What act set the requirements for tamper evident packaging for some over the counter products to avoid risk of contamination?


Answer 1

The federal anti-tempering act set the requirements for tamper evident packaging for some over the counter products to avoid risk of contamination.

The federal anti-tempering act, offense to maliciously cause or attempt to cause injury or injury to any business reputation by adulterating a food, drug, cosmetic or other product.

The Food and Drug Administration has the authority under the federal food, drug and cosmetic act to establish a uniform national requirement for tamper-evident packaging of OTC drug products

That will improve the security of OTC drug packaging and help assure the safety and effectiveness of OTC drug products.

To know more about federal anti-tempering act here,



Related Questions

if a 10-year bond with a 5% coupon and a 10% yield to maturity is currently worth $692.77, how much will it be worth 1 year from now if the required rate of return goes down to 8% a. $739.10 b. $812.59 c. $712.05 d. $840.98


[tex]840.98[/tex] will it be worth 1 year from now if the required rate of return goes down to 8% .

The necessary rate of return is the minimum profit  an investor will seek or anticipate in exchange for accepting the risk of investing in a stock or other type of instrument . A project's prospective profitability in proportion to finance expenses can also be calculated using RRR.

Yield To Maturity=(Face Value/Current Bond Price)year-1



Yield to maturity (YTM), a crucial indicator used in the bond market, expresses the overall rate of return anticipated from a bond once all of its future interest payments have been made and the bond's principle has been repaid. But unlike bonds with a coupon rate, zero-coupon bonds (z-bonds) don't have recurring interest payments, therefore YTM calculations don't apply to them.

Learn more about required rate from



what is the share of income received by the fifth quintile of the income distribution of paddy's cousins? round your answer to the nearest tenth.


The fifth quintile of Paddy's cousins' income distribution's share of income is 37.9%; and that is less than what the highest quintile of the US income distribution received in 2005 as a percentage of total income.

A Quintile is 1/5 or 20% of a whole population and should not be mistaken for a Quartile which is 1/4th or 25% of a population.

The lowest quintile is the first quintile of 1/5 and the highest quintile is the fifth quintile or 5/5.

Calculating the Quintile is a necessary step in this question, followed by calculating the percentage of total income that the highest or fifth quintile represents, and finally comparing those results to information on the highest quintile of the US income distribution in 2005.

Step 1: Group into 5 and order from lowest to highest.

[tex]8,000, 14,000, 22,000-[/tex] First Quintile

[tex]26,000, 38,000, 46,000 -[/tex] Second Quintile

[tex]52,000, 54,000, 62,000 -[/tex] Third Quintile

[tex]80,000, 92,000 96,000 -[/tex] Fourth Quintile

[tex]110,000, 118,000, 132,000 -[/tex]5th Quintile

Step 2: Calculate the 5th Quintile's total and divide it by the sum of Paddy's relatives' 15 earnings.

5th Quintile[tex]= 110000+118000+132000=[/tex]$360,000

[tex]8000+14000+22000+26000+38000+46000+80000+54000+62000+80000+92000+96000+110000+118000+132000=[/tex] $950,000

5th Quintile Percentage of Income for Paddy's Cousins= 360,000/950,000= 37.9%

Step 3:Look into the percentage of the United States' overall income that the 5th Quintile received in 2005.

Principles of Economics, Chapter 14 on Poverty and Economic Inequality, among other publications, conducted the survey and has already classified the Income of the United States from 1967-2015 into Five Quintiles, despite the fact that it is fairly difficult to obtain the total income for the US in 2005.

The 5th Quintile accounts for 50.4% of the overall income according to this study, which has also been estimated.


Paddy's Cousins' 5th Quintile Income Proportion= 37.9%

In 2005, the United States' 5th Quintile Income Proportion was recorded = 50.4%

The highest quintile of Paddy's Cousins' share of income is less than the highest quintile of the U.S. income distribution in 2005.

Learn more about quintile here



Are multinational companies the same as transnational companies?


Multinational companies the and transnational companies are same in a broader perspective but have some differences too.

Multinational corporation coordinates its global operations from a centralised office and owns assets and facilities in one or more nations aside from its own. Thus, decisions have an impact on all subsidiaries worldwide. Transnational corporations without a centralised management system that operate in nations other than their own. Thus, decisions are made in accordance with the operational zone.

Both operate internationally and have overseas affiliates, both provide local services and produce locally, which has an impact on employment, living standards, and household incomes. In Operations, a transnational does not have subsidiaries in other nations, whereas multinationals do.

To learn more about Multinational and transnational refer here:



with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


With respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, Automation is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

What is automation?

By predetermining decision criteria, subprocess linkages, and related actions as well as encoding those predeterminations in machines, automation refers to a broad range of technologies that minimize human interaction in processes.

Automation refers to technological applications where the amount of human input is reduced. This encompasses personal applications including home automation, business process automation (BPA), and IT automation.

Automation can be found in a variety of applications in our daily lives, from the most basic to the most complicated.

Read more on automation here:https://brainly.com/question/11211656





abc corporation has three service departments with the following costs and activity base: service department cost activity base for allocation graphics production $200,000 number of copies made accounting 500,000 number of invoices processed personnel 400,000 number of employees abc has three operating divisions, micro, macro and super. their revenue, cost and activity information is as follows: micro macro super direct revenues $700,000 $850,000 $650,000 direct operating expenses $50,000 $70,000 $100,000 number of copies made 20,000 30,000 50,000 number of invoices processed 700 800 500 number of employees 130 145 125 what is the service department charge rate for the accounting department? a.$714 b.$625 c.$0.004 d.$250


The accounting department will be charged $250 by the service department. Thus the correct answer would be (d) $250.

A technique for calculating and allocating overhead costs based on specific activities is known as "activity-based costing." The price of the product includes the allocation of overhead expenses.

The activity-based costing formula is the cost pool total divided by the cost driver, which yields the cost driver rate..

The amount of overhead and indirect costs associated with a specific activity are determined using the cost driver rate in activity-based costing.

Here is the Activity-based costing calculation:

List all the steps needed to produce the product.Create cost pools for the activities that include the particular costs associated with each activity (such as manufacturing). The total cost of each cost pool should be determined.Assign cost drivers for each activity in the cost pool, such as hours or units.To get the cost driver rate, divide each cost pool's overall overhead by all of the cost drivers.Divide each cost pool's overall overhead by all of the cost drivers to obtain the cost driver rate.Add the number of cost drivers to the cost driver rate.

Performing these steps we got our answer as $250.

To learn more about Cost Driver Rate, Click here:



you purchased 250 shares of a particular stock at the beginning of the year at a price of $76.13. the stock paid a dividend of $1.35 per share, and the stock price at the end of the year was $82.64. what was your dollar return on this investment? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) dollar return $


After calculating the dollar return on your investment, the dollar return on this investment is $1,965.00.

To calculate the dollar return on your investment, you need to consider both the capital gain (or loss) and the dividends received.

Calculate the capital gain (or loss) per share:

Capital Gain per Share = End of Year Stock Price - Beginning of Year Stock Price

Capital Gain per Share = $82.64 - $76.13 = $6.51

Calculate the total capital gain for all shares:

Total Capital Gain = Capital Gain per Share × Number of Shares

Total Capital Gain = $6.51 × 250 = $1,627.50

Calculate the dividends received:

Dividends Received = Dividend per Share × Number of Shares

Dividends Received = $1.35 × 250 = $337.50

Calculate the dollar return on the investment:

Dollar Return = Total Capital Gain + Dividends Received

Dollar Return = $1,627.50 + $337.50 = $1,965.00

Therefore, the dollar return on this investment is $1,965.00.

Learn more about investment here:



in a business process, a role refers to . group of answer choices the movement of data a collection of data a physical repository a collection of activities


A role in a business process denotes a group of tasks.

A business process, business method, or business function is a collection of related, structured actions or tasks carried out by either humans or machines in a predetermined sequence to provide a service or a product for a particular customer or customers. There are business processes that customers may or may not be able to perceive at all organisational levels. A flowchart of an ordered series of stages with intermediate decision points or a process matrix of an ordered series of steps with relevance criteria based on process data are two common visual representations of business processes. Utilizing business procedures can improve client satisfaction and your capacity to react rapidly to shifting market circumstances.

Learn more about business  from



this was a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.


This was a federally backed business that offers deposit protection for deposits placed with national banks and particular other financial institutions up to a predetermined limit. Boost the reputation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Describe the FDIC.

A national bank in the US is a commercial bank that has been granted a charter by the US Treasury. Ethnic banks, sometimes known as "principal banks," are dependent on the global governments themselves on a global scale. National banks acknowledge that their local Federal Reserve Bank may make ordinary transactions easier.

Banks, trust associations, security guests, share-of-profit companies, and investment dealers are only a few of the financial institutions that enclose a wide range of business operations inside the fiscal aids subdivision. Financial institutions can vary in terms of their size, viewpoint, and location.

To know more about financial institutions visit:-



argonia imposes a total ban on importing sugar from paldia. what type of trade restrictions has argonia used?


The import of sugar from Paldia is completely prohibited in Argonian.  trade sanctions has Argos employed embargo.

The voluntary exchange of commodities or services between economic players is referred to as trade. Since interactions are voluntary, trade is typically thought to be advantageous to both sides. Trading in finance is the buying and selling of securities or other assets. Trade is the act of transferring commodities or services between individuals, businesses, or nations. Any action conducted to generate income from the sale of goods or the provision of services falls under the definition of commerce or business. It is not restricted to integrated aggregates of assets, operations, and goodwill that constitute businesses for the purposes of other Internal Revenue Code sections.

Learn more about trade from



the difference between accounting profit and economic profit relates to group of answer choices the manner in which revenues are defined. how marginal revenue is calculated. the manner in which costs are defined. the price of the good in the market.


The difference between accounting profit and economic profit relates to d) the manner in which costs are defined.

An alternate use of a company's resources is taken into account while manufacturing goods and services to determine economic profit. It includes opportunity expenses incurred over that time and deducts explicit expenditures from revenue.

Implicit costs, which are often the costs of a company's resources, are also part of the equation. Earned profit, net income, and bottom line are further terms for accounting profit.

Accounting profit, as opposed to economic profit, is disclosed on an organization's income statement. According to generally accepted accounting standards, it is the amount left over from total revenue or total sales after certain costs and expenses have been deducted (GAAP).

To know more about accounting profit:



what drp category would a business function fall under if an organization could last without that function for up to 30 days before the business was severely impacted?


DRP category of Necessary for normal processing would fall under if an organization could last without that function for up to 30 days before the business was severely impacted.

What is DRP?

Following a natural or man-made disaster, like a storm or battle, disaster recovery is the process of preserving or reestablishing crucial infrastructure and processes. It uses rules, resources, and methods. Making preparations to ensure the prompt restoration of information technology assets and services in the event of a disaster like a fire, flood, or hardware malfunction. A DRP's goal is to make sure that an organization is prepared to respond to a disaster or other event that affects information systems while minimizing the impact on daily operations. A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a written, organized strategy that outlines how a company can quickly restart operations following an unanticipated occurrence. A business continuity plan must include a DRP (BCP).

To learn more about DRP click on the given link:



What are the 3 types of savings?


The deposit account, the money market account, and the certificate of deposit are the three types of savings.

For short-term objectives and emergency finances, deposit account work best.If you require greater freedom, money market accounts are the ideal choice.The greatest place to keep money you won't need soon is in a CD (Certificate of Deposit)

Certificate of Deposit demands that you deposit a set sum of money over a set period of time. For the entire time, you receive a set interest rate. The advantage of this is that your rate won't change even if interest rates are reduced at the federal level.

Generally speaking, interest rates rise with term length. Once the CD is opened, additional money cannot be added.

To learn more about Certificate of Deposit click here:



a company's plans to safeguard company assets and enhance the reliability and accuracy of accounting information are referred to as


Companies adhere to internal control rules to protect their assets and improve the integrity and dependability of their accounting records.

Internal control is a procedure for ensuring that an organization's objectives in operational effectiveness and efficiency, accurate financial reporting, and compliance with laws, rules, and policies are met, according to the definitions of accounting and auditing. Internal control is a comprehensive notion that encompasses all aspects of risk management for a company. It is a method for managing, tracking, and evaluating an organization's resources. At the organisational level, internal control objectives relate to the accuracy of financial reporting, prompt feedback on the accomplishment of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. It plays a significant role in identifying and preventing fraud and protecting the organization's resources, both tangible and intangible. Internal controls at the transactional level refer to the steps taken to accomplish a certain goal.

Learn more about Internal control  from



In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?
Question 3 options:
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Green Hydrogen
Direct Air Capture
Long-duration Energy Storage


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, funds are being invested in the creation of technology that will enable the generation of sustainable aviation fuel from biological sources, such as city trash. The right response in this case is option A.

The conversion of municipal garbage and other biological inputs into replacement jet fuel makes it a sustainable aviation fuel that contributes to environmental cleanliness. In order to power airplanes, replacement jet fuel is also needed.

The Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case study shows how funds are being used to develop technologies that transform biological inputs like municipal waste into ecologically beneficial aviation fuel.

To learn more about biological sources



vasilli sells used cars which he buys from rental agencies. the agencies usually require part of the payment upfront or proof that payment will be made on delivery. because vasilli has been in business for many years, and has used the same bank for his business for the entire time he has been in business, he works out an agreement with his banker that the bank will advance him funds for a short term at prime interest rate plus one percent without collateral because he has a good credit rating. what kind of transaction did vasilli enter into with the bank?


Vasilli transacted with the bank on an unsecured bank loan.

What kind of short-term loans do businesses sell?

Commercial paper is the name for unsecured, short-term debt issued by corporations. This technique is widely used to fund short-term commitments like as payroll, accounts payable, and inventories. Short-term term loans, intermediate-term term loans, and long-term term loans are the three categories into which term loans can be categorized.

What kind of loan is most typical?

For many borrowers today, conventional loans are the most prevalent type of mortgage. They provide reasonable rates, a variety of options for down payments, and flexible terms. Since many conventional loans meet the requirements set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they are referred to as "conforming loans."

To know more about Bank loans visit:-



pert is a network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity duration estimates. group of answer choices true false


The statement is True: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)is a network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity duration estimates.

Using the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), it is possible to identify a different Critical Path Method by looking at the tasks in a schedule (CPM). To calculate the bare minimum time needed to finish a project, it examines the length of time needed to finish each task and the dependencies that go along with it. It predicts how long each action will likely take, how long it will probably take, and how long it might take if it takes longer than anticipated. On the Polaris nuclear submarine project, the US Navy created the approach in 1957 to assess the time and resources needed to run a project.

Program Evaluation and Review Technique Analysis provides Program Managers and project staff with information on the project's tasks and an anticipated time estimate for each activity. A Program Manager will be able to estimate the lowest amount of time needed to accomplish the full project by using this information. This aids in the development of more accurate cost and schedule estimates.

To know more about Program Evaluation and Review Technique:



some people argue that unpaid internships should be illegal. in what ways is an unpaid internship part of a poverty trap?


High-quality unpaid internships can pave the way for eventual, higher-paying employment. People without finances frequently find it difficult to take an unpaid internship.

A college grad who participated in an internship increases their lifetime likelihood of working by double. There is no denying an internship's significant impact. The issue is that only one-third of American college graduates reach this benchmark, and there is still a significant equity gap when it comes to internship experiences. Although there are several causes for this, the fundamental problem is the acceptance of unpaid internships as a standard practice. They need to be eliminated right away.

Unpaid internships exacerbate racial and economic gaps around one of the most crucial experiences for a student's growth and preparedness for the workforce. Furthermore, the practice should no longer be accepted or permitted by any student, institution, or business. It is incumbent upon us all to put an end to behaviors that exacerbate issues like racism and the widening socioeconomic gap that the nation is experiencing. Various initiatives to expand apprenticeship possibilities, provide free community college, and eliminate degree requirements for professions are picking up steam in the name of enhancing diversity talent pipelines and work-readiness. The elimination of unpaid internships should be one of our top priority in public policy.

To know more about internship:



when the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from s1 to s2,


In this market, the price cap is in effect, and the supply curve for gasoline changes from s1 to s2. When P2 becomes the new market price, there will be a shortage.

Which supply curve for gasoline switches from S1 to S2 when the price ceiling is in effect in this market?

Gasoline will be in limited supply at the new market price of P2 when the price ceiling takes effect in this market and the supply curve moves from S1 to S2. produce a labor shortage, increase unemployment, and have a significant impact on the teenage labor market. Think about Figure 6-21.

What transpires when the price ceiling rises?

When an effective price ceiling is established, excess demand and a lack of supply are brought about because producers are hesitant to sell at a lower price and customers want more affordable goods. Deadweight loss is consequently produced.

To Know more about market price,



marketing activities amount to about one-half of every dollar that consumers spend. t or f


It is accurate to claim that marketing expenditures account for around half of every dollar that customers spend.

In marketing, what does the pricing mean?

Price is defined as the value assigned to a service or product and is the outcome of a challenging set of computations, research, and risk-taking skills. A pricing strategy considers factors such as market conditions, consumer willingness to pay, competition activity, trade margins, and input prices, among others.

Which four categories of pricing are there?

What are the four main pricing approaches? Based on the business and industry model in issue, value-based, competition-based, price, and price optimization are all models that are widely utilized.

To know more  about trade margins visit:



in the simple deposit expansion model, if the required reserve ratio is 10 percent and the fed increases reserves by $100, checkable deposits can potentially expand by


In the simple deposit expansion model, if the required reserve ratio is 10 percent and the fed increases reserves by $100, checkable deposits can potentially expand by $1,000.

What is reserve ratio?

Simply dividing the amount of money, a bank must keep in reserve by the amount of money it has on deposit yields the required reserve ratio.

The amount of reservable liabilities that commercial banks must keep onto rather than lend out or invest is known as the reserve ratio. The central bank of the nation, in this case the Federal Reserve in the United States, sets this criterion.

What occurs when there are no reserves required?

The Fed will enhance excess reserves and, as a result, the pool of liquid assets eligible to meet supervisory requirements and expectations, dollar for dollar, by lowering reserve requirements.

To know more about reserve ratio, click here- brainly.com/question/13758092


The collective skills, knowledge, or other intangible assets of individuals that can be used to create economic value for the individuals, their employers, or their community.a. Trueb. False


Human capital is the sum of an individual's talents, knowledge, or other intangible assets that can be used to generate economic value for the individual, their employer, or their community.

Human capital is the knowledge, skills, and health they invest in and accumulate throughout the course of their lives.

An economy's human capital can help it grow. Improvements in participation rates, social well-being, and productivity result from increases in human capital in areas like research, education, and management, all of which support economic growth.

The expansion of human capital boosts output levels and encourages economic growth by raising GDP. Knowledgeable and competent workers can make better use of available resources.

Learn more about Human capital here:



do neoliberal theorists believe that markets without state interference lead to the best economic outcomes.


Neoliberalism involves the belief that greater economic freedom leads to greater economic and social progress for individuals.

The policies of neoliberalism regularly support financial somberness, liberation, free trade, privatization, and a decrease in government spending.

Neoliberalism is often connected with the economic policies of Margaret Thatcher in the Assembled Kingdom and Ronald Reagan in the US.

There are numerous reactions of neoliberalism, including its likely risk to democracy, laborers' freedoms, and sovereign countries' on the right track to self-determination.

It's likewise been blamed for giving organizations a lot of force and worsening economic inequality.

Nonetheless, neoliberal initiatives concerning free trade, industry liberation, income expense and capital gains tax reductions all had bipartisan help.

to know more about privatization click here:



a benefit that comes from something that could be quantified in monetary terms is known as what kind of incentive?


A benefit that comes from something that could be quantified in monetary terms is known as financial kind of incentive.

What is financial incentive?

A financial incentive provided to promote behaviour or behaviours that would not otherwise occur. Financial rewards encourage behaviour that might not otherwise take place without them. It serves as a tool for the State's policymaking. Financial incentives drive workers and make them aware of what they stand to gain or lose depending on their performance when they are effectively conveyed.

Why is monetary incentive crucial?

People frequently change professions for financial reasons, thus offering financial incentives might aid businesses in keeping their best workers. These initiatives can help improve accountability and the perception of compensation disparities as being fair.

To know more about financial incentive, click here- brainly.com/question/29617427


because gaps can influence attitudes and performance, it is important for managers to reduce gaps between espoused values and what other type of values?


Managers must strive to eliminate the discrepancy among their espoused and enacted principles. since they have a big impact on how employees feel and how well a corporation does

Because they have a big impact on staff sentiments and organisation effectiveness, managers must work to close the gap among principles that are declared and those that are actually practiced.

The beliefs and standards that are explicitly proclaimed as desirable by an enterprise are referred to as espoused values. Unobserved heterogeneity fundamental presumptions form the basis of corporate structure.

Clan cultures place more emphasis on internal goals and openness than stability and control. It mimics a family-style organization that fosters cooperation, trust, and support among staff members to achieve effectiveness.

What phrase describes the degree to which your character and ideals align with the environment and culture of an organization?

Person-organization fit refers to how well your temperament and ideals align with the tone and culture of a company.

To know more about espoused principles  click here



payroll taxes are 6.2%, and medicare taxes are 2.9%. if your employer owes you $665, approximately how much will you get after these deductions? $604.49 $60.52 $41.23 $19.29


After deducting tax, the total money in hand is $604.49.

What is a payroll tax deduction?

Payroll deductions are wages withdrawn from an employee's total earnings to pay taxes, garnishments, and benefits such as health insurance. These withholdings indicate the difference between gross and net pay and may include the following: Income taxation social security tax Standard payroll deductions are those required by law. Among these are federal income taxes, Social Security, Medicare, state income taxes, and court-ordered garnishments.


Amount owed by employee before tax deduction = $665

Payroll tax = $665×6.2%

= $41.23

Medicare tax = $665×2.9%

= $19.285

After deducting taxes the amount owed by the employee,

=$665 - ($41.23 + $19.285)

=$665 - $60.515



To learn more about the payroll tax deduction, click



a craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers. group startstrue or false


A craft union's bargaining power depends greatly on the control it can exercise over the supply of its workers. Thus, the given statement is true.

What was the goal of the craft union?

Craft unions were founded in Britain and the United States in the middle of the 19th century to better pay and working conditions. They have control over the availability of skilled labor, and this control is upheld through licensing and apprenticeship programs.

A local craft union works to unite all of its members under the banner "One craft, one union" (e.g., plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, ironworkers, carpenters, machinists, and printers). Some craft unions expanded to incorporate talents unrelated to the primary craft from which they sprang.

Learn more about craft union, here:



thailand and malaysia are trading partners. if the price level in thailand decreases relative to the price level in malaysia, what will happen to thailand’s exports to malaysia and thailand’s aggregate demand?


Thailand's exports rise together with the country's overall demand. A drop in price level has little impact on aggregate supply over the long term.

Long-term adjustments to prices and wages maintain real values, such as real production and the real wage, constant.

Domestic spending will grow when domestic items become more affordable relative to imported ones at a lower price level. Correct.

As productivity rises or the cost of essential inputs decreases, the aggregate supply curve moves to the right, allowing for a combination of lower inflation, more production, and reduced unemployment.

Learn more about to trading partners visit here;



knowledge check 01 on january 1, year 1, canseco plumbing fixtures purchased equipment for $52,000. residual value at the end of an estimated four-year service life is expected to be $4,000. the company uses the straight-line method. for how much would each item below be reported at the end of year 3?


Each of the items below would be required to report $ 16,000 at the end of year three because the predicted residual value after a four-year service life is $4,000 per item.

Salvage minus cost is equal to 48,000 minus 52,000.

4 years is the estimated usable life. Dep. per year in a straight line Dep. per year = cost - estimated useful life / salvage, which equals 48,000 / 12,000 annually.

Three years later,

1: 12,000 in depreciation costs

2: Accumulated depreciation is 12,000 times three, or 36,000.

3: BOOK VALUE is calculated as the purchase price minus the outstanding debt, which is 52,000 – 36,000 or $16,000.

The estimated value of a fixed asset at the end of its lease term or usable life is the residual value, commonly referred to as salvage value. In lease agreements, the residual value is one of the lessor's main methodologies for calculating the lessee's periodic lease payments. A common guideline is that an asset's residual value decreases as its usable life or lease period lengthens.

Industry-specific residual value calculations vary, but their fundamental meaning is always the same. In capital budgeting projects, residual values represent the price at which an asset can be sold after the company has stopped using it or when it is no longer possible to estimate the asset's future cash flows.

Learn more about residual value here



Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
a. penalties and damages.
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc. has a plant at Estuary Bay. Waste discharged from the plant into the water may result in  penalties and damages. Thus, option A is correct.

What are the penalties and damages?

Penalty is a sanction applied in the form of punishment for the parties' violation, whereas damages are an agreed sum of money that the parties agree to pay in the case of breach.

Penalties are not appropriate recompense, although damages are. Damages are a punishment if the amount established is irrespective of the actual loss, and is given to deter the other party from breaching the contract.

Therefore, Penalties and damages may be imposed if waste from the facility is dumped into the water. As a result, option A is right.

Learn more about penalties, refer to:



the newspaper headline in december, 2019, that the fed took no action on the federal funds rate indicates that select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a there appears to be no or little risk of inflation. b the risk of inflation is high. c the unemployment rate has fallen even farther. d the unemployment rate has risen.


The Fed's dual mandate's two components are beginning to square off against one another. Maintaining low inflation and ensuring the greatest number of Americans are employed are the Federal Reserve's two primary responsibilities. The Fed has a "dual mandate," as a result.

What course of action is the Federal Reserve most likely to pursue if it fears rising inflation as a result of the exceptionally rapid economic expansion?

By increasing interest rates to lower demand for goods, services, and labor, the Federal Reserve has responded to rising inflation. If interest rates are raised sufficiently, output and employment will decline, price and money wage fluctuations will be more gradual, and finally core price inflation will decline.

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which government agency, established during the great depression, still protects consumer savings today? which type of rigid transformation is the equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines? energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp. t or f there are no logical responses to the problem of evil which causes most secularists to reject christianity. t or f The diamond-water paradox is the observation thatA) those things that have the greatest value in use often have little value in exchange and those things that have little value in use often have the greatest value in exchange.B) those things that have the greatest price often have little value in exchange and those things that have the lowest price often have the greatest value in exchange.C) those things that have the least price often have little value in exchange and those things that have the greatest price often have the greatest value in exchange.D) those things that have the least value in use often have little value in exchange and those things that have the greatest value in use often have the greatest value in exchange. Find the 64th tent of the arithmetic sequence -3, -14 -25. Why do orcas like cold water? A class of 25 students wants to perform this play. Which role in the play can have a flexible number of performers? If there are countless billions of stars and galaxies out there, then why does the night sky appear mostly black? The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because ________. suppose that both firms start off by deciding not to advertise. if the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing? 100 points crown if you answer all of these and explain your answerThe angles of a triangle are equal to 5x + 10, 8x 20 and 3x + 30. Find the value of xThe acute angles of a right triangle measure (48 x ) and (3x 10). What is the value of Triangle ABC is a right scalene triangle. If = 72, what is the measure of A?An obtuse isosceles triangle contains an angle that measures 162. What is the measure of another interior angle within this triangle?The angles of a triangle are equal to 5x, 2x + 8, and 3x + 12. What is the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle?The angles of a triangle are equal to x, x + 4 and 20. What is the measure of the largest angle of the triangle? For each binomial probability statement below determine the corresponding normal distribution probability statement after a continuity correction. P(x> 118); P(x 118)? What is the length of term for a President ? a gas-turbine power plant operates on the simple brayton cycle with air as the working fluid and delivers 32 mw of power. the minimum and maximum temperatures in the cycle are 310 and 900 k, and the pressure of the air at the compressor exit is 8 times the value at the compressor inlet. assuming an isentropic efficiency of 79 percent for the compressor and 83 percent for the turbine, determine the mass flow rate of air through the cycle. account for variation of specific heats with temperature by using the ideal gas tables to determine properties. what is the overall cycle thermal efficiency? "samara wants to increase the amount of dietary fiber in her diet. what types of foods should she choose? The length of time for which a business summarizes financial information and reports its financial performance is called :__________ What is a theme * Your answer? the price of coffe beans use to make coffee has decreased. at the same time, the price of cream (a compliment good) has increased. given these two effects, what will happen to the current equilibrium quantity and price of coffee? a well-diversified portfolio has negligible: multiple choice expected return. systematic risk. unsystematic risk. variance. both unsystematic risk; and variance