Which region produced most of the cotton during the Civil War?

A. North
B. South


Answer 1




The Southern region was known for producing cotton while the Northern region was mostly industrial.

Answer 2




Related Questions

How can we see the impact of the reconstruction plan in the U.S. today? Used evidence and details plz, will mark the brainliest.


if you mean the reconstruction plan then it changed the country and impacts today’s world because things like allowing african american men (and now women) to vote has impacted today and we see it through elections and protests and the 14&15th amendment. it redefined citizenship and “supported” newly freed slaves
We can see the impact of reconstruction because all of thr industries booming at the time if reconstruction are still going strong today

help pleasee
giving brainliest​



D) The Canaanites practiced polytheism.


The Israelites were monotheistic, while Canaanites were polytheistic.

In this task, you will classify the four historical events you studied by the type of change that caused them.

Recall the four types of historical change you learned about at the beginning of this activity. Keeping them in mind, use the table to classify the historical events you studied.

Event or Development Type of Change
the Agricultural Revolution
the Bubonic Plague
the Peasants’ Revolt
the Voyage of Columbus

(basically you're finding what type of change there is from each event)



Agricultural Revolution- new technology

Bubonic Plague- natural disasters and catastrophe

Peasants' Revolt- people grouped together

Voyage of Columbus- one individual provided leadership


I got 100% on this assignment

The four types of historical change are technological, demographic, cultural, and environmental.

What is Agricultural Revolution ?

The Agricultural Revolution represents a technological change, as it involved the development of new farming techniques that greatly increased food production. The Bubonic Plague, on the other hand, represents a demographic change, as it caused a significant decrease in the population of Europe.

The Peasants' Revolt is an example of cultural change, as it was a rebellion against the existing social hierarchy and economic system. Finally, the Voyage of Columbus is an example of environmental change, as it resulted in the encounter of previously isolated ecosystems, leading to the exchange of species between the Old and New Worlds.

In summary, the Agricultural Revolution and the Voyage of Columbus are technological and environmental changes, respectively, while the Bubonic Plague and the Peasants' Revolt represent demographic and cultural changes.

These events demonstrate how historical changes can occur in different aspects of society, and how they can have significant and long-lasting impacts on the world we live in today.

Learn more about Agricultural Revolution here



Defend, or attack, the idea that the Cold War was actually a World War. Write a 1-2 page paper.


Here are some ideas for your paper. The Cold War was not an explicit world war but was in efforts by the US and other nations to put a stop to the spread of communism in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. There were no explicit declarations of war, but there was a declaration of putting a stop to the growth of communism. Therefore many of the examples of US troops engaging in combat such as North Korea, Vietnam war, and Afghanistan, are much less battles rather than an out right war.

One cannot say that the cold war was actually a war. This is because the war will be based on no fight or death.

What is War?

In a war usually, there are a million deaths of young men and the millions of injured, disfigured, widows, and orphans they left behind, and the rate of birth fell. People left their homes after losing their agricultural property. Women's roles also evolved.

Since there was no actual military conflict between the United States, in addition, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the conflict is known as the Cold War. On the contrary, battles were fought in "third-world" nations during proxy wars.

After the Nazis and their allies were defeated, an intellectual and political dispute between the US and the USSR gave place to the beginning of the Cold War.

Learn more about World War, here:



Describe how Grant ensured the war ended with dignity and compassion. (Need at least 4)


here is a link you everthing you need to know about grant


Why is it important for people of various cultural and religious backgrounds to work together?
Things your answer can include:
- Your own thoughts about the topic
- Prior Knowledge
- Reasoning to explain your thoughts



Because they different perspectives on things


We need to work together so we can understand each other so we can be comfortable or ever respectful to everyone

What is one reason the Americans won the Mexican- American War?
A. They had control of the lands to the north and south of the fighting

B. They had better Military Leadership

C. The had better support from European countries

D. They had a much larger army.


B. They had better Military Leadership

Answer:its B

Explanation: i did research

What was done to protect human rights of all people in the world after World War II?


Many United Nations peacekeeping operations and political and peacebuilding missions also include the human rights-related mandates aimed at contributing to the protection and promotion of human rights through both immediate and long-term action; empowering the population to assert and claim their human rights.

The idea of human rights emerged stronger after World War II. ... The calls came from across the globe for human rights standards to protect citizens from abuses by their governments, standards against which nations could be held accountable for the treatment of those living within their borders.

Humans do deserve rights
which is why women have none now and during WWII

Passengers, cargo, fleece, freight: all terms for slaves trying to escape.




trrrrrueeeee hdhdjejejsjsbdhsnsnhshsjd




Why are Northerners and Southerners so anxious and tight about new territories applying for statehood?



Southerners who opposed the Missouri Compromise did so because it set a precedent for Congress to make laws concerning slavery, while Northerners disliked the law because it meant slavery was expanded into new territory.


Northerners and Southerners were anxious about new territories becoming states because it would have to be decided if they were free or slave states, which could upset the balance between the two

what was the main factory limit urban growth in new mexico



This might help I found it interesting and I hope you find the answer your looking for



Tourism, military, and the oil and gas industry are the major industries in New Mexico. They provide most of the jobs and account for a large amount of the government spending in the state.

Drag each tile to the correct location.

Match each characteristic to the scandal it describes.

Crédit Mobilier

Financial Panic

The Union Pacific Railroad company
was involved in the scandal.

Congressmen accepted bribes
In the form of stock shares.

Gould and Fisk bought a huge supply
of gold in New York City.

President Grant decided to sell
$4 million in gold from the
federal reserves.

The New York Sun exposed
the story in 1872



The Credit Mobilier:

- The Union Pacific Railroad Company was involved in the scandal.

- Congressmen accepted bribes in the form of stock shared.

- The New York Sun exposed the story in 1872.

Financial Panic:

- Gould and Fisk bought a huge supply of gold in New York City.

- President Grant decided to sell $4 million in gold from the federal reserves.

Explanation: N/A

The Credit Mobilier:

The Union Pacific Railroad Company was involved in the scandal.Congressmen accepted bribes in the form of stock shared.The New York Sun exposed the story in 1872.

Financial Panic:

Gould and Fisk bought a huge supply of gold in New York City.President Grant decided to sell $4 million in gold from the federal reserves.

What is Credit Mobilier?

The Crédit Mobilier scam was a two-part fraud committed between 1864 and 1867 by the Union Pacific Railroad and the construction firm Crédit Mobilier of America in the construction of the First transcontinental railroad's eastern section. The New York Sun broke the news during Ulysses S. Grant's 1872 campaign.

In truth, Crédit Mobilier was established to defend the company's owners and management from the accusation that they were making money during the project's building rather than throughout its operation. The conspirators established the fictitious corporation in order to charge the U.S. government exorbitant fees and costs during the construction of the railroad since they thought they could not expect to make traditional profits from its operation.

Learn more about Credit Mobilier here:



Why did Andrew Jackson think the Indian Removal Act was a good law?\


He wanted more land for America

I may be wrong-

Andrew Jackson believed it would be a good act because it was "fair". He was gaining the land that the Indians once owned and the Indians were being relocated to a "better" place. Even though this was not the case and he actually moved them to inhabital land and the move front heir land to the new place was called the trail of tears where commanders gave Indians chicken pox and killed many.

I hope this helps ^^

help me please with each question


Care labels are the tags found on clothes that tell you how to wash the clothes and take care of it. There are different symbols that show you what temperatures to wash it on, the speed, whether to hand wash it or not, how to dry it, etc. They can be found in the back of the piece of clothes, or on the side (inside the clothes)
Person above me is correct

Suppose that you are an emancipated slave in the South at the end of the Civil War. What changes do you hope for in your new life? Write about three ways you imagine your life will change now that you have your freedom. (ill be checking for plagiarism )



As a freed slave still livin in the south I know that my life is going to change. I am going to be able to reunite my family and can now own land. I will be free to move about and make decisions for myself. Things will still be hard, and difficult at times. I will have to continue to fight for myself and my rights and will face troubles along the way.



I hope that I can start a family. I would hope that I could get an education, get a house, and get a job. I will hopefully now be treated better by other people and well respected.

What economic impact did immigration have in Texas?
A) Supplied cheap labor for construction, restaurant, hotel, and other industries
B) Supplied expensive labor for teaching, construction, cooking, and other industries
C) Removed cheap labor for construction, restaurant, hotel, and other industries
D) Removed cheap labor for cooking, driving, automobile, and other industries


pretty sure the answer is a!! because why do most immigrants move to America?? to find some type of labor to provide for their families!

I'll give brainliest to whoever reads this carefully, gives 1 short paragraph 10 sentences or less, and gives me a good answer. Who do you think had a better plan for Reconstruction—President Johnson or the Republican Congress? Why? (Explain your reasoning and be sure to explain the 13th and 14th Amendments in your answer.)


Republican Congress ..............…


Republican Congress


This is because they had better ideas on how to spread the wealth to rebuild the country.

Please Answer all Questions NO LINKS OR FILES. :) I will Mark Brainliest

1. How did the freedmen's Bureau work to address the probllems confonting newly freed slaves?

2. How did the Ku Klux Klan and vigilante justic grow in the south and in Tennessee?

3. What role did Governor William Brownlow play in the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and vigilante justice in the south and in Tennessee?

4. What Roles did carpetbaggers and scalawags play during reconstruction?

5. What did the Compromise of 1877 do?

6. What role did the compromise of 1877 play in ending radical reconstruction


The Compromise of 1877 was an unwritten deal, informally arranged among U.S. Congressmen, that settled the intensely disputed 1876 presidential election. It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, and ending the Reconstruction Era.

Which of the following statements is true.

A. The Merrimack was turned into an ironclad called the Monitor.

B. The Monitor was turned into an ironclad called the Merrimack.

C. The South made the Merrimack into an ironclad called the Virginia

D. The Merrimack and the Virginia fought to a tie.


The answer is C!

USS Merrimack, also improperly Merrimac, was a steam frigate, best known as the hull upon which the ironclad warship CSS Virginia was constructed during the American Civil War.
The correct answer should be C

Which of the following best describes the understanding between God and his people?






The answer is a.covenant

Explain the economic problem that occurs when highly paid and unionized manufacturing jobs are replaced by low paying service jobs such as food service and hotel hospitality services.



The right to a union and collective bargaining is also directly relevant to Low-wage workers have experienced vastly greater job loss due to commercial, and residential facilities and services industry (such as ... At the beginning of the pandemic, essential workers in health care, food service


How and why did many Southerners attempt to stop the laws Congress passed? (Be sure to explain the Black Codes and other groups that persecuted the African Americans.)




When slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War, southern states created black codes, laws which aimed to keep white supremacy in place.

Black codes attempted to economically disable freed slaves, forcing African Americans to continue to work on plantations and to remain subject to racial hierarchy within the southern society.

Black codes gave rise to a new wave of radical Republicanism in Congress, and the eventual move towards enshrining racial equality into the Constitution. However, black codes also set precedent for Jim Crow laws.

Black codes

As the Civil War came to a close, southern states began to pass a series of discriminatory state laws collectively known as black codes. While the laws varied in both content and severity from state to state—some laws actually granted freed people the right to marry or testify in court— these codes were designed to maintain the social and economic structure of racial slavery in the absence of the “peculiar institution.” The laws codified white supremacy by restricting the civic participation of freed people; the codes deprived them of the right to vote, the right to serve on juries, the right to own or carry weapons, and, in some cases, even the right to rent or lease land.

Slavery had been a pillar of economic stability in the region before the war; now, black codes ensured the same stability by recreating the antebellum economic structure under the façade of a free-labor system. Adhering to new “apprenticeship” laws determined within the black codes, judges bound many young African American orphans to white plantation owners who would then force them to work. Adult freedmen were forced to sign contracts with their employers—who were oftentimes their previous owners. These contracts prevented African Americans from working for more than one employer, and therefore, from positively influencing the very low wages or poor working conditions they received.

Any former slaves that attempted to violate or evade these contracts were fined, beaten, or arrested for vagrancy. Upon arrest, many “free” African Americans were made to work for no wages, essentially being reduced to the very definition of a slave. Although slavery had been outlawed by the Thirteenth Amendment, it effectively continued in many southern states.


The Black Codes Laws

After the United States Civil War, state governments that had been part of the Confederacy tried to limit the voting rights of black citizens and prevent contact between black and white citizens in public places.

After the Civil War ended in 1865, some states passed black codes that severely limited the rights of black people, many of whom had been enslaved. These codes limited what jobs African Americans could hold, and their ability to leave a job once hired. Some states also restricted the kind of property black people could own. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 weakened the effect of the black codes by requiring all states to uphold equal protection under the 14th Amendment, particularly by enabling black men to vote. (U.S. law prevented women of any race from voting in federal elections until 1920.)

During Reconstruction, many black men participated in politics by voting and by holding office. Reconstruction officially ended in 1877, and southern states then enacted more discriminatory laws. Efforts to enforce white supremacy by legislation increased, and African Americans tried to assert their rights through legal challenges. However, this effort led to a disappointing result in 1896, when the Supreme Court ruled, in Plessy v. Ferguson, that so-called “separate but equal” facilities—including public transport and schools—were constitutional. From this time until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination and segregation were legal and enforceable.

How were the economic ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union different during the Cold War?

The United States’ economic ideology was a command economy, while the Soviet Union’s economic ideology was capitalism.

The United States’ economy was based on private ownership of property, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on government ownership of property.

The United States’ economic system was based on socialism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on the commune system.

The United States’ economy was based on the idea of collectivism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on laissez-faire philosophy.



1.)During the Cold War, the United States was based upon capitalism and democracy while the Soviet Union was based upon communism and dictatorship.

2.)For much of the 20th Century, the Soviet Union rivaled the United States in political, military and economic strength. While the central command economy of the Soviet Union was diametrically opposed to the market liberalism of Western nations.

3.)The United States’ economic system was based on socialism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on the commune system.

4.)Socialism describes any political or economic theory that says the community, rather than individuals, should own and manage property and natural resources

5.)Whereas the term “capital” traces to ancient times and “capitalist” came with the financial revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the word “capitalism” is a product of the political conflicts and economic transformations of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Explanation:Hope this helps;)Next time cross out what you don't think is the answer and read the instructions slow out loud to yourself!

Brahmi is written from left to right and has been discovered written on _____. Select all that apply.



Stone and terra-cotta


That's all I have to say

Stone and terra cotta

In 1908 Italy suffered a terrible Earthquake. Based on the “memorial” postcard what sort of decisions did the US make toward Italy when it came to foreign policy?



is there a paragraph with this


hope this helps good luck

Which president best supported infrastructure and industrial growth?
(10 Points)




Van Buren


That would be John Quincy Adams

what are the major causes of genocide in the twentieth century?​



Here are a few websites that may help :)




To what extent should Canadians support social programs and taxation?



A plan for collecting and spending taxes to meet the needs of all citizens


Think on the last visit to the psychiatrist. Who was paying the visit? Who pays for it if you had X-rays? Social programs such as educational services are somehow affordable – but not always free.

Maybe you don't know that, but Canadians are paid taxes from taxpayers to their government for free, universal health care. The decision taken by the government about how taxes can be applied to everybody comes as well. For you and others, these choices influence the quality of life.

This chapter examines the fundamental principles of social programs economic policy in Canada and the USA. Consider how you take political and economic decisions while you move through the chapter.

What lesson did Sherman learn in Georgia?


He meant war could easily happen if mess got started.

Do you think humans will last another 1,000 years?



I mean, if we get our act together, yeah.


Other Questions
Learning Task 7. Answer the questions brieflyWrite True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect._1. Light can be reflected if it is directed towards a mirror._2. The speed of light remains the same even if it travels from onematerial to another._3. Sound could be either soft or loud._4. The loudness of sound decreases as it moves nearer theobserver._5. Echo is the term used for the sound that is reflected back to itssource 46. Which of the following models of voter behavior is most commonly used by older voters?rational choice yoting - How do sound waves travel? What do sound waves NEED in order to travel one of my tines on my kalimba fell off and it sounds like trash nowT-T how do i fix thisss Carlos is NOT correct because Nelson got a pack of 12 pencils. he took 3 pencils and put it in is desk at school and 2 pencils to put in is locker at school. what is the fraction of total pencils that Nelson took to school Help with the Pythagorean Theorem Graph the image of point A and B after a reflection over the x-axis PLS, NO FILES, OR LINKS, JUST ANSWERS, AND EXPLANATIONS..... What is the combined area of the two bases of the following cylinder? 43.96 in. 2 87.92 in. 2 25.12 in. 2 12.56 in. 2 1. Why is non-violent protest effective? The national medical insurance program known as Medicarea. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.b. was vetoed by President Johnson.c. was one of Johnson's Great Society reforms.d. had first been proposed by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. Which summation formula represents the series below?13 + 9 + 5 + 1 Saginaw Steel Corporation has a precredit U.S. tax of $105,000 on $500,000 of taxable income in 2018. Saginaw has $200,000 of foreign source taxable income and paid $60,000 of income taxes to the German government on this income. All of the foreign source income is treated as foreign branch income for foreign tax credit purposes. Saginaw's foreign tax credit on its 2018 tax return will be: The owner of a small store buys coats for 50.00$ each. Answer parts a and b.sells the coats for $ each. he sells the coats for 70.00 each What percent of the purchase price is the sale price? Where do most of the people of India live? A. Along the southern mountain ranges. B. In the center of the country. C. In the northwest near Pakistan. D. Along fertile river valleys. What is the first thing a health assistant should do for an emergent situation? Draw a picture of a line and a point that is not on the line. Draw in the shortest distance from the point to the line, What do you notice about the line connecting the point and the line to the original line? Your firm is preparing to open a new retail strip mall and you have multiple businesses that would like lease space in it. Each business will pay a fixed amount of rent each month plus a percentage of the gross sales generated each month. The cash flows from each of the businesses has approximately the same amount of risk. The business names, square footage requirements, and monthly expected cash flows for each of the businesses that would like to lease space in your strip mall are provided below: Square Feet Expected Monthly Business Name Required Cash Flow Videos Now 4,000 70,000Gords Gym 3,500 52,500Pizza Warehouse 2,500 52,500Super Clips 1,500 25,50030 1/2 Flavors 1,500 28,500S-Mart 12,000 180,000WalVerde Drugs 6,000 147,000Multigular Wireless 1,000 22,250If your new strip mall will have 15,000 square feet of retail space available to be leased, to which businesses should you lease and why? Which statement is NOT correct regarding the arrest of suspects? O a. Male suspects are more likely to be arrested than females.O b. Juvenile suspects are more likely to be arrested than males.c. Black suspects are more likely to be arrested that White suspects.d. Sober suspects are more likely to be arrested than intoxicated suspects How did the Cold War impact US politics, foreign policy, and the economy?