while preparing a 2021 return for a taxpayer, tyreek, a paid preparer, determined that the taxpayer had omitted certain items of income when they filed their prior-year return. tyreek should advise the taxpayer promptly of the fact of such omission and: advise them of the consequences of not amending the previous year's return. make an adjustment for the previous year's omission on the current-year return. refer the taxpayer to his supervisor. refuse to prepare the current-year return until the prior-year return is amended.


Answer 1

Given the facts referred to in the given scenario, Tyreek will handle the situation by promptly alerting taxpayers to the fact of such omissions and adjusting the previous year's omissions in the current year's tax returns.

A omission:

Mistakes are mistakes that IT professionals make. B. Errors in Software Developer's Code. An omission is an example of incomplete work, or an example of failure to prevent undesirable consequences. Transmission of unencrypted data intercepted by cybercriminals.

Why is the omission  used?

Omissions occur when important information is not reported or is incomplete. Omissions can be thought of as news that should have been reported but left out of the news we read, watch, or hear.

Learn more about omission :



Related Questions

in order for a process technician to be fully equipped to troubleshoot an instrument, they must first recognize that it is really an instrument problem.



To be fully prepared to troubleshoot a process, a process technician must first understand what is wrong with the process.

What exactly is Troubleshoot?

Troubleshooting is a methodical approach to problem solving. The goal of troubleshooting is to figure out why something isn't working as it should and to explain how to fix it.

The first step in troubleshooting is to completely describe the problem. Problem descriptions assist you and Software Support in determining where to begin in determining the cause of the problem. This step entails asking yourself the following basic questions:

What are the signs of a problem?Where does the issue arise?When does the issue occur?What are the conditions that cause the problem?Is it possible to reproduce the problem?

To learn more about Troubleshooting, visit: https://brainly.com/question/14394407


ype two statements that use nextInt() to print 2 random integers between (and including) 100 and 149. End with a newline. Ex: 112 102 Note: For this activity, using one statement may yield different output (due to the interpreter calling randGen.nextInt( in a different order). Use two statements for this activity


Two statements that use nextInt() to print 2 random integers between (and including) 100 and 149.//Random Generate Numbers.java import java.util.Random;

NB solution is recommended

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.Random;

public class Random Generate Numbers {

public static void main (String [] args) {

Random randGen = new Random();

int seedVal = 0;

seedVal = 4;


System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(50) + 100);

System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(50) + 100);




What does nextInt mean?

The Scanner object's nextInt() method reads a series of numbers (characters) and casts them to type int. The scanner object reads characters one by one until it collects the characters used for the integer. Then convert them to 32-bit numbers.

What is nextInt() in Java?

The nextInt() method scans the next token in the input data as an int. As the name of the Scanner class suggests, the nextInt() method of this class is used to scan or parse the input. Input can be either stored as a string, read from a file, real-time data, or arbitrary system input from the user.

Learn more about NextInt() :



Types of left shift
a. logical left shift
b. arithmetic left shift
c. both of them
d. none of them


Types of left shift are, both of them a.

What is left shift?
Left shift
is a bitwise operation in which the bits of a binary number are shifted to the left by a certain number of places. This has the effect of multiplying the number by a factor of two for each place shifted. For example, shifting the binary number 101 by two places to the left results in 10100, which is equivalent to the decimal number 20. In addition to multiplication, left shift can be used to divide a number by two, with each shift to the left resulting in a half of the original number. It can also be used to move bits from one byte to another and to fill in empty bits in a byte. Left shift is a very efficient operation since it can be done with a single instruction, and is often used in programming and digital signal processing.

1. Logical Left Shift: This type of left shift shifts the bits of a binary number to the left, discarding the bit that is shifted off and inserting a 0 in the least significant bit (LSB) position.

2. Arithmetic Left Shift: This type of left shift is similar to the logical left shift, except that the bit shifted off is replaced with the same value as the LSB. This is useful for preserving the sign of a number when performing arithmetic operations.

To learn more about left shift

Which of the following is a part of a DDL statement?


CREATE is a part of a DDL statement . You can use DDL statements to create, alter, and delete resources, like as tables,

How is DDL defined?

Data definition language (DDL) is a subset of SQL. A language for describing data and their relationships in a database. You can generate DDL in scripts for database objects for the following purposes: Keep a snapshot of your database structure. Set up a test system whose database behaves like the production system but contains no data. These commands are used to change the structure of databases and database objects.

For example, you can use DDL commands to add, drop, or modify tables in your database. Data definition language (DDL) statements allow you to create and modify resources using standard SQL query syntax. You can use DDL commands to create, alter, and drop resources such as tables,

Learn more about DDL Commands :



Emerging technologies would make better the life of developing countries



please refer to my other answer when you previously asked this question!

much like storage i/o, network i/o is subject to the same bandwidth issues and constraints that can occur in a physical network environment.


True. Network I/O is subject to the same bandwidth issues and constraints as storage I/O, as any data transfer over a network requires bandwidth. Bandwidth constraints can arise from many sources, such as latency, packet loss, congestion, protocol overhead, and network access speeds. In addition, network I/O can be subject to congestion when multiple systems are sending or receiving data over the same network connection, leading to slow or unreliable transfer speeds.

Exploring the Impact of Network I/O on Data Transfers

The amount of data that is transferred from one device to another over a network can be limited by various factors, such as storage I/O and network I/O. The bandwidth of the network, the number of users on the network and the type of transfer being performed all play a role in the speed and efficiency of data transfers. Network I/O, in particular, has a direct impact on the amount of data that can be transferred from one device to another.

Network I/O is the process of transferring data from one device to another over a network. It involves the transmission of data through a physical medium, such as a cable, fiber optic or radio link. The amount of data that can be transferred is limited by the bandwidth of the network. If the network has a low bandwidth, then the rate at which data can be transferred will be slower. This can be further limited by the number of users on the network. If there are too many users on the network, it can lead to congestion, which reduces the speed of data transfer.

Learn more about Network:



Which of the following would describe an effect of decreasing pressure on a person's body and blood? (1 pt) * 1 point

Gases in the lungs would dissolve more easily in the blood and thus would be found in higher concentrations in the blood.

Gases would be less soluble in the blood and thus dissolved gasses would leave the blood, through the lungs if the change happens slowly or by forming bubbles if the change occurs quickly.

There would be no effect on the person's blood from changes in pressure.


There would be no effect on the person's blood from changes in pressure.

What is the relationship between pressure and volume in the lungs?According to Boyle's Law, when the lungs' volume changes, the air pressure inside them does as well. Air rushes out if the pressure inside the lungs is higher than the pressure outside. If the reverse happens, air rushes in.As carbon dioxide enters the chamber, the partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli will naturally be at a somewhat lower level. Gas exchange is significantly influenced by partial pressure. Less gas will be transferred between the barrier and the atmosphere the lower the partial pressure.

To learn more about Boyle's Law refer,



even though it could be tempting, you should resist the urge to use your work computer or other technology for or internet activity.


Even though it could be tempting, you should resist the urge to use your work computer or other technology for or internet activity is false.

Can employers access employee computers?

"Activity that has the potential to be harmful, evil, or create vulnerabilities." are those that need not be done in a work computer.

Therefore, You should be aware that some businesses will never look at what you do on your smartphone. Frequently, a company will only look into a worker's laptop or smartphone use if a complaint has been made against them or if they are suspected of engaging in other unlawful behavior.

Learn more about internet activity from


even though it could be tempting, you should resist the urge to use your work computer or other technology for or internet activity. true or false.

who is in a scrum team


Who is in the scrum team?

Product OwnerScrum Master, andDevelopment team

Which of the following statements correctly explain how the Internet is able to facilitate communication at a large scale? 1) A central monitoring computer is used to track and maintain the connections of the Internet. II) Data is routed between points in multiple ways so that if a connection fails, the data can be rerouted around the inoperative connections. III) Protocols for packets and routing are used so that computers from different manufacturers can communicate in a standard way.: A) II only B) I and II only C) Il and Ill only D) I and Ill only E) I, II, and III


Data is routed between points in multiple ways so that if a connection fails, the data can be rerouted around the inoperative connections.

What is data?

In the pursuit of knowledge, data is a collection of to the discrete values that convey information, describing the quantity, quality, fact, and  statistics, other basic units by  of meaning, or simply of the  sequences of symbols that is  may be further interpreted. A datum is an individual by the  value in a collection of data.

Which of the following statements correctly explain how the Internet is able to facilitate communication at a large scale? II. Data is routed between points in multiple ways so that if a connection fails, the data can be rerouted around the inoperative connections.

Protocols for packets and routing are used so that computers from different manufacturers can communicate in a standard way.

To know more about data click-



which of these exploration techniques helps you visualize the steps your users take toward a key task or conversion and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step?


The exploration techniques that helps you visualize the steps your users take toward a key task or conversion and see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step is option B: Funnel exploration

What is the purpose of a funnel?

The practice of mapping website visitor flow to a set of precise funnel processes that lead to conversions or signups is known as funnel analysis. Businesses use funnel analysis to track the user's progress around their websites, improve them, and determine how many people enter at each stage.

Therefore, one can say that the use of funnel exploration, you can easily assess how well your users are succeeding or failing at each step in the process of completing a task.

Learn more about  exploration from


See options below

Cohort explorations

Funnel exploration

Free form

Segment overlap

"Mark the following statements as valid or invalid. If a statement is invalid, explain why. (2, 3)a.p1 = &num1; b.num2 = num1 - *p2; c.p3 = p2; d.*p3 = num1;e.*p3 = *p1; f.num1 5 p2; g.p1 = &p2; h.p3 = &num1; i.num1 = *p3; j.num2 ="


The following statements are valid

a. p1= &num1; Valid statement

b. num2= num1- *p2; Valid Statement

i. num1=*p3; Valid statement

What are the invalid statements?

A claim that is untrue is invalid. By assuming that all of the premises are true and determining whether it is still possible for the conclusion to be false, we can check for validity. The argument is flawed if this is even conceivable. Statements lack the notions of validity and invalidity; only arguments do.

c. p3=p2; is an Invalid statement

Reason: p3 is a pointer of type double, p2 is a pointer variable of type int. The value of p2 cannot be assigned to p3.

d. *p3=num1; is an Invalid statement

Reason: invalid could not assign value to *p3  as it is not initialized.

e. *p3=*p1; is an Invalid statement

Reason: could not assign value to *p3 as it is not initialized.

f. num1=p2; is an Invalid statement

Reason: num1 is an int variable, p2 is a pointer variable. Thus, the value of p2 cannot be assigned to num1.

g. p1=& p2; is an Invalid statement

Reason: p1 is a pointer of type int, so it can only point to a memory of type int, &p2 gives the address of p2 and p2 is a pointer variable. So the value &p2 cannot be assigned to p1

h.  p3 = &num1; is an Invalid statement

Reason: incompatible pointer from int to double

j. num2= & p1; is an Invalid statement

Reason: num2 can store value but not address. so its invalid.

Learn more about pointer variable



What are not type of analytical procedures?
Spreadsheet analysis
Trend analysis
Ratio analysis
Reasonable testing



A) spreadsheet analysis


Hope this helps

static binding occurs when the compiler binds a function call with the function call that resides in the same class as the call itself.


Static binding occurs when the compiler binds a function call through the function call that resides in the same class as the call itself. (True)

What is Static binding?

Static Binding: Also referred to as early binding, static binding is a binding that the compiler can resolve at the time of compilation. At compile time, all static, private, and final methods are bound.

Static binding offers superior performance (no extra overhead is required). A local class object will always be able to access these methods because they cannot be overridden, according to the compiler. Consequently, the compiler has no trouble determining the class object (local class for sure). This explains why binding for these methods is static.

Objects are used to resolve binding in dynamic binding while type information is used for binding in static binding.

Learn more about static binding



this form has queued progressive fields but no progressive field behavior applied. as a result, none of the queued progressive fields will appear in the form.


The queued progressive field will show up for progressive form fields if the Pre-populate fields with known values option are enabled property value is known. Only non-progressive form fields will have pre-populated fields.

What does a HubSpot queue progressive fields mean?

Select "replace with the queued progressive field" next. You can add progressive fields to your forms to make them more intelligent and effective. You can specify that another form field appears in its place if a contact filling out your form already has a value for a particular field.

A progressive lead form: what is it?

Progressive profiling is a method for gathering personal data from leads in order to qualify them and gain insightful information. Instead of using the conventional approach, this methodology gradually introduces questions so that consumers don't feel overburdened when filling out a form.

to know more about progressive fields here:



Jane owns a dress-making business. Her income last quarter was $8,000, her cost of goods was $1,500, and her
total expenses were $3,000. What were Jane’s gross income and net income?


According to the data, Jane's gross income was $3,500, while net income was $3,430

What is gross income?

Gross income is a term to refer to the total income that a person obtains from an economic activity. That is, gross income is the subtraction of costs and expenses from income.

What is net income?

Net income is a term for a person's income after including all tax deductions from gross income.

So, to calculate the gross income we must identify what her total income was and subtract the expenses and costs that she spent. Additionally, to find the net income we must identify her gross income and subtract the equivalent of taxes on her earnings as shown below:

$8,000 - $3,000 - $1,500 = $3,500

$3,500 / 100 = $35

$35 * 2 = $70

$3,500 - $70 = 3430

Based on the above, it can be inferred that Jane's gross income is $3,500 while her net income from her is $3,430 because she had 2% tax deducted from her earnings from her.

Learn more about taxes in: https://brainly.com/question/16423331


Suppose a computer runs at least two of following processes: A for movie watching, B for file downloading, C for word editing, D for compiling


Answer: This may not be the answer you are looking for but, In order for a computer to run multiple things at once you need to have a memory cell that is kept at a cool 13.8 Degrees celsius for it to work at max capacity.A internal fan to keep the internal parts at 15.3 degrees. The Arctic F12 and Arctic F12-120 is a good fan for that.


Write a matlab program that uses matrix multiplication to calculate the center of mass of any spacecraft, provided the coordinates and masses of each component are defined in an input file. For example, the input file for the above example would look like:
0.1 2.0 3.0 3.50
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.50
1.5 0.2 0.5 0.79
2.0 2.0 4.0 1.75
Your program should display the center of mass to the screen for the user and graph the location of the center of mass and the locations of all components of the system. All points should be appropriately labeled and the graph should use good practices for labeling, etc. (Use the plot3 function for graphing).
Background info:
The mass of a vehicle and the location of its center of gravity is very important to space flight. One reason that it is important is that rockets tumble if the center of pressure is forward of the center of gravity. The location of the center of gravity of a system can be calculated from its component masses in a 3-D rectangular coordinate system, as RM x mi x m x3m3 xim, xin m, (Eqn. 1) y M yim y2m2 z m where i, y, and are the coordinates of the center of gravity; M 1m is the total mass of the system, xi toxin are the x-coordinates of each component (1 to n respectively); y to yn are the y-coordinates for each components zu to zn are the z-coordinates of each component, and m to mn are the masses of each component. For example, consider a vehicle with the following component locations and masses (only a limited set is shown for example tractability) component (x, y, z) meters (0.1, 2.0, 3.0) bolt 3.50 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) 1.50 (1.5, 0.2, 0.5) 0.79 bracket 0.2.0, 4.0 75 Solving for X in the equation 1 thex-coordinate of the center of gravity is (Eqn. 4) The y- and z-coordinates for the center of gravity can be determined similarly. The X 1xum term in equation 4 is the dot product of a vector containing the x-coordinates of each component x x1, x2, x] and a vector containing the masses of each component m [mu, m2, mn]. Hence, matrix multiplication can be used to calculate all coordinates of the center of gravity simultaneously, as C Cm mu, where c (x, y, z) is the geometric vector that contains the coordinates of the center of gravity and Cis an appropriately defined matrix that holds the values of the component coordinates


To write a matlab program that uses matrix multiplication to calculate the center of mass of any spacecraft, provided the coordinates and masses of each component are defined in an input file, check the code given below.

What is matrix?

A matrix is a collection of numbers that have been put in rows and columns to make a rectangular array. The entries of the matrix are the numbers, which are referred to as its elements. In addition to many areas of mathematics, matrices are widely used in the fields of engineering, physics, economics, and statistics.

The representation of rotations and other image transformations has been accomplished using matrices, which have significant applications in computer graphics.

In the past, the determinant—a square array of numbers—and a particular number connected to it were what were initially recognized, not the matrix itself. The notion of the matrix as an algebraic entity didn't first appear until very recently.



clear all

x=input('Input x as a row vector: ');

y=input('Input y as a row vector: ');

z=input('Input z as a row vector: ');

m=input('Input m as a row vector: ');






fprintf('Coordinate of center of gravity is (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n',X(1),X(2),X(3));

Learn more about matrix



JAVA: Write code which asks for a side length from the user and creates an equilateral triangle and square with that length. The output that you are printing must utilize the toString method inside RegularPolygon Class.
Sample run: Type a side length: 7.5 equilateral triangle with side length 7.5 square with side length 7.5



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

   Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

   System.out.print("Type a side length: ");

   double sideLength = input.nextDouble();

   RegularPolygon triangle = new RegularPolygon(3, sideLength);

   RegularPolygon square = new RegularPolygon(4, sideLength);

   System.out.println("equilateral triangle with side length " + sideLength + "\nsquare with side length " + sideLength + "\n" + triangle.toString() + "\n" + square.toString());



Describe method.

A process linked to a message and an object is referred to as a method in object-oriented programming (OOP). An object is made composed of state information and behaviour, that together make up the interface which outlines how any of the object's numerous consumers can use it. A method is a consumer-parametrized behaviour of an object. Behaviors are represented as methods, while data is depicted as an object's properties. For instance, a Window object could have properties like open and close as well as actions like open and close, and its state whether it is opened or closed at any particular time) would be a method.

To know more about method

Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence about Adjust options for images.
If you want to change the amount of color in an image, use the
If you want to reduce the size of a file, use the
If you want to make an image look like a sketch, use the



1. color 2. compress pictures 3. artistic effects


i got it right

What is output by the following code? Select all that apply.
c = 2

while (c < 12):

print (c)
c = c + 3

answers possible














The output by the  code given above is option I: 5

What does the programming example output mean?

The output of a computer or other electronic equipment is any data that has been processed and sent out.

Output is simply what occurs after all the code has been completed, the final outcome. It is what is entered into the console when all calculations have been completed. Basically, it's what is released.

Since the value of c is said to be 2


2<12 (true statement)


c = c+3

Fro example c=2+3

Hence the answer is 5.

Learn more about Code output from


item 50 according to the osha computer workstations checklist, when working at a computer, in what position should you hold your head?


According to the OSHA computer workstations checklist, when working at a computer you should hold your head positioned straight.

What is OSHA Computers workstations?

The typical worker will be exposed to only a few ergonomic risks at today's computer workstations if all of the parts are working properly. It may be challenging to diagnose many injuries or illnesses linked to computer workstations because they tend to be of an ergonomic nature.

A helpful method of preventative intervention is accurate and prompt recording, as described in OSHA's Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Safety and Health Topics Page.

Exposure to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields is not covered by any specific OSHA regulations. Office settings are covered by current OSHA regulations regarding electrical safety, radiation exposure, and noise.

Learn more about ergonomic



ai has the potential to have a detrimental effect on the labor market for various professions because of . multiple choice mechanicalization manualization computerization


AI has the potential to have a detrimental effect on the labor market for various professions because of computerization.

What impact will AI have on the job market?

AI and machine learning are on many lists of the most important skills in the job market. Jobs requiring AI or machine learning skills are projected to grow by 71% over the next five years.

Is artificial intelligence a threat or an advantage?

The only threat AI poses is unemployment, another predictable and ongoing problem. Still, AI offers job creation opportunities. AI therefore has more advantages compared to threats and represents a different solution than threats.

What impact will robots and artificial intelligence have on the labor market in the future?

Robots and AI will take some jobs from humans, but they will also create new ones. Since 2000, many manufacturing jobs have been slowly lost to robots and automation systems. Of which he is 1.7 million. Meanwhile, AI is projected to create 97 million new jobs by 2025.

Learn more about Artificial intelligence :



you are implementing a soho network for a local business. the isp has already installed and connected a cable modem for the business.


The first step for configuring the SOHO network is to install a router. The router will allow the business to create a local network, provide access to the internet, and enforce security policies.

what is soho?

In the hypothetical situation, a Wireless network on a workplace should be designed. There are wifi networks in all of the building's offices. You should conduct a wireless site reconnaissance before configuring a wireless network again for SOHO.

You can use this poll to determine which network nodes (AP) are situated in the most advantageous areas. The SOHO router should be set up for NAT since it is the MOST probable way to regain internet connectivity. By turning on NAT on the router, the SOHO network is given the ability to link or connect any devices to it.

Therefore, setting up the SOHO network for NAT is the MOST likely option to get internet access back.

To learn more about soho



if a transaction is used for a delete statement, what keyword is used to premanently delete the rows specified by the delte statement


The "DROP" keyword is utilized to permanently delete the rows provided by the delete statement.

Describe DROP.

Take into account that we built a database called student and added student data to it. The student table as well as its contents can become obsolete at some point. To delete the student table together with all of its contents and related data, we can use SQL's DROP TABLE function. In addition to deleting a table, the Drop SQL statement also deletes additional objects like a database, column, index, constraint, etc. For instance, the DROP COLUMN and DROP DATABASE commands remove the specified keyword used to permanently delete the rows specified by the delete statement is the "DROP" keyword.

To know more about DROP

which of the following is a difference between variable interval reinforcement schedules and variable ratio reinforcement schedules?


Unlike fixed interval reinforcement schedules, fixed ratio reinforcement schedules are based on behaviors.

What is reinforcement schedules?

A part of operant conditioning is a schedule of reinforcement (also known as instrumental conditioning). It consists of a plan for choosing when to reward behavior. Consider whether to encourage based on the amount of time or the quantity of responses.

The two main types of reinforcement schedules are continuous reinforcement, which encourages a response continuously, and partial reinforcement, which reinforces a response only periodically.

The response rate and resistance to extinction of the behavior are substantially influenced by the sort of reinforcement schedule adopted.

For the field of behavioral science, decision behavior, behavioral pharmacology, and behavioral economics, schedules of reinforcement have significant ramifications.

To know about reinforcement learning, visit: https://brainly.com/question/29764650


users connect to the shared folder and report that they can open the files, but they cannot modify any of the files. which of the following would be the best action to take next?


Users connect to the shared folder and report that they can open the files, but they cannot modify any of the files.

Modify the NTFS permissions on the folder is the best action to take next.

What is shared folders?

To securely and conveniently share site password entries and secure notes with other LastPass users, you can create a shared folder in your vault.

When using shared folders:

A shared folder can be produced by anyone.They are simple to configure and keep up with.With thousands of users, you can distribute hundreds of passwords.Every person with whom the folder has been shared receives automatic synchronization of any changes made to the shared folder.

The number of items that can be added to each shared folder is limitless (with the exception of using LastPass for Windows Desktop application, which are hard-set at 5,000 items max). However, users should expect performance to suffer when 2,000 or more items are added for all other web browsers and programs.

Learn more about shared folder



describe the following variables which are used to characterize populations: population size, population density, and population dispersion


Population dynamics are an important factor in understanding the behavior of populations. Population size, density, and dispersion are key characteristics used to characterize and understand populations.

Describing the following variables which are used to characterize populations:

Population size: This refers to the number of individuals within a given population. It can be expressed either as an absolute number or as a proportion of the total population. Population density: This refers to the number of individuals in a given area. It is usually expressed either as the number of individuals per unit area (e.g. number of people per square kilometer) or as the number of individuals per unit volume (e.g. number of people per cubic kilometer). Population dispersion: This refers to the pattern of distribution of individuals within a given population. It is usually expressed either as the percentage of individuals in a given area or as the average distance between individuals.

Learn more about Population: https://brainly.com/question/25630111


A programmer needs to instruct an object in her program to move up when the up-arrow key is pressed. Which of the following must the programmer write to accomplish this?


The event handler  must the programmer write to accomplish this.

What is a event handler?

An event handler is code that is associated with a particular event, such as “button A pressed”. You create (or register) the association between an event and an event handler by calling a function named “on “.

In programming, an event handler is a callback routine that operates asynchronously once an event takes place. It dictates the action that follows the event. The programmer writes a code for this action to take place. An event is an action that takes place when a user interacts with a program.

See more about event handler at brainly.com/question/497311


Write a program that will add up the series of numbers: 105, 104, 103… 3, 2, 1. The program should print the running total as well as the total at the end. The program should use one for loop, the range() function, and one print() command.

Sample Run
105, 209, 312, 414, 515, 615, …, …, …, 5555, 5559, 5562, 5564, 5565


The program that will execute the above function (written in phyton) is given as follows:

# define the starting and ending numbers in the series

start = 105

end = 5565

# create a list of numbers in the series using the range() function

numbers = list(range(start, end + 1))

# initialize the running total and the final total to 0

running_total = 0

total = 0

# loop through the numbers in the series and add them to the running total

for n in numbers:

 running_total += n

 print(f"Running total: {running_total}")

 total = running_total

# print the final total

print(f"Total: {total}")

What is Phyton?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design concept prioritizes code readability by employing heavy indentation.

First, the program defines the starting and ending numbers in the series, 105 and 5565, respectively. It then creates a list of numbers in the series using the range() function.

Next, the program initializes the running total and the final total to 0.

Then, it loops through the numbers in the series and adds each number to the running total. As it does this, it prints the current running total. Finally, it sets the final total to the current running total and prints it.

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how many ways are there to make an r-arrangement of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters with at least one penny and an odd number of quarters? (coins of the same denomination are identical). role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles. Solve the following system of equations. Show your work.2x+5y=24x10y=4Solution: Read the passage from chapter 1 of animal farm. Unfortunately, the uproar awoke mr. Jones, who sprang out of bed, making sure that there was a fox in the yard. He seized the gun which always stood in a corner of his bedroom, and let fly a charge of number 6 shot into the darkness. The pellets buried themselves in the wall of the barn and the meeting broke up hurriedly. Everyone fled to his own sleeping-place. The birds jumped onto their perches, the animals settled down in the straw, and the whole farm was asleep in a moment. Which detail from the passage best supports the idea that mr. Jones is a reckless farmer?. What should an employer tell a candidate who is not selected for the position? which racing organization saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers? under the uniform securities act, the administrator may a) waive only those requirements of the act that are nonbinding b) make rules, orders, and forms the administrator considers necessary to carry out the provisions of the act c) waive any requirement of the act he deems inappropriate d) relax the antifraud provisions for investment adviser representatives not residing in the state 100 points and will mark brainliest Which of the following is true about the difference between oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation?A.Photophosphorylation occurs only in photosynthetic organisms and oxidative phosphorylation occurs only in non-photosynthetic organisms.B.In oxidative phosphorylation, NADH donates electrons; in photophosphorylation NADPH donates electrons.C.Photophosphorylation occurs only in light; oxidative phosphorylation occurs only in darkness.D.In oxidative phosphorylation, O2 is reduced to H2O; in photophosphorylation, H2O is oxidized to O2. What was the significance of the Magna Carta? It effectively ended the abuses of King John for good. It initiated England's first overseas colonial venture, leading to what would become the United States. It symbolically marked the beginning of a government limited by its people. It set the precedent of equality before the law without regard to race, gender, or class. What were some of the successes of New Deal programs? What act set the requirements for tamper evident packaging for some over the counter products to avoid risk of contamination? Find 0.5D. with options [9 8] [-7 -4], [9 8] [14 8], [-18 -16] [7 4], [9 8] [7 4] Whose duty is it to ensure that policies are created to guide employees of an alcohol establishment? What are the 3 common characteristics of organization? Why did Jackie Robinson write a letter to President Eisenhower? these are false, but are not lies seen with your mind, but not your eyes a lesson learned, from words well planned search for a meaning, and understand place the following labels in order indicating the passage of sound waves through the ear and hearing apparatus starting outside the ear. suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. in a short span of time, there is a large influx of skilled immigrants, a major new discovery of oil, and a major new technological advance in electricity production. in the short run, we would expect:______ Write down the equation in slope intercept form if slope m=4 and y intercept is (0,-5). Do not leave spaces.