Which statement best describes the main idea of a text? A.It helps a reader identify the authors of the text . B.It gives readers information about a topic .C.It gives evidence for the authors message. D.It is important message of a text


Answer 1


D. It is important message of a text.


Any text most often contains one main point or idea of what the whole text or passage will be dealing with. In other words, a text will often contain a recurring idea that will be the basis of the whole text.

The main idea of a text is the most important message or issue that the author wants to convey to the readers. It can also be the main point that the whole text or passage is all about.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Related Questions

Our Solar System was formed around [__________] billion years ago. From a giant cloud of gases and rocks that gravity pulled together. Most of the matter formed the [__________], while the rest formed [__________], [__________] and other smaller bodies.



4.6; sun; planet; moons.


Our Solar System was formed around 4.6 billion years ago from a giant cloud of gases and rocks that gravity pulled together. Most of the matter formed the sun while the rest formed planets, moons and other smaller bodies such as asteroids or large rocks.

A planet can be defined as a large celestial body having sufficient mass to allow for self-gravity and make it assume a nearly circular shape (hydrostatic equilibrium), revolves in an orbit around the Sun in the solar system and has a cleared neighborhood.

Basically, the planets are divided into two (2) main categories and these includes;

I. Outer planets: these planets are beyond the asteroid belt and comprises of jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune, from left to right of the solar system.

II. Inner planets: these planets are the closest to the sun and comprises of mercury, venus, earth and mars.

These outer planets are made mostly of gases (hydrogen and helium) causing them to be less dense than the solid inner planets. These gases are generally known to be less dense in terms of physical properties.

Some examples of the planet are Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, etc.

Furthermore, a force of gravity controls the movement of the planets around the sun in the solar system, holds together stars which are grouped in galaxies, as well as galaxies grouped in clusters.

This ultimately implies that, gravity is considered to be a universal force of attraction that acts between all objects that has both mass, energy and can occupy space. Therefore, it acts in such a way as to bring objects together.

Additionally, the gravity of earth makes it possible for all physical objects to possess weight.

who says this quote
"Oh serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!"


(Juliet) from Romeo and Juliet

Have a nice day
(Juliet) from Romeo and Juliet

The following question is based on your reading of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

What are the stipulations of Jekyll’s will?
Dr. Jekyll’s estate is divided evenly between Hyde and Utterson.
Dr. Jekyll’s estate is given to charity.
Mr. Hyde inherits all of Dr. Jekyll’s estate.
Mr. Utterson inherits all of Jekyll’s estate.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Hopes this helps!!!


It is in fact B or what ever the guy above said trust me I checked


2021 :)

Explain the relationship between Victor and Elizabeth Lavenza?, page numbers please!


Thereof, what is the relationship between Victor and Elizabeth? In the original version, Elizabeth is Victor's cousin, the daughter of Alphonse's sister; when Victor is four years old, Elizabeth's mother dies and Elizabeth is adopted into the Frankenstein family. In the revised version, Elizabeth is discovered by Caroline, on a trip to Italy, when Victor is about five years old.

Write a thesis statement on any topic. Remember that a successful thesis statement must like an equation. Topic + Claim = Thesis statement.


Answer: The outcomes of the Vietnam war continues to shape Americans perspectives because of north and south Vietnam, the communist of that time, and history repeating itself in wars today.


thats it!!!!!!


Monitoring Children's Television Use

I believe parents should monitor what their children are viewing on television, it is important because if they don’t the child may inherit the bad side effects of television, For Example, Television may affect your child negatively by showing some inappropriate things, such as nudity, bad language, explicit content, and or drug use. But There is also some positive effects of television opposing the negative. Television can be educational, for example it may show the danger of smoking, or may teach your child to count, or learn their ABC’s, So i believe Parents should always monitor their children's use of television.  

Explanation:   :)

How did miep come to be a helper to the secret annex members? What were her thoughts about doing such a heroic deed? Quickly please



Suppling food rations, news from the outside, and most importantly, friendship.


Miep Gies come to be a helper to the secret annex members by suppling food rations, news from the outside, and most importantly, friendship to those in hiding with part of her. Miep immediately offers her support to the secret annex members because she has a good heart which force her to help the secret annex members. Miep also knew that she could be severely punished for helping to hide Jews, he did the job of hiding the Jews.

Describe what happens when the patrols arrive at Alice’s house



help her


what story are u reading

4. PART B: Which TWO sections from the text best support the
answer to Part A?
Commonlit: Can television be considered literature and taught in English classes?

A “They were first told orally as fairy tales, folklore, and epic
poems, and were eventually written down." ( Paragraph 1)
B "First, TV shows started to look better and showcase more
interesting camera work" ( Paragraph 5)
C"the shows Doherty listed are adult entertainment that deal
with sexual and violent themes." ( Paragraph 8).
"Teaching television shows in school can help to bridge that
gap by providing a common cultural ground in the way
novels once did." ( Paragraph 13)
E “As this discussion of TV surges, enthusiasm for traditional,
written literature wanes." ( Paragraph 15)
F “a study at Emory University found that college students had
increased connectivity in the parts of the brain associated
with language while reading a novel." ( Paragraph 16)



you need to put a picture of your answer from A. and the story

Read the claim.

Raphael was caring.

Which excerpt from "The Child of Urbino" best supports the claim?

"Poor Luca was in despair. He knew very well that his chance of winning Pacifica was gone. Raphael's tender heart was touched."

"Raphael called Luca to see his work. Trembling with eagerness, he uncovered his jar and platter and showed them to his friend."

"Raphael kissed the duke's hand. Then he turned to his father. 'Is it true,' he asked, 'that my jar and platter have been chosen?'"

"For hours at a time Raphael would stand quietly beside the old man as he worked, noting each detail of the potter's skill, and storing up in his little head the things he learned there."



For hours at a time Raphael would stand...

Drag in the strongest hook for the thesis statement and theme.
how technology affects communication

In today's world of texting and emojis, formal grammar is no longer important to communication.

Drag into one of the empty spots above.
A series of text messages buzzes a phone right off of a table.

A text message can never express the true emotion heard in a loved one's voice at the other end of a phone call.

A text message contains a jumble of letters, symbols, and bright smiley faces, but the recipient knows exactly what it means.


Answer: It’s the last one a text message contains a jumble of letters, symbols, and bright smiley faces, but the recipient knows exactly what it means


What is the format we use when writing English papers? *


MlA is the format to be used

Which is not a plural noun is this text?
1 opponent's
2 swords
3 actors
4 fencers





A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there's one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).


1. opponent's


state four types of jokes in oral literature​



Surprise and Incongruity · Self- Deprecating Humor · Situational Humor · Irony as Humor · Understatement in Humor.

What does the fittest mean ?


the best suited for something
Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose

Can you rewrite this into a conclusion



My life seems simple, but with the current lifestyle, I would have to think long and hard about what exactly I would want to put in my time capsule. Something meaningful would go in, for example, the keys from my first car, where I got the hang of driving, and tons of good memories were made.

Hope this helps!



My life gives off an impression of being basic on occasion. It is essential to such an extent that it's probably not going to speak to any other individual, particularly later on. As a result of a way of life changes, political concerns, and only life by and large. I accept that life in 20 years will be undeniably more confounded than it is currently. In the event that I had something in a time capsule, I would need to take some time to consider what I would place in it. I'd need to incorporate things that are significant to me or mirror my lifestyle. However certain things might be intercahngeable.


I only did the first paragraph

brainliest pls?

Please this an emergency I need to get this done by 12pm today​.. I'll give brainliest and no links please



choice 2



Choice 2:

The Pursuit of Happiness

This is a great movie for personal growth starring Will Smith. It tells the story of Chris Gardner. Smith’s role in this movie made him receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In the movie, Chris Gardner is a divorced father who tries to get a better life for himself and his son.  Both of them will face a series of obstacles while searching for happiness and also trying to fulfill their dreams of a better life. In this story, we can see how a man faces his daily life in a continuous fight for success. A fun fact is that this movie is based on real-life events.

Below there is more examples base on the story


Resolution: The resolution of the book is when Old Dan is killed by the mountain lion, and Little Ann dies of depression. But Billy does not understand why his dogs died. When he see's the red fern growing between their graves, he then understands why God had Little Ann and Old Dan die.


The Ozark Mountains in Oklahoma during the Great Depression.

Climax: The climax of the book during the lion attack. When the lion starts to attack Old Dan. Then, he sicks he teeth into his neck. I thought he was dead, and Little Ann was trying her best to get the lion off of him. When Billy took him to his parents to fix him up they had acted like it wasn't terrible, but then Billy found that his stomach was split open.

Main Characters and Character Descriptions:

Main characters: Billy Coleman, Little Ann, Old Dan, and Grandpa.

Plot: The plot of the book is at the begining of the book when there is a little boy named Billy. The little boy who has puppy love. And man does he have it bad. But his parents cant afford it so he is determined to earn the money for the two dogs. But these dogs aren't just any dogs they are red bone coon hounds. It got so bad he started to see dogs, smell dogs, and even hear dogs.

Grandpa: Grandpa is very kind and generous. He would give Billy a full sack of candy. He owns his own store in town. He is very loyal. Him and Billy are very close.

Billy: Billy is the oldest sibling of four in his family. He has three sisters (All younger than him). At the begining of the book he is ten years old. Through the book the years go by, and so the age of Billy gets older. By the end of the book he is fourteen years old. He is a very determined boy. For example, he was determined to get red bone coonhounds. He is also determined to get the money for the two hounds. He is very kind. He would give all of his candy to his younger sisters.

Old Dan: Old Dan is large, tough, and aggressive. He is a deep red color. He does not give up when he is trying to catch a coon. He is easily tricked by the coons though, unlike Little Ann. He and Little Ann are very close. He wont do anything without her. For example, he wont hunt unless Little Ann is there. Also if he gets something he makes sure she has her fair share to.

Little Ann: Little Ann is one of Billy's dogs. She is a grayish color. She is very loyal and clever. She is also very small and delicate. She is very sweet and loves to play. She is beautiful. That is why she won the beauty contest before the big hunt. Little Ann and Old Dan do everything together.

4: What is the meaning of the word alleviate as used in this sentence? "To alleviate dust allergies, be sure to keep your pet's
sleeping area vacuumed."
OA: Elevate
OB: Lessen
OC: Maintain
OD: Recognize


i believe it’s lessen, since it’s talking about a type of treatment to supposedly help with the allergies. If it were to maintain them it wouldn’t really be good way of spending money, and alleviate is commonly used to reference a lessen “bad” experience




Untenable is the answer.


Untenable means "not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection."


The answer is untenable.  

What do you mean by technical occupations ? write with examples​



Technical occupation or profession refers to high skill-based occupation in which a practical knowledge is required.for eg Health Assistant,Health worker,Doctor etc


Read the prompt and claim below. Then write a body paragraph in response to the prompt and claim that contains a topic sentence, offers at least one piece of supporting evidence from the list provided, introduces and addresses the counterclaim provided, and ends with a concluding sentence.



Your school district is considering removing handwriting and cursive classes from its school curriculum. Would you be in favor of such a policy?


Our district should not eliminate cursive classes from its curriculum.

Paragraph topic:

Cursive can connect students to the past.


According to Johnson Kipling, professor of linguistics at Upton State University, "writing in cursive teaches reading cursive, and many of the foundational documents of our country are written in cursive, as are other historical documents. Looking at a typed transcript of these documents disconnects students from truly understanding them as part of history. One of history's central lessons is that times change and things evolve."

A poll of our state's high school history and government teachers revealed that almost 90 percent of them use primary-source historical documents written in cursive on a regular basis.


Students can just look at typed versions of historical documents to get the same information.





Which of these is the best reason writers use imagery?
A. encourage readers to keep reading
B.help readers connect to the writing
C. get the readers to write their own poetry
D. create mental pictures in the readers minds





The answer to this is D.

How does drama reveal the plot?
A. narration
B. description
C. characters' internal thoughts
D. dialogue and action


Your answer would be D, hope this help!! Brainliest would be highly appreciated<3
The answer is D it should be D for you as well

in act 3 tybalt first fights


He first fights mercutio, and this leads to mercutio’s death

Which of these skills can help you to understand the purpose of the text?


Answer: so the answer is simple



Compare and contrast the stories by Edgar Allan Poe with the films by Tim Burton and provide examples to support your response. Consider elements such as setting, plot, mood & tone, characters, sounds, colors, state of mind, and theme

use 300 words or more thank u in advance



Both Tim Burton and Edgar Allan Poe wrote about death, tormented heroes, and hopeless love. The horror aesthetic of Poe’s stories is found in most of Burton’s movies. The use of stop motion in black and white highlights the contrast between light and darkness. Burton uses sounds such as an organ, thunder, and a somber soundtrack that enhance the horror setting. Visual details like skeletons, black cats, bats, and spiders strengthen the horror aesthetic.

Burton has said that as a child he used to escape from his reality by reading the horror books of Edgar Allan Poe and watching horror movies inspired on them.

Interestingly, Burton´s first movie, Vincent (1982), was a stop motion animation full of references to "The Raven", Poe´s most famous poem.

Vincent Malloy is a 7-year-old-boy obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe, his favorite author, and with Vincent Price, the actor whose characters Vincent wants to be like. Notably, Vincent Price is also the narrator of the short movie and was famous for his work in horror movies, many of which had been adapted from Poe’s stories. Vincent confuses his reality with Poe´s stories. For example, he believes his house is a big castle where he can perform experiments such as transforming his dog into a zombie and his aunt into a doll. Vincent´s last words at the end of the movie are an exact quotation from "The Raven". In addition to the direct mention of Poe and his work, Poe’s influence can also be seen in the poetic format of the movie.

Furthermore, both the movie and the poem have themes like delusion, love, beauty, the supernatural, and death. In the movie, Vincent goes insane as he starts to believe that his wife was buried alive, while in the poem, there´s a supernatural setting, and a man is being disturbed both psychologically and emotionally by a raven about the death of the woman he loved.

I WILL GIVE YOU BRAINNEST!!!30POINTS!!NO LINKS!!!Sometimes, people learn in a classroom. Other times, they learn on the job. What do you think?
The best way to learn about something is by doing it.
Explain why you voted the way you did





I've always had trouble with doing things just in theory, the easiest way for me has always been actually doing it because then I have the physical and mental knowledge to complete an objective

What theme is revealed through the story? A Trust leads to death in romantic relationships. B In some situations, the right choice is not easy to find. C Free will allows people to create the future they want. D Power enables people to have confidence in their choices.


I have looked this question up. It refers to the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger".


The theme that is revealed through the story is:

B. In some situations, the right choice is not easy to find.


"The Lady, or the Tiger" is a short story by American author and humorist Frank Richard Stockton. One of the themes revealed through the story is that, in some situations, the right choice is not easy to find. That theme comes through the dilemma which is faced by the princess.

She has fallen in love with a man of inferior birth. Her father, a semi-barbaric king, arrests the man and decides he will go to trial. The trial, however, is based on luck rather than fairness. The man is supposed to choose one of two doors. Behind it, there may be a tiger or a maiden. If the man chooses the tiger, he dies. If he chooses the maiden, he has to marry her.

Now, the princess has been able to find out which door leads to each fate. And this is where her dilemma starts. If she shows him the door to the maiden, she will lose him, since he will marry someone else. Just thinking about that possibility makes her blood boil with jealousy. But, if she shows him the door to the tiger, she will also lose him, since he will die. What could be the right choice?

Why is it helpful to create a research plan? Select one: a. A research plan helps you summarize the information you find. b. A research plan helps you search for information more efficiently. c. A research plan helps you organize and cite the sources you use. d. A research plan helps you use the information you use to write your report.


Answer: b. A research plan helps you search for information more efficiently.


In order to do something efficiently, one usually needs to plan out the steps so that one knows what to do and when to do it such that their goals are achieved.

This can be applied to research. Making a research plan makes people aware of where they are to get information, how they can get it and what they can do with it. This will ensure that their information gathering works efficiently such that the relevant information is gathered and the research is a success.

Sometimes to understand an author's purpose, the reader must _______________?



persuade, inform, entertain and explain


Try to understand or develop an idea of what the author is trying to say or prove

(I’m not sure I’m just saying what I think)

Give a personal example with the word relationships



The relationship between the two countries has improved. She has a close relationship with her sister. She has had many bad relationships. ... the relationship between mental and physical health “What is your relationship to the witness?” “He is my father.”

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