which protein functions as a motor protein that applies the power stroke during muscle contraction? interaction between thick and thin filaments during muscle contraction. which protein functions as a motor protein that applies the power stroke during muscle contraction? interaction between thick and thin filaments during muscle contraction. a b c d


Answer 1

To drive molecular movement along the actin subunits of the thin myofilaments, the myosin head groups hydrolyse ATP.

Myosin's head domains are located on the thick filaments' surface and interact with actin in the thin filaments. A change in the working stroke of the actin-bound myosin head's conformation, which causes filament sliding, occurs. The myosin heads bind and hydrolyze ATP in addition to binding actin, which gives filament sliding its energy. Changes in the structure of myosin brought on by ATP binding mediate the conversion of chemical energy to movement.

To learn more about myosin click here:



Related Questions

Based on the DNA sequence below, which of the species is most closely related to the unknown species?  Species 1: GTT/CCA/GAA/AAT/CCT Unknown: AAT/CCT/GAA/AAT/CCA. Species 2: ATA/CCT/GTT/AAT/GGA. O Species 1. O Species 2


Based on the DNA sequence, the species that is most closely related to the unknown species is species 1, as it has more homologies than species 2. A bigger distance can be traduced in a higher number of mutations or modifications in the DNA sequence.

The correct answer is: Species 1.

What is true of the elevation of every point along any given contour line?



Every point on a contour line is of the exact same elevation


Every point on a contour line is of the exact same elevation. In other words, contour lines connect points of equal elevation. By definition, contour lines separate points of higher elevation from points of lower elevation.

Hope it love

Respiration occurs at which of the following structures of the respiratory system?
Alveolar ducts


The respiratory system's alveoli are where breathing takes place (option -B) is correct answer.

Where in the respiratory system does respiration occur?

in the lungs

The bronchi within the lungs branch into smaller bronchi and still smaller tubes known as bronchioles. Alveoli, which are tiny air sacs at the ends of bronchioles, are where the actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs.

Your lungs, blood vessels, and airways are all a part of it. A component of the respiratory system are the muscles that move your lungs. Together, these components circulate oxygen throughout the body and eliminate waste gases like carbon dioxide.

To know more about respiratory system visit:



Mendels law of segregation states:A. Two alleles of each gene are packaged into separate gametes B. Two alleles from each gene move apart from each other during gamete formation C. Each individual inherits two alleles for each gene and these alleles may be the same or different D. All of the above


Mendel's law of segregation refers to the fact that each individual has two alleles of the same gene, and these alleles are separated in the formation of the gametes, so each gamete has only 1 allele of each gene.

This means that the two alleles of each gene will be in separate gametes (A and B are true) and that each individual has two alleles of each gene (C is true).

So, the right answer would be D) All of the above





1 a 2 d 3 b 4 a

What have the scientific studies identified as the major cause of acid rain in the united states?.


Burning fossil fuels causes sulfur and nitrogen compounds to be released into the atmosphere, which is the main cause of acid rain in the United States.

What is acid rain?Any type of precipitation that contains acidic elements, such as sulfuric or nitric acid, which falls to the ground from the surroundings in wet or dry forms is considered as acid rain, also known as acid deposition. This can apply to rain, snow, fog, hail, corrosive dust, and even the absence of sunlight.One effect of air pollution is acid rain. Fuel-burning gases mix with oxygen in the air and water vapor to create acids, which then fall as rain on the earth's surface.It has been demonstrated that acid rain has negative effects on trees, freshwaters, soils, destroys insects and aquatic life, causes paint to peel, causes steel constructions like bridges to corrode, and causes stone buildings to weather.

To learn more about acid rain refer to :



Amari sorted knives, forks, and spoons when he put them in
the kitchen drawer.
What is most likely the way Amari sorted the silverware?
O Size
O Matter


Matter. The utensils are not different colors. They should be about the same size.

The animation illustrates one mechanism of transduction. What is a different possible mechanism of transduction?.


A phage that was in a lysogenic life cycle excises itself from the host's genome and some of the host's DNA is excised along with the phage DNA.

What is transduction ?

The phospholipase C-protein kinase C (PLC-PKC) pathway is stimulated after Gq proteins are activated, leading to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. This transduction mechanism is what causes this neuroexcitation.

Generalized and specialised transduction are the two types. Any part of the host's genome can be acquired by the bacteriophages through generalised transduction. Contrarily, with specialised transduction, bacteriophages only take up a limited range of the host's DNA.

Learn more about Transduction here:



Explain how water that started in the ocean could end up in a river inland.


Water that started in the ocean could end up in a river inland as a result of the hydrological cycle via precipitation and also through land runoff.

What is Hydrological cycle?

This is also referred to as a biogeochemical cycle and it depicts the continuous movement of water in different areas on the surface of the Earth.

Precipitation such as rain, snow helps to ensure that water is recycled in the ecosystem so as  to prevent shortage or scarcity of such important resource in the ecosystem.

When there are high tides in the ocean , the water rises and moves several kilometers to other water bodies such as rivers thereby turning it from  river freshwater into brackish water which is therefore the way in which the water from the ocean gets to the river.

Read more about Precipitation here https://brainly.com/question/13877944


the metabolism of mannose requires to produce for entry into the glycolytic pathway. i. phosphomannose isomerase; fructose-6-phosphate ii. hexokinase; glucose-6-phosphate iii. hexokinase; fructose-6-phosphate iv. phosphomannose isomerase; glucose-6-phosphate v. phosphofructokinase; bisphosphoglycerate


fructose-6-phosphate; fructomannose isomerase

Mannose enters glycolysis in what way?

Mannose first undergoes phosphorylation by hexokinase before entering glycolysis. The phosphomannose isomerase enzyme then isomerises the freshly generated mannose-6-phosphate into fructose-6-phosphate. The sugar can now follow the typical glycolytic pathway because it is in the right shape.

Mannose, galactose, and fructose enter the glycolytic process in what way?

Through fructose-1-phosphate, glucose enters the glycolytic route, mannose is phosphorylated to become mannose-6-phosphate, and galactose is enzymatically changed into glucose-6-phosphate.

Hexokinase is able to phosphorylate mannose.

Although both enzymes can phosphorylate other hexoses including fructose and mannose, they can also support development on glucose.

Learn more about enzymes here:



List and explain three examples of evidence for Evolution by naturalselection


The three main examples of evidence for Evolution by natural selection are:

1. Fossil evidence - fossils are preserved remains of living beings, such as animals, plants and other organisms from the past. The show how those organisms were in the past and they can be ued to try ato understand how they evolved;

2. Biogeographical evidence - biography is the study of the geographical distribution of organisms, and it can help us understand migratory movements that could result in different species living in different places but from the same ancestor, for example, among other things (like how and when species may have evolved);

3. Anatomical evidence - anatomical evidences are similarities in anatomy and structure of different organisms, showing that they could be related.

How does Claire’s diagnosis explain why 1 mL of liquid from her small intestine digested protein slowly but 1 mg of her pure protease digested protein normally?


The explanation that can be given for the slow digestion of proteins is that the liquid from the small intestine contained negligible amount of the proteolytic enzymes as compared to the pure isolated form of protease enzyme.

The enzymes which are responsible for the digestion of proteins are known as proteolytic enzymes. They are also termed as proteases. Proteolytic enzymes are synthesized by plants, animals, bacteria as well as fungi. Protease enzyme is necessary for the breakdown as well as absorption of proteins.

This enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds that are present in a protein molecule and transforms them into dipeptides, tripeptides as well as amino acids.

To learn more about amino acids here



Transcriptional control-proteins increase the rate of transcription by binding to.


Transcriptional control-proteins increase the rate of transcription by binding to. mRNA sequences within the DNA.

Most CCPs prevent activation of the host cell surface complement system and protect host tissues from autoimmune damage. As such, these proteins play important roles in autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Membrane-bound complement regulatory protein (mCRP) is one of the factors that perform a tight regulatory function on the complement system, thereby protecting the body from the harmful effects of excess complement.

Control of the complement system is maintained by a group of cell surface and circulating proteins called complement regulatory proteins. Expression of cell surface complement regulatory proteins varies between tissues.

Learn more abut control protien here:



Please help me with this question





In a particular bacterial cell, β-galactosidase is at high concentrations but b-galactoside permease is at very low concentrations. Which is the most likely explanation?.


In a specific bacterial cell, b-galactoside permease is found in relatively low concentrations compared to large levels of -galactosidase, which is due to a mutation in one of structural genes.

What constitutes a mutation?

an alteration to the typical dna sequence so at particular gene locus. polymorphisms, which are mutations, can have a positive, negative, or neutral impact on how cells function, despite the fact that the term is frequently used negatively.

A mutation results in what?

A genetic mutation occurs to the dna sequence of a gene that results in the production of an alternative. The dna sequence of that gene undergoes a permanent alteration as a result. for humans to evolve a evolution that occurs over a number of generations genetic variety is crucial. One individual experiences a random genetic mutation.

To know more about mutation visit:



Explain how both nucleic acids and proteins are polymers. be sure to describe the monomers that make up the polymers.



Both nucleic acids and proteins are made of the repeating monomer units, which is why they are considered polymers. Nucleic acids are made of nucleotides, which consist of a phosphate, a 5-carbon sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Proteins are composed of amino acids.


I hope this helps. :)))

Which of the following Kingdoms cannot get energy from Photosynthesis? A. Eubacteria B. Fungi C. Protista D. Planate


As we know there are three types of organisms capable to perform photosynthesis cyanobacteria (eubacteria), plants (Plantae), and algae (protist), so we can say that the correct answer is option B fungi.

Which of the following statements is the most accurate reason why freshwater biomes are important?A.They supply freshwater to support life on Earth.B. They store freshwater and do not release it.C. They contain more water than the oceans.D. They provide a limitless supply of fresh water.


The best option would be the letter A. They supply freshwater to support life on Earth.

Freshwater is the ultimate source of water in the terrestrial biome. It is not only important in the terrestrial biome but also in the aquatic ecosystem as it helps in transporting nutrients (ex. river is connected to the ocean).

Nucleus,cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, cytoplasm, nucleolus,vacuoles, lysosomes,ribosomes, nuclear membrane,centriole,chromatin,
Golgi complex , endoplasmic reticulum,chloroplast




Explanation: because nucleus is

In animal cells, ___ produce spindles fibers that help pull apart chromosomes during
A.cell division.
B. prophases
C. centrioles



A, Cell division


During cell division, in the phase called "anaphase" the spindle fibers pull apart the chromosomes to separate sides.

Since we now know it is from the phase anaphase, it could not be B or D.

We are now left with A and C.

Centrioles function is to organize the spindle fibers, this has nothing to do with pulling apart chromosomes.

Cell division has phases(PMAT), one of which is anaphase where this function occurs.

Many of the chemical reactions that take place in a cell occur in thewatery material lying between the nucleus and the cell membrane.This material is calledA. cytoplasmC. cell wallB. chloroplast D. blood plasma


The answer is letter A. cytoplasm. It is known to have a water substance where the cell organelles are suspended, and it is also a site for the biochemical processes within the cell.

A. a gaseous structure
C. a liquid structure
A mineral, such as
the quartz shown
here, has which of
the following mineral
B. a crystalline structure
D. a plasma structure


A mineral, such as the quartz shown here, has a crystalline structure mineral characteristics.

When in contact with the majority of chemicals, quartz is chemically inert. It is useful in electronic equipment because of its electrical characteristics and heat resistance. Due to its shine, color, and diaphaneity, it can be used to create glass in addition to serving as a gemstone.

Trigonal-trapezohedral crystal class 32 includes quartz. Silica makes up the hard, crystalline mineral known as quartz (silicon dioxide). With each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, the atoms are connected in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, giving the material its overall chemical formula of SiO2.

To learn more about Quartz visit: https://brainly.com/question/14797104


in the collection of data, list at least 3 important constants


The person who will collect the data, the environment in which the data will be collected, and the element who will provide the data. Hope this helped!

The following depicts the cell wall of a bacterial cell. Is this cell a gram negative, or a gram positive bacteria Briefly explain why.


The bacteria shown in the image is Gram negative because of following characteristic-

0. The wall is two-layered.


1. The wall is wavy.


2. Outer membrane is present.

Gram negative bacteria are those which do not retain the Grams stain which consist of alkaline solution of crystal violet,then treated with 0.5% iodine solution followed by washing with water or acetone.

The bacteria which retain blue or purple color are gram positive bacteria.

Ex of Gram negative bacteria-E.coli

How do metamorphic and igneous rock, exposed in mountains, become sedimentary rock over time?



Erosion and weathering


First what is erosion and weathering?

Erosion-Resources worn away and transported by natural forces from one place to another.

Weathering-Being worn away by long exposure to the atmosphere.

Now that we know that, what does this have anything to do with it?

Metamorphic and igneous rocks are weathered and eroded down till they turn into Sediment , after they turn into Sediment, they will be compressed and form sedimentary rocks over time and start the rock cycle again.

Which term matches this definition?
data that is numerical
A. quantitative data
B. qualitative data
C. precision data
D. trend data



answer: A. quantitative data

Numerical data refers to the data that is in the form of numbers, and not in any language or descriptive form. Often referred to as quantitative data, numerical data is collected in number form and stands different from any form of number data types due to its ability to be statistically and arithmetically calculated.

List and briefly explain four reasons why plants are propagated vegetatively(rather than sexually propagated)


As we know that plants reproduces through the process of vegetative propagation as vegetative propagation can be defined as the type of asexual reproduction, which takes place in plants to form new plants from a parent plant part.

What is vegetative propagation?

The term vegetative propagation has been defined as the type of asexual reproduction, which takes place in the plants to form new plants from a parent plant part. Plants produced by the process of vegetative propagation are identified as clones of their parent plants as there has no involvement of genetic material during the process.

The formation of the new plants through the parts such as bulbs, grafting, tuber, cutting or  tissue culture are examples of the process of vegetative propagation.

Therefore, As we know that plants reproduces through the process of vegetative propagation as vegetative propagation can be defined as the type of asexual reproduction, which takes place in plants to form new plants from a parent plant part.

Learn more about vegetative propagation on:



in a large maternity hospital in copenhagen, there were 94,075 births. ten of the infants were achondroplastic dwarfs. achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant trait show virtually full penetrance. only two of the afflicted children had a dwarf parent. what is the mutation rate of the achondroplasia gene in this populations?


the mutation rate of the achondroplasia gene in this population is 8.50 × 10⁻⁵

It is Given that Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder,

The total births = 94075,

Dwarfism achondroplasia affects ten infants.

The parents of two infants are also dwarfs. As a result, they passed on this condition to them.

Dwarfism caused by achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant condition. Therefore, those who inherit them from their parents must also have dwarf parents; those who do not have dwarf parents are the result of an achondroplasia gene mutation.

Infants having achondroplasia because of mutation = 10 - 2 = 8

8 infants have the achondroplasia gene mutation.

mutation rate = Infants with gene mutation / Total Infants

mutation rate  = 8 / 94075 = 0.0000850 = 8.50 × 10-5

Know more about mutation rate here: https://brainly.com/question/29423701


if the posterior root of a spinal nerve is severed, if the posterior root of a spinal nerve is severed, sensory input would be blocked. efferent fibers would be blocked. the brain would not be able to communicate with that level of the spinal cord. output to visceral organs would be blocked. output to skeletal muscles would be blocked.


Ventral and dorsal nerve roots compose the spinal nerves. The posterior/dorsal root is composed of afferent fibers carrying sensory information. A) sensory input would be blocked.

What are the roots of the spinal nerve?

Spinal nerves are composed of motor and sensory fibers. They begin as nerve roots that emerge from spinal segments.

The spinal nerve is composed of the anterior and posterior roots. Each segment in the spinal cord has four roots,

anterior/ventral root from the right sideposterior/dorsal root from the right sideanterior/ventral root from the left sideposterior/dorsal root from the left side

Anterior or ventral roots have efferent fibers that drive stimuli from the central nervous system to the target structures.

The motor neurons that control skeletal muscles are located in the ventral roots.

Posterior or dorsal roots contain afferent neurons, that carry sensory information from different structures to the central nervous system.

The cell bodies of the dorsal roots neurons are located in the sensitive ganglia of the spinal nerve.

According to this framework, if the posterior root of a spinal nerve is severed sensory input would be blocked. Option A) is correct.

You can learn more about the posterior root of a spinal nerve at





What is cancer?
Is cancer only one disease?


Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably.

The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs. Cancer sometimes begins in one part of the body before spreading to other areas. These substances capable of damaging DNA and triggering cancer are referred to as carcinogens.

Excessive sun exposure (UV)Chemical carcinogen exposure.High-dose chemotherapy and radiation (mainly in children being treated for existing cancers)Hormonal drugs.Immune-suppressing drugs (taken by transplant recipients)

How cancer affects our body: Cancer can grow into, or begin to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. This pressure causes some of the signs and symptoms of cancer. Cancer may also cause symptoms like fever, extreme tiredness (fatigue), or weight loss. This may be because cancer cells use up much of the body's energy supply.

No, cancer isn't a single disease.

Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Ignoring the body's signal to stop, malignant cells multiply to form tumors in organs and tissues or, in the case of blood cancers, crowd out normal cells in the bloodstream and bone marrow.

Some examples of cancer treatments of cancer are, Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cancer drugs, Hormone therapy, Stem cell, and bone marrow transplants, and Targeted cancer drugs.

A new treatment involving a photosensitizing agent that makes cells more sensitive to light and, by doing so, causes cancer cells to be destroyed when laser light is directed on a cancerous area.

To learn more about cancer visit,


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