Which of the statements below describe how to print a document?


Answer 1
Is there supposed to be a picture? We can’t see the options.

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The place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism needs is called it’s



A habitat is a place where an organism makes its home. A habitat meets all the environmental conditions an organism needs to survive.


Do drone batteries discharge 100% of their total capacity?



As long as you dont leave them plugged in overnight when your not using it wont drain its capacity

You have a limited budget and you need to type color documents frequently, which type of printers would you buy?​



you can use these printer if you have this amount of budget


You have a certificate that you want to convert into digital form, what kind of device would you use? *
نقطتان (2)
Barcode scanner





In this scenario, you have a certificate that you want to convert into digital form, the kind of device you would use is a scanner.

When scanners and digital cameras are used to capture images that are uncompressed or minimally processed image file, it is known as a RAW image file.

Generally, this file type are usually very large in size because of their lossless quality and does not have any alteration and as such have not been processed; thus, cannot be printed

suppose as a head software engineer you assign the job of creating a class to a subordinate. You want to specify thirty-eight different methods in which you are willing to detail the parameters each is to receive as well as what each returns. You, however, do not have the time to create the details of each method and wish to assign that work to the subordinate. What would be your best approach to ensure that the subordinate finishes the assigned job.




Which of the following terms is associated with instant messaging?
A. buddy list
B.subject heading
C.Save As



Texting is associated with instant messaging

Answer: A buddy list is a term that is associated with instant messaging (IM)

Have a wonderful day :D


Blocks that allows you to repeat scripts multiple times are



here are several methods to make a script perform an action for a set amount of ... Technically, this may not work if you have wait blocks or other blocks that take up time. ... This script uses the timer and the Repeat Until block.


A(n) _____ is a legal right of ownership of intellectual property.

end-user license


free and software license

proprietary software license






Copyright protects intellectual property. If you own a copyright, you own the legal rights to said property.



A tactful representation of opposing views is essential when writing for the opposition. True or false


say that is it true i know

My goal is to help Edmentum kids
Select the correct answer.
What type of communication flow occurs in a formal network when employees submit status reports to their superiors?
downward communication
horizontal communication
lateral communication
upward communication
Hopefully people will answer these



D upward communication



upward communication


C++ "Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares the two strings starting from index 0. For each match, add one point to userScore. Upon a mismatch, exit the loop using a break statement. Assume simonPattern and userPattern are always the same length.
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 4:
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 9:
simonPattern: RRGBRYYBGY
userPattern: RRGBBRYBGY
Result: Can't get test 2 to occur when userScore is 9
Your value: 4
Expected value: 9
Your value: 4
Tests aborted.



In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   int userScore = 0;

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

       else{            break;        }


   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

   return 0;



This initializes user score to 0

   int userScore = 0;

This declares simonPattern and userPattern as string

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

This gets input for simonPattern

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

This gets input for userPattern

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

This iterates through each string

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

This checks for matching characters

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

This breaks the loop, if the characters mismatch

       else{            break;        }


This prints the number of consecutive matches

   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

what precautions should be taken to make a computer more secure ​



To make a computer more secure


we have following ways :

1)we should have anti virus to protect our computer.

2)we should not play or look computer for a long time because it destroy our files

true or false with reason :- carriage inword is carriage on purchases​





Carriage on purchases is carriage inward. Explanation: Carriage inwards refers to the transportation costs required to be paid by the purchaser when it receives merchandise it ordered with terms FOB shipping point. Carriage inwards is also known as freight-in or transportation-in.


Write a program named Twitter that accepts a user’s message and determines whether it is short enough for a social networking service that does not accept messages of more than 140 characters.

If the message is more than 140 characters, output The message is too long. Otherwise output The message is okay.



It's a very easy one, Liev:

using System;

class Twitter


static void Main()


Console.WriteLine("Enter your message");


string message = Console.ReadLine();


if (message.Length <= 140)


Console.WriteLine("Yes, it's short enough for Twitter");




Console.WriteLine("Sorry, it's too long for Twitter");





Which three major objects are built into the JavaScript language?
This task contains the radio buttons and checkboxes for options. The shortcut keys to perform this task are A to H and alt+1 to alt+9.

Document, Object, Model.

Canvas, Geolocation and Drag.

None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

Document, Navigator, Array.




Pretty sure, the answer is: None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

What is Typing?
What is Economic? ​



what is typing: the action or skill of writing something by means a typewriter or computer

what is economic:a branch of knowledge concerned with production,consumption,and transfer of wealth.

how does dual concepts work?​


The transaction that affects a business

Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about the recall option in Outlook 2016.

Recalling a message stops its delivery before the recipient

It only works about half the time, and it only works when recipients are in the same

Once it is recalled, the
will get a message informing them of the recalled message.

Be sure to check your message before you send it, and assume it will be read within 30
of sending the message.


Just put your username


Recalling a message stops its delivery before the recipient  

opens it.

It only works about half the time, and it only works when recipients are in the same organization


Once it is recalled, the recipient will get a message informing them of the recalled message.

Be sure to check your message before you send it, and assume it will be read within 30 seconds of sending the message.


Why do we need operating systems?


NO NOSE PORQIE JExplanation:

On a roulette wheel, the pockets are numbered from 0 to 36. The colors of the pockets are as follows: Pocket 0 is green. For pockets 1 through 10, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 11 through 18, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. For pockets 19 through 28, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 29 through 36, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. Write a program that asks the user to enter a pocket number and displays whether the pocket is green, red, or black. The program should display an error message if the user enters a number that is outside the range of 0 through 36.



pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

if pkt == 0:


elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

   if pkt%2 == 0:







The program was written in Python and the line by line explanation is as follows;

This prompts user for pocket number

pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

This prints green if the pocket number is 0

if pkt == 0:


If pocket number is between 1 and 10 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 11 and 18 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 19 and 28 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 29 and 36 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



Prints error if input is out of range



What type of role does the group leader have? Informal negative positive Formal


Just as leaders have been long studied as a part of group communication research, so too have group member roles. Group roles are more dynamic than leadership roles in that a role can be formal or informal and played by more than one group member

what is a computer?


an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

hope this helps

Why is myConcerto considered essential to Accenture's work with enterprise



myConcerto can help clients envision, innovate, solution, deliver and support their transformation to an intelligent enterprise–providing the technology foundation to accelerate their journey and minimize risk along the way.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

myConcerto is considered essential to the Accenture enterprise because it helps to do the following:

It can help the clients to envision more.It is useful for innovation.It provides solution.It helps to deliver and also support transformation to enterprises that make use of artificial intelligence.

What is myConcerto?

This platform is one that is digitally integrated. What it does is that it helps Accenture in the creation of great business outcomes.

Read more on Accenture here:


The IBM system/370 architecture uses a two-level memory structure and refers to the two levels as segments and pages, although the segmentation approach lacks many of the features described in Chapter 8. For the basic 370 architecture, the page size may be either 2 KB or 4 KB, and the segment size is fixed at either 64 KB or 1 MB. For the 370/XA and 370/ESA architectures, the page size is 4 KB and the segment size is 1 MB. What advantages of segmentation does this scheme lack




Introductory thought:  

Thinking about the architecture for the IBM System/370 that is fit for giving higher preparing force and more stockpiling limit since it utilizes two-level of memory structure which is known as the segments and caches and the given plan is as per the following:  

In division the address space is isolated into quantities of segments of variable sizes and then again in paging the address space is partitioned into quantities of fixed-sized units that are known as pages.It is more helpful for better utilization of memory. The fundamental architecture for the IBM system/370 architecture the size of the page are for the most part either 2KiloBytes (KB) or 4KB and the size of the segments will be changed from 64KiloBytes to 1MegaBytes.   The two dissimilar kinds of architecture that existed are 370/XA that is the Extended Architecture, also the other is 370/ESA known as the Enterprise Systems Architecture.    The page size is 4KB for the Extended variant and 1MB for the Enterprise Systems Architecture (ESA).

Advantages of segmentation that the given scheme needs to incorporate includes:

In the configuration of the architecture for IBM System/370 the segments are of a fixed size which isn't noticeable for the programmer and as such he will know the interior subtleties and subsequently inside architecture is stowed away from outside gentle.  In IBM system/370 the reference bit is zero for the processor hardware as well as at whatever point another page is stacked into the edge, the reference bit is changed to one after referring to a specific area inside the casing.  The quantity of lines of the page outline table is overseen by the Operating System and a page outline table section is moved to start with one line then onto the next depending on the length of the span of the referenced bit from the page outline which is sets to nothing. Whenever there is a need to supplant the page then the page browsed the line of the longest life non referenced edges.

why is GDS important to travel industry?



A Global Distribution System (GDS) is a wonderful tool that properties should use to reach customers easily. This is a central reservation system that allows travel agents to access hotel rates and availability as well as prices for flights, trains and rental car companies in real time.

What are the types of storage?



Primary Storage: Random Access Memory (RAM) Random Access Memory, or RAM, is the primary storage of a computer. ...

Secondary Storage: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) & Solid-State Drives (SSD) ...

Hard Disk Drives (HDD) ...

Solid-State Drives (SSD) ...

External HDDs and SSDs. ...

Flash memory devices. ...

Optical Storage Devices. ...

Floppy Disks.


The types of storage unit are 1)magnetic storage device 2)optical storage device

A slide titled Alexander Graham Bell. There are 6 bulleted entries on the slide, and there is a lot of text on the slide. There is very little space around the text to the edges of the slide. There is no image on the slide and the text is shaded white on a blue background.
This slide has several design problems, according to the design principles that were just reviewed. What are the problems? Check all that apply.

The slide contains too much text.
The slide does not have an image or visual aid.
The text is too small.
The background makes it hard to read the text.
The slide does not have enough empty space.



The following are design problems associated with the Alexander Graham Bell slide:

The slide contains too much text.

The slide does not have an image or visual aid.

The background makes it hard to read the text.

The slide does not have enough empty space.



It's not ABDE, it's ABE


i tried it

Assume three jobs arrive at approximately the same time (arrival time are all 0), but Job A arrives slightly before Job B, and Job B arrives slightly before job C (if the jobs must be selected in order, the order should be A->B->C). Job A requires 2 sec of CPU, Job B is 8 secs, and Job C is 7 secs. Assume a time-slice of 1 second. Given a RR scheduler (time slice is 1sec), what is the average response time of the three jobs?





explain 3 components of the Visual Basic IDE (6 marks)​




The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The Edit menu contains the usual editing commands. Among these commands are the Advanced command and the IntelliSense command. Both commands lead to submenus, which are discussed next. Note that these two items are visible only when you’re editing your code, and are invisible while you’re designing a form.

state and explain application areas where computer are applied​



There are at least five areas that are covered by computer applications, and five of those are business, government, military, manufacturing, and music. There are also other areas such as scientific and the role of technology in our society is growing annually.

Computers have now for several decades brought automation to the table in small, medium, and large businesses. There are word processing and spreadsheet applications for small businesses all the way up to enterprise-wide applications that cover every aspect of a large business such as accounting, inventory, shop floor, management, and feature real-time reporting capability that can give a snapshot glimpse of the financial position of a company at any point in time.

The government has a wide variety of computer applications. Government uses many of the same tools as small to large businesses in desktop type applications and many that are much more advanced that are used in the military.  Manufacturing applications involve computer-aided design and applications that are used to track production from the time a raw material is moved into the warehouse all the way to the production floor and back into the warehouse as a finished good.  

Military only applications include systems that use GPS in missiles to hone in on targets from miles away. There are all kinds of other applications some of which are secret in nature and the public does not become aware of these until a war is underway. Computer applications in music can help to transcribe and compose music as well as provide accompaniment for a musician to practice with.  

Expect the number of computer applications in all of these fields to become more common in the future. Expect many applications to take the place of people to save money in a cash-crunched economy where everyone is looking for more ways to save money and cut costs.


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When Quanah Parker decided to surrender to U.S. troops, he adoptedEuropean cultures. What effect did this have on other tribes? * Help please PLEASE HELP!!! ILL MARK BRAINLIEST TYTY :))) 271 pointWhat is a disadvantage of a confederate form of government?There is no system to manage governmental affairs.States are unable to print paper currency.The central government is unable to resolve conflicts between regionsThere is no system to try citizens accused of crimes. 5. What is characteristic of an opaque object. The square has an area of x^2-10x+25 what is the side length 30pts + Brainliest to correct answer!!As indicated below, write the equations of the line passing through the point (2, 2) and perpendicular to the line whose equation is y = x. Part 1: Point-Slope form of the linear equationPart 2: Slope-intercept form of the linear equationPart 3: The general form of the linear equation Write a cosine function that has a midline of 2, an amplitude of 4 and a period of8/3 Which group of sentences best uses a variety of sentence patterns to convey meaning and the relationship between ideas?Although no one was behind him, he jumped because of a sudden noise. He thought he was alone. Because he was afraid, he kept walking.He jumped at the sudden noise, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure he was alone.He heard a noise and jumped, but no one was behind him. So he kept walking, but he was afraid. So he glanced backed over his shoulder, but he was alone.There was a sudden noise. He jumped. No one was behind him. He kept walking. He glanced back over his shoulder. He was alone. He was afraid. Individual bottles of water are filled by a machine at a factory with an amount of water that is approximately normal with a mean of 505\,\text{mL}505mL505, start text, m, L, end text and a standard deviation of 10\,\text{mL}10mL10, start text, m, L, end text. A random sample of 161616 bottles is selected for a quality inspection. What is the probability that the mean amount of water in these 161616 bottles \bar x x x, with, \bar, on top is within 5\,\text{mL}5mL5, start text, m, L, end text of the population mean? Chris says that the expression 4n - 2 can be written as 2(2n - 1). Do you agree? Explain your answer. pls help!!!!!!!! will give brainly!!!!!how to say in spanish:I do my homework at 2 pm how many people died trying to settle out west? Cahuilla Corporation predicts the following sales in units for the coming four months: April May June July Sales in units 240 280 300 240 Each month's ending Finished Goods Inventory in units should be 40% of the next month's sales. March 31 Finished Goods inventory is 96 units. A finished unit requires five pounds of direct material B at a cost of $2.00 per pound. The March 31 Raw Materials Inventory has 200 pounds of direct material B. Each month's ending Raw Materials Inventory should be 30% of the following month's production needs. The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be:_________.a. 1,008 lbs.b. 1,854 lbs.c. 1,422 lbs.d. 276 lbs.e. 288 lbs. I need help on this help please Jeremiah invested $930 in an account paying an interest rate of 6\tfrac{1}{8}6 8 1 % compounded quarterly. Bella invested $930 in an account paying an interest rate of 5\tfrac{5}{8}5 8 5 % compounded continuously. After 5 years, how much more money would Jeremiah have in his account than Bella, to the nearest dollar? Trig function - find the exact value State if the two triangles are congruent. If they are, state how you know. (look at the picture) hola pueden ayudarme, tengo 5 minutoscambia la siguiente oracin "compartimos la informacin" apresente impersonalpretrito impersonal futuro impersonal Which statement describes the differences between chemical reactions and nuclear decay rates? Chemical reaction rates vary, but nuclear decay rates are constant. Both chemical reaction rates and nuclear decay rates vary. Nuclear decay rates vary, but chemical reaction rates are constant. Evaluate the expression: 20 - 2^4