Melinda is writing a research paper about
the Battle of the Bulge during World War II.
She has discovered the following quote
during her research:
"On 16 December, powerful German forces
struck the lightly held sector of the First
Army front south of Monschau in the
Ardennes. German armored spearheads
drove toward the Mouse River, aiming at
Antwerp. Aided by bad weather, a variety of
deceptive measures, and the failure of
Allied intelligence correctly to interpret the
signs of an impending attack, they
achieved complete surprise."
Melinda is unfamiliar with the geography of Germany, so the locations are confusing.
Which of the following tools would be best in aiding her with her research?
Web site about war
OD. history book


Answer 1

Answer:the answer is atlas I got it wrong and got the right answer hope it helps.


Related Questions

Why does Thoreau go into such detail to describe the natural setting around the wild apple tree?



For Thoreau, being in nature enables him to feel better about himself because it is true and almost primal, in the way that he is immersed in a setting of which he is a part. It is to this extent of feeling comfortable and content, almost a sense of synchronicity coming over him, that describes his feelings about existing in the natural setting.

How do the references to the narrator's father
throughout the story contribute to the
development of the plot?


This query is in reference to Julia Alvarez's short fiction "Daughter of Invention." The speech will be delivered in front of teachers and fellow students, and the primary character and narrator has been picked to compose it.

Who is Narrator?

She performs her duties admirably and with inspiration and love. In her lecture, she talks about pupils exceeding their teachers and being strong and independent.

But the narrator's father vehemently objects to the speech to the point of tearing it to pieces, much to her dismay and disappointment.

The narrator's life experiences are very dissimilar from those of her father. He has experienced a dictatorship, in contrast to her. Even if they already exist, he is still terrified of voicing his thoughts, talking too loudly, losing loved ones, getting taken into a black car, and disappearing.

Therefore, This query is in reference to Julia Alvarez's short fiction "Daughter of Invention." The speech will be delivered in front of teachers and fellow students, and the primary character and narrator has been picked to compose it.

To learn more about invention, refer to the link:


A character in a novel begins a journey to find the secrets of her ancestors. She fills her backpack with supplies, and turns toward the forest to set off on her path, not knowing what she will find. Based on what you know about symbolism, what might the forest represent?

A sign that the character should actually stay out of the forest
A potential warning for the character
Purification for the character
The mysteries the character will uncover


Answer: Its the mysteries the character will uncover

Explanation:  I took the test

The forest represent mysteries the character will uncover. The correct option is D.

What is symbolism?

Symbolism was a late-nineteenth-century French and Belgian art movement in poetry and other arts that sought to represent absolute truths symbolically through language and metaphorical images, primarily as a reaction to naturalism and realism.

A literary symbol is an object, a person, a situation, or an action in a story that has one literal meaning but suggests or represents another.

The forest represents the mysteries that the protagonist will discover.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding symbolism, visit:


The chemist can model the temperature with a polynomial function. During
these eight hours, over what interval is the temperature decreasing?
O A. The function is increasing on the interval [-2, 1].
B. The function is decreasing on the interval [-2, 1].
OC. The function is both increasing and decreasing on the interval
[-2, 1].
OD. The function is constant on the interval [-2, 1].




I js got it right

Note that the Chemist can model the temperature with the polynomial function. During the eight hours, "The function is decreasing on the interval [-2, 1]." (Option B)

What is a polynomial function?

Polynomial functions are functions that use only non-negative integer powers or positive integer exponents for variables in quadratic equations, cubic equations, etc.

For example, 2x+5 is a polynomial with the exponent 1. Zero polynomial functions, linear polynomial functions, quadratic polynomial functions, and cubic polynomial functions are the four most common forms of polynomials used in calculus and algebra.

Learn more about polynomial functions:

Which of the following actions is symbolic of Charlotte freeing herself from society’s expectations?

traveling on the Seahawk alone
washing her gloves
putting on sailor’s clothes
telling Captain Jaggery about the mutiny


Traveling on the Seahawk alone.

What is the summary of This chapter?

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by children's book author Avi was released in 1990. It tells the tale of a teenage girl who sails from England to America on a ship full of intrigue, mutiny, and murder; along the way, she learns to sail, survives a hurricane, and thwarts the captain's attempts to kill her. The novel, which was created for middle-grade readers, won the Newbery in 1991, among other honors. Charlotte Doyle, then 13 years old and attending school in England, had to go back to her American family's home in 1832. A well-known shipping agent, her father has been promoted and sent back to the US. She finishes school before her family leaves. She was supposed to fly home with two families, but they never showed up, so she was left on her own.

To know more about this chapter, visit:


Which of the following is a complex sentence?

Although the dentist did not find anything wrong, Sue's mouth still hurt.

The dentist did not find anything wrong with her teeth, but Sue continues to have a toothache.

Although the dentist found nothing wrong with Sue's teeth, she still had a toothache, so she went to bed.

The dentist did not find anything wrong with Sue's teeth.​


A.although the dentist did not find anything wrong, sues mouth still hurt

Which text feature would be the most important to include on an informational website about the invention of the telephone? A quotation from a modern-day teenager about why phones are useful A diagram of the first telephone with the important parts labeled A picture of a person using a cell phone A map showing where the first telephone was invented Question 6


Adding another traffic light will help ease traffic on Main Street. Sometimes the traffic on main Street is so heavy that no cars can move.

What is the main street?

Sometimes the traffic on Main Street is so heavy that no cars can move. Main Street is the busiest street in the city. Adding another traffic light will help ease traffic on Main Street. Main Street is always busy because of all the stores there.

Would be the best thesis for an argumentative research paper. In this example, is particularly good as a thesis because it does not simply state a fact. Instead, this option makes an argument that needs to be supported with evidence. The author will then have to provide his justification that explains why another traffic light would ease traffic on Main Street.

Therefore, Adding another traffic light will help ease traffic on Main Street. Sometimes the traffic on main Street is so heavy that no cars can move.

Learn more about traffic light on:


2. Which best explains how setting and plot are related in Scene 1?
The scene establishes the Houston setting and the event it leads to: The
women meet and organize in Texas.
The scene establishes the Houston setting and the event it leads to: The
women will write letters to Houston papers.
C The scene establishes the early-twentieth-century
setting and the
conflict it gives rise to: The women are reluctant to travel.
The scene establishes the early-twentieth-century setting and the
conflict it gives rise to: Women's fight for the right to vote.


The scene establishes the Houston setting and the event it leads to The women will write letters to Houston papers. best explains how the setting and plot are related in Scene 1.

What is a plot?

Happens in a story is called the plot. But a narrative is not just a straightforward series of happenings. A compelling plot is built around a single event—a break in a pattern, a turning point, or an action—that poses a compelling question that must be resolved during the course of the narrative.

A plot is a narrative of events as well, with the focus being on causality. A legend goes, "First the king died, then the queen." A plot is when "the king died, and the queen died of sadness."

The deliberate selection and arrangement of interconnected activities by the author is known as the plot in literature. In a plot, the amount of narrative structuring is far higher than it is in a story or fable.

Therefore, option(D) is correct.

Learn more about the plot here:


What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Correct Answer is A

Hope this helps

The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?
A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.
B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.
C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.
D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.


The monster assures Victor that he will be aware of his actions if he does B. Every day, the monster would send someone to check on Victor.

What does the creature ask Victor in Chapter 17? What does Victor say at the end of the chapter?

The monster orders Victor, "You must construct a girl for me, with whom I can exchange those sentiments essential to my existence." At first, Victor says no to the monster's request, but he subsequently reconsiders.

In a lodge perched atop the montanvert mountains, Victor and the monster conclude their conversation. In this key chapter, the monster gives his creator a stern warning: "Make me a mate or I will destroy you." He convinces Victor to follow the same process that was used on the monster the previous time.

To know more about the monster visit:


On pg. 74 Crooks plays philosopher, letting Lennie know his dream is worthless. But when Lennie lets the secret out, Crooks begins to believe that Lennie and George might be the exceptions. At the end of the scene, when George returns, Crooks claims on pg. 83 that he “wouldn’ want to go to no place like that.”
What causes this change? What does this say about Lennie?
What does this say about Crooks? It shows that he is insecure.


1. Lennie is very gentle Buh can be rough when he wants .
2. Crooks is very insecure of himself which makes him act and say things out of proportion

Directions: Look at the character pairs below and write 1-3 sentences discussing the similarities and differences between each pair. Think about character behavior and their overall lives and answer the questions below.

How do they treat the people around them?
How important are they to the plot of the play?
Would you consider them “good” people? Why or why not?

Lady Macbeth & Lady Macduff

Macbeth & Macduff


Lady Macbeth is a strong woman who plays an important role in the play but who can be considered as evil. On the other hand, Lady Macduff can be described as a protective woman who seems to be good.

Who are Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff?

These are two female characters in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. These female characters show contrasting traits.

What are Lady Macbeth's traits?

Lady Macbeth is married to Macbeth who is the main character of the story, she is a strong but ruthless woman. Moreover, she has a key role in the story by encouraging his husband to kill Duncan. Due to this, many consider Lady Macbeth is rather evil.

What are Lady Macduff's traits?

Lady Macduff is the wife of Macduff. This woman appears only briefly in the play and due to this she does not have a big role, but she shows herself as a good woman who wants to protect her family.

Learn more about Lady Macduff in:


In passage 1, how does directly addressing the reader frame the author’s message from


We can see here that in passage 1, directly addressing the reader frames the author’s message from "Henry I" in the following way: It appeals to the reader by showing respect to the audience and recognizes their patriotism.

Who is a reader?

A reader is actually known to be a person who reads books and acquires knowledge through the reading of books. Readers are known to love books because they acquire certain knowledge and skills just by reading. Certain authors usually write in order to reveal certain things to the readers. Readers are actually known to be leaders.

We see here that from Henry's speech, the author tends to appeal to the readers through the way Henry addresses the audience. Henry shows respect to the audience by recognizing their patriotism and the abilities that is seen in the members of the Convention.

Learn more about reader on


Answer:it poses the read as a true critic


in the book and independent

according to justice harlan what did the railroad claim was its motivation for the decision to separate passengers?


Answer: restrict one's personal liberty on the basis of their race



He argues that the law does indeed restrict one's personal liberty on the basis of their race


He argues that the law does indeed restrict one's personal liberty on the basis of their race

1. CROSS-TEXTUAL: In "Growing Up: Key Moments," it says, "most growing-up moments start with something
hard." How has the difficult experience in this story helped Dante and Shay grow up?


The difficult experience has taught Dante and Shay the importance of resilience and perseverance in order to reach their goals.

Why growing up moments start with something hard to Dante and Shay?

Growing up moments often start with something hard for Dante and Shay, such as learning how to manage their emotions, understanding relationships, and making difficult decisions. They must learn how to confront failure, accept criticism, and strive for success. Dante and Shay also must learn how to take responsibility for their actions and how to manage their time effectively. They must develop problem solving skills, learn how to prioritize tasks, and learn how to manage stress. Finally, they must learn how to be honest with themselves and with others and how to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional health.

To learn more about Growing up refer to:


identificar listen to each sentence and decide whether you hear a verb in the present perfect indicative, the past perfect indicative, or the present perfect subjunctive.


The Spanish present perfect indicative tense is used to describe things that have started in the past but that are still continuing or will happen again, in the future. It can also be used to speak about something that happened recently.

The past perfect indicative refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past. It does not matter which event is mentioned first -

The present perfect subjunctive is used whenever we want to speak about an action that was supposed to happen in the past, but we don't know whether it happened or how it went.

To learn more about perfect indicative from the given link


Write one descriptive paragraph (8-10 sentences) of prose (not poetry) America. Use showing language to describe the detailsuse telling language to inform the reader about the basic situation Make sure the writing refers to at least three senses and has one example of figurative language. Your goal is to make the reader see, hear, touch, taste, or smell the place you are describing.



America is a vast and diverse country, filled with vibrant landscapes, bustling cities, and picturesque towns. From the sandy beaches of the East Coast to the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains, America is a land of breathtaking natural beauty. In the bustling streets of New York City, the air is filled with the sounds of car horns and sirens, the smell of fresh pizza and hot dogs, and the taste of exotic spices from all corners of the globe. In the rolling hills of the Midwest, the air is crisp and clean, and the sky is vast and blue. The fields are green and lush, and the barns are red and rustic. America is a land of contrasts and surprises, where anything is possible and the future is always bright.


In "Tintern Abbey," how has the speaker's relationship with nature changed over time


When he was a boy , "went o'er all hills" and walked the river, a caller accepts that he is no longer the elderly man he was once. He asserts that nature was important at the the time; woods, hills, & falls formed his tastes, wants, & tastes.

How does science define nature

Nature can apply to a broad range of living organisms, including animals and plants as well as, in some circumstances, to the processes involving various objects ways in which specific kinds of items, including the weather and the Planet's geology, live and change on their own.

Why is nature so crucial?

That foods that we eat, its air we inhale, and the water we use to irrigate our crops are all gifts from our woods, rivers, oceans, and soils. They provide us with a wide range of additional products and services that are crucial to our well-being, pleasure, and prosperity. These natural resources are frequently referred to as the worlds largest "capital assets."

To know more about nature visit:


Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequence.

Satire mocks human behavior or societal norms. What aspect of modern American society is being mocked in this satirical text? Give an example.​


Based on the given satirical text with the title, Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequence, it can be seen that the aspect of modern American society that is being mocked in this satirical text is the fact that the rich and wealthy families in society get away with almost anything because of their status, wealth and influence.

What is Satire?

This refers to the term that is used to describe the literary expression that has to do with the use of irony, sarcasm, hyperbole, etc to mock and ridicule human behavior or political and social situations.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the given text, Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequence, it can be seen that the aspect of modern American society that is being mocked is actually the free leeway that is given to the rich and powerful in the society to escape justice and punishment.

Read more about satire here:


Differing Perspectives
Write two to three paragraphs to address the prompt. Use specific information from the text to support your statements.
Explain the different viewpoints of Frederick Douglass and Captain Canot regarding slavery. What evidence does each use? How does each present his information?
Review the rubric to ensure you are turning in your best work.


Slave Frederick Douglass thought that all slaves should be free, whilst slave trader Captain Canaan thought that slaves should only be used for labor and creating money.

How does each present his information?

By crossing the Mason-Dixon line, Frederick Douglas attempted to abolish slavery or at least grant most slaves freedom. On the other hand, Captain Cannot firmly believed that there was nothing wrong with using other people as slaves simply because they have darker skin. Both convey their knowledge clearly and with remarkable evidence. Slave Frederick Douglass thought that all slaves ought to be free, whereas slave trader Captain cannot thought that slaves should only be used to earn money and carry out labor-intensive tasks. Although Frederick Douglass believed that the Civil War was fought to end slavery, he and other free blacks pressed President Abraham Lincoln to release the slaves as a way to guarantee that slavery would never again exist in the United States. Africans weren't treated as actual persons by Canot and his crew; rather, they were treated as cargo that needed to be transported and kept alive.

To know more about Frederick Douglass, visit:


14. Stress can cause the following except
a. Heart attack
c. Friendship
d. Diabetes


heart attack & ulcers is my good guess

C. Friendship

Stress can cause the following except friendship.

Which sentence is written correctly?
O A. I knew I was in big trouble by the look on my father's face when I opened the door.
O B. He told me to set down at the kitchen table; he said he needed some answers.
OC. After that, a period of quiet followed, during which I am beginning to sweat bullets!
OD. Suddenly, him and my mom started laughing loudly, and told me it was all a joke.




it makes the most sense to me

Which of the following sentences show correct verb tense usage? Check all that apply.A. Lorice cried every time the store manager reprimands her.B. He would have chose the same option, but he hadn’t saved enough money.C. I have been planning this vacation for over a year.


"I have been planning this vacation for over a year this sentence show correct verb tense usage.

What is the proper verb tense?

In general, use the same verb tense throughout your phrases and paragraphs. "We ate dinner in the simple past tense, and then we talked in the simple past tense," rather than "We ate dinner in the past perfect tense, and then we talked in the simple past tense."

Tension Rule 1: Maintain the same level of tension if everything happens at once. If everything you want to say happens all at once, write in the present tense. Keep your writing in the past tense if you're recounting a past event, for example.

Why do we use different verb tenses?

Tenses are used in both verbal and written communication to indicate the time at which something occurred. Improper tenses usage may cause confusion and misinterpretation of the sender's message.

What is the verb tense's structure?

The three major verb tenses are past, present, and future. Each of these tenses has four main aspects in English: simple, perfect, continuous (also known as progressive), and perfect continuous. The verb to have is used to form the perfect aspect, while the verb to be is used to form the continuous aspect.

learn more about verb tense visit:


4. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then answer
Part B.
Part A Read the following sentence and then answer the question
The horses used to live in a barn, but it deteriorated and crumbled over the
Based on context, what is the most likely meaning of the word
a. fell apart suddenly
c. became worse in quality
d. was protected from bad weather
was poorly put together
Part B Which context clue in the sentence best supports the meaning you
identified in Part A?
a. used to
b. in a barn
c. crumbled
d. over the years
Rort A first and then an


The horses used to live in a barn, but it deteriorated and crumbled over the years.

deteriorated means became worse in quality clue in the sentence best supports the meaning is crumbled. Meaning of the sentence:

A barn is an agricultural constructing typically on farms and used for numerous purposes. In North America, a barn refers to systems that house livestock, including cattle and horses, in addition to gadget and fodder, and regularly grain. In the British Isles, the time period barn is limited especially to garage systems for un threshed cereals and fodder, the terms byre or shipping being carried out to cow shelters, while horses are stored in homes acknowledged as stables. In mainland Europe, however, barns have been regularly a part of included systems acknowledged as byre-dwellings (or house barns in US literature).

In addition, barns can be used for gadget garage, as a protected workplace, and for sports such as threshing.

To know about barn click here:


In the second paragraph, the author compares his relationships with mathematics and english to primarily do


The author compares his interactions between mathematics and English in the two paragraphs, focusing on how his knowledge of a societal norm affected his fondness for one topic over the other.

What is actually paragraph?

An structured, cogent succession of phrases that are all connected to the same idea is a paragraph. Almost all of your work that is larger than very few sentences needs to be divided into paragraphs.

What is the explain paragraph?

An notion is developed through a series of sentences called a paragraph. A topic, sentences that bolster the main point, and a steady tempo are all necessary components of a good paragraph.

To know more about paragraph visit:


How U.S. Law Schools Are Preparing Students For Racial Justice Work how did workplace diversity affected it


U.S. Law Schools Are Preparing Students For Racial Justice Work the way that the kids need to know of the various changes and the rights and the equality of the people.

What is Racial Justice?

Racial Justice refers to a scenario in which individuals of all hues as well as backgrounds are fairly represented. When organizations grant people their legal, spiritual, and political representation, minority rights result. Race equality is still becoming the norm in modern Western culture.

Many law schools decided to teach more comprehensively about the uneven impacts of laws and criminal justice practices on minority populations as a result of protests, according to a number of scholars who specialized in social equality law.

Learn more about Racial Justice, here:


In describing these quilts, what kind of figurative language or imagery does Acosta use? How does her descriptive language contribute to the poem’s meaning? In at least 250 words, explain how the figurative language and imagery relate to the poem’s meaning. Be sure to refer to specific examples from the poem to support your analysis.


Teresa Acosta uses imagery and figurative language to establish the quilt as a symbol of love and respect for both of their families histories. Acosta uses imagery and figurative language in her poem to present the quilt as a symbol for her memories and the mother's love for the family.

What is figurative language?

Figurative language is used to express oneself when a word's strict or realistic meaning is not used. It is typically used to add creative flair to written or spoken language or to explain a complex concept.

Imagery is a literary device used in poetry, novels, and other forms of writing that uses vivid description to evoke an image or idea in the minds of the readers. Language imagery aims to portray the sensational and emotional experience within text rather than just painting a picture.

Acosta uses the quilt to represent the mother's love. The narrator is reminiscing about her mother's quilt material choices, one of which was the "somber black silk [she] wore to grandmother's funeral."

Learn more about figurative language on:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Read the excerpt from Roosevelt's radio address.

"Tonight I call the roll—the roll of honor of those who stood with us in 1932 and still stand with us today."

President Roosevelt employs (Option 1 Blank) in order to advance his point of view that (Option 2 Blank)

(Option 1 Answers)
A. an appeal to emotion
B. an appeal to authority
C. an appeal to logic
D. an appeal to trust

(Option 2 Answers)
A. the nation's citizens have endured insecurity since 1932.
B. the nation's citizens will vote to preserve the victory of 1932.
C. the nation's citizens will vote to undo the changes made in 1932.
D. the nation's citizens have neglected the democratic principles of 1932.


A. an appeal to emotion.

B. the nation's citizens will vote to preserve the victory of 1932.

President Franklin Roosevelt unveiled a second set of Great Depression relief measures during this radio broadcast, which later came to be known as the Second New Deal. These included a number of fresh assistance initiatives, including the Works Progress Administration.

The policies centered on what historians refer to as the "3 R's": assistance for the poor and jobless, restoration of the economy to pre-depression levels, and banking sector reform to avoid another depression.

President Roosevelt addresses the American people directly in his radio broadcast. He explains why it was decided to close the country's banks in order to prevent bank failures. The nation was dealing with the fall of the banks, unemployment, and severe economic slump at the time.

To know more about Roosevelt's radio address., click on the link below:


Answer:For the 1st one its A and the 2nd one its B


Got it on edmentum.

Which verb or verb phrase completes the sentence with the appropriate verb tense?

am revising
will revise



B. ..... .....................

When they begin transport out of Sighet, Elie finds himself thinking he would be better off without his father and the rest of his family.




When they begin transport out of Sighet, Elie finds himself thinking he would be better off without his father and the rest of his family, is the true statement. Hence, option A is correct.

When leaving Sighet how many people were transported in each train?

In chapter 2, Elie, his family, and other ghetto Jews had all been driven out of Sighet. The Jews of Sighet are squeezed into each cattle car together with 80 other people. Elie claims that the conditions in the railway car are terrible.

In the days following the German invasion of Hungary from April 18–20, 1944, Sighet became the site of a ghetto. Around 14,000 Jews from Sighet and the surrounding villages lived in the ghetto. The whole Jewish population of Sighet was transported from there to Auschwitz.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about leaving Sighet, click here:


Other Questions
Read the excerpt from "digging." the cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge through living roots awaken in my head. but ive no spade to follow men like them. which words in the excerpt are linked by alliteration? a. cold, curt, cuts b. potato, mould, follow c. peat, edge, livingd. edge, head, them person examines 10 roses; all of which are red, and concludes that all roses are red. What type of reasoning What was the containment policy?.A foreign policy that attempted to prevent the spread of FascismB.A foreign policy that opposed warC.A foreign policy that opposed all dictatorshipsD.A foreign policy that attempted to prevent the spread of Communism A baseball player slides into third base with an initial speed of 7.9 m/s. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the player and the ground is .41, (A) Draw a FBD(B) how far does the player slide before coming to rest? calculate the vapor pressure (in torr) at 333 k in a solution prepared by dissolving 39.5 g of the non-volatile non-electrolye sucrose in 104 g of water. the vapor pressure of water at 333 k is 149.44 torr. if an incision has to be made in the small intestine to remove an obstruction, the firstlayer of tissue to be cut is the (a) muscularis (b) mucosa (c) serosa (d) submucosa Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed. Describe the role of the United States bankruptcy court. Use evidence to support your answer. movie ticket sales. according to box office mojo, the film black panther achieved the top opening weekend gross domestic box office ticket sales in 2018 with $202,033,951. the ticket sales revenue in dollars for a sample of 30 theaters is provided in the file black panther. a. what is the 95% confidence interval estimate for the mean ticket sales revenue per theater? interpret this result. b. using the movie ticket price of $9.11 per ticket, what is the estimate of the mean number of customers per theater? c. the movie was shown in 4020 theaters during its opening weekend. estimate the total number of customers who saw black panther and the total box office ticket sales for the weekend. Two most important kinds of pigments in chloroplasts? Please help, the question and pie chart are listed below please help me answer these questions field capacity of a soil is defined as the amount of water it can hold against the force of gravity. similar to a soaked sponge that will retain some water if it is held up and the water allowed to drain, soils that are allowed to drain after being thoroughly wetted (e.g. after a heavy rainfall) will retain some of the added moisture. which soil would you expect to have a greater field capacity, one with a silty clay loam texture, or one that is loamy sand? explain your answer (2 points). How do you split words in a sentence in word? 13. One reason it was difficult to farm in ancient Greece is because the land wasA. surrounded by marshes.B. flooded with water.C. very rocky everywhere.D. covered in thick weeds. Why is ethics important for you as a student of information technology? What are the allusions that are evident in the story of Beowulf? please help with #2 and #3 What is the annual interest for a principal of $3,500 at a simple interest rate of 2.3%? As monte carlo simulation is essentially statistical sampling, the larger the number of trials used, the more precise is the result.a. Trueb. False Why is there an equation of a line?