Which statement below is the main idea of the article, “Toys R Us: The End of an Era”?
A. Toys R Us is facing tough competition from online retailers.
B. Toys R Us stores in the U.S. are closing due to financial problems.


Answer 1
Not sure but I think B
Answer 2
It’s B. Toys R Us stores in the U.S are closing due to financial problems.

Related Questions

Add or remove commas, if necessary, until the sentence has correct punctuation. The wizard needed a penny a crow's feather and a magic wand to give Chris Traeger wings.



The wizard needed a penny, a crow's feather and a magic wand to give Chris Traeger wings.


To leave the sentence with the correct punctuation it is necessary to add a comma after the word "penny." This must happen because the narrator is listing elements in sequence and these elements must be separated by commas with the exception of the penultimate and the last element, which must be separated by the "and," as was done between "crow's feather" and a "magic wand. "

Poem “The wild Ducks nest”
What does colm do in paragraph 16?What can you infer about his character based on these actions
2 points plz thanks



1. The boy was in a state of unrest as he wondered if the bird had forsaken its egg. As soon as school closed, he ran home and then to the lakeside to confirm that the bird did not forsake its egg.

2. I can infer that the boy loved animals and wanted to be guilt-free.


Colm was described as a young boy who loved nature and will throw stones at the lake and swim through it. It was on one of such occasions that he saw the wild duck. He was excited when he saw the egg laid by the wild duck, such that he touched it. The belief at that time was that the bird will forsake its egg when a person touched it and this was further strengthened by Paddy's exclamation when he learned that Colm touched the egg.

To allay his fears and to clear his conscience, Colm went back to the lake to confirm and when he saw two eggs laid by the bird, his guilt was gone.

In the source, the table of contents is always:
A. in the middle.
B. at the end.
C. wherever the author decides.
D. at the beginning.


D- at the beginning

Which of the following is determined by the caste a person is born into?
The caste system determines the city where people will live.
The caste system determines people's employment opportunities.
The caste system determines peoples names.
The caste system determines who people will marry.



B). The caste system determines people's employment opportunities.


As per the ancient Hindu tradition, an individual's caste was determined by the family or the kind of social standing he/she is born into. For example; if an individual is born into a Brahmin family(upper caste), he would get a dignified social standing in the society and pursue occupations like teaching, priesthood, etc. Thus, the caste system not only segregates the society into parts but also determines the profession they would pursue. Thus, a scheduled caste person can only perform inferior jobs like laborers while Vaishyas could only be the farmers or merchants.

How does "This Is America" raise awareness for police brutality, racism, etc?


I'm guessing this is about the song by Childish Gambino

tw// shooting

It raises awareness by showing how media and entertainment muffle police brutality and racial injustices. This is shown multiple times in the video, first when Childish Gambino shot the guitar player and then immediately a dance sequence was shown. The dance distracts the mind from what just happened, and as time goes on, you slowly forget there was a shooting at all. Then, again, he shoots at a group of singers. This again is followed up by dancing.
The video shows how the human brain is easily distracted by and forgets real problems when entertainment is shown. Media outlets gloss over racial injustices and then move on to 'entertaining' topics to make you forget, sort of how a muzzle silences a dog.

"as phone lines and
power lines break
from the
against the wet
ground like giant
whips.what does it actually mean?



it is talking about a storm damaging the power lines


hope this helps!

1. What is this passage mostly about?
a. Christopher Columbus
b. a land bridge
c. the Vikings
d. discovering America
2.How did the first humans get to America?
a. By boat
b. By foot
c. By car
d. By swimming
3. According to the passage, who really discovered America?
a. Christopher Columbus who sailed to America
b. The Vikings from Norway
c. Ancient travelers that crossed a land bridge
d. Many European explorers
4. The author writes “But was America really a new land?” because
a. other European explorers had actually already found America
b. there were already people living here before the explorers
c. the explorers came from Spain, Portugal, and England
d. there was not enough food for everyone to live here
5. According to the passage, what connected Asia and North America? _____________________________________________________________________________.
6. Who discovered America? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. _____________________________________________________________________________



1. d. discovering America

2. b. By foot

3. c. Ancient travelers that crossed a land bridge.

4. b. there were already people living here before the explorers.

5. What connected Asia and North America is the land bridge called Beringia.

6. According to this passage, America was ancient travelers that crossed Beringia, a land bridge. This is true because from the passage, we discover that the ancient travelers settled down in America long before the European explorers. An evidence from the passage is: "I read that there were people living in America long before the European explorers were even born...once they arrived, they slowly spread out. Eventually, they settled all over North and South America".


From the passage, we see that the main idea centers on the discovery of America. The passage reveals that there were ancient travelers that lived in America long before European explorers arrived. The ancient travelers were known have crossed the land bridge, Beringia. This land bridge is known to have connected Asia and America.

The ancient travelers that settled in America are known to have crossed the the land bridge on foot.

Find a quote in chapter 7 of The Outsiders showing that "Everybody loved SodaPop, even when he was being ornery. And the media took a bunch of pictures of Darry and Soda because they were so good looking."



"Soda can make anyone grin. I managed to get hold of some hair grease and comb my hair back so that it looked a little better before they got any pictures."


"The reporters stared at him admiringly; I told you he looks like a movie star, and he kind of radiates."


Sodapop causing a ruckus was something that people enjoyed instead of getting upset about. Jerry Wood even told Ponyboy that if Darry and Sodapop weren't so good-looking then they wouldn't have taken so many pictures of them, but they just happened to be that attractive.

Could someone please help me on this essay?
Writing Prompt.
Labeling foods and drinks with warnings may have benefits. You have been asked to write an informational essay for a health and environment-focused website explaining the benefits that may result from putting warning labels on certain types of foods and beverages. Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the “Labeling Foods and Drinks” passage set.




Only with a clear label will consumers be able to make informed choices when they buy food. ... If there were warnings on the wrappers, like those on cigarette packets, children would be able to see how junk food can negatively impact their health, and that might help them make healthier snack choices.


I'm not sure that's the answer

Sore ga kotae ka wakaranai


The  topic of the essay is people's eating and drinking habits and their effects, and the information provided shows how different foods affect different people, and based upon that, different research projects have been carried out.

What are the effects of food levels on people's health?

Labels are very important as they help inform people about the potential health risks associated with certain foods and drinks, such as sugary drinks and labels can help people understand the link between consuming large amounts of sugar and the increased risk of obesity and diabetes so that they can avoid consuming these foods.

Hence, the topic of the essay is people's eating and drinking habits and their effects, and the information provided shows how different foods affect different people, and based upon that, different research projects have been carried out.

Learn more about the food levels here.



11) Identify whether the given are simple/complex / compound sentences
and write it. a. We are trying to get a good job. b. As they joined the
company, they got a very good leader. ​


its good for them that they got a good leader hmm very nice i apricieate it


Can someone tell me about the dream of stones in the sword in the stone



The story revolves around Wart, a young boy who happens to discover the wizard Merlin and thus begins his adventure in the magic world.

Merlin decides to take on the role of tutor to Wart and teach him his magical ways. For example, he teaches Wart to transform into many different types of animals. Wart’s brother Kay becomes jealous of the new knowledge and fortune that Wart has gained. As such, Wart asks Merlin that Kay also be involved in their lessons by turning him into an animal also. However, Merlin declines.

Merlin then sends Kay and Wart on an an adventure into the Forest Sauvage, where they meet Robin Wood, who explains to them that the witch Morgan Le Fay has kidnapped Friar Tuck. Kay and Wart manage to invade their stronghold and get them back to safety.


50 POINTS !!!!!!!!! What is the topic of this passage?

Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a person’s health. Most of the food items are fried and high in sugar and fat. Various studies have shown that eating high amounts of junk food can cause obesity, high cholesterol, liver and heart problems, and even issues in concentration. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children. It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of pizza every now and then, but healthy habits are better!

pizza is the healthiest junk food
the dangers of junk food
junk food and advertising
healthy tips to avoid junk food


Answer; dangers of junk food


They look like they are going to a wedding.
Correct the sentence (only accurate answer needed)


Answer: There doesn’t seem to be any mistakes in this sentence.



they look like they're going to a wedding


im not sure if its right

please I want help in this​




So The other day I went to the mall and as I was walking into the clothes store, I ran into someone. As we began to talk, we had a lot in common and they were pretty funny. They have a really good personality, too. We talked and joked around a little bit and I think that you would like them as well. We exchanged numbers before they left the store. You are really funny and really sweet and I think that you guys would get along because you both have a lot in common. We are all also closely related in age and in the same grade, so we can all relate to a lot of things. Maybe we can all go hang out somewhere some time. what do you think?

Pls help me I’m so s t u p I d I’ll mark brainliest if correct



The correct answer is A (:


A is correct


Cuz aall the rest have some sort of mistake

Naomi is writing an essay about "The Most Dangerous Game.” Which detail from the excerpt best supports her idea that Rainsford feels agitated?

. . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.
He sought to throw open the door; it would not open. He went to the window and looked out.
. . . the hounds heard him at the window and looked up, expectantly, with their green eyes. Rainsford went back to the bed and lay down.
He had achieved a doze when, just as morning began to come, he heard, far off in the jungle, the faint report of a pistol.



. . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.


The answer would be A


A. . . . nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. He lay, eyes wide open.


Person above me is right. I took the quiz too.

Which evidence from the text is most relevant to Reagan's claim that Americans must renew their faith in democratic rule?

“It is time for us to realize that we are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams. We are not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline.”

“We have been tempted to believe . . . that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.”

“Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity.”

“Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity.”



It's B!

Explanation: “Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keeps us from maintaining full productivity.” I just finished the test and it's B!! Please believe me, I tried D and it wasn't right.

The evidence that is most relevant to Reagan's claim that Americans must renew their faith in the democratic rule is "We have been tempted to believe . . . that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.”

What is a democratic rule?

A democratic rule can be defined as the rule by the government elected by the people. It is simply defined as the government that is established by the people, for the people, and of the people.

Reagan believed that large governments are a problem for the United States. He wanted to limit the powers of the government.

He wanted the Americans to think about the form of government Reagan is prescribing and reconsider their thoughts upon the democratic form of government.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Learn more about the democratic rule here:


The lady lived next door. The lady eloped with a man. (Into one sentence joining with who)​



the later that lived next door who eloped with a man

I hope this helped :)


I hope its helpful


please mark me as a brainlist

Episode 2 begins with Mars in the backseat of a police car. Why is Mars in the backseat of a police car? *



Mars is in the backseat of the police car because he set off the alarm at Jonas' house while looking for Jonas and Aurora.


This is from a podcast titled "The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel".

It is about an eleven years old boy named Mars Patel who together with his friends Caddie, Toothpick and JP embarked on a quest in search of their two friends who were missing. Mars was very concerned about the disappearance of his friends but no one listened to him.

Episode 2 begins with Mars being in the backseat of a police car because he went into Jonas' house without permission, looking for Jonas and Aurora and set off the intruder alarm.

Research reports are based on _____.


on first-hand verifiable information.

In the Lions of little rock, what does Marlee's mother tell Marlee's father she is afraid that school integration will lead to?

a. Disease.
b. Violence in the schools.
c. Crime
d. Race-mixing​







D. race mixing


When separating items in a list, a writer should
end the list with a colon.
separate the items with colons.
add a comma after the "and" before the last item.
add a comma before the "and" before the last item,



Usually, we use a comma to separate three items or more in a list. However, if one or more of these items contain commas, then you should use a semicolon, instead of a comma, to separate the items and avoid potential confusion.

Which of these helps to bring about coherence within paragraphs?

listing details in general–to–specific order

linking one sentence to the next with transitions

citing all relevant evidence from the text






B) Linking one sentence to the next will transitions


I got it right on the quiz, just wanted to reaffirm

HELLPPPIn literature, symbols are not found in which of the following? (1 point)
Setting descriptions
Description of colors
Characters' names
Author's name



Author's Name


The other three answer choices can all be full of potential symbolism. For example, red could represent passion or anger. A character wearing glasses might represent the moral clarity of society. An island might represent isolation.

debate the motion that " free education is a waste of Ghana resources" and I am for the motion. pls I just want some points.​



it is


beacuase some of those that are given free education misuse the privilege.

some boost about it.

some after finshing they become useless in life.

please urgent please beg help



bro due to network problem your photo is not visible to me

Why do you think Wendy and Tinkerbell were so upset with
Peter when he said he wanted both of them to be his



I dont know yet give me a sec


Their small and easily influenced, their personalities are also strong and independent and the feel the need to be in charge but only in a certain way at a certain moment. It could also come from their attitude of being female and feeling as if that's whom their supposed to be later in life, when Wendy might grow old unless she chooses to stay with Peter in never never land, where she'll never grow up.

Question 1 of 10
Which passage is the best example of deductive reasoning?



The correct answer is option B.

14. Which statement is true about Paris?
A. His interest in Juliet lessens after Tybalt dies.
B. He visits the house of Montague and speaks with Benvolio.
C. He enjoys puns and games that match people's wits. o lovu 5
D. He wishes to marry a woman he has not courted (dated).





Simon asked his dad if he'd been to south africa
Write the sentences as direct speetch



Simon asked his dad, "Have you been to South Africa?"

Hope this helped! <3

Other Questions
Solve the system of equations 2 + 2y = -20 and x + 3y = -27 by combining the equations. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, how didJapan know which ships they needed toattack?A. They had an inside man working at Pearl Harbor and sendinginformation back to Japan.B. They had satellites up in space spying on Pearl Harbor.C. They sent tourists over to Hawaii to take pictures and gaininformation about Pearl Harbor. Which is generally true about guerrilla warfare? Question(01.01 LC)What should be added to 3 to make the sum 0? (1 point)a-3b-20d3 if f(x)= 5x -7, what is f(3)? Help please! ill mark brainliest if correct. please help i will give brainliest What should you do with a chemical burn?A. use butter on the burn, bandage, and send the employee home to restB. use ice on the burn, bandage, and send the employee to the hospitalC.do not touch the victim, keep the victim quiet and call for medical assistanceD. call for medical assistance and check the MSDS for emergency interventions help me please, i really don't understand!! 2 + ( x +24) + (2+x) = 40 find the value of x in drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, curved wings "I" and purple eyes "r" are two linked recessive genes found on chromosomes 2. The dominant wild type alleles for those genes are long wings"L" and red eyes "R"a)describe the expected ratio of offspring in the f2 generation of these genes were located on different chromosomesb)the results in the f2 generation of these flies were: 40 long winged, red eyes; 40 curved winged, red eyes; 10 long winged, purple eyes, and 10 curved winged, red eyed. how many map units apart are the genes for curved wings and purple eye color? Please asap, ill give brainliest.. Which of the following represents the main difference between regional and urban planning?Enforceability Location and scopeRigidity Sustainability plz help me brainless CLratioCygnus has adividend cover ratioof 4.0 times and expectszero growth in dividends. The companyhas one million $1 ordinary sharesn issue and the market capitalization ofthecompanyis $ 50 millionAfter tax profits for next year is expected to be $20 million.What is the cost of equity capital? A school store has 1200 pencils and sells 25 per day the manager reorders when the number of pencils in stock is 650 The hot resistance of a 125V filament lamp is 500. Determine the current taken by the lamp and its power rating. How might the effect of jogging in place compare to walking in place? Sentence one: Describe how long ago you traveled and where.Remember:Use hace + specific time frame + que + verb.Include the transportation method you used to travel.Sentence two: Describe how you planned for and/or prepared for this trip and who went with you.Remember:Use one -car, -gar, or -zar verb in the preterite or imperfect tense.Use conmigo.Sentence three: Describe how you preferred to purchase the tripRemember:Use one stem-changing verb in the preterite.Sentence four: Describe the day of the trip.Remember:Use one regular verb in the preterite or imperfect tense.Sentence five: Describe how long it took to arrive at the destination.Remember:Use para.Use one regular or irregular verb in the preterite tense. PLS HELP IM TIMED!!!What percent of Qubec's residents speak French as their first language?60%70%80%90%