Which statement BEST describes the author's view of Muhammad Ali?


Answer 1


He was an average boxer who had a few great wins when he went pro.


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How would you use the five W's for a person? I'm confused because like how would you do the why where and when??



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I need help on 7 please ASAP



Going to the supreme court.


I have an assignment where I have to write a situation where two people are arguing about something, and two different scenarios: one where it’s an immature, bad argument that ends badly, and another where they’re mature about it. I’m sick right now and really can’t think of anythinggg. I’ll give brainliest. Ty <3


Answer: Buying a car between husband and wife with 3 kids

Explanation: husband: we should have bought a new car when we were first married I don’t know what I was thinking when I listened to your sad speech about we should wait until we have kids. Wife: well at least I was thinking about the kids instead of a stuffy sports car.

2: between sister and sister : Jenneca!!! Did you take my favorite jean skirt!! Maybe said sally mine tore and I had to where my team shirt to school, i’m Sorry: Sally: that’s ok but next time ask if you don’t that stealing ok, jenneca thanks sis

Priya is researching how people make synthetic spider silk, but searching the topic brings up how spiders make silk. In this scenario, which search term should she use? the name of a company that makes synthetic silk the natural spider silk-making process statistics for spider silk a specific place known for synthetic silk-making


Answer:the name of a company that makes synthetic silk

Explanation:I took the test

The name of a company that makes synthetic silk.

What is synthetic silk?

Synthetic silk "refers to materials such as rayon, that have both natural and man-made fibers within them".

Priya is researching how people make synthetic spider silk, but searching the topic brings up how spiders make silk. In this scenario, she should use the name of a company that makes synthetic silk because with the name of the company the process of making synthetic spider silk will also be shown. The other options that are: "the natural spider silk-making process", "statistics for spider silk", "a specific place known for synthetic silk-making" seem quite inappropriate to find the process.

To learn more about silk, here



Somebody pls help me!!!





The Answer Is the second Choices

7. What was Walt Whitman's connection to the Civil War?





I'm pretty sure he worked as a nurse and took care of many injured, I did some research a few months ago. Although it's always best to re check!

bronx masquerade unit test worksheet/ questions answers


Answer: 1. 1. Which words from paragraph 2 help the reader understand what tirade means? he'll snap

2.Which factor contributes most to Diondra's inner conflict in the story?

Pressure to be an athlete

3. After viewing Raul's self-portrait, how did Diondra change her opinion of sharing her artistic side?She decided she was tired of hiding who she really was

4. How does the setting contribute to Devon's conflict in the story?Devon embraces who he really is after he is spotted in the library

5. What does grief mean n paragraph 15?

Trouble or annoyance

6. Through each narrator's experience, the author explores the theme of-

embracing who you are

7. The organization of this selection allows the author to-compare the different viewpoints and personalities of the students in one class

8. Which two reasons tell why this story benefits from having the point of view of multiple narrators?The reader knows what multiple characters are thinking

and The reader can see the same event through multiple characters

9. Which element identifies the genre of the passage as realistic fiction?

The lifelike conflict

10. Which two elements reveal the nonlinear plot structure of this selection?

Organized themeatically and

Multiple protagonists


Miss Lottie's reaction to Lizabeth's destroying the marigolds is one of
A Sorrowful defeat
B) Complete indifference
C Extreme relief
Blind rage


A? Sorry do not know the book but I think it's "A."

supporting details for the story The Wounded Wolf


-External conflict involving his being followed by the other animals.

-What is the setting of the story?
icy Arctic valley at the end of winter

-How does the setting affect Roko's actions?
Lack of food made Roko a target. His pack couldn't see his signal that he was hurt because of the snow.

-Does 'The Wounded Wolf" have a stated theme or a suggested theme? Explain.
It is an implied theme because the message was not directly stated.

What might the theme of "The Wounded -Wolf" be? Support your answer with details from the story.

Courage, determination, and the help of friends are tools for survival.

Please mark brainliest

11.) The descriptions given by the author about the characters in a story
such as personality, habits, likes and dislikes are called ...


Answer: character detail


The descriptions given by the author about the characters in a story

such as personality, habits, likes and dislikes are simply referred to as the character detail.

Character detail simply refers to a detailed description of the characters in a story. When writing a story, it is important for the characters to have a character detail. Character details include the age of the character, job, habits, personality, education etc.

I need help on this and the first person who answer correctly gets a BRANLIST​



Look below -->



-You were as brave as a lion.

-They fought like cats and dogs.

-He is as strong as an ox.


-The snow is a white blanket.

-He is a shining star.

-her long hair flowed like a golden river


-Don't sit on that chair, you're going to hurt it!

-Lightning danced across the sky

-She heard the last piece of pie calling her name


-He's running faster than the wind

-My dad will kill me if I get home late

-The shopping cost me a million dollars.

She ran as fast as a cheetah
She is crabbier than a crab
She is intelligent like a chimpanzee

The snow is a white blanket
He is a shining star
The calm loving waves were a mirror to your past,present, or future.

The snowflakes danced in the air as they were gracefully falling into my warm hands.
The wind howled in the glowing night sky as I sat at the window wondering what I would do.
My alarm clock yelled at me to get out of bed. IM LATE, I howled.

We were at P.E and WOW! He’s running faster than the wind!
I carried my backpack sulking in the pain of my bag I wailed “This bag ways a TON”.
I looked at the price of the dress and oh. My. Gosh this dress will cost me an arm and a leg.

Why did the building crew fill up tubs of water?



Calcium scale deposits occur when there's an excess of calcium in the water, also known as hard water. .


As calcium accumulates in the water over time, white flakes will start to form. Biofilm is made up of natural materials shed by those using the hot tub, which is an overgrowth of white water mold

I will mark BRAINIEST
The sack that smiles back_______







Also, the answer could be a pickup line or something lol like how schools give out a little snacks with notes on em for valentines day. you can hand out goldfish and have a post-it note on them saying "youre the snack that smiles back ;)"

What feelings does suspense cause in readers?

A. a combination of excitement and apprehension
B. a combination of surprise and ambiguity
C. a combination of horror and ambivalence
D. a combination of anger and anxiety



It's A


A combination of excitement and apprehension

Answer: a combination of excitement and apprehension

write a letter in a role of a soldier from world war 1 about your wartime experiences

PLS i needed fast i give 30 points



Dear Mr Welsh,

We were only out here a matter of a few hours before we went into the trenches; we were there for eight days and then came on to what is called a Rest Camp. I suppose it is called that to distinguish it from the trenches because the men are at work all day road and trench making and it comes under both rifle and artillery fire. We got here at 7 o’clock yesterday morning and were shelled at 9 o’clock.

The country is really quite pretty and just like the hills and valleys of South Wales, but there are no brooks or rivers. It rains hard for a month each year usually about this time and then there is no more until the next rainy season. But although it is so gloriously sunny something is wrong with the place and it really isn’t as healthy as it looks. I think the flies have something to do with it as well as the heat and the still unburied dead bodies about. There are millions and millions of flies here and they are all over everything. Put a cup of tea down without a cover and it is immediately covered with dead ones, they are all round your mouth and directly you open it to speak or to eat in they pop. It is a game. We have all got nets of course, we should have been worried, no medicine by now if we hadn’t.

We live in dugouts built up the reverse sides of the hills. They are just holes really, but all the same they can be made very comfortable with a bit of digging and a few waterproof sheets. They are not shell proof by any means and the one I slept in during my first night here was knocked in completely by a shell pitching right into it. Fortunately I was not at home at the time. We have another now and I must try and get a photo of it and let you see what it is like. I must send you one of our

Mess dugout too.

Everything here is named after the Regiment responsible for the making or taking. For instance the road we made from our trenches to this camp is called “New Bedford Rd” and the ridge we took and now occupy is called on the army maps, Bedford Ridge. I have just been filling in and colouring my map and find it is one of the most, if not the most, advanced line of the lot. Standing on that ridge it is possible to see what a lot of country we have taken and now hold, but there is nothing to get wildly excited about. Each position is strengthened as much as possible before another attempt is made to push on and the whole thing is just steady progress. Something might happen suddenly, I only hope it does.

We have had some very big ships out here and they have been bombarding the forts heavily now for some few days, and there are cruisers, monitors etc. standing in the bay helping the land batteries to shell the trenches. You see a flash and then wait a long time before hearing the boom and the shriek of the shell passing over our heads, almost together, then look round quickly and see the burst of the shell in or over the trenches sometimes before hearing the explosion. The first we know of shells aimed at us is the bang of the explosion, and it is too late to get out of the way. Three officers were laid flat on their backs the other day without any hurt except to their dignity and farther on six men were buried without one being injured. It isn’t always like that though.

There is quite good bathing here when we can find time to go. As the beach is in full view of the enemy, and comes under their shell fire, it would not appeal to the nervous. We never keep closer together than ten yards when we are undressing and swimming in hopes that the Turk will not consider one man worth the price of a shell. We have had some casualties through the men keeping too close together, but after washing out of a teacup for a week or more it is worth a bit of risk to get rid of some of the trench dust and smell and feel and look clean again. And really is the best bathing I’ve ever had. The water is quite warm and clear.

All the hospital work is done on board a ship that stands in the bay. If the cases are serious or lengthy they are transferred to one of the hospital ships that calls daily and then go to either one of the bases or back to England. We land troops night or day in spite of the fact that they come under fire so it is possible for a man to be on his way back wounded, by the same ship that bought him from the base, without ever having landed.

We had a grand voyage out. All the officers had either staterooms or 1st Class cabins and the food mostly was just the same as we should have had on an ordinary cruise to India or Australia, wherever it is that the Cruise Line calls. The usual cabin stewards and waiters were in attendance and it was difficult to remember that we were not exactly on a pleasure trip. We did enjoy those two weeks…

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

H.W. Cronin, Lieutenant.

I am acting as captain until some of the others come back from hospital.


Hope it helps

Pls mark me brainliest

Thank you

Read this passage from Kennedy's Inaugural address. What rhetorical device is Kennedy using?
So let us begin anew-remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never
negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
Appeal to authority
Appeal to emotion





Antithesis, which literally means “opposite,” is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. Antithesis emphasizes the idea of contrast by parallel structures of the contrasted phrases or clauses.

Why do we read stories from different parts of the world and cultures?
To become more cultured and diversified.
To relate to other cultures and find common ground.
To learn new languages and types of cuisine.



A and C, i have read about this. trust me


What are these answers? Pls help ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT




"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." John Andrew, Holmes, Jr.

Choice A: Explain what the quotation is saying in your own words. Include examples to support your explanation.


Choice B: State whether you agree or disagree with the quotation . Include specific reasons as evidence to support your opinion.


A B and C and Sometimes D

When organizing this text, why did the author MOST LIKELY choose to add the content in paragraph 2 following the introduction?
The author had to provide his own opinion about pollution before
providing the facts.
The author provided the most interesting information first to gain readers'
By explaining how people can prevent pollution, he is offering a solution
for readers.
In order to discuss effects of pollution, the readers should understand what
pollution is.


Answer: D

Explanation: I did the usa test prep :)

In order to discuss effects of pollution, the readers should understand what pollution is. The correct option is D.

What is introduction?

The term "introduction" refers to the opening or start of a presentation, written piece, or other type of communication. It establishes the tone for the remaining content and works to grab the audience's interest.

An engaging hook or opening line, a succinct and clear thesis statement or presenting goal, and a quick summary of what the audience may expect to learn or gain from the content are all typical components of a strong introduction.

It's critical to provide readers a thorough knowledge of what pollution is in order to discuss its effects.

The presence or introduction of dangerous compounds into the environment that have the potential to harm ecosystems, living things, and natural resources is referred to as pollution.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding introduction, visit:



how does the Montgomery bus boycott show the individuals fight for social justice


it shows that they’re fighting for their rights and they want to be equal. them being segregated and mistreated was unfair.

Describe what you do in the post-reading phase and explain why this
phase is an important part of the reading process.



Explanation:. The main purpose of the post-reading phase is to check for accurate comprehension of the text. Too often students are asked to read a selection and then never get a chance to discuss the piece they have read.

The main purpose of the post-reading phase is to check for accurate comprehension of the text. Too often students are asked to read a selection and then never get a chance to discuss the piece they have read.

What is post-reading?

Post-reading activities are ones in which students summarize, reflect or question what they’ve just read. They’re ideal for building reading comprehension and there are several different activities you can do.

Post-reading strategies give learners a way to summarize, reflect, and question what they have just read. The exit slip post-reading tactic is used to help learners reflect on what they have just learned. It helps them sort out ideas and how or what they feel about the material learned. This tactic requires learners to use critical thinking, a skill that is important in today’s world. Frame routine is a class tactic that uses a graphic organizer to assist learners in organizing topics, central Ideas, and critical vital details of what they have just read.

This strategy helps learners summarize what they have learned.

Learn more about post-reading, here:



how to write an email to teacher because im sick ( we have test this morning but im absent)


Dear [teacher],

This is [your first and last name] from your [___] period class. I just wanted to let you know that I haven't been feeling too well. For this reason, I will be absent from class tomorrow. I am aware of the fact that we have a test, but I will make up for it when I am feeling better. Thank you for understanding!


[your first and last name]

What tone of voice does the leader of the thieves take while he is robbing Jonathan?​


Which book are you referring to? And if you can give me a relative page number i can tell you!!!

help me please <333 tyyyyy



I think its D tell me if i am wrong ( if i am sorry...)




beacuse the student said that its true that we love to text one another. so somebody claimed that all teenagers do is to text each-other. so the student is supporting the claim.

Read the excerpt from "The Night the Bed Fell."

The situation was finally put together like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. Father caught a cold from prowling around in his bare feet but there were no other bad results. “I’m glad,” said mother, who always looked on the bright side of things, “that your grandfather wasn’t here.”

Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt?






the answer is Relieved. The mother was relieved that there were no other bad results

Answer: Relieved

Explanation: The mother clearly expresses relief in what she says. By saying “I’m glad that your grandfather wasn’t here”, she’s expressing relief as it shows that if the grandfather was here, the situation would’ve ended up different (and probably negatively).

i need girl advice how do I ask a girl something​


it depends what are your trying to ask her i will try my best to give the best advice


you can say a complament her and if you like her then tell her how you feel about her then  ask her out on a date then kiss her on the cheek and on the way out kiss her on the lips


please help and put some good a** music i’ll give brainliest


teletubbies theme song

Which statement from the paragraph does the author support with additional details?
1. "This food from the gardens is delicious and easy to grow."
2. "Kids get to spend time in the outdoors, which is very healthy for them."
3. "There is even a strong tie between student gardens and the classrooms."
4. "Working together in a garden also encourages students to develop their social skills."





While the majority of these foods are available at supermarkets and farmer's markets, you can also produce a lot of them in your own garden. Thus, option A is correct.

What food from the gardens is delicious and easy to grow?

Our bodies get bigger and stronger with the aid of grow foods. 'Grow' foods support the development of our bones, teeth, and muscles. Foods like chicken, meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, and yoghurt are examples of “Grow” foods. All of these foods assist in keeping us satisfied so that we don't experience immediate hunger.

Vegetables grown nearby cut down on carbon emissions caused by burning fossil fuels.Direct vegetable harvesting from the garden reduces the need for plastic packaging, which reduces the use of fossil fuels.

Therefore,  A tiny, well-kept garden can use much less pesticide and other chemicals than even a small farm.

Learn more about gardens here:



That I did always love I bring thee Proof That till I loved I never lived—Enough— What is the effect of the use of the word "enough" in this quotation? It shows the speaker's insecurity about love.


Answer: It shows the speaker's insecurity about love. It emphasizes the speaker's desperation.


Answer:C) it reveals the speaker’s profound emotion towards her love.

Explanation:She emphasizes that she has always loved, but perhaps she did not have enough time to give all that love she had to give. However, she is so desperate to give her love, that even after death she still comes back to her love to continue showing her attachment and devotion. “I bring thee proof” This is that she brings the proof that she has always loved. She later mentions in the poem that love is life and love has immortality. This means that while we live, loving gives life and light to our hearts, and that after we die it remains in the hearts of the people who were with us.

Other Questions
What conventions can you play with to enhance your writing. Explain how you will use each and what effect they will have on your style. Use the solubility rules from the Lab 4 introduction and your knowledge of qualitative separation schemes from the lab to answer the following questions. The qualitative analysis experiment you did is actually an abbreviated version of a much larger analysis scheme in which many different cations are separated and identified. Suppose a mixture contains Ag , K , NH4 , Hg22 , Pb2 , Mg2 , Sr2 , Ba2 , Cu2 , Al3 and Fe3 . (a) Which of the following ions could you separate, by causing them to precipitate, with the addition of HCl?Ag+ K+ NH4+Hg22+ Pb2+ Mg2+Sr2+ Ba2+ Cu2+Al3+ Fe3+ (b) After the addition of HCl, the above sample is centrifuged and decanted. Which of the following cations remaining in the supernatant could you separate, by causing them to precipitate, with the addition of H2SO4? (Hint: H2SO4 is a source of sulfate ions. Select all that apply.)Ag+ K+ NH4+Hg22+ Pb2+ Mg2+Sr2+ Ba2+ Cu2+Al3+ Fe3+ URGENT 100 POINTSParalegals perform many of the same duties and tasks as lawyers, but they are not required to complete which of the following?A. attend training or receive certificationsB. work with clients or draft documentsC. attend law school or pass the bar examD. learn about case or local laws 1. Rural African tribesmen that hunt wild game to provide food for the family and the tribe.This would be a component of what type of economy? BRAINLIEST:)What would be a good rebuttal for this counterclaim. Don't write nonsense plsCounterclaim: Teenagers should not be forced to volunteer in order to graduate.Rebuttal: ? Jim can buy 2 cakes for $40. At that rate, how much will it cost to buy 7cakes? Need help asap!!!Convert to exponential form This tree is dying in the dry environment. What ABIOTIC limiting factor is affect the tree? please help Please help me solve this A disease is spreading through a flock of 100 sheep. Let S(t) be the number of sick sheep t days after the outbreak. The disease is spreading at a rate proportional to the product of the time elapsed and the number of sheep who do not have the disease. Suppose that 10 sheep had the disease initially. The mathematical model is:________ Independent practice1.a.2.Calculate the density p (in kg/m) for each of the following:m = 10 kg and V=10 m3b. m = 160 kg and V = 0.1 m3C. m = 220 kg and V = 0.02 m3A wooden post has a volume of 0.025 m' and a mass of 20 kg. Calculate itsdensity in kg/mChallenge. A rectangular concrete slab is 0.80 m long, 0.60 m wide and 0.04m thick. |Calculate its volume in m?,b. The mass of the concrete slab is 180 kg. Calculate its density in kg/m.3.a. What is 26 - 16? Can anyone tell me? Find the new amount if the original amount is 74 degrees and the percent of decrease is 3%. Round to the nearest tenth. Show all work.answer for a brainlist!!! Helpppppp PLEASEEEEEEEEE MATH SUCKS AND I NEED YOUR BRAIN FOR HELP pls number them by Plz help Elijah wants to know how much wrapping paper is needed to cover a box with the dimensions shown.What is the surface area of the box?A.92 square inchesB.46 square inchesC.160 square inchesD.184 square inchesSUBMITarrow_backPREVIOUS What percent of energy is transferred from the sun to the level indicated? (3 points)50 percent100 percent90 percent10 percent 14. Saeed is pulling a 6 kg heavy rock with an upward force of 40 N but does not succeed to lift it up. What is the magnitude of the normal force on the rock? Which of these expressions is equivalent to 18+24r ? Which issue do both posters address?the rationing of foodthe increase of industrythe purchase of liberty bondsthe conservation of resources PLEASE HELP IF YOU ARE RIGHT I WILL GIVE BRAINLY