In terms of production, what best describes the difference between capitalism and socialism?

Capitalism is a system in which goods are made by private businesses, but socialism stresses government control over production.
Capitalism is a system in which the government controls production, but socialism stresses production by private businesses.
Capitalism is a system in which people pursue their own self-interests, but socialism stresses an equal distribution of wealth.
Capitalism is a system in which government should “plan” the economy, but socialism stresses that free market dictates production.


Answer 1

The answer to the question is that in terms of production,  Capitalism is a system in which private businesses make goods, but socialism stresses government control over production.

The production tools are utilized in the capitalist economy to produce profits for the owners or shareholders. Additionally, there is a focus on personal earnings rather than the advantages for employees or society.

On the other hand, in the socialist system, the State modifies production to meet human and economic needs. It implies that nothing but what is required and users will be produced.

When private individuals decide for themselves what to produce for whom, how to produce it, and when and where to sell it, that is capitalism. However, prices are what enable the free market system to function. Prices provide data. The reason why the price of a new rubber eraser increased is irrelevant to the buyer.

Control is consolidated under socialism. Even having the best computer in the world at their disposal, there is no way for any individual or group of individuals to have the knowledge required to utilize the available resources effectively.

Learn more about capitalism here:


Related Questions

How did the Renaissance and Reformation beliefs shape society and culture?


The most prevalent societal change during the Renaissance was the fall of feudalism and the rise of a capitalist market economy, said Abernethy. Increased trade and the labor shortage caused by the Black Death gave rise to something of a middle class.

Answer:The Renaissance, roughly spanning the 14th to 17th centuries, marked a time of cultural, intellectual and scientific advances. From European discoveries of continents and shipping routes to new views of mathematics and astronomy to the advent of the printing press, the period of "rebirth" following the Middle Ages was marked by changing ideas, enduring masterpieces of architecture, art and literature (it was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, da Vinciand Machiavelli)—and a movement toward political and religious freedoms. The shift toward political and religious freedom in turn, helped spawn the Reformation movement, which caused a divide within the powerful Catholic Church, leading many Europeans to turn to then-new Protestant faith.


Question 26(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Casey is unhappy about the quality of education in his town, so he organizes a large rally outside of the school board meeting. Which amendment to the Constitution allows Casey this right to protest?

Ninth Amendment
Second Amendment
Fifth Amendment
First Amendment
Question 27(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Police arrest a young man late at night. Weeks go by, and still the young man has not been notified of his alleged crime. Which amendment to the Constitution is not being observed?

First Amendment
Second Amendment
Sixth Amendment
Ninth Amendment
Question 28(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

Chu was arrested six years ago and charged with aiding and abetting terrorists in a plot to harm Americans. While he has been charged, he has not yet faced trial. Why would this be a Sixth Amendment case?

Citizens have the right to gather in independent groups.
Citizens have the right to face their accusers.
Citizens have the right to not incriminate themselves.
Citizens have the right to a speedy trial.
Question 29(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

What is the most likely reason that the Third Amendment might be seen as not needed in this day and age?

The military has many bases to house the troops.
Troops are responsible for having their own homes.
There are not very many members of the military.
There is not a war going on in America now.
Question 30(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

If the Nineteenth Amendment was not enacted, which of the following reasons would be valid for denying an individual the right to vote?

Question 31(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 MC)

Which is an expression of an individual’s use of the Second Amendment?

choosing to change religions
purchasing a firearm for personal use
hiring a lawyer for criminal defense
supporting the armed services
Question 32(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 7 HC)

Larry has been standing in line for an hour to vote. When he gets up to the front of the line, an elections worker tells Larry he cannot vote. Which option would explain why Larry is turned away and is that legal according to the Constitution?

Larry is not old enough; no.
Larry has not paid his taxes; yes.
Larry is a convicted felon; yes.
Question 33(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

Members of these branches of government have to be elected by a popular vote.

Executive and judicial
Executive and legislative
Judicial and constitutional
Legislative and judicial
Question 34(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

Which branch of government decides if laws are constitutional?

Question 35(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

The House of Representatives is meant to act

in the interest of only the people they represent
slowly to ensure that laws are fair
only every two years when new members are appointed
quickly to propose new laws the people want now
Question 36(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

What was the reason the Founding Fathers created three branches of government?

in order to mirror the British system of government
to employ many people in the act of governing
so none of the branches would become too powerful
so only a few people could be truly powerful
Question 37(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

The Supreme Court decides if laws are

Question 38(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 LC)

The head of the executive branch of government is the

vice president
Speaker of the House
House of Representatives
Question 39(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

Which of the following statements is true of the House of Representatives?

Every six years, two members are elected for each state.
Members are elected every two years and are based on population.
There are two branches of the House of Representatives.
House members are limited to two four-year terms.
Question 40(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(Foundations LO 5 MC)

Which of the following statements is true of the office of the president?

Presidents can serve unlimited terms, and they must be over the age of 35.
Presidents can only serve two terms, and they must be over the age of 35.
The office of the president includes the Speaker of the House.
The office of the president holds the ultimate power of the government.


26. first amendment

27. sixth amendment

28. have right to a speedy trial

29. a or b

30. gender

31. purchasing a firearm for personal use

32. Larry is not old enough

33. Executive and legislative

34. Judicial

35. in the of only the people they represent slowly to make sure laws are fair

36. so none of the branches would be too powerful

37. constitutional

38. President

39. members are elected every 2 years based on population

40. President can only serve 2 terms and must be over 35

Which of these events ultimately led to World War I? Choose three answers.
O The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand angered Austria.
O Serbia declared war on Austria, which caused Austria's allies to
go to war.
O Nationalism increased tensions in the Balkan peninsula.
Russia's mobilization plan called for an invasion of France through Belgium.
O Alliances caused a chain of events that pulled each country into war.



The first one


I remember from 7th grade my history teacher told us about main causes of WWI and that one had the biggest impact on the war.

The events ultimately that led to World War 1 are the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand angered Austria, Nationalism increased tensions in the Balkan peninsula and Alliances caused a chain of events that pulled each country into war. The correct options are a, c and e.

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary. His assassination in Sarajevo was the most immediate cause of World War I.

Franz Ferdinand was the eldest son of Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria and the younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria. Following the death of Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889 and the death of Karl Ludwig in 1896, Franz Ferdinand became the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His courtship of Sophie Chotek, a lady-in-waiting, caused conflict within the imperial household, and their morganatic marriage in 1900 was only allowed after he renounced his descendants' rights to the throne.

Franz Ferdinand held significant influence over the military, and in 1913 he was appointed inspector general of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces.

Learn more about Ferdinand, here:


I got the answer wrong please help me find the right answer




frick you this is what you get for messing with my questions

What were the shoes like in colonial times?


Answer: The earliest shoes did not have buckles, but were secured with overlapping straps. They were made on straight form, which meant there was not a right or left shoe – each shoe could be worn on either foot. Men and women would switch shoes on feet so the leather would evenly wear and to make them last longer.


Answer: The earliest shoes did not have buckles, but were secured with overlapping straps.

Explanation: you can look in history books or do some research

Veterans and union members at a post-World War I parade clashed in the Massacre.​


Answer:The Centralia Tragedy, also known as the Centralia Conspiracy and the Armistice Day Riot

Explanation Was a violent and bloody incident that occurred in Centralia, Washington, on November 11, 1919, during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day.

Which of the following factors contributed to american consumer spending during the 1920s?


Credit served as the main engine for American consumerism in the 1920s. Many Americans used credit to purchase both essential and non-essential items.

The majority of transactions were made with cash before this time. As a result, there was a significant debt buildup.  "Middle-class employees were being paid fair salaries" is the factor that contributed to American consumer spending throughout the 1920s. Due to rising incomes and more disposable income, middle-class Americans enjoyed prosperity in the 1920s. In the 1920s, consumption spread throughout American culture, enabling people to purchase previously unaffordable items like radios, vehicles, and apparel.

In conclusion, rising American wages contributed to a rise in consumption in the 1920s.

Learn more about consumerism here:


Genesis 3:15 says, And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. In this verse, to whom was God talking?
A. Adam
B. mankind
C. Eve
D. Serpent


I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between they seed and her ;it shall bruise they head ,and thou shall bruise his heel. In this verse , God was taking to the serpent and placed a curse on him  because he caused the fall of man.

What Was The Cause Of The Curse

God placed His curse on the serpent because the serpent caused the Adam and Eve to disobey God and also placed enmity between the offspring's of both the Adam and Eve and the serpent. In fact, their offspring or "seed" will remain enemies throughout all generations.

Eve's offspring, of course, includes all of humanity, born one generation after another up to the present day.

Who is Satan's offspring?

This refers to actual biological children of the Devil. Satan's offspring may include all of the fallen angels, demons, who will follow him. It definitely includes those humans who will come to believe and practice his lies.

Learn more about Adam and Eve here;




How did the Ottoman Empire respond to non-Muslims?
• It forced them to become Muslim.
It offered them freedom of religion.
It forced them to go to India.

It offered them freedom of speech.


Answer: The answer is A( It forced them to become Muslim.


out of the four progressive amendments 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th which two have been the most beneficial in society



The Progressive Movement ushered in political change with the 16th amendment, which established a federal income tax and the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote

What effect did the Scopes trial have?



Thanks to the endorsement of the federal government, increased interest in public education, and legal precedents limiting religious influences in public schools (i.e., the same forces that helped overturn Tennessee's Butler Law in 1967; see Grabiner and Miller 1974), the BSCS books became remarkably popular:

Which of the following was not one of the main reasons colonists chose to remain loyal to the British crown?
A) possible economic ruin
B) fear of consequences and anarchy
C) religious and moral reasons
D) mistreatment in the colonies





A) possible economic ruin

Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa in 1994. Which of the following is considered the most significant accomplishment of his administration:
A) The number of unemployed South African blacks decreased dramatically during his term.
B) There was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government
C) Crime decreased with the establishment of an integrated police force.
D) The gap between the rich and the poor narrowed.


Nelson Mandela's most significant accomplishment was there was a peaceful transition to an all-inclusive democratic government.

On July 18, 1918, Rolihlahla Mandela, a member of the Madiba family, was born in the Eastern Cape settlement of Mvezo. His father, Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, served as the chief advisor to Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting king of the Thembu people, and his mother was Nonqaphi Nosekeni. When Rolihlahla was 12 years old, his father passed away, and he was taken in as Jongintaba's ward at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni1.

He had dreams of contributing to his people's struggle for freedom after hearing the elders' tales of the bravery of his ancestors during the resistance wars.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela here:


Why was the Nile dangerous


Answer: These include crocodiles that can move around 30 miles an hour on land and kill around 200 people a year, hippopotamuses that have been known to attack boats, venomous snakes like the Black Mamba, and the Egyptian Cobra, and mosquitos. The latter cannot be understated.

Explanation: I learned this is 6th grade

Why did “The Greatest Generation” that lived through the Great Depression and fought a war, felt very good about their new lives during the 1950s?



The common characteristic of Greatest Generation members is that they lived through and experienced the hardships of the Great Depression and later either fought in World War II or worked in the industries that contributed to winning the war.


How was lucas able to carry out all the work need ti produce indigo dye


She experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants.

The required details about Eliza Lucas is mentioned in below paragraph.

Eliza Lucas (1722–1793), who married Charles Pinckney in 1744, became an vital contributor to the achievement of indigo in South Carolina, however her position on this enterprise has been significantly exaggerated in latest times. As a younger female dwelling on a plantation on Wappoo Creek, west of the Ashley River, she experimented with the manner of developing indigo from seeds and extracting the dye from the mature plants. But she became genuinely now no longer the most effective character task such paintings at that time, and he or she genuinely had assist from a whole lot of sources.The indigo commercial enterprise in colonial South Carolina protected 3 wonderful additives: the cultivation of the plant, the manufacturing of the dye, and the advertising of the produce. Eliza Lucas Pinckney contributed considerably to the neighborhood know-how of the plant’s cultivation, however now no longer to the final additives of the commercial enterprise.

To learn about Eliza Lucas visit here.


How did the colonists react to the taxes being raised to pay for the French and Indian War?(1 point) Responses repealing the taxes repealing the taxes boycotting goods from Britain boycotting goods from Britain killing several people in protest killing several people in protest paying the taxes willingly


The American Colonists were bitter and the angry at what they felt that were totally unjustified taxes

The American Colonies were British colonies established in what is now the eastern United States during the 17th and early 18th centuries. Geographically, the colonies expanded westward along the Atlantic coast, reaching 13 in number from its founding to the American Revolutionary War. Colonial America (1492-1763) European nations came to America to increase their wealth and influence in world affairs. The Spaniards were the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first Europeans to settle in what is now the United States.

To know more about American Colonists visit:


What was the “special added bonus” that made the tensions more worrisome?



Now of course we've seen a lot of geopolitical struggles between major world powers here on Crash Course, but this time there was the special added bonus that war could lead to the destruction of the human species. That was new for world history, and it's worth remembering: It's still new. Here's the period of time we've discussed on Crash Course. And this is how long we've had the technological capability to exterminate ourselves. So that's worrisome.


Japan planned a large-scale attack against the U.S. naval fleet at Pearl Harbor because it wanted to


Take the island of Hawaii because they wanted to take all the islands in the Pacific Ocean


A. prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and those of the United States.


Japan intended the attack as a preventive action. Its aim was to prevent the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and those of the United States.

What is the probability (in any form) that Tommy won’t win?


The probability that Tommy will not win is 0.73.

How is the probability calculated?

Chance is represented by probability. This branch of mathematics deals with the study of the occurrence of random events. The value is expressed as a number from 0 to 1.

Mathematicians have begun to use the concept of probability to predict the likelihood of certain events.

The probability of an event occurring is determined by probability: Odds and probability are related, but odds are related to probability. P(A) = f /N

P(A) is the probability that an event (event A) will take place.

f is the number of ways an event can happen (frequency), and N is the total number of possible outcomes.

We know that the probability of Tommy's win + Tommy will not win = 1

Given, the probability of Tommy will win = 0.27

So, the probability that Tommy will not win

= 1 - 0.27

= 0.73

Learn more about probability here:


The complete question is:

"Tommy is thinking about entering a contest at the local gas station. Some of Tommy’s friends explained to him that the probability of winning the free tank of gas was 0.27. Tommy understands probabilities better when they are given in ratio form. (For example, 1 out of every 6 will win). What is the probability (in any form) that Tommy won’t win?"

Is power based on an election or are people born into power.
this is medival europe​



I'm pretty sure people were born into power because I'm sure they were Monarchs, you can search it up hope this helps. Btw please search it up I don't have to give you the wrong answer.

Conduct research on the Electoral College and write a paragraph on this system. Do not copy/paste from the internet but paraphrase the information.



The Electoral College is a group of people assigned by the Constitution to select the president and vice president of the United States.

How was the Electoral College established?

The Constitutional Convention in 1787 sorted out on the Electoral College as an agreement between delegates who thought that it is Congress who should select the president and others who favored a direct nationwide popular vote. As an alternative, state legislatures were endow with appointing electors.

Each of 50 states is assigned presidential electors identical to the number of its characteristics and senators.

The Electoral College consists of 538 members. A presidential candidate should win a majority of their votes, so as to win the election.

Are Electoral College votes distributed equally between states?

Each state is assigned a number of electoral votes form on the total size of its congressional delegation. Found on population trends, those discrepancy will likely increase as the most populous states are look forward to account for an even greater share of the U.S. population in the decades leading.

Learn more about Electoral college here:


What was the most likely result of the publication of images such as this 1906 political cartoor
A. The government passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.
B. Private companies refused to import foreign foods.
C. The government passed the Pure Food and Drug Act.
D. Labor unions protested unsafe working condition


Answer: C

Explanation: I did the same test

the dynamo why is it important


Dynamos were the first electrical generators capable of delivering power for industry, and the foundation upon which many other later electric-power conversion devices were based, including the electric motor, the alternating-current alternator, and the rotary converter.

I have four legs but never walk. I may be covered in flowers but have no soil. I hold food each day but
never eat a meal. What am I?



A table


Fun riddle!

Which statements describe China's early civilization?
Select all correct answers.
They worshipped nature gods.
They wrote on wood from mulberry trees.
They relied on a single, long growing season for rice.
A surplus of food crops allowed people in early China to become craftsmen and artisans.
The early Chinese learned to produce silk.



The early Chinese learned to produce silk

They worshipped nature gods.


A surplus of food crops allowed people in early China to become craftsmen and artisans.

Imagine In the future, the year 3050, a kid digs up the garden and finds a small metallic object, He presses the button and the screen shows pictures and words. It was my old cellphone, can he find enough information on it to write a short biography of my life, how accurate would it be?



Depending on what exactly was on the phone at the time the pictures would show who you were and what you did throughout your life, things like texts, reminders, and even your daily schedule could give the kid some insight on what type of person you were. I believe the biography would be fairly accurate.    


The Himalayas are an example of a mountain range created by two plates colliding at a __________ boundary.
B.The lighthouse in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, appeared to “move” due to which of the following processes?
the movement of the tectonic plates beneath the lighthouse
the weathering of the land surrounding the lighthouse
the erosion of the beach near the lighthouse
changes in the climate of the area where the lighthouse was located



Option (c)


The Himalayas are an example of a mountain range created by two plates colliding at a convergent boundary.

A convergent boundary is considered to be the area on the earth's surface where two plates or more plates called the lithosphere plate to get collided. Out of one or more plates, one plate slides under another plate which results in a major process called subduction.

5.1.3 Journal: Write Your Own Big-Picture Narrative
In this journal activity, you will write your own version of history for the period between 1450 and 1750 by answering the questions below.

Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences long. Make sure to use the terms listed above at least once in your writing. Your journal entry should address each of the following:
-Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of this period; what were the biggest changes in how people lived, what people were able to do, or what people valued and believed?

-Identify the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred.

-Predict the major effects of these changes on human history. What effects might we see in the eras that followed this time period? What effects can we still see or feel today?


We are discussing the Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Times, which is a significant era in human history. a period when the kingdoms of Europe were strong and sought to acquire as many lands as they could in order to increase their wealth and power.

The European monarchies sent their explorers and ships to sail and find new routes to Africa and India during this period of exploration. On October 12, 1492, during one of those voyages, Christopher Columbus made the discovery of the Americas.

Then, various European countries, including the British and French, began to settle in North America, while Spain ruled Mesoamerica.

Following this time, the Renaissance era transformed European thought, and subsequently, the concepts of the Enlightenment encouraged Revolutions and Independent movements throughout much of the world. For instance, the French Revolution or the American Revolution.

To learn more about eras


(Worth 80 points)

Summary of the book The Family: A world History
by Mary Jo Maynes , and Ann Waltner
please include 2 quotes from the book


“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance
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