Which of the following was a direct effect of the large national debt shown in 1762?
Choose 1 answer:
A) the elimination of taxes for all British citizens
B) the sale of the Northwest Territory
C) the creation of new taxes on the American colonies
the end of the Navigation Acts


Answer 1


A) the elimination of taxes for all British citizens

Answer 2


The ans is A the elimination of taxes

Related Questions

PLZ HELP ME In your opinion, what is a technological advance that Texas has seen that has helped with the success of Texas or Texans, the most?


The correct answer to this open question is the following

In my opinion, a technological advance that Texas has seen that has helped with the success of Texas or Texans the most I think is the integrated circuit developed by Texan company "Texas Instruments" in 1958.

This technological process was invented by Jack Kilby, in this discovery is so important because the integrated circuit is the basis of the microchip, a component in every modern computer.

All of this helped people like Michell to produce quality computers. Yes, Dell was a student of the University of Texas and is the founder of Dell Computers. And as we all know, computers changed the way people work on the planet.

Kennedy’s quote “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country” and his own personal style highlighted a call for...

A. Civil suits
B. Civil service
C. Civil obedience
D. Civil disobedience



B:civil service


Hope it helps a lor!!

What is one of the United Nations' primary goals?
A. To help countries maintain complete control over their foreign policies
B. To discourage countries from joining regional, rather than global, organizations
C. To prevent countries from going to war with one another
D. To bring together countries that speak the same language​


One of the United Nations' primary goals is to prevent countries from going to war with one another.

What are the roles of United nations?

The U. N. assistance in the provision of humanitarian assistance and human rights, in countries that suffer from extreme poverty or are in a war.

The organization also help preserve peace in the world through the discussion of difficult issues in order to get a solution favorable to the parties in dispute.

Learn more about United Nation here : https://brainly.com/question/4757989




Mexico's government is considered to be a constitutional republic, while Cuba's government is considered to be
communist controlled.
democratically controlled.
a constitutional monarchy.
a parliamentary democracy.



Cuba's government is a Communist just like China and some others

hope this helps :)


Describe the relationship between quetzals and the Maya.



Relationship With Humans. Resplendent quetzals are also known as Guatemalan quetzals, and the birds are the symbol of that nation. ... The bird was sacred to the ancient Maya and Aztec peoples, and royalty and priests wore its feathers during ceremonies.


I need two paragraphs about the Boston tea party right away is there anyone who can help me?



The Boston Tea Party was a political protest that occurred on December 16, 1773, at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.

What conclusion can you draw about the House

impeachment vote?

The parties supported impeachment equally.

Most Democrats supported impeachment.

The vote went along party lines.



C. The vote went along party lines.


right on edg :)


the answer is c


Who do you think should have decided whether slavery was legal in the United States?



The President, I think it ultimately should have been his call.

Memorial Day was originally established to honor:
A Deceased soldiers
B Living veterans
С Civilian volunteers
D Foreign allies



A. Deceased soldiers. It was made to honor militants who died


A Deceased soldiers


Memorial day was established to honor deceased soldiers who fought for our country.

Which of the following was legal under slave codes?
A.enslaved people meeting in large numbers
B.teaching enslaved people to read and write
C.an enslaved person owning a weapon
D.the killing of an enslaved person by his or her master



B. They could not be taught to read or write.

Do you agree with the statement "if you break it you buy it." Should the U.S. be responsible to fix Afghanistan? Six sentences or more.



No, do not believe in the statement o you break it you buy it when it comes to war, invasion, and military operations. I think the products of war do not fall as a responsibility of the enacting party as John Lyly said " all is fair in love and war. America needs to do what is best for America as it is not a charity and running a militant superpower like this would be too expensive and cost taxpayers millions and would cost taxpayers money that they could use to fix the problems still within the country. I think if people care about the cause enough the money should not come out of America's pocket but instead the pocket of individuals who would like to donate. In the end, America needs to solve its own problems before the problems of others such as our increasing homelessness problem. although some feel the need to help others you need to remove the rafter in her own eye before we help the rest of the world.

Best anwser gets the Brainlest



Reduced all political freedom and rights



I believe its A.


Sorry if wrong!

mikhail gorbachev contribute to the fall of communism in eastern europe and the soviet union by

A. Allowing free and open elections
B. Invading Afghanistan
C. Winning the support of communist ‘hard liners’ in the 1991 coup
D. Negotiating peace with president Ronald Regan


A. Allowing free and open elections

complete sentences.

1. Elector

2. Mercenary

3. Depopulation

4. Peace of Westphalia

5. War of the Austrian Succession

6. Prussia

7. Westernization

8. Autocratic

9. Warm-water port

10. St. Petersburg

11. Partition



what is the question

im in 10 grade what was the point in the civil war and the meaning of it



The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. The event that triggered war came at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay on April 12, 1861.

What were the economic challenges that arose after the war? Check all of the boxes that apply. The South had to rebuild many cities. The North had to rebuild destroyed factories. Northern infrastructure had been destroyed. Plantation owners in the South had to farm their land without the use of enslaved labor.



The South had to rebuild many cities.

Plantation owners in the South had to farm their land without the use of enslaved labor.


The South faced many economic challenges after the Civil War. The South faced more destruction and economic shatter compare to the North. Most of the houses damaged and robbed with farms and plantations burned down with crops damaged as battles were encountered on the lands of the South. After the war, the South tried to rebuilt many cities. Slavery was banned which forced planters to farm in their land without the assistance of slaves.

according to john locke what was the purpose of the government PLS HELP!!!



is to protect those natural rights that the individual cannot effectively protect in a state of nature

The purpose of the government was to to protect those natural rights that the individual cannot effectively protect in a state of nature. (life, liberty, and property.)

Can someone please answer quick and correct



Don't get mad at me if I am  wrong but I think its the second one


it is the second one. the other person is also correct

According to the passage, what were the benefits of the green revolution for such countries as China and India?


They no longer needed to fear famine thanks to new high-yield rice varieties. the textile industry. unsuccessful and left strong conservative governments in place.


B. Countries no longer needed to fear famine thanks to new high-yield rice varieties.


On edg

What happened when the tanks were first used in battle?


Test at the Battle of Somme

British forces firstly used tanks during the time of the Battle of the Somme in September 1916. They had a dramatic effect on German morale with also proved effective in crossing trenches and wire entanglements. But they lost to break through the German lines.

According to the excerpt, which best describes Aung San Suu Kyi's position regarding junta rule? A. She wishes to overthrow the government. B. She is calling for peaceful opposition. C. She supports the junta's policies. D. She is calling for an armed, anti-junta rebellion.​





I need help with this political cartoon, I don’t understand it.


Answer: the meaning of the picture is that Franklin "brought real peace to the world" so his work must go on.


Real peace was brought to the world

how should the Jews people be remembered?



Use this link for a more detailed answer!


The Geneva Convention established rules for __________.



the basic rights of wartime prisoners (civilians and military personnel), established protections for the wounded and sick, and established protections for the civilians in and around a war-zone.

Passage 1
Passage 2
Which sentence BEST states a main theme
of Passage 12
This story is based on a Greek myth
Perseus to the Rescue



please put a pic.


How did the location of the city of Rome help its economy grow?

The island location allowed for fishing.
Fertile farmland supported crop production.
The Tiber River limited competition for trade.
Plentiful natural resources made it self-sufficient.






Plentiful natural resources made it self-sufficient

Which English philosopher later influenced the founding fathers in the establishment of the American government? A. Isaac Newton B. Thomas Hobbes C. John Locke​



C. John Locke


2. What was the effect of Gandhi fasting to fight British injustice?

A: Gandhi's father cried, making Gandhi feel really bad.

B. Indians were able to sell more of their own cloth.

C. Newspapers and the public began to sympathize with Gandhi.


A i believe my history teacher talked about this in class once and she said it was correct
The correct answer is A

The people in the Middle Ages didn't know that the disease was carried by rats. What did people do as the plague got worse?​



Rats have long been blamed for spreading the Black Death around Europe in the 14th century. Specifically, historians have speculated that the fleas on rats are responsible for the estimated 25 million plague deaths between 1347 and 1351.

However, a new study suggests that rats weren’t the main carriers of fleas and lice that spread the plague—it was humans.

In a study published in January 2017 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers simulated Black Death outbreaks in European cities to try and understand how the plague was spread. In their simulations, they looked at three possible models for infection: rats, airborne transmission, and fleas and ticks that humans carry around with them on their bodies and clothes.

Explanation: https://www.history.com/news/rats-didnt-spread-the-black-death-it-was-humans

"In the 1347 - 1350 outbreak, doctors were completely unable to prevent or cure the plague. For those who believed in the Greek humours there were a range of cures available. ‘Blood-letting’ – deliberately bleeding a vein – was a way of reducing ‘hot’ blood, whilst blowing your nose or clearing your throat was a way of getting rid of too much ‘cold’ phlegm. Mustard, mint sauce, apple sauce and horseradish were used to balance wet, dry, hot and cold in your diet!

Some of the cures they tried included:

Rubbing onions, herbs or a chopped up snake (if available) on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body.
Drinking vinegar, eating crushed minerals, arsenic, mercury or even ten-year-old treacle!
Sitting close to a fire or in a sewer to drive out the fever, or fumigating the house with herbs to purify the air.
People who believed God was punishing you for your sin, 'flagellants', went on processions whipping themselves.
In the 1361 - 1364 outbreak, doctors learned how to help the patient recover by bursting the buboes.
Doctors often tested urine for colour and health. Some even tasted it to test."

Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z7r7hyc/revision/4

Which country controlled Jerusalem at the end of the Six-Day War?



In the Six Day War of June 1967, Israel defeated the combined armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, capturing the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. For Israel, it was a stunning triumph; for Arabs, a humiliating defeat
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