Which statement best describes the main purpose of a church in Christianity?


Answer 1


Christians believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way and this involves helping others around them. The Church can play a vital role in Christians helping others as they provide: food banks – a place where people living in poverty can go and collect some food.


Related Questions

Which equation is used to determine the density of a substance?


D= m/v where d is density, m is mass, and v is volume


D= M/V which means its mass divide by volume


1. Describe major depressive disorder and discuss at least eight of its symptoms. 2. How does major depressive disorder differ from bipolar disorder?


People with a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder will have had at least one hypomanic episode, which preceded or followed a major depressive episode. People with major depressive disorder do not experience any extreme, elevated feelings that doctors would classify as mania or hypomania


1. Major depressive disorder or MDD, is described as experiencing sadness over a long period of time. Some symptoms of major depressive disorder include loss of interest, change in eating habits, suicidal thoughts, feeling sadness or guilt, constant tiredness, change in your appetite, unable to concentrate, or poor decision making. 

2. The most obvious difference between major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder is that bipolar disorder comes with mania or a "high" period. The "high" period will include you feeling energized and having high self confidence, and after that period, you will go back to being depressed. With major depressive disorder, there is no good period, you experience constant feelings of sadness. 


This is what I put for my answer. I have not gotten my results back yet but I hope it helps some people. Edge2021.

Answer the following in several complete sentences:

Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels. Be sure to explain at least two of each. (15 points)


Hello. You did not provide the labels to which the question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. however, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

Generally speaking, diagnostic labels have as a positive point the organization and classification of researches that seek benefits for certain diseases and conditions. However, they also have negative points such as bad stereotypes that compromise the well-being of individuals, in addition to causing stigmas that compromise both individuals with the disease and their caregivers.

Hannah sees Dr. Eppler teaching Elizabeth how to knit, and Hannah begs us to also teach her how to knit. That same day, Hannah also pleads to be allowed to help make Elizabeth's birthday cake.



Initiative vs. Guilt


I believe it is Initiative vs. Guilt which deals with the important events of Exploration at the age of 3 to 6 years. Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt.

What does the imagery in this scene help the reader understand about Mother Wolf?


imagery helps us Invision how the character acts and the surroundings of the character it also gives us a clear mental image of what's happening in the story


well I've never read the book but I hope that this helped


answer is A

mother wolf is brave


hope this helps!

if the us introduced an integrated energy plan to develop sustainable energy which of the following goals should not be included in the policy?

a) to develop energy and advance industry aggressively

b) to balance environmental quality and economic health

c) to develop short-term sustainable energy

d) to conserve energy aggressively






imma Guess A?


Ill post the result later

FREE POINTTSSS// ill mark brainlyest if you gimme a noice George Weasley photo \
AAAAAA hes hot anywhooo wheres my wattpad bbys at?? lol


Is this what your looking for??

What is the mathematical root for a generator of 6 ch. =67.38 grams - 9.0000008*2





9.23 ch is the answer

Scientists have studied a fruit fly, Drosophila, to better understand early embryonic development and have discovered that the cell cycle changes as embryonic development proceeds Model A represents the first 13 cell cycles after fertilization, which only includes two phases. Model B represents cell cycles 14 through 16, which are more complex and include a G2 phase.

What of the following explains the advantage of a G2 phase during embryonic development?

A Cells can undergo the cell cycle more quickly with a G2 phase.
B Cells can replicate more DNA with a G2 phase.
C Cells are checked for DNA damage before entering mitosis with a G2 phase
D Cells are able to produce two new daughter cells with a G2 phase.​


Scientists have studied a fruit fly, Drosophila, to better understand early embryonic development and have discovered that the cell cycle changes as embryonic development proceeds Model A represents the first 13 cell cycles after fertilization, which only includes two phases. Model B represents cell cycles 14 through 16, which are more complex and include a G2 phase.

A bug crawls in a straight line according to the velocity
graph at right where velocity is in meters per second.
Explain what is happening when 2 st 54.
Calculate the total distance the bug traveled.
How far does the bug end up from its starting point?
When is the bug's velocity:
i. 0
> 0
When is the bug's acceleration:
i. 0
> 0
At what time does the bug pass over its starting point?



a. The bug is moving at a constant speed of -2 m/s

b. The total  distance traveled by the bug is 17 meters

c. The distance the bug end up from its starting point is 3 meters

d. i. The bugs velocity is 0 when t = 0, 5, or 10 seconds,

ii. The bugs velocity is > 0 at 5 ≤ t ≤ 10

iii. The bugs velocity is < 0 at 0 ≤ t ≤ 5

e. i. The bug's acceleration is 0 at 2 ≤ t ≤ 4

ii. The bug's acceleration is > 0 at 4 ≤ t ≤ 6 and 8 ≤ t ≤ 9

iii. The bug's acceleration is > 0 at 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 and 9 ≤ t ≤ 10

f. The time the bug passes the starting point is approximately 8.83 seconds


a. When 2 ≤ t ≤ 4, the bug is moving at a constant speed of -2 m/s

b. The total distance the bug traveled is given by the area under the velocity-time graph which consist of two trapezoid and a triangle and is therefore is given as follows;

The area of the first (negative) trapezoid = -2 × (2 + 5)/2 = -7

The area of the second trapezoid = 2 × (3.5 + 5)/2 = 8.5

The area of the triangle = 1/2 × 1.5 × 2 = 1.5

The sum of the magnitude of the areas = The total  distance traveled by the bug = [tex]\left | -7 \right |[/tex] + 8.5 + 1.5 = 17

The total  distance traveled by the bug = 17 meters

c. The distance the bug end up from its starting point is given by the sum of the displacement (total displacement) of the bug

The total displacement of the bug = -7 + 8.5 + 1.5 = 3

The distance the bug end up from its starting point = The total displacement of the bug = 3 meters

d. i. The bugs velocity is 0 when the graph crosses the time, 't', axis, which is at points for time, t = 0 seconds, t = 5 seconds, and t = 10 seconds

ii. The bugs velocity is > 0 between the times, 5 ≤ t ≤ 10

iii. The bugs velocity is < 0 between the times, 0 ≤ t ≤ 5

e. i. The bug's acceleration is 0 between the times, 2 ≤ t ≤ 4

ii. The bug's acceleration is > 0 between the times, 4 ≤ t ≤ 6 and 8 ≤ t ≤ 9

iii. The bug's acceleration is > 0 between the times, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 and 9 ≤ t ≤ 10

f. The bug passes the starting point at the time, 8 + t, where 't', is given  by the area of a trapezoid as follows;

2 = t × (2 +  2 + t)/2

∴ 4 = 4·t + t²

t² + 4·t - 4 = 0

(t + (2 + 2·√2))·(t - (2·√2 - 2))

∴ t = 2·√2 - 2

The time the bug passes the starting point = 8 + 2·√2 - 2 = 6 + 2·√2 ≈ 8.83

The time the bug passes the starting point ≈ 8.83 seconds

An oil refinery can refine about 20 gallons of gasoline from one barrel of crude oil. If an automobile has a fuel economy of 25 miles per gallon, calculate the maximum number of miles an automobile could theoretically travel using the quantity of gasoline that could have been refined from the crude oil that escaped from the well in May of 2010.



20(1,800,000)/25= 1,440,00


The maximum number of miles an automobile could theoretically travel is; 500x

How to create functions?

At 20 gallons per barrel, x barrels produces 20x gallons. Thus;

G(x) = 20x

An automobile has a fuel economy of 25 miles per gallon. Thus;

M(g) = 25g

Where g is the number of gallons that will allow the automobile to drive 25 miles per gallon. Thus;

Maximum number of miles it can travel is;

M(G(x)) = 25(20x)

M(G(x) = 500x

Read more on creating functions at; https://brainly.com/question/1415456

Langston Hughes's "Salvation" makes which of the following statements
about decisions?
A. They should not be taken lightly.
B. They should be carefully and methodically planned.
C. They should not be made under pressure.
D. They should be supported by friends and family.



C. They should not be made under pressure.


Langston Hughes' "Salvation" is all about peer pressure and how, as a child, Hughes was subjected to pressure from friends, family, and the church about certain religious ideas and faith. At the end of the novel, Hughes learns that one must make decisions for themselves, and should not be influenced by others.

Langston Hughes's "Salvation" makes the statement regarding the decisions is they should not be made under pressure. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Salvation?

The state of being saved or shielded from harm or a catastrophic circumstance is known as salvation. In religion and theology, salvation often refers to the release of the soul from the penalties of sin. Soteriology is the academic subject of salvation.

"Salvation" by Langston Hughes is all about peer pressure and how, as a youngster, Hughes was subjected to religious notions and faith pressure from peers, family, and the church. Hughes learns in the end of the story that one must make decisions for oneself and should not be swayed by others. Therefore, it can be concluded that option C is correct.

Learn more about Salvation here:



What happens to a t-distribution as the degrees of freedom increase?



One of the interesting properties of the t-distribution is that the greater the degrees of freedom, the more closely the t-distribution resembles the standard normal distribution. As the degrees of freedom increases, the area in the tails of the t-distribution decreases while the area near the center increases

hope it's help


The world's population has been growing exponentially. How might this trend
in human population growth be considered a tragedy of the commons?

A. People have more in common than they realize
B. Each birth adds another person to the population.
C. Each person cannot avoid eventual death from old age.
D. People overuse air, water, land, and food resources.


D. People overuse air, water, land and food resources.

If the world's population grows exponentially, this trend is a Tragedy of the Commons because: D. people overuse air, water, land, and food resources.

What is Tragedy of the Commons?

Tragedy of the Commons can be defined as an economic concept in which people with access to a shared resource act in their own selfish interest while retroactively depleting the common resource.

This ultimately implies that, this trend in human population growth would be considered a Tragedy of the Commons because people overuse air, water, land, and food resources when the world's population grows exponentially.

Read more on Tragedy of the Commons here: brainly.com/question/22075885


I was today years old when i found out when i give brainliest I get 25% of the points I offered :O


Woah I’ve never noticed that

Help me evaluate these Boolean expressions below to a single true or false given the values of grade, name and x: grade = 82, name = “Rumpelstiltskin”, and x = -3.

1. Grade == 82
2. Grade >= 82 and grade + 10 < 100
3. Grade/ 2 > 90 or grade == 75
4. Not(name != “Rumpelstiltskin”)
5. Name == “Jim” or name == “Rumpelstiltskin”
6. X + 3 > 0 or x != -3 or x - 1 < -5
7. (X < 0 and x != 3) and x + 5 == 2
8. Grade > 65 and (name == “Micheal” or name == “Rumpelstiltskin”) and not(x == -3)
9. X > 0 or (grade + 5 < 90 and grade >= 80) or name == “Pam”
10. (not(grade > x) and (name != “Dwight” and x <= 0)) or (grade > 0 and x % 2 == 1)




1. True

2.  True

3.  False

4.  False

5.   True 

6.  False

7.  True

8.  True

9.  True

 10.   False


Following are the complete python code to check the Boolean expressions values:


grade = 82 #defining the variable grade that inputs integer value

name = "Rumpelstiltskin"#defining the variable name that inputs string value  

x = -3#defining the variable x that inputs negative integer value  

print(grade == 82)#using the grade variable that checks its value equal to 82

print(grade >= 82 and grade + 10 < 100)#using the grade variable with and gate that checks its value greater than equal to 82 and adding 10 in grade is less than 100

print(grade/ 2 > 90 or grade == 75)#using the grade variable with or gate that checks its grade divide by 2 greater than 90 and grade is equal to 75

print(not(name != "Rumpelstiltskin"))#using not gate that check name not equal to string value

print(name == "Jim" or name == "Rumpelstiltskin")#using the name variable with or gate that checks its value Jim or Rumpelstiltskin

print(x + 3 > 0 or x != -3 or x - 1 < -5)#using the x variable with or gate that checks x and by 3 is greater than 0 or x not equal to -3  or x -1 less than -5

print((x < 0 and x != 3) and x + 5 == 2)#using the x variable with and gate that checks x less than 0 and x not equal to 3  and x+5 equal to 2

print(grade > 65 and (name == "Micheal" or name =="Rumpelstiltskin") and not(x == -3))#using the grade and name variable with or gate that checks grade greater than 65 and name equal to "Micheal" or "Rumpelstiltskin"

print(x > 0 or (grade + 5 < 90 and grade >= 80) or name == "Pam")#using the x and grade variable with or and and gate that checks x greater than 0 or grade + 5 less than 90 and greater than equal to 80

print((not(grade > x) and (name != "Dwight" and x <= 0)) or (grade > 0 and x % 2 == 1))#using the grade, name, x variable with or and and and not grade greater than x and name not equal to "Dwight" and x less than equal to 0 or grade greater than 0 and x modulo 2 equal to 1


Please find the attached file.

Learn more about the boolean expression here:


A person displays a set of rare behaviors that
psychologists had not known about previously,
because nobody had ever shown them before. The
best strategy to investigate the nature of those
behaviors is:
Cross-sectional research
A survey
An experiment
Correlational research
A case study


A case study
I did that already

hey does anyone wanna do a homework helping zoom cuz i missed 2 weeks of schools and im behind i can help with middle school math spanish ap spanish and some french



ion speak nunadetshi





FREE POINTTSSS// ill mark brainlyest if you gimme a noice George Weasley photo \

AAAAAA hes hot anywhooo wheres my wattpad bbys at??









warn me again i dont care



warn about what ?


Molly attends college and works part-time job as a telemarketer. She can work up to 40 hours each week at her job, which pays $8 per hour. The table below shows her utility from different levels of leisure and income. Molly is currently working 20 hours per week. If she decides to work 30 hours instead, then her marginal utility loss from having less leisure is:



ok i will help you because u need a help

Molly is currently working 20 hours per week. If she decides to work 30 hours instead, then her marginal utility loss from having less leisure is 34 option B.

What is leisure?

Leisure Technology, Inc. is worried in all stages of the improvement and advertising and marketing of deliberate person retirement groups in NJ, NY, CA and FL.

When molly makes a choice to artwork for 30 hours, she is taking component in enjoyment of the best 10 hours. From this amount of enjoyment, she is receiving a whole utility of 34. It has reduced from 56 to 34, showing a loss of 22 utils. Since the utility from enjoyment now might be 34 utils, it want to be the ideal choice

Read more about the leisure :



John displays anxiety irritability and ability to concentrate and apathy. She also reexperiences a distress event through nightmare and vivid memories. Joanna is experiencing



Joan is experiencing past regression charactorized by vivid memories of past experiences..

Only treatment is thru hypnosis & relaxation therapy to promote memories from her past...

An example of a personal skill is
A. communication
B. friendliness
C. honesty
D. flexibility



A. communication.


Friendliness is not a personal skill, its a trait, so is honesty and flexibility.

All men in their late teens to mid-20s are at risk for developing a schizophrenic disorder.
T or F?


I think it’s false. Hope this is right!
Schizophrenia is a complex and debilitating brain disorder that typically emerges in late adolescence and early adulthood and is characterized by hallucinations and delusions (commonly known as positive symptoms), social withdrawal, alogia, and flat affect (negative symptoms), and cognitive disabilities. Schizophrenia afflicts approximately 1% of the population worldwide incurring substantial individual, family, and societal costs1 along with shortened life span.

The answer is false

Which of the following statements correctly explains what happens to the variability of a t-distribution as the sample size increases?


Based on the information given there'll be a decrease in the variability.

A sample size simply means the number of subjects that are included for a research purpose.

In this case, the variability of a t-distribution as the sample size increases will reduce because the mean of the distribution decreases.

Learn more about sampling on:


At Kirby Middle School, some students were surveyed to see which social
media app they used the most. The results are shown below.
App Number of Students
Solve and explain how to calculate what percent of students used Snap the





Number of students who use Face = 8

Number of students who use Snap = 22

Number of students who use Insta = 20

Total number of students = 8 + 22 + 20 = 50

Percent of students who used Snap the most = (Number of students ÷ Total number of students) × 100

= [tex]\frac{22}{50}(100)=44\%[/tex]

Is it wrong if someone hates there mom because she wasn't there for her almost her whole life?




Yes that's wrong



No, there is nothing wrong with that, my mom left me... and it was hard, VERY HARD... but if she wants a second chance girl take it... because she may be there now but she won't later. Forgiveness is a good thing. My mom never wanted a second chance it seems, but I wish she did every day. And i'm hating myself for it, but i shouldn't, and if I were you just think wisely, think about the consequeances that could happen if you did or didn't... Compare and contrast... make a list of the things that arw positive and negative... limit your choices

The angle that is formed from the foot of a polar bear foot to the top of the an igloo is 17°. If the polar bar is standing 131 feet from the base of the igloo, how tall is the igloo?



Let AB be the igloo

     C be the polar bear

According to the given information:

· ∠ABC = 90° (The igloo and the ground)

· ∠ACB = 17° (The foot of the polar bear to the top of the igloo)

· BC would be the distance between the polar bear and the igloo, BC = 131 ft

The height of the igloo is:

tan 17° = AB / BC

AB = tan 17° × BC

AB = tan 17° × 131

AB = 40.05 ft

Eboni has 48 red peppers and 16 yellow peppers. If Eboni wants to put the peppers into baskets so that each basket has the same number of red peppers and the same number of yellow peppers, what is the greatest number of baskets she can make? Determine how many of each type of pepper will go in each basket? *



1 yellow pepper in each basket and 3 red peppers in each basket 16 baskets


No one bothers to read why anyways

Guess the word



Repetition or petitioner

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