Which phrase best describes the tone of the letter that the College of William & Mary received?

A mildly sarcastic

B slightly puzzled

genuinely appreciative

D somewhat suspicious


Answer 1


A mildly sarcastic


The letter that the College of William and Mary  received had a mildly sarcastic tone because although it says they are "thankful", then they describe everything that their young men who went to the College couldn't do and how "they were totally good for  nothing". And also specially because of how it ends: "We are, however, not the less oblig’d by your kind Offer, tho’ we decline  accepting it; and, to show our grateful Sense of it, if the Gentlemen of Virginia will  send us a Dozen of their Sons, we will take care of their Education; instruct them in  all we know, and make Men of them."

Related Questions

Which question is most likely raised by this family trees





6 President Roosevelt says in the speech that Japan has "undertaken a surprise
offensive extending throughout the Pacific area." What evidence does he




Which sentence contains a gerund?
Sally is fishing in the lake with her father and brothers.
Marcus is supposed to be joining the discussion later today.
My cat was not interested in the dangling string.
Her chorus director does not appreciate Angela's fidgeting.


I think it’s my cat was not interested in the dangling string, sorry if it’s wrong


Her chorus director didn't appreciate Angela's fidgeting


Im doing the quiz right now byeeee

Excerpt from Atomic Theory
Clark Benson
Atoms in the Islamic Golden Age
4 A few hundred years later, in the eleventh century, the Islamic world was experiencing
its "Golden Age." During this time, the Islamic world made great advances in science,
medicine, and early technology. Many of the advances were further developments of
theories and ideas taken from ancient Greek and Indian civilizations, including atomic
theory. As the ancient Indian culture had done, the early Islamic world also tied religion to
thoughts on the nature of matter. The ties to religion led to theological schools
conducting research of their own on the subject. Al-Gazali, a notable theologian from the
time, was one of the earliest ancient thinkers to propose the idea that there was the
possibility of particles smaller than an atom.
Which of these is the BEST description of the main idea of paragraph four?


Answer: on the test it would be D


I did the test and got it correct

1. Sam and Bella were at Perez Park sitting on a bench together. Neither of them was smiling.
After a long period of silence, Sam said, "This isn't going to work. I mean, you're an introvert
person and I'm an extrovert person." Bella nodded. A tear rolled her face. Sam went on, "If we got
married and live together, what kind of activities could we do that we will both enjoy?
Somebody's going to be unhappy." Bella began sobbing and said, "Okay, let's just end it now.
Have fun with your life." She jumped off the bench and ran into the streets.



theme: love

pov: 3rd person


english 20 points!!!


it would be the last one

What is Lakoff's position on the question? In other words, how might Lakoff answer the question
"Why do we think the way we do?"
What is Deutscher's position on the question? In other words, how might Deutscher answer the
question “Why do we think the way we do?"
What is your synthesis of Lakoff and Deutscher's positions? In your answer, synthesize what you
have learned from your reading of Lakoff and Deutscher about what role language plays in why
we think the way we do.
This will be your thesis statement)


Sorry but just here for point

2. Look at the guide words.
Circle the word that you
would find on this page
napkin - notify
A. nugget
B. necklace
C. nab
D. notorious





B. Necklace
It’s done alphabetically like a dictionary page. Nugget would not be till next page, nab would be page before and notorious would also be next page.

What does RSVP mean because you see it a lot but it doesn't tell you what it means?



Term "répondez s'il vous plaît" meaning "please respond" in French. It basically just means the host has requested that the guest respond to say if they plan to attend the event/party.

Hope this helps!


Use your own words to explain why the sky appears blue during the day. ( The scattered waves reach your eyes, making the sky appear blue. ) Please help me put this in my own words .



Well the reason the sky appears blue is because of the ocean and the light and sun molucules Tranfering to the ocean which is why the sky can appear blue


Gases and particles in Earth's atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions. Blue light is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.

Some people have to live on a ____ diet

a)weak b)poor c) little​


The answer to this is b. Poor
The answer is b poor

According to the video, what challenges do Ship and Boat Captains face? Check all that apply.
O enemies
long hours
hard work
public speaking
missing cargo
O isolation


Your question is incomplete. But one can deduce that ship and boat captains can face the following challenges:

Long hoursDangersEnemies.

What is challenge?

Challenge refers to something that one faces which seems difficult and overwhelming. Challenges come to make one or mar one.

Thus, we see that both ship and boat captains face challenges. They can face danger, enemies or even long hours on the sea.

Learn more about challenge on https://brainly.com/question/1518893



B, C, F, G


What is the central idea of the passage? My Life, and That's Why I Write for Young People A. Bird could have been the successful individual he is today without having faced adversity. B. Bird felt really different in school, which caused him drop out of activities and become really depressed. C. Even though Bird felt different, he eventually learned to connect with others and be successful through basketball. D. Even though Bird did not feel supported in school, he found his way as a storyteller after connecting with his Obijwe roots.​



pretty sure its D


the story talks about school made him feel like he wasnt smart.

The central idea of the passage My life, and That is Why I write for youthful people is that indeed though Bird didn't feel supported in academy, he set up his way as a fibber after connecting with his Ojibwe roots. The correct option isd.

What do you understand by the term Ojibwe?

The term Ojibwe refers to an Anishinaabe people in what's presently southern Canada, the northern Midwestern United States, and Northern Plains. They're Indigenous peoples of the Subarctic and Northeastern woods.

According to theU.S. Census, the Ojibwe people are one of the largest ethnical populations among Native American peoples in the United States. In Canada, they're the alternate- largest First Nations population, surpassed only by the Cree. They're one of the most multitudinous Indigenous Peoples north of the Rio Grande. The Ojibwe language is Anishinaabemowin, a branch of the Algonquian language family.

The Ojibwe are known for their birchbark canoes, birch dinghy scrolls, mining and trade in bobby , as well as their civilization of wild rice and maple saccharinity.

Learn more about Ojibwe, here:



How can we use technology responsibly as a tool for communication


We can use it to talk to family members that may be far away. You can also use technology to call for help if needed.

Paragraphs 44 through 54 describe how Waverly -
begins to realize that she does not like
chess as much as her family thinks she
does n
goes from winning her first chess
tournament to becoming a famous national
chess champion
uses her fame as a chess player to become
a full-time child fashion model
becomes more and more nervous as her
chess opponents get better and older



Paragraphs 44 through 54 describe how Waverly:

B. goes from winning her first chess tournament to becoming a famous national chess champion.


This question is about Amy Tan's short story "Rules of the Game". Waverly is the main character and narrator. At a very young age, she learns how to play chess and becomes a huge success. Waverly is quite a prodigy, and she soon begins to reap the good and the bad consequences from that. As we can see, the best answer choice is letter B.

At no point in the story does Waverly realize she does not like chess. She loves it; she just doesn't like the way her mother shows her around to everyone because of her talent. We can eliminate letter A.

Waverly does not become a fashion model at all. She also does not become nervous for having to face better opponents. We can also eliminate letters C and D.

Use each specified punctuation mark correctly in an original sentence.
Em dash:



(Not the best at creative writing haha)


em dash:

You need to call her- Evelyn- She needs you


We were now on our own...


She was two-years-old

what personal question did jay gatsby ask nick in chapter 5?



Gatsby asked Nick if he could invite Daisy to his house one afternoon and invite himself (Gatsby) as well.

What is Imagery?(don't copy and pasted from the internet)



imagery : an figurative or visually descriptive language, 

particularly in a literary work




visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.

"Tennyson uses imagery to create a lyrical emotion"


because,  y e s.

you are the chairperson of an organization that promotes the interests of young innovators. Write a letter of congratulations to the winner of the young innovator award​



See Explanation


                                                                                     Young Innovators Hub,

                                                                                     90 Aba Owerri Road,


                                                                                     May 29, 2021.

Mr. Samuel Wilson,

Universal Model School,



        Mr. Samuel Wilson,

                               A LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS

       On behalf of the board of directors and all executives of Young Innovators Hub Aba, I congratulate you on your emergence as the winner of the Young Innovator Award 2021.

       You were chosen as the winner after a careful consideration of your ingenuity in producing an automated hand sanitizer dispenser amidst the Corona virus pandemic last year. We believe that your creativity helped to prevent the spread of the virus in our community.

      Once more, we congratulate you on this achievement.

                                                                                               Yours Faithfully,

                                                                                                Jude Njoku

                                                              Chairperson, Young Innovators Hub



x^2-11x-38=0, which number would have to be added to complete the square


The method is based on the simple observation that, while x2+10xis not a perfect square, x2+ 10x+ 25 is. "Completing the square" means putting in the missing 25 that is needed to form the perfect square. Two obvious concerns are "How do you know you need 25? and "How can you just add 25 anyplace you want?" Here are the steps used:

Exam Lesson Name: Main Ideas
Examnumber: 700105RR
Exam Guidelines
Exam Instructions
Question 14 of 20:
Select the best answer for the question
14. While broadcasting a football game, the announcer exclaimed, "I can't believe it Carl James just scored a touchdown. That's right, I said C
looks as it he can't believe it either." What can you infer from these statements?
O A. Carl doesn't score touchdowns very often
• B. The announcer is prejudiced against Cari.
OC.Cat is a player who is popular with the crowd.
OD. The announcer is happy for Cart
Mack for review (Will be highlighted on the revien page)
Non >>



OA. Carl doesn't score touchdowns very often.


In the broadcast, the announcer exclaimed his surprise at the fact that Carl "just scored a touchdown." This may be normal for an announcer, for touchdowns are the qualifiers for determining which team won.

But the next statement "C looks as if he can't believe it either" shows even Carl was surprised with his touchdown. This means that Carl couldn't believe he actually scored the point, suggesting he does not score touchdowns often.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following causes Chemical Weathering? *

A. acid rain
B. Animal movement
C. abrasion
D. Plant movement



A: Acid Rain


Acid rain is chemical weathering. It is a mixture of rain, or another type of water related weather, and acidic components such as gases. It can damage forests, crops, and it can cause damage to buildings as well as bodies of water.

in part time indian how was junior strong



Junior spends half his time in Wellpinit, half in Reardan. He feels half white and half Indian. He says being an Indian is like his job, but only a part-time job that doesn't pay well. He lies to the Reardan kids and never lets them know he's poor.

Romeo's mood when talking with Mercutio changes between act I and act
II, which statement best describes why?



because of the outcome of their last conversation


HELPPP pleaseeee TvT



The wolf sees a yellow flower


Because of plot rising

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.
Choose the sentence that has pronoun agreement.
O A person who does not brush their teeth may get cavities.
O B With training, every pet can learn new tricks to please his owner.
O C If everyone picked up the trash they see, you would make a difference.
When the family saw the storm coming, they decided to take their picnic inside.



OD.  When the family saw the storm coming, they decided to take their picnic inside.


Pronoun agreement refers to the rule of having or applying the same number for a pronoun and its antecedents. In other words, a singular antecedent will have a singular pronoun and a plural antecedent will have a plural pronoun.

In the given sentences, sentence D has the correct pronoun agreement. The subject "family" is a plural number, therefore the use of the pronoun "they" and "their" for the family is correct.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Answer: D

Explanation: Because they all agreeed to take it inside.

Answer plz i need help





what do you infer from sam's letter to charley​



Sam's letter from the third level-Galesburg, July 18, 1894-to Charley read that initially, he had only hoped that Charley was right about the third level but now, he believed It. He had found the third level and had been there for two weeks.

a summary for this reading


I don’t see anything.




Your credit history is all the information—such as credit accounts, balances due and details of your payment history—contained in your credit report. ... Your credit score, also known as your FICO score, is used by lenders to determine your credit worthiness.


Other Questions
An accident again changed the current of my ideas. When I was about fifteen years old we had retired to our house near Belrive, when we witnessed a most violent and terrible thunderstorm. It advanced from behind the mountains of Jura, and the thunder burst at once with frightful loudness from various quarters of the heavens. I remained, while the storm lasted, watching its progress with curiosity and delight. As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump. When we visited it the next morning, we found the tree shattered in a singular manner. It was not splintered by the shock, but entirely reduced to thin ribbons of wood. I never beheld anything so utterly destroyed. Which character has the author decided to focus on for the telling of this story PRODUCT MIX DECISION, SINGLE CONSTRAINTSealing Company manufactures three types of DVD storage units. Each of the three types requires the use of a special machine that has a total operating capacity of 15,000 hours per year. Information on the three types of storage units is as follows: Basic Standard DeluxeSelling price $9.00 $30.00 $35.00Variable cost $6.00 $20.00 $10.00Machine hours required 0.10 0.50 0.75Sealing Company's marketing director has assessed demand for the three types of storage units and believes that the firm can sell as many units as it can produce.Required:1. How many of each type of unit should be produced and sold to maximize the company's contribution margin? What is the total contribution margin for your selection?2. Now suppose that Sealing Company believes that it can sell no more than 12,000 of the deluxe model but up to 50,000 each of the basic and standard models at the selling prices estimated. What product mix would you recommend, and what would be the total contribution margin? g The elevation at the trailhead where you start your climb is 3,000 ft. If the outside air temperature at the trailhead at 3,000 ft. is 72F. You also find the weather conditions average in terms of normal lapse rate in the troposphere. Given these conditions, what would air temperature be (in F) at the summit (elevation 7,000 ft) at the same time of your 72F reading at the trailhead? i dont know the answer to this Check all the examples that would be considered an APPROPRIATE use of biotechnology.A. Selective breeding to improve milk production in cows.B. 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