Which of the following phrases describes the general function of the Federal Reserve System?
O Administration of taxes
O Control of the money supply
O Oversight of international trade
O Regulation of commerce


Answer 1

The general function of the Federal Reserve System is described as Control of the money supply. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Federal Reserve System?

The United States central bank is known as the Federal Reserve System. In the United States, it seeks to achieve economic growth, price stability, and moderate lengthy interest rates.

The Federal Reserve must strike a balance between the flow of funds and credit and the demands of the economy in order to promote economic growth and preserve stable pricing.

Interest from the assets it owns serves as the main source of funding for the company's operations. Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Federal Reserve System, here:



Related Questions

what was one outcome of the georgia legislature’s refusal to seat henry mcneal turner?


An outcome of the Georgia legislature's refusal to seat Henry McNeal Turner is that it sent a message that while African Americans could vote, they could not serve in political office.

Who was Henry McNeal Turner?

Henry McNeal Turner was an American minister, politician, and the 12th elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He founded two newspapers, The Voice of Missions (1893-1900) and the Voice of the People (1901-1904) to promote emigration.

In 1863 during the American Civil War, Turner was assigned by the US Army as the first African-American chaplain in the United States Colored Troops. After the war, he was appointed to the Freedmen's Bureau in Georgia.

Learn more about Henry McNeal Turner at: https://brainly.com/question/9123736


What is infinitive phrase used for?


The infinitive sentence serves as the intended verb's direct object. I need to compose a paper before class. The verb form of paper serves as an adjective modifier.

The modifiers in an infinitive phrase could be articles, adjectives, objects, or adverbs. The infinitive verb, usually with the word "to" in front, comes first in an infinitive phrase. Several infinitive instances are provided below: Peter enjoyed playing the guitar. I told the kids to get dressed right away.

Infinitive phrases can have objects or modifiers and start with the infinitive. My grandmother found the act of "to walk to the store" (a word that serves as the sentence's subject) to be too much. The infant required food.

To know more about infinitive phrase: https://brainly.com/question/449147


What is the correct position of a parenthetical citation?


Quotations in parentheses should be placed at the end of a sentence or paragraph containing the cited material, and they should always correspond to the full entry in your list of references.

Drag each label to the correct location. identify each characteristic with either the russian or the western european social structure at the time of the crimean war. serfs form majority of the population agricultural economy modern military constitutional monarchy industrial economy absolute monarchy outdated military no serfs


At the Crimean war, the characteristics of Russian social structure were agricultural economy, outdated military, absolute monarch, and serfs form majority of the population while of European social structure were industrial economy, modern military, constitutional monarchy, and no serfs.

Crimean War fought during the period 1853-1856 on the Crimean Peninsula between the Russians and European nations including the British, French, and Ottoman Turkish and Sardinia-Piedmont which were victorious. The war was caused by Russia's threat to multiple European interests with its pressure of Turkey. During the war, the Russian social structure was characterized by agricultural economy, outdated military, absolute monarch, and serfs form majority of the population. On the other hand, The European social structure was characterized by industrial economy, modern military, constitutional monarchy, and no serfs.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Identify each characteristic with either the Russian or the Western European social structure at the time of the Crimean War. Industrial economy, absolute monarchy, outdated military, no serfs, modern military, constitutional monarchy, agricultural economy, and serfs form majority of the population.

Learn more about Crimean war:



mary identifies as a member of her school's intramural wrestling team, which is an example of what kind of identity?


Mary self-identifies as a player on her school's intramural basketball team, which is an illustration of how sports shape our identities.

Mary is a member of the school's intramural basketball team. Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, typically with five players each, battle against one another on a rectangular court.

Mary plays basketball for her school's intramural squad. Thus, Mary participates in intramural sports, which are organized recreational sports within a certain institution, typically an educational institution.

Intramural activities are defined as school-sponsored athletic pursuits that take place outside of the classroom and are not contests with other outside teams or organizations. Mary describes herself as a basketball player because she plays on her school's intramural basketball team.

To learn more about basketball and sports here:



Which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


According to the matching hypothesis social psychology theory, people choose partners who are on par with them in terms of physical appearance and social desirability.

Which psychology degree is best?

Your finest job chances are likely to be found by entries licensed clinical psychologists who work in healthcare and mental health institutions, educational settings, governmental and nonprofit organizations, or in private practice.

Who used the first word psychology?

In his book Psichiologia de ratione animae humanae (Psychology, on the Nature of the Human Soul), this same Croatian humanist and Latinist Marko Maruli used the Latin word psychologia for the first time. This occurred in the late 15th or early 16th century.

To know more about psychology visit:



explain the organization of the executive branch and, in particular, the executive office of the president.


The White House Office, the National Security Council, the Council of Economic Advisors, and the Office of Management and Budget are the four organizations that make up the Executive Office of the President (EOP), which provides the president with advice in important policy areas.

To help the president manage the federal departments and agencies, the executive office of the president was established. The White House Staff is included in this as well. The Office of Management and Budget, the Homeland Security Council, the Office of the First Lady, and the Council of Economic Advisors are a few examples of departments and organizations that may be found in the Executive Office of the President.The majority of these departments and agencies are working to enhance their planning, management, and statistics work. Additionally, they ensure that each department follows the president's most recent plans and policies.

To know more about President here



mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression refers to damage done to relationships as a result of covert bullying or dishonest behavior. Examples include socially excluding a young person from their classmates (social exclusion), threatening to stop talking to a friend (the "silent treatment"), and emailing rumors and gossip.

Relational aggressiveness typically takes the following forms:

Relationally Reactive Violence in response to an insult, retort, or other provocative act. proactive relationship aggression. Aggression in a romantic relationship. interpersonal antagonism aimed at peers.

To know more about relational aggression, refer:



How did rebelliousness show itself on other farms?


When the  rebelliousness spread on the other farms the animals started singing "beasts in England" and they started behaving rebelliously.

This is an excerpt from the story the Animal Farm. The story tells us about the time when the news of the rebellion were spread across all the farms with the help of the pigeons sent by Napoleon and Snowball. When the news of the rebellion reached to the animals in the other farms, they also became thunderous and started acquiring rebellious traits within their behavior. The animals found the news of rebellion in the Animal farm as a heroic tale and they started admiring and singing songs about the rebels and their rebellions. The songs which they sang were known as "Beasts in England"

Learn more about Animal Farm at:



a couple decide to start having children and keep having children until they have more girls than boys (note that this means they stop having children if their first child is a girl). how many children do they expect to have?


In general, I would say that there is a 50/50 chance that a woman will have a child. However, this is not entirely accurate; in fact, there is a slight preference for male births. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the sex ratio, or ratio of male to female births, is approximately 105 to 100.

What is the likelihood that a couple will have a male kid?

There is a 50% chance that a sperm will produce a boy and a 50% chance that it will produce a girl every time they meet. Whatever took place prior to that is irrelevant: A new zygote, which could be a boy or a girl, is produced each time an ovum is fertilized.

How likely is it that a couple will have a girl as their third child?

If a couple has three children, there is a chance that one of the children will be a girl and a chance that one of the children will be a boy. Therefore, assuming that the couple had only female children, is 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8. The chromosome that is present determines the child's gender.

To learn more about WHO here



which of these inferences about stein, his mother’s niece’s husband and eliezer’s cousin by marriage, is best supported by the information on page 45?


The information on page 45 provides the strongest evidence that Stein lost all desire to live after learning the truth about what had really happened to his wife and sons.

How did Reizel Stein and Eliezer initially connect?

Eight days after they arrived in Auschwitz, Eliezer and his father discovered Stein, a relative. They learned from Stein that he was from Antwerp and that Reizel, his wife, was Eliezer's mother's niece. He and Reizel had two young boys, and Stein was curious to hear about their modest family.

In Night, who is Mr. Stein of Antwerp?

Stein, Antwerp. Stein of Antwerp marries Reizel, Eliezer's mother's niece. He meets Eliezer and his father at Auschwitz. He's interested in finding out what happened to his family.

To learn more about Eliezer here:



don knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but yet he continues to drink large amounts of liquor. don feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called . aggressive discord cognitive dissonance perceptive deception peripheral dissension


When a person continues to consume significant amounts of alcohol despite knowing that it is an expensive and unhealthy habit, he or she experiences a little psychological discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. The right response in this case is option B.

People who suffer from cognitive dissonance exhibit inconsistent behavior, and this internal conflict and uncertainty change how they feel and behave.

They put through a lot of strain in order to stabilize this scenario. Smoking is one of many instances of cognitive dissonance; despite knowing how bad it is for their health, many individuals continue to smoke. People who place a high priority on their health will experience dissonance to a greater extent.

Having to choose between conflicting options, putting effort into the aim, and being required to comply with something against one's convictions are all examples of cognitive dissonance triggers.

To learn more about cognitive dissonance



Our priority should be to help people see their ________ through their problem or pain.


The correct answer should be strength

2 pts which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?


Conflict theory argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality.

According to conflict theory, competition for limited resources causes society to continuously adapt.

Conflict theory, which was first brought by Karl Marx, society is constantly at war with one another over scarce resources.

According to conflict theory, dominance and power, not agreement and conformity, preserve social order. Conflict theory holds that people who are wealthy and powerful try to maintain their position by any means necessary, most notably through repressing the weak and helpless.

Conflict theory's fundamental tenet is that members of society will compete with one another to gain the most wealth and influence possible.

Know more about conflict theory click:



a type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as ______.


Internationalism is a kind of foreign policy in which a nation actively interferes in the internal affairs of other nations.

By foreign policy, what do you mean?

National governments utilize their foreign policies to direct their diplomatic exchanges and connections with other nations. A nation's foreign policy serves to advance its political and economic objectives in the international arena while reflecting its values and ambitions.

What makes foreign policy so crucial?

encourage global stability in all areas; prevent adversaries from posing a threat with WMDs to the US or its allies; Reduce the harm that international crime and illegal narcotics cause to Americans; Protect and help Americans who go abroad for business or pleasure; and

To know more about foreign policy visit:



How did Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson differ?



Roosevelt believed that big business houses brought efficiency and increased productivity though he was against the abuse of power by large businesses. Wilson, on the other hand, believed in fair competition and did not like monopoly by big businesses.


What does Claudius suspect at the end of the scene?


Hamlet is informed by Claudius that he would be traveling to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern after he sent some of his attendants to get it. After Hamlet departs, Claudius discloses his actual strategy: the English court will execute Hamlet as soon as he reaches England.

Claudius also questions Hamlet's insanity. Claudius, a master of trickery, believes that Hamlet is dangerous since he is not who he seems to be. He formulates his strategy for banishing the Prince to England. Claudius is initially slashed by Hamlet's rapier before being made to drink from the poisoned cup. For Hamlet, Claudius' "deaths" all have distinct meanings.

Claudius is informed by Polonius new king's top advisor, that Hamlet's insanity is caused by unrequited love for Ophelia, Polonius' daughter. Unconvinced, Claudius conspires with Polonius to spy on Hamlet.

To learn more about Claudius



how many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas?


A strange invitation to a B&B to celebrate Christmas is extended to five people. Sarah learns with the help of the proprietor Ben that a historical incident may link them and alter their lives for all time. Stephen Hussar as well as Lacey Chabert.

Who distributed the invites for Christmas in Time for Us to Come Home?

The invitations were sent by Frenchie, the old innkeeper. In order to create the fantasy of the weekend in 1984, she invited them as a gift for Ben. Frenchie gets praise from everyone for her deceptive yet thoughtful gifts. Frenchie explains to Sarah that her mother merely desired for her to be content.

In the movie Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas, where are the five strangers invited to spend the holiday?

The Snowfall Inn in Bevington, New York, which serves as the setting for the story's main plot, was offered to the five strangers in the film.

To Know more about proprietor



o activate prior knowledge means to a. Review vocabulary terms c. Go over past tests on the subject b. Remember what you know about a topic d. None of these Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Remember what you know about a topic by activating past knowledge. Hence, the correct choice is (b) Remember what you know about a topic.

What is the meaning of activating prior knowledge?

Activating past knowledge allows students to identify the links between previous learning and new instruction, builds on what students already know, offers a framework for learners to better absorb new material, and provides instructors with formative assessment data to tailor instruction. Graphic organizers, concept maps, KWL charts, anticipatory guides, hot potato, finding out tables, learning grids, and brainstorming are some frequent tools for activating past knowledge. Students learn a second language more effectively when they can draw on existing knowledge of their first language.

To learn more about prior knowledge, click



Select the correct answer. Which is an example of a cultural block? a. A gender bias b. Anxiety c. Dyslexia d. Strobe lighting e. Timidity.


An example of a cultural block is a gender bias. The correct answer is A.

What is gender bias?

Gender bias refers to a person receiving different treatment based on the person's real or perceived gender identity. In other words, gender bias is a cultural block which defines an unfair difference in the way women and men are treated.

The term bias is used to describe that a person's views are distorted in some way, and in psychology there is evidence that gender is showed in a biased way. This bias leads to differential treatment of males and females, based on stereotypes and not real differences.

Learn more about gender bias at: https://brainly.com/question/5319093


ms. love wants to put her class into reading groups of four to eight students, closely bunched, because she believes that students should be able to discuss what they are reading. which classroom arrangement style is ms. love most likely to use to facilitate discussion among students?


Ms. Love feels that students should be able to discuss what they are reading, so she wants to divide her class into tightly spaced reading groups of four to eight people. Ms. Love is most likely to set up her classroom in a pod format to encourage conversation among the kids.

When students spend the majority of the class period working in groups or pairs with their classmates, this arrangement can be extremely helpful. More broadly, this structure conveys a learning community where collaboration among students is anticipated. Create stations for differentiation: Student participation in the learning process can be greatly increased by using differentiation stations.

Instead of giving each student the same assignment, these stations are tailored to their academic level. Use a room layout that supports the instructor's educational objectives and activities. Avoid congestion in places with significant traffic. Ensure that the instructor can see the students with ease. Keep student supplies and frequently used teaching materials close at hand.

Learn more about group members visit: brainly.com/question/407954


Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?
A)establishment of gender constancy
B)peer pressure
C)differences in behavioral styles and interests
D)parent and teacher efforts


Of these influences, differences in behavioral styles and interests appears to be the initial source of gender segregation. Hence, option C is right.

There are four primary behavioral patterns, which, depending on the type of instruction utilized, are classified under distinct categories. Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance are the four behavioral styles identified by the widely used DISC method. Even while each behavioral style is distinct, it's rare to come across someone who exemplifies every trait of a single type. An person is typically a combination of all four, but with one dominant behavior.

No behavioral style is "better" than another, and any successful organization will typically require all four for the team to function efficiently and harmoniously. I frequently use the following example to illustrate how each behavior complements the others:

To know more about behavioral styles: https://brainly.com/question/22368835


on what grounds does hamilton argue that the judicial department of government is the least powerful branch?


In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton anticipated that the federal courts would be the "least dangerous department" of the federal authorities, due to the fact that they had neither squaddies nor cash to put in force their decrees.

Federal courts have specific jurisdiction over financial disaster cases; a financial disaster case can not be filed in a kingdom court. USA bankruptcy judges are non-Article III judges appointed by using the courts of appeals for a term of years, instead of a lifetime appointment.

It is the first Federal Authority in terms of ranking in the hierarchy of the 5 Federal authorities prescribed within the charter: Federal perfect Council, Federal President and Federal vice president, Federal cabinet, Federal countrywide Council, and Federal Judiciary.

Learn more about federal courts here https://brainly.com/question/25947870


a researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. the researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis.


When grown in red light, certain cyanobacteria appear green, and vice versa. Complementary chromatic adaptation (CCA), a drastic change in hue, results from changes in the main coloured light-harvesting proteins.

The colour of cyanobacteria is explained by the relative quantity of the reddish phycoerythrin and the blue phycocyanin phycobilin pigments.

Some of the energy from light is wasted as heat when it is transformed by metabolic processes into chemical energy. A cyanobacteria culture was exposed to green light by the researcher. The cyanobacteria went from having a green look to having a red appearance after a few weeks.

However, not all cyanobacteria do so in the same manner: For instance, the most prevalent cyanobacterium in the water, Prochlorococcus, preferentially absorbs violet and blue wavelengths, but Synechococcus, its cousin, may either catch blue, green, or both wavelengths depending on the type of pigment it produces.

To learn more about cyanobacteria, refer



What is stagflation caused by ?


High inflation combined with economic stagnation is referred to as "stagflation". While prices rise due to inflation, buying power falls.

According to this theory, cost-push inflation is what causes stagflation. Cost-push inflation happens when a factor or circumstance drives up manufacturing costs. Taxes and other government policies may be to blame, as well as external causes like a lack of resources or a hostile act of war.

Government overprinting of currency, which increases the nation's money supply, is one contributing reason. When the central bank creates credit as a result of its policies, it is another factor. Both acts increase the money supply, which causes inflation.

When high inflation and a period of stagnation coexist, the economy is said to be in a state of stagflation.

To know more about stagflation: https://brainly.com/question/23113698


alex believes that women are naturally chaste and are motivated by love while men are naturally more vulgar and filled with sexual desire. alex is demonstrating which term?


Alex believes that women were inherently chaste and motivated by love, but men are inherently more vulgar & filled with physical intimacy. Alex is exhibiting a gendered love word.

Gender is the set of qualities that distinguishes between femininity and masculinity. This may involve intimate relations social systems and gender identity, depending on the setting. Most societies employ a gender binary, wherein gender is divided into two groups and persons are classified as belonging either one or the other; some who fall outside of these categories may be classified as non-binary. Some societies, such as the hijras of South Asia, have unique genders in addition to "man" and "woman," which are often referred to as tertiary genders. Most experts think that gender is an important aspect of social organization. In some cases, the term gender is employed to replace gender without a clear conceptual distinction.

Learn more about conceptual here



solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


The kind of influence is Solomon experiencing in this scenario Informational social influence.

What criteria do you think individuals use to select the evidence when blaming a scapegoat?

They might do this, for example, by paying attention just to data that supports their position. Additionally, they could actively look for data to support their claims.

Which of the following would contribute to groupthink, causing the executives to proceed with the film despite their reservations?

Investor pressure is mounting on the corporation to make more films.

To Know more about  social influence.



Conventional theories presume that investors ____________, and behavioral finance presumes that they ____________.


While behavioral finance assumes that investors may not be rational, conventional theories assume that they are.

What does the word conventional also mean?

Conventional can also be compared to ritualistic, ceremonious, and formal. All of these phrases refer to behavior that is "characterized by adherence to or adherence rigorously to established norms," but conventional has the connotation of conforming to normal use and customs and might imply a staid lack of creativity or independence. customary civility

Who is considered conventional?

Definition. The conventional personality type is characterized by order, task-orientation, and a propensity to follow the rules. Based on the aforementioned characteristics, people with a traditional personality type are frequently referred to as organizers..

To know more about Conventional visit;



aust is waiting to be called in for his test, which is a neuroimaging technique that will convert magnetic resonance imaging (mri) pictures of brain structures into detailed pictures of neuron activity, thus offering a picture of the functioning brain. which test is it?


Neuroimaging is the use of quantitative (computational) tools to investigate the composition and operation of the central nervous system. It was created as an impartial,

non-invasive method of doing scientific research on a healthy human brain. It is increasingly being used for quantitative research on psychiatric and brain disorders. Neuroimaging is not a medical speciality but rather a very interdisciplinary area of research. Neuroradiology, a medical speciality that employs brain imaging in a clinical environment, is different from neuroimaging. Radiologists who work in the medical field practice neuroradiology. Finding brain lesions including vascular disease, strokes, tumors, and inflammatory disease is the main goal of neuroradiology.

learn more about  Neuroimaging  here:



Priya believes that there should be no connection between the government and any churches. what idea is this called A.Sepration or church and state B. Freedom of consice C. Divine right D freedom of speech


According to Priya, there shouldn't be any ties between any churches and the government. The concept of separating church and state is known as such. As a result, choice (A) is the best way to respond.

What is the separation of Church and State?

Defining political distance in the connection between religious groups and the state is done through the philosophical and legal idea of the separation of church and state.

Conceptually, the word denotes the emergence of a secular state (with or without a clearly defined legal separation of church and state) and the disestablishment of an established, official link between the church and the state.

The expression "wall of separation between church and state," which Thomas Jefferson coined, is where the phrase "separation of church and state" originated, even though the idea is older. Enlightenment intellectuals like John Locke advocated the idea.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about the separation of Church and State, from:



Answer: A

Explanation: I took the quiz for 5th grade

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