Which type of interface was originally developed for high-definition televisions and is also popular to use with computers to connect audio and video devices?.


Answer 1

HDMI was originally developed for high-definition televisions and is also popular to use with computers to connect audio and video devices.

What is HDMI?

High Definition Multimedia Interface, or HDMI, is an abbreviation. The most typical HD signal for sending high-definition audio and video via a single cable from one device to another.

With the help of set-top boxes, digital versatile disc (DVD) players, digital television (DTV) players, and other audiovisual equipment, HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) merges video and audio into a single digital interface.

One cable can transmit both video and audio from a home entertainment system to a TV according to the accepted standard known as HDMI. The best way to connect streaming media devices, video gaming consoles, and Blu-ray, Blu-ray Disc, and Ultra HD Blu-ray players is over HDMI.

To learn more about HDMI visit:



Related Questions

help please i been on this question for a hour and i dont know :,)

Which major event was a factor that led to the end of isolationism and prompted the U.S. involvement in World War II

America did not want to share its wealth with other countries.

Congress passing the Neutrality Acts in the 1930’s.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

The signing of the Lend-Lease Act with Britain



The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, ended the debate over American intervention in both the Pacific and European theaters of World War II.


Hope it helps!

amodio et al. (2007) provided evidence of the neurocognitive correlates of political affiliation and self-regulation by?


The experiment demonstrated a person’s self-reported political attitude. The authors found a statistically significant relationship between the amplitude of the ERN and self-evaluation on the liberalism/conservatism (L/C) axis.

To customize it, you'd increase upon that example with the aid of including greater info to support this factor, so your self-evaluation might read something like: “I excel at making crew members feel comfortable and protected by means of sharing brazenly, truly, and vulnerably my personal desires and asking for help.

A great self-evaluation has to factor in particular obligations and initiatives that highlight your first-class paintings. when describing the accomplishments, personnel must emphasize the impact those achievements had on the entire enterprise to emphasize their value to the business enterprise.

Learn more about self-evaluation here https://brainly.com/question/10150019


What three British laws did most Patriots (Rebels) feel violated their rights as British citizens?


The three British laws that most Patriots (Rebels) feel violated their rights as British citizens were taxation without consent, quartering soldiers in citizens' homes, and denying colonists the right to a trial.

As Britain attempted to maintain control over the colonies through taxes and regulations, calls for independence spread throughout the 13 colonies. Patriots were colonists who supported independence from Great Britain. Patriots were mostly supported in the colonies of New England.

Patriots believed that recent British laws enacted on American colonies were unjust and infringed on their rights. Many Patriots came from the middle and lower classes, lived in the New England Colonies in rural areas and worked as fishermen and farmers. Patriots desired independence from the Crown and were willing to use violence if necessary.

Know more about British laws here



why did trading improve under Mongolian rule part one

Give examples of good and bad things that were traded and how they were traded.part 2



Explanation:The Mongols always favored trade. Their nomadic way of life caused them to recognize the importance of trade from the very earliest times and, unlike the Chinese, they had a positive attitude toward merchants and commerce.

which term refers to the assumption that all individuals of a particular race or ethnicity have the same characteristics and abilities?


The term refers to the assumption that all individuals of a particular race or ethnicity have the same characteristics and abilities is ethnicity.

Ethnicity has been defined as: "the social group a person belongs to, and either identifies with or is identified with by others, as a result of a mix of cultural and other factors including language, diet, religion, ancestry and physical features traditionally associated with race".  

American Indians do not form an ethnic group, they are composed of thousands of independent nations, communities, and cultures that have very different and specific identities.  Indian country is more like the multitude of nations that form the United Nations than shared ethnicity.

Learn more about ethnicity here https://brainly.com/question/7605354


What is the main duty of the United States Supreme Court? Responses : A to ratify or veto new laws | B to sentence or parole convicted criminals |C to hear and rule on cases | Dto appoint judges to lower federal courts



to hear and rule on cases


the whole purpose of this court is to interpret meaning of laws

Mignon moore’s invisible families study describes the lives of gay black women in the united states, including how their lives have changed over time. Identify the primary reason why gay black women did not usually marry and have families together before the 1980s.


The number one cause why homosexual black ladies did now no longer normally marry and feature households collectively earlier than the Nineteen Eighties is they did now no longer need to assignment network expectancies approximately respectability.

The required details for community in given paragraph

A network is a social unit with commonality including place, norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities might also additionally proportion a feel of place located in a given geographical area  or in digital area thru verbal exchange platforms. Although groups are normally small relative to non-public social ties, "network" can also seek advice from massive institution affiliations including countrywide groups, global groups, and digital groups. The English-language word "network" derives from the Old French comuneté , which comes from the Latin communitas "network", "public spirit"

Human groups might also additionally have intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, and risks in common, affecting the identity of the contributors and their diploma of cohesiveness.

To know about community click here



maisie has an extreme fear of heights. when she registers for classes at college, she makes a point of signing up for classes that are held on the first floor of the buildings. maisie might be diagnosed as having


Maisie might be diagnosed as having a specific phobia.

An extreme, illogical dread of something that presents little to no real risk is known as a specific phobia. Even though people with phobias may be aware that their concerns are unfounded, the mere thought of confronting the dreaded item or circumstance causes excruciating anxiety sensations.

Exposure treatment in psychotherapy is typically effective in curing particular phobias. However, there are situations when taking medicine might assist lessen the anxiety and panic sensations you experience while contemplating or being exposed to the thing or circumstance you are afraid of.

The emergence of a particular phobia may be brought on by going through a terrifying traumatic incident, such as becoming stuck in an elevator or being attacked by an animal. gaining knowledge of unpleasant events.

To learn more about phobia



The earliest civilization identified in south america is known as the andean chavín nazca moche


Option B. The earliest civilization that was identified in South America was the Chavan civilization.

What was the Chavan civilization?

The main archaeological site where its items have been discovered is Chavn de Huántar, the name of a vanished pre-Columbian civilization. From 900 BCE to 200 BCE, the culture flourished in the Peruvian Andean highlands in the north. It spread its influence to other coastal cultures.

Chavn is renowned for its baroque, sophisticated art style in a range of media, including intricately carved stone monuments, wonderfully formed ceramics, and exquisite and complex metallurgy. It is sometimes considered to be the "Mother Culture" of ancient Peruvian societies.

Unknown but likely connected to numerous years of drought, earthquakes, and the inevitable social upheaval brought on by such hardship, the site and the Chavin civilization as a whole began to fall somewhere in the third century BCE.

Read more on the Chavan civilization here: https://brainly.com/question/908752


Answer: B) Chavin


stopping at the very first option that meets your minimally-acceptable criteria, even though other options yet to be considered may be better, is known as


Stopping at the first alternative that fulfills your minimally acceptable criterion, even if further possibilities are available, is known as "satisficing."

Satisficing is a decision-making method in which an individual makes a satisfactory rather than an ideal choice. It would take a lot of effort - and may not even be possible - to acquire all of the required information to make the best option, therefore satisficing represents the kinds of decisions humans are actually capable of making.

Satisficing is the practice of making 'good enough' decisions rather than flawless ones. Examples: broadcast tv that meets your criterion, whether or whether it is the absolute greatest alternative. Satisficing refers to this type of consumer decision.

To learn more about Satisficing, use the link below.



bureaucracies rely on complex procedures to make sure that laws are consistent and fair across a wide range of situations. what is the end result of this


Inherently, bureaucracies involve some red tape, which sometimes frustrates citizens since things take longer than anticipated.

Simply put, what is the bureaucracy?

A bureaucracy is a complicated organization with multilayered processes and procedures. Decision-making is slowed down by systems and procedures that are properly executed. They are designed to maintain control and uniformity inside the organization.

What accomplishes a bureaucracy?

A bureaucracy is a method of administratively coordinating a sizable group of individuals who must cooperate. Bureaucracies are necessary for the operation of both public and private organizations, including colleges and governments .Efficiency and productivity are the main objectives of a bureaucracy, and these goals are attained through task specialization and repetition.

To know more about bureaucracies visit :



Can someone explain to me what liberalism means but can you explain it saying it with your own words?



Liberalism is pretty much willing to respect another person's statement and accepting their opinions from one's own.


May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 3 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

in his social psychology class, ryan studies the low-ball and pregiving techniques as forces of compliance. which social psychologist devoted much of his research to these two techniques as a force of compliance?


A tactic known as "low-balling" entails making a very appealing initial offer in order to persuade someone to accept it and then lowering the terms.Studies have demonstrated that this strategy is more effective than directly making the less favorable request.

What distinguishes foot-in-the-door technique from low-ball technique?

The foot-in-the-door method and the low-ball method both start with a small request, but the low-ball method only aims to get initial agreement so that it can be used for the eventual, less favorable request.

What are the components of the door-in-the-face method?

The entryway in-the-face procedure is a consistence technique normally concentrated on in friendly brain science.Similar to a metaphorical slamming of a door in the face, the persuader attempts to persuade the respondent to comply by making a substantial request that the respondent will most likely deny.

Learn more about low-ball method here:



Which feature of a
civilization do you think
we could live without?



Features of civilization are important


Almost all i know are important

Which sentence from the article BEST supports the idea that Hammurabi wanted justice for his people?


"To make justice visible in the land, to destroy the wicked person and the evil-doer, that the strong might not injure the weak," Hammurabi says in this passage.

This compassionate claim is supported by the laws themselves, which safeguard widows, orphans, and other vulnerable individuals from harm or exploitation.

What can we learn about the people from the Code of Hammurabi?

The idea that social order was more important than individual rights was reflected in Hammurabi's code. For instance, the father or husband should be in charge of managing a family's wealth. The codes aimed to protect women, especially widows and divorcees, who required assistance from society.

Learn more about Hammurabi here:



During the process to construct the Panama Canal the United States faced many problems. Which one of the following was NOT a problem the United States encountered— Responses Mountains and Rainforests Mountains and Rainforests Issues with acquiring the land to build the canal Issues with acquiring the land to build the canal Disease Disease Freezing Temperatures


During the process to construct the Panama Canal the United States faced many problems ,one of the following was NOT a problem the United States encountered Disease Freezing Temperatures.

The Panama Canal is an 82-kilometer-long artificial waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and separates North and South America. The canal spans the Panama Isthmus and serves as a maritime trade route.

The Panama Canal connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in 1914, forever changing international trade. The 50-mile-long Panama Canal route provided a significant shortcut for ships that previously had to make the perilous journey around South America's southern tip.

To know more about Panama Canal here



hat head word ladder answers pls



You have to be more specific for people to be able to answer your question.


study types and methods​



You have to be more specific: What subject? How much time do you have? What things do you have to use to study (like flashcards or a blank piece of paper)?


Where did African and Native American slaves work


They worked in mines, on plantations, as apprentices for artisans, and as domestics—just like African slaves and European indentured servants.

Answer:South America (primarily Brazil)


a cultural anthropology of the human past focusing on material evidence of human modification of the physical environment is called: a. archaeology. b. anthropology. c. paleontology. d. niche construction.


The correct option is (a) archeology. A cultural anthropology of the human past focusing on material evidence of human modification of the physical environment is called archeology.

The study of the past of humanity using tangible remnants is called archaeology. Any item that was made, altered, or used by people can be included in these remains. These artefacts are painstakingly unearthed and examined by archaeologists in order to interpret historical peoples' experiences and behaviors.

Prehistoric archaeology and historic archaeology are the two main subfields of archaeology. Subdisciplines based on the era, civilisation, or categories of artefacts and traits under study can be found within these divisions.

To learn more about archeology refer to:



as we are crossing the street, we see a truck speeding towards us. as soon as your brain registers the sensory input, we simultaneously feel fear and start running. which theory of emotion does this scenario exemplify?


The idea that the physical and emotional response occur simultaneously is the foundation of the cannon-bard theory, which was developed by Walter Cannon and Philip Bard.

The brain processes the sensory information as the truck accelerates toward them, causing them to simultaneously experience fear and flee.In response to this question, both a physical (running) and emotional (fear) reaction occur simultaneously.Therefore, the cannon-bard theory option (C) is the correct response.

What is the Cannon-Bard theory's central idea?

According to the Cannon-Bard theory, your emotional experience is controlled by the thalamus, or lower part of the brain.At the same time, emotion expression is controlled by the higher part of the brain, also known as the cortex.It is accepted that these two pieces of the cerebrum respond at the same time.

Learn more about cannon-bard theory here:



Who all is involved in the Legislative branch?



Representatives and the Senate


Where can the differences in political parties be found?


The differences in political parties be found in their interest and political agenda.

Political parties are distinguished from different political paties and clubs, like political factions or interest teams, largely by the actual fact that parties are centered on electing candidates, whereas interest teams are centered on advancing a political agenda.

Political parties look for to win elections and operate government. Interest teams solely look for to influence public policy. Interest teams are non-public organizations that concentrate on terribly specific problems, whereas political parties are public organizations that have views on a good vary of problems.

To learn more about Political parties here




Which step in the budget process does the House of Representatives control?

A. The House of Representatives itemizes a budget for every federal agency
B. The House of Representatives approves the Senate's version of the budget
C. The House of Representatives turns the president's version of the budget into spending bills
D. The House of Representatives proposes a budget to the president


The step in the budget process that the House of Representatives controls is C. The House of Representatives turns the president's version of the budget into spending bills.

What is the step that is been associated to the control of House of Representatives in budgetting?

The step that is been associated to the control of House of Representatives in budgetting is that they help in making the budget to the spending bills.

It should be noted that the budget comprise of the spendings that the government is going to make in a particular year.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about budgetting at:



For a period of time, the u. S. Government removed native american children from their families to make them more like european americans. This would be a policy of.





Assimilation was a major goal of Native American policies in the late 19th century. Assimilation is the process of taking individuals or social groups and absorbing them into mainstream culture

Why were the Southern colonies well suited for farming and agriculture?
A) They had fertile soil and a warm climate
B) There was a large population of immigrants in need of work
C) They enslaved the Native American population to work on the plantations
D) The Southern colonies were not agricultural, they relied on factories to make a living



A) They had fertile soil and a warm climate.


A is the only logical answer, as it is the first step in having a agricultural economy. There must be fertile soil and suitable climate in which to grow crops, whether it is for consumption or as cash crop.

B) was typically needed in the US in the northern colonies as low-wage workers, as they had harsher climates that did not allow for the colonies to build plantations for cash crops, which needed warmer climates to live. Instead, the North focused on industrialization, and the creation of factories and the process direct. As the Northern states were typically anti-slavery, they relied on low-wage workers (typically immigrants) as workers in their factories.

C) is the result of the South being well suited for farming and agriculture. Because the South is well suited for farming and agriculture, it led to southernors being able to grow larger amounts of cash crops. This in turn gives them money to purchase more land, and in turn, to purchase slaves as workers.

D) is factually wrong, as stated above. The Southern colonies were agricultural, while the Northern states relied on factories to make a living.

Learn more about the Southern colonies, here:

https://brainly.com/question/28866041 - Importance of agriculture to the Southern colonies.

one of the topics of key interest to social psychologists is: question 6 options: 1) childhood experiences, particularly how unconscious processes affect the developing person. 2) behaviorism, which is concerned with basic principles of learning, such as rewards and punishment. 3) social cognition, which is concerned with how people think about other people and how people think about the social world in general. 4) the exploration of morality, particularly how and why people make moral or less moral decisions.


The correct option (3)social cognition, which is concerned with how people think about other people and how people think about the social world in general.

Social cognition is a subfield of psychology concerned with how humans process, store, and apply knowledge about other people and social circumstances. It is concerned with the role of cognitive processes in social interactions.

People's personalities are influenced by seeing the conduct of others, according to social cognitive theory. For example, a teenager attends a party and notes that individuals who have consumed alcohol slur their speech and are more Social cognition is a subfield of psychology concerned with how humans process, store, and apply knowledge about other people and social circumstances. It is concerned with the role of cognitive processes in social interactions.

People's personalities are influenced by seeing the conduct of others, according to social cognitive theory. For example, a teenager attends a party and notes that individuals who have consumed alcohol slur their speech and are more aggressive and noisy than those who have not had alcohol. and noisy than those who have not had alcohol.

Learn more about Social cognition to visit this link



Which term defines social expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females?.


Homophobia is the term used to define social expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

Social expectations are defined as implicit rules that govern one's reactions and beliefs in ways that society considers acceptable. Individual social expectations are influenced by culture, religion, age group, class, and location.

The shared social expectations that influence behavior help us navigate our complex social world. For example, when we go to the movies, we wait in line for tickets and turn off our cell phones to conform to social norms.

To know more about Social expectations, click here.



according to manninen, what stereotype of prochoice advocates have antichoice advocates seized upon to advance their cause?


They are callous towards fetal lifestyles is the stereotype of prochoice advocates have antichoice advocates seized upon to develop their reason in step with manninen.

Our callous, infanticide tradition breeds barbarism. As we view the unborn human existence so we can cost the aged who pose an imposition at the family, or the kid with disabilities and handicaps, or the race that's taken into consideration inferior. The founding father of Planned Parenthood became herself a eugenicist who believed in purging the human race of the unacceptable. In america. the aborted child has even come to be a commodity, harvesting frame components and promoting them for profit, as has Planned Parenthood been stuck doing.

Fetal cells have even been used to fabricate vaccines, and for diverse studies projects. There had been 60 million infants aborted withinside the US because it became made legal, and a pair of million in Israel (1/three of the modern-day Jewish population). According to WHO, each yr there are an envisioned 40-50 million abortions completed withinside the world. This corresponds to about 125,000 abortions according to day. Every one people became as soon as that fetus of their mother’s womb.

Learn more about stereotype visit : brainly.com/question/361502


If acetylcholinesterase became mutated and nonfunctional, what would be the immediate result?.


If acetylcholinesterase became mutated and nonfunctional, the immediate result would be an increase in the level of acetylcholine. This would lead to an increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which would cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

The Importance of Acetylcholinesterase

The long-term effects of this would be potentially disastrous, as the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body's fight-or-flight response.

Without acetylcholinesterase to break down acetylcholine, the body would be in a constant state of high alert, which would eventually lead to exhaustion and potentially death. Therefore, it is essential that acetylcholinesterase remain functional in order to maintain the health of the individual.

Learn more about Acetylcholinesterase at: https://brainly.com/question/17128870


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