which of the following statements regarding coping strategies is not true? group of answer choices emotion-focused coping works better than problem-focused coping. many people use both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. all of these choices are correct. problem-solving coping works better, in general, than emotion-focused coping.


Answer 1

All of these choices are correct regarding coping strategies is true. Thus, option C is correct.

What is coping?

Coping refers to deliberate actions used to lessen negative feelings. Coping mechanisms can take the form of thoughts or actions which can be private or public.

Problem-focused reacting is less effective than concentrated coping. Several people employ both emotion- as well as drawback coping. In overall, problem-solving reacting outperforms compassion coping. People who consistently use the same coping mechanism for stress tend to do so more successfully than others.

Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about coping, here:



Related Questions

why is it important to include keywords that represent each of the essential concepts that make up your research question when you are searching for sources?


It is important to include keywords in order to keep the search more focused and bring more results aligned with the main topics while searching.

A word associated with your topic that the search engine will search for throughout all of its content is referred to as a "keyword." More results will be returned from keyword searches than from subject searches. Your search will be more targeted if you use all the essential concepts.

You will always be able to get more relevant results when employing keywords when looking for sources to answer a research question than if you were to utilize extended phrases. You will be able to uncover reliable sources to support a compelling argument if you focus on the nouns in your inquiry that are most crucial. The number of additional results that are partially off-topic will decline as a result.

To learn more about keywords, follow the below link:



Initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about _________ years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been _______ years ago.


Initially, it was thought that dogs were domesticated around 16,000 years ago. Molecular data now indicates that it could have happened 130,000 years ago.

Why were animals domesticated by humans?

Cattle and pigs were domesticated a little later, approximately 7000 B.C., although these remnants are typically associated with sedentary communities. Because food is consistently accessible, dependable, and steady, domesticating animals is one of the key goals.

Are people considered domesticated?

The idea that we are "domesticated" is much older than the idea that we have developed. Since greece, scholars have referred to people as domesticated (either in general terms or in terms of their own specific culture), which typically related to their "civility": their separation from a feral or savage condition.

To know more about domestication visit:



__________, which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences.
a. semantics
b. phonology
c. syntax
d. phonetics please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Syntax, which varies among languages, refers to the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Thus, c. 'syntax' is the correct answer.

The term syntax comes from the Ancient Greek for coordination or ordering together. In written and spoken language, syntax is described as the set of rules that defines the arrangement of words in a sentence. Along with diction, syntax presents one of the key methods writers convey meaning in a text.

In any language, syntax provides the basis for the formation of sentences and the associated grammatical rules. Syntax helps to understand how sentences work i.e. the meanings behind the order, structure, and punctuation of words.

You can learn more about syntax at



daniel grew up in a family with eight older siblings. although his parents were loving, they often went between showing daniel and his siblings love and yelling for his siblings to behave. which type of relationship style is daniel likely to develop?


Daniel grew up in a family with eight older siblings. although his parents were loving, they often went between showing daniel and his siblings love and yelling for his siblings to behave. ambivalent type of relationship style is daniel likely to develop.

there are many distinctive forms of relationships. This phase makes a speciality of 4 styles of relationships: own family relationships, Friendships, Acquaintanceships and Romantic relationships.A dating is composed of friendship, sexual enchantment, intellectual compatibility, and, of course, love. Love is the glue that maintains a court sturdy and stable. it's far deeply organic.

All healthy relationships proportion the following three center components: Mutual respect. Mutual agree with. Mutual affection. there are many sorts of love, but many humans are seeking its expression in a romantic relationship with a well suited companion (or partners).

Learn more about relationship here: https://brainly.com/question/10286547


Why was Charles Schenck arrested during ww1 ?


Charles Schenck was accused of conspiring to break the 1917 Espionage Act by trying to undermine recruitment and undermine military discipline.

Socialists Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer circulated pamphlets during World War I claiming that the draft broke the Thirteenth Amendment's ban on involuntary servitude. The pamphlets urged the populace to reject the draft but solely advocated nonviolent protest. The Court ruled that the Espionage Act was a proper use of Congress' power during the war and did not violate the First Amendment. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes came to the conclusion in a paper read by the whole court—even when constitutional rights were at stake—that courts during times of war owed the government more deference.

learn more about Charles Schenck here:



What type of water would be in the frigidarium bath?


i believe just cold water since frigidarium water is used after hot tubs

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. hace cinco días que no dormimos bien. correct incorrect


The sentence "hace cinco días que no dormimos bien" is correct as written.

How to use hace to express time in Spanish?

Hаce is the third person form of the verb hаcer in the simple present tense, but hаce is аlso the impersonаl form of the verb. When we use hаce to express time or "аgo in Spаnish", we must include informаtion аbout the аmount of time we аre tаlking аbout (e.g. 1 dаy, 5 months, 10 yeаrs).

The sentence "hace cinco días que no dormimos bien" provided in the specific question is grаmmаticаlly correct becаuse аll the necessаry pаrts аnd structure of а complete sentence аre present. The phrаse in English simply meаns thаt "it’s been five days since we slept well". Thus, the phrаse is grаmmаticаlly correct.

For more information about Spanish grammar refer to the link:



eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of south Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

In trendy, there had been methods for the cultivation of Indigo which have been recognized as the Ryobi machine and the Nij gadget. in this sort of cultivation, the planters used their land to cultivate Indigo. The land in which they cultivated changed into both owned via them or become leased via them from the Zamindar.

He became the first indigo planter in Bengal, beginning to cultivate the crop at Taldanga and Goalpara close to Hooghly. With the Nawabs of Bengal under corporation rule, indigo planting has become increasingly more commercially worthwhile because of the demand for blue dye in Europe.

Learn more about indigo here



a person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. a therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly , and praises her for what she did well. which behavioral technique did the therapist not use


The aim of exposure therapy is to reduce the person's fearful reaction to the stimulus. Most exposure therapists use a graded approach in which mildly feared stimuli are targeted first, followed by more strongly feared stimuli.

A therapy or scientific treatment (often abbreviated tx, Tx, or Tx) is the attempted remediation of a health hassle, usually following a scientific analysis. regularly, every remedy has indications and contraindications. there are many exceptional types of therapy. no longer all treatments are effective. Many cures can produce unwanted negative effects. medical remedy and therapy are generally considered synonyms. however, inside the context of mental fitness, the term therapy may also refer particularly to psychotherapy.

Learn more about therapy here



After the participants in the Milgram obedience studies were informed of the deception and the real intent of the study, virtually none of them regretted taking part in the study. The lack of regret was most likely because of their reduced: ________


The lack of regret was most likely because of their reduced: Cognitive dissonance.

When a person's action conflicts with their ideals or beliefs, they experience cognitive dissonance, which can be uncomfortable. It can also happen when a person simultaneously maintains two opposing views. It is not a disease or illness to have cognitive dissonance. Anyone can experience this psychological condition.According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when a person's action conflicts with his or her opinions and beliefs, an underlying psychological tension results. An individual is thus motivated to adjust their attitude in order to achieve consistency between their beliefs and behaviors as a result of this underlying tension.

To know more about Cognitive dissonance here



Paul is always the first one to object to any group proposal. what role is paul most likely playing?


Paul is interacting with Representative Bias in this specific case.

The LAER method is comprised of the following four steps: Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, and Respond. Paying attention to an objection is the first step toward answering it. This demonstrates to your customer that you care about their issues and respect their viewpoints.

Representativeness Heuristic bias occurs when similarities to other objects or situations distort people's judgments of an outcome's likelihood. Bias refers to the act of unfairly favouring or opposing a certain person or item due to allowing your judgement to be influenced by your opinions:

It's a common fallacy that leads people to believe that two comparable things or occurrences are more closely related than they actually are.

To know more about Bias, refer to this link:



Why did the US get involved in Cuba during the Spanish-American War?


There were numerous American residents living in Cuba, and the United States had invested millions of dollars in businesses there. To defend its residents and commercial interests in Cuba, the United States participated in the war effort in 1898.

There were many causes for the war, but there were two that came into play right away: America's support for the continued resistance to Spanish control by the Filipinos and Cubans, as well as the explosion of the battleship named USS Maine in Havana Harbor. Spain gave up control of Cuba after being defeated by American and Cuban forces in the War of 1898. After the war, American forces held Cuba until 1902, when they gave a new Cuban government complete authority over the country's affairs.

Learn more about Spanish-American War in 1898 here:



The ______ approach to therapy involves treatments that address symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects of bodily functioning.


The biological approach to therapy involves treatments that address symptoms of psychological disorders by altering aspects of bodily functioning.

A treatment is something that health care providers do for their patients to control a health problem, lessen its symptoms, or clear it up. Treatments can include medicine, therapy, surgery, or other approaches. A cure is when a treatment makes a health problem go away for good. Some health problems have a cure.

Treatment is the provision, coordination, or management of health care and related services by one or more health care providers. This includes coordination or management of health care by a health care provider with a third party. Consultation between health care providers relating to a patient.

Learn more about treatment here:



what is the practice of advancing children to the next grade even when they have not met the required academic standards?


Social promotion is the practice of advancing children to the next grade even when they have not met the required academic standards.

The practice of advancing a student to the next grade after the current school year, regardless of whether they learned the required material or if they are frequently absent, is known as social promotion. This practice typically involves general education students rather than special education students.

Due to the widespread belief among education professionals that social promotion encouraged children's social and psychological wellbeing, it became the method of choice for dealing with problematic students. On the other hand, social promotion does little to assist those kids in catching up academically to their peers and instead serves to conceal the schools' shortcomings in effectively educating them.

Know more about promotion:



dr. patel is a biological theorist. he believes that his client, who has schizophrenia, has abnormalities in all of these areas of his brain except his:


Dr. Patel is a biological theorist. he believes that his client, who has schizophrenia, has abnormalities in all of these areas of his brain except his brain stem.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental problem wherein individuals decipher reality strangely. Schizophrenia might bring about a blend of fantasies, dreams, and very disarranged thinking and conduct that weakens everyday working, and can incapacitate.

Individuals with schizophrenia require long lasting treatment. Early treatment might assist with fixing side effects before serious confusions create and may assist with working on the drawn out standpoint.

Schizophrenia includes a scope of issues with thinking (perception), conduct and feelings. Signs and side effects might differ, however typically include fancies, visualizations or confused discourse, and mirror an impeded capacity to work.

Know more on Schizophrenia - https://brainly.com/question/25812041


Yesenia applied for a summer internship that she was really excited about and was not selected. although she was stressed about the lack of income, she reminded herself that she could really enjoy her summer and now she could plan that exciting road trip she had wanted to do with her friends. which type of coping approach is yesenia using?


Yesenia employs an emotion-focused strategy. The therapeutic method known as emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is founded on the idea that emotions are essential to identity.

What is an emotion-focused strategy?

The terms "emotionally focused treatment" and "emotion-focused therapy" (EFT) refer to a group of interrelated methods for psychotherapy with single patients, married couples, or entire families.

Systemic therapy, attachment theory, and experiential therapy are all included in EFT approaches. Examples of experiential treatment include person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy. EFT is typically used as a temporary solution.

Learn more about strategies, from:



what other religion incorporates the teaching of jewish traditions found in the torah?


Both Christianity and Islam are other religion that incorporates the teaching of Jewish traditions found in the Torah.

What faith is Jewish?

The faith and way of living of a Jewish people are based on Judaism, the earliest and ancient of the three major monotheistic religions. Its Torah, the very first five books in the Bible, is the source of the fundamental rules and principles of Judaism. All branches of Judaism concur that a person can become Jewish by either birth or via conversion. A Jew through birth should be birth to a Jewish mother, according to halakha. According to Halakha, embracing Judaism's tenets and customs does not automatically qualify one as a Jew.

What values do Jews hold?

Jews believe that there is just one God and that He has established a special covenant or other agreement with them. Through prophets and other messengers, their God speaks to believers.

To learn more about Jewish visit:



What is the purpose of a political ad?


The purpose of political ad is to influence more people and to get more votes.

Political advertising is defined as a communication that, in exchange for payment, is printed in a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical, broadcast on radio or television, or appears in a pamphlet, circular, flier, billboard or other sign, bumper sticker, or similar form of written communication.

It also includes communications supporting or opposing a candidate for nomination or election to a public office, office of a political party, a public officer, or a measure.

Contrast advertisements compare and contrast the candidate with the opposition, contrasting the positive aspects of the candidate with the disadvantages of the latter. Contrast advertisements are less harmful to the political process than attack advertisements because they are required to include positive information.

To know more about political ads:



when we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible for


when we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible for cognitive functioning.

When we complain, we are actually disabling part of our brain. This can lead to a spiral of negative thinking that can be hard to break out of. According to a new study, complaining shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

It found that people who frequently complain have a smaller hippocampus than those who don't. The researchers say that complaining activates the stress response, which in turn has a negative effect on the hippocampus.

To know more about brain, click here.



Prejudice and_________ are separate but related features of the minority experience.


Prejudice and discrimination are separate but are related features of the minority experience.

Prejudice is a concept referring to biased thinking or incorrect attitude and discrimination refers to the negative behavior or actions against a group of people based on ethnicity, age, religion, health, race, and other categories. When talking particularly in regard to minorities, it is not wrong to say that minorities usually experience prejudice and discrimination. Minorities may face such issues because of their race, social class, etc.

You can learn more about minority at



when nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


In 1968, a turbulent year that saw the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nixon's presidential campaign, Richard Nixon was elected president.

What did Nixon use to win over the mute majority?

Nixon made an appeal to the unspoken majority, pleading for cooperation "to finish the war in a way that we might win the peace." The Nixon Doctrine, which states that "the defense of freedom is everyone's business, not just America's business," was one of the first to be codified in a speech. Following his address, Nixon's

The silent majority's position was a Nixon quiz?

The Silent Majority was a term coined by President Richard Nixon to describe the large percentage of Americans who backed his policies but refrained from expressing them. Stagflation.

To know more about nixon ran visit:-



the descriptive details in this excerpt suggest that the story takes place somewhere that has


The descriptive detail in excerpt suggests that story takes place somewhere that has a rustic, rural setting.

What is a description?

A place, an object, a character, or a group is meant to be vividly described in a description, which is a pattern of narrative progression. Along with exposition, argumentation, and narration, description is one of the four rhetorical modes (sometimes referred to as discourse modes). In reality, it would be challenging to create fiction that only used one of the four fundamental modes. A purple patch is an overwritten passage when the author has overreached by the use of complex figures or other techniques to produce an impressive impact. The phrase was initially used by the Roman poet Horace in his Ars Poetica to describe a pointless and too elaborate section; it is mostly missing in modern usage, however such passages are typically out of place.

To learn more about description, visit:



Answer: A). rustic, rural setting.


The bureaucracy gains most of its influence over social policy from congress writing detailed laws, specifying how the laws are to be implemented.a. trueb. false


The Congress, which enacts bureaucracy that specify how the judgments are to be applied, is the body that has the most impact over social policy.

The statement is true.

Congress may control the bureaucracy by cutting or eliminating its funds. The courts can halt bureaucratic actions by invalidating them if they are determined to be illegal.

Legislative and investigative oversight roles, employment decisions, and the budget all contribute to congressional bureaucratic influence. The public has a significant impact on the Federal bureaucracy, particularly professional groups and individual policy experts.

The bureaucracy frequently makes broad policy judgments. It passes laws by creating rules, carries out the law by doing so, and decides cases by engaging in adversarial proceedings with the defence and the prosecution.

To learn more about bureaucracy, refer



does gergen maintain with respect to the masks that humans wear and our relationships to others and the self


Gergen doesn't maintain with respect to the masks that humans wear and our relationships to others and the self.

Kenneth Gergen claims in "In Defense of Mask" that people cannot develop a consistent sense of who they are without a solution. We behave in a certain way to fulfil the wishes of others under the theory of building a "coherent sense of identity." Gergen seeks to understand why a person chooses a mask, as well as how our inner selves and outside looks interact. By conducting experiments on individuals who experienced both a favourable and negative response from an interviewer, the author supports his claim. The distinction between a "coherent identity" and "many identities" is therefore harmful to many people who are attempting to perceive themselves as someone they would like to become.

A person can represent oneself to different kinds of individuals by wearing a mask. We are given many opportunities to act in particular ways on each occasion. According to Gergen, the reason people wear masks is because they "assume an entirely different mask or public identity when they seek approval from this varied variety of personalities." (197) Based on behaviours and responses, each person has a distinctive personality around particular others. For instance, when a visitor is coming over for the first time, we typically dress to impress and pick the friendliest approach. We frequently remove items that seem brand-new and conceal those that don't seem "proper."

To know more about Gergen:



identify whether these electoral rules increase or decrease voter turnout in states.


instantaneous registration, Early voting, permanent absentee votes.

What are the guidelines for choosing a president?

Since the year Jefferson was elected president, the legal prerequisites for candidates for president have remained the same. According to the Charter, a presidential nominee must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born u.s. citizen, and have lived in the country for at least 14 years.

What are the president's eight rules?

The following eight are among them: the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief Executive, the Chief Administrator, the Chief Diplomat, the Chief Legislator, the Chief of Party, and the Chief Citizen. As Commander-in-Chief, the Constitution expressly grants the president complete authority over the armed branches.

To know more about electoral rules visit:



Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition form of communication that reaches large audiences without personal contact.


The best fits the definition form of communication that reaches large audiences without personal contact is mass media

What is mass media?

Let's analyze each word in the term "mass media" to get a better understanding.

Media - plural of medium. A means or tool used to do or achieve something.

Crowd - refers to a large audience of people.

The term 'mass media' thus describes a tool that affects a very large number of people. Since the term is used in the context of communication, it can be said to describe a means of communication that reaches many people at the same time without personal contact. Television is an example of mass media. Programs are produced anywhere in the world and broadcast to millions of people around the world.

Learn more about mass media here:



the strength of the association between socioeconomic status and health is the same across racial/ethnic groups. true or false?


The statement is true: the strength of the association between socioeconomic status and health is the same across racial/ethnic groups.

There is a lot of evidence to analyse the significance of SES in racial health inequalities, and researchers have long assumed that these racial differences in SES significantly contribute to racial disparities in health. According to research, some of the reported racial health inequalities are a result of socioeconomic variations among population groups, although many of these discrepancies persist even when SES is taken into consideration. For instance, a study using data from the National Death Index and the Health Interview Survey indicated that the black-white mortality hazard ratios were high at the youngest age group (ages 18 to 25), and that they gradually decreased but remained high up to the over 75 age group.Importantly, the black-white mortality ratios remained higher than one through the oldest age groups even after SES (income and education) adjustments. A consistent pattern can be seen in a wide variety of results for many racial groups. For instance, studies on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) show that despite SES and their history of mental problems, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, and Native Hawaiians had greater incidence of PTSD than whites.

To know more about racial:



3. describe carol gilligan's perspective on gender differences in moral thought. does contemporary research support gilligan's claims? explain.


Gilligan suggests that these findings reveal a gender bias, not that females are less mature than boys. Men and women follow different voices. Men tend to organize social relationships in a hierarchical order and subscribe to morality of rights.

A hierarchy is an arrangement of objects (items, names, values, classes, and many others.) which might be represented as being "above", "under", or "at the same level as" each other. Hierarchy is an critical idea in a extensive variety of fields, which includes architecture, philosophy, design, arithmetic, pc science, organizational idea, systems concept, systematic biology, and the social sciences (in particular political philosophy). A hierarchy can link entities both at once or indirectly, and either vertically or diagonally.

Learn more about hierarchical here



during early adulthood question 24 options: a) some individuals are married, having children, and learning to maintain their own households. b) individuals are too old to seek formal education. c) there are not many developmental tasks to keep individ


During early adulthood, some individuals are married, have children, and learn to maintain their own households.

An adult is a fully grown human or another animal. In the human context, the term "adult" has meanings related to social and legal concepts. An adult, unlike a "minor," is a person who has reached the age of majority and is considered independent, independent, and independent.

Adulthood, is the period of complete physical and mental maturity in human life. Adulthood is generally considered to begin when he is 20 or he is 21. From around 40 years old to middle age, about 60 years old will reach old age.

Adulthood lasts until the end of life and is divided into adolescence or early adulthood (ages 20-39), middle adulthood (ages 40-59), and late adulthood or old age (ages 60+) . Age is generally divided into young (60-80 years old) and old (80+ years old).

Learn more about  adulthood https://brainly.com/question/10477610


Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. Which is the best definition for expiration as it is used in the selected sentence?.


Lincoln emphasizes that it remains the American people's and the nation's top priority.

What are examples of nations?

They are something that we usually refer to as nations. [1] States include, for instance, Nigeria, the United States, and Great Britain. Nations produce loyalty and sense of self. They are referred to as groupings because they have similar myths, cultures, economies, and rights.

Which best sums up a country?

A group of individuals who identify as a coherent and cohesive whole based on common cultural or historical values constitute a nation. Nations are socially manufactured, not naturally occurring, groupings. A nation, on the other hand, is a tightly knit group of individuals who have a culture.

To know more about nation visit:



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