have been observed, half-lives for gamma decay may be too short to detect (about 10–14 seconds).

For instance, the radioactive isotope cobalt-60, which is utilized in radiotherapy, has a half-life of 5.26 years. After that time, a sample that contained 8 g of cobalt-60 when it was first prepared would now only contain 4 g of the metal and release half as much radiation.

Learn more about Half-life here:



Soduim Floride NaF has a melting point of 993 degrees celsius and Magnesium Oxide MgO has a melting point of 2852. If r (sum of the ionic radii) is approximately the same for these two, as Fe (electrostatic force) increases, would we expect the melting point to go up or down?


As the electrostatic force, Fe, of the ionic compounds increases, the melting point of the ionic compounds will go up.

What is the melting point of a solid?

The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which the solid begins to melt.

The melting point of a pure solid occurs at a definite temperature. During the process of melting, the temperature of the solid remains constant as all the heat supplied to the substance is used to break up the energy of the intermolecular forces between the particles of the substance.

Hence, the stronger the intermolecular forces between the particles of a substance, the higher will be the melting point.

For ionic compounds, the stronger the electrostatic forces of attraction between the ions, the higher the melting point of the ionic compound will be.

Learn more about the melting point of ionic compounds at: https://brainly.com/question/15605090


the isoparaffins have the same hydrogen to carbon ratios as the normal paraffins. so, why is hydrogen added to isom plant feeds?


The iso paraffins have the same hydrogen to carbon ratios as the normal paraffins because to prevent cooking.

What is paraffin?

A complex mixture of hydrocarbons that is derived specifically from the distillates of wood, coal, petroleum, or shale oil and utilized mostly in coating and sealing, candles, rubber compounding, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It is a waxy, crystalline, combustible substance.

What is hydrogen?

The most fundamental member of the chemical element family is hydrogen (H), a colorless, odorless, tasteless, combustible gaseous material.

Therefore, the iso paraffins have the same hydrogen to carbon ratios as the normal paraffins because to prevent cooking.

Learn more about paraffin from the given link.



corn oil has a density of 0.88 g/ml. what is the mass of 44.32 ml of corn oil? the mass of the corn oil is


The mass of the corn oil is 39.002 g.

Define density.

The ratio of mass to volume forms the compound measure known as density. The amount of matter per unit volume is measured by density.


Density of corn oil =  0.88 g/ml

Volume of corn oil = 44.32 ml

Mass= ?

To calculate the mass, density or volume of an object, we use the formula:

Mass = density * volume

where M is the mass,

D is the density, and

V is the volume of an object.

By substituting the values in the above formula, we get

Mass = density * volume


= 0.88 g/ml* 44.32 ml

= 39.002 g

Therefore, the mass of the corn oil is 39.002 g.

To learn more about density from the given link.



which statement is true regarding the conversion of arginine to ornithine in the urea cycle? a. the enzyme catalyzing this reaction is a hydrolase. b. this enzyme-catalyzed reaction occurs in the matrix. c. one of the products of this reaction is fumarate. d. the enzyme catalyzing this reaction is a ligase. e. the enzyme catalyzing this reaction is a hydrolase, and the reaction occurs in a matrix.


This reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme called a hydrolase, and it takes place in a matrix.

What enzyme does arginine's transformation into urea and ornithine?

By converting l-arginine to l-ornithine and urea, the ureohydrolase arginase, an enzyme that contains manganese, catalyzes the last stage in the urea cycle to get rid of harmful ammonia.

Why is arginine necessary for the urea cycle?

It is changed by the enzyme arginase into L-ornithine, a building block for polyamines and urea, both of which are necessary for the urea cycle. Arg is a precursor of creatine, which is responsible for Arg catabolism, the production of agmatine, and the synthesis of proteins. Creatine is crucial for the energy metabolism of muscle, neuron, and testicles.

To know more about enzyme catalyzing visit :-



1h, 2h, and 3h are examples of because they have different numbers of . a. isotopes; protons d. allotropes; neutrons b. isotopes; neutrons e. allotropes; protons c. isotopes; electrons


₁H, ₂H and ₃H are examples of are isotopes.

Isotopes are  or more styles of atoms that have the same atomic range and role in the periodic desk, and that vary in nucleon numbers due to special numbers of neutrons of their nuclei.

An isotope is certainly one of two or more varieties of the identical chemical detail. Specific isotopes of an element have the equal range of protons in the nucleus, giving them the identical atomic variety, however a specific quantity of neutrons giving every elemental isotope a exceptional atomic weight.

Like the whole lot we see within the world, isotopes are a type of atom, the smallest unit of depend that keeps all the chemical properties of an element. Isotopes are sorts of a chemical detail with precise residences.

Learn more about isotopes here:- https://brainly.com/question/14220416


A student used 0. 183 grams of alka seltzer for their experiment. What's the mass of sodium bicarbonate (nahco3) in their sample?


The mass of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in their sample is 84.007 g/mol.

How do you compute mass percentage?

To get the mass percent of an element in a compound, multiply the result by 100 after dividing the mass of the element in 1 mole of the compound by the compound's molar mass.

Alka-Seltzer contains how much sodium bicarbonate?

An Alka-Seltzer pill has a sodium bicarbonate content of roughly 1.9 grams (0.22 mol) and a citric acid content of roughly 1.0 grams (0.005 mol). The sodium bicarbonate and citric acid in the tablet interact when the tablet is submerged in water, resulting in sodium citrate in solution and the release of carbon dioxide gas.


Molar mass of NaHCO3,

Molar mass of  NaHCO3 = Molar mass of Na + Molar mass of H + Molar mass of C + 3*(molar mass of O)  

⟹ Molar mass of  NaHCO3  = 22.9897 + 1.00794 + 12.0107 + 47.9982 = 84.00654 g/mol

⟹ Molar mass of  NaHCO3 = 84.007 grams/mol.

To know more about Alka-Seltzer click:



An Alka-Seltzer tablet contains about 1.9 grams (0.22 mol) of sodium bicarbonate and about 1.0 gram (0.005 mol) of citric acid. When the tablet is placed in water, the citric acid reacts with the sodium bicarbonate, producing sodium citrate in solution and releasing carbon dioxide gas.

What is the solution of NaHCO3?

Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (1 M)

Dissolve 12.6 g of NaHCO3 in 100 mL of H2O. Adjust the volume to 150 mL to yield a final concentration of 1 M. Filter-sterilize the solution, and store it at room temperature.

How can you tell how much Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 are in a mixture?

Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 concentration estimation in a mixture: Weigh the combination precisely at 2.0 g, and then create a distilled water solution in a standard flask of 250 ml. Use phenolphthalein as an indicator while you gradually titrate 25 ml of this solution against regular hydrochloric acid. To concord, repeat (Vp ml).

To know more about NaHCO3 visit;



if you weigh out 0.205 g of salicylic acid, what is the theoretical yield for aspirin?


The theoretical yield is 0.205 x 180/144 = 0.256 g, assuming that the salicylic acid is treated with an excess of acetic anhydride or any other acetylating agent.

How do you calculate ASA's theoretical yield?

The stoichiometric ratio is used to compute the moles of aspirin from the moles of the limiting reagent. The value of mass is calculated by multiplying the moles of aspirin by its molar mass. Theoretical yield of the aspirin is the name given to this material.

To calculate the percent yield, it is first essential to ascertain, using stoichiometry, how much of the product should be produced. The greatest quantity of product that may be produced from the specified reactant amounts is known as the theoretical yield.

learn more about salicylic acid refer



ingestion of 1.0 mg of 210po could prove fatal. what is the total energy released by this quantity of 210po, assuming every atom decays? (enter your answer in scientific notation).


The total energy released by this quantity of ²¹⁰Po assuming every atom decays is 2.935×10⁶J.

What triggers atomic decay?

When there is a lower-energy nuclear configuration to which an atom can transition, the atom radioactively decays. An atom's actual decay event takes place at random and is not brought on by aging or other changes over time.

²¹⁰Po releases energy by ∝-decay.

²¹⁰₈₄Po → ⁴₂He + ²⁰⁶₈₂Pb

Molar amass:

⁴₂He = 4.00151 g/mol

²⁰⁶₈₂Pb= 205.9745 g/mol.

²¹⁰₈₄Po = 209.98286 g/mol

Change of mass

Δm = 1 mol x {(4.00151g/mol +  205.9745 g/mol) - ( 209.98286 g/mol)}

Δm = -0.00685g

Δm = -0.00685g × 1kg/10³g

Δm = -6.85 X10⁻⁶ Kg

Change in energy for 1mol ²¹⁰₈₄Po

E = Δmc²

E = -6.85 X10⁻⁶ Kg × 3.00 × 10⁸m/s²

E = -6.165×10¹¹J   (- ve sign indicates release of energy)

Now, number of mol of ²¹⁰₈₄Po in mg

number of mol of ²¹⁰₈₄Po in mg = 1mg×1g/10³mg×1mol/209.98286g

number of mol of ²¹⁰₈₄Po in mg = 4.76×10⁻⁶mol

Energy released by 1mg ²¹⁰Po is = 6.165×10¹¹J× 4.76×10⁻⁶mol

Energy released by 1mg ²¹⁰Po is = 2.935×10⁶J.

To know more about decay visit:



What is percent composition of Carbon in Carbon dioxide (CO₂)?


Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO‚) is composed of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. Therefore, the percent composition of carbon in carbon dioxide is approximately 33.3%.


If the bond angle between two adjacent hybrid orbitals is 120°, which is the hybridization?
a. sp3d2
b. sp
c. sp3
d. sp2


Hybridization would be sp2 if the bond angle between the two adjacent angle is 120 degrees.

What is hybridization ?

The idea of combining two atomic orbitals to create a new class of hybridised orbitals is known as hybridization in chemistry. This mixing typically produces hybrid orbitals with completely distinct energies, geometries, etc.

An atom's s and two p orbitals from the same shell combine to generate three equivalent orbitals when sp2 hybridization occurs. The newly created orbitals are known as sp2 hybrid orbitals.

Angles in the trigonal symmetry are found to be at 120 degrees and they show sp2 hybridization.

To learn more about sp2 click here:



carbonated cola is more acidic than coffee or even orange juice because cola contains phosphoric acid. what is the molar concentration of h3o h3o in a cola that has a phph of 2.670?


The molar concentration of H3O in a cola that has ph of 2.670 is 7.33×10−4M  

what is phosphoric acid?

Orthophosphoric acid, Mono phosphoric acid, or phosphoric(V) acid are all names for phosphoric acid, an inorganic solid that contains phosphorus and has the formula H 3PO 4. It is typically found as an 85% aqueous solution, which is a non-volatile, colourless, and odourless syrupy liquid.

Since diluted solutions have a tasty acid flavour, they are also employed as food additives in water treatment products as well as in soft drinks and other prepared foods to give them an acidic taste.

In a cola with a pH of 2.670, the following formula can be used to get the molar concentration of [H3O+]:

[H3O+] =10−pH

[H3O+] =10−2.670

[H3O+] =7.33×10−4M

Cola's high phosphoric acid content can interfere with the body's control of bone metabolism and lessen calcium absorption from food when consumed in big quantities. Due to this, those who are at risk of osteoporosis are frequently advised to limit their cola consumption.

To learn more about phosphoric acid https://brainly.com/question/14812997


The js joint has an 18% market share of the fast-food market in india. The market is worth $12 million per year. Calculate the annual sales of js joint.


The js joint has an 18% market share of the fast-food market in India. The market is worth $12 million per year, so the annual sales of js joint will be (c) 2.16 million per year.

Market share is the percentage of a market's or industry's total sales that a specific company generates over a specific period of time.  By dividing a company's entire sales revenue by the total industry sales throughout a fiscal year, one can determine its market share. The market share of fast food in India is 18%. Each year, the trade is valued $12 million.

The corporation calculates its annual sales as follows:-

The annual sale is equal to the market value multiplied by the percentage of the market share.

    Annual sale = $12,000,000 x 18%

    Annual sale = $2,16,000,000 annually

    Annual sale = $2.16 Million / year

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about market share from the following question:



Al₂(SO4)-2 what is the oxidation number for this


So SO4 2- has to add up to its charge, negative one so the oxidation number of oxygen in a compound is always -2 multiply this by 4 and you get -8, meaning the charge for S has to be +6 for its charge. Since it’s a compound with aluminum, Al’s oxidation number is +1 as there is two cancelling out and balancing it out to zero

Here’s a recap: Al is +1
Sulfur: +6
Oxygen: -2

liquid hexane will react with gaseous oxygen to produce gaseous carbon dioxide and gaseous water . suppose 19.8 g of hexane is mixed with 27. g of oxygen. calculate the maximum mass of water that could be produced by the chemical reaction. round your answer to significant digits.


2.20 g (to 3 sig. figs.) the maximum mass of water that could be produced by the chemical reaction. round your answer to significant digits.

hexane is C6H14 or put another way, as in the question CH3(CH2)4CH3. Actually, it is incorrect as depicted in the question.Nonetheless..

2C6H14 + 19O2 ===> 12CO2 + 14H2O ... balanced equation

moled hexane present = 2.6 g x 1 mole/130 g = 0.02 moles

moles O2 present = 5.29 g x 1 mole/32 g = 0.165 moles

Which reactant is limiting? Hexane = 0.02/2 = 0.01; O2 = 0.165/19 = 0.0087

Thus O2 is limiting...

moles of H2O that can be produced =0.165 moles O2 x 14 H2O/19 CO2 = 0.122 moles H2O

Mass of water( H2O) = 0.122 moles x 18 gm/mole = 2.20 g (to 3 sig. figs.)

Learn more about Water here:



a student conducted the gas law reaction between mg metal and hcl as demonstrated for class, but he forgot to record the starting mass of magnesium he used. his instructor told him to use the theoretical ideal gas constant to work backwards to figure out this mass. the atmospheric pressure at the time of the experiment was 767.11 mm hg. the student noticed that he obtained 42.54 ml of h2 gas at 22.06oc. he calculated the pressure caused by the liquid level difference to be 13.27 mm hg.


Gas rule in combination: P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2. Calculate pressure, volume, and temperature using the gas laws.

The following equation describes how magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid: Mg(s) + 2 HCl(aq) --> MgCl 2(aq) + H 2 (g) This experiment can be used to demonstrate the production a single replacement reaction, the normal metal-acid reaction, or the reaction of hydrogen gas.


P1 = 767.11 mm of Hg

V1 = 42.54 ml

T1 = T2 = constant

P2 = 13.27 mm hg

V2 = ?

P1V1T1 = P2V2T2

767.11 × 42.54 = V2 ×13.27

V2 = 767.11 × 42.54 / 13.27

V2 = 2454.75 ml

The liquid level difference to be 111.27

To know more about gas law visit:-



write the complete electron configuration for the common monatomic ion formed by the element sodium , na .




the atomic number of sodim is 11 so when we deal with configration it will be like 2,8,1

Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible. (True or False)


Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible is true.

Does pressure have an impact on how well liquids and solids dissolve?

The solubility of liquids and solids is mostly unaffected by external pressure. On the other hand, as the partial pressure of the gas above a solution rises, so does the solubility of gases.

Therefore due to variations in pressure, liquids and solids hardly ever vary in solubility. When would be expected, as pressure rises, gases become more soluble. According to Henry's Law, a gas's solubility in a liquid is inversely correlated with its pressure above the solution's surface.

Learn more about Pressure  from


How do you calculate half-life hours?


Half-life hours N = No[tex](1/2)^{t/half}[/tex]

A radioactive isotope's half-life is the amount of time it takes for it to decay by half. The half-life of a given radioactive isotope is constant, independent of the environment and of the initial concentration of the isotope.

Take into account the following illustration. For instance, consider 100.0 g of 3H. (tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen). It has a half-life of 12.3 years. After 12.3 years, the sample will have deteriorated to 3He by generating a beta particle, leaving just 50.0 g of the original 3H. After an additional 12.3 years, for a total of 24.6 years, the final 25.0 g of 3H will also contain 25.0 g of decomposed 3H.

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an all so annoying fish fly bug encounters moving vehicle and splatters against the winshield. compared to the force of the car on the bug, the force of the bug on the car is. as an adult, thalia marries bruce. together with bruce and his daughter, barbara, from a previous relationship, thalia has created a . What are 5 interesting facts about killer whales? What are the 7 types of text features? What happens when you open your heart to someone? Which of the following statements is (are) true about accounts receivables? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select question.(A)Accounts receivable are a liability.(B)Accounts receivable are increased when payments are received from credit customers.(C)Accounts receivable reflects the amount owed by customers.(D)Accounts receivable are increased when credit sales are made. An_____ advertising identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign and clarifies the strategies that will be used to accomplish the objectives. 42 out of the 84 employees at the water slides are temporary employees. What percentage of the employees at the water slides are temporary? According to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______. Pls answer. will mark as brainlist from this and different accounts Which statement about RNA is not true? If a principals instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.a. Trueb. False 10) Lymph leaves a lymph node via A) efferent lymphatic vessels B) afferent lymphatic vessels C) the cortical sinusD) the subscapular sinus The first V in the Four Vs is which identifies the quantity of data generated and storeda varietyb volume Which answer choice correctly represents an algebraic expression for 8 less than a number? i need help How many chromosomes are in meiosis? a current-limiting circuit breaker performs in a manner similar to conventional thermomagnetic circuit breakers at currents below a threshold of about? Julia's Great Dane weighs 45 kg and Jake's Chihuahua weighs 15 kg. How much bigger, as a percentage, is Julia's dog? Last week cam's ice cream shop sold 525252 chocolate chip ice cream cones out of a total of 997997997 ice cream cones. Based on this data, what is a reasonable estimate of the probability that the next ice cream cone sold is a chocolate chip ice cream cone?. While there are four types of forecast error measures that can be used, none are foolproof.