who first proposed that adolescence is an important and separate developmental stage marked by intense turmoil? a. anna freud b. erik erikson


Answer 1

The correct answer to this question would be Option A i.e. G. Stanley Hall.

Hall described adolescence as a time of “storm and stress” and, unlike later researchers, ascribed this life stage as lasting from ages 14-24

It is true enough that Hall asserted that adolescence is inherently a time of “storm and stress” when all young people go through some degree of emotional and behavioral upheaval before establishing a more stable equilibrium in adulthood.

Hall viewed adolescence as a time when depressed mood is more common than at other ages. He quoted a study reporting that “The curve of despondency starts at eleven, rises steadily and rapidly till fifteen, then falls steadily till twenty three.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Who first proposed that adolescence is an important and separate developmental stage marked by intense turmoil?

a. G. Stanley Hall

b. Erik Erikson

c. Sigmund Freud

d. Anna Freud

To know more about Stanley Hall's theories, click here:



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from 2006 to 2008, how much did patrick j. leahy, d-vt, receive in donations from the american crystal sugar pac?


From 2006 to 2008 Patrick j. Leahy, d-vt  received $6,000 in donations from the American crystal sugar pac.

A contribution is a gift given to a cause, humanitarian organisation, or charity. A donation can come in many different ways, such as cash, alms, services, or tangible objects like furniture, toys, food, or automobiles. A donation could meet a demand for transplantable organs or blood. Donations are made without expectation of compensation. Due to the absence of return consideration, a donation agreement is, according to common law, a "imperfect contract void for want of consideration." The donation does not become a transfer or property until it is actually made. Some nations' laws may forbid or restrict how much money politicians can collect in gifts or donations in the political sphere.

Learn more about donations here:



What is the major problem with Social Security?


The major problem with Social Security is the increasing rates of Unemployment.

Social Security is referred to as the additional benefits that are given to any individual by the state such as health benefits, guaranteed employment, and other social benefits. Social security benefits are very important for any individual as it provides additional benefits and improves the overall status of any individual. These benefits help any individual to secure the future of the individual by providing them additional benefits to improve living standard. There are many problems that are faced by Social Security which includes the increasing rates of interest on any loan by banks, increasing unemployment rates, increasing population, increasing poverty and so on.

Learn more about Social Security at:



ap psychology training that attempts to override biological constraints will not endure because animals will revert to predisposed patterns, true or false


True: We now understand that biological predispositions limit the use of classical conditioning methods, making some connections simpler to acquire than others. Learning is adaptive: Every species picks up survival-oriented behaviour.

Populations can be resistant to evolutionary change due to biological constraints. "A quality of a trait that, although presumably adaptive in the environment in which it initially originated, works to establish constraints on the creation of new phenotypic variations," is one definition of constraint that has been put forth. Ideas like homology and body designs have developed significantly as a result of constraints. Any characteristic of an organism that has remained the same over time may be used as proof of a "constraint" of some kind. Therefore, it is important to break the notion down into more manageable pieces in order to make it more helpful.

learn more about biological constraints here:



Rank the following areas in order of largest to smallest change in average temperature since 1880.
1. northern Canada (largest temp change)
2. western europe
3. australia
4. southern africa
5. eastern Pacific Ocean
6. antarctic ocean (smallest temp change)


The geographical areas can be ranked from the largest to smallest change in average temperatures since 1880 as below,

Northern Canada.East Pacific Ocean.Western Europe.Southern Africa. Australia.Antarctic Ocean

The geographical regions in different parts of the world are always characterized by different average temperatures during different given periods of time. Moreover, these average temperatures may increase or decrease, which depends on a lot of external geographical factors. The data representing the same has been mentioned above.

Learn more about average temperatures here:



the theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as __________.


The theory that suggests that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions they pursued during middle age is known as Activity theory.

Activity theory, which has its roots in the Soviet psychological activity theory developed by Sergei Rubinstein in the 1930s, is a catch-all phrase for a line of eclectic social sciences theories and research. Later, Alexei Leont'ev promoted it and made it popular. The explanation for how the brain develops that historical-cultural psychology offers is activity theory. Its foundations can be found in Vygotsky (1978), who believed that the performance of external acts led to the development of mental functions.

The iconic Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda provides a clear illustration of activity theory with this straightforward interaction. During this contact, the game's main character (Link) receives a tool from another character that he will need to complete his mission (his object) successfully.

Learn more about Activity theory here: https://brainly.com/question/10490724


What is a deficit in government spending?


When the federal government's spending on various fields exceeds its receipts, a deficit occurs.

Deficit spending is, to put it simply, when a government runs a budget deficit as a result of spending more than it receives in a given fiscal period. The term "deficit spending" frequently conjures up a Keynesian theory of economic stimulus, in which the state incurs debt while leveraging its purchasing power to boost demand and the economy. John Maynard Keynes, a liberal British economist, is usually given credit for the idea of deficit spending as an economic boost. Keynes claimed that a decrease in consumer expenditure during a recession or depression might be offset by an increase in government spending.

Learn more about deficit here:



Who implements and enforces a policy?


After development of a policy, the government agencies and law enforcement bodies such as police force help implement and enforce it.

What determines and enforcing public policy?

The executive branch of the United States is in charge of enacting and enforcing the legislative branch's policy. It also has an impact on the legislative process, as the president is involved in policy advocacy and often has the final say on whether a bill is vetoed.

Who enforces policy?

The Executive Branch of the United States Government. The executive branch is in charge of carrying out and enforcing laws. The president, vice president, Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees are all part of it.

Learn more about enforces policy to visit this link



Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?A)establishment of gender constancyB)peer pressureC)differences in behavioral styles and interestsD)parent and teacher efforts


Of these influences, parent and teacher efforts appear to be the initial source of gender segregation.

The physical, criminal, or cultural separation of persons based totally on their biological sex is known as intercourse segregation, sex separation, gender segregation, or gender separation. without any implication of unlawful discrimination, "intercourse segregation" can in reality refer to the bodily and spatial separation of humans based totally on their gender. Male and lady future managers can advantage from mentoring and coaching this is especially tailor-made to their wishes. Managers need to be held responsible for promoting gender range. Introduce measures to promote work-life stability for each women and men, such as bendy paintings schedules.

Learn more about segregation here



What did Friedrich von Hayek argue against?


Late in the 1930s and early in the 1940s, Hayek focused on the argument over the viability of socialist planning.

The most well-known contribution of the Austrian-British economist, legal theorist, and philosopher Hayek is his defense of classical liberalism. [1] Together with Gunnar Myrdal, Hayek received the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their research on economic interconnectedness, money and economic fluctuations.He made the case that it couldn't. Hayek claimed that socialist economists believed central planning could succeed because they believed resource allocation could be based on the available economic data.

learn more about Hayek here:



Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. ellos vivió en el sótano. correct incorrect


Ellos vivió en el sótano is incorrect, the correct statement would be Ellos vivieron en el sotano. It is written in Spanish language.

What is Spanish language?

A billion people, mostly in the Americas and Spain, speak Spanish, a Romance language. Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is also used as an official language by the European Union, the Organization of American States, the Union of South American Nations, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the African Union, and numerous other international organisations. It has official status in 20 countries and is the second most widely spoken native language in the world after Mandarin Chinese.

To know more about Spanish, click here- brainly.com/question/27204390


Answer:Ellos vivió en el sótano is incorrect


Explain how attitudes about tobacco use from friends and parents influence rates of tobacco use.



If you are around people who use it a lot you are most likely to start to use it to


Hope this helps

what type of religious body is high tension and does not fit well within their existing social environment, but does not antagonize their social surroundings?


The church is a religious body that is excessive anxiety and does not fit properly within its current social surroundings but does not antagonize its social environment.

Spiritual belief and exercise make contributions drastically to the formation of personal moral standards and sound ethical judgment. everyday religious exercise typically inoculates people from opposition to a bunch of social issues

While sociological and historic studies reveal that race and faith are socially constructed, the query of what to do with those categories depends on their ontological repute.

Learn more about religion here



_____ love occurs rapidly and ends within a few months, whereas _____ love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.


Passionate love occurs rapidly and ends within a few months, whereas

companionate love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.

Love is a strong, abiding affection for someone. Love can also be defined as having this strong affection for someone. A strong liking for something or a lot of liking can also be referred to as love. Both as a verb and a noun, love has numerous other meanings.

Accepting is a strong, abiding affection for someone. Love can also be defined g who you are as a person is the foundation of true love. Even when they disagree with you, your partner doesn't try to change you. When you've experienced true love, you frequently feel like you can talk to your spouse about anything.

To know more about Love here



a juvenile who has been found to have engaged in behavior deemed unacceptable for those under a certain statutorily determined age is referred to as a . a. juvenile delinquent b. status offender c. troubled minor d. wayward youth


A juvenile who has been found to have engaged in behavior deemed unacceptable for those under a certain statutorily determined age is referred to as a juvenile delinquent.

In 1643, close to the start of the English Civil struggle, Parliament installation two committees the Sequestration Committee which confiscated the estates of the Royalists who fought towards Parliament, and the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents which allowed Royalists whose estates have been sequestrated, to compound for his or her estates – pay a first-rate and get better their estates – if they pledged now not to take up arms towards Parliament once more. the dimensions of the pleasant they needed to pay trusted the really worth of the estate and how excellent their assist for the Royalist reason have been. to manage the technique of sequestration, a sequestration committee become installed in every county.

Learn more about delinquent here



with respect to the six stages of a quality life cycle, the implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption. regeneration. maturation. energizing.


The implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption.

Hence, Option A is correct.

The Quality Initiative is designed to provide institutions the freedom to take chances, set ambitious goals, and learn from limited or even complete failure.Initiatives to promote or implement quality, continuous improvement, performance excellence, and other associated activities were identified by the poll as quality initiatives.Decrease in adverse medication-related incidents.Improvement in sepsis care.Decreased incidence of infections in urinary catheters.Lower hospital readmission rates

To know more about Initiative here



like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using:____.


Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using: empirical research.

What is meant by empirical research?

Research that is based on empirical observation and measurement of phenomena is research that the researcher has personally experienced. The information obtained in this way may be compared to a theory or hypothesis, but the conclusions are still grounded in actual experience. Like all psychological theories, psychological treatments need to be validated by using: empirical research.

Empirical research generates knowledge from actual experience rather than from theory or belief since it is based on observed and measured phenomena.

It is employed to support several hypotheses, advance human understanding, and carry on doing so in order to advance in various sectors. Pharmaceutical corporations, for instance, conduct empirical research to test a certain drug on predetermined or arbitrary groups in order to determine its effects and causes.

Read more on empirical research here:https://brainly.com/question/6862874


The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as.


The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as well-staffed but underfunded.

What is community-based mental health centers?

According to the American Psychological Association, a community mental health center is a facility or facilities which are community-based and obtain mental health services, sometimes as an alternative to the care that mental hospitals provide.

Being part of a community can have a positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Community involvement provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also give extra meaning and purpose to everyday life.

Community-based treatment facilitates people with mental disorders to manage family relationships, friendships and jobs when receiving treatment, that facilitates early treatment and rehabilitation.

Learn more about community-based mental health at: https://brainly.com/question/19570925


which sociological perspective could argue that traditional gendered household responsibilities reflect an equitable, functional, interdependent division of labor?


Functionalist perspective could argue that traditional gendered household responsibilities reflect an equitable, functional, interdependent division of labor.

The Talcott Parsons nuclear family model played a major role in the development of the functionalist perspective on gender inequality in the 1940s and 1950s. According to this idea, gender disparities exist as a social system in which some groups are unmistakably in charge of carrying out particular, assigned tasks of work.

According to the functionalist viewpoint, society is a complex system whose components interact to foster cooperation and stability. This method examines social structures that shape society as a whole from a macro-level perspective, taking into account both social structure and social functions. Functionalism examines society as a whole in terms of how each of its members performs.

To know more about Functionalist perspective visit:



the authors of our text differentiate four periods of development: beginnings, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. these time period segments are commonly used to organize discussions of child development because they tend to be characterized by:


They tend to be characterized by: Particular patterns of limitations and growing capabilities.

There are four stages of life: infancy, youth, middle age, and old age. Each stage is a significant and lovely period of development, learning, compassion, and sharing in a particular and special way.

Or maybe there are four: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and infancy. Prenatal Development is the first stage in the lifespan's eight stages, according to developmentalists. Early life and toddlerhood.

Developmental milestones are predetermined patterns in a child's growth. Four domains of a child's development—cognitive, communication and linguistic, social and emotional, and motor—are covered by milestones.

To know more Childhood here



is prayer a suitably moral response to suffering? take a stand for or against this position using the text to support your response.


A prayer is an invocation or act that aims to initiate a relationship with a worship object through intentional communication.

The phrase is used to describe an act of prayer or intercession made to a deity or a deified ancestor in the strict meaning. More generally, prayer can be used to express gratitude or appreciation. It is also strongly related to more ethereal types of meditation and charms or spells in comparative religion.

There are many different ways to pray, including alone or with others, as part of a predetermined routine or liturgy. Hymns, incantations, formal creedal statements, or an individual's spontaneous expression can all be used as forms of prayer.

To know more about religion, click here:



in a ________ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


Respondents are questioned about multiple topics in a double-barreled question, but they are only permitted to provide one response.

What exactly is a survey question with two barrels?

The inquiry with two barrels, commonly referred to as a double-direct question, is essentially a trick question. (Or an informal fallacy, if you're feeling fancy.) It occurs when a single question asks respondents for their opinions on two distinct problems or subjects.

What does a research double negative question entail?

A double-negative inquiry has two negative words, which may entirely mislead or confuse the participant. Of course, if a participant cannot understand the question, their response will be meaningless, and the collected data will be of no use.

To learn more about double-barreled questions here:



7. if unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to:


If unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to ask them.

A long-term physical, hearing, vision, cognitive, mental, or emotional impairment that significantly restricts one or more major living activities is referred to as a handicap. However, because disability is a continuum, it is impossible to draw a sharp distinction between people who have one and those who do not. According to the "social model," a person's ability to participate in society is limited by social constraints as well as their physical impairment. These obstacles may be structural, programmatic, or psychological. Our responsibility is to change the financial landscape to accommodate everyone's requirements. In terms of life experience and disability characteristics, the population with disabilities is diverse.

To know more about disability characteristics:



what is the primary difference between transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tdcs)?


In TDCS, electrodes are positioned on the skull and a small current is delivered to the brain.

By generating magnetic pulses, TDCS creates a brief electrical current in the brain. Using TMS, electrodes are inserted into the skull and a small current is sent to the brain. TMS and TDCS do not require the patient to be asleep during administration.

In TDCS, electrodes are positioned on the skull and a small current is delivered to the brain.Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a portable and wearable brain stimulation technique that delivers low-level electrical current to the scalp. A fixed current of 1 to 2 mA is typically applied1. tDCS works by applying a positive (anodal) or negative (cathode) current to the region through electrodes. tDCS is a neuromodulatory technique that produces immediate and lasting changes in brain function. The position of the anodic and cathodic electrodes on the head modulates the way current flows to specific brain regions. Currents delivered by tDCS are not strong enough to trigger neuronal action potentials

To know more about TDCS and TMS visit



which branch of the u.s. government declared some new deal legislation unconstitutional?


The 1934 Municipal Bankruptcy Act, commonly known as the Summers-Wilcox Bill, was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on May 25, 1936, in a 5-4 ruling.

What division of the executive declares a statute unconstitutional?

The United States Supreme Court found in 2012 that the Act was unconstitutional because it violated the First Amendment's guarantee of the freedom of speech.

The New Deal was deemed unlawful at what point?

A statutory plan to regulate and control agricultural production, according to the Supreme Court, "is a matter beyond the authority entrusted to the federal government," which is why it was found unconstitutional in 1936. A comparable program that did receive court approval replaced the AAA.

To Know more about Supreme Court



true or false: in a causal argument, generally speaking relevant difference evidence is preferable to common thread evidence.


False By and large, misleading in a causal contention pertinent contrast proof is desirable over repeating theme proof.

Causal Argument. concentrate solely on the manner in which a particular issue has arisen or resulted from something. -answers a question about how or why. -You have the opportunity to clarify these points.

How accurate is inductive argument?

A true-or-false conclusion cannot be reached with an inductive argument. This is due to the fact that arguments of this kind frequently rest on circumstantial evidence and a small number of samples. A single negative or weak sample can disprove an inductive argument due to this limitation.

To learn more about Causal Argument here



norms are typically explicit and are often discussed openly. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The statement is False. Norms are typically explicit and are often discussed openly.

Norms are a fundamental concept in the social sciences. they're most normally described as regulations or expectancies which can be socially enforced. Norms can be prescriptive (encouraging high-quality conduct; for instance, “be sincere”) or proscriptive (discouraging negative behavior; for example, “do not cheat”).

Social norms talk about values, ideals, attitudes, and/or behaviors shared through a group of humans. they're frequently based on what humans agree with to be ordinary, common, or suitable. Social norms can feature unspoken regulations or hints about the way human beings behave, and for the way people are predicted to behave.

Learn more about Norms here https://brainly.com/question/14728986


ben is incredibly friendly and outgoing. bettina is the most reliable person you know. which are ben's and bettina's big five traits in order?


Extraversion (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina) five traits in order. Thus correct option (a).

Across nations, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness tended to increase from early to middle adulthood.

A proposed taxonomy, or grouping, for personality traits called the Big Five has been around since the 1980s in psychological trait theory.

The theory first emerged in the 1990s and labeled five factors for the US English-speaking population. These five factors are typically referred to as:

openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

Learn more about five traits to visit this link



Full Question:Ben is incredibly friendly and outgoing. Bettina is the most reliable person you know. Which are Ben's and Bettina's Big Five traits in order?

A)extraversion (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

B)agreeableness (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

C)neuroticism (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

D)extraversion (Ben); agreeableness (Bettina)

which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form the boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia.

The Ural Mountains or simply Urals runs approximately from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the river Ural and northwestern Kazakhstan. Urals are 2,500 km (1,600 mi) in length and 150 km (93 mi) in width. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains is Mount Narodnaya.

Continental collisions gave rise to the Urals between 250 and 300 million years ago, making them among the oldest mountains on Earth.

Urals contain more than 1000 varieties of valuable minerals, they have rich resources, including metal ores, coal, and precious and semi-precious stones that's why Urals are one of the richest mineral regions in the world. The type of rocks mainly found there are Metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary with Carboniferous as the age of rock.

To learn more about the Ural Mountains,



Answer: TRUE


I took the test and checked several other sites too.

amnesty international is an example of a. a human rights interest group. b. a green interest group. c. a national-origin interest group. d. an economic interest group.


amnesty international is an example a human rights interest group.

Amnesty International, which is commonly known as Amnesty or AI, is a global non-governmental organization based in the UK that promotes human rights. According to the organization, it has more than 10 million supporters and members worldwide. Campaigning for "a society in which every individual enjoys all of the human rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments" is the organization's stated aim. Due to numerous mentions in the media and by world leaders, the group has made a significant contribution to human rights concerns.

To know more about non-governmental organization :


six-year old jack believes that boys are better than girls, while six-year old lisa believes that girls are better than boys. their beliefs most clearly illustrate: the mere exposure effect. the fundamental attribution error. the in-group bias. deindividuation.


Their beliefs most clearly illustrate that the in-group bias.

Hence, Option C is correct.

The propensity for people to regard members of their own group with preference is known as in-group bias, often referred to as in-group favoritism. Even when people are randomly divided into groups, this bias manifests, rendering group membership functionally worthless.

Elections serve as a good illustration. Early on, members of a political party frequently clash with one another and separate into groups that support various candidates from the same party. They could behave negatively toward the other group and think stereotypically.

Discrimination for ingroups and discrimination against outgroups are examined interchangeably, as if they were two sides of the same phenomenon.

To know more about Ingroup bias here



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