
Answer 1
the answer would be; (D)
Answer 2
we need to see the story :)

Related Questions

What is the author's view of space debris?
А.The author views space debris as a serious
B.The author believes space debris presents minor
C.The author views space debris as a problem that
has been solved.
D.The author believes space debris presents threats
in few areas.


The author believes space debris presents minor threats. the author's view of space debris.

Who is the author?

A literary work's creator (such as a book) a well-known author is someone who makes or originates anything, such as a software developer or a screenwriter. A writer is someone whose writing has been made public. People who write are considered writers when they create the concepts and content of their writing.

Space debris might seriously harm a satellite or spacecraft in the event of a collision due to its high orbital speed around the earth, which is around 25,265 kilometers per hour (15,700 mph).

Any piece of equipment or debris left in space by humans is known as space rubbish or space debris. It can be used to describe large objects like satellites that have failed or failed and were left in orbit after their missions. It can also be used to describe tiny objects like paint flecks or debris that have fallen off a rocket.

Therefore, thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the author here:


Is this sentence in active voice or passive voice?
Iguaçu Falls extends almost two miles-nearly three times the width of Niagara Falls.



Active im pretty sure


yea i think its active

This sentence has active voice. Passive voice is voice where the subject receives an action, whereas active voice is a sentence where the subject performs an action.

How do I restate this? It's my first time doing RACE and I'm having trouble understanding how to use it correctly.


Okay, so you see the question so is asking What does he believe about lying? and it tells you to give an example that is in the article, right.

So restating means rewriting it to make it an answer. So the question is what does he believe about lying?

- Answer:  you can put "Randy Cohen thought / or believes that lying is ... (put what he believes in ). For example, in paragraph (put the number) it tells the reader that (put something that supports your answer here).

So example he believes that lying is morally okay/ right. In paragraph 10, it explains that his views are that it helps people protect themselves or others.

I really hope that helps and if you have more questions just reply and i be happy to help!

Based on the context clues which meaning of the word trace is most likely used in this sentence members of McDonald family were able to trace their ancestry to the 12th century in Scotland



Trace meaning to date back, track, or find


With the sentence that we had to analyze I was able to come up with the answer Trace meaning to track or find, or to 'date back' due to it's past tense purpose in the sentence. I really hoped this helped!

"No one's like me, I'm Harley frickin' Quinn"!

-Harley Quinn (Birds of Prey)

What might you have to do in order to understand someone’s cryptic remarks? (Giving brainliest)!


Cryptic comments or messages are hard to understand because they seem to have a hidden meaning. To understand them, you'll have to think through clues in metaphors.

3) There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably if you saw her recognize Bethany. What is the BEST way to revise sentence 3?

A. Since there are lots of surfers in Hawaii. You would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

B. Even though there are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw Bethany.

C. There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

D. There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably recognize her if you saw her.


Answer: c srry if im wrong



In proposing a curfew, you are implying that teenagers equal rights
you are only using teenagers as a tool for increasing your support
The constitution of the united states guarantees our right to assem
apparently you don't feel that teenagers deserve such a basic right
that we will all be voters, too, in a few years?
Very truly yours,
Ramon Hinojosa, Pleasanton High School




Constitution and United States need to be capitalized

Capitalize Constitution and United States

in act 1 scene 2 of macbeth how does shakespeare present macbeth as a hero?



He is a brave soldier and at first it seems like he is very noble and brave. Shakespeare makes him a hero because he is a soldier who has fought very bravely and works hard for the king.


In paragraph 2 of "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,"why does Hughes conclude that his people are never
taught to see the beauty of their own culture?
Click here to read the essay.
They are too comfortable and smug.
They are too worried that it is hard to be an artist.
They are too concerned with a desire to be white.
They are too aware of the respectability of their families.



They are too concerned with a desire to be white.


I took this test before and read the essay.


They are too concerned with a desire to be white.


if you had any My Hero akademia power which would it be?



I agree with the other person, Half Cold Half Hot = IcyHot


cuz it's Shoto's quirks and the quirks are cool


Yaomomo's for sure.

she can create anything, need i say more?

What three words complete the quotation?
"One of them legs it up the road,
Enter your answer



down the road

hope this helps!


Someone plz help me..



it's answer is bawl.

It means to To wail; to give out a blaring cry.

Mr. Miller liked to jump
From high up in the sky;
He never for a moment thought
That he could ever die.
He trusted in his parachute
But when he pulled the string,
He found his wife had moved the chute
And filled it up with things
That might have been a help to him
In any other place;
But nothing that might keep him now
From landing on his face.
So Mr. Miller closed his eyes,
And said, “Thy will be done”;
And suddenly jumping out of things
Just wasn’t that much fun.
It might have been the end of him.
Had not a hawk flew by
And plucked him with her razor claws
Right out of the blue sky.
She took him to her nest up high
And dropped him in the twigs
And Mr. Miller to this day
Can be found in these digs


1. What does Mr. Miller think can’t happen to him?

2. What happens when Mr. Miller pulls the string on his

3. Why is jumping out of things suddenly not that much fun?

4. How is Mr. Miller saved?

5. Look up the word “digs”. What does it mean in the context of
this poem?



he thought he couldn't die

his parachute didn't work

because the parachute didn't work and he was going to Land on his face

a hawk came by and plucked him with his razor claws

I'm guessing this but I think it means that certain place? sorry if it's not right :(

Suppose you are the teacher of a middle/high school student who has not been turning class assignments and is failing your class. Write an email message to the student's parents outlining the situation. Request a conference with the parents to discuss possible solutions. This should be professional as you are communicating with a parent. Use Mr. and Mrs. Jones as the name of the parents with whom you are communicating.Needs to be at least two paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences per paragraph. Paragraph 1 is outlining the situation, which may need to be more than five sentences. Paragraph 2 is to request a conference; it may also need to be more than five sentences.



Here you go, I am a 7th grader so I hope this helps :)


Good Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

  It has become perceived that your child has not been turning in the requested homework for the curriculum. It has been noticed that there are  (amount of assignments missing) assignments missing.  

  If it is okay with you Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I would like to schedule a parent- teacher confrence to calmly diffuse the situation. You may call me at (your phone number here), email me at (email here), or stop by in my classroom at any time. My classroom is number (your number) on the (east, west, south, or north) side of the school.

Thank you so much for your understanding,

(your name)

Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Jones,

Hope you are doing well in these challenging times. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that (child’s name) has not been turning in the required assignments for this quarter and currently has a failing average. As of today, he/she has (whatever #) missing assignments. This surprises me because I know (child’s name) has shown the potential to be an A student in this class.

At your earliest convenience, I would like to schedule a conference to discuss (child’s name) progress in this class and possible solutions to get his/her grades back within passing range. Once more, I do believe that (child’s name) is capable of succeeding in this class if they were to show more effort. I am aware that the situation we are in has been hard on everyone, myself included. I’m always available between (office hours) on (these days). Please feel free to reach out if you or (child’s name) has any further questions or concerns, and please let me know when you are available so we can schedule a conference. Thank you so much for your time on this matter; hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards, (teachers name)

help me plz in advantages and disadvantages of shopping via internet




Better Prices

More variety

More control

No crowds

No sale pressure

Privacy for discrete purchases


Shipping Problems and Delays

Risk of Fraud

Less Contact With Your Community

You Don't Know Exactly What You're Getting

Spending Too Much Time Online

No Sales Assistance

Please help me with this homework


Eminent Domain is the power of the government to seize private land for public use, even without the permission of its rightful owner, in return for compensation.

Im not sure about the others, hopefully that helps though. For example, say someone owned a restaurant, the city could say they wanted to build a school/library there and they could legally get rid of the restaurant to make room for the school/library

why is desirable to control deer numbers? Explain in your own words.
Pls pls tell me


Answer: Deer management is the practice and philosophy of wildlife management employed to regulate the population of deer in an area. The purpose of deer management is to regulate the population's size, reduce negative effects of population on the ecosystem, and maintain the integrity of other populations.


Sandra’s team is falling apart. Look back at what the team members have had to say so far. Using the four phases of The Team Clock, determine what areas the team is struggling with. Write your impression of Sandra’s team, including supporting examples from the case study and phases of The Team Clock, in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Submit your final paragraph for grading.



The team is struggling with all 4 ideas-

Innovation- they need to compromise and think about how to improve things by talking with Mr. Daniels

Trust- they need to have faith in their team leader and actually listen to her

Distancing- they need to meet separately to avoid arguments

Investment- they all need to pitch in and help out in fixing the conflicts between the members of their team.


Things people worry about





school can give you so much stress and you have to be in top if things


1. Death

2. School


1. Because when someone dies they're gone, you can never ask them what it's like to die, if it hurts what you fell, do you know.. stuff like that

2. The education system in the United States is messed up, there are way to may things wrong with it and I'm too lazy to explain y.

The teacher said."Today is Monday" change to indirect speech​



The teacher said that that day was Monday.


The teacher said, "Today is Monday". Change to indirect speech.

The answer is:

The teacher said that the day is Monday.


"Today is Monday", said the teacher.


The teacher said that today is Monday.

Hope it helps!!Please mark me as brainliest!!!


(outsiders book)
1. Which of these things is NOT one of the items Johnny brought back to
the church when he went out for supplies? *
2 poin
A. "Gone With the Wind" book
B. Pepsi
C. Loaves of bread
D. Peroxide
E. Playing cards


B Hey man hang in there we are all trying to pass to good luck




Gone with the wind because the next morning he wakes up in the church and find a note that Johnny went out for supplies. When Johnny gets back he brings some stuff with him along with a paper copy of Gone With The Wind.

Read the sentence. She was proactive and boarded up the windows before the hurricane hit. The word act means “to do something." Based on this, what is the best definition for the term proactive? A. acting without thinking B. acting in anticipation of a problem C. acting in an exaggerated way D. acting as if something is unimportant



I would guess the answer is B.


Procactive doing something before it needs to be done.  So boarding up the windows before the storm causes damage would be my guess.

The best definition for the term proactive is "acting in anticipation of a problem. The correct option is B.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought and contains a subject and a predicate (verb). It can be a statement, a question, a command, or an exclamation. A sentence typically begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point.

Here in the Question,

The other options are not true because:

"Acting without thinking" suggests impulsiveness and a lack of consideration, which is not the same as being proactive.

"Acting in an exaggerated way" suggests overreacting, which is not the same as being proactive.

"Acting as if something is unimportant" suggests neglect or indifference, which is not the same as being proactive.

Therefore,The best definition for the term proactive is "acting in anticipation of a problem." This means taking action before a problem occurs to prevent it from happening or to minimize its effects.

Learn more about Verb tense errors, here:


An appeal to ethos could be seen in

A. the presence of a doctor in a commercial talking about a product.

B. an appeal to someone’s desire to fit in.

C. statistics and bar graphs.

D. a ticking time clock counting down how long until the sale ends.


Option A is the answer
A because people see doctors as a credible source with good information and accountability

You are starting a small business. You need to decide on what type of business it is and how much you would need as a start-up.


Answer: if you're asking how to decide what kind of business to start -

Step 1: Consult Your Resumé  

Step 2: Compile Your Passions.  

Step 3: Find a Problem to Solve.  

Step 4: Consider Your Ideal Lifestyle.  

Step 5: Gauge Your Access to Capital.

Step 6: Measure Potential Ideas.

You want to make sure you prepare thoroughly before starting a business, but realize that things will almost certainly go awry. To run a successful business, you must adapt to changing situations.

Conducting in-depth market research on your field and the demographics of your potential clientele is an important part of crafting a business plan. This involves running surveys, holding focus groups, and researching SEO and public data.

Before you start selling your product or service, you need to build up your brand and get a following of people who are ready to jump when you open your doors for business.

This article is for entrepreneurs who want to learn the basics steps of starting a new business.

How do you calculate startup costs for a business?

Calculate your business startup costs before you launch.

Identify your startup expenses.

Estimate how much your expenses will cost.

Add up your expenses for a full financial picture.

Use your startup cost calculations to get startup funding

Calculating startup costs helps you:

Estimate profits

Do a breakeven analysis

Secure loans

Attract investors

Save money with tax deductions

i took these from a few sites, i hope it helps u a bit at least !

im not sure if ur asking on how to do these things or something else


i took these from a few sites, i hope it helps u a bit at least !

im not sure if ur asking on how to do these things or something else

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

More than a decade ago the technology specialist, Nicholas Negroponte, prophesied the emergence of the Daily Me—a fully personalised newspaper. It would allow you to include topics that interest you and screen out those that bore or annoy you. If you wanted to focus on Iraq and tennis, or exclude Iran and golf, you could do that.



to dont give up on your dreams i knoe this bc it state that "If you wanted to focus on Iraq and tennis, or exclude Iran and golf, you could do that."


do you think that juveniles should be treated as adults in the criminal justice system and what should they be treated as and why?​



i believe since they are kids they do not know any better . I belive during their time in juvie they should not be treated disrepectfully  but should get disiplined . Although they are still considers minors as well and not adults. They should be treated as any normal kids should get treated and serve their sentence so when they get out that incident will never happen again.

which is better avengers infinity war or Justice league infinity war



avengers infinity war


because the other doesn't exist

avengers but both are interesting

Dimimutive of : globe ,owl , crown , ankle , eagle


the answer is in the pic

What is the definition of "deliberate" as used in
this sentence?
There was Native American
literature, which reminds us that the
American Dream is bom from the
deliberate destruction of
Indigenous people
an action done on purpose
an action done with caution
a process that was difficult to do
process that happened slowly



Its A


Because the definition is done consciously and intentionally.

Bacon is one of my favorite foods.
infinitive phrase
subordinate clause
gerund phrase
The internet is one of mankind’s greatest inventions.
participial phase
subordinate clause
infinitive phrase
Spinach is rather unpopular as a food choice among small children, despite its many health benefits.
gerund phrase
subordinate clause
prepositional phrase
With every last drop of her strength, the warrior princess slayed the vicious three-headed dragon.
prepositional phrase
participial phrase
gerund phrase
During the heated battle, neither army conceded an inch.
infinitive phrase
subordinate clause
prepositional phrase
participial phrase
After winning a record-breaking number of Olympic medals, Michael Phelps plans to retire.
prepositional phrase
gerund phrase
infinitive phrase
participial phrase
Smoking and using hand sanitizer simultaneously is a very, very bad idea.
prepositional phrase
subordinate clause
gerund phrase
Watching small children run in circles while on a sugar high can be very entertaining.
gerund phrase
infinitive phrase
subordinate clause
Shooting a rampaging monster in the eye with a bow and arrow while riding on a speeding unicorn is no easy feat.
gerund phrase
prepostional phrase
infinitive phrase
Soaring through the air, the bird had no idea it was about to get struck by lightning.
infinitive phrase
gerund phrase
participial phrase.
prepositional phrase



Yeah I have no idea what the question even is.




1. d

2. A

3. A


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