Which of the following is used in supporting an informed opinion?

valid facts
relevant examples
reasoned arguments
irrelevant examples


Answer 1


all the options are wrong

it will be (informed opinion)

Answer 2
None is correct if there is an option for none of the following then try that !

Related Questions

Setting clear parameters, such as rules, guidelines, or instructions, helps people understand what is expected of them.

What is the definition of parameters?


measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.

It’s a lot of points if you don’t know please don’t answer and get my points, I need all the things that it says in the question with 2 paragraphs, 5 sentences each.


Just saying but it’s not that hard to write freaking 5-7 sentences (a Paragraph)
Greetings, Mr. and Mrs. Jones,
I am one of your student’s teachers, and have enjoyed having the pleasure of having them in my class this year. I understand that these are extremely stressful times, but your student has fallen behind significantly. As of late, they have not been turning in any work, attending class, and are thus failing my class at the moment. I have been lenient, but the past 2 months have not shown any improvement. As a teacher who cares about my students, I cannot tolerate this behavior any longer.
The success of my students is my utmost priority. With that in mind, I would like to request a conference with the two of you so we may discuss this matter. I would like to share with you a plan I have created to get your student back on course, and hopefully have them passing my class within the next few months. Once this plan is put into motion I will be monitoring your student carefully. I have also separately emailed your student, and included many mental health and academic resources for you to go over as a family. Please respond with what time would work the best for us to hold our conference. I am available Monday-Friday, 4pm-6pm.
All my best,
-Mrs. Teacher

hope this helps!

In your own words, what is the author's purpose/theme of us and them



The purpose of this narrative is that one should look at themselves and judge themselves before they proceed to judge others. The narrator's curiosity towards the Tomkey family stems from the fact that Mr. Tomkey did not believe in television.


Why does the speaker use hyperbole here?






B. to show how important and powerful one's home is.

I don't know the context here, but it seems like the speaker is trying to show the importance of one's home. He is saying he would rather a welcoming little home than a mansion.

which place would be the best example of a gothic setting


Answer: an abandoned mental hospital

a abandoned hospital or a abandoned castle

What does this excerpt foreshadow? Benvolio and Mercutio will get sick from the heat. Benvolio and Mercutio will be jealous of the Capulets’ travels. Benvolio and Mercutio will stop working soon. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.


Answer: D. Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets.



It’s D


Read this stanza from "In Just-."

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it’s

How does the use of eddieandbill impact the meaning of "in Just-"?

It relates that things are happening very fast that day.

It shows only that the boys are good friends.

It shows that the boys can’t focus on playing marbles anymore.

It captures the rush and excitement of the boys' fun.



D - It captures the rush and excitement of the boys' fun.


I took the test and got it correct

can someone please help me make sentences combining 2 of the words below.(u can't use the same 2 words again)​


Answer:The man is deeply shallow after his wife and him were never alone together.


I’ll give brainliest!!!!! Plz help!!

Select the correct text in the passage.
Read this introductory paragraph of a persuasive essay. Which sentence states the main argument of this essay?


Just that everyday millions of Americans make these same decisions and waste energy

Write the option that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet:
1)The quarrel was between
a) two mountains
b) squirrels
c) the mountain and a squirrel
ii) Little Prig' is
a) the mountain
b) the squirrel
c) a rabbit
111)The mountain said, 'If I cannot carry forest on my back
a) True
b) False
iv) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is
a) doubtless
b) you

of 7
c) big​



1. c) the mountain and a squirrel.

2. b) the squirrel.

3. False.

4. c) big.


From the passage we can deduce the following points;

1) The quarrel was between the mountain (former) and a squirrel (latter).

2) Little Prig' is the squirrel. According to the passage, the latter is the squirrel.

3) The mountain didn't say, ''If I cannot carry forest on my back." This phrase wasn't stated in any part of the passage.

4) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is big because it qualifies a noun such as the mountain.

what does appearance vs reality mean



Appearance is how something looks (how some appears). It’s the conclusions you are able to draw simply by just looking at something/someone. But appearances can often lie. For example, if someone looked really nice then thats just their appearance. But after getting to know them you learn that they were actually extremely cruel(that would be reality) Reality is real and what something actual is.


Use the question words in parentheses to form a question: Roger's grandfather had a small farm in the county (whose)



The question we can form using the information in the sentence and the word in parentheses is:

Whose grandfather had a small farm in the county?


"Whose" is a pronoun used to indicate possession, be it in a declarative sentence or in an interrogative one. If I wish to know, for instance, who the owner of a car parked in front of my house is, I can ask: Whose car is this?

Since we are supposed to use "whose" to ask a question as well as the information in the given sentence, we need to find a possession relationship to ask about. Of course, the farm has an owner - the grandfather. But the way the sentence is structure does not allow us to ask about him while using "whose". However, the grandfather "belongs", so to speak, to Roger, and the structure allows us to use "whose" to ask about him. Therefore, the question we can form is:

Whose grandfather had a small farm in the county?

About two weeks ago, Ravi Ross finished writing his first novel. What's the prepositional phrase



about two weeks ago

is prepositional phrase


about two weeks ago


(isnt ravi ross from jessie?)

what are three tragic hero traits(in your opinion) that burden Ononkwo’s character the most?



the dedication aspect where everything was a lil bit spacy tho

Read the excerpt from A Black Hole is NOT a Hole.

Any and all events on the Sun remain invisible to you for as long as it is below the horizon. If the Sun suddenly turned purple, you wouldn’t see it happen.

In a similar way, once an object enters the extreme gravity zone of a black hole, the object disappears from view.

Which word signals that a comparison is being made?
A) extreme
B) object
C) gravity
D) similar


The answer for this would be D.) Similar




Similar is a type of comparison word

A. How will Romeo and his friends get into capulet party without being recognized?


1. Romeo and his friends get into the party unrecognized by wearing masks, specifically a masquerade
2. Romeo expresses that he feels hesitant about attending the capulet’s party as if something feels off about it
3. He mentions to his friend, Mercutio that he had a dream suggesting this
4. Dialogue and dramatic irony

What does the word "objective" mean? *

None of the above

Giving your personal reflections on the topic.

No opinions or reactions, just the facts and relevant information

Having plenty of evidence to support your opinion.

No statistics used to support the idea.


No opinion or reactions, just the facts and relevant information.

how can I twist a story that the heading is based of the " the dream has come true" and how can in start the story as well, if you have any idea please let them below.


A twist could be a dream not coming true
You can start by making it feel like the dream is becoming a reality and tell the readers the dream he or she has. Hope this helps.

A wealthy rich woman leaves all her will(money/property) to a man she met 2 weeks ago. The detective fid out she was killed... the detectives think the man is innocent but soon find out........
(make a whole scripting scene :D) and find out what the detectives do to solve the case

(MARKING AS BRAINLIEST-ill even give a 97 point free question-if i like yours!)


Answer: The man the wealthy woman had met was actually a con artist. He had convinced her to write his name in the will by saying he was her long lost cousin. He said his mother abandoned him as a baby and he had recently found out her name. There was no proof since the wealthy woman’s sister had already passed, but the wealthy woman had no other family and believed his lie. She allowed him to live in her home until one night the man killed her in her sleep. He then hid the body in her huge backyard. In order to solve the case, the detectives did a DNA test to see whether or not the man was actually related as he had told the wealthy woman. When it came back negative, he tried to flee the country where he was stopped by border police. The detectives got a search warrant on the house and found the body in the backyard after finding a small trail of blood. When looking for evidence they found the man’s old ring dropped near the body. He was convicted for life in prison.



I like it

A shift in a narrative is also known as what? (1 point)
A. a theme
B. a flashback
C. a change
D. a conflict



D. A conflict


n works of narrative, conflict is the challenge main characters need to solve to achieve their goals. Traditionally, conflict is a major literary element of narrative or dramatic structure that creates challenges in a story by adding uncertainty as to whether the goal will be achieved.

Hope that helps!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_(narrative)#:~:text=In%20works%20of%20narrative%2C%20conflict,the%20goal%20will%20be%20achieved.

The term to denote a shift in any drama or narrative would be as follows:

D). A conflict

What is a conflict?

A conflict is described as a rivalry, opposition, or disagreement that exists between two forces or characters in the narrative.

This produces complexity to the plot of the story which enhances the tension and readers' interest.

Therefore, it shifts or deviates the plain narrative to an elevated level.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Narrative" here:


After waking up, what proves to Percy that it wasn’t all a dream?



When Percy finally came around for good, there was weird about my surroundings, except that they were nicer than I was used to.

Explanation:i think

We argue about the price of pomegranates, I convince him it is the fruit of scholars. What does scholars mean?



A scholar is an educator or a person holding knowledge. Scholars means a whole group!


Hope this is good enough! Good luck!


He is saying that the fruit is very majestic and outstanding out of all the other fruits. So he says its for scholars because they share common characteristics (  [although pomegranate is a fruit) He is saying that its fruit of scholars because pomegranate is different or it stands out.


This is just my opinion

• Match the words in the text with the definitions below:
crops, farmyard, plough, seeds, land, wheat,

1) the area next to the farm buildings
2) an area of ground
3) the parts of a plant that you put into the ground to grow
new plants
4) a plant that is used to make bread
5) plants that farmers grow
6) a machine that farmers use to prepare fields for planting​



corps - a plant that farmer grow

farm yard-the area next to the farm building

plough- 6)



wheat - 5)

1) farmyard 2) land 3) seeds 4) wheat 5) crops 6) plough

Light is diffused when it passes through the translucent material.

true or false
An opaque material is one that allows only a small amount of light to pass through it.

true or false
Light is diffused when it passes through the translucent material.

true or false



On Sunday morning, November 10, George Washington
mounted his horse and rode out of Germantown without
bothering to wake his aides. Tired of not knowing the
true condition of Philadelphia and frustrated by the
general nervousness of everyone around him,
Washington took it upon himself to make an inspection.
-An American Plague,
Jim Murphy
What was the result of Washington not receiving
information from Philadelphia?
O He rode to Philadelphia to investigate.
O He fired his aides.
O He remained in Germantown.
O He contracted yellow fever.



- He rode to philadelphia to investigate


I hope I answered your question! I've done this assignment before!


A: He rode to philly to investigate


B Identify the nouns and sort them into the correct categories.
Idea or feeling



Person → doctor, them, your, Rahul

Place → farm, school, India

Animal → wolf, kitten

Thing → tooth, cheese, orange (fruit)

Idea or feeling → joy, happy, hope, orange (color)


A noun is basically a name. It is a word that names a place, a person, an idea, or a feeling. Nouns can refer to something more general. For instance, when I say "people", "country", "love", or "stove", I'm using nouns that refer to several "people", "countries", and so on. When we want to name something or someone specific, we use proper nouns. For instance, "India" is a proper noun that refers to one specific "country"; "Erika" is a proper noun referring to a specific "person".

Note: In the question, the name "Rahul" was typed twice. Since I'm not sure why that is, I placed it under "person".

Which word has the same root word as especially?



C is the answer

explanation: I just know

The word which has the same root word as especially is specialized. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Root words?

A root is the heart of a word that cannot be broken down into more significant pieces. A root is a morphologically basic unit that may be left bare or to which a prefix or suffix can be attached. A root word is a basic word with no prefix or suffix added to it.

Specialized is "to designate specifically," from special (adj.) + -ize, perhaps based on the French spécialiser. The term with the same root as specifically is specialized.

Therefore, it can be concluded that a specialized person or item has been trained or developed for a specific purpose or area of knowledge.  As a result, option C is correct.

Learn more about Root words, here:



Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21 and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job, begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.
The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday January 2.





The part-time job begins Saturday, November 21, and ends Saturday, January 2.

Which prompt would be best addressed with a chronological structure?
A. Help the reader visualize what life was like in the Japanese city of
Kyoto in the 1500s. Cover the food, social classes, government,
and jobs people worked.
B. Write an essay that argues for or against the use of chemicals like
fluoride in the water supply of American cities.
C. Describe the typical career of a pilot, from her first moments of
flight training to when she becomes a qualified airline transport
D. Explain the similarities and differences among the major racket
sports, including tennis, squash, badminton, and racquetball.



c a-pex


What would happen if teachers and students
switched places?


Answer: Everybody would not have the right knowledge

Explanation: We learn from our teachers so how would we teach them if they suppose to teach us ?

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