que es la fricción help me​


Answer 1


La fricción, fuerza de roce o fuerza de rozamiento es una fuerza existente entre dos superficies que se encuentren en contacto, y que se opone al movimiento, o sea, tiene dirección contraria al movimiento.

Related Questions

There is a population of alien dogs, species Dogus Cute-ee-us, that live on the planet Woof. Their genomes and biology are amazingly identical to the genomes and biology of earth dogs. Consider a di-hybrid cross, where the first locus has alleles A and a, and second locus has alleles B and b. Each additional copy of either an A or B allele in the two-locus genotype increases the friendliness of the dog. Friendliness is measured by the Wilcoxon-Canus Amicus Diagnostic Scale (WCADS). There are five categories:

0 = Unfriendly/Loner (although not aggressive);
1 = Somewhat friendly/shy;
2 = Friendly;
3 = Very friendly;
4 = Maximally friendly.

For example, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of Aabb would have a Somewhat friendly/shy behavior, since there is one copy of A and zero copies of B, adding to a score of 1 for the WCADS. Similarly, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of AaBB has a Very friendly behavior (one copy of A + two copies of B = three copies total of A or B).

In the following mating: AaBb x AaBb, what is the expected ratio of Maximally friendly:Very friendly:Friendly:Somewhat friendly:Unfriendly alien dogs in the offspring, assuming the parents produce a very large litter?

a. 0:1:1:1:0
b. 1:2:3:2:1
c. 1:4:6:4:1
d. 9:3:3:1



c. 1:4:6:4:1


The term quantitative heritability refers to the transmission of a phenotypic trait in which expression depends on the additive effect of a series of genes.  

Polygenic heritability occurs when a trait results from the interaction of more than one gene. And these genes can also have more than two alleles. The action of many genes and alleles can cause many different combinations that are the reason for genotypic graduation.  

Quantitative traits are those that can be measure, such as longitude, weight, eggs laid per female, among others. In the exposed example, the measurable trait is the dog´s friendliness. These characters do not group individuals by any precise and clear categories. Instead, they group individuals in many different categories that depend on how the genes were intercrossed and distributed during meiosis. The result depends on the magnitude in which each allele contributes to the final phenotype and genotype. When they interact, they create a gradation in phenotypes, according to the level of contribution.  

In the exposed example, each dominant allele contributes with a higher level of friendliness.    

aabb → 0 = Unfriendly/Loner (although not aggressive); Aabb, aaBb → 1 = Somewhat friendly/shy; AAbb, AaBb, aaBB → 2 = Friendly; AABb, aABB → 3 = Very friendly; AABB → 4 = Maximally friendly.

Cross: between two dihybrid friendly dogs

Parentals) AaBb    x    AaBb

Gametes) AB, Ab, aB, ab

                AB, Ab, aB, ab

Punnett square)   AB       Ab       aB       ab

                   AB   AABB   AABb  AaBB  AaBb

                    Ab   AABb    AAbb  AaBb  Aabb

                    aB   AaBB    AaBb   aaBB   aaBb

                    ab    AaBb    Aabb   aaBb   aabb

F1) 1/16 AABB ⇒ 4 = Maximally friendly

    4/16 AABb + AaBB ⇒ 3 = Very friendly

    6/16 AAbb + AaBb + aaBB ⇒ 2 = Friendly

    4/16 Aabb + aaBb ⇒ 1 = Somewhat friendly/shy

    1/16 aabb ⇒ 0 = Unfriendly/Loner

The Phenotypic ratio is 1:4:6:4:1


Use your knowledge of Earth’s rotation, revolution, axial tilt, direct sunlight, indirect sunlight, and the atmosphere to complete a diagram and explain in detail, using evidence, why Earth’s seasons occur.


Because as the earth is spinning, one area faces direct sunlight and the areas above and below it face indirect sunlight. This is because the earth is tilted.

okra seed contains reserve food which is stored in...
A. seed coat
B. seed leaves
C. embryo
D. seed scar​


Answer: For my knowledge of most plants, I'm pretty sure it's C., embryo.

Explanation: . . .

What does dna turn into?





it turns in rna and I do t wanna type more

The DNA turns into RNA

what are the tropical rainforest dominant animals(biotic)



The most dominant animal species found in a tropical rainforest are mammals and birds that have adapted to a life in the trees. In a tropical rainforests you can see anything from a chimpanzee to a jambu fruit dove.


Large flying fox, Great Hornbill, Kinkajou, Crowned Eagle. Hope this helped!

I need the answer pls don’t tell the wrong answer and this is science


I believe it is Weather

Which of these organisms is NOT made from eukaryotic cells

A. Amoeba
B. Lion
C. Fungi
D.pine tree



E. Bacteria


Bacteria are made of prokaryotic cells

2. What does it mean for your body to be out of homeostasis?



If homeostasis is disrupted, it must be controlled or a disease/disorder may result. Your body systems work together to maintain balance. If that balance is shifted or disrupted and homeostasis is not maintained, the results may not allow normal functioning of the organism.


2. The diagram below represents a food web composed of producers, consumers, and
Which group would represent the decomposer organisms?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D





because that is the 2nd decompers

B group would represent the decomposer organisms. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What are Decomposers?

Decomposers are organisms that convert decaying organic matter into more basic components. They are an important component of the nutrition cycle because they convert complex chemical substances, such as nitrogen and carbon, into direct nutrients that can be absorbed by plants and other living things.

Some species of bacteria, fungi and insects are specialized decomposers. These organisms are essential to maintaining healthy soil because they aid in the recycling of nutrients and the breakdown of organic matter, which would otherwise build up and cause nutrient imbalances. Decomposers, which break down dead organisms and aid in the containment of pathogens, may be important in disease prevention.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Decomposers here:



Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

plants that require short nights to flower

long-day plants
day-neutral plants
short-day plants
abscisic acid
tropism auxin



long-day plants




day-neutral plants


short-day plants

abscisic acid

tropism auxin



What percentage of the global population lives in the United States?


Answer: 4.25%


As at Friday, May 28, 2021, the population of the United States of America is about 332,754,370. The population of the world is about 7,868,904,000.

Therefore, the percentage of the global population lives in the United States is about 4.25% that's 332,754,370/7,868,904,000 × 100%.




A nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule

Move the bonfire to the left side of the sand. Observe how the smoke from the bonfire moves"" Dose anyone know how to get past this?


Fire requires three things heat, fuel, and oxygen. The heat source is a match. The firewood burns and provides its own heat to keep it burning.  Fire needs oxygen, which can be obtained from fresh air. Air gets hot and denser.

When fire burns, heat transfers kinetic energy to the molecules. As the kinetic energy increases, there are more collisions between molecules. The hot air becomes less dense. As less dense than the cold air around it, the hot air rises and carries the smoke with it. Therefore, the smoke moves away with the wind.

Learn more about fire, here:



In 1976, an outbreak of pulmonary infections among participants at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia led to the identification of a new disease, Legionnaire's disease. The bacterium responsible for the disease had never before been known to be pathogenic. From your knowledge of bacterial genetics, can you postulate how it might have acquired the ability to cause disease





It might have acquired the ability to cause disease due to evolution. Due to evolution, the harmless bacteria can turn into infectious pathogens that cause diseases. Evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations due to the process of natural selection. This evolution in the bacteria occurs due to changing of environmental conditions which changes the genetic makeup of that harmless bacteria and turn into infectious pathogen.

In 1980, Mt. St. Helens erupted. The resulting lahar flowed over a wide area of the Cascade Mountains. Which of these statements DOES NOT describe the effect of the volcanic eruption?

A. It affected the living and nonliving components of the ecosystem.
B. It removed populations of mammals from the mountainside.
C. It led to succession on the mountainside.
D. It affected only nonliving components of the ecosystem.


The answer you looking for would be D

Correct answer is C

Have a great day!

I’ll mark u as brainliest!



39 purple stemmed plants

39 green stemmed plants


You'll end up with half and half! :)

An event that causes changes to the living or nonliving parts of an ecosystem is called a ________________?




none of the above




2nd one

disturbance would be the correct answer

which of the following proyocarotic cell?

a.bacteria b.fungus c.alge d.virus​



A. Bacteria


I feel like that's meant to say prokaryotic cell and bacteria are prokaryotic cells

1. A stream dries up. Did the water in the stream:

a. gain energy

b. loose eergy

c. keep the same amount of energy

d. never had energy

Explain your answer.''


It gained energy I believe, in order to evaporate it needs more kinetic energy.

Which of the following describes the relationship between genes and chromosomes?

Select one:

Every gene an organism has is found on every one of its chromosomes.

Genes are special sequences of nucleic acids found on chromosomes.

All of an organism’s chromosomes can be found next to its genes in the cell nucleus.

Chromosomes form into genes during cellular reproduction.



Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.


How does climate change affected plants and animal species on earth?



Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.


hope this helps you

Which of the following is true?
A. Parasitism is a density-dependent limiting factor.
B. Population size is a density-independent limiting
C. Season cycles are not considered a potential
limiting factor.


A. Parasitism is a density-dependent limiting factor

Which of the following defines an ecological succession? A.It is the final and stable commuity of an ecosystem. B. It is the first plants and animals to inhabit a newly available ecosystem. C. It is the number of a particular species that an ecosystem can support. D.It is a process of chang during which species in a community are established or replaced.



D. It is a process of change during which species in a community are established or replaced


Ecological succession is a process that occurs when a community is being established or replaced.

It shows the change in community over time, focusing on the types of plants and the maturity of plants that are in the community.

Primary and secondary succession are the two types of succession. Primary succession shows the process of change in the establishment of a community. Secondary succession shows the change when a community is being replaced.

So, the correct answer is D. It is a process of change during which species in a community are established or replaced

A child falls off a bike and skins a knee. Which systems work together to heal the wound?
O Integumentary, Immune, and Circulatory
Respiratory, Immune, and Digestive
O Integumentary, Immune, and Excretory
O Nervous, Immune, and Endocrine





Which biome is characterized by very low temperatures, little precipitation, permafrost and plants that adapted to be short in height with broad roots systems in order to gain enough water from the dry areas?





Which of these actions is likely to spread pathogens in the environment?

Cupping mouth while coughing

Touching wounds

Wiping door knobs

Washing fruits


Touching Wounds

Explain: Well especially if ur hands are dirty touching ur wounds can lead to an infection to where the wound is, so this one is likely to spread pathogens


Touching wounds


Covering your mouth when coughing will prevent the spread of germs. So will  wiping doorknobs and washing fruit. When touching wounds, you can spread pathogens on your hands into the wound. So, the answer is B, touching wounds.

Good luck ^^

give me some ideas...pls



my personal hypothesis:

1. the mosquitos dwell mainly at the shore of the lake and is born there

2. if mosquitos dwell and are born at the shore of the lake

3. The mosquito may lay there eggs in the lake shores and hatch there.


4. Start over and run the simulation for 5 generations with NO wolves, THEN add wolves.
Explain what happens.



Adding the wolves would likely decrease the population of prey in the simulation.


Large and small particles are found mixed in a fast-moving stream. What type of erosion is this?
A. Suspended load
B. Traction load
C. Dissolved load
D. Bed load


I think the answer is bed load


bed load describes particles in a flowing liquid that is transported along the stream bed

A bed load includes large and small particles are found mixed in a fast-moving stream. The correct option is D.

What is a bed load?

The descriptor bed load or bedload refers to particulate in a flowing fluid basically water that are carried anywhere along stream bed. Bed load works in tandem with suspended load and wash load.

Conventionally, parameters of bedload have been taken by placing samplers in contact with the bed and permitting the sediment transferred as bedload to accrue (or be trapped) inside the sampler for a certain amount of time before raising the sampler to the surface and emptying the material.

Once the critical boundary shear stress is exceeded, coarser grained material tends to move in intermittent contact with the bed.

This movement, known colloquially as "bedload transport,"

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding bed load, visit:



1. Which of the statements below best describe marketing?
A. Bringing products to the costumers' knowledge and attention
B. Bringing products to food preparation
C. Bringing products to factory owners
D. Bringing products to the packaging​



A is the answer I hope you get it correct

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