Which two European nations took control of the regions in the Middle East that had been controlled by the Ottoman Empire?


Answer 1

France and Britain took control of the regions in the middle East that had been controlled by the Ottoman Empire.

The partitioning of the Ottoman Empire resulted in the dominance of the Middle East by Western powers, as well as the formation of the modern Arab world and the Republic of Turkey.

Between the 14th and early 20th centuries, the Ottoman Empire also referred to as the Turkish Empire, ruled over a large portion of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. Osman I, the head of the Turkoman tribe, founded it in the town of Söüt in northwest Anatolia at the end of the 13th century.

To know more about The Ottoman Empire, click here.



Related Questions


What are ways Native American and/or West African societies changed due to increased economic interactions with Europe 1450-1750?


From 1450 to 1750, the Triangular Trade's economic systems had an impact on social structures by establishing European social hierarchies in both the British and Spanish territories.

What is triangular trade?

Triangle trade refers to trade involving three ports or areas. Triangular trade typically develops when a region has exportable goods that are surplus to requirements in the location from which its primary imports are sourced. Trade imbalances between various regions have been reduced using it.

Between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, a three-way trans-Atlantic exchange system originally known as the triangular trade was used to transport slaves from the 16th through the 19th century.

Learn more about triangular trade, from:



Research historical figures task 2



Thomas Paine was an English American writer and political pamphleteer. His Commonsense pamphlet and Crisis papers were important influences on the American Revolution. Thomas Paine arrived in the American colonies in 1774, as the conflict between aggrieved colonists and Britain was reaching its height. After the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, Paine argued that the colonists’ cause should be not just a revolt against taxation but a demand for independence. He put this idea into Common Sense. English-American writer and political pamphleteer Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737, in Thetford, Norfolk, England. English American writer and political pamphleteer Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737, in Thetford, Norfolk, England.


Article V deals with the Amendment _______.
(Answer is 7 letters)


The Amendment process is covered in Article V. A constitutional amendment must be proposed by at least two-thirds of the House of Representatives and the Senate if Congress decides it is essential to alter the document.

What is there in Article V?

The procedure for amending the Constitution is outlined in Article 5 of the US Constitution. According to Article 5, the procedure for amending the Constitution is proposing an amendment or modifications and then getting them ratified.

It is "proposing an amendment" that comes first. According to Article V, there are only two ways to propose an amendment: either by a two-thirds vote of the members of both chambers of the United States Congress or by a national convention that Congress calls after receiving a petition from two-thirds of the states.

The second phase is "ratification of the proposed amendment" after an amendment has been proposed using one of these two techniques.

Learn more about article V, from:



what are the important features of modern human being that differentiate than from their an century​


Answer: A bigger and developed brain with increased capacity for cognitive behaviours like perception, memory, reasoning, problem solving, and use of language for communication.


Which explorer was the first European to reach India along an ocean route
that connected the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean?


Answer: Vasco de Gama

What statement best describes the effect of early colonial laws?
A. The laws determined how many children people should have.
B. The laws determined what type of work each person should
OC. The laws determined rights and privileges based on race.
D. The laws determined that all races should be treated equally.


The impact of early colonial regulations is that they established the type of work that each person should do.

What are the three distinct forms of colonial rule?

Royal, Charter, and Proprietary were the names of these several forms of governance. A colony would be referred to as a Royal Colony, a Charter Colony, or a Proprietary Colony depending on which of these three systems of government was in place there.

What is a prime instance of colonial rule?

The prolonged control that the British Empire held over a large portion of North America, certain regions of Africa, and India is an illustration of colonial supremacy. Indigenous people, especially tribal tribes, typically lost their status as the majority (dominant) group as a result of colonization.

To know more about colonial laws visit:-



Answer: C, the laws determined rights and privileges based on race.

How are romanticism and transcendentalism connected


Romanticism and Transcendentalism are connected in the following ways.

Both the movements - Romanticism and Transcendentalism - were considered as a reaction against the 18th-century Age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment age emphasized upon the use of science and rationalized ways of uncovering truth.

The writers of that time described these movements as the torch which enlightened the right of individuals to dissent and to engage in civil disobedience. The people were so carried away with the ideas of liberty that they started believing that the government should not interfere with their freedom of expression.

The writers influenced the people's mind, made them realized their rights, equality and made them aware citizens.

To know more about Romanticism here



Veterans and union members at a post-World War I parade clashed in the Massacre.​


Answer:The Centralia Tragedy, also known as the Centralia Conspiracy and the Armistice Day Riot

Explanation Was a violent and bloody incident that occurred in Centralia, Washington, on November 11, 1919, during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day.

why was spain eager to trade the louisiana territory and new orleans to france?


Spain was keen to sell the Louisiana territory and New Orleans territories to France because Spain was having trouble keeping the Americans out of their territories and wanted to shift the problem to someone else.

Louisiana territory France's failure to quell the slave revolution in Haiti, the imminent war with Britain, and the economic difficulties of France, combined with perhaps a British naval blockade of France, prompted Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the United States. It is thought that it is possible that With obligations in Europe and the Caribbean, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending French presence in Louisiana.

To know more about Louisiana visit:



The Dawes act was meant to:
a.encourage Native Americans to assimilate into white society
b.help negotiate peace between the North and South
c.legalize slavery in the western territories
d. end slavery in the U.S.


The Dawes act was meant to encourage Native Americans to assimilate into white society. Thus, option A is correct.

What is an act?

An act can be defined as a part where an action is been taken. It can be regarding the matters or the prevailing matters that are harming the citizen or are taken for the upliftment of the citizen.

Dawes act was implemented to ensure that the people are the ones who knew to native America would fill off the list and be a part of the community. Make them a part of the community they were given farming and land for that matter.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about act, here:



What river became Georgia's western border as a result of the Yazoo Land Fraud?


The Yazoo Land Frauds of 1789 and 1795 affected the portions of Georgia that today make up the states of Alabama and Mississippi, extending north from the thirty-first parallel to the Tennessee state line and west from the Chattahoochee River to the Mississippi River.

Yazoo land swindle, a plot by which Georgia legislators were bought off in 1795 to sell four land firms $500,000 worth of Georgia's western claims, the majority of which is now the state of Mississippi, well below its actual market value. Anger at the Yazoo Act and the trading that went on behind it spread throughout the state, which led to a significant change in the composition of the legislature in the 1796 election.

The act was swiftly overturned by the incoming legislature, who also gave the money back. But by this time, much of the land had been resold to outsiders, who turned down the state's money and clung to their ownership of the region.

Learn more about Yazoo land fraud: https://brainly.com/question/14417071


A brief 2-3 sentence introduction outlining publius goals for the game level and how he plans to achieve it


Outlining publius goals he plans to achieve it, to steer the general public of the want to strenghten the confederation of person states.

The required details about Publius is mentioned in below paragraph.

The essays had been posted anonymously, beneathneath the pen name "Publius," in diverse New York nation newspapers of the time. The Federalist essays had been written and posted to induce New Yorkers to ratify the proposed United States Constitution, which became drafted in Philadelphia withinside the summer time season of 1787.The essays, written with the aid of using Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, had been posted in print essays  to steer the general public of the want to strenghten the confederation of person states with a binding document. The significant topic of Publius  is the concern of anarchy of factional hobbies impeding authorities from action.

To learn about Publius visit here.



Imagine In the future, the year 3050, a kid digs up the garden and finds a small metallic object, He presses the button and the screen shows pictures and words. It was my old cellphone, can he find enough information on it to write a short biography of my life, how accurate would it be?



Depending on what exactly was on the phone at the time the pictures would show who you were and what you did throughout your life, things like texts, reminders, and even your daily schedule could give the kid some insight on what type of person you were. I believe the biography would be fairly accurate.    


How was lucas able to carry out all the work need ti produce indigo dye


She experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants.

The required details about Eliza Lucas is mentioned in below paragraph.

Eliza Lucas (1722–1793), who married Charles Pinckney in 1744, became an vital contributor to the achievement of indigo in South Carolina, however her position on this enterprise has been significantly exaggerated in latest times. As a younger female dwelling on a plantation on Wappoo Creek, west of the Ashley River, she experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants. But she became genuinely now no longer the most effective character task such paintings at that time, and he or she genuinely had assist from a whole lot of sources.The indigo commercial enterprise in colonial South Carolina protected 3 wonderful additives: the cultivation of the plant, the manufacturing of the dye, and the advertising of the produce. Eliza Lucas Pinckney contributed considerably to the neighborhood know-how of the plant’s cultivation, however now no longer to the final additives of the commercial enterprise.

To learn about Eliza Lucas visit here.



Why was the Nile dangerous


Answer: These include crocodiles that can move around 30 miles an hour on land and kill around 200 people a year, hippopotamuses that have been known to attack boats, venomous snakes like the Black Mamba, and the Egyptian Cobra, and mosquitos. The latter cannot be understated.

Explanation: I learned this is 6th grade

What was the final ruling in the Dred Scott case in 1857? Why was it so controversial?


Dred Scott Case in Missouri, 1846–1857. The United States Supreme Court upheld slavery in American territories, rejected the legitimacy of black citizenship in the country, and ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional in its 1857 ruling, which shocked the entire country.

What elements of Roman
civilization are part of your
daily life?


A typical Roman day would begin with a quick breakfast before moving on to work. When work was over in the early afternoon, many Romans would quickly travel to the baths to take a bath and socialize.

What aspects of Roman culture have survived to the present day?

Despite the fact that the Roman Empire was at its height thousands of years ago, its influence may still be seen in our culture's literature, architecture, technology, art, and legal system. The ancient Romans left their impact on our world in a variety of ways, such as through books, stadiums, bridges, and the language we use today.

How does living today compare to life in ancient Rome?

The Romans staged cultural events, constructed and stocked libraries, and offered healthcare, just like our contemporary society does. While the kids went to school, others gathered in town centers to read the news written on stone tablets. Laws were enacted by the government to safeguard its inhabitants.

To know more about Roman civilization visit :-



What effect does propaganda have on people? Is it more of a negative or positive effect? Explain within 5-7 sentences and provide at least ONE example.



The effects of propaganda can furnish objectives and organize a personality into a mold. Propaganda has a way of bringing out latent drives and traits within an individual.

Question 1 (1 point)
Which of the following MOST influenced the colonists to write the Olive Branch

O a desire to ask Parliament for forgiveness and show their loyalty to Britain

O a desire to declare war against Britain and form their own country with their own

O a desire to get rid of King George and to work more closely with the Parliament

O a desire to stop future bloodshed between Britain and the American colonies


The colonists' determination to declare war on Britain and form their own nation with their own laws is what most motivated them to draft the Olive Branch Petition. Option B is correct.

What is the Olive Branch Petition?

The Olive Branch Petition was written by John Dickinson and authorized by the Second Continental Congress, was a report presented to King George of Britain on July 5, 1775.

The Olive Branch Petition's principal goal was to persuade Parliament to wait for an agreement to be reached before moving forward with the colonists' defense.

During the American Revolution, the Olive Branch Petition was a vital attempt by the settlers to avoid engaging in war with Britain. The colonists pledged their loyalty to the monarch in this declaration, which also outlined their rights as British subjects.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about refer Olive Branch, refer to:



Analyze the relationship between American values, particularly individualism, and the country's approach to social welfare.


The relationship between American values, particularly individualism, and the country's approach to social welfare is analyzed below.

Individualism is described as everyone is their own person and not a representative of a family, community, or any other group. The more importance is given to the individual and not to the society.

The individualism shares an inverse relationship with social welfare. Higher the level of individualism, the lesser is the responsibility of social welfare.

Politically, people who have a mindset to support the right side or lean towards right have lesser interest in social welfare. They are more focused on themselves and support individualism.

To know more about social welfare here



Which of these continents would be difficult to connect to via trade routes?

North America



For centuries, merchants and traders used land and sea routes to travel between Europe Africa and Asia. Before the first European voyages to the Americas, a global trading network linked the major civilizations of three continents.

There are several reasons behind the low development level of African economies and their excessive dependence on commodity production and exports, protectionist trade policies, weak transport infrastructure, poor trade logistics, and high security risks.

Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa in 1994. Which of the following is considered the most significant accomplishment of his administration:
A) The number of unemployed South African blacks decreased dramatically during his term.
B) There was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government
C) Crime decreased with the establishment of an integrated police force.
D) The gap between the rich and the poor narrowed.


Nelson Mandela's most significant accomplishment was there was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government.

On July 18, 1918, Rolihlahla Mandela, a member of the Madiba family, was born in the Eastern Cape settlement of Mvezo. His father, Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, served as the chief advisor to Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting king of the Thembu people, and his mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni. When Rolihlahla was 12 years old, his father passed away, and he was taken in as Jongintaba's ward at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni1.

He had dreams of contributing to his people's struggle for freedom after hearing the elders' tales of the bravery of his ancestors during the resistance wars.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela here: https://brainly.com/question/953555


how does the protoevangelium, the annuciation, and the redemption relate to each other. And what eas marys role in salvation history


The protoevangelium is the first mention of the promise of redemption in the Bible, found in the book of Genesis. It foretells the coming of a savior who will defeat evil and bring salvation to humanity.

The Annunciation is the moment when the angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her that she will bear the son of God, who will be the promised savior. Mary plays a crucial role in the story of redemption because she willingly accepts the task of bearing the son of God and plays a central role in the events leading up to his birth and death.

In this way, Mary's role in salvation history is to serve as the mother of the savior and to play a key part in God's plan for the redemption of humanity.

What is Protoevangelium?

This line is known as the protoevangelium in Christianity, and it is seen as a prophecy of Jesus' advent. In Judaism, the "seed of the woman" is interpreted to refer to humanity as a whole.

The expression "seed of the woman" or "offspring of the woman" comes from the Book of Genesis, where God declares that as a result of the snake's seduction of Eve, which resulted in the fall of man, he will make enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman.

Learn more about Protoevangelium:

james monroe’s two terms as president are sometimes called the “era of good feelings.” identify the statements below that correctly describe this period.

-Monroe was elected almost unanimously and presided over a one-party government.
-Monroe's presidency is associated with his definition of American foreign policy, called the Monroe Doctrine.
-The eight years of Monroe's tenure had plenty of strife, only instead of two-party politics, controversies were sectional in nature.


The statements below that correctly describe this period are :

James Monroe was elected almost unanimously and presided over a one-party government.

James Monroe's presidency is associated with his definition of American foreign policy, the Monroe Doctrine.

The eight years of Monroe's tenure had plenty of strife, only instead of two-party politics, controversies were sectional in nature.

From 1817 to 1825, James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States. He was an American statesman, lawyer, diplomat, and Founding Father. Monroe, a Democrat-Republican, was the last president of the Virginia dynasty and the Republican Generation; his presidency correlates with the Era of Good Feelings, bringing the First Party System era of American politics to an end. He is best known for issuing the Monroe Doctrine, which opposed European colonialism in the Americas while competently asserting US dominance, empire, and hegemony in the hemisphere. He was also the governor of Virginia, a member of the United States Senate, the United States ambassador to France and the United Kingdom, the seventh Secretary of State, and the eighth Secretary of War.

For more information on James Monroe, visit :



What impact did the popularity of the bicycle in the early 1900s have on women? A. Women began shopping at department stores more often. B. Women began wearing less restrictive clothing, which made riding easier. C. Women began commuting to the city more often to find employment. D. Women began spending less time doing household chores.​


Women's lives were impacted by the popularity of bicycles in the early 1900s that Women began wearing less restrictive clothing, which made riding easier. So, the correct answer is option b.

It was prohibited for women to ride bicycles. To ride was regarded as impolite. In the early 1900s, women were not permitted to expose their ankles or wear pants. It was challenging for ladies to mount an early bike because of the long skirts and corsets they wore.

A resourceful tricycle manufacturer created a vehicle that women could use to get around their backyard or in parks. A certain standard of propriety was expected of women at all times.

The "rational clothing" movement, which urged women to abandon long, burdensome skirts and bulky undergarments, was aided by the bicycle mania. Shorter skirts could fit on safety bicycle frames, and the most bold ladies opted for bloomers that looked like men's pants.

To know more about women in the early 1900s visit:



2. During the post-emancipation era (1865-1877), Southern Blacks typically did which of the
a. Worked in towns and cities
b. Migrated northward
c. Worked in mines and factories
d. Worked farms as sharecroppers




Look up “Which jobs did southern African Americans work post emancipation era?”

What were the two reasons that the Polish government impose martial law in Poland in the early 1980s


The two reasons that the Polish government impose martial law in Poland in the early 1980s are To better manage emigration from the country. and To dismantle the Solidarity movement.

Poland experienced martial law from December 13, 1981, to July 22, 1983. In an effort to crush political opposition, particularly the Solidarity movement, the government of the Polish People's Republic imposed martial law and a military junta, which severely limited daily life.

In the communist Poland in the late 1970s, there had been a severe economic downturn. In an effort to increase economic productivity, Edward Gierek, First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), had a number of sizable loans from foreign lenders, but they instead caused a domestic crisis. Heavy rationing of necessities encouraged the creation of Solidarity, the first anti-communist labour union in the Communist Bloc, in 1980.

To know more about Martial law visit:



Select the correct answer.
What was the central goal of the author(s) of the Declaration of Independence?

to communicate their grievances to the British king about how he treated them
to define and describe the rights of the citizens living in the new country
to announce to world leaders that the 13 colonies had formed the United States
to establish rules for the creation of new states that wanted to join the new country





The Thirty Years War was one of the largest uses of mercenary armies in European history, and in its wake, many European countries began to develop their own standing armies. Which of the following was a consequence of the use of mercenaries during the Thirty Years War?


From 1618 to 1648, the Thirty Years' War was one of the bloodiest and most destructive wars in European history. An estimated 4.5 to 8 million troops and civilians perished during the war, which was fought mostly in Central Europe.

Some areas of modern-day Germany also saw population reductions of over 50%. The Eighty Years' War, the War of the Mantuan Succession, the Franco-Spanish War, and the Portuguese Restoration War are comparable conflicts. Up until the 20th century, historians tended to see it as a continuation of the conflict between religion and state that the Reformation started in the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century. By partitioning the Empire into Lutheran and Catholic realms, the Peace of Augsburg (1555) attempted to resolve this issue, but during the following 50 years, the spread of Protestantism outside of these limits undermined the settlement.

While the majority of contemporary commentators agree that disagreements over religion and Imperial authority played a significant role in starting the war, they contend that the struggle for European hegemony between the French House of Bourbon and the Habsburg-ruled Spain and Austria was what ultimately determined the war's scope and extent.

Learn more about European History here: https://brainly.com/question/24877599


Who would study Stonehenge for clues about the society that built it?

Dendrochronology is a method of dating by using


An anthropologist should examine Stonehenge for clues regarding the society that constructed it. Dendrochronology is a method of dating by using annual growth increments of trees.

What is Dendrochronology and why is it used?

The field of dendrochronology was established by Andrew E. Douglass in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The science of dendrochronology, sometimes known as tree-ring dating, uses the annual growth rings left behind by trees to determine precise calendar dates. This precise and sophisticated dating technique has been used by archaeologists for almost a century. The majority of tree species in temperate forests develop tree rings. The majority of dendrochronological study therefore takes place at these latitudes. However, some species are not good for tree-ring dating, thus it's critical to be aware of which species to stay away from.

To know more about Dendrochronology refer to:



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