Which of the following religions was the first to practice monotheism?


Answer 1


Post-exilic Judaism was the first religion to conceive the notion of a personal monotheistic God within a monist context.


Answer 2

Answer: Hinduism


Related Questions

Question 12 of 20
Why is Palestine important to Arabs and Jews?
A. Both believe it is an important port city for trade.
B. Both believe Palestine is their rightful holy land.
C. Both want access to the Suez Canal located in Palestine.
D. Both want to control Palestine's natural resources.


I think that it is B. Both believe palestine is their rightful holy land

Palestine important to Arabs and Jews is that both believe Palestine is their rightful holy land. The correct option is b.

What is Palestine?

Palestine is a state located in the Southern Levant, Western Asia. Officially governed by the Palestine Liberation Organization, it claims the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as its territory, though the entirety of that territory has been under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Six-Day War.

As a result of the Oslo Accords of 1993–1995, the West Bank is currently divided into 165 Palestinian enclaves that are under partial Palestinian National Authority rule; the remainder, including 200 Israeli settlements, is under full Israeli control. The Gaza Strip has been ruled by the militant Islamic group Hamas and has been subject to a long-term blockade by Egypt and Israel since 2007.

After World War II, in 1947, the United Nations adopted a Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine, which recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states and an internationalized Jerusalem.

Learn more about Palestine, here:



Item 3
What describes the largest migration in the world today?

People are leaving the cities and heading to the country.

Latin Americans are moving to North America.

Africans are going to Europe.

People are heading to the cities from the countryside.



its a or d



People are heading to the cities from the countryside.


What was the most important impact of the Jewish peoples’ repeated Diaspora?

It fractured the people and their beliefs.
It created tension with King Cyrus.
It drove the kingdom into serious debt.
It helped spread the religion into Europe.



The answer is: It helped spread the religion into Europe.


hope it help


D. It helped spread the religion into Europe.


have a great day peeps :)

27. Which of the following events started WWII in Europe?

Soviet Union's attack on Finland 1939
Spanish Civil War in 1936
D-Day Invasion 1944
German invasion of Poland in 1939





Who developed the moveable type printing press how did it help the Protestant reformation? Please do not give me a link !


Johann Gutenberg

Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe. The printing revolution also contributed mightily to the Protestant Reformation that split apart the Catholic Church.

1. Why did some Northerners feel like they needed General George McClellan to take command?


The correct answer is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Some Northerners felt like they needed General George McClellan to take command because they considered McClellan as an experienced man that had the support of his men.

However, in the end, General McClellan proved to be an incapable leader for the North for the following two reasons. McClellan was overly cautious as battles neared and he always believed he was outnumbered. These aspects infuriated President Abraham Lincoln and the US President decided to remove him.

General George McClellan could not decisively defeat the Confederate Army led by General Robert E.Lee during the famous Battle of Antietam, Maryland.

6. Which aspect of industrialization most directly encouraged advertisements with similar messages to the (1 point)
image shown above?
O expansion of railroads
O construction of factories
O investment in mining
O invention of farm machines


I would say either the first or second one seems the safest choice

The type of government first established after American independence was...
A.) A confederation
B.) A system of federalism
C.) A monarchy
D.) A strong central government with little power given to the states





How did the Code of Hammurabi impact ancient Babylonian society? A by reducing the influence of religion in politics and society B by extending to citizens the right to participate in government C by ensuring that all citizens were treated equally under the law D by establishing punishments for crimes and limiting arbitrary justice




D i think its d


How did Hammurabi's Code impact Babylonian society?

Known today as the Code of Hammurabi, the 282 laws are one of the earliest and more complete written legal codes from ancient times. The codes have served as a model for establishing justice in other cultures and are believed to have influenced laws established by Hebrew scribes, including those in the Book of Exodus

In order to make sure that workers who leave their jobs are protected in case theu need to be replaced, the family and Medical Leave Act says that replaced workers must be given...

a. a similar position in the same company with the same pay as their old jobs
b. a similar position in the same company with a pay increase for medical expenses
c. a job in the same company with different responsibilities and pay
d. government help to find a job with similar responsibilities and pay​


Answer: a. a similar position in the same company with the same pay as their old jobs.


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is simply labor law that helps in the protection of the job of the workers who go on leave when they're I'll or due to other family reasons.

According to the Family and Medical Leave Act, a worker that's qualified will be given 12 weeks of leave. In order to protect the jobs of employees who go on leave, and need to be replaced, the replaced workers must be given a similar position in the same company with the same pay as their old jobs.

Therefore, the correct option is A


a. a similar position in the same company with the same pay as their old jobs.


What is the difference between Samuel Slater's Rhode Island System and Francis Cabot Lowell's Lowell System regarding the people that were hired?



How was the Lowell System different from the Rhode Island System? The Lowell System only employed young, unmarried women from local farms, while the Rhode Island system hired families. Also, the living conditions were a bit different in each system.

Forensic inspection of the ROM or persistent memory does NOT include _____.

password-protected records

Web sites visited recently

overwritten or erased text files

e-mails sent



Web sites visited recently


please help i have 10 minutes left on my test and i can’t figure this outImage by Education 2020
According to the above chart, which continent contains over half of the world's population?
A. Asia
B Africa
C. North America
D. Latin America
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Asia is the best choice. Brainliest appreciated ;)

What form of "justify" best completes the sentence below:
The criminal
his actions by saying that he stole to feed his family.
A justify
B justified
D) just





i would say B because that was a follow up to pearl harbor they bombed us so they sent for a surender and did not so we droped atomic bombs on them hope i helped have a great day


Who was the first European to reach India by sailing around Africa



Vasco da Gama was best known for being the first to sail from Europe to India by rounding Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Over the course of two voyages, beginning in 1497 and 1502, da Gama landed and traded in locales along the coast of southern Africa before reaching India on May 20, 1498.

How would you describe relations between the saudi state and the west from world war 1 to world war2


Answer: relations between the saudi state and the west from world war 1 to world war 2 was

base on common interests in oil and security

Explanation: Given Ottoman defeat in 1918 and the subsequent partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, the agreement effectively divided the Ottoman Arab provinces outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of British and French control and influence, Most of the Arabian peninsula fell to British ally, Ibn Saud, who created the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.

During the First world war, the British government attempted to cultivate favor with Ibn Saud in order to support it in the war against the Ottoman Empire which ended up in success

The United States, first through its oil industry and then through government contacts, established a relationship with Saudi Arabia’s founder, King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, and his successors that evolved into a close alliance.

Standard Oil and the Texas Oil Company (Texaco) formed a partnership in Saudi Arabia in 1936 and together founded the Arabian American Oil Company, or Aramco, in 1944; the consortium later expanded to include what would later become Exxon and Mobil.

In the years surrounding World War II, the role of national security increased in

the U.S.-Saudi security relationship. Believing that Saudi Arabia’s geostrategic location

and oil would assist the United States in achieving its military objectives during the war,

Washington began to incorporate the kingdom into its national security strategy. U.S.

administrations took advantage of existing ties built by U.S. oil companies with the Saudi

government to engage the government of Saudi diplomatically.

How does the text describe the connection between racial inequality in the South and the development of the Harlem Renaissance?

A. African Americans were forced to leave the South and go to Harlem because of the violence they experienced in the South.

B. African Americans were tired of unfair treatment in the South and wanted to forge a new path for themselves in Harlem.

C. African Americans were too afraid to establish an identity in the South because of the history of slavery there.

D. African Americans were not permitted to work as anything but laborers in the South and heard of the artistic opportunities in the North.


D. African Americans were not permitted to work as anything but laborers in the South and heard of the artistic opportunities in the North.

What is one similarity between Casey at the bay and a classical element of an epic poem? Provide one quote to support your answer


is there a video going along with this?

What was Shay's Rebellion? Explain


Other person is correct :3

Select the passages that give a list of the twelve Apostles.
Acts 1:13
Mark 3:17-19
Matthew 6:14-16
Luke 10:2-4


The passes that give a list of the twelve Apostles are:

Acts 1:13Mark 3:17-19

Bible passages about the twelve apostles

Acts 1:13

13 When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room(A) where they were staying. Those present were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James.

Mark 3:16-19

16 These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter),(A) 17 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of thunder”), 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot 19 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Learn more about Bible passages:



Acts 1:13

Mark 3:17-19

have a great day :)))

The Seattle Sit In demonstrated the effectiveness of A. Labor unions. B. Political speeches. C. Civil disobedience. D. Violent protests.



Option C


In the years 2020 and 2021, the city of Seattle was rocked by demonstrations over the assassination of George Floyd. Starting on May 29, 2020, protesters took to the sidewalks around the town for demonstrations as well as sit-ins, which were often nonviolent but also turned violent.

Civil disobedience can be understood as the citizen's active, public failure to follow a government's rules, requests, orders, or commands. To be considered "civil," civil resistance must be peaceful, according to certain meanings. As a result, civil activism is often confused with passive opposition or lawful demonstrations.

Make Connections: What was Lincoln's prediction for the future of the United States?


Lincoln addressed the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield and warned that the nation will face a crisis that could destroy the Union.

no bots no bots no bots no bots no bots no bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no botsno bots no bots no bots no bots no bots






I think it's b

hope this helps

have a good day :)



Why is it important to know how to use colors when creating an advertisement. Remember to justify your answer (minimum 4-5 complete sentences


“Color is important because it affects the entire outcome of branding and advertising. Consumers' brains use color to recognize products and the brands that make them. ... Those colors connect the right audience with the right brand based on consumer expectations.”
color codes, for emotions? or relations.
green is used for health and nature.
yellow is used for happiness, mcdonald’s.
red is passionate or power like red bull and coca cola!


It is Important to use colors when creating an advertisement because it attracts customers to the business.

The United States established the _________
to help
European countries reestablish their governments and to help prevent _______

hurry i don’t have long


U.S. established the Marshall Plan to help prevent the spread of communism

What describes the largest migration in the world today? Latin Americans are moving to North America. People are leaving the cities and heading to the country. Africans are going to Europe. People are heading to the cities from the countryside.



People are heading to the cities from the countryside.


The statement that describes the largest migration in the world today is "People are heading to the cities from the countryside."

The above statement is accurate because it is known as Rural to Urban Migration. Rural to Urban migration is everywhere in the world, regardless of the continent or country. People generally move away from rural areas such as the countryside to see greener or economic pastures in the cities, such as jobs, education, or business purposes. It happens every day around the world.

Which of the following was a Japanese, not a Chinese, development?



During its classical period, Japan was highly influenced by Chinese culture. The influence of Buddhism, Confucianism, and other elements of Chinese culture had a profound impact on the development of Japanese culture.

Briefly explain ONE specific historical
development or circumstance from
1900 to 1929 that led to changes
in women's roles during the 1920s



the civil war era and the fact they had to take other peoples places


One specific historical development that led to a change in women's roles in the 1920s was the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

What was the 19th Amendment?

It was an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guaranteed women the right to vote - a right they had been campaigning for, for decades.

As a result of this amendment, women played a bigger role in politics in the 1920s by electing those who would pass favorable laws for women and related causes.

Find out more on the 19th Amendment at https://brainly.com/question/2141708.

Which leader made China a Communist nation?

Mao Zedong

George Marshall

John F. Kennedy

Mohandas Gandhi



Mao Zedong


On October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China 

Please help im confused and dont know​


The correct answer is option D
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