which type of therapy describes a type of treatment that consists of one or more verbal interactions between a therapist and a client and is used to help people understand and resolve their psychological problems?


Answer 1

People with a wide range of mental diseases and emotional challenges can benefit from psychotherapy, sometimes known as talk therapy. Psychotherapy can assist in reducing or managing bothersome symptoms so that a person can perform better.

The impact of trauma, disease, or loss, such as the loss of a loved one, as well as specific mental disorders like depression or anxiety are all issues that psychotherapy can help with. Psychotherapy comes in a variety of forms, and some of them may be more effective for particular concerns or problems than others. Medication or other therapies can be combined with psychotherapy. Therapy can benefit both children and adults and can be provided in an individual, family, couple, or group context. Sessions normally last 30 to 50 minutes and are offered once per week. Psychotherapy requires active participation from the patient as well as the therapist.

Learn more about Psycho-therapy  here:



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Need help as fast as possible save me pls


According to the text, the author argues that British imperialism in India gave another face to this country because it developed its industry and improved the living conditions of its citizens.

What is the text talking about?

The text summarizes the advantages or improvements that the British Empire made in India during its intervention in this country. In general, it highlights the different aspects that improved in this process. For example, he mentions that the factories began to compete on a par with those of Great Britain. Additionally, it mentions that the living, transportation and sanitation conditions were improved.

What is the author's point of view?

According to the text information it can be inferred that the author's point of view refers to India improving in various aspects during the imperial intervention of the British Empire. In general, he highlights the improvements that have been made in this country, including sanitation, improvement in living and industrial conditions.

This position is controversial because many thinkers argue that colonial relations were not beneficial to the dominated nation because the powers used the colonies as deposits of resources without giving them anything in return.

Learn more about British colony in India in: https://brainly.com/question/26488741


Jane, a senior in high school, finds a diary she kept her freshman year. Reading through it, she laughs at an event she’d chronicled as "the most embarrassing moment in her life," an event she hardly remembers now. What part of her brain has developed more fully in the intervening time to change her perspective?
a. Limbic system
b. Amygdala
c. Hindbrain
d. Prefrontal cortex


Jane, a senior in high school, finds a diary she kept during her freshman year. Reading through it, she laughs at an event she’d chronicled as "the most embarrassing moment in her life," an event she hardly remembers now. What part of her brain has developed more fully in the intervening time to change her perspective: Prefrontal cortex.

Dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which plays a key role in cognitive control processes, controls cognitive control, which in turn affects attention, impulse control, prospective memory, and cognitive flexibility. The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that controls reasoning, problem-solving, comprehension, impulse control, creativity, and persistence. Even relatively low levels of acute, unmanageable stress can result in a sharp decline in prefrontal cognitive functions, and longer-term stress exposure alters the architecture of prefrontal dendrites. Through projections that activate systems of excitation and inhibition in other cortices and subcortical regions, the prefrontal cortex can direct behavior.

The ability to concentrate on important inputs and tune out distractions is disrupted by lateral prefrontal cortex pathology, which is found in schizophrenia.

Learn more about Prefontal Cortex here: https://brainly.com/question/12612764


both, j.j. rousseau and dalai lama see compassion as an important facet of interpersonal relationships, where do they differ?


According to academics who study emotions, it is the sensation you have when you witness someone else's suffering and are moved to try to alleviate it.

The major difference lies in the fact that there approach differed in compassion via three different lenses: organization, narrative, and interpersonal work.

According to Rousseau, the potentially harmful impulse to extend oneself and display indications of authority can be usefully expressed via compassion.

Rousseau, who believed in the malleability of human nature, asserts that good laws produce good citizens. He also holds the views that good laws must be desired by good citizens and that the assembly must approve them in order for them to be valid.

What is said about compassion by the Dalai Lama?

"Love and compassion are not extras; they are essentials. Humanity cannot thrive without them." "Helping others is our main goal in this life. Don't injure them at least if you can't assist them."

To know more about Compassion here



josh exhibits clinging behavior, submissiveness, and fears of separation. he likely has which personality disorder?


Josh displays clingy behavior, is very submissive, has a hard time making decisions on his own, and is afraid of being parted from his friends and family. He undoubtedly has dependent personality disorder.

A specific form of anxious personality disorder is dependent personality disorder (DPD). People with DPD frequently experience helplessness, submission, or an inability to care for oneself. Simple decisions could be challenging for them. But with assistance, a person with a dependent personality can develop their self-assurance and independence. The dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of ten different categories of personality disorders. People with personality disorders see changes in their behavior throughout time as a result of how they think or act.

Both men and women can have this personality disorder, which typically manifests itself in early adulthood or later as significant adult relationships start to take shape.

learn more about dependent personality disorder here:



What reasoning did some critics use when calling for the repeal of the 22nd amendment?.



it removes competent executives from office without good cause.


Some critics want the 22nd Amendment repealed because  Supporters of Roosevelt's four terms in office argue that flexibility was important in times of crisis such as during World War II and the Great Depression.

consistency bias suppression information accuracy correctability representativeness and voice are the six determinants of


consistency bias suppression information accuracy correctability representativeness and voice are the six determinants of procedural justice

The concept of procedural justice is concerned with fair processes and how people's perceptions of fairness are significantly influenced by the caliber of their experiences, not only by the outcomes of those encounters. The criminal justice system, educational settings, and supervisor-employee relationships inside corporations are just a few of the contexts where the procedural justice idea has been used. The majority of procedural justice research in the context of criminal justice has been on citizen-police interactions.

Our research has shown for years that establishing confidence and boosting the authority of law enforcement officials in communities depends on procedural justice. As a result, it significantly affects both public safety and officer effectiveness. The everyday contacts between members of the community and law enforcement, which receive less attention, also have an impact on how people see the police in the long run, even as publicly publicized abuses of authority by police personnel increase mistrust and undermine legitimacy.

To know more about  procedural justice:



Using the sources and your knowledge of social studies, identify two different challenges faced by louisiana as it became a state and explain why each challenge had to be overcome in order for louisiana to be admitted to the union as a state.


The border disputes between Louisiana and Spain had to be settled in order to form properly specified political boundaries and avoid further problems with Spain, but there were also many difficulties.

What is the dispute process?

There are two main categories of dispute settlement procedures: adjudicative procedures when the result is decided by a judge, jury, or arbitrator, such as mediation or arbitration. methods that include agreement between the parties, such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, or collaborative law.

What is the point of contention?

Any dispute about one of the terms as well as conditions of the Contract is referred to as a Disputed Issue. Any such disagreement will not be appealable to a court, unless a party wishes to request that a court order the enforcement of an arbitration judgment made pursuant to this agreement.

To know more about disputes visit:



a person has a recurring dream of losing her dog. in her dream, she panics and looks for her dog everywhere. this dream is interpreted to reflect the patients emotional stress over losing her mother, who is terminally ill. which is an examply of latent content


The most important part of latent content is Feeling stress about her mother's illness.

The actual literal subject matter of the dream is known as its manifest content, whilst the symbols' hidden meanings are known as its latent content. The latent content of a dream was much more important to Freud and other psychoanalysts than the literal, visible content. According to Freud, the mind is similar to an iceberg.

The latent content is how Freud expressed his dream hypothesis. Freud argued that the dreamer disguised repressed desires as unusual manifest material in an effort known as dreamwork in order to prevent awakening and avoid uncomfortable realization of suppressed desires.

Psychoanalytic theory's concept of unconscious desires expressed through dream or fantasy in symbolic representation.

To know more about Latent content here



during which prelinguistic stage does the child begin to communicate to adults through imitation games with vocal productions?


The first words typically appear during the prelinguistic stage, which lasts from birth to twelve months.

The first words typically appear during the prelinguistic stage, which lasts from birth to twelve months. Parents must be aware of a number of significant occurrences at this stage.

The baby communicates through crying from birth, which indicates that the baby does not like something, that they are hungry, that they are tired, and that they are sleepy. The parents' response to the baby crying will provide security in the future and help them understand their needs and feelings.

Towards the end of the second and third months of life, chirping, or guttural sounds at the end of the throat such as "agu," "ago," and certain cries, begin to appear, allowing the infants to discover and experiment with their own voice.

This is characterized by a combination of vowel and consonant sounds characterized by sounds of maximum articulatory opposition using an occlusive sound such as the P and an open vowel such as the A. It is for this reason that you hear your baby repeatedly articulating syllables such as ta-ta-ta or pa-pa. Between the fifth and sixth month, reduplicative babbling occurs. This is characterized by sounds of maximum articulatory.

To know more about prelinguistic stage, visit:-



two aspects of family closeness during adolescence include . group of answer choices openness and control support and connectedness connectedness and authority communication and autonomy


Two aspects of family closeness during adolescence include  support and connectedness.

Adolescence is the stage between childhood and adulthood from ages 10 to 19. It is a unique stage in human development and a critical period that lays the foundation for good health. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive, and psychosocial growth.

Puberty begins with the onset of physiologically normal puberty and ends with the acceptance of adult identity and behavior. This developmental period roughly corresponds to the period from her 10 years to her 19 years corresponding to the World Health Organization definition of puberty.

Puberty is a period of rapid growth and pubertal change. Teenagers grow a few inches over a period of months, followed by a period of very slow growth followed by another period of rapid growth. Pubertal changes (maturation of the genitalia) occur gradually. In some cases, multiple signs may become visible at the same time.

Learn more about Adolescence  here:



What were the reasons motives for the introduction of slavery at the Cape?


The primary motive for the introduction of slavery at the Cape was economic.

The Economic Motives Behind the Introduction of Slavery at the CapeThe Dutch East India Company (VOC) saw the potential to use enslaved people as a cheap source of labor to develop the colony. They also saw potential to use them as a source of profit, as they could be sold to other settlers or sent back to the Netherlands. In addition, the VOC sought to use slavery as a way to control the local population and maintain order in the colony. Finally, slavery was seen as a way to enforce religious and cultural norms, as the majority of the enslaved people were non-Christian and non-Dutch.

Learn more about slavery at the Cape at: https://brainly.com/question/26012187


Which piece of legislation increases the number of eligible voters by decreasing the voting age to 18 ?


The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in July 1971,  decrease the voting  age for citizens of the United States from 21 to 18.

"...neither the United States of America nor any State shall deny or impede the right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older to vote on grounds of age." Section I of the United States Constitution, Amendment 26. Since World War II, there has been sentiment to decrease the country's voting age. President Roosevelt wanted to expand the nation's military as American involvement in the conflict grew, so he decreased the draft age for males from 21 to 18 years old. The idea that young men may fight and die for their nation but not take part in its most basic political process, voting, horrified many.

learn more about voting age here:




B.) Twenty-Sixth

Can I lose my U.S. citizenship if I live abroad?


If a US citizen lives outside US, then it is not necessary that he/ she may lose their citizenship, however there are few conditions to be obliged carefully.

A person can retain their original citizenship by living some other foreign country. Also, there are no harsh penalties if a person lives abroad. While the normal limit one can stay abroad and retain citizenship and lawful residence in US is a year, however there are specified exemptions if the person is a military's personnel, government employee or secret agent. The citizenship can be revoked if it is found that the process of acquiring citizenship is fraudulent. Many times people misuse green card to get permanent citizenship of US by marriages which comes under marriage fraud. The person may lose their US citizenship if they become part of foreign land military services, or voluntary give up their citizenship or acquire dual citizenship.

Learn more about citizenship at:



a personality disorder is characterized by: question 8 options: depression. hallucinations. inflexible and enduring patterns of social behavior. an elevated level of autonomic nervous system activity.


A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people.

personality is the function sets of behaviors, cognitions, and emotional patterns which can be shaped from organic and environmental factors, and which change over time.[1][2] at the same time as there may be no commonly agreed-upon definition of character, maximum theories attention on motivation and mental interactions with the environment one is surrounded by using.[3] Trait-based totally character theories, including those defined by means of Raymond Cattell, define personality as traits that expect an character's behavior. however, extra behaviorally-primarily based techniques define personality through learning and habits. although, maximum theories view character as rather strong.

Learn more about personality here



which of the following is true of sleep? select one: a. people can adapt to only a couple hours of sleep a night and still function well. b. children need less sleep than adults do because adults do more work throughout the day. c. sleep deprivation is associated with better attention and memory. d. many studies show that sleep is a common problem for college students.


The true statement about sleep is that many studies show that sleep is a common problem for college students. Hence, the correct option is (D).

What is Sleep?

Sleep is a period during which the brain is engaged in a number of activities necessary to life and also linked to the quality of life. Basically, sleep is a sedentary state of mind and body. Humans also need enough sleep every day and doctors recommend that humans need at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day. One of the main reasons for the importance of sleep is to regenerate body cells that are damaged during our activities. However, many studies show that many college students have difficulty sleeping and stress is the main cause of it.

Learn more about the importance of sleep at https://brainly.com/question/2880016


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self.
a. self-consistency
b. self-enhancement
c. self-justification
d. self-reference


The self-reference effect describes how connecting knowledge to oneself improves long-term memory.

What is the self-reference effect, and why is it useful?

The Self-Reference Effect claims people recall information more easily when it's relevant to them. Our brains encode individualized information differently, resulting in improved memory, learning, and persuasion. Several studies have revealed that buyers are more likely to respond to advertisements when the models look like them. "Self-referencing is just the process of linking knowledge with yourself," Sheila explains. This is a valuable tool for enhancing memory because when you process information while identifying it with yourself, you are more likely to recall the knowledge than when you process it in reference to someone else.

To know more about self-reference effect visit:



Habakkuk prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people.t/f


FALSE. Habakkuk was not prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion.

The Book of Habakkuk, the eighth of the twelve minor prophets collected in the Hebrew Bible, contains the prophecies and prayers of Habakkuk, a prophet active circa 612 BC. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all hold him in high regard. Habakkuk is almost entirely described in the Bible book of the same name; little other biographical information is given other than the designation "the prophet." He has been mentioned over the ages in the context of Christian and Rabbinic tradition outside of the Bible. Except for what is written in the Bible book that bears his name and any conclusions that may be derived from it, very nothing is known about Habakkuk.

To know more about Habakkuk:



The fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make.a. trueb. false


True, The fundamental attribution error is indeed a default attribution that all people make.

Fundamental attribution error (FAE), also referred to as correspondence bias or attribution effect in social psychology, is the propensity for people to overemphasize dispositional and personality-based explanations for an individual's observed behavior while underplaying situational and environmental explanations. This effect is known as "the inclination to believe that what people do reflects who they are," which refers to the tendency to overattribute people's actions or words to their personalities and under attribute them to the circumstances or context. The mistake is in assuming that someone's actions are exclusively indicative of their personality rather than that they are partly indicative of it and primarily motivated by external factors.

To learn more about Fundamental attribution error, follow the below link:



How does William Howard Russell's use of imagery in paragraph 36, which describes the Union
Army's retreat, contribute to the central ideas of the piece? Cite evidence in your answer.


The combat seemed more vivid and alive because to William Howard Russell's account of being close to the action, being engulfed by the Federal troops who were being routed and fleeing, and his return to Washington.

Who is William Howard Russell?

One of the first contemporary war journalists was an Irish reporter for The Times named Sir William Howard Russell, CVO.

The narrative of the conflict by William Howard Russell was vivid and striking. Despite not being present during the combat, William Howard Russell's story of being near to the action, being engulfed by the Federal troops who were being routed and retreating, and his return to Washington gave the conflict a more vivid and alive feel than the other reports. His certainty that the Federals will retreat to Centreville, regroup, and launch another onslaught enthralls the readers. Even after the retreating soldiers informed him that they had been routed, he was unable to accept it because it didn't seem that horrible.

To know more about Union Army's retreat, visit:



The andrea gail is battered by all kinds of severe weather, but what was it that finally sinks the boat?


According to Flaherty's view, the Andrea Gail either had low fuel levels or its gasoline had been "washed off" in the choppy water. Flaherty asserts that the boat's erratic motion might have contributed to the sinking by reducing the fuel's ability to transport silt, rust, or algae.

During the Perfect Storm of 1991, the commercial fishing vessel F/V Andrea Gail capsized at sea, killing everybody on board. From Gloucester, Massachusetts, the boat's six-person crew had been fishing in the North Atlantic Ocean.

The chopper then searches for Andrea Gail but is forced to ditch due to fuel exhaustion. In truth, three Tamaroa crew members whose tiny inflatable craft was destroyed in an effort to reach the sailboat were also saved by Moore's Coast Guard helicopter from Air Station Cape Cod.

To learn more about boats



What is political advertising class 7 Brainly?


Campaign advertising in politics refers to the use of a media-based advertising campaign to sway political discourse and, ultimately, voters.

Political advertising includes all displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, tabloid articles, flyers, letters, radio or television appearances, digital or social media advertising, or other forms of mass communication used to solicit votes or other forms of support for an election campaign, whether directly or indirectly.

Most political advertising must have a notice identifying the source of funding (sponsor identification). Additionally, the sponsor ID notice must be displayed in accordance with the law.

The amount of money spent on advertising, which candidates or ballot initiatives benefited from the advertising, and, in some situations, the date the advertising was displayed to the public are all things that campaigns and the majority of other advertising sponsors are required to report to the PDC.

To know more about political advertising:



lan has no idea what she just read in her text because she was thinking about how hungry she is and what she is going to have for dinner. this is a real-world example of


lan has no idea what she just read in her text because she was thinking about how hungry she is and what she is going to have for dinner. this is a real-world example of inattentional blindness.    

Blindness is a loss of vision. it could also confer with a lack of imaginative and prescient that can't be corrected with glasses or touch lenses. Partial blindness method you have got very constrained imaginative and prescient. complete blindness way you can not see some thing and do not see mild. (most people who use the time period "blindness" imply entire blindness. Cataract is a clouding of the eye's lens and is the main cause of blindness worldwide, and the leading purpose of imaginative and prescient loss inside the u.s..

Blindness is the incapability to look whatever, including light. in case you're in part blind, you have constrained vision. for instance, you could have blurry imaginative and prescient. as an example, someone with top imaginative and prescient is probably capable of see an item from 200 feet (sixty one meters) away, however a person is taken into consideration blind.

Learn more about inattentional blindness here: https://brainly.com/question/14773081


harris makes a few arguments here. what do you think is his primary argument? his secondary arguments? how does he bring them together?


Harris's primary arguement is that society has made Hollywood's environment toxic. His secondary argument is on who is to blame for what has happened to Hollywood.

Models have been under pressure to act in ways that are dangerously out of character in order to fit into what they consider to be beautiful. His secondary argument is on who is to blame for what has happened to Hollywood. In actuality, everyone is to blame for objectifying women, while many people blame pop culture and some men. The excellent educational article "Celebrity Bodies" by cultural critic Daniel Harris focuses on how society affects Hollywood. The impact of Harris' article is increased by his awareness of his audience and the diction he uses to communicate.

To know more about Celebrity Bodies :



family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client’s family in the process. identify the true and false statements about family therapy.
1. A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.
2. It holds to the systems approach that an individual is part of a larger context—in this case, the family.
3. It is based on the belief that most psychological disorders result from traumatic events occurring early in life—usually within the family.
4. It cannot successfully be used in the treatments of substance abuse or addictions because family relations in those situations are too volatile.
True Statement(s)
False Statement(s)


Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client’s family in the process.  A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.

This statement is False.

Family therapy is a branch of psychology and clinical social work that works with intimate families and couples to promote change and development. She tends to see changes in the interaction system between family members.

This science seeks to understand the cognitive development, mental functioning, and social behavior of individuals and communities by applying general principles and specific cases to achieve societal benefits.

The general goals of family therapy are to improve communication, resolve family problems, understand and manage unique family situations, and create a more functional home environment. In addition, it also includes:

Learn more about Family therapy https://brainly.com/question/25871436


describe an action that the president could take to respond to the united states v. lopez (1995) decision if he disagreed with the decision.


If the president disagreed with the decision in United States v. Lopez (1995), he could respond by using the Bully Pulpit.

He could use this to challenge others who support the courts decision or persuade them through social media.

Bully pulpit was first used by Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th U.S. President, who said that the White House acted as a bully pulpit. Bully wasn't the noun it is today—for Roosevelt, it was an adjective that meant "outstanding" or "first-rate," not "a blustering, browbeating individual."

Roosevelt was aware of the persuasion power of the modern presidency and appreciated the chance it provided for exhortation, instruction, or inspiration.

To know more about bully pulpit, click here:



a pregnant woman asks you how her unborn child can guard against germs. you explain that she is making antibodies that cross the placenta to provide protection. what type of antibodies do this?


The Rh+ type blood cells may cross placenta directly at any time during pregnancy.

What is placenta?

A transitory embryonic and later fetal organ, the placenta starts to form from the blastocyst soon after implantation. It is a crucial endocrine organ that produces hormones that control both the physiology of the mother and the fetus throughout pregnancy. It also plays crucial roles in mediating the passage of nutrients, gases, and waste between the physically separate maternal and fetal circulations. The placenta forms a species-dependent connection to the fetus through the umbilical cord and, on the other side, to the mother's uterus. Although they are present in marsupials and other non-mammals at varied stages of development, placentas are a distinguishing feature of placental mammals. About 150–200 million years ago, mammalian placentas most likely underwent their first evolution.

To learn more about mediating, visit:



Even when maintaining open communication, you should not discuss ______. A. Your work habitsb. Your workloadc. Your personal lifed. Your filing system.


Even when maintaining open communication, you should not discuss        (c) your personal life.

Professional communication is a type of theoretical and practical communication that exists in the context of workplace. In general, there are four classifications of personal communication namely verbal communication, non-verbal communication, written communication, and visual communication. Professional communication may include a certain level of intelligence and literacy in the field of reading, technical writing, listening, note taking, personal and public speaking, as well as computer proficiency ranging from Microsoft Office, email writing, report and proposal writing, all the way to programming and designing. Professional communication is important in the workplace as it increases productivity and cooperation, as well as overall increase in efficiency in the workplace.

To learn more about professional communication visit: https://brainly.com/question/23498075


under current texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts:_______.


Under current Texas lobbying rules, an individual who crosses either the compensation and reimbursement threshold or the expenditure threshold while engaged in lobbying efforts: must register as a lobbyist with the Texas Ethics Commission

In order to "offer guidance on different public ethics statutes" within the state of Texas, the Texas Ethics Commission was founded in 1991. The Sam Houston State Office Building, located at 201 East 14th Street in Downtown Austin, is home to the agency's main offices, which are on the 10th floor. Article III, Section 24a of the state constitution, which was approved by voters on November 5, 1991, established the Commission and transferred its responsibilities to the Texas Ethics Advisory Commission. The Commission is made up of eight people. Legislators are not allowed to serve. The Speaker of the House appoints two members, the Lt. Governor appoints two, and the Governor appoints four.

To know more about Texas Ethics Commission:



What does the river symbolize in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


A verbal that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb is known as an infinitive. It is composed of the word to plus a verb (in its most basic "stem" form).

Typically, an infinitive starts with the letter "to" and is followed by the verb's base form (the simple form of the verb that you would find in the dictionary). The verbs to read, run, jump, play, sing, laugh, weep, eat, and leave are examples of infinitives.

The fundamental form of a verb is the first infinitive. Contrast it with the nominative, which is a noun, pronoun, or adjective's fundamental form.

To know more about Owl Creek Bridge: https://brainly.com/question/1995317


Cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Seven generations in the past and also into the future reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, Iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a Iroquois?

Iroquois society was maternal lineage, signifying that, unlike in Colonial society, ancestry was determined and through grandmother instead of through the father. Iroquois would do (managers) were men, but women elected individuals for the roles and saw to it that they carried out their duties.

When deciding that will have an influence on the people, rulers in Iroquois culture are expected to recall seven generations with in past as well as seven grandchildren in the future.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Iroquois, here:



The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Cherokee leader Wilma Pearl Mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, Iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what? a) Seven generations in the past and also into the future b) Absolute truth is indestructible c) Wisdom is born in the heart d) Do what you know to be right

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