Which of these are identified as being important skills workers will need in a globally connected world?
a. adaptability to changing circumstances
b. linguistic skills
c. ability to sense and respond to new contexts


Answer 1

The term "globalization" is used to explain how trade and technologies have increased connectivity and interdependence around the world.

What does a person's global mean?

A person's internal arrangement of global ideas, goals, and sentiments into a cohesive understanding system is referred to as global meaning. The foundation for how people view oneself and their position in the world, as well as the way they perceive events and situations, is this universal meaning.

What is meant by a global view?

(noun) A perspective that holds that the world is made up of intricately interrelated elements. (noun) A perspective that seeks to comprehend where or wheres people, groups, civilizations, and societies fit into the globe and how they interact with one another.

To know more about globally visit:



Related Questions

The key that a marketer researches and thinks through all the elements in the marketing plan, _____ the market plan for each individual product.- Circumventing- Ordering- Applying- Customizing


The key that a marketer researches and thinks through all the elements in the marketing plan,  customizing the market plan for each individual product.

What does market planning mean?

Market planning is the process of creating a strategy for marketing and selling a product or service. It entails researching the target market, establishing objectives, analyzing competitors, determining the budget, designing strategies and tactics, and developing an implementation timeline. Market planning's goal is to ensure that a company can reach its target audience with effective messaging and product or service offerings.

What does Service mean?

A service is an activity or action that is performed to meet a need or assist someone. It can refer to anything from assisting someone in need to performing a specific job or task for a customer or client. It is frequently used to refer to activities carried out by a company or organization in order to provide a service to its customers.

Therfore the correct option is Customizing.

To know about Marketing plans,



Jimmy choo shoes sells 100,000 pairs of shoes to boutiques across the country: the following cost information pertains to the shoes leather and metals: $25/pair shoe boxes: $1/pair shoemaker wages: $10/pair advertising & promotion: $200,000 executive salaries $300,000 selling price to boutique: $100. 00 what is the per unit gross marketing contribution?.


The per unit gross marketing contribution is 3200%.

What is gross contribution?

Gross contribution means the total contributions received by the organization from all sources, regardless of geographic location, excluding government grants. The contribution margin is calculated by subtracting variable costs from revenue, then dividing the result by revenue, or (revenue - variable costs) / revenue.

In this case, given data says:

Advertising & promotion: $200,000

Units of shoes: 100,000 pairs

Contribution = $64/pair

So, per unit gross marketing contribution can be explained calculated by:

Marketing cost per unit = $200,000 / 100,000 units = $2.

Thus, gross marketing contribution = ($64 / $2) x 100% = 3200%

Hence, the per unit gross marketing contribution is 3200%.

Learn more about gross contribution at: https://brainly.com/question/29416693


how did the business skills of cosimo de medici contribute to the success of florence as a hot spot of finance and renaissance art?


The Medici are most known for supporting the arts. Patronage is the act of a wealthy individual or family supporting an artist. For large pieces of art, they would give painters commission payments .The patronage of the Medici had a significant influence on the Renaissance because it freed artists from financial concerns so they could concentrate on their work.

The Medici family, wealthy business people who also valued art, made financial contributions to the Renaissance. They frequently hosted artists and placed commissions for works to be created for their palace, which also houses their family's mausoleum, the Medici Chapel, a Michelangelo masterpiece. Thanks to Cosimo's meticulous and skilled banking operations, the Medici family leveraged the momentum of their riches to support their political influence in Florence and fund the best artists and initiatives during the Renaissance. Cosimo encouraged artists, which aided in the development of the arts during the Florentine Renaissance. Because of his patronage role, he was also known for "dispensing favors."

Learn more about Medici from



consider a 35-year coupon bond that pays $80 annual coupons (beginning one year from today). what is the future value of the coupons at maturity if you can invest them at 8%? a. $14,100.34 b. $13,785.34 c. $8,496.24 d. $16,214.36


The correct answer to the given question of future value of 8% investment is option b) $13785.34

In order to calculate, we need to use the given formula:

Future value = Present value (1 + interest rate) ^Time

Future value is the value of an asset now based on an anticipated rate of increase in the future (FV). It is essential for financial planners and investors because they use it to estimate how much an investment will be worth in the future.

By being aware of the future value, investors can choose wisely depending on their anticipated needs. The value of the asset, however, may be adversely affected by external economic factors that reduce its value, such as inflation. Future value and present value can be compared (PV).                  

To learn more about Future value click here



What is the first activity in test preparation?


The first activity in exam preparation is to determine what the exam will be about.Reviewing old tests and quizzes won't help you determine what's on a test because teachers don't like to give students clues.

In general,there are four main stages of testing that can be performed on any build.They are the Unit Tests, Integration Tests,System Tests,and Acceptance Tests preparation ensures that you complete the test to the best of your ability.You can prepare by reviewing the topics and materials through the resources that are available to you. It's also important to set yourself up for success through healthy habits more on that soon! There are four main stages of testing that must be completed before a program can be licensed for use unit testing,integration testing,system testing, and acceptance tests.

To learn more about integration testing please click on below link.



Which accounting concept applies when expenses are reported in the same fiscal period that they are used to produce revenue?


Matching principle applies when expenses are reported in the same fiscal period that they are used to produce revenue.

According to the matching principle, which is a concept in accounting, businesses must record expenses at the same time as the revenues to which they are related. For a while, the income statement's revenues and costs match (e.g., a year, quarter, or month).

The accrual accounting method's matching concept contributes to a more accurate depiction of a company's operations on the income statement. Investors often prefer a normalised income statement that is smooth and continuous rather than a lumpy one that is disjointed. Investors have a better understanding of the real economics of the company by combining them.

To read about accrual basis see:



Natasha selects standard shipping for her purchase and the company bills her credit card $91. 08 for the total of the online purchase. Determine if natasha has been billed correctly for her purchase. A. Natasha has been billed correctly. B. Natasha has not been charged enough for her purchase. C. Natasha has been over charged by $1. 85 for her purchase. D. Natasha has been over charged by $8. 20 for her purchase.


A. Natasha has been billed correctly for her purchase of standard shipping.

To determine if Natasha has been billed correctly for her purchase, you need to review the details of the purchase.

First, you need to confirm the cost of the items purchased. This can be done by looking at the itemized list of purchases on the receipt.

Next, you need to confirm the cost of shipping. If Natasha selected standard shipping, then the cost will be listed on the receipt.

Finally, you need to compare the cost of the items purchased and the cost of shipping to the total amount billed to Natasha's credit card. If the total cost of items and shipping matches the total amount billed to Natasha's credit card, then Natasha has been billed correctly.

In this case, since the total cost of items and shipping matches the total amount billed to Natasha's credit card ($91.08), Natasha has been billed correctly. Therefore, the answer is A. Natasha has been billed correctly.

For more questions like Shipping click the link below:




ITS C!!!!!!!!!!


i just took the test trust me <3

a stock with a beta of 1.4 has an expected rate of return of 20%. if the market return this year turns out to be 10 percentage points below expectations, what is your best guess as to the rate of return on the stock?


Our best guess as to the rate of return on the stock with beta of 1.4 has an expected rate of return of 20% is 0.06 i.e 6%

Let us consider the following terms

Risk free return ---> Rf

Expected return on stock --> Rs

Market return ---> Rm

We have given that,

expected rate of return , Rs = 20% = 0.20

Market return this year, Rm is 10% below the exceptions

beta = 1.4

we have to calculate excepted the rate of return on the stock.

Now, Using the formula

Rs = Rf + Beta(Rm - Rf)

=> 0.20 = Rf + 1.4(Rm - Rf) --(1)

Now new markert return Rm* = Rm - 0.1

Rs = Rf + 1.4( Rm - 0.1 - Rf) --(2)

Substracts (2) from (1)

=> 0.20 - Rs = 1.4 [ Rm - Rf - Rm + 0.1 + Rf]

=> 0.20 - Rs = 1.4 [ .1] = .14

=> Rs = 0.20 - 0.14 = 0.06 = 6%

Hence the required rate of return is 6%

To learn more about rate of return, refer:



an economics graduate student in the united states earns an $18,000 stipend per year. the u.s. sees significant inflation. how might the student react?


According to the situation given in the question, the student might ask for a raise in the stipend.

How do you define a stipend?

An stipend is a type of payment made to specific people to assist in covering their living expenses while pursuing a job. It is possible to receive stipends in place of or in additional to pay. Stipends are frequently given to clergy, fellows, apprentices, and interns.

Are stipends considered income?

Stipends are not subject to Medicare and Social Security taxes since they are considered awards rather than pay for services. However, stipends are still regarded as taxable income. It's vital to remember that stipend recipients are not self-employed, so they are not responsible for self-employment taxes.

To learn more about stipends visit:



lee inc. owned all of martin corp. for 2021, lee reported net income (without consideration of its investment in martin) of $350,000 while the subsidiary reported $127,000. there are no excess amortizations associated with this consolidation. the subsidiary had bonds payable outstanding on january 1, 2021, with a book value of $303,000. the parent acquired the bonds on that date for $285,000. during 2021, lee reported interest income of $32,000 while martin reported interest expense of $29,000. what is consolidated net income for 2021? a. 498,000 b. 456,000 c. 462,000 d. 477,000 e. 492,000



Income of the Parent $350,000 + Income of the Subsidiary $127,000 − Difference in Interest Income over Interest Expense on Intra-Entity Bonds ($32,000 − $29,000) $3,000 + Gain on Bonds Purchase ($303,000 − $285,000) $18,000 = $492,000 Consolidated Net Income.

How much do you earn in interest?

Interest earnings are the earnings a person obtains from particular bank accounts or by lending money to others. Interest income that is chargeable means it is taxable for tax purposes. Unless specifically exempt, all interest income is taxable.

What is included in simple interest income?

To calculate simple interest, multiply the principal amount and the number of days between payments by the daily interest rate. Simple interest is advantageous to borrowers who pay their monthly loans on time or ahead of schedule. Auto loans and short-term personal loans are the most common types of loans with simple interest rates.

To know more about interest income visit:



formal and informal reports use headings. how do headings help readers of a business report? check all that apply.


Formal and informal reports use headings.  Headings help readers of a business report as readers can learn more about the content ahead and identify the major points by using headings.

What is a business report?

A business report is a compilation of data and analyses that enables easy access to essential information for a company. Business reports come in a wide variety of formats. Business report is the key towards any organisation's success.

What constitutes a business report's five key sections?

A title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, recommendations, references, and appendices are all standard components of business reports that constitutes it.

To know more about business report, click here- brainly.com/question/11599232


the statement of cash flows separates cash inflows and outflows into the following classifications.


Answer: Operating, financing and investing


Why do we need political party answer in points?


Political parties are structured groups of people who share a common ideology or set of beliefs regarding the role and purview of government, as well as common policy objectives.

These groups cooperate to elect candidates to public office, develop and put into effect policies, advance an agenda, and take control of the government and the policy-making process.

Parties take over the executive branch of government by winning elections with candidates they formally support or nominate. The national level, Congress, and the presidency are just a few of the levels of government for which political parties nominate candidates; state and municipal levels of government are also included. Additionally, they organize voters and plan political campaigns.

To learn more about parties refer here:



With a tax, the tax rate decreases as income increases. Individuals bear a greater burden with this type of tax.


With a tax, the tax rate decreases as income increases. Individuals bear a greater burden with this type of tax.

Each person or household must pay a set amount of money annually under a regressive tax. Regressive taxes have a percentage rate that decreases as the amount being taxed increases.

What is a regressive tax example?

Low-income earners are more negatively impacted by regressive taxation. They take more money from the less fortunate than from the wealthy. Regressive taxes include those on the majority of consumer items, sales, gas, and Social Security payroll. Regressive taxes include the sin tax and the Pigovian tax.

What is progressive and regressive tax?

A progressive tax is one that collects a higher percentage of revenue from high-income groups than from low-income groups. A tax that subtracts the same amount from each income group is said to be proportional. Regressive taxes are ones that deprive low-income groups of a larger percentage of their income than they do high-income groups.

To know more about Taxes visit:                                                                        brainly.com/question/12686297                                            


Answer: 1st box: regressive 2nd box: Lower-income

in the case of a higher wage, there will be: multiple choice question. a decrease in the demand for labor. an increase in the demand for labor. an increase in the quantity of labor demanded. a decrease in the quantity of labor demanded.


In the case of a higher wage  an increase in the demand for labor.

Wage rises cause inflation because the cost of conducting business grows as wages do. To cover the cost rise and maintain the same level of profitability, businesses must increase the prices they charge for their goods and services. Changes in compensation or remuneration will result in a change in the amount of work necessary. If the pay rate increases, employers will want to hire fewer people. The amount of labor sought will decrease, and the demand curve will shift upward. An employee's income rises as a result of earning more money, which in turn increases demand for all commodities, including leisure, and reduces the labor pool available to fill open positions.

Learn more about higher wage from



strategic planning focuses on multiple choice short-range decisions. intermediate-range decisions. sales targets. long-range decisions.


Strategic planning focuses on long-range decisions. You may monitor your progress toward targets by putting a strategic plan in place.

An organization's direction is outlined through the process of strategic planning. It outlines how a company will deploy its resources to reach a desired future state while putting itself in a competitive position within the industry.

Strategic thinking, long-term planning, and operational planning are the three distinct but equally significant parts of an effective strategic planning process.

Well-executed strategic planning provides the organization with its vision, direction, and goals; however, operational planning converts that strategy into the day-to-day business execution methods that will ultimately lead to the outcomes the strategy is intended to achieve. No firm wants to admit it, but the majority lack the expertise, competencies (skills, knowledge, experience), and discipline needed to execute strategic goals precisely.

To know more about Strategic planning click here,



when the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from s1 to s2,


when the price ceiling applies in this market and the supply curve for gasoline shifts from s1 to s2, A shortage will occur at the new market price of P2

A price ceiling is a limit placed by the government or another party on the most that can be paid for a thing, commodity, or service. Price caps are reportedly implemented by governments to protect consumers from scenarios where commodities can become costly.

In addition to those who are unable to purchase the product at all, those who are able to do so at the lower price established by the price ceiling will also suffer.

Learn more about  price ceiling here:



a stock has an expected return of 12.37 percent and its reward-to-risk ratio is 7.5 percent. if the risk-free rate is 3.15 percent, what is the stock's beta? multiple choice 1.11 1.44 1.65 1.38 1.23


Beta=(Expected return - Risk free return)/ Market risk premium

=12.37/ 7.5* 3.15=5.195

The standard deviation of returns for the asset could be divided by the standard deviation of returns for the benchmark to determine beta. The correlation between the security's returns and the benchmark's returns is compounded to arrive at the final figure. The term "beta" describes how a stock is predicted to change in proportion to market movements. A stock with a beta larger than 1.0 is thought to be more volatile than the overall market, whereas one with a beta below 1.0 is thought to be less volatile.

Learn more about Beta from



even though an open innovation model enables the firm to take advantage of external innovation conducted by other firms, it does not mean that the firm can decrease its r&d own effort. t or f


Note that it is TRUE to state that even though an open innovation model enables the firm to take advantage of external innovation conducted by other firms, it does not mean that the firm can decrease its own R&D effort.

What is an open innovation model?

An Open innovation Model entails purposeful, managed information exchanges with players outside of an organization's borders, with the goal of incorporating their resources and knowledge into the organization's own inventive process.

Building an Open Innovation network enables you to explore ideas or initiatives created inside that do not match your primary business model externally. This has the ability to generate additional money without jeopardizing your primary business.

It is to be noted that R&D is crucial for organizations because it gives valuable information and insights, which leads to changes to existing processes where efficiency and costs may be raised. It also enables firms to create new goods and services in order to prosper and survive in competitive marketplaces.

Learn more about Research and Development:

which pricing policy would probably be best for a profit-oriented producer introducing a really new product with a very inelastic demand curve?


Introductory price dealing is the policy that would probably be best for a profit-oriented producer introducing a really new product with a very inelastic demand curve.

What is demand curve?A demand curve refers to a graphical representation of the relation between the cost of a good and service and the quantity demanded over a  period of time. In a typical representation,  price is displayed on the left vertical axis and quantity demanded is displayed on the horizontal axis. In economics, a demand curve is a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a particular commodity and the quantity of that commodity  demanded at that price. A  can be used  for the  relationship between price and quantity for an individual consumer or for all consumers in a given market. There are two types of demand curves: individual demand curves and market demand curves. It may be created by making the requested price and quantity on the chart. The demand curve plots price on the Y-axis and quantity demanded on  the X-axis of the chart.

To learn more about demand curve from the given link:



Jill uses some euros to purchase a bond issued by a French vineyard. This exchange
a. increases U.S. net capital outflow by more than the value of the bond.
b. increases U.S. net capital outflow by the value of the bond.
c. does not change U.S. net capital outflow.
d. decreases U.S. net capital outflow.


Jill uses some euros to purchase a bond issued by a French vineyard. This exchange does not change U.S. net capital outflow.

French is a Romance language of the Indo-ecu family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. French developed from Gallo-Romance, the Latin spoken in Gaul, and extra especially in Northern Gaul. Its closest household are the opposite langues d'oïl—languages are traditionally spoken in northern France and in southern Belgium, which French (Francien) in large part supplanted. French changed into additionally encouraged via local Celtic languages of Northern Roman Gaul like Gallia Belgica and by the (Germanic) Frankish language of the submit-Roman Frankish invaders. these days, as a result of France's beyond foreign places expansion, there are numerous French-based creole languages, most considerably Haitian Creole.

Learn more about French here



it governance in the it context is a method for software development that uses new approaches, focusing on close collaboration between programming teams and business experts. group of answer choices true false


Agile software development is a method for software development that uses new approaches, focusing on close collaboration between programming teams and business experts.

Agile software development is more than frameworks like Scrum, Extreme Programming, or Feature-Driven Development (FDD).

Agile software development is more than practices, for example, pair programming, test-driven development, stand-ups, planning meetings, and runs.

Agile software development is an umbrella term for a bunch of frameworks and practices based on the values and standards communicated in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and the 12 Standards behind it. At the point when you approach software development in a particular manner, it's generally great to live by these values and standards and use them to assist with sorting out the right activities given your particular setting.

to know more about  Software Development click here:



gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


if Gilliam Industries reports $6.4 million in revenue for a certain accounting period. which will result in a $47,000 reduction in cash flows from operational activities.

What is the change in Account Receivable ?

To account for these items, the cash flows from operating operations should be modified by: Gilliam will have to make the necessary adjustments for the change in Accounts Receivable using the indirect method, which will result in a $47,000 reduction in cash flows from operational activities.

The amount of net income must be adjusted to account for operating items that typically affect net income alone when calculating cash flow from operating activities using the indirect method.

Gilliam will need to make adjustments for the change in accounts receivable based on the information provided, which will result in a $47,000 drop in cash flows from operational activities.

Using this formula to find the change in account receivable

Change in account receivable = Beginning balance - Ending balance

Change in account receivable = $392,000 − $439,000

Change in account receivable = -$47,000

Learn more about Cash Flow here


#SPJ 1

the company's variable overhead costs are driven by machine-hours. what would be the total budgeted overhead cost for next month if the activity level is 2,400 machine-hours rather than 2,500 machine-hours?


Total budgeted overhead at 2,400 machine hours = $60,380

Now, According to the question:

Activity level = 2,500 machine-hours

Variable overhead costs:

Supplies = $ 12,250

Indirect labor = $22,000

Fixed overhead costs:

Supervision = 15,500

Utilities = 5,500

Depreciation = 6,500

Total overhead cost = $ 61,750

At activity level of 2,500, the total variable overhead cost is as follows:

= Supplies + Indirect labor

= 12,250 + 22,000

= 34,250

At activity level of 2,400, the total variable overhead cost is as follows:

Total variable overhead × 2400/2500

= 34,250 × 2400/2500

= $32,880

Total fixed overhead:

= Supervision + Utilities + Depreciation

= 15,500 + 5,500 + 6,500

= $27,500

Total budgeted overhead at 2,400 machine hours: = Total variable cost at 2,400 hours + Total fixed cost

= $32,880 + $27,500

= $60,380

Learn more about Budget at:



The complete question is this:

Kerekes Manufacturing Corporation has prepared the following overhead budget for next month. Activity level 2,500 machine-hours Variable overhead costs: Supplies $ 12,250 Indirect labor 22,000 Fixed overhead costs: Supervision 15,500 Utilities 5,500 Depreciation 6,500 Total overhead cost $ 61,750 The company's variable overhead costs are driven by machine-hours. What would be the total budgeted overhead cost for next month if the activity level is 2,400 machine-hours rather than 2,500 machine-hours.

Can you get alcoholic beverages to go in Texas?


Texas law now allows customers and businesses to safely enjoy to-go alcoholic beverage options. Temporary exemptions to provide relief to businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic have been updated and made permanent, thanks to recent action by the Governor of Texas.

Mainly, because Texas is one of the strictest states when it comes to the sale of alcohol. Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 1024 into law allowing these sales to continue permanently.This allows beer, wine, and mixed drinks to be included in takeout and delivery orders.I want to operate a mobile food truck.Under current law, alcohol permits are only issued to a permanent physical address that has been certified by local authorities. For example, a food truck moving through a city does not have a permanent physical address.In Texas, there are no state laws to bring your own drink (BYOB). Check with your city or county for the relevant local ordinances. State law makes it illegal to bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises of the holder of a Mixed Beverage Permit (MB) or Private Club Registration Permit (N).

To learn more about food truck please click on below link.



which business cycle would be represented by an increase in ad in the classical range of the as curve.


where a rise in ad in the traditional range of the as curve would be used to symbolize demand equal to supply in a business cycle.

Business cycles, or more precisely recessions and expansions, signal a slowing, dropping, or accelerating of the economy. The AD-AS model has provided us with a method to understand business cycles. When supply or demand shocks are negative, real GDP falls below potential GDP at equilibrium, as it did at equilibrium point E1. This is when a recession occurs. Recessions can be brought on by negative shocks to aggregate supply or demand. If business or consumer confidence declines, AD may go from AD0 to AD1, to the left. As AD shifts to the left, the new equilibrium will be less productive and have a lower price level than the initial equilibrium (E0). 

Learn more about Business cycles from



why did many middle-income governments send students and government commissions abroad to look at the most efficient industrial operations elsewhere?


The problem in many developing countries is that governments A lack of funding for education,having no teacher or a poorly qualified one,not a classroom.

What issues must be taken into account when educating people in various nations?The Middle Income Countries (MICs) of the world are a heterogeneous group in terms of size, population, and income.Upper middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $4,046 and $12,535 whereas lower middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $1,036 and $4,045. (2021).People are unsure if education will result in increased incomes.A higher rate of saving results in growth that is permanently higher.Long term, a higher saving rate will result in a higher stock of capital.Economic growth and greater pay: In many underdeveloped nations, wages increase by 10% for every year of further education.

To learn more about Middle Income Countries refer



so how do i unblock spotify the school Ashby public school and i do not know how to unblock it help me pls for 53 points and it has to work or i will not get you the points!



you need a vpn,

If you have a computer, find a vpn. It helps you change your IP address to where ever. Select a random country and your good to go

1. structural unemployment: a. is unemployment that occurs as a result of a downturn in the economy. b. is short-term unemployment associated with individuals who are not working while seeking their first job or changing jobs. c. occurs when the jobs that are available require skills that do not match the skills possessed by those seeking jobs. d. is the only type of unemployment that makes a person eligible for unemployment benefits.


Structural unemployment occurs when the jobs that are available require skills that do not match the skills possessed by those seeking jobs.

What is Structural Unemployment

Structural unemployment is a type of unemployment that occurs as a result of changes in the shape of the economy of a region or country.

Structural type unemployment can also occur in certain parts of the economic sector. For example, industrial relocation, changes in the composition of the workforce, recession, and others.

Therefore, the notion of structural type unemployment is unemployment that occurs as a result of changes in goods or services that the customer wants cannot be fulfilled by members of the workforce.

Several reasons behind why this phenomenon can occur include skills, industry, occupation, to the geographical location of the workforce that does not meet the criteria desired by the company, thus changing the economic structure.

Learn more about unemployment at https://brainly.com/question/29572227.


if you have $3,100 today, how much will it be worth in ten years at 4 percent per year compounded continuously? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


The total compound interest is $1,488.76, bringing the amount to $4,588,76.

Firstly let's determine what values are given, and what we need to find. Given that your initial balance P is $3100 and that you plan to invest for 10 years, we assume that you will make this investment.

In addition, the interest is compounded annually at a rate of 4%, making the m in the compound interest formula equal to 1.

We want to determine your investment's future value, or FV, in order to determine how much money you will make from it.

We must enter the proper figures into the compound interest formula to calculate it:

FV =$3100 * (1 + 0.04/1) ^ (10*1) = 3100+*1.48024428492


$3100 - 4588.75728325=-1488.75722833

Your investment will be worth =4588.75728325 after 10 years.

FV - P will be your profit. It is $3100 - 4588.75728325= 1488.75722833

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Why did Theodore Roosevelt use the big stick policy? if the fed wanted to expand the money supply as part of an antirecession strategy, it could:________ Melinda is writing a research paper aboutthe Battle of the Bulge during World War II.She has discovered the following quoteduring her research:"On 16 December, powerful German forcesstruck the lightly held sector of the FirstArmy front south of Monschau in theArdennes. German armored spearheadsdrove toward the Mouse River, aiming atAntwerp. Aided by bad weather, a variety ofdeceptive measures, and the failure ofAllied intelligence correctly to interpret thesigns of an impending attack, theyachieved complete surprise."Melinda is unfamiliar with the geography of Germany, so the locations are confusing.Which of the following tools would be best in aiding her with her research?A.atlasOB.Web site about warOC.CD-ROMOD. history bookResetSubmit in which part of the ear does pressure need to be equalized when changing altitude or scuba diving? eustachian tube middle ear auricle ear drum a pool can be filled by one pump in 50 minutes and by another pump in 60 minutes. a third pump can drain the pool in 75 minutes. if all 3 pumps go into operation at the same time, how long will it take to fill the pool? Some thermal mugs have layers of materials to keep drinks hot for as long as possible. Which combination of layers would work best for this purpose?. For isosceles trapezoid PQRS, give the coordinates of R without using any new variables. The oxygen produced by plants during photosynthesis comes from the splitting of ____ molecules. Examine the cross-sectional diagram of a cell.What evidence indicates this cell is prokaryotic? PLS HELP 15 POINTS!!!!!!15. What is the solution to the system of equations below?y=4x+2y=1/2x-5A. (2,6)B (6,2)C. (-6,-2)D. (-2,-6) immigrant elders are generally happier with their lives than nonimmigrants. this is referred to as the: What 5 qualities make a good dental assistant? It is believed that the best angle to fly a kite is 45. If you fly a kite at this angle and le out 225 feet of string, approximately how high above the ground will the kite be?159 feet170 feet223 feet200 feet In triangle def, md = (4x 15), me = (5x 32), and mf = 70. determine the degree measure of the exterior angle to d. 137 113 67 43 All of the following are true about the political consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXCEPTa. Motivated the creation of the Republican Partyb. Energized a new generation of politicians, including Abraham Lincolnc. Led to a miniature war in Kansasd. Resulted in the assault of a southern Senator what is the best approximation for the area of this circle? use 3.14 to approximate pi. There were 25 basketball players from three cities in the area who played in the all star game. If Georgetown had 12 all star players and Marketville had 11 all star players, how many all star players came from Claremont? What are the x- and y- coordinates of point e, which partitions the directed line segment from j to k into a ratio of 1:4? x = (startfraction m over m n endfraction) (x 2 minus x 1) x 1 y = (startfraction m over m n endfraction) (y 2 minus y 1) y 1 (13, 3) (7, 1) (5, 0) (17, 11) True or False: demarketing is a reaction to a surplus of production materials that results in product supply exceeding demand. Juana accidentally touched a hot iron. She immediately drew back her hand. Which of the following is true about the withdrawal of her hand?a.It was initiated in the motor cortex.b.It was initiated in the spinal cord.c.It was a voluntary behavior.d.It was due to conscious instructions from the brain.e.It was an operantly conditioned response.